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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22701-22800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22701-22800

번호                  용어                  해설

22701             MATC             Maximum Acceptable Toxic Concentration

22702             matched filter              a filter designed to present a matched load to the source connected at its input and to provide an output impedance so that the load connected to its output will be matched as well.

22703             matched load              a load whose impedance value results in the maximum absorption of energy from the signal source.

22704             MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE                     물질과 에너지 수지

22705             material balance          an equation denoting the sum of all substances entering a process and all those leaving it within a given time period.

22706             MATERIAL BALANCE ANALYSIS                 물질수지분석; 폐기물량을 추정하는 방법으로서, 신뢰성있는 폐기물 발생량과 이동량을 결정할 수 있는 유일한 방법이다.

22707             Material Category                    In the asbestos program, broad classification of materials into thermal surfaing insulation, surfacing material, and miscellaneous material.

22708             MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY                  재활용품회수시설

22709             Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)                     A compilation of information required under the OSHA Communication Standard on the identity of hazardous chemicals, health, and physical hazards, exposure limits, and precautions. Section 311 of SARA requires facilities to submit MSDSs under certain circumstances.

22710             Material Type              Classification of suspect material by its specific use or application; e.g., pipe insulation, fire-proofing, and floor tile.

22711             material well               in the process of the transfer molding of plastics, a heated chamber that contains the plastic to be forced into the mold plus additional material to maintain pressure during the cure time.

22712             Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)               A facility that processes residentially collected mixed recyclables into new products available for market.

22713             MATRIX          매트릭스, 자모, 모형

22714             matrix effect                the effect the matrix (the material used to hold the compound) has on an analysis, e.g., on the spectral lines of a metallic oxide during emission spectroscopy.

22715             matrix sound system                a quadraphonic sound system capable of mixing four input channels into two stereo channels for recording or broadcasting, and then restoring the stereo signal to its original quadraphonic format for playback.

22716             matrix velocity             the speed of sound in a given rock formation.

22717             matrix-array camera                 a solid-state television camera with a rectangular array of pixels or light-sensitive elements.

22718             MATURATION              숙성; 퇴비화 공정중 한단계

22719             MATURITY                   숙성도, 성숙도

22720             Maupertuis's principle              a principle stating that for a system whose total mechanical energy is conserved, the path to be taken for the system from one configuration to another is the one whose action has the least value relative to all other possible paths to and from the same configurations. Also, PRINCIPLE OF LEAST ACTION, LEAST-ACTION PRINCIPLE.

22721             maxi cell or maxicell                a cell of Escherichia coli or other bacteria that has been irradiated with ultraviolet light; used for studies of plasmid transcription.

22722             Maximally (or Most) Exposed Individual                     The person with the highest exposure in a given population.

22723             Maximum Acceptable Toxic Concentration                     For a given ecological effects test, the range (or geometric mean) between the No Observable Adverse Effect Level and the Lowest Observable Adverse Effects Level.

22724             maximum allowable working pressure                     the maximum gage pressure, at a specified temperature, in a pressure vessel, by which the set pressure for a relief valve is determined.

22725             maximum angle of inclination                  the maximum angle at which a conveyor may be inclined and still be able to deliver a certain quantity of bulk material within a given amount of time.

22726             Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT)           The emission standard for sources of air pollution requiring the maximum reduction of hazardous emissions, taking cost and feasibility into account. Under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the MACT must not be less than the average emission level achieved by controls on the best performing 12 percent of existion sources, by category of industrial and utility sources.

22727             maximum available gain           the amplification from a circuit whose input and output impedances are appropriately matched to source and load.

22728             maximum average power output               in television, the highest radio-frequency output power that can occur, averaged over the longest repetitive modulation cycle.

22729             maximum belt slope                 a slope value beyond which the material on the belt will tend to roll downhill; in the mining of coal and ore, belt conveyers can function up to about 18°.

22730             maximum belt tension              the value that expresses a combination of the starting and operating tensions of a conveyor.

22731             Maximum Contaminant Level                   The maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water delivered to any user of a public system. MCLs are enforceable standards.

22732             Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)                     Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, a non-enforceable concentration of a drinking water contaminant, set at the level at which no dnown or anticipated adverse effects on human health occur and which allows an sdequate safety margin. The MCLG is usually the starting point for determining the regulated Maximum Contaminant Level. (See; maximum contaminant level.)

22733             maximum continuous load                       the total load that a boiler can maintain for a designated length of time.

22734             MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW            일최대유량;

22735             MAXIMUM DAILY ORGANIC LOAD             일최대 유기오염물 부하

22736             Maximum Elongation (최대 신장)              중간의 특성(비뚤어지기 에 대한 저항의 변화의 그래프)에 관계되어 생긴다, 플러스또는 마이너스5%이상의 편차가 있는왜치.

22737             Maximum Excitation (최대려기)                 특정의 공차를 넘는 성능의 저하또는 손상을 일으키지 않고 에, 실온으로(에서) 트랜스듀서에 표가할 수 있는 려발전압또는 전류의 최대치.

22738             Maximum Exposure Range                       Estimate of exposure or dose level received by an individual in a defined population that is greater than the 98th percentile dose for all individuals in that population, but less than the exposure level received by the person receiving the highest exposure level.

22739             maximum gradability                the steepest slope a vehicle can negotiate in a low gear.

22740             MAXIMUM HOUR FLOW RATE                  시간최대유량

22741             maximum keying frequency                      in a facsimile system, the frequency in hertz that is equal to the spot speed divided by twice the horizontal scanning spot dimension.

22742             MAXIMUM MIXING HEIGHT                     최대혼합고도 : 대류가 이루어지는 최대고도

22743             maximum modulating frequency               in a facsimile system, the highest picture frequency required for transmission without lowering the quality of the reproduction.

22744             Maximum Operating Pressure (최대 사용 압력)              Full Scale Pressure (훌스케일 압력) 을 참조.

22745             maximum ordinate                   the peak altitude attained by a projectile, measured from its firing altitude.

22746             maximum producible oil index                 a figure representing the maximum amount of oil that can be produced by water drive per bulk formation volume.

22747             maximum production life          the span of time during which a cutting tool operates at maximum efficiency.

22748             Maximum Residue Level              Comparable to a U.S. tolerance level, the Maximum Residue Level the enforceable limit on food pesticide levels in some countries. Levels are set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a United Nations agency managed and funded jointly by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture

22749             maximum retention time           the maximum amount of time a charge-storage tube can hold information.

22750             maximum signal level               in an amplitude-modulated facsimile system, the level corresponding to the higher signal amplitude, that of either copy black or copy white.

22751             Maximum specific growth rate                  최대 비성장율; μm,

22752             Maximum Tolerated Dose          The maximum dose that an animal species can tolerate for a major portion of its lifetime without significant impairment or toxic effect other than carcinogenicity.

22753             maximum undistorted power output                     the maximum power that is delivered by a tube or transistor with distortion not exceeding a certain percentage. Also, maximum useful output.

22754             Maximum yield coefficient                       최대미생물 생산계수; Y, 단위 제거 유기물당 미생물 생성량

22755             Maxwell body              an ideal body of viscoelastic material modeled by a spring and dashpot in series whose deformation is proportional to both the stress and the time it is applied.

22756             Maxwell's (reciprocal) theorem                  a theorem stating that if a load on a linear elastic structure is moved to a new point, the deflection at the old point will then equal the deflection that the new point had before the load was moved.

22757             Maxwell's law              a law stating that a circuit with movable portions will tend to move into an arrangement such that there is maximum magnetic flux linkage throughout the circuit.

22758             Maxwell's stress functions                        three functions of position that fully determine the stress in a body.

22759             MBAS             Methylene -Blue-Active Substances

22760             MBB [Master Black Belt]            6시그마 프로그램에서 블랙벨트(BB)와 그린벨트(GB)의 양성을 위해 교육 및 과제지도 컨설팅을 하는 문제해결 전문가.

22761             MBT(Mechanical Biological Treatment)                     폐기물을 최종 처분하기 전에 기계적 분리,선별 및 생물학적처리를 거쳐 재활용가치가 있는 물질을 최대한 회수하고, 환경부하를 감소시키는 시설

22762             McCartney bottle                     a small, narrow-necked, cylindrical, screw-cap glass vial or bottle.

22763             MCC-IP 시험법            MCC-IP(material characterization center static leach test method)은 고준위 방사성 폐기물 모노리스(high-level radioactive monolith)에 대한 용출실험으로서 발전되어 왔다. 실험에서 모노리스를 이용하는 이유는 시료를 분쇄해서 사용할 경우 함유된 방사성 물질이 노출위험 수준보다 더 높게 나타날 수 있기 때문이다. 용출액량은 모노리스 표면적에 대한 용출액량비를 기준으로 10~200cm 범위의 양을 사용한다.

22764             McIntosh and Fildes' anaerobic jar             a cylindrical, gas-tight jar with a sidearm containing an indicator such as methylene blue solution; used to detect anaerobiosis.

22765             MCL               최대오염농도; Safe Drinking Water Act에 의한 수도물 수질기준에 부합되는 지하수내 최대오염허용농도. Maximum Contaminant Level

22766             MCL               Maximum Contaminant  Level

22767             MCLG             Maximum Contaminant Level Goal

22768             McNally tube              a single-cavity velocity-modulated microwave tube designed to produce low-power UHF oscillation.

22769             MCRT             미생물 체류시간; mean cell residence time

22770             MCS               Mutiple Chemical Sensitivity

22771             M-derived filter           a filter derived from a constant-k filter, in which some elements are multiplied by a factor M, which lies between 0 and 1; having more elements, this filter provides sharper cutoff and more uniform attenuation in the pass region.

22772             MDL               Methanol Detection Limit

22773             MDTOC, MINIMUM DETECTABLE THRESHOLD ODOR CONCENTRATION                최소검출한계농도

22774             Me                 an electroacoustic modifier which, for a speaker amplification system, describes the directivity of sound by the equation Me = 10 exp(MS + ML), with MS representing the difference in decibels between a microphone's sensitivity toward the sound source and toward the loudspeaker, and ML representing the difference in decibels between the sound intensity of the loudspeaker toward the listener and the microphone.

22775             meadow          an expanse of grassland used for pasture or as a hayfield.  : an expanse of open land that is mainly covered with grasses, especially such an area at a high elevation.

22776             mean carrier frequency             the average carrier frequency of a transmitter; corresponds to the resting frequency in a frequency-modulated system.

22777             MEAN CELL-RESIDENCE TIME                   평균 미생물 체류시간

22778             mean effective pressure            the equivalent average pressure exerted by the piston throughout the stroke in an air compressor; used in the evaluation of positive-displacement machinery. Also, MEAN PRESSURE.

22779             mean free path            the average distance between reflections of sound waves in an enclosure, given by the equation d = 4V/S, with V equal to the volume and S equal to the area.  Materials Science. the average distance between collisions of electrons in the lattice of a material, an indicator of conductivity in metals. A long mean free path permits high mobilities and high conductivities.

22780             mean normal stress                  the algebraic mean of the three principal stresses in a solid.

22781             mean power (of a radio transmitter)                     in normal operation, the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter, averaged over a time sufficiently longer than the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation.

22782             MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE                    평균해면기압()

22783             mean stress                the algebraic mean of the local greatest and smallest values assumed by a variable stress

22784             mean temperature difference                    the overall temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids in a heat exchanger.

22785             mean trajectory           the ballistic path of a projectile to the point of impact, neglecting wobbles.

22786             mean-average boiling point                     the mean of the molal average boiling point and the cubic volumetric average boiling point; used to predict physical properties of petroleum mixtures.

22787             Measurand (측정체)                  측정되는 물리적인 량의 특성 또는 상태.

22788             Measure of Effect/Measurement Endpoint                     A measurable characteristic of ecological entiy that can be related to an assessment endpoint; e.g., a laboratory test for eight species meeting certain requirements may serve as a measure of effect for an assessment endpoint, such as survival of fish, aquatic, invertebrate or algal species under acute exposure.

22789             Measure of Exposure                A measurable characteristic of a stressor (such as the specific amount of mercury in a body of water) used to help quantify the exposure of an ecological entity or indivedual organism.

22790             measurement method of light scattering  (산란빛측정법)             광전식탁도계를 이용한 탁도측정법. 입자의 크기가 광파장의1/10로부터1/20이하이면  그 입자에 맞은 빛은 사 방으로 산란하고, 그 산란빛의 강함은 입자경의6승및 입자의 농도에 비례하는 (레일리의 이론) . ,  입자경이  광파장과 동등인지 큰 경우는 입자 표면적과 입자 농도에비예하는 (미의 이론) . 본법은 산란빛의 강도로부터  탁도를 측정하는 방법으로, 전기양이론에 의해 탁함의 입자의 크기, 이용하는 빛의 파장, 입자와 물의 색이 측 정값에 영향을 준다. 본법은0∼ 50도의 저탁도수에  대해서 정밀도좋게 측정할 수 있다. 표준국물은  얼굴링과  호르마진을 이용하지만, 호르마진을 이용한 경우의 탁도를NTU(Nephelometric  turbidity  unit)라고 말하기 1NTU는 얼굴링 표준국물탁도약0.6에 상당한다.

22791             MEC               Model Energy Code

22792             mechanic                    a person who repairs and maintains machines, motors, or the like, particularly vehicle engines.

22793             mechanical advantage              for a machine that transmits mechanical energy, the ratio of the output force to the input force; i.e., the work produced by the machine, divided by the force applied to it. Actual machines often provide a mechanical advantage that is greater than unity; however, the greater the mechanical advantage, the greater the distance that the input force must move in relation to the output force.

22794             Mechanical Aeration                 Use of mechanical energy to inject air into water to cause a waste stream to absorb oxygen.

22795             mechanical balance                  a balance in which the sample weight is determined by comparison with a calibrated weight.

22796             mechanical classification           a sorting method in which mixtures of particles of different sizes are separated into fractions by water.

22797             mechanical classifier                 a machine used to identify or classify mixtures of particles of different sizes.

22798             MECHANICAL COLLECTION                      기계식수거; 폐기물 수거시 기계적으로 수거하는 방법

22799             mechanical comparator            a comparator that utilizes a rack, pinion, and pointer or a parallelogram arrangement to amplify movement.

22800             mechanical dewaxing               a method of separating solid wax particles from oil by forcing cooled oil through wax presses.

