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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29101-29200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29101-29200

번호                  용어                  해설

29101             TEAM             Total Exposure Assessment Model

29102             tear strength               the force necessary to initiate or continue the tearing of a sheet or fabric.

29103             teat                a rubber bulb that is compressed by hand to create suction and draw liquids into a pipet.

29104             TEC                Technical Evaluation Comittee

29105             technetium                 an element having the symbol Tc, the atomic number 43, an atomic weight of its isotope with longest half-life (98Tc) of 97.90; it does not occur naturally on earth but has been detected in stars and obtained by deuteron bombardment of molybdenum and in fission products of uranium and plutonium; used as a metallurgical tracer and in cryochemistry and nuclear medicine. (Related to the word technical; because it is artificially obtained.)

29106             technical atmosphere               a unit of pressure equal to 1 kilogram-force per square centimeter.

29107             Technical Education                  기술전문가 교육(훈련)

29108             TECHNICAL REGULATION          기술규정 : 일반적으로 제품 또는 생산공정에 대한 기술적인 강제규범을 의미

29109             TECHNICAL SYSTEM AUDIT                      기술체제감사  TSA

29110             TECHNOLOGY CHANGES          기술변경 : 폐기물 발생원 감량을 위한 발생원 통제를 실행하기 위한 행위

29111             TECHNOLOGY ROUND             기술라운드  1991 OECD각료회의에서 기술경제 프로그램 연구결과에 따라 제시된 7개항의 과학 기술규범 설정 필요성에 대한 선언데서 제기된바 있으며 개별국가의 기술개발정책이 무역에 큰영향을 미치게 되고 이것이 국가간의 무역마찰요인이 되고 있으므로 무역과 기술정책을 조화하기위한 다자간 협상의 개념

29112             Technology-Based Limitations                   Industry-specific effluent limitations based on best available preventive technology applied to a discharge when it will not cause a violation of water quality standards at low stream flows. Usually applied to discharges into large rivers.

29113             Technology-Based Standards                    Industry-specific effluent limitations applicable to direct and indirect sources which are developed on a category-by-category basis using statutory factors, not including water-quality ef- fects.

29114             tecnetron                    a type of field-effect transistor having high-power applications.

29115             tectonomagnetism                   the study of magnetic anomalies caused by the earthquakes.

29116             tectonophysics             the study of the forms, movements, and other related phenomena dealing with the earth's crust.

29117             TED                Turtle Excluder Devices

29118             TEF, TOXIC EQUIVALENCY FACTOR             독성등가인자()

29119             TEG                Technical Enforcement Guidance Document

29120             TEGD              Technical Enforcement Guidance Document

29121             TEL                Tetraethyl Lead

29122             telecine camera           a television camera that converts visible images from a motion-picture projector or slide projector into video signals for broadcasting by a television transmitter.

29123             telecommunications                 any process or group of processes that allows a correspondent to relay printed or written matter, moving or fixed pictures, or other visible or audible signals via an electromagnetic system.any process or group of processes that allows a correspondent to relay printed or written matter, moving or fixed pictures, or other visible or audible signals via an electromagnetic system. the study or body of knowledge relating to such processes.the study or body of knowledge relating to such processes. 3. broadly, any communications over long distances.broadly, any communications over long distances

29124             telemetering receiver                a radio receiver and associated equipment used as part of a telemetry system.

29125             TELEMETERING SYSTEM            대기오염 감시체제

29126             TELEMETERING SYSTEM(TMS)                   사업장 굴뚝에서 배출되는 대기오염물질을 자동측정기기로 상시 측정하고 이를 관제센터와 온라인으로 연결하여 배출상황을 24시간 원격 관리하는 시스템으로 CleanSYS라는 별칭으로 불린다. 오염물질을 대량배출하는 1~3종 대기배출사업장 중 일정용량 이상의 배출시설에 부착을 의무화하고 있다. 발전, 소각시설 등 37개 시설을 대상으로 먼지, SO2, NOx, HCl, HF, NH3, CO, (산소, 유량, 온도)을 측정하고 있다. 이 시스템을 통해 행정기관은 과학적  배출사업장 관리가 가능하고, 사업자는 자율적 환경관리에 활용할 수 있다.

29127             telemetering transmitter            a radio transmitter and associated equipment used as part of a telemetry system.

29128             telephone repeater                   an electronic apparatus used in a telephone system to compensate for line losses by amplifying and redistributing the signals at one or more points along the line.

29129             telering           a device that generates a telephone-ringing signal.

29130             telescoping valve          a valve that uses telescoping members to regulate water flow in a pipe with minimal streamline disturbance.

29131             teleseism                    the motion generated by a distant earthquake.

29132             teleseismology             the study of seismic data recorded at a distance far from the site of the disturbance.

29133             telesynd          a mechanical-motion repeater device that is used in telemetry and remote-control applications to reproduce mechanical motions.

29134             television transmitter                   electronic equipment used to transmit radio-frequency television signals, which are modulated by composite video, synchronizing, and audio information.

29135             television tuner            a device used to select the channel frequency at which a television set is to operate: a manual tuner typically consists of a rotating cylindrical device on which resonant circuit elements are mounted; a remote-control tuner consists of a battery-powered device that sends an electronic signal to the receiver. When either device is activated, the tuner receives the signal and switches in the correct circuit element for the selected channel frequency.

29136             Tellerette                     a type of inert packing used in gas-absorption operations to enlarge the surface area to increase contact between falling liquid and rising vapor.

29137             Teller-Redlich rule                    a rule stating that for two isotopic molecules, the geometrical structure of the molecule and the masses of the atoms, and not the potential constants, determine the product of the frequency ratio values of all vibrations of a given symmetry type.

29138             tellurate          a salt of a telluric acid.

29139             telluric            relating to or containing tellurium.

29140             tellurium                     an element having the symbol Te, the atomic number 52, an atomic weight of 127.6, a melting point of 451°C, and a boiling point of about 1200°C; silvery-white, brittle semimetal, with poisonous compounds; used in alloys. (From a Latin term meaning of the earth; so named in 1798 by its discoverer, German chemist Martin Klaproth, in contrast with uranium, of the heavens, which he had discovered nine years earlier.)

29141             telodynamic                of or relating to the transmission of mechanical power over significant distances.

29142             telpher           a hoist that is operated from an overhead, raised cab.a hoist that is operated from an overhead, raised cab. a car, cab, or other system running from electric cables.a car, cab, or other system running from electric cables.

29143             Telsmith breaker          a gyratory crusher with a fixed spindle mounted in a long eccentric sleeve whose rotation gives a gyratory motion to the crushing head, but a parallel stroke; used for primary crushing.

29144             TEM               Texas Episodic Model

29145             Temkin isotherm          a relation describing the extent of adsorption of a species on an electrode surface as a function of concentration and electrode potential.

29146             Temperature Coefficient (온도 계수)                     주위 온도의 변화의 결과에 의해 기구의 정밀도가 변화되는 량을 재는 요소. 통상, 훌스케일에 대한 비율로 표현된다.

29147             temperature compensation                       the process of compensating for the effects of variations or extremes in the ambient temperature of electronic equipment; often accomplished by including circuit components possessing temperature characteristics opposite to those of the critical circuit components.

29148             Temperature Error (온도 에러)                   기구를 조작할 때의 온도와, 유니트가 교정된 온도가 다른 것에 기인한다, 압력 지시의 변화.

29149             temperature factor                   an exponential expression by which the scattering of an atom is reduced as a consequence of vibration (or a simulated vibration resulting from static disorder). For isotropic motion the exponential factor is exp(-Bisosin2/2), with Biso called the isotropic temperature factor. It equals 82(u2), where (u2) is the mean square displacement of the atom from its equilibrium position. For anisotropic motion the exponential expression contains six parameters, the anisotropic vibration or displacement parameters, which describe ellipsoidal rather than isotropic (spherically symmetrical) motion or average static displacements.

29150             TEMPERATURE INVERSION                       기온역전 : 어떤 기층에서 환경감율이 상공으로 올라가면서 일정하거나 또는 상승하는 현상

29151             TEMPERATURE INVERSION LAYER             기온역전층; 기온역전이 일어나는 층

29152             temperature log           a well log used to record temperature versus depth in a borehole. Also, THERMAL LOG.

29153             Temperature Range (사용 온도 범위)                     트랜스듀서가 기능적인 손상을 받지 말아야 조작할 수 있다, 주위 온도 범위.  주의: 주위 조건이 보상 온도 범위를 초과하면, 사용상의 제한과 재교정이 필요하게 되는 것이 있고, 트랜스듀서가 기능적인 손상을 받지 말아 조작할 수 있다. 주위 온도 범위.

29154             Temperature Range, Compensated (보상 온도 범위)                  온도 제로 쉬프트와 온도 감도 쉬프트가 특정 공차의 범위내에서 적용된다, 주위 온도 범위.

29155             Temperature Range, Storage (보관 온도 범위)                 트랜스듀서가 기능적인 손상을 받지 않고 보관할 수 있는 온도 범위.

29156             temperature saturation             a condition in which the cathode of a thermionic electron tube can no longer increase electron emission for an increase in cathode temperature; in this condition anode current remains constant as filament voltage is increased while other electrode voltages are held constant. Also, FILAMENT SATURATION.

29157             Temperature Transmitter  (온도 발신기)                     외부의 전력근원을 이용해, 트랜스듀서의 신호를 변환된 변화에 비례하는 전압과 전류 신호로 변환· 증폭· 조정하는 기기.

29158             temperature-compensated                       having features or components that reduce the effects of variations or extremes in ambient temperature.

29159             temperature-sensitive gene                      a conditional gene that is not expressed when it is exposed to a temperature that falls outside certain limits.

29160             temporary hardness                    hardness in water due to the presence of bicarbonate ion; upon heating, the bicarbonate precipitates as calcium or magnesium carbonate.

29161             TEMPORARY THRESHOLD SHIFT               일시성 청력손실, 일시적 난청

29162             TEMPORARY WORK                 가설공사

29163             tensile            of or relating to tension.  Materials. capable of being stretched or drawn out.

29164             tensile modulus           the strength factor for a material under tensile stress, expressed by the ratio of the stress applied to it, to the change in length produced by this force.

29165             tensile strain               an increase in the length of a body that occurs when it is subjected to an external force.

29166             tensile strength            the maximum tensile stress (stretching) that a material can withstand without failure.

29167             tensile stress               an external force that acts on a body at both ends, parallel to the length, and that if unopposed will tend to elongate it; i.e., the material will stretch.an external force that acts on a body at both ends, parallel to the length, and that if unopposed will tend to elongate it; i.e., the material will stretch. a measure of this force per unit area of the material.a measure of this force per unit area of the material.

29168             tension pulley              a pulley around which an endless rope passes; the pulley is mounted on a trolley or other movable bearing so that the slack of the rope can be taken up by the pull of the weights.

29169             tensor force                a spin-dependent, noncentral force generated by the spin between nucleons that gives rise to the deuteron magnetic moment.

29170             TEP                Typical End-use Product. Technical Evaluation Panel

29171             tephra            any fragmental pyroclastic material that is ejected from a volcano.

29172             TEQ, TOXIC EQUIVALENTS QUANTITY                     독성등가값()

29173             TERA              TSCA Environmental Release Application

29174             Teratogenesis              The introduction of nonhereditary birth defects in a developing fetus by exogenous factors such as physical or chemical agents acting in the womb to interfere with normal embryonic development.

29175             TERATOGENICITY          기형발생성; 유해폐기물의 특성

29176             terbium          an element having the symbol Tb, the atomic number 65, an atomic weight of 158.9, a melting point of 1360°C, and a boiling point of about 2960°C; a rare-earth (lanthanide) element; extremely reactive and must be handled in an inert atmosphere; used as a phosphor activator and as a dope for solid-state devices. (From Ytterby, the Swedish town where it was originally found.)

29177             terebic acid                 C7H10O4, an acid formed by the oxidation of certain terpenes; important in the discovery of the structures of many terpenes. Also, terebinic acid.

29178             TERMINAL ACCEPTABLE HEADLOSS                     최종허용손실수두;

29179             TERMINAL FALL VELOCITY                        최종 침강 속도

29180             TERMINAL HEADLOSS              임계손실수두

29181             TERMINAL SETTLING VELOCITY                 종말 침강속도; 최종시간점에서의 침강속도

29182             terminal unit               the unit that lies at the end of a branch duct of an air-conditioning system and delivers air to the conditioned space.

29183             termination                 the use of a load at the end of a transmission line or other device whose impedance, if matched to that of the line, will create no reflections.

29184             ternary compound                   a chemical compound composed of three elements.

29185             TERRACE                    단구, 중간단 ; 매립지의 한 층

29186             Terracing                    Dikes built along the contour of sloping farm land that hold runoff and sediment to reduce erosion.

29187             terrestrial electricity                  all natural electrical phenomena of the earth and its atmosphere, including atmospheric electricity.

29188             terrestrial gravitation                the gravitation and gravitational phenomena generated by the earth.

29189             terrestrial radiation                   the infrared energy emitted by the earth and its atmosphere, measured at wavelengths that are determined by their temperature.

29190             tertiary air                  the preheated air that is added to primary and secondary air in a combustion process.

29191             Tertiary maturation ponds                        3차 숙성 안정화지; 2차 처리유출수를 세정하고 계절적 질산화를 위하여 설계되는 안정화지

29192             tertiary recovery          the third major stage of oil production, employing techniques designed to change crude oil properties; one such technique is micellar flooding, used to reduce the surface tension of crude and free it from the porous formations to which it adheres.

29193             TERTIARY TREATMENT              삼차처리, 고도처리 =advanced treatment

29194             Tertiary Treatment                       Advanced cleaning of wastewater that goes beyond the secondary or biological stage, removing nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and most BOD and suspended solids.

29195             TES                Techanical Enforcement Support

29196             test set           a set of one or more units of equipment used for the testing and maintenance ofElectronics equipment; usually intended to have some degree of specialization in application, such as testing a particular type or model of equipment or performing a particular series of tests.

29197             test well          an exploratory well used to determine the presence and quantity of oil and the feasibility of its production.

29198             tetrabasic                    containing four atoms of replaceable hydrogen.

29199             Tetrachloroethylene                     tetrachloroethylene의 다른 이름은 perchloroethylene, PCE, tetrachloroethene 등이다. 실온에서 불연성의 액체이다. 그리고 공기중의 쉽게 증발하고 강렬하고 달콤한 향이 난다. 일부 사람들은 극히 미량에서도 냄새를 맡을수 있지만, 대부분의 사람들은 백만 part의 공기중에 1part tetrachloroethylene이 있을때 (1 pp)soatofmf smRlsek 가능하다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts18.html

29200             Tetrachloroethylene의 특성 및 방제방법                    

