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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22401-22500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22401-22500

번호                  용어                  해설

22401             long-wavelength infrared radiation                     electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths greater than 8 micrometers.

22402             look box                     a strong glass tube or panel coupled to a pipe or process vessel, to show the level, stability, color, or quality of a process stream. Also, GAUGE GLASS, SIGHT GLASS, LIQUID LEVEL GAUGE.

22403             look-through               a technique in which a signal is interrupted at irregular intervals in order to monitor the victim signal during a jamming operation.a technique in which a signal is interrupted at irregular intervals in order to monitor the victim signal during a jamming operation. a technique that permits viewing or monitoring the victim signal during breaks in a jamming operation.a technique that permits viewing or monitoring the victim signal during breaks in a jamming operation.

22404             loop               a device used for the manipulation of small quantities of solid or liquid material during inoculation in bacteriology or mycology.

22405             loop fermenter            a bioreactor in which the culture is continuously recycled through two chambers to increase both the rate of oxygen transfer and the production volume.

22406             loop filter                   a circuit that passes the audio or video components of a frequency-modulated signal, but blocks the components of the signal that transmitted it.

22407             loop seal                    an immersed tube used to control the rate of liquid drawoff from process or storage vessels, while preventing the escape of vapor

22408             loopback switch           a switch that, when closed, tests a telephone line by reflecting received signals from the end of the line to the sender.

22409             looped pipeline           a pipeline accompanied by a second, parallel pipeline whose purpose is to increase the throughput capacity of the system; both lines serve the same source and destination.

22410             LOOPING                    환상형()

22411             loose pulley                a pulley that turns freely on a shaft, used with a fast pulley in belt-driven machinery; the driving belt is shifted from one pulley to the other to cause the machine to start or stop.

22412             Lorentz force               the force acting on a charged particle in the presence of a magnetic field: FL = q(E + v × B).

22413             Lorentz gas                 a model in which ions in a completely ionized gas are presumed to be stationary; therefore, any interactions between electrons are ignored.

22414             lorry               in British English, an informal term for a truck, especially a large truck.in British English, an informal term for a truck, especially a large truck. any of various small carts or trucks running on rails, as in a mine or factory. (From an older English word meaning pull or drag.)any of various small carts or trucks running on rails, as in a mine or factory. (From an older English word meaning pull or drag.)

22415             loss-in-weight feeder                a device used to control the rate of output of a granulated or powdered solid from a feed hopper; as the weight of the hopper contents decreases, the device causes the discharge chute to open more widely, compensating for the associated loss of flow.

22416             lost circulation             a serious condition in which drilling mud that has been pumped through a drill pipe into a well does not return to the collar of the drill hole, having instead been lost in crevices or porous formations.

22417             lost hole                     a well that has suffered a serious incident, such as a blowout, and can no longer be worked.

22418             lost motion                 any mechanical motion during which no useful work is accomplished.any mechanical motion during which no useful work is accomplished. the delay between the movement of a driver and that of a follower.the delay between the movement of a driver and that of a follower.

22419             loudness                     the relative extent to which a sound can be heard; the degree of auditory sensation produced by a sound.

22420             loudness analyzer                    an instrument that creates a display on a cathode-ray screen depicting the amplitude of airborne sounds at various bands of the audio spectrum.

22421             loudness level             the relative intensity of a sound source, measured in decibel units and expressed in terms of an equally loud reference tone heard at the same place.

22422             loudness unit              a sound intensity unit relating a given sound to a known reference level expressed in units of phons by the expression 10 log10(I1/I2), where I2 represents the reference level of 0.0002 dyne/cm

22423             louver            an arrangement of slats or barriers in a loudspeaker, serving to protect the unit and often to enhance its acoustic characteristics.

22424             LOUVER VALVE            루버밸브; 폐기물선별장치에서 유속을 조절하는 장치

22425             LOVE CANAL               러브캐넌사건; 미국의 대표적인 유해폐기물에 의한 토양오염사건으로 CERCLA제정의 계기가 됨

22426             Love wave                   a surface seismic wave that has a horizontal motion at right angles to the direction of propagation.

22427             LOW AND NONWASTE TECHNOLOGIES                     폐기물 최소화 : waste minimization 과 유사 용어

22428             Low Density Polyethylene (LOPE)               Plastic material used for both rigid containers and plastec film applications.

22429             Low Emissivity (low-E) Windows                New window technology that lowers the amount of energy loss through windows by inhibiting the transmission of radiant heat while still allowing sufficient light to pass through.

22430             LOW HEATING VALUE               저위발열량; 연소시 발생한 수분이 수증기화 되었을때의 발열화. LHV

22431             low level                     the lower of the standard levels of a logic circuit.

22432             Low NOx Burners                    One fo several combustion technologies used to reduce emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx.)

22433             LOW POLLUTION TECHNOLOGY               저공해공정기술

22434             Low pressure sprays methods                   저압 스프레이법; 지면관개법의 분산방법

22435             Low rate filters            저율 살수여상; 살수여상의 형태

22436             LOW VOLUME AIR SAMPLER                    로우볼륨 에어 샘플러 : 입자상 물질의 시료 채취법

22437             low-energy np and pp scattering             a type of collision between a neutron and a proton, or between two protons, each with energy less than 10 MeV, in which the total kinetic energies of the two systems remain the same; usually occurring in the nucleus of a hydrogen atom.

22438             LOW-ENERGY VENTURI             저에너지 벤튜리 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

22439             Lower Detection Limit               The smallest signal above background noise an instrument can reliably detect.

22440             LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT           최소폭발한계  LEL

22441             Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)                       The concentration of a compound in air below which the mixture will not catch on fire.

22442             lower half-power frequency                      the frequency on an amplifier response curve that is less than the frequency for peak response.

22443             lower pair                   a link in a mechanism in which the mating parts have surface contact.

22444             lower pitch limit          the lowest audible pitch at a given intensity.

22445             lower-sideband up-converter                    a circuit that amplifies low-frequency radio signals, produced by amplitude modulation (AM), by infusing them with high-frequency alternating current.

22446             Lowest Acceptable Daily Dose                   The largest quantity of a chemical that will not cause a toxic effect, as determined by animal studies.

22447             Lowest Achievable Emission Rate              Under the Clean Air Act, the rate of emissions that reflects (1) the most stringent emission limitation in the implementation plan of any state for such source unless the owner or operator demonstrates such limitations are not achievable; or (2) the most stringent emissions limitation achieved in practice, whichever is more stringent. A proposed new or modified source may not emit pollutants in excess of existing new source standards.

22448             Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL)          The lowest level of a stressor that causes statistically and biologically significant differnces in test samples as compared to other samples subjected to no stressor.

22449             LOWEST OBSERVED EFFECT CONCENTRATION                    LOEC, 만성독성 시험의 결과 영향이 관찰된 유출수의 농도중에서 최저농도를 의미

22450             lowest safe waterline                the water level in a boiler tank or drum that is the lowest point for safe operation.

22451             LOW-EXCESS-AIR FIRING          저 과잉공기 연소  LEA

22452             low-frequency cutoff                the cutoff frequency at the lower end of the passband of a filter or amplifier.

22453             low-frequency gain                  an increase in an amplifier's output voltage that occurs at frequencies below the maximum value in gain.

22454             low-frequency padder               a device that adjusts the calibration of a superheterodyne receiver at the low-frequency end of the tuning range.

22455             low-frequency transconductance               the ratio between the change in the anode current of a vacuum tube and the change in the control-grid voltage that produced it, at frequencies low enough for the two to be considered in phase.

22456             low-frequency tube                  a vacuum tube in which the transit time of the electrons is much shorter than the period (reciprocal of frequency) of the signals applied to it.

22457             low-impedance measurement                   a technique used to indirectly measure the opposition to alternate current flow when it is too weak to measure directly.

22458             low-impedance switching tube                 a device that is able to transmit a signal with little loss of intelligence, because while it has high static impedance (well over 10,000 ohms), its negative dynamic impedance is at or below zero; commonly used as a relay.

22459             low-intensity atomizer              an electrostatic atomizer that employs the principle of Rayleigh instability, in which the presence of a charge in the surface counteracts surface tension.

22460             low-level                     having an amplitude below that which is available in a comparable system.having an amplitude below that which is available in a comparable system. of or relating to that which is primitive, such as a low-level computer language.of or relating to that which is primitive, such as a low-level computer language.

22461             low-level condenser                 a condenser that has a direct-contact water-cooled steam flow and uses a pump to remove liquid from a vacuum space.

22462             low-level logic circuit               a device that performs problem-solving functions in a computer at a low current or voltage level.

22463             low-level modulation                the process of varying the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a signal in a section of a system where the power level is lower than that at the system's output.

22464             Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW)                     Wastes less hazardous than most of those associated with a nuclear reactor; generated by hospitals, research laboratories, and certain industries. The Department of Energy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and EPA share responsibilities for managing them. (See: high-level radioactive wastes.)

22465             low-lift truck               a lift truck that is manually or electronically operated to raise or lower a load enough to make it mobile.

22466             low-noise amplifier                  a circuit that generates few spurious signals when the desired signal is missing or weak; e.g., a field-effect transistor operating in an audio preamplifier.

22467             LOW-NOX EQUIPMENT             저농도 Nox장치  Nox 생성의 저감을 위해 개조된 장치중 가장 일반적인 장치

22468             low-pressure area                    the place in a bearing where the area or space for the lubricant is greatest and the pressure is the least.

22469             low-pressure well                     an oil or gas well in which shut-in pressures in the wellhead remain below 2000 pounds per square inch absolute (38 × 107 newtons per square meter).

22470             low-Q filter                 a filter with a low ratio between the passband width and the center frequency.

22471             low-temperature carbonization                 a process for carbonizing coal or other fuel of high volatile content in an air-free oven using moderate temperatures to produce coke or char, tar, and gas.

22472             low-temperature separation                      the separation of components of mixtures at low temperatures by means of enhanced differences in boiling points, freezing points, or adsorptive capacities; normally requires refrigeration cycles to reach operating temperatures.

22473             low-velocity layer                     a layer in the earth in which the wave velocity is lower than that of the layers above or below it.

22474             low-water fuel cutoff                a float device that causes the shutdown of a fuel supply and burner system when the low-level line in the boiler tank is violated.

22475             low-water lunitidal interval                       the elapse of time between the transit of the moon for an observer and the next low tide in a specific location.

22476             LPG, LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS              액화석유가스

22477             LPI (Liquified Petroleum gas-Injection)                     LPG 연료를 직접 분사하는 엔진을 적용하여 기존 LPG 엔진보다 효율을 높인 차

22478             LPI 시스템(LPI 엔진)                 LPG 차량에 사용되는 엔진 시스템으로, LPG 연료를 고압액상으로 유지하면서 엔진의 흡입구에 있는 인젝터를 이용하여 각 실린더에 연료를 분사해주는 장치이다. 기존의 LPG 엔진에서 한 단계 진화한 것으로, LPG 엔진 대비 동력성능 및 연비가 우수하며 유해배출 가스 농도를 절감하는 친환경 엔진시스템이다.

22479             LPP(Land Partnership Plan)                       ·미 연합토지관리계획으로 전국에 산재한 주한미군의 군사시설을 통폐합하고 불필요한 시설과 토지를 반환함으로써 주한미군기지 및 한·미 양국군의 시설을 효율적으로 유지관리하기 계획임.        -LPP에 따른 한·미간 합의내용 : 미측은 28개 기지 및 시설 214만평과 훈련장 3개 지역 3,900만평 등 4,100여 만평을 반환하는 대신, 우리측은 신규토지 154만평을 공여하고 우리가 이전을 요구한 9개 기지 대체시설을 건설 및 제공하며, 한국군 훈련장을 미측과 공동사용.

22480             l-process                    a process by which certain light nuclides are synthesized during the decomposition of heavier nuclides.

22481             LQER              Lesser Quanity Emission Rates

22482             LQG               Large Quantity Generator

22483             LR                  평가소음레벨  rating sound level

22484             LRTAP             Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution

22485             Luggin probe              a device containing an electrolyte and a reference electrode with a small orifice placed close to the working electrode that serves to minimize ohmic losses in potential measurements.

22486             LUIS               Label Use Information System

22487             LULUCF(Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry)                     토지이용, 토지이용변화, 산림.        탄소 흡수원으로써 혹은 방출 원으로써 역할 할 수 있는 활동의 범위에 대한 논의. 이 분야는 아직도 과학적인 그리고 또 다른 부분의 불확실성과 위험을 안고 논쟁 중이다.

22488             LULUCF(Land Use, Land Use Change and Foresty)          탄소 흡수원으로써 혹은 방출 원으로써 역할 할 수 있는 활동의 범위에 대한 논의. 이 분야는 아직도 과학적인 그리고 또 다른 부분의 불확실성과 위험을 안고 논쟁 중이다.

22489             luminaire                    a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamp, and to connect the unit to a power supply.

22490             luminescent screen                  an element in a cathode-ray tube or television picture tube that glows when struck by an electron beam and retains its glow for a long time afterward.

22491             luminous sensitivity                  of a phototube, the ratio between the current that is generated by the phototube and the amount of light striking it.

22492             Lundegardh vaporizer               a device used to vaporize a sample solution for analysis by emission flame photometry. Thus, Lundegardh vaporizer macroanalysis.

22493             LUXURY UPTAKE          과잉섭취

22494             LV평균 (LV Average)                 1시간 동안 열차 통과시마다 측정한 최고 진동레벨의 평균치를 의미하며, dB(V)로 나타낸다.

22495             LX                  시간율 : 소음레벨  Percentile level

22496             lyocratic          describing a colloid that owes its stability to the affinity of its particles for the liquid in which they are dispersed.

22497             lyophilization               the process of dehydrating a frozen material for storage in which the water content is converted to vapor in a vacuum by sublimation and then desorption, leaving the material as a porous solid. Also, FREEZE DRYING.

22498             lyotropic                     of or relating to a series of ions, salts, or radicals placed in descending order relative to the magnitude of their effect on a given solid.

22499             lyotropic liquid crystal              a liquid crystal substance produced from two or more components when one of the components is polarized.

22500             lysogenic pathway                    the developmental sequence of a phage that results not in lysis but in the phage becoming attached to a specific site on the chromosome of the host cell, thus forming a lysogen.

