환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 26801-26900
번호 용어 해설
26801 ◆ rotary compressor ◆ a machine having a rotating member that directly compresses fluid in an enclosed housing; the fluid pressure rises as the volume of the closed space decreases.
26802 ◆ rotary crane ◆ a machine having a boom mounted on a fixed or movable structure that moves in a complete circle to handle heavy material.
26803 ◆ rotary crusher ◆ a pulverizing machine, having an inverted cone that rotates at high speeds on a vertical shaft and presses the material against a surrounding shell; both the shell and the cone may be equipped with teeth, graduated in size from the top to the bottom of the assembly.
26804 ◆ rotary cutter ◆ a machine that slices fibrous material using one set of blades mounted on a rotating holder and another fixed on the casing enclosure.
26805 ◆ ROTARY DISK ◆ 회전원판 ; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린
26806 ◆ ROTARY DISTRIBUTOR ◆ 회전식 살수기; 살수여상의 일반적인 살수장치
26807 ◆ rotary drill ◆ a drilling machine having a rigid, rotating, tubular string of rods that is connected to a rock-cutting bit.
26808 ◆ rotary drilling ◆ the process of using a rotary drill in drilling for oil.
26809 ◆ Rotary drum thickener ◆ 회전드럼 농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법
26810 ◆ rotary dryer ◆ a cylindrically shaped furnace that tilts slightly horizontally and is rotated on bearings, using rising hot gases up to 800°F to extract moisture from material; used for cement production or calcining.
26811 ◆ rotary engine ◆ an engine having a thermodynamic cycle mechanism that is powered and designed to move on a circular path; it is used for steam engines and in some internal-combustion (automotive) engines.
26812 ◆ rotary feeder ◆ a machine having a revolving element or vane that emits a regulated flow of granular or pulverized material.
26813 ◆ rotary furnace ◆ a circular furnace through which the material to be heated moves along a revolving path.
26814 ◆ ROTARY KILN ◆ 회전로; 회전하는 원통형 소각로
26815 ◆ Rotary Kiln Incinerator ◆ An incinerator with a rotating combustion chamber that keeps waste moving, thereby allowing it to vaporize for easier burning.
26816 ◆ rotary pump ◆ a pump in which fluid is positively displaced at a constant rate by two gear- or screw-type elements that rotate in contact.
26817 ◆ rotary rig ◆ a derrick equipped with the equipment used in rotary drilling, including prime movers or engines, hoisting and rotating machinery, drill pipe, drill collars and bits, and mud pumps.
26818 ◆ ROTARY SCREENS ◆ 회전스크린; 폐기물처리시 스크리닝단위공정에 이용되는 장비
26819 ◆ rotary shear ◆ a machine that cuts sheet metal along a curved line, using a pair of rotating cutting wheels or disks that are mounted on parallel shafts and moved simultaneously.
26820 ◆ rotary swager ◆ a device that hammers the surface of a pipe or bar supported on a cylindrical axle to decrease its diameter or thickness.
26821 ◆ rotary valve ◆ a combined inlet and exhaust valve in an engine cylinder that rotates continuously or through an arc.
26822 ◆ rotary-disk contactor ◆ a mechanically agitated, mass-contacting device that consists of a vertical shell separated into compartments with agitation provided in each compartment by a centrally located, rotating horizontal disk.
26823 ◆ rotary-percussive drill ◆ a drilling machine in which the bit is turned by continuous striking with a heavy tool.
26824 ◆ rotate ◆ to carry on a process of rotation; move about an axis.
26825 ◆ ROTATING BIOLOGICAL CONTACTOR ◆ 회전생물막접촉공정; 수처리의 호기성 부착성장 처리공정
26826 ◆ rotating coordinate system ◆ a coordinate system that is rotating with respect to a fixed inertial frame of reference.
26827 ◆ rotating disk contactor ◆ an agitating contactor used for liquid-liquid extraction that consists of a vertical shell fitted with horizontal plates and a central opening.
26828 ◆ rotating-anode tube ◆ a tube in which a stream of high-velocity electrons bombard a revolving anode to produce large amounts of X-ray energy, without destroying the anode.
26829 ◆ rotation ◆ ㆍ the motion of a body about an internal axis of symmetry; this axis of rotation may be fixed or moving, and it may be actual or theoretical
26830 ◆ rotation coefficient ◆ a factor employed in computing the effects on range and deflection of a projectile due to the rotation of the earth; applicable only for firing at very long ranges.
26831 ◆ rotation spectrum ◆ the amount of radiation absorbed if only the rotation, not the vibration, of a molecule is energized by electromagnetic radiation.
26832 ◆ rotational ◆ relating to or involving a process of rotation; i.e., a process of motion about an internal axis of symmetry.
26833 ◆ rotational bomb ◆ a volcanic bomb having a spherical, tear, or spindle shape due to spiral motion or rotation during flight
26834 ◆ rotational constant ◆ the quantity, inversely proportional to the point of inertia in a linear molecule, that is used to calculate quantums in microwave spectroscopy.
26835 ◆ rotational energy ◆ the kinetic energy of a body as measured in a nonrotating frame of reference in which its center of mass is stationary
26836 ◆ rotational equilibrium ◆ the condition of a system in which there is either no rotation, or rotation at a constant angular velocity; e.g., a wheel is in rotational equilibrium if it is either at rest or is rotating about a fixed axis at a fixed speed.
26837 ◆ rotational impedance ◆ the ratio of the complex torque applied to a body to its complex angular velocity at a given frequency. Also, MECHANICAL ROTATIONAL IMPEDANCE.
26838 ◆ rotational level ◆ the energy level of a molecule with more than one atom (diatomic or polyatomic) that reflects both the value of the rotation of the nuclei and their angular momentum.
26839 ◆ rotational quantum number ◆ the quantity (quantum number J) that represents the angular momentum of a molecule's nuclei.
26840 ◆ rotational reactance ◆ the imaginary part of the rotational impedance, representing time lag in the system response. Also, MECHANICAL ROTATIONAL REACTANCE.
26841 ◆ rotational resistance ◆ the real part of the rotational impedance, representing dissipation of energy. Also, MECHANICAL ROTATIONAL RESISTANCE.
26842 ◆ rotational stability ◆ the property of the rotating part of a machine, by which the radial forces supplied by the bearings are sufficient to overcome the radial forces exerted by the axis, and to keep the resulting axis displacements below some acceptable threshold.
26843 ◆ rotational strain ◆ a state of strain in which the orientation of the axes of strain changes.
26844 ◆ rotational transition ◆ a transition between two molecular energy levels that differ only in the energy associated with molecular rotation.
26845 ◆ rotation-reflection axis ◆ an axis about which some crystals can be rotated a specific amount and then reflected across the plane perpendicular to the axis, so that there is no physical distinction between the initial crystal and the result of this symmetry operation. Also, rotoreflection axis.
26846 ◆ rotation-vibration spectrum ◆ the amount of radiation absorbed when both the rotation and the vibration of a molecule are energized by electromagnetic radiation.
26847 ◆ rotator ◆ something that rotates; any body that carries on a rotating motion.
26848 ◆ rotatory ◆ relating to or carying on a process of rotation.
26849 ◆ rotatory power ◆ a quantity that represents the specific rotation of an element times its atomic or molecular weight.
26850 ◆ rotor ◆ the rotating component of an electrical machine, turbine, compressor, blower, or contactor.
26851 ◆ rotor fermenter ◆ a highly productive continuous pressure dialysis fermenter in which the usual simple membrane is replaced by a rapidly rotating membrane cylinder; the result is unusually high filtration rates.
26852 ◆ rotorod ◆ a device used for sampling airborne microflora.
26853 ◆ Rough Fish ◆ Fish not prized for sport or eating, such as gar and suckers. Most are more tolerant of changing environmental conditions than are game or foood species.
26854 ◆ rough grinding ◆ a preliminary process of abrading the surface of a material without regard to finish, usually followed by another operation.
26855 ◆ rough machining ◆ the process of making heavy cuts on an object to achieve an approximate dimension, usually to remove excess metal material.
26856 ◆ rough turning ◆ a process of quickly removing excess material from a workpiece.
26857 ◆ Roughing filter activated-sludge process ◆ 초벌여상/활성슬러지 공정; 호기성 혼합처리공정
26858 ◆ Roughing filter process ◆ 초벌여상공정; 수처리의 호기성 부착성장 처리공정
26859 ◆ Roughing filters ◆ 초벌여상; 살수여상의 형태
26860 ◆ roughness-width cutoff ◆ the maximum width in inches of surface irregularities that can be included in measurement of the roughness height.
26861 ◆ Route of Exposure ◆ The avenue by which a chemical comes into contact with an organism, e.g., inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact, injection.
26862 ◆ Routh's rule of inertia ◆ the statement that the moment of inertia of a body about any axis of symmetry is equal to the product of its mass and the sum of the squares of its semiaxes normal to this axis, divided by: 3 if the body is rectangular (having 1, 2, or 3 dimensions); 4 if the body is elliptical (having 2 dimensions); and 5 if the body is ellipsoidal (having 3 dimensions).
26863 ◆ Roux flask ◆ a flat-sided rectangular, glass, or plastic vessel that opens at one end via a short wide tube; commonly placed on its side when used for the growth of tissue cultures. Also, Roux bottle.
26864 ◆ RP ◆ Radon Progency Integrated Sampling. Respirable Particulates. Responsible Party
26865 ◆ RPA(Renewable Portfolio Agreement) ◆ 신·재생에너지 공급 협약. 대형에너지공급사를 대상으로 중장기 신?재생에너지 개발 공급계획을 수립하여 정부와 협의 후, 자발적으로 협약 체결 시행
26866 ◆ RPAR ◆ Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration
26867 ◆ RPF(Refused Plastic Fuel) ◆ 폐플라스틱 고형연료제품. 가연성폐기물(지정폐기물 및 감염성폐기물을 제외한다)을 선별·파쇄·건조·성형을 거쳐 일정량 이하의 수분을 함유한 고체상태의 연료로 제조한 것으로서 중량기준으로 폐플라스틱의 함량이 60%이상 함유된 것을 말함
26868 ◆ RPG (Residential Power Generator) ◆ 가정용 연료전지 시스템
26869 ◆ RPM ◆ Reactive Plume Model. Remedial Project Manager
26870 ◆ r-process ◆ the process by which various elements and nuclides merge in supernovas.
26871 ◆ RQ ◆ Reportable Quantities
26872 ◆ RRC ◆ Regional Response Center
26873 ◆ RRT ◆ Regional Response Team; Requisite Remedial Technology
26874 ◆ RS ◆ Registration Standard
26875 ◆ RSCC ◆ Regional Sample Control Center
26876 ◆ RSD ◆ Risk-Specific Dose
26877 ◆ RSE ◆ Removal Site Evaluation
26878 ◆ RTCM ◆ Reasonable Transportation Control Measure
26879 ◆ RTDF ◆ Remediation Technologies Development Forum
26880 ◆ RTDM ◆ Rough Terrian Diffusion Model
26881 ◆ RTECS ◆ Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
26882 ◆ RTM ◆ Regional Transport Model
26883 ◆ RTP ◆ Research Triangle Park
26884 ◆ RUBBISH ◆ 폐기물; 부벼져 떨어지는 쓰레기, Solid waste, refuse 와 같은 의미
26885 ◆ Rubbish ◆ Solid waste, excluding food waste and ashes, from homes, institutions, and workplaces.
26886 ◆ rubidium ◆ an alkali metal element having the symbol Rb, the atomic number 37, an atomic weight of 85.47, a melting point of 38°C, and a boiling point of 690°C; a silvery-white, very reactive metal that is obtained from lepidolite, leucite, and mineral waters; used in photocells and as a catalyst. (From the Latin word for the color red; because of the red lines in its spectrum.)
26887 ◆ rudder angle ◆ the acute angle formed by the rudder with reference to the fore-and-aft axis of a plane or ship.
26888 ◆ Rudzki anomaly ◆ a gravity anomaly derived by positing a mirror image of the natural topography within the geoid.
26889 ◆ ruggedized ◆ describing electronic components that are intended to resist destructive elements, such as severe shock, extreme temperature fluctuations, or prolonged vibrations. Computer Technology. specifically, describing a computer, built to be operated in a hazardous environment, such as on board an aircraft, in space, or in a missile. Thus, ruggedization.
26890 ◆ rumble ◆ ㆍ in an internal-combustion engine or liquid-propellant rocket engine, a form of combustion instability characterized by a low-pitched, low-frequency rumbling noise.in an internal-combustion engine or liquid-propellant rocket engine, a form of combustion instability characterized by a low-pitched, low-frequency rumbling noise. ㆍ the noise produced by this uneven combustion.the noise produced by this uneven combustion.
26891 ◆ Run off masscurve ◆ 하천의 유출량 누가곡선; 저수지의 용량결정을 위해 이론적으로 시간별 유출량을 그린 곡선
26892 ◆ RUN TIME ◆ 운전시간
26893 ◆ runaway effect ◆ a condition brought on by a rise in temperature that increases a transistor's current and eventually causes the device to malfunction.
26894 ◆ runaway electron ◆ an electron, in an ionized gas with an electric field, that absorbs energy from the field faster than it loses energy interacting with other particles in the gas.
26895 ◆ runback ◆ in a refinery, piping that returns the overheads to the still instead of allowing it to be drawn off as product.
26896 ◆ rundown line ◆ a pipe connecting the distillation column to the rundown tank in a petroleum refinery
26897 ◆ rundown tank ◆ a tank that receives distillation products in a petroleum refinery.
26898 ◆ Runge vector ◆ a vector describing certain unaltering features of a nonrelativistic two-body interaction obeying an inverse-square law, either in classical or quantumMechanics; the constancy reflects the symmetry inherent in the inverse-square interaction.
26899 ◆ running gear ◆ the equipment that supports a truck and its load, creating a rolling-friction contact as the truck moves along a surface.
26900 ◆ Running Losses ◆ Evaporation of motor vehicle fuel from the fuel tank while the vehicle is in use.
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