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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23701-23800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23701-23800

번호                  용어                  해설

23701             noncrystallographic symmetry                  symmetry within the asymmetric unit of a crystal structure. For example, the asymmetric unit of a crystalline protein may contain a dimer whose two subunits may have identical molecular structure, but, since they are not related by crystallographic symmetry, may have different environments. This noncrystallographic symmetry in proteins can be used as an aid in structure determination

23702             nondegenerate amplifier           a device in which signals are amplified to ultrahigh or microwave frequencies by pumping them with alternating current whose frequency exceeds twice the signal frequency.

23703             Non-degradation          An environmental policy which disallows any lowering of naturally occurring quality regardless of preestablished health standards.

23704             nondestructive breakdown                       the breakdown that can occur between the gate and the channel of a field-effect transistor without causing the device to malfunction.

23705             NONDIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE             무지향성 마이크로폰 : 음파의 입사방향에 대해 감도가 대개 일정한 마이크로폰

23706             Nondischarging Treatment Plant               A treatment plant that does not discharge treated wastewater into any stream or river. Most are pond systems that dispose of the total flow they receive by means of evaporation or percolation to groundwater, or facilities that dispose of their effluent by recycling or reuse (e.g.., spray irrigation or groundwater discharge).

23707             NON-DISPERSIVE INFRARED METHOD                     비분산 적외선분석법

23708             nonelectrolyte             any liquid or solid substance that resists the passage of an electric current, either in a solution or in its pure state, such as pure water, ethyl alcohol, or sucrose. Also, NONCONDUCTOR.

23709             nonfaradaic path          a route followed by current traveling through an electrolytic solution, moved along by a continuous charging and discharging of stored energy (capacitance).

23710             NONFERROUS METALS             비철금속; 철을 함유하지 않은 금속

23711             Non-Ferrous Metals                    Nonmagnetic metals such as aluminum, lead, and copper. Products made all or in part from such metals include containers, packaging, appliances, furniture, eletronic equipment and aluminum foil.

23712             NONFLOCCULATING PARTICLE                  응집성이 없는 입자;

23713             NONFLOW SYSTEM                  무교반퇴비화; 퇴비화공정중  교반이나 물질의 이동이 없는 반응기형태의 퇴비공법

23714             Nonfriable Asbestos-Containing Materials                     Any material containing more than one percent asbestos (as determined by Polarized Light Microscopy) that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.

23715             NON-HARMONIC COMPONENT               비조화성분 : 어떤 음의 성분에서 조화 성분이 아닌 성분

23716             Nonhazardous Industrial Waste                Industrial process waste in wastewater not considered municipal solid waste or hazardous waste under RARA.

23717             NONHAZARDOUS WASTE                        일반 폐기물

23718             nonholonomic constraint          in classicalMechanics, a constraint that is not holonomic; i.e., one that cannot be represented by generalized forces that are gradients of potential functions depending only on particle position.

23719             nonholonomic system              a mechanical system that is not holonomic; a system for which some or all of the constraint equations contain differentials dqi of the generalized coordinates that cannot be integrated and therefore cannot be used to reduce the number of coordinates to equal the number of degrees of freedom of the system in order to completely describe the motion, such as a coin rolling on a tabletop.

23720             nonhoming tuning system                       a type of tuning system in which a motor rotating in the wrong direction will automatically right itself after it reaches the end of the dial.

23721             nonhypergolic             not igniting spontaneously on contact.

23722             nonideal                     describing a chemical system that does not conform to the behavior established for an ideal system, such as the equation of state for perfect gases or Raoult's law for ideal solution behavior. Thus, nonideal gas, nonideal behavior.

23723             nonideal solution                     a solution that shows a deviation from Raoult's law; i.e, the partial vapor pressure of its components is not exactly predictable from their mole fractions in the solution. Also, REAL SOLUTION.

23724             noninverting amplifier              an amplifier whose output signal is in phase with its input signal.

23725             Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation                     1. Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effects. 2. Microwaves, radio waves, and lowfrequency elec- tromagnetic fields from high-voltage transmission lines.

23726             nonlinear acoustics                  the study of nonlinear sonic and ultrasonic acoustic energy, using nonlinear differential equations to explain their behavior.

23727             nonlinear amplifier                   a device in which a change in the input signal does not result in a proportional change in the output signal.

23728             nonlinear coupler                    a device that produces an output signal whose frequency is a multiple of the input frequency wave, by coupling energy from the input circuit.

23729             nonlinear detection                  a process that extracts information from a radio-frequency signal by exploiting a nonlinear device or circuit.

23730             nonlinear device          a device in which a change in the applied voltage does not proportionally change the current. Also, nonlinear circuit component, nonlinear element.

23731             nonlinear distortion                 the distortion that occurs when the amplitude of an output signal is not directly proportional to that of the input signal.

23732             nonlinear oscillator                  a device that varies the frequency of an alternating current in response to an audio signal; commonly used in eavesdropping devices.

23733             nonlinear reactance                  the reaction of a coil when the voltage drop across it is not proportional to the rate of change in the current flowing through it.the reaction of a coil when the voltage drop across it is not proportional to the rate of change in the current flowing through it. the reaction of a capacitor when the voltage drop across it is not proportional to the rate of change in its charge.the reaction of a capacitor when the voltage drop across it is not proportional to the rate of change in its charge.

23734             nonlinear vibration                      vibration in a system such that the restoring and damping forces are not proportional to displacement and velocity; e.g., an oscillating system in which a spring hardens or weakens with increased displacement.

23735             NON-METHANE HYDROCARBON              비메탄계 탄화수소

23736             Non-Methane Organic Gases (NMOG)                     The sum of all organic air pollutants. Excluding methane; they account for aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and other pollutants that are not hydrocarbons but are precursors of ozone.

23737             Non-Nethane Hydrocabon (NMHC)                     The sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane; significant precursors to ozone formation.

23738             non-Newtonian           describing systems or processes that do not conform to the theories of Sir Isaac Newton; i.e., the speeds involved are too high, and/or the particles are too small, for Newton's laws of motion to apply.

23739             NONPERSISTENT ORGANIC WASTES                     분해성 유기폐기물; 유분, 저분자량 용제, 일부 생물학적 분해 폐기물등 분해가 용이한 폐기물을 지칭한다.

23740             NON-POINT SOURCE               비점오염원

23741             Non-Point Sources                   Diffuse pollution sources (i.e., without a single point of origin or not introduced into a receiving stream from a specific outlet). The pollutants are generally carried off the land by storm water. Common non-point sources are agriclture, forestry, urban, mining, construction, dams, channels, land disposal, saltwater intrusion, and city streets.

23742             nonpolar                    describing a substance that is composed of molecules with no permanent electric moment, having atoms that are bonded by shared electrons, nonelectrolytic in solution, and nonionizing in water.

23743             nonpolar (covalent) bond          a bond in which the shared electron pair is equally attracted to both bonded atoms.

23744             nonpolar molecule                   a diatomic molecule in which the positive and negative charges coincide instead of being separate.

23745             NONPOROUS DIFFUSERS          비다공성 산기기

23746             Nonporous perforated hose diffuser                     비다공성 구멍뚫린 호오스식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

23747             Nonporous perforated piping diffuser                     비다공성 구멍뚫린 관식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

23748             Nonporous slotted tube diffuser               비다공성 슬롯 관식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

23749             Nonporous spargers                 비다공성 스파져; 산기식 포기장치

23750             Nonporous static tube diffuser                 비다공성 고정관식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

23751             Nonporous valved orifice diffuser              비다공성 밸프 오리피스; 산기식 포기장치

23752             Non-potable               Water that is unsafe or unpalatable to drink because it contains pollutants, contaminants, minerals, or infective agents.

23753             nonprotic solvent                     a solvent that does not disassociate to produce protons.

23754             NONRADIATION RELAXATION                  비복사이완  들뜬 원자나 분자가 여분의 에너지를 내놓고 바닥상태로 이완되는 메카니즘

23755             NONREACTOR SYSEM              퇴비단공법; 퇴비화공정중 닫힌 반응기 형태가 아닌 Open형식으로 대분류한 공정

23756             nonrelativistic mechanics             Mechanics in which the particles under consideration move at speeds much slower than the speed of light. Similarly, nonrelativistic kinematics.

23757             Non-Road Emissions                   Pollutants emitted by combustion engines on farm and construction equipment, gaso- line-powered lawn and garden equipment, and power boats and outboard motors.

23758             nonsegregated reservoir           a solution-gas-drive oil reservoir in which oil-gas separation does not occur as a function of height or upward movement.

23759             nonsegregating mixer               a particulate-solid mixer, such as a barrel mixer, whose predominating mechanisms are diffusive or shear mixing; baffles, blades, or internal rotating devices are used to improve the mixing action.

23760             NON-SPECIFIC SOURCE HAZARDOUS WASTES          불특정 발생원 유해폐기물 폐유 : 폐용매처럼 불특정 발생원에서 발생 가능한 유해폐기물

23761             nonspherical nucleus                a deformed nucleus or a nucleus that, when at its lowest level of energy, appears to have an ellipsoidal shape.

23762             NON-STEADY NOISE                비정상소음

23763             nonstorage camera tube           a television camera tube in which the picture signal is proportional, at any given instant, to the intensity of illumination on the area of the scene being broadcast.

23764             nonsymmetrical aquifer            an irregular (neither radial nor linear) water-bearing formation in an oil reservoir.

23765             nonsynchronous timer              a device placed at the receiving end of a communications link to reestablish the time relationship between pulses when no timing pulses are sent.

23766             nonsynchronous transmission                   a process that does not use a clock to control the spacing of signals that are transmitting data.

23767             nonsynchronous vibrator          a device that interrupts a direct-current circuit at a frequency independent of other circuit factors and does not rectify the stepped-up alternating current that results.

23768             nonthermal decimetric emission               radiation detected from the planet Jupiter having wavelengths greater than 4 centimeters; the range between 5 centimeters and 1 meter is known to have almost constant radiation flux.

23769             Non-Transient Non-Community Water System           A public water system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same non-resident persons per day for more than six months per year.

23770             nonwetting phase                    in a formation in which the reservoir fluid is two-phase (oil and water), the phase (oil) that does not wet the pore surfaces of the formation.

23771             No-Observed-Effect-Level (NOEL)              Exposure level at which there are no statistically or biological significant differences in the frquency or severity of any effect in the exposed or control populations.

23772             NOR circuit                 a logic circuit in which all of the inputs must be the same in order to produce the opposite condition, so that if a high voltage is applied to all the gates the voltage across the transistor will be low; the inverse of an OR circuit. Also, NOR gate.

23773             NO-REGRETS MEASURES          후회않기 조치 : 적어도 추가적 순 비용 없이 다른 순이익을 얻을 수 있는 조치

23774             NORM            Naturally Ocuurring Radioactive Material

23775             Normal (Axial) Stress (정상()스트레스)                     본체에 평평하게 주어진 단위 면적당의 힘.  정상 스트레스는, 스트레스를 받는 면적으로 나누어진 힘으로서 수학 상기술이 된다.

23776             normal acceleration                  the rate of change of velocity of a body in a direction normal to its velocity.

23777             normal axis                 an imaginary line perpendicular to the symmetry axis of a body in flight, or to the axis colinear with the body's velocity.

23778             normal boiling point                the temperature at which a liquid substance boils at standard atmospheric pressure; e.g., 100°C for water.

23779             normal coordinate                   any of a set of coordinates that simplify the equations of motion in such a way that each equation involves only one coordinate.

23780             normal dispersion                    an increase of seismic wave period with increasing time.

23781             NORMAL DISTRIBUTION           정규분포

23782             NORMAL DOMESTIC WASTEWATER WITHOUT CONTRIBUTION FROM GROUND                        분쇄한 부엌찌꺼기를 포함하지 않은 정상적인 생활폐수;                                                                                                                                                   KITCHEN WASTES

23783             normal force               the component of force that acts on a surface perpendicular to the surface, as opposed to the frictional force that acts parallel to the surface.

23784             normal freezing point               the temperature at which a liquid substance freezes at standard atmospheric pressure; e.g., 0°C for water.

23785             normal frequency                    any frequency associated with a system's normal modes of vibration.

23786             normal impact             the impact of a projectile where the trajectory and the surface it strikes are directly perpendicular.

23787             normal magnetization curve                     a curve representing the magnetization of an originally unmagnetized sample as a function of the magnetizing force, which is increased from zero to some upper limit.

23788             normal mass shift                    the displacement among isotopes, caused by each having a different mass, that corresponds to the displacement that occurs when their mass is reduced.

23789             normal mode of vibration          a vibration of a coupled system that occurs in such a way that every part of the system vibrates with the same frequency, and the value of one normal coordinate oscillates while the values of all the other normal coordinates remain fixed.

23790             normal operation                     the operation of a boiler, pressure vessel, or other equipment, at or below the design environmental conditions of temperature and pressure.

23791             normal pitch               the distance between working faces of two adjacent gear teeth measured between the intersection of the line between the two faces.

23792             normal polarity            the natural remanent magnetism that is almost identical to the present ambient field.

23793             normal reaction           the perpendicular component of the force exerted by a surface on an object that contacts it.

23794             normal stress              the component of stress on a surface perpendicular to the surface.

23795             normality                    the concentration of a solution expressed in equivalents of solute per liter of solution.

23796             normal-mode rejection ratio                     the ability of an amplifier to reject unwanted signals at a given frequency.  : the frequency at which a digital direct-current voltmeter begins to reject the unwanted signals generated by an applied voltage.

23797             Norris-Eyring reverberation                      an improvement on the Sabine equation for absorption, stating that RT = 0.049/S - ln(1 - a), where RT is the reverberation time for a 60-decibel decay, S is the surface area, and a is the absorption calculated with the Sabine coefficient.

23798             north pole or North Pole          the point on the surface of the earth toward which a magnetic needle points; the geomagnetic pole in the Northern Hemisphere. Also, NORTH MAGNETIC POLE, NORTH GEOMAGNETIC POLE.

23799             nose radius                 the radius of the rounded portion of the cutting edge of a tool.

23800             NOT circuit                 a logic circuit in which the output is always the opposite of the input, so that if voltage applied to the gate is high the voltage across the output will be low, and vice versa. Also, not GATE, INVERTER CIRCUIT.

