환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27101-27200
번호 용어 해설
27101 ◆ Scotch-type volcano ◆ a volcanic form typically consisting of concentric cuestas and formed by the sinking of a cauldron.
27102 ◆ scotoscope ◆ a type of telescope that uses image intensifiers to improve night viewing.
27103 ◆ Scott connection ◆ in a power transmission, two single-phase transformers connected to operate in a three-phase system.
27104 ◆ scouring ◆ the actionof soil rubbing against and cleaning the blade of a plow as it passes through the ground, thereby reducing friction. Textiles. ㆍ the process of cleaning dirt and natural grease from wool, using soaps and chemicals.the process of cleaning dirt and natural grease from wool, using soaps and chemicals. ㆍ the process of cleaning fabric before dyeing.the process of cleaning fabric before dyeing. 3. the process of removing sizing and tint used on warp yarns in weaving.the process of removing sizing and tint used on warp yarns in weaving. Geology. an erosion process involving the action of flowing air, ice, or water. : the wet or dry cleaning or finishing of a hard surface by the mechanical application of an abrasive.
27105 ◆ SCOURING ACTION ◆ 소류작용
27106 ◆ SCOURING VELOCITY ◆ 소류유속
27107 ◆ SCR ◆ 선택적 촉매환원법 Selective catalytic reduction, 배연가스 처리기술
27108 ◆ SCR ◆ Selective Catalytic Reduction
27109 ◆ SCRAM ◆ State Consolidated RCRA Authorization Manual
27110 ◆ scrambler ◆ a circuit that separates voice frequencies into various ranges, then inverts and displaces them to produce unintelligible sounds; used to transmit secret communications.
27111 ◆ Scrap ◆ Materials discarded from manufacturing operations that may be suitable for reprocessing.
27112 ◆ SCRAP METAL DEALER ◆ 폐품수거업자
27113 ◆ Scrap Metal Processor ◆ Intermediate operating facility where recovered metal is sorted, cleaned of contaminants, and prepared for recycling.
27114 ◆ scraped-surface exchanger ◆ a double-pipe heat exchanger in which a rotating element scrapes the inside surface of the exchanger to remove deposits; used for fluids that are subject to crystallization and severe fouling and also for solvent extraction and high viscosity fluids.
27115 ◆ SCRAPER ◆ 스크래퍼; 폐기물매립지에서 이용되는 장비형태
27116 ◆ scraper conveyor ◆ a conveyor consisting of chain-drawn scrapers or flights running in a trough through which the material is conveyed. Also, DRAG-LINK CONVEYOR, FLIGHT CONVEYOR.
27117 ◆ scraper hoist ◆ a power-driven hoist that moves the scraper in a scraper-loader system.
27118 ◆ scraper loader ◆ a combined scraper and transporting machine that loads coal or rock by pulling a scoop back and forth between the face and the loading point, then discharging the load from the scoop onto a car or conveyor.
27119 ◆ scraper ring ◆ a piston-mounted ring that scrapes oil to prevent it from burning and coking on the inner surface of a cylinder.
27120 ◆ SCRAPS ◆ 부스러진 고체조각류의 쓰레기
27121 ◆ SCRC ◆ Superfund Community Relations Coordinator
27122 ◆ screen ◆ ㆍ the surface upon which images from devices such as a television or oscilloscope become visible or are projected.the surface upon which images from devices such as a television or oscilloscope become visible or are projected. ㆍ a partition that shields a device from external electric or magnetic fields.a partition that shields a device from external electric or magnetic fields.
27123 ◆ screen dissipation ◆ the thermal power released from a screen grid that has been struck by bombarding electrons.
27124 ◆ screen grid ◆ the element placed between the grid and the anode in an electron tube to prevent electrons from bunching in the space between it and the cathode.
27125 ◆ SCREENING ◆ 스크리닝; 폐기물처리의 단위공정에서 스크리닝은 폐기물의 크기에 따라 분리하는 장비
27126 ◆ Screening ◆ Use of screens to remove coarse floating and suspended solids from sewage.
27127 ◆ screening agent ◆ a nonchelating dye used to sharpen the colorimetric end point of a complexometric titration; two complementary colors indicate the metal and nonmetal forms of the end-point indicator.
27128 ◆ screening factor ◆ the actual rate of a nuclear reaction in a dense plasma, divided by the rate that theoretically would apply if there were no free electrons screening repulsion between the nuclei.
27129 ◆ Screening Risk Assessment ◆ A risk assessment performed with few data and many assumptions to identify exposures that should beevaluated more carefully for potential tisk.
27130 ◆ screenless precession photography ◆ a method of measuring the diffraction pattern of a macromolecular crystal by the precession method without the use of a screen to filter out certain reflections. The indexing is done by computer after some preliminary photographs have been taken to determine the crystal orientation with high accuracy; used for data collection for crystalline macromolecules. Small precession angles (1o to 2o) are used so that many sets of photographs with different settings of the dial axis are required.
27131 ◆ screw compressor ◆ a gas compressor in which the compression is achieved by two counter-rotating, intermeshing screws in an enclosed chamber.
27132 ◆ SCREW CONVAYORS ◆ 스크류형 컨베이어; 폐기물처리단위공정중 이송장치로 이용되는 장비
27133 ◆ screw conveyor ◆ a conveyor in which a spiral blade presses material forward as it rotates in a trough or housing.
27134 ◆ screw displacement ◆ the rotation of a rigid body about an axis with a translation of the body along that axis.
27135 ◆ screw elevator ◆ a vertical screw conveyor for handling pulverized or granulated materials.
27136 ◆ screw feeder ◆ an auger-type screw that transfers material from one piece of equipment to another.
27137 ◆ screw machine ◆ a lathe used to turn and thread small screws from rods or bars that are fed through a hollow spindle.
27138 ◆ screw press ◆ a press used for punching holes and stamping thin metal works by means of a square, threaded screw with a heavy cross piece for increased pressure. Also, FLY PRESS.
27139 ◆ screw propeller ◆ a rotor with blades angled so that, as the rotor spins, the blades advance along the shaft.
27140 ◆ screw pump ◆ a water pump consisting of rotating helical-screw impellers in a casing.
27141 ◆ screwfeed ◆ a gear-and-ratchet mechanism in the swivel head of a diamond drill that controls the rate at which the bit penetrates a rock formation.
27142 ◆ screwstock ◆ a rod, bar, or wire that is to be die-cut. Also, DIESTOCK.
27143 ◆ scribing ◆ a process in which a semiconductor wafer is etched with deep groves, so that it can be broken into smaller pieces. Graphic Arts. the use of a scriber to remove film emulsion, often in order to draw a line or rule on an image.
27144 ◆ SCRUBBER ◆ 세정기 : 액체를 사용해서 기체속에 포함되어 있는 미세한 먼지를 씻어 제거하는 장치
27145 ◆ Scrubber ◆ An air pollution device that uses a spray of water or reactant or a dry process to trap pollutants in emissions.
27146 ◆ SCRUBBER PRODUCT ◆ 가스세정기 슬러지; 소각시설에서 이산화황과 산성가스 세정에 사용되는 습식가스세정기에서 발생되는 고형잔류물
27148 ◆ SCS ◆ 고정식 콘테이너 체제; Stationary container system
27149 ◆ SCS ◆ Supplementary Control Strategy/System
27150 ◆ SCSA ◆ Soil Conservation Society of America
27151 ◆ SCSP ◆ Storm and Combined Sewer Program
27152 ◆ scum chamber ◆ a container in an Imhoff tank that facilitates sewage digestion; it functions as an area for gasses to rise to the surface of sludge.
27153 ◆ scutulum ◆ a very flat shield volcano.
27154 ◆ SCW ◆ Supercritical Water Oxidation
27155 ◆ SDC ◆ Systems Decision Plan
27156 ◆ SDI, SLUDGE DENSITY INDEX ◆ 슬러지 밀도지표; 슬러지 반송율과 침강성 판단에 이용되는 지표
27157 ◆ SDVS ◆ 소구경 다경사 하수관거; Small-diameter variable-slop sewer
27158 ◆ SDWA ◆ Safe Drinking Water Act
27159 ◆ SDWIS ◆ Safe Drinking Water Information SystemsSBS; Slick Building Syndrome
27160 ◆ SEA ◆ 전략적 환경평가 strategic environmental assessment
27161 ◆ SEA ◆ State Enforcement Agreement
27162 ◆ SEA ◆ State/EPA Agreement
27163 ◆ SEA BREEZE ◆ 해풍
27164 ◆ sea levelrise ◆ 해수면 상승
27165 ◆ SEA(전략적 환경평가제도, Strategic Environmental Assessment) ◆ 사업(Project)에 대해서 뿐만 아니라, 정책(Policy), 장기계획(Plan), 중기계획(Programme)의 전과정에 걸친 환경영향평가를 말한다. SEA는 공간적으로도 지구, 국가, 지방, 나아가 지역사회에서의 경영향을 전반적으로 고려하게 되므로 자치시대의 지방자치단체의 필수적인 환경영향평가 방법이 되어야 한다.
27167 ◆ seal off ◆ to prevent a formation from producing by injecting a drilling fluid into it.
27168 ◆ SEA-LAND BREEZE ◆ 해륙풍 : 해안 지방에서 맑은 날 기압경도가 완만할 때 나타나는 일종의 국지풍
27169 ◆ sealed tube ◆ a hermetically sealed electron tube.
27170 ◆ SEAM ◆ Surface, Environment, and Mining
27171 ◆ seaquake ◆ an earth tremor with an epicenter beneath the ocean. Also, SUBMARINE EARTHQUAKE
27172 ◆ search gate ◆ a signal that scans back and forth over a given range looking for specific conditions.
27173 ◆ SEAS ◆ Stategic Environmental Assessment System
27174 ◆ seasonal balancing ◆ a seasonal variation of the percent volume of butane in gasoline released from the stabilizing tower to reduce the vapor pressure and volatility of gasoline for the summer season, so as to avoid vapor lock in motors.
27175 ◆ seasonal variation ◆ an alteration of a physical element of the upper atmosphere that occurs with a change of season and results in a variation in transmission of radio signals over large distances.
27176 ◆ seat ◆ the part of a pressure valve that makes contact with the moving part of the valve in order to close it.
27177 ◆ second boiling point ◆ a temperature at which some substances change from a liquid to a gas while cooling.
27178 ◆ second breakdown ◆ a condition in which a surge in current, brought on by structural imperfections, causes destruction of the transistor.
27179 ◆ second condition of equilibrium ◆ the requirement that for a system to be in equilibrium, the net torque acting on the system must be equal to zero.
27180 ◆ second detector ◆ in a superheterodyne receiver, the circuit that demodulates the IF signal.
27181 ◆ Second evaporator stage ◆ 2단 증발기; 슬러지 건조장치의 일부
27182 ◆ SECOND KIND ELECTRODE ◆ 2차형 전극 : 금속형 지시전극의 유형
27183 ◆ SECOND ORGANIC AEROSOL ◆ 2차적 생성유기물 에어로졸(대)
27184 ◆ second sound ◆ a temperature wave that propagates through the superfluid phase of superfluid helium in which the density and pressure remain unchanged
27185 ◆ secondary ◆ of or relating to the output characteristics of a transformer. Geology. ㆍ of a mineral deposit or enrichment, formed by descending solutions.of a mineral deposit or enrichment, formed by descending solutions. ㆍ of or relating to the Mesozoic era.of or relating to the Mesozoic era.
27186 ◆ secondary air ◆ the air in a combustion chamber that meets with primary air to consume the fuel.
27187 ◆ SECONDARY AIR POLLUTANT ◆ 2차대기오염물질
27188 ◆ secondary cell ◆ a cell that is obtained by the repeated in vitro passage of primary cells.
27189 ◆ secondary cell culture ◆ a cell culture that is obtained by the repeated in vitro passage of primary cells; most of these cultures die after a limited numer of cell divisions, but some survive and form a continuous cell line that can be made indefinitely in vitro.
27190 ◆ secondary cosmic rays ◆ the radiation created by a collision of primary cosmic rays with molecules or atoms in the earth's atmosphere.
27191 ◆ secondary creep ◆ the second stage in a creep process characterized by a nearly constant strain rate.
27192 ◆ secondary crusher ◆ a machine that further reduces the particle size of shale or rock after it has passed through the primary crusher.
27193 ◆ Secondary Drinking Water Regulations ◆ Non-enforceable regulations applying to public water systems and specifying the maximum contamination levels that, in the judgment of EPA, are required to protect the public welfare. These regulations apply to any contaminants that may adversely affect the odor or ap- pearance of such water and consequently may cause people served by the system to discontinue its use.
27194 ◆ Secondary Effect ◆ Action of a stressor on supporting components of the ecosystem, which in turn impact the ecological component of concern. (See: primary effect.)
27195 ◆ secondary electron ◆ ㆍ an electron produced by secondary emission.an electron produced by secondary emission. ㆍ the electron that has the least amount of energy following a collision between two electrons.the electron that has the least amount of energy following a collision between two electrons.
27196 ◆ secondary emission ◆ an action in which a beam of high-velocity electrons dislodges electrons still bound to atoms.
27197 ◆ secondary forces ◆ a term for various relatively weak forces that produce the interaction of molecules, such as dispersion force or induction force, as distinguished from stronger forces such as hydrogen bonding.
27198 ◆ secondary grid emission ◆ an action in which electrons are ejected from atoms on an electron tube's grid when struck by high-velocity electrons or other charged particles.
27199 ◆ secondary grinding ◆ the grinding of particulate matter after it has been reduced to approximately sand-grain size in rod or ball mills.
27200 ◆ Secondary Materials ◆ Materials that have been manufactured and used at least once and are to be used again.
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