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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30201-30300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30201-30300

번호                  용어                  해설

30201             V belt             an endless belt having a V-shaped cross section; used with an extension pulley.

30202             V guide          a V-shaped groove that guides a wedge-shaped element, such as a belt or chain.

30203             VAC3D            SOILVENT : Soil Venting Model

30204             vacuum brake              an air brake in which low pressure is maintained in the actuating cylinder, which is opened on one side to allow atmospheric pressure to apply the brake.

30205             vacuum capacitor                     a capacitor in which the metal plates or cylinders are enclosed in a vacuum envelope in order to increase the breakdown voltage.

30206             vacuum cleaner           an electrically powered mechanical device that removes and collects dry dirt and dust from a surface by means of a suction fan that creates a partial vacuum within the machine, so that the resulting rush of outside air sucks up the waste material into a bag or container.

30207             vacuum condensing point                        the temperature at which a vaporized solid condenses in a vacuum during a sublimation process.

30208             vacuum crystallizer                   a crystallizer consisting of a closed vacuum vessel into which a warm, saturated solution is fed, then evaporates and cools adiabatically, resulting in crystallization.

30209             vacuum distillation                   a distillation performed below atmospheric pressure, but not as low as that for molecular distillation; used for distilling high-boiling-point and heat-sensitive materials such as the heavy distillates in petroleum.

30210             vacuum envelope                     an airtight glass envelope used, for example, to hold the electrodes in an electron tube.

30211             vacuum fermentation               a fermentation system that was developed for the continuous production of ethanol and other volatile materials; reduced pressure allows the volatile material to leave the reactor continuously in the form of exhaust gas.

30212             Vacuum filtration          진공여과; 슬러지 탈수방법

30213             vacuum flashing          the intense vaporization or flashing of a heated liquid when released to a lower pressure or vacuum.

30214             VACUUM FLOATATION              진공부상분리

30215             vacuum fluorescent lamp          an evacuated display tube having anodes that are coated with a phosphor that glows when struck by electrons from the cathode to create a display.

30216             vacuum heating           a steam-heating system in which a vacuum pump induces a pressure gradient to start a return flow of air in the return pipes.

30217             vacuum pan                a sealed apparatus that controls the crystallization of solids from liquids by lowering the pressure within the sealed container.

30218             vacuum pan salt          a salt produced by boiling salt brine in a triple-effect evaporator at reduced pressure.

30219             vacuum phototube                   a phototube that has been evacuated so that its electrical characteristics are essentially unaffected by gaseous ionization.

30220             Vacuum sewers            진공식 하수관거; 진공펌프에 의한 구조를 가진 관거

30221             vacuum support          the part of a rupture disk device that prevents disk deformation in case of a rapid pressure change.

30222             vacuum thermobalance             a test apparatus consisting of a precision balance and a furnace; used to record changes in weight as a function of temperature.

30223             vacuum tube               an electron tube that has been evacuated so that its electrical characteristics are essentially unaffected by the presence of residual gas or vapor.

30224             VACUUM ULTRAVIOLET             진공 자외선

30225             vacuum ultraviolet radiation                     ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths less than about 200 nanometers; so-called because at shorter wavelengths the radiation is strongly absorbed by most gases.

30226             Vacuum-assisted drying beds                   진공건조상; 슬러지 탈수방법의 하나인 건조상의 종류

30227             vacuum-tube amplifier              an amplifier in which one or more vacuum tubes are used.

30228             vacuum-tube clipping circuit                    a clipping circuit that utilizes a vacuum tube to produce the clipping.

30229             vacuum-tube electrometer                       an electrometer in which a special vacuum triode, having an input resistance above 10 gigohms, amplifies the ionization current in an ionization chamber.

30230             vacuum-tube modulator           a modulator utilizing a vacuum tube as the modulating element for impressing an intelligence signal on a carrier.

30231             vacuum-tube oscillator             a circuit utilizing a vacuum tube to convert direct current to alternating current at the desired frequency.

30232             vacuum-tube rectifier               a circuit that converts alternating current to direct current using one or more vacuum tubes.

30233             VADOSE ZONE            비포화 지하수 유역(지표와 지하수의 수위 사이)

30234             Vadose Zone               The zone between land surface and the water table within which the moisture content is less than saturation (except in the capillay fringe) and pressure is less than atmospheric. Soil pore space also typically contains air or other gases. The capillary fringe is included in the vadose zone. (See: Unsaturated Zone.)

30235             VAL                진동 가속도 레벨,  Vibration acceleration level

30236             valence           a number indicating the combining power of one atom with others; that is, the number of other atoms with which it can combine.

30237             valence bond               a bond that forms between electrons from two or more different atoms.

30238             valence transition                     a change that takes place in the orbits of rare-earth or actinide atoms under certain conditions.

30239             valence-bond method               a method of calculating various molecular behaviors and properties according to the valence-bond theory.

30240             valence-bond theory                a theory stating that the phenomenon of bond formation is the result of two adjacent molecules having one or more shared electron pairs and a suitable interaction or overlap of specific electron orbitals.

30241             VALLEY           Meteorological MOdel to Calculate Concentrations on Elevated Terrian

30242             valley attenuation                     the attenuation at the bottom of the ripples (the higher of the two limits of attenuation) in a filter with the attenuation in the pass-band varying in a ripple fashion between an upper and a lower limit.

30243             VALUATION                 가치평가 : 모든 적절한 영향변수들을 상대적 중요성에 따라 가중치를 부여하는것을 말함

30244             Valued Environmental Attributes/Components             Those aspects (components/processes/functions) of ecosystems, human health, and environmental welfare considered to be important and potentially at risk from human activity or natural hazards. Similar to the term Avalued environmental components@ used in environmental impact assessment.

30245             valve  socket ( 밸브소켓트)                     밸브와 염화비닐 파이프를 접속하는데 사용하는 이음새. 방단이 수컷 나사타끝이 가리기입이 되고 있다.

30246             Van Allen belt              either of two regions surrounding the earth and located in the upper atmosphere, containing high concentrations of charged particles that have been captured by the earth's geomagnetic field; also known (especially formerly) as the Van Allen radiation belt.

30247             Van de Graaff accelerator          a particle accelerator that receives the required high voltage from a Van de Graaf generator.

30248             Van de Graaff generator           an electrostatic generator in which high voltages are produced by a moving belt of insulating material that collects electric charges by induction and discharges them inside a large spherical electrode; used for accelerating electrons, protons, and other nuclear particles.

30249             Van Deemter rate theory           the theory that HETP (height equivalent of theoretical plate) depends on flow velocity.

30250             Van der Pol oscillator               a relaxation oscillator that uses a pentode and generates a sawtooth wave.  Physics. any vibrational system whose equation of motion is of the form d2x/dt2 + [-dx/dt + (1/3)(dx/dt)3] + x = 0.

30251             VAN DER WAALS                     VAN DER

30252             van der Waals adsorption             adsorption that arises from van der Waals forces; it generally takes place at relatively low temperatures, involves gases that liquefy easily, and reverses itself once pressure is reduced.

30253             van der Waals covolume           the constant in the van der Waals equation that corrects for the nonnegligible size of the molecules.

30254             van der Waals equation            an equation of state that describes the behavior of real or nonideal gases by using two corrective terms that take into account the size of the molecules and the forces between them: the term representing the repulsive forces is satisfactory only in the limit of low densities and overestimates their effect at high densities; the term representing the attractive forces is well founded in theory.

30255             van der Waals force(s)              a general term for those forces of attraction between atoms or molecules that are not the result of chemical bond formation or simple ionic attraction; i.e., the relatively brief and weak interactions that neutral, chemically saturated molecules experience, such as dipole-dipole forces.

30256             VAN DER WAALS FORCES WITHIN FILTER                     반델발스력; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘

30257             Vanadirm                    바나디움은 하얀색 혹은 회색 금속처럼 자연에서 일어날 수 있는 화합물이다. 그리고 크리스탈에서 자주 발생할 수 있다, 순수한 바나디움은 냄새를 가지지않는다. 자주 산소, sodium, , 클로라이드와 같은 각각의 요소로서 연관되어 있다. 바나디움과 바나디움 화합물은 지구의 껍데기에서 발생할 수 있으며, 혹은 바위, 몇몇 철광석, 혹은 자연의 석유 침전물등에서 발생할 수 있다. 바나디움은 자주 합금이라고 불리는 독특한 금속 혼합물을 만드는 다른 금속과 결합한다. 산화 바나디움의 형태로서의 바나디움은 자동차 부분, 스프링, 볼베어링으로 이용할 수 있는 강철의 독특한 종류로서의 복합물이다. 미국에서 사용되는 대부분의 바나디움은 강철을 만들곤 한다. 산화 바나디움은 노란 오랜지색 분말, 어두운 회색 조각, 노란색 크리스탈로 되어 있다. 바나디움은 비행기의 엔진을 위한 중요한 부분으로 만드는 철과 함께 섞는다.

30258             vanadium                    a rare element having the symbol V, the atomic number 23, an atomic weight of 50.942, a melting point of 1900°C, and a boiling point of about 3000°C; occurring in certain minerals and obtained as a light-gray powder with a silvery luster or as a ductile metal; used in making alloys that toughen and increase the shock resistance of steel, as in automobile parts. (From a variation of the name of Freya, a goddess associated with love and fertility in Scandinavian mythology.)

30259             vane               a flat or curved surface that moves when exposed to a flow of fluid and rechannels the flow.

30260             vane  pump  (  베인펌프 )                    펌프 포장그안에 내접하는 회전아이가 회전해 액체를 억지내는 회전 펌프의 일종. 펌프 본체의 중심과 하네차 의 중심이 조금 어긋나고 있어, 베인이라고 불리우는 수매의  판자가 원심력에 의해 포장그내면에 밀착하면서  회전해, 액체를 입구에서 출구로(에게) 보냄낸다. 비교적점성이 있는 액체의 송액에 이용된다. 구조상입자의 발 생이 많다. 과거에는 흡인 가압 펌프로서 사용된 일도 있다.

30261             VANE AXIAL FAN          고정날개 축류형 송풍기 : 축류 송풍기의 유형

30262             vane-anode magnetron             a magnetron containing plane-parallel walls between adjacent cavities.

30263             van't Hoff equation                  an equation that accounts for the effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant in a gaseous reaction when pressure remains constant. Also, van't Hoff isochore.

30264             van't Hoff isotherm                  an equation that shows the change in free energy during a chemical reaction

30265             vapor             a gas whose temperature is less than the critical temperature, so that it may be liquefied or solidified by compression at constant temperature; i.e., a dispersion in air of molecules of a substance that is a liquid or a solid in its normal state, such as water vapor.

30266             Vapor Capture System              Any combination of hoods and ventilation system that captures or contains organic vapors so they may be directed to an abatement or recovery device.

30267             Vapor Dispersion          The movement of vapor clouds in air due to wind, thermal action, gravity spreading, and mixing.

30268             Vapor Plumes              Flue gases visble because they contain water droplets.

30269             Vapor pressure            증기압;

30270             Vapor Prssure              A measure of a substance's propensity to evaporate, vapor pressure is the force per unit area exerted by vapor in an eqilibrium state with an increase in temperature. A relative measure of chemical volatility, vapor pressure is used to calculate water partition coefficients and volatilization rate constants.

30271             vapor rate                   the rate of vapor flowing through a contacting device, such as upward through a distillation column.

30272             vapor volume equivalent           the volume of vapor that would be equivalent to a specific volume of liquid under designated standard conditions, from which the specific gravity of fluids recovered from gas-condensate wells may be determined.

30273             vapor-compression cycle           a complete cooling cycle in which the refrigerant is first made to boil, producing a cooling effect, and then recompressed into its liquid state.

30274             vaporize          to cause to change into a vapor.to cause to change into a vapor. to become converted into vapor.to become converted into vapor.

30275             vaporizer                    a vessel or still in which liquid is heated until it vaporizes; the heat may be direct, as with hot gases or submerged combustion, or indirect, as with heat-transfer fluid or steam.

30276             vapor-liquid separation             the process of removing liquid droplets from a flowing stream of vapor or gas by cyclonic action, impingement, and adsorption or absorption procedures.

30277             VAPOR-LOCK               증기 폐쇄현상

30278             vapor-phase reactor                 a heavy vessel of steel construction, used for conducting chemical reactions on an industrial level when reliable control over a vapor phase is required, as in a process of oxidation.

30279             vapor-pressure lowering            the effect of a reduction in vapor pressure on the properties of a system, expressed as the difference between the vapor pressure of a pure solvent and the total vapor pressure over a solution of a nonvolatile solute.

30280             vapor-pressure osmometer                       an instrument that determines molecular weight by measuring the decrease in vapor pressure of a solvent when a soluble sample is introduced.

30281             varactor          a P-N semiconductor diode whose variable capacitance depends upon the applied voltage; used as a variable-reactance tuning element in oscillator and amplifier circuits, including parametric amplifiers. Also, varactor diode.

30282             varactor tuning            the process of using an inductor and a varactor to obtain the desired frequency when tuning a circuit or adjusting the frequency of an oscillator.

30283             variable attenuator                   an attenuator whose attenuation can be varied in steps or in a continuous manner; the term usually implies that the iterative impedance of the attenuator remains substantially constant for all attenuation values.

30284             variable diode function generator              a circuit that can be adjusted to produce a piecewise-linear approximation to a given nonlinear function that relates output and input levels. The circuit is made of diodes and variable resistors of potentiometers that allow independent setting of the break points and the slopes of the linear portions.

30285             variable force              a force that over time varies in direction or magnitude, or in both.

30286             VARIABLE RATE FILTRATION                      변속여과; 시간에 따라 손실수두가 증가함에 따라 여과지 통과유속이 통과유속을 조절

30287             variable speech control             the removal at regular intervals of small portions of speech from a tape recording, so that the remaining sounds may be stretched to fill the gaps and the playback speed may be increased without pitch changes or significant loss of intelligibility.

30288             variable-bandwidth filter           a filter whose bandwidth can be changed without changing the center frequency.

30289             variable-mu tube          an electron tube whose amplification factor varies in a predefined manner with control-grid voltage.

30290             variable-pitch propeller             a propeller whose blade angle can be set to any angle within a given range.

30291             variable-reluctance transducer                  a transducer in which a particular quantity of magnetic material is moved between two coils by the displacement being monitored; this changes the reluctance of the coil, causing the change of impedance.

30292             variable-speed drive                 a mechanism that transmits motion from one shaft to another, allowing the velocity ratio of the shafts to be varied continuously.

30293             variable-speed scanning            a scanning method in which the deflection speed of the scanning beam in the cathode-ray tube of a television camera is determined by the optical density of the film being scanned.

30294             variable-transconductance circuit              a circuit that uses a simple differential transistor pair; one transistor controls the device's gain and the other amplifies the first's input.

30295             Variable-volume, recessed plate filter press                     가변체적판 여과기; 가압여과장치

30296             Variance          Government permission for a delay or exception in the application of a given law, ordinance, or regulation.

30297             variation of latitude                  the small, periodic changes in the astronomical latitude of points on the earth caused by polar wandering.

30298             variation per day          the changes in any of the various geophysical quantities that occur over the period of one day. Similarly, variation per hour, variation per minute

30299             variational principle                  any of various principles formulated to account for the observation that when a physical process takes place, certain important quantities tend to have little variation from a minimum or maximum value; e.g., Hamilton's principle. Also, variation principle.

30300             Varignon's theorem                  the statement that the moment of the sum of a set of concurrent forces about a point is equal to the sum of the moments of each individual force about that point.

