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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29001-29100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29001-29100

번호                  용어                  해설

29001             synthesizer                  any of various instruments that integrate simple elements or functions to produce more complex entities.any of various instruments that integrate simple elements or functions to produce more complex entities. specifically, an electronic device that simulates the sound of various musical instruments.specifically, an electronic device that simulates the sound of various musical instruments.

29002             synthetic                     relating to compounds formed artificially by chemical synthesis.  Engineering. in general, describing any product or item that is the result of human technology rather than something that exists in nature.

29003             SYNTHETIC FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINERS                     합성막; 매립지 침출수 처리설비의 일부

29004             SYNTHETIC ION EXCHANGE RESIN                     합성이온 교환수지

29005             Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)                     Man-made (anthropogenic) organic chemicals. Some SOCs are volatile; others tend to stay dissolved in water instead of evaporating.

29006             synthol process           a reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with an iron and sodium carbonate catalyst that produces a mixture usable as a synthetic gasoline.

29007             SYSOP            System Operator

29008             System With a Single Service Connection                     A system that supplies drinking water to consumers via a single service line.

29009             SYSTEMATIC                체계적, 계통적

29010             systematic analog network testing approach                    an online computer-based system with an integrated database and optimal human intervention that provides computer printouts used in automatic testing of networks. Also, SANTA.

29011             SYSTEMIC                   전신적, 인체전반적(신체관련)

29012             Systemic Pesticide                    A chemical absorbed by an organism that interacts with the organism and makes the organism toxic to pests.

29013             Szechtman cell            an electrolytic cell used in the manufacture of chlorine.

29014             T junction                   an electrical connection of three branches in a manner that either physically or schematically resembles the letter T.an electrical connection of three branches in a manner that either physically or schematically resembles the letter T. a waveguide junction in which one waveguide joins another at right angles in the form of the letter T. Also, TEE JUNCTION.a waveguide junction in which one waveguide joins another at right angles in the form of the letter T. Also, TEE JUNCTION.

29015             T.S.D               처리/저장/처분  Treatment, storage, disposal

29016             table              the part of a machine on which an object is placed for operation.

29017             tachistoscope              a machine that displays a series of rapid visual images in order to measure attention, perception, and learning.

29018             tachometer                 a precision DC generator that produces a voltage proportional to velocity; used to measure the velocity of various forms of movement or flow, as of a machine, a river, or the blood.

29019             tackle             an assembly of pulleys, ropes, and blocks used to lift or lower an object.

29020             TAD               Technical Asssistance Document

29021             Tafel equation              an empirical equation that shows the type of logarithmic dependence of current density on overpotential for an electrochemical process with activation polarization.

29022             Tafel plot                    a graph that shows the relation between overpotential and the logarithm of current density; the slope of this plot gives the transfer coefficient.

29023             TAG               Technical Assistance Grant

29024             Tag closed-cup tester               a device used by the petroleum industry to determine the flash point of petroleum liquids flashing below 79°C. Also, Tagliabue closed-cup tester.

29025             tagged molecule          a molecule containing a radioactive atom whose behavior can be traced in chemical and biological reactions.

29026             tail                 the slowly decaying trailing edge of a pulse waveform.the slowly decaying trailing edge of a pulse waveform. a spurious, lower-amplitude pulse waveform following the main part of the pulse.a spurious, lower-amplitude pulse waveform following the main part of the pulse.

29027             tail house                   a refinery installation that contains facilities for sampling, a look box, and controls to divert the products to other locations in the refinery for further processing or to storage tanks.

29028             tail pulley                   a pulley or roller in the tail section of a belt conveyor, around which the belt runs. Also, FOOT-SECTION PULLEY.

29029             Tail Water                   The runoff of irrigation water from the lower end of an irrigated field.

29030             Tail water return          방수순환량; 자연처리법의 저속법에서 효율 향상을 위해 물을 순환하는 것

29031             Tailings           Residue of raw material or waste separated out during the processing of crops or mineral ores.

29032             TAILPIPE LOSSES          배기관을 통한 배출

29033             Tailpipe Standards                       Emissions limitations applicable to mobile source engine exhausts.

29034             tailstock          a part of a lathe that holds only the end of a workpiece so it can be rotated freely.

29035             takeup pulley              an adjustable pulley mounted in a belt-conveyor system that accommodates changes in the length of the belt in order to maintain proper belt tension.

29036             TALMS            Tunable Atomic line Molecular Spectroscopy

29037             Tampering                   Adjusting, negating, or removing pollution control equipment on a motor vehicle. Technical Assistance Grant (TAG): As part of the Superfund program, Technical Assistance Grants of up to $50,000 are provided to citizens' groups to obtain assistance in interpreting information related to clean- ups at Superfund sites or those proposed for the National Priorities List. Grants are used by such groups to hire technical advisors to help them understand the site-related technical information for the duration of response activities. Technical-Grade Active Ingredient (TGA): A pesticide chemical in pure form as it is manufactured prior to being formulated into an end-use product (e.g., wettable powders, granules, emulsifiable concentrates). Registered manufactured products composed of such chemicals are known as Technical Grade Products. Technical-Grade Active Ingredient (TGA): A pesticide chemical in pure form as it is manufactured prior to being formulated into an end-use product (e.g., wettable powders, granules,emulsifiable concentrates). Registered manufactured products composed of such chemicals are known as Technical Grade Products.

29038             TAMS             Toxic Air Monitoring System

29039             TAMTAC          Toxic Air Monitoring System Advisory Committee

29040             tandem           describing or relating to two-terminal pair networks in which the output terminals of one network are connected to the input terminals of the other. Also, CASCADE.

29041             tandem roller              a road roller with two rolls of similar diameter running on the same track.

29042             tangential acceleration              the component of acceleration perpendicular to the radial and axial directions in a cylindrical or polar coordinate system; it is equal to the angular acceleration multiplied by the radius.the component of acceleration perpendicular to the radial and axial directions in a cylindrical or polar coordinate system; it is equal to the angular acceleration multiplied by the radius. the component of a particle's acceleration vector that is parallel to the velocity.the component of a particle's acceleration vector that is parallel to the velocity.

29043             tangential velocity                    the component of velocity that is perpendicular to the radial and axial directions in a cylindrical or polar coordinate system; it is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius.the component of velocity that is perpendicular to the radial and axial directions in a cylindrical or polar coordinate system; it is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius. the velocity of a particle on a curved path; it is tangent to the path.the velocity of a particle on a curved path; it is tangent to the path.

29044             tank battery                a system of two or more storage tanks connected together to receive the oil produced from one or more wells on a lease.

29045             tank bottom                a mixture of stored liquid, rust and other sediments below the level of the outlet pipe in a tank.

29046             tank circuit                 a circuit that contains capacitance and inductance and is capable of storing electrical energy by passing it alternately between the two circuit elements; tank circuits operate at a relatively narrow band of frequencies centered about a single resonant frequency.

29047             tank farm                   an area of up to several square miles on which a series of large storage tanks hold crude oil or other petroleum products.

29048             tank switch                 an automatic system controlling oil-field lease tanks and their associated lines.

29049             tank truck                   a truck carrying or towing a cylindrical vessel mounted on a frame and wheels, used for carrying liquids.

29050             tank vent filter (  탱크벤트필터 )              에어-벤트필터 탱크의 공기 출입구에 달아 공기중의 입자중 박테리아및 기타 불순물이 탱크에 유입되는 것을 막는 용도의 필터.  통상은 공경0.22μ 의 소수성멘브란이 이용된다. 순수한 물 탱크로는 소다-라임등과 편성해 설치하다

29051             tannin            the popular name for tannic acid or similar compounds.

29052             tantalum                     a chemical element that is a rare metal of the vanadium family, having the symbol Ta, the atomic number 73, an atomic weight of 180.95, a melting point of 2996°C, and a boiling point of 5560°C; a malleable gray solid that is resistant to corrosion, considered a refractory metal because of its high melting point; used for electric light filaments, in dental and surgical instruments, and as a catalyst. (Named for King Tantalus, a character in Greek mythology who was punished (tantalized) by being forced to stand with food and drink barely out of his reach; the difficulty of extracting this metal from its compounds made its existence seem tantalizing.)

29053             tantalum-nitride resistor           a resistor made by depositing a thin layer of tantalum nitride on an insulating substrate.

29054             TAP                Techanical Assistance Program

29055             tap crystal                   a type of semiconductor that is capable of storing electrical energy when stimulated by incident light, and that releases energy in the form of light when mechanically stimulated, such as by tapping.

29056             tap water                    담수, 수도물

29057             tap water(city water)  ( 수도물 )               상수도수 음료용으로서의 규격 기준치내에 처리, 관리되어, 사용자에게 수도관에 의해 송수된 물.

29058             TAPDS            Toxic Air Pollutant Data System

29059             tape drive                   a device that uses pulleys and flexible tapes to transmit power from an actuator to a remote mechanism.

29060             TAPERED AERATION                 점감식 폭기

29061             Tapered aeration process          점감포기공정; 활성슬러지 공정의 변법으로 산소요구량에 따라 탱크길이로 여러가지 포기율을 적용함

29062             tapered pipeline           a pipeline in which the pressure grade is altered by varying material or wall thickness in certain sections to compensate for a drop in working pressure.

29063             taper-rolling bearing                a roller bearing with tapered rollers and coned races, designed to withstand end thrust.

29064             tapped control             a circuit element, usually a resistor or transformer winding, having one or more connection points along the element and serving as a form of adjustable control.

29065             tappet            a sliding element whose motion is controlled by a cam; used to operate a valve or a push rod.

29066             tappet rod                  a rod used to carry a tappet.

29067             tapping          the process of using a tap to form an internal screw thread.

29068             TAPWATER                  수돗물

29069             target             an object detected by a radar set at a signal strength sufficient for it to be detected on the radar screen. Also, RETURN.an object detected by a radar set at a signal strength sufficient for it to be detected on the radar screen. Also, RETURN. the surface in a camera tube that produces an output signal when scanned by an electron beam.the surface in a camera tube that produces an output signal when scanned by an electron beam.

29070             target acquisition                     the receipt of a radar target of sufficient signal quality that it can be tracked and otherwise monitored and analyzed.  Military Science. the detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit effective employment of weapons.

29071             target area                  목표분야

29072             target discrimination                the ability of a radar system to distinguish between two or more targets that are close together in range or azimuth.

29073             target group               목표그룹

29074             target noise                the noise component of a received radar signal due to reflections from a target that has several reflecting elements oriented randomly in space.

29075             target signature           those individual attributes a radar or sonar target displays that can be useful in classifying the target in terms of its military characteristics.

29076             target-designating system          a system used to assign a target that has been located at one operator station to another operator station for tracking, fire-control computation, or other appropriate processing.

29077             TAS                Tolerance Assessment System

29078             Tauber test                  a test for detecting pentose sugars by heating the sample with a solution of benzidine in glacial acetic acid; a cherry red color indicates a positive test.

29079             Tauber trap                 a cylindrical vessel with a specialized lid containing a central hole that is used to trap airborne microflora.

29080             taut-line cableway                    a cableway with one carrier that operates on a wire cable stretched between two towers not more than 3000 feet apart; the traction can be reeved at the carrier so that loads can be raised and lowered.

29081             tautomer                    any chemical compound that is capable of exhibiting tautomerism.

29082             tautomerism                an isomerism in which the migration of a hydrogen atom gives rise to two or more structures that spontaneously convert from one form into the other with such ease that they usually exist together in equilibrium. Thus, tautomeric.

29083             tautomerization           the process of undergoing tautomerism.  Molecular Biology. in DNA, the movement of a hydrogen atom in a purine or pyrimidine base from one position to another, which alters the base-pairing specificity of the affected base and can lead to mutations during replication.

29084             TBT                Tributyltin

29085             TC                  Target Concentration. Techanical Center. Toxicity Characteristics. Toxic Concentration:

29086             tC(탄소톤)/ tCO2(이산화탄소톤)                 탄소톤(tC)은 발생(또는 감축)된 탄소의 총량을 톤(t)으로 환산한 것이고, 이산화탄소톤(tCO2)은 발생(또는 감축)된 이산화탄소의 총량을 톤(t)으로 환산한 것이다.

29087             TCD, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY DETECTOR                     열전도도 검출기

29088             TCDD             Dioxin (Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin)

29089             TCDF              Tetrachlodi-benzofurans

29090             TCE                Trichloroethylene

29091             TCF                Total Chlorine Free

29092             TCLP              독성특성; EPA에서 폐기물의 유해특성을 기준하는 독성특성을 지칭한다. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

29093             TCLP              Total Concentrate Leachate Procedure. Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure

29094             TCM               Transportation Control Measure

29095             TCO - EU                    개요        - 스웨덴에서 발표된 에너지절약 및 전자파등 환경에 관한 국제규격으로 모니터에서 가장 영향력있는 규격        - TCO92, TCO95에서 TCO99로 발전        시행기관 : TCO(The Swedish Conferdration of Professional Employees)

29096             TCP                Transportation Control Plan; Trichloropropane;

29097             TCRI               Toxic Chemical Release inventory

29098             TD                 Toxic Dose

29099             TDS                Total Dissolved Solids

29100             TEACH(Toxicity Assessment for Childreen's Health )          어린이 건강을 위해서는  주요물질 (18)의 독성 및 노출평가 자료를 수집DB화 하여  일반인에게 제공하는 프로그램



스몰미 메모시트 [A3 크기] - 내맘대로 골라담는 10장 세트 스몰미메모시트. / 스몰미메모시트, 냉




