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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22601-22700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22601-22700

번호                  용어                  해설

22601             magnistor                   a device that uses magnetic field effects on injection plasmas in semiconductors.

22602             magnitude                  the vertical direction defined solely by the force of gravity at a location, apart from any secondary forces due to the moving earth.

22603             main bang                  a transmitted pulse in a radar system.

22604             main distributing frame            a distributing frame that carries on one side (vertically) all outside lines and on the other (horizontally) all connections of the outside lines to the central equipment. Also, main frame type B.

22605             MAIN SEWER              간선; 하수관망에서 여러 개의 지선이 연결되는 주하수관거

22606             main shaft                  the principal shaft of an engine or motor system; the line of shafting that receives power directly from the engine or motor and conducts power to other parts of the system.

22607             main sweep                the longest-range scale available on certain fire-control radar

22608             Majac mill                   a dry-grinding mill having a chamber fitted with two opposing horizontal jets, into which material is continuously fed by a screw conveyor.

22609             major assembly           the complete assembly of a component to be installed in a system or major piece of equipment.

22610             major chord                a chord having a major third interval between the root and the next note above it.

22611             major interval              an interval between the tonic and the second, third, sixth, or seventh degrees of a major scale. Thus, for example, a major third.

22612             Major Modification                  This term is used to define modifications of major stationary sources of emissions with respect to Prevention of Significant Deterioration and New Source Review under the Clean Air Act.

22613             MAJOR PRIMARY POLLUTANTS                 주요1차 오염물질 : PM-10, SO2, NO2, CO 로서 오염배출량이 상당한 물질

22614             major repair                a term for repair work on items that require special tools, a major overhaul, or a significant replacement of parts.

22615             major scale                 a diatonic musical scale in which the third and seventh pitches are half steps above their preceding pitches while all others are whole step intervals; thus a major scale has two whole steps, then a half step, then three whole steps, then a half step. Also, MAJOR DIATONIC SCALE.

22616             Major Stationary Sources          Term used to determine the applicability of Prevention of Significant Deterioration and new source regulations. In a nonattainment area, any stationary pollutant source with potential to emit more than 100 tons per year is considered a major stationary source. In PSD areas the cutoff level may be either 100 or 250 tons, depending upon the source.

22617             Majorana force            an attractive force between protons and neutrons that is sufficient to account for the existence of stable nuclei; used to explain certain phenomena that take place when elements interact, such as why some nucleons change their positions, but not their spins.

22618             majority carrier            in a semiconductor, the carrier whose concentration is higher than that of the other carrier; holes are the majority carrier in P-type semiconductors, and electrons in N-type semiconductors.

22619             majority emitter           an electrode from which majority carriers flow into the interelectrode region of a transistor.

22620             Majors            Larger publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) with flows equal to at least one milion gallons per day (mgd) or servicing a population equivalent to 10,000 persons; certain other POTWs having significant water quality impacts. (See: minors.)

22621             Make up water            보충수;

22622             makeup water             the water added to a recycle process to replace losses due to evaporation or leakage.

22623             malathion                   a preparation of this liquid that is widely used as an insecticide because of its low toxicity to mammals; especially effective against the Mediterranean fruit fly. C10H19O6PS2, a combustible yellow-brown liquid that is slightly soluble in water and is miscible with most polar organic solvents, boiling at 156-157°C (0.7 torr).

22624             malic              relating to or derived from malic acid

22625             MALODORANT            악취

22626             mamelon                    a small, rounded mound of slowly extruded viscous, siliceous lava that overlies a volcanic vent. (A French word meaning nipple.)

22627             M-A-N scavenging system                       a system in which waste oil and gases are removed from the cylinder of an internal combustion engine; the gases circulate in a loop with the exhaust ports located above the intake ports on the same side of the cylinder.

22628             MANAGEMENT AND SCIENTIFIC AUTHORITIES              관리당국과 과학당국  멸종위기에 처한 동식물보호협약에서 당사국을 대표하여 관련 허가서 또는 증명서 발급을 담당하는 조직을 관리당국이라 말하며 규제대상종의 교역과 관련, 관리당국에 과학적인 자문을 제공하는 조직이 과학당국임

22629             Management of wastewater from combined sewers                     합류식 하수관거에서 배출되는 폐수의 관리;

22630             Management Plan                    Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), a document that each Local Education Agency is required to prepare, describing all activites planned and undertaken by a school to comply with AHERA regulations, including building inspections to identify asbestos-containing materials, response actions, and operations and maintenance programs to minmize the risk of exposure.

22631             Managerial Controls                    Methods of nonpoint source pollution control based on decisions about managing agricultural wastes or application times or rates for agrochemicals.

22632             Mandatory Recycling                   Programs which by law require consumers to separate trash so that some or all recyclable materials are recovered for recycling rather than going to landfills.

22633             mandrel          a shaft or bar that is inserted into a piece of work to support or hold it during machining.

22634             mandrel hanger           an apparatus used to prevent blowouts by securing a liquid- or gas-tight seal between the tubing and the tubing head in an oil well.

22635             Manganese sulfate의 특성 및 방제방법                    

22636             Manganese sulfate의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

22637             mangle gearing           gearing that produces reciprocating motion by a means of a pinion that rotates in one direction and drives a rack with teeth at the ends and on both sides.

22638             Manifest                     A one-apge form used by gaulers transporing waste that lists EPA identification numbers, type and quantity of waste, the generator it originated from, the transporter that shipped it, and the storage or disposal facility to which it is being shipped. It includes copies for all participants in the shipping process.

22639             MANIFEST SYSTEM                   복수전표제도; 폐기물의 불법처분을 방지할 목적으로 폐기물량, 특성, 행위주체자를 기재하는 제도

22640             Manifest System          Tracking of hazardous waste from cradle-to-grave (generation through disposal) with accompanying documents known as manifests.(See: cradle to grave.)

22641             manifold pressure                    the pressure in the intake manifold of an internal-combustion engine.

22642             MANOMETER              압력계 : 기체나 액체의 압력을 측정하기 위한 계기.

22643             MANUAL SEPARATION              인력선별; 손작업에 의해 폐기물을 선별하는 방법

22644             Manual Separation                   Hand sorting of recyclable or compostable materials in waste.

22645             manual telephone set               a telephone set that does not contain a dial; when the receiver is lifted, the operator is signalled.

22646             Manufacturer's Formulation                      A list of substances or component parts as described by the maker of a coating, pesticide, or other product containing chemicals or other substances.

22647             Manufacturing Use Product                      Any product intended (labeled) for formulation or repackaging into other pesticide products.

22648             MANURE                    분뇨

22649             many-body problem                 the problem of predicting the motions of three or more mutually interacting bodies, which has yet to be solved analytically. Also, N-BODY PROBLEM, THREE-BODY PROBLEM.

22650             MAPSIM          Mesoscale Air Pollution Simulation Model

22651             Margin of Exposure (MOE)                       The ratio of the no-observed adverse-effect-level to the estimated exposure dose.

22652             Margin of Safety          Maximum amount of exposure producing no measurable effect on animals (or strdied humans) divided by the actual amount of human exposure in a population.

22653             marginal checking                   a preventive maintenance procedure that is used to detect circuit weaknesses and malfunctions by varying a circuitry's operating conditions. Also, marginal testing.

22654             MARGINAL EMISSION ABATEMENT COST                     한단위의 배출량을 줄이기 위한 한계비용

22655             mariculture                 the use of the sea for farming or agricultural purposes, such as the growing of shrimp on a commercial basis. Also, OCEAN FARMING.

22656             Marine Sanitation Device          Any equipment or process installed on board a vessel to receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage.

22657             MARKETABLE PERMIT               배출권 거래제도 : 오염의 배출권한을 할당하여 그 할당된 범위내에서 오염의 배출을 허가하는 제도로서 한 기업이 허용량 이내로 오염을 배출하는 경우 그 잔여분을 다른 기업에 팔 수 있도록 허용하는 제도

22658             Mark-Houwink equation           the relationship between the intrinsic viscosity of a solution and the molecular weight of its linear polymers.

22659             mark-space multiplier               a multiplier in which one input variable is used to control the mark-to-space ratio of a respective rectangular wave; its amplitude is made proportional to the other input variable, and the output is proportional to the average value of the signal. Also, TIME-DIVISION MULTIPLIER.

22660             mark-to-space ratio                  the ratio of the duration of a square wave's positive-amplitude part (represented by a mark) to its negative-amplitude part (represented by a space).

22661             MARPOL 73/78 부속서 VI 선박에 의한 대기오염방지에 관한 의정서                     선박에 의한 대기오염을 막기 위해 국제해사기구(IMO)에 의해 1997 9 26일 채택된 의정서이다. 독립된 협약으로 채택되지 않고 MARPOL 협약의 부속서 VI (MARPOL 협약,Annex VI)에 포함되었다. 이 의정서에 따라 선박으로부터 질소산화물, 황산화물, 휘발성 유기화합물질의 배출이 제한되며, 금지된다. 또한 선상에서 쓰레기를 소각하는 행위도 금지되고 있다. 이 의정서는 총 선복량 50% 이상의 15개국의 비준을 요하는 발효조건에 따라 2005 5 19일 발효되었다.

22662             Marsh            A type of wetland that does not accumulate appreciable peat deposits and is dominated by gerbaceous vegetation. Marshes may be either fresh or saltwater, tidal or non-tidal.(See: wetlands.)

22663             marsh gas                   a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas (mainly methane, CH4) that is produced by decaying vegetation and other organic materials in swamps and marshes.

22664             Marsh test                  a test used to determine the presence of arsenic in a sample by mixing the sample with zinc and adding a dilute acid; the gas produced is passed through a heated gas tube, and a black deposit forms if the test is positive. Also, Marsh-Berzelius test.

22665             maser             a device that can produce coherent electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency band; used in atomic clocks and to amplify weak radio signals. (An acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.) Also, MASER.

22666             maser amplifier           a low-noise oscillator that operates by induced emission.a low-noise oscillator that operates by induced emission. a maser that increases another maser's output.a maser that increases another maser's output.

22667             masked           describing an element or radical combined in a compound so that its usual properties are hidden or subdued; it is prevented by a preliminary reaction

22668             masking          a phenomenon in which the threshold level of audibility for a sound is raised by the presence of another sound in close proximity.  Military Science. in electronic warfare, the use of additional transmitters to hide the source or purpose of a particular electromagnetic radiation.  Computer Programming. the process of extracting desired information from a group of characters or bits while suppressing the undesired information.

22669             masking agent             a substance that hides or subdues the properties of another substance.

22670             MASKING EFFECT                     음폐효과; 어떤 소리를 들을 수 있는 능력을 감소시키는 현상

22671             mass              a fundamental property of an object, which makes it resist acceleration, and which determines its gravitational attraction. This property can be generally regarded as equivalent to the amount of matter in the object

22672             mass action law           a rule stating that in a chemical system at a constant temperature, the rate of chemical reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reacting substances. Also, GULDBERG AND WAAGE LAW; LAW OF MASS ACTION.

22673             MASS BALANCE          질량수지; 일정기간동안 단위공정으로 들어가고 나가는 물질의 양의 계산

22674             MASS BURN               전량소각; 선별작업을 거치지 않고 혼합도시쓰레기를 소각

22675             MASS CONCENTRATION           중량농도

22676             MASS CURVE              누적곡선(), 호적곡선

22677             mass defect                the difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its individual components; used to calculate the binding energy in a nucleus.

22678             MASS EMISSION          물질방출, 질량방출

22679             mass flow sensor                     a sensor used to measure fluid flows; one highly effective type uses the scatter of ultrasonic radiation by the fluid to provide a sensor that has no contact with the fluid being measured.

22680             mass formula              an equation that gives the atomic mass of a nuclide as a function of its mass numberand the atomic mass unit; defined to be 1/12 the mass of the carbon-12 nucleus.

22681             MASS LAW                 차음의 질량법칙 : 투과손실은 면밀도와 주파수의 곱의 대수값에 비례한다

22682             mass number             the total number, A, of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom; written as a superscript before the elemental symbol; e.g., 238U. Also, NUCLEAR NUMBER.

22683             mass shift                   the degree of displacement that arises from the difference in mass of individual isotopes.

22684             mass spectrometry                   a method of identifying a material by vaporizing it with an electric discharge and exposing the gas to a beam of electrons; the ions produced are then separated, as by deflection through a magnetic field, according to their mass-to-charge ratios for identification by an ion detector.

22685             MASS TRANSFER          질량전달, 질량전이

22686             MASS TRANSFER RATE             질량전달속도

22687             MASS TRANSFER RATES FOR VOCS                     VOC의 물질전달속도;

22688             MASS-ACTION EFFECT              질량작용 효과; 반응에 참여하고 있는 화학종 중에 한 화학종의 양을 변화시켜 일어나는 평형이동

22689             mass-energy equivalence          the principle of interconversion of mass and energy given in the equation E = mc2, where E is the energy in ergs, m is the mass in grams, and c is the velocity of light in centimeters per second, stating that the total mass-energy before a reaction is equal to the total mass-energy after the reaction, or that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

22690             mass-energy relation                an equation that comes from the theory of relativity, stating that E = mc2, where E is the energy associated with the mass m and c is the speed of light in a vacuum.

22691             MASS-FIRED COMBUSTORS                     전량소각시설; 폐기물 소각처리시 이용되는 소각로의 형태

22692             MASS-FIRED SYSTEM                전량연소설비; 폐기물 열적처리에 이용되는 연소설비

22693             mass-to-charge ratio               the ratio, m/z, of the mass of an ion being analyzed to its ionic charge; used in mass spectroscopy.

22694             master cylinder            the hydraulic pump in an automotive braking system that is put into motion by the brake pedal, and then supplies hydraulic fluid to the brakes for each wheel.the hydraulic pump in an automotive braking system that is put into motion by the brake pedal, and then supplies hydraulic fluid to the brakes for each wheel. the container that holds the fluid to operate the mechanism of hydraulic brakes or the clutch.the container that holds the fluid to operate the mechanism of hydraulic brakes or the clutch.

22695             master gain control                  the control of gain over an entire amplifying system rather than varying the gain of individual inputs.the control of gain over an entire amplifying system rather than varying the gain of individual inputs. a control on an amplifier that can adjust the gain of two or more channels simultaneously.a control on an amplifier that can adjust the gain of two or more channels simultaneously.

22696             master multivibrator                 a master oscillator that uses a multivibrator unit.

22697             master oscillator          an oscillator used to establish the carrier frequency of the output of a transmitter or an amplifier.

22698             master oscillator-power amplifier              a transmitter or signal generator using an oscillator followed by one or more stages of radio-frequency amplification.

22699             master plan-position indicator                  a radar-system plan-position indicator that controls remote indicators or repeaters.

22700             Mastigophora              편모충류; 몸에 1개 이상의 편모를 가지며 그것을 움직여 활발히 운동하는 원생동물

