환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22801-22900
번호 용어 해설
22801 ◆ mechanical draft ◆ a draft that depends upon the use of mechanical devices such as fans.
22802 ◆ MECHANICAL EDDY ◆ 기계적 소용돌이 : 공기가 거친 지표면을 통과할 때 마찰력 때문에 생성
22803 ◆ mechanical efficiency ◆ the ratio of the brake or useful power to the indicated power developed in the cylinder of an engine.
22805 ◆ mechanical filter ◆ a filter used to remove suspended floc and undissolved solids from treated waterflood water; it consists of a steel shell packed with granules of materials such as sand, gravel, anthracite coal, or graphitic ore.
22806 ◆ mechanical hygrometer ◆ a hygrometer that mechanically links a pointer to an organic material, which expands and contracts with changes in moisture in the surrounding gas.
22807 ◆ mechanical hysteresis ◆ ㆍ the effect that a system's previous history has upon the current relationship between its configuration and its stored energy.the effect that a system's previous history has upon the current relationship between its configuration and its stored energy.
22808 ◆ mechanical impedance ◆ the ratio of the complex excitation of a system to its complex response at a given frequency.
22809 ◆ mechanical linkage ◆ a set of rigid bodies joined together at pivots by means of pins or other small devices.
22810 ◆ mechanical modulator ◆ a device that varies some characteristic of a carrier wave by physically moving or changing a circuit element in order to transmit information.
22811 ◆ mechanical oil valve ◆ a float-operated valve that controls the flow of liquid out of gas-oil separator tank systems in an oil lease.
22812 ◆ mechanical press ◆ a press whose slide is operated by mechanical means.
22813 ◆ mechanical property ◆ any property of a material that governs its response to external forces.
22814 ◆ Mechanical pumping systems ◆ 기계적 펌핑교반 장치; 고율 혐기성소화조 교반에 사용되는 장치
22815 ◆ mechanical reactance ◆ the imaginary part of mechanical impedance.
22816 ◆ mechanical rectifier ◆ a device, such as a synchronous vibrator, that converts AC current into DC by mechanical action.
22817 ◆ mechanical refrigeration ◆ the utilization of a refrigerant for cycles of refrigerating thermodynamics and a mechanical compressor wherein heat is removed.
22818 ◆ mechanical seal ◆ a mechanical assembly in which a leakproof seal is formed between flat, rotating surfaces to prevent leakage from high-pressure pumps.
22819 ◆ mechanical seal ( 메카니컬실) ◆ 펌프의 모터로부터 인페러에 동력을 전하는 축으로부터 펌프실의 액체가 빠져 나오지 않도록 하는 축봉 (실) 방식의 일종으로(에서). 초강으로(에서) 할 수 있던 고정링과 같이 초과강철의, 축과 함께 회전하는 회전링의 정밀하게 마무리들 면과 면을 접촉 회전하는 일에 의해 국물누락을 하지 않고 펌프의 운전을 할 수 있다. 또 하나의 축봉방식인 그랜드식으로 비교하면① 고토출압가② 고온 사용가③ 액누락 없음. 이라고 말한 특징이 있다.
22820 ◆ mechanical separation ◆ a separation procedure in which solid particles or liquid drops are removed from a gas or liquid, or are separated into fractions by size, or both, by means of gravity separation, centrifugal action, and filtration.
22821 ◆ Mechanical Separation ◆ Using mechanical means to separate waste into various components.
22822 ◆ mechanical setting ◆ the production of beaded material by setting diamonds in a bead mold and placing a cast or powder metal to embed them and form a bead crown.
22823 ◆ mechanical shovel ◆ a loader limited to level or slightly graded drivages; the shovel is swung over the machine, and the load is delivered into containers or vehicles such as mine cars.
22824 ◆ MECHANICAL SIZE REDUCTION ◆ 파쇄; 폐기물의 물리적처리에서, 기계적인 힘으로 폐기물크기를 줄이는 처리공정을 일컫는 용어이다.
22825 ◆ Mechanical stirring systems ◆ 기계적교반 장치; 고율 혐기성소화조 교반에 사용되는 장치
22826 ◆ MECHANICAL STRAINING ◆ 기계적 거름작용; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 여재의 공극보다 큰 입자는 기계적으로 걸러짐
22827 ◆ mechanical system ◆ a device that converts on-site electrical energy into motion energy; applications include electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic.
22828 ◆ mechanical tilt ◆ ㆍ the vertical tilt of the mechanical axis of an antenna.the vertical tilt of the mechanical axis of an antenna. ㆍ the angle of tilt displayed on the tilt indicator dial.the angle of tilt displayed on the tilt indicator dial.
22829 ◆ mechanical torque converter ◆ a torque converter that transmits power only with incidental losses.
22831 ◆ Mechanical Turbulence ◆ Random irregularities of fluid motion in air caused by buildings or other nonthe-rmal, processes.
22832 ◆ MECHANICAL VAPOR RECOMPRESSION ◆ 자기증기 재압축식; 증발증기의 폐열을 거의 전량 회수하는 동시에 주된 에너지원을 전력으로 환원하여 보일러의 가열증기를 거의 사용하지 않는 방식
22833 ◆ mechanical vibration ◆ ㆍ vibration, often complex, occurring in machines and structures.vibration, often complex, occurring in machines and structures. ㆍ the oscillatory motion about an equilibrium position of a particle or body.the oscillatory motion about an equilibrium position of a particle or body.
22834 ◆ Mechanically cleaned bar racks ◆ 기계청소식 바렉; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린인 바렉의 일종
22835 ◆ mechanism ◆ ㆍ the part of a machine containing two or more pieces that are arranged for the motion of one piece to force the motion of the others.the part of a machine containing two or more pieces that are arranged for the motion of one piece to force the motion of the others. ㆍ any assembly of moving parts that perform one functional motion, usually part of a large machine.any assembly of moving parts that perform one functional motion, usually part of a large machine. 3. the structure or arrangement of parts in a machine.the structure or arrangement of parts in a machine. 4. broadly, any machine or mechanical part.broadly, any machine or mechanical part.
22836 ◆ mechanization ◆ the use of power machines to replace manual labor.
22837 ◆ mechanize ◆ to use machinery, especially as opposed to human or animal operation.
22838 ◆ mechanochemical effect ◆ a change in the size of certain polymers, such as photoelectrolytic gels, brought on by changes in their chemical environment.
22839 ◆ mechanochemistry ◆ the branch ofPhysical Chemistry that studies how polymers convert mechanical energy into chemical energy.
22840 ◆ mechanomotive force ◆ the root mean square value of a cyclic force.
22841 ◆ mechanophotochemistry ◆ the branch of chemistry that studies the changes occurring in certain polymers when they are exposed to light.
22842 ◆ MEDIA ◆ 매체
22843 ◆ Media ◆ Specific environments--air, water, soil--which are the subject of regulatory concern and activities.
22844 ◆ medical flat ◆ a flat-sided bottle with a screw-on cap; available in a wide variety of sizes and used for storing specimens.
22845 ◆ Medical Surveillance ◆ A periodic comprehensive review of a worker's health status; acceptable elements of such surveillance program are listed in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards for asbestos.
22846 ◆ Medical Waste ◆ Any solid waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals, excluding hazardous waste identified or listed under 40 CFR Part 261 or any household waste as defined in 40 CFR Sub-section 261.4 (b)(1).
22847 ◆ medium ◆ any substance that transmits impulses.
22848 ◆ MEDIUM CHARGE ◆ 평균전하; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성
22849 ◆ MEDIUM-ENERGY VENTURI ◆ 중간에너지 벤튜리 : 세정집진기의 한 종류
22850 ◆ medium-frequency tube ◆ an electron tube that operates at medium frequencies, where the transit time between electrodes is less than the voltage oscillation period.
22851 ◆ medium-scale integration ◆ ㆍ the placement of several circuits (usually less than 100) on a single semiconductor chip.the placement of several circuits (usually less than 100) on a single semiconductor chip. ㆍ the functioning of integrated circuits as simple, independent logic systems.the functioning of integrated circuits as simple, independent logic systems.
22852 ◆ Medium-size Water System ◆ A water system that serves 3,300 to 50,000 customers.
22853 ◆ MEI ◆ Maximally (or most) Exposed Individual
22854 ◆ Meissner oscillator ◆ an oscillator that uses an independent tank circuit inductively coupled to the input and output circuits of an oscillator in order to obtain the proper feedback and frequency.
22855 ◆ mel ◆ a unit of pitch; a 1000-hertz tone at 40 decibels has a pitch of 1000 mels.
22856 ◆ melodeon ◆ in countermeasures reception, a broad-band panoramic receiver that presents all electromagnetic radiation as vertical pips on a frequency-calibrated radar screen.
22857 ◆ melt instability ◆ surface irregularities occurring in the flow of molten plastic through a die.
22858 ◆ meltback transistor ◆ a junction transistor in which the junction is formed by melting a doped semiconductor, which then recrystallizes.
22859 ◆ MELTED SLAG ◆ 용융슬래그, =smelted slag
22860 ◆ membrane ◆ a thin shell having negligible bending rigidity.
22861 ◆ membrane filtration time ( MF값 ) ◆ RO등의 순수한 물 장치에 어공급수탁도의 표시 방법의 한개. 비교적고탁도까지 측정 가능. HAWP04700FI를 이용해 1L의 시료수를500mmHg로 흡인 여과하는데 필요할 시간 (초) 를 측정하고, 수온25℃ 환산한 초수를 말한다. RO의 공급수로서는300초이내가 표준. * 수온 보정은 물의 점성 계수의 역수에 의해 한다.
22862 ◆ membrane distillation ◆ a separation technique that uses a temperature difference across a membrane to distill the required fluid.
22863 ◆ membrane filter (막필터) ◆ 정밀 여과막
22864 ◆ membrane filtration ◆ the use of membranes with different pore sizes to act as separation filters through which various materials can either pass or be retained.
22865 ◆ membrane life (막수명) ◆ 막또는 요소가, 소정의 성능을 유지해 사용할 수 있는 기간.
22866 ◆ membrane separation ◆ the use of a membrane to remove components from a mixture, especially for mixtures of compounds with similarChemical or physical properties.
22867 ◆ membrane stress ◆ the total components of stress in the surface of a membrane, plate, or shell.
22868 ◆ MEMBRANE-FILTER TECHNIQUE ◆ 막여과기술 ; 물속에 있는 대장균수를 결정하는 데 이용되는 계수 방법
22869 ◆ memotron ◆ a storage tube capable of displaying successive transients until intentionally erased.
22870 ◆ Meniscus ◆ The curved top of a column of liquid in a small tube.
22871 ◆ MEP ◆ Mutiple Extraction Procedure
22872 ◆ Mercalli scale ◆ a 12-step system used for measuring the intensity of earthquake waves; in its North American adaptation, it is called the modified Mercalli scale. (Named after Giuseppe Mercalli, 1850-1914, Italian seismologist.)
22873 ◆ MERCAPTANS ◆ 메르캅탄류 : 매립지에 발생되는 가스
22874 ◆ Mercer engine ◆ a revolving-block engine composed of two pistons and four rollers (two per piston) in a single cylinder.
22875 ◆ Mercury (Hg) ◆ Heavy metal that can accumulate in the environment and is highly toxic if breathed or swallowed. (See: heavy metals.)
22876 ◆ mercury arc ◆ an electric discharge through ionized mercury vapor, giving off a bright bluish-green glow that contains strong ultraviolet radiation.
22877 ◆ MERCURY BAROMETER ◆ 수은기압계 : 기압을 측정하는 기기
22878 ◆ mercury delay line ◆ a delay line in which mercury is used as the storage medium for a circulating train of waves or pulses. Acoustical Engineering. specifically, an acoustic delay line in which mercury is used as the medium for sound transmission.
22879 ◆ MERCURY THERMOMETER ◆ 수은온도계 : 온도를 측정하는 기기
22880 ◆ mercury-arc rectifier ◆ a gas tube rectifier in which mercury vapor is the conducting medium. The cathode may be either a hot cathode or a pool-type cathode. Also, MERCURY-VAPOR RECTIFIER.
22881 ◆ mercury-pool cathode ◆ a pool-type cathode in which the pool is liquid mercury; electrons are emitted from an arc spot on the pool.
22882 ◆ mercury-vapor lamp ◆ a lamp that contains mercury vapor, producing a luminous blue-green light when the mercury is ionized by the flow of electric current.
22883 ◆ mercury-vapor tube ◆ a gas tube containing mercury vapor as the active gas; when the vapor is ionized, a luminous glow is produced. Also, mercury tube.
22884 ◆ mercury-wetted reed switch ◆ a reed switch containing a pool of mercury, in which the reeds are wetted by the mercury through capillary action.
22885 ◆ meridional cell ◆ a convection cell whose main motion is in a north-south direction.
22886 ◆ merit ◆ a term for a device's performance rating for a particular aspect of its operation, governing which applications are suitable for that device, as in signal-to-noise merit or gain-bandwidth merit.
22887 ◆ merohedral ◆ a crystal with symmetrical suppression of half, three-quarters, or seven-eighths of the faces found on the holohedral form. Also, MEROSYMMETRICAL.
22888 ◆ Mersenne's law ◆ a law stating that the fundamental harmonic frequency of a tense string, vibrating with small amplitudes, varies as the square root of tension divided by the length and the square root of the mass per unit lengmetarheology : an approach to rheology combining the assumptions of macrorheology with the application of some concepts of microrheology.
22889 ◆ mesa device ◆ any device that is produced by diffusing the entire semiconductor wafer and then etching all but selected areas to produce a raised area (mesa). Thus, mesa construction.
22890 ◆ mesa diode ◆ a diode produced by diffusing the entire wafer and then etching all areas except the island or mesa at each junction site.
22891 ◆ mesa transistor ◆ a diffused planar transistor in which the silicon area has been etched in steps so that the base and emitter regions appear as plateaus above the collector.
22892 ◆ mesh ◆ ㆍ the working contact of the teeth of gears or of a gear and rack.the working contact of the teeth of gears or of a gear and rack. ㆍ to make such a contact.to make such a contact.
22893 ◆ mesomerism ◆ a term used to describe the chemical structure of compounds that cannot be accurately represented by a single formula, implying that the true structure lies between certain approximations. Also, RESONANCE. Materials Science. the representation of the electronic structure of a molecular system in terms of contributing structures.
22894 ◆ mesomorphism ◆ a state of matter that is intermediate between a true crystalline solid and a true liquid; this is the arrangement that characterizes liquid crystals. Also, MESOMORPHIC PHASE, MESOPHASE.
22895 ◆ mesomorphous ◆ relating to or characterized by mesomorphism.
22896 ◆ MESOPHILIC ◆ 중온성; 25℃ 에서 40℃ 까지의 온도 범위에서 최적의 활동을 보이는 박테리아의 특성
22897 ◆ MESOSPHERE ◆ 중간권 : 이온층과 일출권(逸出圈)의 중간; 지상 400-1,000km 성층권과 열권(熱圈)의 중간; 지상 40-80km.
22898 ◆ Mesotrophic ◆ Reservoirs and lakes which contain moderate quantities of nutrients and are moderately productive in terms of aquatic animal and plant life.:
22899 ◆ METABOLITE ◆ 대사물질 : 신진대사에 필요한 물질
22900 ◆ Metabolites ◆ Any substances produced by biological processes, such as those from pesticides.
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