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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 26301-26400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 26301-26400

번호                  용어                  해설

26301             reflecting electrode                  an element that reverses the direction of the electron stream in a microwave oscillator tube.

26302             reflecting goniometer               a device for measuring the angle between crystal faces by measuring the angle through which a crystal has to be rotated from a position at which one face reflects a narrow beam of light into a stationary detector to a position at which a second face reflects.

26303             REFLECTION                반사 : 음파가 1개의 매질중을 진행하여 타매질과의 경계면에 달할때 진행 방향이 바뀌어 원래의 매질중으로 진행하는 현상

26304             REFLECTION GRATING              반사회절격자

26305             REFLECTION OF SOUNDWAVE                  음파의 반사

26306             reflection shooting                   a seismic prospecting operation in which the reflective properties of sound waves are used to determine the depth and size of an underground oil pool. Also, REFLECTION SEISMOLOGY.

26307             reflection survey          the detection of the presence and depth of underground formations using reflection shooting.

26308             reflection twin             either of two twin crystals related by reflection across a common plane.

26309             reflector          a cathode that changes the direction of an electron stream.

26310             reflector characteristic              a graph displaying the energy generated by the voltage that appears between the reflector electrode and the cathode in a reflex klystron.

26311             reflector voltage          the voltage that appears between the reflector electrode and the cathode in a reflex klystron.

26312             reflex bunching           the expansion and contraction an electron stream experiences when it is forced to change directions by a wave of direct current energy in a microwave tube.

26313             reflex circuit                a circuit that amplifies a radio signal twice, before and after the intelligence it is carrying is extracted.

26314             reflex klystron             a tube that generates ultrahigh frequencies by using an electrode to channel the electron stream back into the chamber where it was first modulated, instead of channeling it into a second chamber. Also, reflex oscillator.

26315             reflux             a process by which vapor from the top of a distillation column is condensed and sent back to the column to provide a contacting liquid.

26316             reflux condenser          a process device connected to the top of a distillation column that condenses the vapor drawn off the top of the column.

26317             reflux ratio                  the ratio of the amount of overhead vapor condensed and returned to an industrial distillation column to the amount of vapor drawn off as product.

26318             reforestation               재조림

26319             reform            to subject to a reforming process.

26320             reforming                   a petroleum-refinery cracking process that converts straight-run gasoline or naphtha to a branched structure, resulting in a higher octane rating.

26321             Reformulated Gasoline              Gasoline with a different composition from conventional gasoline (e.g., lower aromatics content) that cuts air pollutants.

26322             refract            to cause to deviate; subject to a process of refraction.

26323             REFRACTION               굴절 : 전파속도가 장소에 따라 변하고 파의 진행방향이 변하는 현상

26324             REFRACTION OF SOUND WAVE                음의 굴절; 음파가 한 매질에서 타 매질로 통과할 때 구부러지는 현상

26325             refractive shooting                   a technique used in seismic prospecting, in which the refractive properties of sound waves are used to determine the location of underground deposits.

26326             refractivity                   a measure of the ability of a material to refract electromagnetic waves; a quantity expressed by (c/v) - 1, where c is the velocity of light in a vacuum and v is the velocity of the wave in a medium.

26327             REFRACTORY ORGANICS           난분해성 유기물질; 처리하기 어려운 유기물

26328             refractory-lined firebox boiler                   a horizontal fire-tube boiler having the front section of its shell lying over the refractory furnace, with the rear of the shell housing the first-pass tubes, and the upper section of the shell housing the second-pass tubes.

26329             refrigerated truck                     a truck whose interior is designed to operate as a refrigerator, used to transport perishable or frozen items.

26330             refrigeration                the process of cooling an area or object to a temperature that is significantly lower than the temperature of the surrounding environment.

26331             refrigeration condenser             a component of a mechanical refrigerator plant, in which a volatile agent is cooled under pressure and liquefied, discharging its heat to the environment.

26332             refrigeration system                 a closed-flow system used to extract heat from a controlled space by compressing, condensing, and finally expanding a refrigerant so that cooling is produced at a lower temperature and heat is rejected at a higher temperature.

26333             refrigerator                 an enclosed, insulated appliance or area that is used to keep food or other perishable items cool.

26334             refrigerator car            an insulated freight car designed for use as a refrigerator.

26335             Refueling Emissions                    Emissions released during vehicle re-fueling.

26336             Refuse            (See: solid waste.)

26337             REFUSE           쓰레기; [폐기물] 유기물이 주성분인 생활쓰레기 Solid waste와 종종 혼용하여 쓰임.

26338             REFUSE FEED FACILITIES            급진설비, 쓰레기 이송시설

26339             REFUSE PIT                 쓰레기 피트

26340             REFUSE QUANTITATIVE FEEDER                 쓰레기 정량공급장치

26341             Refuse Reclamation                    Conversion of solid waste into useful products; e.g., composting organic wastes to make soil conditioners or separating aluminum and other metals for recycling.

26342             regenerant                  a chemical solution used to reactivate an ion-exchange bed.

26343             regenerate                  to restore an electrical signal to its original shape.to restore an electrical signal to its original shape. to restore data to its original form in a charge-storage tube, in order to prevent fading and decay effects. Thus, regenerated.to restore data to its original form in a charge-storage tube, in order to prevent fading and decay effects. Thus, regenerated.

26344             Regeneration               Manipulation of cells to cause them to develop into whole plants. Regional Response Team (RRT): Representatives of federal, local, and state agencies who may assist in coordination of activities at the request of the On-Scene Coordinator before and during a significant pollution incident such as an oil spill, major chemical release, or Superfund response.

26345             regenerative air heater              an air heater in which the heat-transmitting surfaces are exposed in an alternating pattern to the heat-surrendering gases and to the air.

26346             regenerative amplifier               a circuit that increases its power and selectivity by returning the amplified signal back to the circuit without inducing oscillation.

26347             regenerative cooling                 a process to cool gases in which compressed gas is cooled by expansion through a nozzle, and the cooled expanded gas passes through a heat exchanger to further cool incoming compressed gas.

26348             regenerative cycle                    a cycle in a steam engine that uses heat that would ordinarily be lost, by extracting exhaust steam from the turbine in stages and using it to heat the feedwater.

26349             regenerative detector                a circuit in which an audio signal is fed back into the radio receiver in order to increase the sensitivity and amplification of the carrier signal.

26350             regenerative divider                  a circuit that reduces an incoming signal's frequency by modulating, amplifying, and recycling a portion of it.

26351             regenerative feedback               a process in which part of an amplified signal is returned to the input in the same phase, without inducing oscillation, in order to increase amplification.

26352             REGENERATIVE HEAT RECOVERY               재생 열회수

26353             regenerative pump                   a rotating-vane instrument that creates high liquid heads at low volumes with the use of mechanical impulse and centrifugal force. Also, TURBINE PUMP.

26354             regenerative receiver                a radio receiver in which regeneration is used to enhance the amplification that takes place when the audio component is being extracted from an incoming signal.

26355             regenerator                 a process device that returns the system to its full capacity.

26356             REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION ORGANIZATION           지역경제통합기구 : 일정한 역내 주권국으로 구성된 기구로서 동협약에 의해 규율되는 문제에 대한 권한을 회원국으로 부터 위임받고 내부절차에 따라 동협약에 서명, 비준, 수락, 승인 또는 강비하는 권한을 정당하게 위임받은 기구를 말함

26357             regional migration                   the movement of oil or gas horizontally through a formation in response to artificial pressure differences resulting from extraction at well sites.

26358             REGIONAL SCALE                     지역규모

26359             regional sea                지역해양

26360             register           a lid or sliding plate in a heating device that controls the air flow in the combustion process.

26361             register circuit             a circuit whose memory elements store bits of coded information that can be retrieved from the circuit in that code or in another one.

26362             register mark               a reference point used to keep accurate alignment on the working surface of sheet metal or other machinable material.

26363             Registrant                   Any manufacturer or formulator who obtains registration for a pesticide active ingredient or product.

26364             REGISTRATION             등록  제품 : 공정 또는 서비스의 관련특성 또는 기관이나 자연인에 대한 세부사항, 적절히 공개적으로 이용되는 리스트를 기관이 표시하는 절차임

26365             Registration                 Formal listing with EPA of a new pesticide before it can be sold or distributed. Under the Fed- eral Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, EPA is responsible for registration (pre-market licensing) of pesticides on the basis of data demonstrating no unreasonable adverse effects on human health or the environment when applied according to approved label directions.

26366             Registration Standards                 Published documents which include summary reviews of the data available on a pesticide's active ingredient, data gaps, and the Agency's existing regulatory position on the pesticide. Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM): Friable asbestos material or nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading or has crumbled, or been pulverized or reduced to powder in the course of demolition or renovation operations.

26367             REGRESSION CURVE                회귀곡선

26368             REGROWTH                재증식, =aftergrowth

26369             regular precession                   the precession of a rotating body without nutation, in other words, in such a way that the angle between the precession and the body rotation axes remains constant.

26370             regular solution           a solution in which the components are randomly distributed as if the solution were ideal, but that is nonideal in that the components have different interaction energies.

26371             Regulated Medical Waste          Under the Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, any solid waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals. Included are cultures and stocks of infectious agents; human blood and blood products; human pathological body wastes from surgery and autopsy; contaminated animal carcasses from medical research; waste from patients with communicable diseases; and all used sharp implements, such as needles and scalpels, and certain unused sharps. (See: treated medical waste; untreated medical waste; destroyed medical waste.)

26372             REGULATING GATE                   제수문; 통수량을 가감하거나 단수하기 위하여 수로에 설치하는 수문

26373             regulation                   the difference between the maximum and minimum voltage drops across a given anode-current range in a gas tube.

26374             rehabilitation               황폐화 복구

26375             REI                 Restricted Entry Interval

26376             Reich process              an industrial process that recovers and purifies carbon dioxide from a fermentation process through oxidation of the organic impurities andChemical dehydration.

26377             Reichert-Meissl number            a measure of the number of milliliters of 0.1 N base required to neutralize the water-soluble volatile obtained from 5 grams of fat.

26378             Reid equation              an equation relating flow rate in a gas well to pitot-tube readings over various impact pressures.

26379             Reid vapor pressure                 the vapor pressure of gasoline at a temperature of 100°F as measured in a test bomb.

26380             Reinartz crystal oscillator          a circuit in which alternating current is generated by coupling the crystal current with the current produced by a resonant circuit tuned to half the crystal frequency.

26381             Reinecke's salt             a precipitating agent for organic bases and amines, formed by fusion of ammonium thiocyanate with ammonium dichromate.

26382             reinsertion of carrier                in a radio receiver, the process of recombining two sidebands of the received signal in order to reconstruct a replica of the unmodulated carrier signal.

26383             rejection (제거율, 저지율)          막을 투과하기 전뒤의 주목하는 용질의 농도를 각자 C1, C2와 할 때, 1 ? C2 /C1(에서) 표현하는 량.         비고: C1, 입구 농도를 이용하는 경우와, 평균 농도를 이용하다 경우가 있다.

26384             relative attenuation                  in an electrical transducer or filter, the ratio of the attenuation at a given frequency to the minimum attenuation in the frequency band of use.

26385             relative bandwidth                  the ratio, in an electric filter, of the bandwidth under consideration to the specified reference bandwidth, such as one in which the attenuation between frequencies is three decibels.

26386             Relative Ecological Sustainability               Ability of an ecosystem to maintain relative ecological integrity indefinitely.

26387             relative fugacity           the ratio of an idealized partial pressure (fugacity) in a given gas or solution to the standard idealized partial pressure.

26388             RELATIVE HUMIDITY                 상대습도; 현재의 수증기량으로 그때의 온도에서의 포화수증기량과의 백분비

26389             relative interference effect                        the decibel ratio of the amplitude of a signal of a specified frequency to that of a single-frequency signal that has equal interference characteristics as the reference signal.

26390             relative molecular mass            the ratio of the average mass per molecule of a naturally occurring form of an element (or compound) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of nuclide carbon-1 Also, MOLECULAR WEIGHT, MOLECULAR MASS.

26391             relative momentum                  the momentum of a body in an inertial reference frame that is fixed to another body's center of mass. Also, APPARENT MOMENTUM.

26392             relative motion            the motion of a body in an inertial reference frame that is fixed to another body's center of mass. Also, APPARENT MOTION.

26393             Relative Permeability                 The permeability of a rock to gas, NAIL, or water, when any two or more are present.

26394             relative pressure response                        the electromagnetic energy generated by an acoustic receiver transducer, such as a microphone, in response to an acoustic reference level under stated conditions.

26395             relative response          the difference between the response of a device under a specific condition and the response of that device under a reference condition, generally expressed in decibels.

26396             Relative Risk Assessment              Estimating the risks associated with different stressors or management actions.

26397             relative stability test                 a test used to determine the amount of water pollution in a sample by checking for the absence of oxygen, using methylene blue.

26398             RELATIVE SUPERSATURAION                     상대과포화도;

26399             relative velocity            the velocity of a body in an inertial reference frame that is fixed to another body's center of mass. Also, APPARENT VELOCITY

26400             relative volatility           the volatility of a material relative to one whose volatility is taken as unity.

