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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29201-29300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29201-29300

번호                  용어                  해설

29201             Tetrachloroethylene의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

29202             TETRAETHYL LEAD                   4에틸납 : 테트라에틸납이라고도 하며 특유한 향기가 나는 무색 유상인 액체

29203             tetrahedron                 an actual figure having this shape; a solid body having four equilateral triangular faces.  Aviation. a landing direction indicator having this shape.

29204             tetravalent                   having a valence of four; quadrivalent.

29205             tetrode           an electron tube containing four electrodes: cathode, control grid, screen grid, and anode.

29206             tetrode thyratron          a gas-filled, four-element thermionic electron tube containing a cathode, two grids, and an anode.

29207             tetrode transistor                     a bipolar transistor with four terminal leads: one for the emitter, one for the collector, and two base leads; the extra base connection reduces interterminal capacitance and lead inductance.a bipolar transistor with four terminal leads: one for the emitter, one for the collector, and two base leads; the extra base connection reduces interterminal capacitance and lead inductance. a four-terminal, field-effect transistor containing one source, one drain, and two gates.a four-terminal, field-effect transistor containing one source, one drain, and two gates.

29208             Tetryl              tetryl의 화학명은 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenyl-N-methylnitramine이다. 보편적으로 사용되는 이름은 nitramine, tetralite, tetril이다. tetryl은 일반 자연환경에서 발생하지 않는 무향의 황색 결정체이다. 어떤 환경하에, tetryl은 공기중에 먼제로 존재하기도 한다. 이것은 물과 그 외의 액체에서 약간 분해된다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts55.html

29209             TEXIN             Texas Intersection Air Quality Model

29210             TGAI               Techanical Grade of the Active Ingredient

29211             TGO               Total Gross Output

29212             TGP                Techanical Grade Product

29213             thalassophile element               an element found specifically in higher concentrations in seawater than in continental waters.

29214             thallium          a metallic element having the symbol Tl, the atomic number 81, an atomic weight of 204.83, a melting point of 304°C, and a boiling point of 1460°C; a bluish-white metal that oxidizes in air at room temperature and forms toxic compounds when in contact with moisture; used in thallium salts, optical glass, low melting alloys, and rodenticides. (From a Greek term meaning green stalk, because of the green line in its spectrum.)

29215             THC               Total Hydrocarbons

29216             The  United  States  Pharmacopeia   USP               미국 약전. 미국에 있어서 사용되고 있는 의약품에 대하여 그 품질, 순도, 강도등의 기준을 정한 법령.

29217             THE CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION                    대기오염물질의 장거리 이동에 관한 협약  1975년 구주안보회의에서 스웨덴등 북구대표들이 국경을 넘는 대기오염문제를 공식제기하여 1979년에 협약이 채택되고 1983 3월에 발효됨

29218             THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS                     열역학 제 1법칙; 에너지 보존의 법칙을 정의한 열역학법칙

29219             THE HEAT PER UNIT MASS                       단위질량당 열량

29220             the quality of water  ( 수질  )                  수도수, 정수와 순수한 물등의 질. 물에 포함되는 ion,  입자, 균등의 성분량의 다소 에 의해 질이 규정된다.

29221             THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS                     열역학 제 2법칙; 독립된 계에서 발생되는 모든 자발적 반응은 무질서도 즉 엔트로피가 증가하는 방향으로 일어남

29222             THE TWO FILM THEORY            이중격막이론 ; 기체 액체의 경계면에 두개의 막이 존재한다는 물리학적 이론

29223             theater television          a television receiver system that projects the picture onto a large screen; designed for viewing by large audiences, as in a theater.

29224             Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution                The theoretical maximum amount of a pesticide in the daily diet of an average person. It assumes that the diet is composed of all food items for which there are tolerance-level residues of the pesticide. The TMRC is expressed as milligrams of pesticide/kilograms of body weight/day.

29225             THEORETICAL OXYGEN DEMAND              이론적 산소요구량; ThOD, 유기물질의 화학식을 기준으로 분해에 필요한 산소량

29226             theoretical plate           any contacting device in a fractionating column that creates an equal degree of separation of vapor from liquid as one simple distillation; used to measure the effectiveness of a fractionating column.

29227             theoretical relieving capacity                    the volumetric capacity of a theoretically perfect nozzle.

29228             Therapeutic Index                    The ratio of the dose required to produce toxic or lethal effects to the dose required to produce nonadverse or therapeutic response.

29229             thermal analysis           any test using heat for the analysis of thermodynamic or physical properties of materials; includes distillation, calorimetry, and boiling and freezing point determinations.  Metallurgy. specifically, a test used to determine metal transformations based on the temperatures at which thermal arrests occur.

29230             thermal black              a black pigment or dye that is derived from natural gas by a thermatomic process and has a largely carbon composition.

29231             thermal cell                 a cell configured such that it is activated when heat is applied to melt a solidified electrolyte.a cell configured such that it is activated when heat is applied to melt a solidified electrolyte. a reserve cell.a reserve cell.

29232             THERMAL COAGULATION          열응집; 온도에 의한 브라운 운동으로 분진을 응집

29233             thermal compressor                 a device used to compress steam at greater than atmospheric pressure.

29234             THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY DETECTOR                     열전도도 검출기  TCD, 기체 크로마토그래피에 대한 검출기

29235             THERMAL CONVECTION           열대류 : 열에 의한 대류 현상

29236             thermal cracking          a method of petroleum processing that applies heat without the use of catalysts to decompose, rearrange, or combine hydrogen molecules.

29237             thermal degradation                 a chemical process in which substances of high molecular weight are broken down by heating in the absence of air.

29238             THERMAL DESORPTION            열탈착법; 유기물제거를 위해 휘발처리하는 오염토양 복원기술

29239             thermal diffusion          a process in which temperature differentiation within a fluid mixture causes one constituent to flow differently than the mixture as a whole.

29240             THERMAL EDDY           열적 소용돌이 : 전도와 대류에 의해 공기로 전달된 열에너지로 생성

29241             thermal gradient          the graded rate of temperature increase at depths below the surface of the earth.

29242             thermal imagery          the production of an image of an object or scene by mapping the differences detected in infrared radiation emitted from various objects and areas within the scene; used in many branches of science such as astronomy, medicine, and geology. Also, THERMOGRAPHY.

29243             THERMAL INCINERATION          가열연소법

29244             thermal microphone                 a microphone that uses the heat generated by an electrically resistive element that is modulated by the variation of sound waves as the energy source for converting sound to electroacoustical signals.

29245             thermal noise              electronic noise signals that are produced by the random thermal motion of charges in circuit elements such as resistors.

29246             thermal noise generator            a unit of test equipment that produces a calibrated electronic noise signal derived from thermal noise generated within an electron tube.

29247             THERMAL NOX            고온 Nox

29248             THERMAL OXIDIZER                 가열산화장치 : 증기 소각로의 다른 호칭

29249             Thermal Pollution                        Discharge of heated water from industrial processes that can kill or injure aquatic organisms.

29250             thermal polymerization             a thermal procedure used in petroleum refining for converting lighter hydrocarbon gases into liquid fuels.

29251             thermal process           any process that uses heat without a catalyst to achieve chemical change.

29252             Thermal reduction                    가열감축; 열처리에 의한 유기물질의 감소법

29253             thermal reforming                    a procedure in petroleum refining in which heat is used to create a molecular readjustment of a low-octane naphtha to produce high-octane motor gasoline without a catalyst.

29254             THERMAL REGENERATION                       고온재생

29255             thermal relay ( thermal 중계 )                  부하의 이상하게 정상 전류의 증가를 검지해 회로를 여는 과부하 보호 장치의 일종. 동작으로서는, [부하 전류의 증대]-[히터 가열]- [b 접점개]-  [MC소자]- [주회로개] thermal 중계는JIS  의해 「과전류 보호 장치의 동작 특성」라고 해 다음과 같이 규정되고 있다.  모터의 전부하 전류값의 5 배의 전류로(에서)45초이내로(에서) 동작하는 일모터의 전부하 전류값을 통하고, 온도가 일정이 된  , 그 전류값의2배의 전류를 통4분이내로(에서) 동작하는 일. ③ 모터의 전부하  전류값의 1 배의 전류를 통해도 동작하지  않고, 온도가 일정이 된 뒤, 통전전류를 점증하고, 전부하 전류값의1.25배이하로(에서) 동작한다. (주위 온도40℃ )

29256             thermal runaway          a cumulative condition in a transistor in which localized heating at the base-collector junction causes collector current to increase, thus producing more localized heat, which in turn produces more current. This condition can continue until the transistor is destroyed.

29257            Thermal Sensitivity Shift (온도 감도 쉬프트)                     주위 온도가 실온으로부터 보상 온도 범위의 특정된 한계까지 상승 혹은 하강한 것에 의해 생긴다, 제로점압력에 있어서의 출력이 어긋나기 또는 에러. 온도 감도 쉬프트는, 온도의 변화에서 생기는 제로점압력에 있어서의 출력의 윗쪽 또는 하부에로의 어긋나기 또는 에러의 최대치로서 기재되고, 훌스케일 출력에 대한 비율로 표현.

29258             Thermal Stratification               The formation of layers of different temperatures in a lake or reservoir. Thermal System Insulation (TSI): Asbestos-containing material applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensation.

29259             THERMAL TREATMENT              열적처리; 고온을 가하여 오염물질을 파괴하거나 증발시켜 무독화 부피감소시키는 토양복원기술

29260             Thermal Treatment                   Use of elevated temperatures to treat hazardous wastes. (See: incineration; pyrolysis.)

29261             thermal X-ray              electromagnetic radiation having frequencies of the low-energy or soft X-ray region of the spectrum.

29262             Thermal Zero Shift (온도 제로 쉬프트)                     주위 온도가 실온으로부터 보상 온도 범위의 특정된 한계까지 상승혹은 하강한 것에 의해 생긴다, 제로점압력에 있어서의 출력이 어긋나기 또는 에러. 온도 제로 쉬프트는, 온도의 변화로 생기는 제로점압력에 있어서의 출력의 최대 쉬프트량으로서 명시되고, 훌스케일 출력에 대한 비율에서 표현된다.

29263             THERMAL-DENSITY LAYER                        성층화된 수밀도층

29264             thermal-liquid system               a system used for process cooling and heating in which a special liquid functions in the system as a heat sink or heat source.

29265             Thermally conditioned sludge                   열처리 슬러지; 열처리시설에 나오는 슬러지

29266             thermion                    an electron that has been emitted from a heated body such as the hot cathode of an electron tube.

29267             thermionic                  of or relating to a thermion; describing the emission of electrons from a heated body, especially from the hot cathode of an electron tube.

29268             thermionic converter                a device that converts heat energy into electrical energy through thermionic emission from a heated cathode. Also, THERMIONIC GENERATOR, THERMOELECTRON ENGINE.

29269             thermionic current                   an electrical current consisting of the flow of electrons emitted from a heated surface, such as the plate current in a thermionic electron tube.

29270             thermionic detector                  a type of detector circuit in which a thermionic electron tube extracts the modulation signal from a radio-frequency carrier and discards the carrier; for example, the detector stage in a vacuum-tube radio receiver.

29271             thermionic diode          a two-element electron tube device containing a heated cathode and an anode; it is characterized by the ability to pass an electric current in one direction only, from the cathode to the anode.

29272             thermionic emission                 the phenomenon by which electrons or ions are emitted from a heated object, such as the cathode of a thermionic electron tube. Also, THERMAL EMISSION.

29273             thermionic fuel cell                  a device that converts heat energy directly into electrical energy, using an ionizing gas to enhance efficiency.

29274             thermionic tube           any electron tube whose cathode must be heated in order to emit electrons or ions for normal operation. Also, HOT-CATHODE TUBE.

29275             thermionic work function          the energy required to emit electrons from a cathode.

29276             thermionics                 the study of the phenomenon by which electrons or ions are emitted from a heated object, such as the cathode of a thermionic electron tube.

29277             thermistor                   a temperature-sensitive semiconductor device possessing a negative temperature coefficient (i.e., resistance decreases as temperature increases); commonly used as a bolometer to measure temperatures and, indirectly, microwave energy levels. (An acronym for thermally sensitive resistor.)

29278             thermoacoustic array                a light beam, usually that of a laser, that is modulated by the frequency of an acoustic signal; the resulting sound pattern has a directivity that is perpendicular to the light beam's axis and has no side lobes.

29279             thermobalance            a weighing scale modified to measure the weight changes of a material that is being heated.

29280             thermochemistry          the branch of chemistry that studies the heat changes which accompany chemical reactions and changes of state. Thus, thermochemical, thermochemist.

29281             thermocline                 a layer in a body of water at which the rate of temperature decrease with depth is at a maximum.

29282             Thermocline                The middle layer of a thermally stratified lake or reservoir. In this layer, there is a rapid decrease in temperatures in a lake or reservoir.

29283             thermocompression                 any process involving both heat and pressure.

29284             thermocompression evaporator                 a system designed to reduce the energy requirements for evaporation by compressing vapor from a single-effect evaporator so that it may be used as the heating medium in the next evaporation stage or in the same single-effect evaporator stage.

29285             THERMODYNAMIC                   열역학; 에너지와 에너지이동을 다루는 학문

29286             THERMODYNAMIC ACID DISSOCIATION CONSTANT                 열역학 산 해리상수;

29287             THERMODYNAMIC DIAGRAM                   단열도표 (열역학전선도) : 단열변화 과정을 나타내는 도표

29288             THERMODYNAMIC ION PRODUCT CONSTANT                 열역학 이온곱상수;

29289             thermoelectric             of or relating to thermoelectricity.

29290             thermoelectric converter           a device to convert heat energy directly into electrical energy, typically consisting of a thermoelectric junction in contact with a heat source; the voltage developed across the junction is a function of the temperature of the source. Also, THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR, THERMAL or THERMOCOUPLE CONVERTER.

29291             thermoelectric material             a material, such as cesium sulfide and lead telluride, that is capable of converting thermal energy to electric energy or of producing cooling when electric energy is applied to it.

29292             thermoelectric solar cell            an apparatus used in the indirect conversion of solar energy into electrical energy; solar energy is first transformed into heat energy, which is then converted to electrical energy in a cell made from a semiconductor material.

29293             thermoelectricity          electricity produced by the direct action of heat or the direct conversion of heat into electricity, as in a thermocouple.

29294             thermoelectron            an electron emitted from a hot cathode.an electron emitted from a hot cathode. a negative thermion.a negative thermion.

29295             thermography             THERMAL IMAGERY.

29296             thermogravimetric analysis                       the measurement of weight changes of a substance as a function of increased temperature; used in quantitative analysis and to determine decomposition.

29297             thermogravitational column                     a device, used to achieve binary separations, in which a concentration gradient is formed as a result of thermal diffusion caused by countercurrent flow of hot and cold fluids.

29298             thermoinducible lysogen           a bacterial strain that contains a prophage whose repressor is temperature sensitive; an elevated temperature leads to further phage development.

29299             thermojunction            the junction between the two dissimilar metal conductors in a thermocouple and the part of the thermocouple that comes in direct contact with the object being monitored. Also, THERMOELECTRIC JUNCTION.

29300             thermokinetic analysis              an analysis that involves the rapid and continuous addition of a titrant while measuring temperature; the endpoints are mathematically mapped and used for determining reaction rates.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



