환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 26101-26200
번호 용어 해설
26101 ◆ RDF : Refuse-derived fuel ◆ 폐기물가공연료; 고형폐기물을 고체연료로 이용하기 위해 가공한 연료.
26102 ◆ RDF-FIRED COMBUSTORS ◆ RDF 연소설비 : 폐기물 열적처리에 이용되는 연소설비
26103 ◆ RDF-FIRED SYSTEM ◆ RDF 소각 설비 : 폐기물 열적처리에 이용되는 소각설비
26104 ◆ RDNA ◆ Recombinant DNA
26105 ◆ RDS ◆ Records of Decision System
26106 ◆ RDU ◆ Regional Decision units
26107 ◆ RDV ◆ Reference Dose Values
26108 ◆ RDX (C3H6N6O6) ◆ RDX는 폭팔물이다. 사람들은 RDX에 거의 노출되지않는다. 다량에 노출되면 발작을 일으킨다. RDX는 미국의 환경보호국(EPA)에서 자성한 1,430개의 국제적 중요도 리스트 사이트의 최소한 16번째에 있다. RDX란 무엇인가? RDX는 Royal Demolition eXplosive를 대표한다. 또한 cyclonite또는 he/xogenfh알려져 있다. RDX란 화학명은 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine이다. 이것은 흰색의 분말이고 매우 폭발적이다. RDX는 폭발물로 사용되며 폭발물의 다른 원료와 혼합되어 쓰기도한다. 알려진 냄새와 맛은 없다. 이것은 자연환경에서는 생성되지 않은 합성품이다. 다른 물질과 연소될 때 연기를 만들어낸다. http://www.octdr.cdc.gov/tfacts78.html
26109 ◆ RE ◆ Resonable Efforts; Reportable Event
26110 ◆ reach rod ◆ a rod having a double eye at each end, used to transmit motion from a reversing rod to a lifting shaft.
26111 ◆ REACH(Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) ◆ EU의 새로운 화학물질 관리체계, 1년에 1톤이상 제조 수입되는 화학물질에 대하여 유통량, 유해성 등에 따라 등록·평가·승인을 받도록 의무화
26112 ◆ reactance ◆ the opposition to the flow of AC current by pure inductance or capacitance of the circuit; expressed in ohms.
26113 ◆ reactance frequency multiplier ◆ a frequency multiplier that generates harmonics of a sinusoidal source by utilizing a nonlinear reactor.
26114 ◆ reactance tube ◆ a device, such as a transistor or vacuum tube, in which reactance is produced by placing the collector current or anode current in phase with the base current or grid current.
26115 ◆ reactance-tube modulator ◆ a circuit that uses a reactance tube controlled by the modulating signal to modulate the frequency of the carrier.
26116 ◆ reactant ◆ any substance or molecule that participates in a chemical reaction.
26117 ◆ REACTION KINETICS AND REACTOR SELECTION ◆ 반응속도론과 반응조 결정; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자
26118 ◆ reaction line ◆ the boundary along which the crystalline phase of a substance reacts with the liquid phase as the substance cools, to form a second crystalline phase, seen in substances formed from three elements. Also, REACTION BOUNDARY, REACTION CURVE.
26119 ◆ reaction turbine ◆ a turbine having nozzles or jets mounted on a moving wheel so that torque is created from the gradual decrease of steam pressure from inlet to exhaust; characterized by an acceptably high stage efficiency over a broad range of the ratio of blade speed to jet speed.
26120 ◆ reaction wheel ◆ a device that can store angular momentum; used in spacecraft to supply the rotational force needed to maintain a desired orientation.
26121 ◆ reaction zone ◆ the zone of heating in a kiln in which the charge is burned, decomposed, reduced, and oxidized.
26122 ◆ reactive bond ◆ a chemical bond between two atoms that is easily broken and invaded by other atoms.
26123 ◆ reactive intermediate ◆ an unstable product that is formed during a middle step in a composite reaction
26124 ◆ reactive ion etching ◆ a technique in which an electric field causes energized ions to strike the surface of a semiconductor substrate at a perpendicular angle; used in integrated circuit fabrication.
26125 ◆ reactivity ◆ ㆍ the capacity to combine chemically with another atom, molecule, or radical.the capacity to combine chemically with another atom, molecule, or radical. ㆍ a kinetic property of a chemical species, expressed in terms of the size of the rate constant for a specified reaction, relative to another species.a kinetic property of a chemical species, expressed in terms of the size of the rate constant for a specified reaction, relative to another species. Nucleonics. a measure of the departure of the state of a nuclear reactor from the critical state where the reactor is just self-sustaining, expressed as a percentage of the multiplication constant k, in units of dollars, cents, or hours; positive values of the reactivity correspond to supercritical states, and negative values to subcritical states.
26126 ◆ reactor ◆ a shorter term for a nuclear reactor.
26127 ◆ REACTOR SYSTEM ◆ 반응기공법; 퇴비화공정중 닫힌 반응기 형태로 대분류되는 공정으로 in-vessel 또는 enclosed system이라고 함
26128 ◆ Read diode ◆ a diode that converts energy with an extremely high frequency and power exceeding hundreds of thousands of volts.
26129 ◆ Reaeration ◆ Introdution of air into the lower layers of a reservior. As the air bubbles from and rise through the water, the oxygen dissolves into the water and replenishes the dissolved oxygen. The rising bubbles also cause the lower waters to rise to the surface where they take on oxygen from the atmosphere.
26130 ◆ reagent ◆ specifically, a substance that is used in a reaction for the purpose of testing, analyzing, or detecting other substances; types of reagents include precipitants, solvents, oxidizers, and reducers.
26131 ◆ reagent chemical ◆ a high-purity (grade) laboratory chemical used in analytical techniques and reactions where impurities must be absent or at known concentrations.
26132 ◆ reagent solution ◆ an aqueous solution, usually 10% concentration, of any reagent that is used in the laboratory.
26133 ◆ REAGENT-GRADE CHEMICALS ◆ 시약급의 시약 : 미국화학회의 화학시약회에 의해 정해진 최소한의 불순물 표준에 따르고 분석작업에는 어디에서나 이용할 수 있는 화학약품
26134 ◆ real force ◆ a force that can be traced to the effect of an actual physical origin, as distinguished from a fictitious force that is postulated to account for some observed effect involving rotation of a reference frame.
26135 ◆ real source ◆ a body that produces sound waves in a medium composed of a different material.
26136 ◆ real-space averaging ◆ a computational method for improvement of phases found for Bragg reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern of a crystal, applied whenever there are two or more identical chemical units in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. In an initial electron density map, the electron densities of the identical units are averaged. A new set of phases is then found by Fourier inversion of this averaged structure, and with these a new map is synthesized with the observed |F| values.
26137 ◆ real-time analyzer ◆ an electronic device that measures frequency as a function of sound pressure level or time, by dividing the selected frequency range by a device-specific number of equal frequency filters and making the measurements over each of the ranges simultaneously.
26138 ◆ Real-Time Monitoring ◆ Monitering and measuring environmental developments with technology and communications systems that provide time-relevant information to thepublic in esily understood format people can use in day-to-day decision-making about their health and the environment.
26139 ◆ REAP ◆ Regional Enforcement Activities Plan
26140 ◆ rear projection ◆ ㆍ a television system in which the picture is projected onto a glass screen so that it can be seen from the opposite side of the screen; rear projection is the standard television technology for all but certain large-screen sets.a television system in which the picture is projected onto a glass screen so that it can be seen from the opposite side of the screen; rear projection is the standard television technology for all but certain large-screen sets. ㆍ rear-projection. relating to or using such a system.rear-projection. relating to or using such a system. 3. a technique used in motion-picture filming in a studio, in which the actors stand in front of a screen on which some kind of background action or scenery appears, to give the illusion of filming on location.a technique used in motion-picture filming in a studio, in which the actors stand in front of a screen on which some kind of background action or scenery appears, to give the illusion of filming on location.
26141 ◆ rear suspension ◆ an arrangement of parts (e.g., hangers, springs, and shock absorbers) connecting the rear axle of an automobile to the chassis frame.
26142 ◆ REAR-LOADING TRUCKS ◆ 후부적재트럭; 폐기물수거장비
26143 ◆ rearrangement reaction ◆ a chemical reaction in which the atoms of a single compound recombine to form a new compound with the same molecular weight as the original compound but different chemical properties.
26144 ◆ Reasonable Further Progress ◆ Annual incremental reductions in air pollutant emission as reflected in a State Implementation Plan that EPA deems sufficient to provide for the attainment of the applicable national ambient air quality standards by the statuory deadline.
26145 ◆ reboiler ◆ a process heating device that receives liquid from the bottom stage of a fractioning tower, vaporizes it with steam or other hot process fluid, and returns it to the column.
26146 ◆ RECALCITRANCE ◆ 유기물성분 : 자체의 생물학적 분해 저해 능력
26147 ◆ RECARBONATION ◆ 재탄산화
26148 ◆ Recarbonization ◆ Process in which carbon dioxide is bubbled into water being treated to lower the pH.
26149 ◆ receiver ◆ any of various devices that convert electrical energy into images or sounds; for example, a television set or a radio.
26150 ◆ receiver bandwidth ◆ the difference of frequencies of the half-power points on a receiver's response curve.
26151 ◆ receiver gating ◆ the practice of applying a voltage to a receiver at the point in the operating cycle at which reception is required.
26152 ◆ receiver incremental tuning ◆ the feature that permits the receiver of a transceiver to be tuned within three kilohertz of the transmitter frequency.
26153 ◆ receiver noise threshold ◆ the level an unwanted signal must reach before it will be picked up by a receiver.
26154 ◆ receiving house ◆ a building in a petroleum refinery in which process streams are physically observed.
26155 ◆ receiving station ◆ the section of a conveyor system that is designed for the storage and loading of bulk material.
26156 ◆ receiving tube ◆ a vacuum tube that operates at low energy levels; commonly used in radio receivers, computers, and sensitive control equipment.
26157 ◆ RECEIVING WATER ◆ 수역
26158 ◆ Receiving Waters ◆ A river, lake,ocean,stream or other watercourse into which wastewater or treated ef-fluent is discharged.
26159 ◆ Recepter ◆ Ecological entity exposed to a stressor.
26160 ◆ Receptor (수용체) ◆ 오염물질에 노출되는 개체, 개체군, 집단, 서식지.
26162 ◆ Recessed plate filter presses ◆ 여판여과; 슬러지 탈수방법
26163 ◆ recessed tube wall ◆ a wall of a boiler furnace having niches that allow for the support of waterwall tubes so they will be partly in contact with radiant combustion gases.
26164 ◆ Recharge ◆ The process by which water is added to a zone of saturation, usually by percolation from the soil surface ; e.g., the recharge of an aquifer.
26165 ◆ Recharge ◆ The process by which water is added to a zone of saturation, usually by percolation from the soil surface; e.g., the recharge of an aquifer.
26166 ◆ reciprocal lattice ◆ the lattice with axes a*, b*, c*, related to the crystal lattice or direct lattice (with axes a, b, c) in such way that a* is perpendicular to b and c; b* is perpendicular to a and c; and c* is perpendicular to a and b. a*, b*, and c* are related to a, b, and c, as, for example, by a* = (b × c)/(a b × c). Rows of points (zone axes) in the direct lattice are normal to nets (planes) of the reciprocal lattice, and vice versa. The repeat distance between points in a particular row of the reciprocal lattice is inversely proportional to the interplanar spacing between the nets of the crystal lattice that are normal to this row of points. The same relation holds between the spacing in rows of the crystal lattice and the spacings of planes of the reciprocal lattice.
26167 ◆ RECIPROCAL STEAM ENGINE ◆ 왕복형 증기엔진
26168 ◆ reciprocal strain ellipsoid ◆ a mathematical representation for the state of strain at a point; it is an ellipsoid of a certain shape and orientation which, under homogeneous strain, is transformed into a set of orthogonal diameters of a sphere
26169 ◆ reciprocal transducer ◆ an electrical transducer in which the ratio of the short circuit current at one pair of terminals to the voltage at the other pair is the same in either direction.
26170 ◆ reciprocal velocity region ◆ an area in which the probability that a neutron will be captured by a given element is inversely proportional to the neutron's velocity.
26171 ◆ reciprocating beam conveyor ◆ a system consisting of parallel beams that move back and forth, with tilting pushers that move objects along a conveyor.
26172 ◆ reciprocating compressor ◆ a machine that compresses gases, composed of one or several cylinders; each cylinder contains a piston that is moved by a crankshaft through a connecting rod.
26173 ◆ reciprocating flight conveyor ◆ a system consisting of beams that move back and forth, with hinged flights that move materials along a conveyor trough.
26174 ◆ RECIPROCATING GRATE ◆ 복동식 화격자
26175 ◆ Reciprocating pump ◆ 왕복 펌프; 피스톤 또는 플런저에 의해 왕복운동을 할 때마다 일정량의 액체를 흡입 밀어 올리는 정량펌프
26176 ◆ Reciprocating rake bar racks ◆ 왕복식 바렉; 기계청소식 바렉의 일종
26177 ◆ reciprocating screen ◆ a horizontal sieve used in solids classification that is shaken back and forth by an eccentric gear.
26178 ◆ reciprocating-plate extractor ◆ a mechanically agitated liquid-liquid extraction tower in which both liquids are sparged in separately onto plates that are moved by a motor. Also, reciprocating-plate column.
26179 ◆ reciprocating-plate feeder ◆ a tray that shakes back and forth to feed process units with granular or pulverized material.
26180 ◆ reciprocation ◆ a process by which a reciprocal impedance (or network) is derived from a given impedance (or network).
26181 ◆ RECIPROCATION SCREEN ◆ 진동스크린; vibrating screen 와 같은 장지로서 폐기물처리공정중 크기선별에 이용되는 장비
26182 ◆ RECIPROCITY ◆ GATT기본원칙의 하나로서 GATT체약국이 무역자유화조치를 취할 경우 상호대등한 입장에서 동 조치를 상호교환한다는 주의로 호혜주의라고도 함
26183 ◆ reciprocity calibration ◆ the calibration of a transducer, based on reference values established by the National Bureau of Standards, for use in reciprocity calibrations of other comparable transducers
26184 ◆ reciprocity theorem ◆ a theory stating that a transducer can be calibrated and then used for reciprocity calibrations of other comparable transducers, with the transducers being used in the calibration as a receiver for one portion of the calibration and a source for another portion of the calibration. : a theorem stating that the exchange of electromotive forces at any given point in a network and the current produced at any other point generates the same current from the same electromagnetic force. : a theorem stating that for a pair of loop antennas, the ratio of the current in the first antenna to the voltage in the second antenna (when the first is used as the transmitter) is equal to the ratio of the current in the second to the voltage in the first (when the second is used as the transmitter).
26185 ◆ reciprocity theorem report ◆ a report-form listing of standard reference values established by the National Bureau of Standards for a transducer, such as a microphone, so that the transducer can be calibrated and then used for reciprocity calibrations of other comparable transducers.
26186 ◆ Recirculating granular medium filter ◆ 재순환식 여과지; 단속식여과지와 유사하지만 순환체계를 가짐
26187 ◆ recirculating-ball steering ◆ a mechanism in which steering movements are transmitted by steel balls placed between a worm gear and a nut.
26188 ◆ RECLAIM ◆ Regional Clean Air Initiatives Marker
26189 ◆ RECLAIMED WASTEWATER ◆ 재생폐수; 폐수의 각종 재생과정을 거쳐 용수로서 선용할 수 있게된 폐수
26190 ◆ Reclamation ◆ (In recycling) Restoration of materials found in the waste stream to a beneficial use which may be for purposes other than the original use.
26191 ◆ RECLAMATION ◆ 재활용, 매립
26192 ◆ recognition differential ◆ the detection threshold; the minimum detectable signal-to-noise ratio, giving a measure of a sonar system's effectiveness.
26193 ◆ recoil ◆ ㆍ the backward force exerted against its support by a gun upon firing, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that is applied to the projectile. Also, GUN REACTION.the backward force exerted against its support by a gun upon firing, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that is applied to the projectile. Also, GUN REACTION. ㆍ of a gun, to move backward in such a manner.of a gun, to move backward in such a manner.
26194 ◆ Recombinant Bacteria ◆ A microorganism whose genetic makeup has been altered by deliberate introduction of new genetic elements. The offspring of these altered bacteria also contain these new genetic elements; i.e. they breed true.
26195 ◆ Recombinant DNA ◆ The new DNA that is formed by combining pieces of DNA from different organisms or cells. Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (RMCL): The maximum level of a contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on human health would occur, and that includes an adequate margin of safety. Recommended levels are nonenforceable health goals. (See: maximum contami- nant level.)
26196 ◆ recombination coefficient ◆ the rate at which positive ions recombine with negative ions, divided by the product of the number of positive ions and the number of negative ions per unit volume.
26197 ◆ reconditioned carrier reception ◆ a method by which distortions, such as amplitude variations, are removed from a radio signal to provide more clarity.
26198 ◆ Reconstruction of Dose ◆ Estimating exposure after it has occurred by using evidence within an organism such as chemical levels in tissue or fluids. Record of Decision (ROD): A public document that explains which cleanup alternative(s) will be used at National Priorities List sites where, under CERCLA, Trust Funds pay for the cleanup.
26199 ◆ recording balance ◆ a special balance equipped with an electromagnetic- or servomotor-driven apparatus to record weight.
26200 ◆ recording head ◆ a device that converts sound in the form of electrical energy into magnetic energy, for storage on a tape or disk.
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