환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 25901-26000
번호 용어 해설
25901 ◆ radial velocity ◆ the component of velocity away from or toward a central axis or point.
25902 ◆ radial-beam tube ◆ a tube in which an externally applied magnetic field rotates an electron beam around the axis of the tube; used for high-speed switching.
25903 ◆ RADIANT ENERGY ◆ 복사에너지
25904 ◆ RADIANT FLUX ◆ 복사량
25905 ◆ radiant heating ◆ ㆍ a heating system that radiates heat from a surface to its surroundings.a heating system that radiates heat from a surface to its surroundings. ㆍ any of various means of heating objects or persons by radiation without heating the intervening air.any of various means of heating objects or persons by radiation without heating the intervening air.
25906 ◆ radiant superheater ◆ a part of a steam-generating unit in which steam is heated above its saturation temperature by the transfer of radiant heat from combustion products to the steam.
25907 ◆ radiant-type boiler ◆ a water-tube boiler in which the tubes are arranged around the outer surface of the combustion area of the furnace.
25908 ◆ RADIATION ◆ 방사 : 파동에너지가 파동원으로부터 나오는 현상
25909 ◆ Radiation ◆ Transmission of energy though space or any medium. Also know as radiant energy
25910 ◆ radiation budget ◆ the amount of radiation accepted and emitted from a given area within a given time.
25911 ◆ RADIATION BUFFER ◆ 복사선 완충제 : 원자흡수법의 스펙트럼 방해시 복사선을 산란하는 입자생성물 때문에 방해가 생길 수 있다.
25912 ◆ radiation catalysis ◆ an acceleration of the rate of a chemical reaction through the application of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.
25913 ◆ radiation chart ◆ a chart that, given the vertical distribution of temperature and humidity, aids in the calculation of the upward and downward fluxes of radiation.
25914 ◆ radiation chemistry ◆ a branch of chemistry dealing with high-energy radiation interaction.
25915 ◆ radiation cooling ◆ any process of losing heat other than by conduction or convection.
25916 ◆ RADIATION IMPEDANCE ◆ 방사임피던스 : 방사교류에 있어서 전압의 전류에 대한 비 (방사면상의 적분을 방사면의 평균속도로 나눈 것)
25917 ◆ RADIATION INVERSION ◆ 복사역전; 복사냉각이 심하게 일어나는 때는 지표에 접한 공기가 그보다 상공의 공기에 비하여 더 차거워져서 역전현상이 생김
25918 ◆ radiation loss ◆ the amount of heat that escapes from a boiler into the atmosphere due to conduction, radiation, and convection.
25919 ◆ radiation pressure ◆ the force per unit area exerted by a sound wave on a surface.
25920 ◆ radiation resistance ◆ the resistance of a surface area to an acoustic wave, described for a projector radiating sound into water by the equation Rr = cA, where represents the equilibrium resistance, c represents the sound velocity, and A represents the surface area.
25921 ◆ Radiation Standards ◆ Regulations that sset maimum exposure limits for protection of the public from ra-dioactive materials
25922 ◆ radiative capture ◆ a capture reaction in which a neutron is absorbed by the target nucleus and the excess energy in the resulting compound nucleus is emitted as gamma radiation.
25923 ◆ RADIATIVE COOLING ◆ 복사냉각, 방사냉각
25924 ◆ RADIATIVE FORCING ◆ 지구의 대기에 의해 태양 방사선이 흡수, 분산되는 과정
25925 ◆ radiator ◆ ㆍ a heating apparatus, typically a coil of tubes through which hot water or steam passes.a heating apparatus, typically a coil of tubes through which hot water or steam passes. ㆍ an apparatus used to cool circulating fluids, typically a series or coil of thin-walled tubes that are exposed to air or another fluid; commonly used in water-cooled engines.an apparatus used to cool circulating fluids, typically a series or coil of thin-walled tubes that are exposed to air or another fluid; commonly used in water-cooled engines.
25926 ◆ radiator temperature drop ◆ a measurement of the difference in temperature of a coolant liquid in an internal-combustion engine that occurs between the time it enters the radiator and the time it leaves.
25927 ◆ Radinbow Report ◆ Comprehensive document giving the status of all pesticides now or ever in registration or special reviews. Known as the rainbow report' because chapters printed on different colors of paper.
25928 ◆ radio ◆ ㆍ a receiver or transmitter that converts electromagnetic waves into understandable sounds.a receiver or transmitter that converts electromagnetic waves into understandable sounds. ㆍ of or relating to such a device. Thus, radio antenna, radio dial, and so on.of or relating to such a device. Thus, radio antenna, radio dial, and so on.
25929 ◆ radio aid to navigation ◆ any process or technique that applies the knowledge of how radio waves travel through space to obtain navigational information.
25930 ◆ radio duct ◆ a shallow, nearly horizontal layer in the atmosphere that, through vertical temperature and moisture gradients, produces an effect by which radio waves can become trapped or propagated anomalously.
25931 ◆ radio energy ◆ electromagnetic energy having wavelengths in the radio-frequency range.
25932 ◆ Radio Frequency Radiation ◆ (See non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.)
25933 ◆ radio guidance ◆ the use of radio signals to control the flight path of a missile from the ground.
25934 ◆ radio hole ◆ the loss or fading of radio transmission due to the anomalous refraction of radio waves.
25935 ◆ radio pill ◆ a device that monitors a given physiological activity in an animal, such as the pH value of its stomach acid.
25936 ◆ radio shielding ◆ the use of a metallic shroud over wiring and ignition devices in order to reduce electronic interference against radio communications.
25937 ◆ radio transponder ◆ a transponder capable of receiving and transmitting radio waves.
25938 ◆ radio tube ◆ a vacuum tube used in a radio receiving set.
25939 ◆ radio window ◆ an interval of radio frequencies, ranging from about 6 to 30,000 megahertz, that are not blocked by the earth's atmosphere.
25940 ◆ radioactinium ◆ a member of the actinium series that exists as the thorium isotope with a half-life of 18.5 days; it is both radioactive and toxic, and is found in a number of minerals.
25941 ◆ radioactive ◆ describing a material having an unstable nucleus that decomposes and emits radiation; displaying radioactivity.
25942 ◆ radioactive clock ◆ an isotope, such as potassium-40 or carbon-14, that is exceedingly long-lived and spontaneously decays into a stable element at a constant rate; used to determine absolute geological age.
25943 ◆ radioactive decay ◆ ㆍ the disintegration of an unstable nucleus into one or more different isotopes, occurring spontaneously and accompanied by the emission of alpha or beta particles, or gamma radiation.the disintegration of an unstable nucleus into one or more different isotopes, occurring spontaneously and accompanied by the emission of alpha or beta particles, or gamma radiation. ㆍ a decrease in the quantity of radioactive material over time. Also, RADIOACTIVITY, RADIOACTIVE DISINTEGRATION or TRANSFORMATION.a decrease in the quantity of radioactive material over time. Also, RADIOACTIVITY, RADIOACTIVE DISINTEGRATION or TRANSFORMATION.
25944 ◆ Radioactive Decay ◆ Spontaneous change in an atum by emission of of charged particles and/or gamma rays; also known as radioactive disintegration and radioactiveity
25945 ◆ radioactive element ◆ any element having isotopes that emit various forms of radiation while spontaneously decomposing into different nuclides. Also, RADIOELEMENT.
25946 ◆ radioactive equilibrium ◆ the condition in which the rate of decay of the parent isotope parallels the rate of decay of every intermediate daughter isotope.
25947 ◆ radioactive isotope ◆ an isotope of an element that is radioactive, such as tritium, which is an isotope of hydrogen. Also, RADIOISOTOPE.
25948 ◆ radioactive label ◆ a radioactive isotope that is incorporated into a compound in order to follow the progress of the compound through a series of reactions. Thus, radioactive labeling.
25949 ◆ RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS ◆ 방사성 물질 : 예로는 우라니움, 플루토니움이 있다.
25950 ◆ Radioactive Substances ◆ Sustances that emit ionzing radiation
25951 ◆ radioactivity ◆ ㆍ the property of unstable nuclei in certain atoms to spontaneously emit ionizing radiation in the form of alpha or beta particles and sometimes gamma rays during measurably delayed nuclear transitions, the length of delay being measured as the nuclide's half-life.the property of unstable nuclei in certain atoms to spontaneously emit ionizing radiation in the form of alpha or beta particles and sometimes gamma rays during measurably delayed nuclear transitions, the length of delay being measured as the nuclide's half-life. ㆍ the radiation thus emitted.the radiation thus emitted.
25952 ◆ radioassay ◆ a procedure, such as radioimmunoassay, that measures the radiation intensity of radioactive substances.
25953 ◆ radiocarbon ◆ another name for carbon-14, a radioactive isotope of carbon with a mass number of 14 and a half-life typically described as 5568 years; used in dating ancient organic materials.
25954 ◆ radiochemistry ◆ the branch of chemistry that studies the properties, applications, and relationships of radioactive elements. Thus, radiochemical, radiochemist.
25955 ◆ radio-frequency oscillator ◆ a device that generates alternating current at radio frequencies.
25956 ◆ radio-frequency reactor ◆ a device that opposes the flow of high-frequency alternating current, so that direct current can pass through a circuit.
25957 ◆ radio-frequency signal generator ◆ an instrument that produces the radio frequencies needed to test and service electrical equipment, especially radios and televisions.
25958 ◆ radio-frequency SQUID ◆ a device that conducts high-frequency radiation across a hairlike gap in a superconducting loop.
25959 ◆ radiogenic ◆ of or relating to material produced by radioactive decay.
25960 ◆ radiogenic isotope ◆ an isotope that is created by the decomposition of a radioactive isotope, but that may or may not be radioactive itself.
25961 ◆ radiogenic lead ◆ a stable isotope that is a by-product of uranium and thorium decay, a process that has taken place in rocks and minerals since the earth first formed.
25962 ◆ radiogeology ◆ the study of the distribution of radioactive elements and their isotopes in the earth's crust and their effects on geologic phenomena. Also, ISOTOPE GEOLOGY, ISOTOPEGeochemistry, NUCLEAR GEOLOGY.
25963 ◆ radioglaciology ◆ the analysis of glaciers and glacier ice, especially for determining ice depth through the use of radar.
25964 ◆ radiogoniometer ◆ an instrument that measures the phase difference between two radio signals in a radio direction finder.
25965 ◆ radioiodine ◆ a radioactive isotope of iodine, such as the isotope iodine-131 with a half-life of 8.04 days; used in medicine to trace the size and activity of the thyroid gland.
25966 ◆ radioiron ◆ a radioactive isotope of iron, having an atomic weight of 59 and a half-life of 46 days; used primarily as a tracer in bioChemistry.
25967 ◆ radioisotope assay ◆ the separation and measurement of a radioactive tracer for the purpose of determining the distribution of the substance to which it was attached.
25968 ◆ Radioisotopes ◆ Chemical variants of radioactive elements with potentially oncogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic effects on the human body.
25969 ◆ radiolysis ◆ the breakdown of molecules that results from radiation, as when water, used to cool a nuclear reactor core, separates into hydrogen and oxygen.
25970 ◆ radiometer ◆ an instrument that detects and measures the intensity of radiant energy, such as X rays and microwaves.
25971 ◆ radiometric analysis ◆ a measure of the disintegration rate of a radioactive compound; compared to a specific activity standard for the purpose of identifying the compound. Also, RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS.
25972 ◆ radiometric titration ◆ a titration in which a radioactive indicator is used to trace the transfer of a substance between two liquid phases in equilibrium
25973 ◆ radiomimetic ◆ having or producing radiationlike effects (similar to those of ionizing radiation) on biological organisms. Thus, radiomimetic substances.
25974 ◆ radionuclide ◆ a nuclide containing isotopes that decay and emit radiation.
25975 ◆ Radionuclide ◆ RAdioactive particle, man-made(anthropogenic) or natual, with adistinct atomic weight number. Can have a long life as soil or water polluant.
25976 ◆ radiosodium ◆ the radioactive isotope of sodium, having an atomic mass of 24 and a half-life of 14.9 hours; used as a tracer in bioChemistry.
25977 ◆ radiosonde commutator ◆ a device that transmits temperature and humidity signals in a radiosonde; it consists of a series of alternate electrically conducting and insulating strips that are scanned by a contact for electronic impulses which indicate temperature and humidity values.
25978 ◆ radiothorium ◆ a common term for the isotope of thorium that has a mass number of 228.
25979 ◆ radius cutter ◆ a milling cutter having teeth designed to cut a radius on a workpiece.
25980 ◆ Radius of Influence ◆ 1.The radial distance from the center of a wellbore to the point where there is no lowering of the water table or potentiometric surface(the edge of the cone of depression); 2. the radial distance from an extraction well that has adequate air flow for effective removal of contaminants when avacuum is applied to the extraction well.
25981 ◆ Radius of Vulnerability Zone ◆ The maximum distance from the point of release of a hazardous substance in which the airbone concentration colud reach the level of concern under spcified weather conditions.
25982 ◆ radius ratio ◆ the ratio of the radius of a cation to the radius of an anion when anions surround a cation in a crystal lattice structure.
25983 ◆ RADM ◆ Random Walk Advection and Dispersion Model; Regional Acid Deposition Model
25984 ◆ Radon ◆ A colorless naturally occurring, radioactivie, insert gas formed by radioactive decay of radium atoms in soil or racks.
25985 ◆ Radon daughters/Radon Progeny ◆ Short-lived radioactive decay products of radon that decay into log-gar-lived lead isotopes that can attach themselves to airbone dust and other particles and, if inhaled, danage the lininges of the lungs.
25986 ◆ Radon Decay Produts ◆ Aterm used to refer collectively to the immediate poducts of the radon decay chain. These include Po-218,Pb-214,Bi-214,which have an average combinated half-life of about 30 minuites.
25987 ◆ radon-219 ◆ an isotope of radon that forms part of the actinium series and has a half-life of 4 seconds.
25988 ◆ radon-220 ◆ an isotope of radon that forms part of the thorium series and has a half-life of 56 seconds.
25989 ◆ radon-222 ◆ an isotope of radon that forms part of the uranium series and has a half-life of 3.82 days.
25990 ◆ raffinate ◆ the portion of an oil that is not dissolved during the solvent refining of lubricating oil.
25991 ◆ rail ◆ a high-pressure fitting on some internal-combustion engines that receives exhaust gases from several cylinders.
25992 ◆ railing ◆ an image, resembling a fence railing, that appears on a radar screen when it is jammed with more than 50 kilohertz of energy.
25993 ◆ railroad jack ◆ ㆍ a portable mechanism used to lift heavy objects.a portable mechanism used to lift heavy objects. ㆍ a hoisting mechanism operated by electric motors to lift a locomotive off its wheels while it is undergoing repairs.a hoisting mechanism operated by electric motors to lift a locomotive off its wheels while it is undergoing repairs. 3. a hydraulic-lift mechanism operated by hand lever or motor.a hydraulic-lift mechanism operated by hand lever or motor.
25994 ◆ rainbow ◆ a technique that guards against deceptive radar signals produced by reflective devices such as decoys and chaffs.
25995 ◆ Rajakaruna engine ◆ a rotary engine having a combustion chamber with sides connected at their ends by pin-joints.
25996 ◆ rake ◆ the angle, measured in degrees, formed by the leading face of a cutting tool and the surface behind the cutting edge.
25997 ◆ ram ◆ ㆍ the plunger of a pump.the plunger of a pump. ㆍ the moving weight in a pile-driving hammer.the moving weight in a pile-driving hammer. 3. the side of a shaping machine on which the cutting tool is mounted.the side of a shaping machine on which the cutting tool is mounted.
25998 ◆ RAM ◆ Urban Air Quality Model for Point and Area Source in EPA UNAMAP Series
25999 ◆ ram effect ◆ a compressing effect in a jet engine or in the manifold of a piston engine, due to the forward motion of an air scoop or inlet through the air.
26000 ◆ RAMP ◆ Rural Abandoned Mine Program
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