환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27201-27300
번호 용어 해설
27201 ◆ secondary optic axis ◆ either of two optic axes in a crystal along which all light rays travel with equal velocity.
27202 ◆ secondary photocurrent ◆ a photocurrent arising from ohmic contacts that is able to replenish charge carriers passing out of the opposite contact and whose maximum gain greatly exceeds unity.
27203 ◆ secondary radar ◆ a radar system in which the target's reflection is beamed at a transponder that transmits its own signal back to the radar receiver.
27204 ◆ secondary recovery ◆ the use of methods beyond normal flowing or pumping to recover additional oil from a depleted or nearly depleted reservoir. Also, secondary oil recovery.
27205 ◆ SECONDARY STANDARD ◆ 2차 기준 : 연방대기기준을 공공복지 보호를 기준으로 제정한 것
27206 ◆ Secondary Standards ◆ National ambient air quality standards designed to protect welfare, including effects on soils, water, crops, vegetation, man-made (anthropogenic) materials, animals, wildlife, weather, visibili- ty, and climate; damage to property; transportation hazards; economic values, and personal comfort and well-being.
27207 ◆ secondary stress ◆ a self-limiting stress that is caused by the constraints of a structure; it causes minor deformations that play no role in the failure of the structure.
27208 ◆ Secondary Treatment ◆ The second step in most publicly owned waste treatment systems in which bacteria consume the organic parts of the waste. It is accomplished by bringing together waste, bacteria, and oxygen in trickling filters or in the activated sludge process. This treatment removes floating and settleable solids and about 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding substances and suspended solids. Disinfection is the final stage of secondary treatment. (See: primary, tertiary treatment.)
27209 ◆ secondary-electron conduction ◆ the movement of secondary electrons through holes in a porous material, guided by an externally applied electric field.
27210 ◆ second-derivative map ◆ a contour map of the second vertical derivative of a potential field.
27211 ◆ second-generation anaerobic digester ◆ an advanced anaerobic bacterial fermentation device with high rates of gas production during biological decomposition of organic material.
27212 ◆ second-order reaction ◆ a chemical reaction in which the rate of change of the reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the two reactants involved, or to the square of the concentration if only one reactant is involved.
27213 ◆ section modulus ◆ the moment of inertia of a cross section under flexural stress, divided by the greatest distance of an element on the section from the neutral axis of the section.
27214 ◆ sectional conveyor ◆ a conveyor belt system that can be shortened or lengthened by means of interchangeable sections.
27215 ◆ sectional radiography ◆ the process of using X-rays or gamma rays to produce a detailed picture from a portion of an object. Also, PLANIGRAPHY.
27216 ◆ sector display ◆ a radar display that shows only a portion of the area under surveillance.
27217 ◆ sector gear ◆ a gear having teeth only on a portion of its circumference.
27218 ◆ sector scan ◆ the rotation of a radar antenna through a limited angle, as distinguished from a complete rotation.
27220 ◆ sector-wide objectives ◆ 폐기물 일반목표
27221 ◆ secular variation ◆ ㆍ any changes in the earth's magnetic field occurring over hundreds of years and caused by internal changes in the earth.any changes in the earth's magnetic field occurring over hundreds of years and caused by internal changes in the earth. ㆍ a variation of any field or parameter that occurs over hundreds of years. Also, GEOMAGNETIC SECULAR VARIATION.a variation of any field or parameter that occurs over hundreds of years. Also, GEOMAGNETIC SECULAR VARIATION.
27222 ◆ Secure Chemical Landfill ◆ (See: landfills.)
27223 ◆ SECURE LANDFILL ◆ 안전매립지; 유해성폐기물의 처분을 위한 매립지
27224 ◆ Secure Maximum Contaminant Level ◆ Maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water delivered to the free flowing outlet of the ultimate user, or of contamination resulting from corrosion of piping and plumbing caused by water quality.
27225 ◆ sediment ◆ solid particulate material that is deposited from suspension in a liquid. Geology. fragments of organic or inorganic material that are transported by, suspended in, or deposited by wind, water, or ice, and that then are accumulated in unconsolidated layers on the surface of the earth. (Going back to a Latin word meaning to sit or to settle.)
27226 ◆ Sediment oxygen demand ◆ 침적물 산소요구량; SOD, 침적물에 의해 요구되는 산소량
27227 ◆ SEDIMENT TRAP ◆ 침사지; 우수받이의 저부에 설치하는 것으로 토사등이 관거로 유출하는 것을 방지하는 것을 말함
27228 ◆ Sediment Yield ◆ The quantity of sediment arriving at a specific location.
27229 ◆ sedimentary ◆ relating to or characteristic of sediment. Geology. formed by the deposition of sediment
27230 ◆ sedimentary volcanism ◆ ㆍ the processes whereby, under pressure, a mixture of sediment, water, and gas is expelled, extruded, or breaks through overlying formations.the processes whereby, under pressure, a mixture of sediment, water, and gas is expelled, extruded, or breaks through overlying formations. ㆍ the processes where- by a sand or mud volcano is formed.the processes where- by a sand or mud volcano is formed
27231 ◆ SEDIMENTATION ◆ 침전; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작
27232 ◆ Sedimentation ◆ Letting solids settle out of wastewater by gravity during treatment.
27233 ◆ sedimentation analysis ◆ the examination of the rate at which solid particles in a suspension settle out, either by gravity or, more often, through the use of a strong applied force, as with a centrifuge; this permits the determination of both the average molecular weight of the solution and the molecular weight of its individual components.
27234 ◆ sedimentation balance ◆ an instrument designed to measure the weight of solid particles that settle out of a liquid and the rate at which settling occurs; used to determine molecular particle sizes.
27235 ◆ SEDIMENTATION BASIN ◆ 침전지, 침전조
27236 ◆ sedimentation coefficient ◆ a factor that is characteristic of a given solute and solvent; used in sedimentation analysis, it represents the velocity of the boundary between the settled molecules below and the pure solvent above, divided by the square of the angular velocity of the system times the distance from the center of rotation.
27237 ◆ sedimentation equilibrium ◆ a steady-state condition that occurs during centrifugation, indicated by no movement of the liquid-sediment boundary of the sample; used to determine molecular weight.
27238 ◆ sedimentation rate ◆ the time within which a sediment is placed or deposited in a given volume of solution, particularly after being centrifuged.
27240 ◆ Sedimentation Tanks ◆ Wastewater tanks in which floating wastes are skimmed off and settled solids are removed for disposal.
27241 ◆ sedimentation velocity ◆ the rate at which solid particles suspended in a liquid settle out; used for molecular weight determinations.
27242 ◆ SEDIMENTATION WITHIN FILTER ◆ 침전; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 입자들은 여과지내에서 여재위에 침전하게 됨
27243 ◆ Sediments ◆ Soil, sand, and minerals washed from land into water, usually after rain. They pile up in reser- voirs, rivers and harbors, destroying fish and wildlife habitat, and clouding the water so that sunlight can- not reach aquatic plants. Careless farming, mining, and building activities will expose sediment materials, allowing them to wash off the land after rainfall.
27244 ◆ SEDM ◆ Stata/EPA Data Management
27245 ◆ SEDS ◆ State Energy Data System
27246 ◆ Seebeck coefficient ◆ in a circuit exhibiting the Seebeck effect, the ratio of the open-circuit voltage to the temperature difference between the hot and cold junctions.
27247 ◆ Seebeck effect ◆ the generation of an electromotive force by the temperature differences between junctions in a circuit containing two different metals, alloys, or bodies; the phenomenon upon which thermocouples are based.
27248 ◆ SEE-BREEZE INVERSION ◆ 해풍역전 : 해풍은 비교적 찬공기로서 육지의 따뜻한 공기와의 사이에서 형성
27249 ◆ seed ◆ a small amount of material that serves as a nucleus for initiating a desired reaction. Crystallography. a small crystal used to start the growth process of a large crystal.
27250 ◆ seed charge ◆ a material that initiates precipitation when added to a supersaturated solution.
27251 ◆ SEED CULTURE ◆ 세균 배양
27252 ◆ Seed Protectant ◆ A chemical applied before planting to protect seeds and seedlings from disease or insects.
27253 ◆ SEEDING ◆ 식종, 파종
27254 ◆ seep ◆ an oil spring that yields a few drops to a few barrels daily; normally located at a low elevation where there is an accumulation of water.
27255 ◆ Seepage ◆ Percolation of water through the soil from unlined canals, ditches, laterals, watercourses, or water storage facilities.
27256 ◆ Seepage bed ◆ 처분지; =disposal bed
27258 ◆ Seepage pit ◆ 처분지; = disposal pit
27259 ◆ Segas process ◆ a petroleum-refinery oil gasification process that produces gases having caloric values similar to that of coal gas.
27260 ◆ SEGIP ◆ State Environmental Goals and Improvement Project
27261 ◆ segment saw ◆ a saw consisting of a flange with steel segments attached around its edge; used to cut veneer.
27262 ◆ Segre chart ◆ a graph that displays all radioactive nuclides and their characteristics in ascending order, starting with those having the lowest atomic number.
27263 ◆ SEIA ◆ Socioeconomic Impact Analysis
27264 ◆ seismic ◆ relating to a naturally or artificially induced earthquake or earth vibration.
27265 ◆ seismic anisotropy ◆ the relation between direction of propagation and seismic velocity, if not constant.
27266 ◆ seismic belt ◆ an elongated zone of earthquake activity on the earth.
27267 ◆ seismic discontinuity ◆ ㆍ a seismic boundary in which seismic waves abruptly change velocity.a seismic boundary in which seismic waves abruptly change velocity. ㆍ a boundary between seismic layers. Also, INTERFACE, VELOCITY DISCONTINUITY.a boundary between seismic layers. Also, INTERFACE, VELOCITY DISCONTINUITY.
27268 ◆ seismic efficiency ◆ the percentage of seismic energy released by an earthquake as compared to the total seismic strain.
27269 ◆ seismic event ◆ ㆍ an earthquake.an earthquake. ㆍ a return generated by an explosion in seismic surveying.a return generated by an explosion in seismic surveying.
27270 ◆ seismic gap ◆ an area of a fault zone in which earthquake activity has not occurred at the expected rate or intensity.
27271 ◆ seismic gradient ◆ a change in velocity of a seismic wave over distance in a specified direction
27272 ◆ seismic hazard ◆ the possibility of a large earthquake occurring in a specified area in some near future, usually quantified as up to twenty years.
27273 ◆ seismic intensity ◆ the average rate at which seismic-wave energy flows through a unit cross section at right angles to the direction of wave propagation.
27274 ◆ seismic map ◆ a map presenting the space and time distribution of seismicity in a given area.
27275 ◆ seismic profile ◆ an array of geophones, usually arranged along a line, used to make seismic surveys.
27276 ◆ seismic risk ◆ ㆍ a predicted range of earthquake effects, such as ground shaking, landslides, and casualties.a predicted range of earthquake effects, such as ground shaking, landslides, and casualties. ㆍ the probability of the extent of social or economic consequences of earthquakes within a given region over a specified duration.the probability of the extent of social or economic consequences of earthquakes within a given region over a specified duration.
27277 ◆ seismic trajectory ◆ the path along which seismic waves travel.
27278 ◆ seismic velocity ◆ the rate, measured in kilometers per second, at which seismic waves propagate
27279 ◆ seismic vertical ◆ ㆍ the point on the earth's surface that lies directly above the underground point where an earthquake impulse originates.the point on the earth's surface that lies directly above the underground point where an earthquake impulse originates. ㆍ the vertical line connecting this surface point to the point of origin.the vertical line connecting this surface point to the point of origin.
27280 ◆ seismic wave ◆ the spreading of a deformation started by the energy released when rocks within the earth fracture or slip abruptly along fault planes during an earthquake
27281 ◆ seismicity ◆ the frequency, intensity, and distribution of earthquake activity in a given area. Also, seismic activity.
27282 ◆ seismic-piezoelectric effect ◆ a variation in resistivity caused by elastic deformation of rock. Also, seismic-electric effect.
27283 ◆ seismism ◆ any natural phenomenon associated with an earthquake.
27284 ◆ seismology ◆ the study of earthquakes, including their origin, propagation, energy manifestations, and possible methods of prediction.
27285 ◆ selective absorption ◆ the absorption of frequencies of a certain range while others are excluded.
27286 ◆ selective acidizing ◆ the injection of acid into specific zones of an oil reservoir.
27287 ◆ selective adsorbent ◆ aChemical compound that is used to adsorb a selected compound from a mixture.
27288 ◆ SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION ◆ 선택적 촉매환원법; SCR, 배연가스 처리기술
27289 ◆ selective cracking ◆ a petroleum-refinery process that re-cracks gas oil from the fractionation column separately instead of mixing it with fresh feed in order to improve gas yield.
27290 ◆ selective fracturing ◆ a means of creating multiple fractures in specific reservoir zones by plugging casing perforations or isolating the zones.
27291 ◆ selective identification feature ◆ a device that receives and transmits a limited range of identification signals from an aircraft, such as friend-or-foe or ground-to-air communications.
27292 ◆ SELECTIVE NONCATALYTIC REDUCTION ◆ 선택적 무촉매환원법 SNR, 배연가스처리기술
27293 ◆ Selective Pesticide ◆ A chemical designed to affect only certain types of pests, leaving other plants and ani- mals unharmed.
27295 ◆ SELECTIVITY FACTOR ◆ 선택인자 : 크로마토그래피의 컬럼에서 두가지 분석 성분을 어떻게 잘 분리하는지를 나타내는 척도
27296 ◆ Selector ◆ 선택조; 활성슬러지법에서 사상균의 성장을 방지하고 조절하기 위해 독립된 반응조를 이용되는 것
27297 ◆ selenate ◆ a salt or ester of selenic acid.
27298 ◆ selenium ◆ a nonmetallic element having the symbol Se, the atomic number 34, and the atomic weight 78.96; an essential mineral resembling sulfur, being a constituent of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase and believed to be closely associated with vitamin E and its functions. (From the Greek name for the moon; it was associated with tellurium, which is named for the earth.)
27299 ◆ Self Heating (자기 발열) ◆ 전력 소비의 결과로서의, 트랜스듀서의 내부 발열.
27300 ◆ SELF INDUCED TYPE ◆ 유수식; 세정집진장치종류
컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :
[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.
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