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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22301-22400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22301-22400

번호                  용어                  해설

22301             LMFBR            Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor

22302             LMOP             Landfill Methane Outreach Program

22303             LNAPL            Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid

22304             LNAPL            NAPL 중 물보다 비중이 작은 유기화합물

22305             LNG 냉열(冷熱)발전                  LNG는 산지에 따라 그 조성이 조금씩 다르지만 주성분인 메탄의 비점이 영하 162℃ kg당 약 200kcal의 냉열을 가지고 있어 액화산소 및 액화질소의 제조, 폐타이어등의 분쇄, 식품의 냉동보존, 식품의 분쇄 및 드라이아이스 또는 액화 탄산가스와 제조 등에 이용된다.          LNG를 가스화시키는 기화기속에서 해수와 화력발전소의 열교환을 시키는데 이 때 방출되는 에너지를 이용하여 발전하는 것이 냉열발전으로 화력발전소의 보일러와 중기 응축기 역할을 열매체의 기화기와 LNG기화기가 각각 하고 있는 셈이다. 일본은 1974 11월 출력 400kW의 시험발전소를 건설하여 세계 최초의 냉열발전에 성공한데 이어 오사카가스는 발전능력 1,450kW의 실용발전소를 건설하였다.

22306             LNG 발전소                기력발전 연료중 가장 청결에너지인 액화천연가스(LNG)를 사용하는 발전소로서 LNG 공급상의 문제가 발생할 경우에 대비하여 건설당시 중유도 연료로 사용할 수 있도록 설계된 발전소(평택, 인천화력 등)도 있다.

22307             LNP               항공기의 발착소음과 같은 간헐적인 소음을 통일하여 표시한 것; noise pollution level

22308             load               the imposed force of pressure, weight, and so on that is supported by a structure or body.

22309             load cell          a test instrument that measures pressure by applying the unmeasured pressure to a piezoelectric crystal and determining the voltage across the crystal.

22310             load circuit                 a circuit that constitutes the power-consuming section of a system.a circuit that constitutes the power-consuming section of a system. a circuit that helps transfer power to another system.a circuit that helps transfer power to another system.

22311             load circuit efficiency               the relationship between the useful power transferred to a system and the total power transferred.

22312             load deflection            the change in conformation of a body resulting from a load on it.

22313             load factor                  the ratio of the average operating load of an engine or other machine to its maximum rated load, during a specified time period.

22314             load impedance           the impedance of the circuit connected to a source or to the output of an electrical transducer.

22315             Load Impedance 부하 impedance             부하의 impedance, 또는 관련하는 외부 회로류에 의한, 증폭 회로와 계측· 검출 기기의 출력 단자에 생기는 제한.  압력 트랜스듀서에서는, 부하 impedance, 출력 단자가 공급 압력의 진정한 출력 표현을 나타내기 위해서(때문에) 이기지 않으면 안 된다, 저항성의 부하에 대한 단위입니다.

22316             load line                     a type of connection in which inductors or capacitors are added at given points to change the characteristics of a transmission line.a type of connection in which inductors or capacitors are added at given points to change the characteristics of a transmission line. a diagram in which a straight line is drawn through a series of tube or transistor characteristic curves demonstrating how an output signal current will be altered by an input signal voltage when a given load resistance is used.a diagram in which a straight line is drawn through a series of tube or transistor characteristic curves demonstrating how an output signal current will be altered by an input signal voltage when a given load resistance is used.  Naval Architecture. any of a set of water lines marked on the side of a ship to indicate the maximum depth of loading under a given condition. Load lines differ according to salt or fresh water, time of year, and other safety-related factors.

22317             load oil           oil that is reintroduced into a well for such purposes as hydraulic fracturing, shooting, or swabbing; used to stimulate production.

22318             load stress                  stress on the surface in contact with a load; a pressure that is used to predict the wear expected.

22319             load water                  water injected into an oil well to prime it following acidizing operations.

22320             load-and-carry equipment                        earthmoving equipment that is used to load and transport materials.

22321             load-bearing               describing a component of a structure that bears some or all of its weight and applied loads.

22322             load-carrying capacity              the maximum load at which a mechanism can perform satisfactorily.the maximum load at which a mechanism can perform satisfactorily. the maximum pressure that a lubricating oil can withstand.the maximum pressure that a lubricating oil can withstand.

22323             LOAD-COUNT ANALYSIS           적재차량 계수분석()

22324             loaded line                  a transmission line with inductors and/or capacitors added at regular intervals to improve its transmission characteristics over a wider frequency band.

22325             loader            a mechanical shovel, vehicle, or other machine that conveys bulk materials such as coal, ore, or rock.

22326             loading           a condition that occurs in distillation or absorption processes, in which the vapor-liquid capacity of packed towers or bubble-plate columns is limited because the tower becomes loaded with water due to a high vapor flow rate.

22327             LOADING CRITERIA                  부하지표

22328             loading head               the part of a loader that gathers the bulk elemental materials.

22329             LOADING HOPPER                   투입호퍼; 폐기물 처리시설에서 폐기물투입부분

22330             Loading rates based on nutrient loading                     질소부하에 따른 부하율;

22331             Loading rates based on pollutant loading                     오염물질부하에 따른 부하율;

22332             loading station            a device that receives material and places it upon a conveyor.

22333             LOAEL            Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level

22334             loaming          the process of testing samples of surface material for traces of a desired metal in order to locate near-surface ore bodies.

22335             LOAMS           양토

22336             lobe penetration          the amount of penetration of a radar system that is otherwise not limited by the system's characteristics such as the sweeping angle, or angle of elevation.

22337             local buckling              buckling that is limited to parts of the cross section of a member.buckling that is limited to parts of the cross section of a member. a failure of one component of a structure. Also, CRIPPLING.a failure of one component of a structure. Also, CRIPPLING.

22338             Local Education Agency (LEA)                   In the asbestos program, an educational agency at the local level that exists primarily to operate schools or to contract for educational services, including primary and secondary public and private schools. A single, unaffiliated school can be considered an LEA for AHERA purposes.

22339             Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)             A committee appointed by the state emergency response commission, as required by SARA Title III, to formulate a comprehensive emergency plan for its jurisdiction.

22340             LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION                 국소배기장치

22341             local magnetic anomaly            a region where the magnetic field of the earth differs from the average expected for that location due to some local disturbance. Also, local magnetic disturbance.

22342             local oscillator             a circuit that generates alternating current for the equipment directly connected to it, as opposed to one connected to a distant transmitter.a circuit that generates alternating current for the equipment directly connected to it, as opposed to one connected to a distant transmitter. a device whose output of alternating current is combined with the incoming radio signal before the intelligence it is carrying is removed; used in superhetrodyne receivers. Also, BEAT OSCILLATOR.a device whose output of alternating current is combined with the incoming radio signal before the intelligence it is carrying is removed; used in superhetrodyne receivers. Also, BEAT OSCILLATOR.

22343             local oscillator radiation            the radiation emitted by the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of a signal produced in a local oscillator.

22344             LOCAL SCALE              국소규모

22345             local structural discontinuity                     the effect of a void, inclusion, dislocation, etc. on stress flow.

22346             LOCAL WIND               국지풍 : 한정된 지역내에서 부는 바람

22347             local-battery telephone set                       a type of telephone set that draws its transmitter current directly from a battery or other current supply circuit, its signaling current coming from either a local hand generator or a centralized power source.

22348             localized vector           a vector which is not free, having either or both of its line and point of application specified.

22349             locating          a term for the process of bringing together the appropriate contact points between a workpiece and a tooling device.

22350             locating hole               a hole used for accurately positioning a part in relation to a cutting tool or to other parts.

22351             locating surface           specifically, a surface used by automated manufacturing and assembly machines for indexing or positioning parts.

22352             lock up           a sudden halt in the rotation of a wheel.

22353             locked oscillator           a circuit that converts direct current into alternating current at a frequency synchronized with the frequency of an external signal.

22354             locked oscillator detector          a frequency-modulation detector to which a local oscillator is locked; the phase difference between the two is proportional to the frequency deviation, and the output voltage is proportional to the phase difference.

22355             lock-in            a state in which two oscillating systems are synchronized, as when a self-excited oscillator is locked-in with a standard-frequency generator.a state in which two oscillating systems are synchronized, as when a self-excited oscillator is locked-in with a standard-frequency generator. to shift and automatically retain one or both frequencies of two interconnected oscillating systems, so that both frequencies are synchronized.to shift and automatically retain one or both frequencies of two interconnected oscillating systems, so that both frequencies are synchronized.

22356             lock-in amplifier           a circuit that detects and measures faint electromagnetic radiation at radio or optical frequencies through some form of automatic synchronization with an external reference signal.

22357             locking           to control the frequency of an oscillator by applying a signal whose frequency is consistent.

22358             lock-on           the procedure by which a radar system tracks a target in one or more coordinates, such as range, bearing, and elevation.the procedure by which a radar system tracks a target in one or more coordinates, such as range, bearing, and elevation. the precise moment at which a radar system begins to follow a target automatically.the precise moment at which a radar system begins to follow a target automatically.  Ordnance. a term signifying that a tracking or target-seeking system is following its target automatically.

22359             lockout circuit             a type of circuit that activates an electric circuit by responding to only one of a number of input circuits at any given time.

22360             lockset           an assembly consisting of knobs, plates, and locking mechanisms that forms a complete locking system.an assembly consisting of knobs, plates, and locking mechanisms that forms a complete locking system. a template used to cut a hole so that a lock system will fit it exactly.a template used to cut a hole so that a lock system will fit it exactly.

22361             locomotive                  a self-propelled vehicle, powered by fuel, compressed air, or electricity, used for moving loads on railroad tracks. Also, ENGINE.a self-propelled vehicle, powered by fuel, compressed air, or electricity, used for moving loads on railroad tracks. Also, ENGINE. of or relating to such a vehicle.of or relating to such a vehicle.

22362             locomotive boiler                     an internally fixed horizontal fire-tube boiler integrated with a furnace, used on steam locomotives.

22363             locomotive crane          a steam-powered crane mounted on a flatbed railroad car or on a special chassis with flange wheels.

22364             LOD               Limit of Detection

22365             LOEC (최소영향관찰농도)           lowest Observed Effect Concentration의 약어로서 시험기간 중 대조군과 비교하여 유의한 정도(p<0.05)의 영향을 나타내는 것으로 관찰되는 시험물질의 농도 가운데 가장 낮은 농도.

22366             LOFTING                     상승형()

22367             Log death phase          대수사멸기; 미생물의 사멸율이 새로운 세포의 생성율을 능가하여 대수적인 감소를 보이는 단계

22368             Log growth phase                    대수성장기; 세포의 분열율이  그 세대시간및 먹이 섭취능력에 따라 대수적으로 성장하는 단계

22369             LOG PROBABILITY                    대수확률

22370             log reduction value (대수 감소값)              필터의 미생물 포착 효율에 대한 수치적표현. 여과뒤의 국물중의 균수와 도전균수의 비율을 상용 대수로 표현한 것.

22371             logarithmic amplifier                a circuit that produces an output signal whose amplitude increases at a rate proportional to the logarithm of the input signal's amplitude. Also, logamp.

22372             logarithmic diode                    a device that has a precise logarithmic relationship between current and voltage.

22373             logarithmic fast time constant                  a constant false alarm rate scheme that uses a logarithmic intermediate-frequency amplifier followed by a fast-time constant circuit.

22374             logarithmic multiplier               a device that produces an output that is proportional to the product of two inputs by entering each variable to a logarithmic function generator and then adding the outputs together and entering them into an exponential function generator.

22375             LOGARITHMIC PHASE               대수기; 미생물성장단계

22376             logic card                   a frame upon which a number of electronic devices, such as transistors, capacitors, and magnetic cores, are mounted in a configuration designed to carry out a specific logic function.

22377             logic level                   one of two voltages whose values have been arbitrarily selected to represent the binary numbers 1 and 0 in a given computer system.

22378             logic swing                 the difference between the voltage designated as 1 and the voltage designated as 0 in a logic circuit.

22379             log-phase growth                    a stage of microbial growth where all foodstuffs and other requirements are present in excess and cell growth is limited only by the intrinsic limits of the organism.

22380             loktal base                  the base in a type of vacuum tube whose pins fit snugly into the eight holes in a corresponding socket, so that the two lock firmly together. Also, LOCTAL BASE.

22381             LOMS, LIVING MODIFIED ORGANISMS                     유전자변형생물체

22382             London force(s)           a general term for the universal forces of attraction that occur between fluctuating dipoles in atoms and molecules that are very close together.a general term for the universal forces of attraction that occur between fluctuating dipoles in atoms and molecules that are very close together.

22383             long play                    a videotape recording speed that is slower than standard speed to allow for twice the usual recording time; for example, four hours instead of two hours for a T-120 tape.

22384             long string                  the last string of casing in a well, set just above or through the producing zone; it is the longest casing in a well, running from the pay zone to the surface, and the smallest in diameter. Also, OIL STRING, PRODUCTION STRING.

22385             Long Term Stability (장기 안정성)              1년간의 사용 기간뒤, 혹은 특정의 사용 기간· 회수뒤의 출력의 변화.  압력 트랜스듀서의 장기 안정성은, 1년간의 사용 기간뒤 또는 100만회의 압력 사이클뒤에, 트랜스듀서의 출력의 변화를 풀 스케일 출력에 대한 최대 비율로서 통상 명시됨.

22386             LONG WAVE RADIATION           장파복사

22387             longitudinal acceleration           the acceleration or component of acceleration in the longitudinal direction of an object or projectile.

22388             longitudinal baffle                    a sheet of metal, in fixed-tube-sheet construction with multipass shells, attached to the tube bundles and sealed against the shell to provide support and to guide the fluid flow on the shell side.

22389             longitudinal drum boiler           a boiler having a horizontal drum axis that is parallel to its tubes and is located in the same plane.

22390             longitudinal flow reactor           a theoretical reactor system, usually tubular, operating at high flow velocity in which there is little back mixing of reactants and products along the reactor length.

22391             longitudinal vibration               cyclic motion entirely along the long dimension of an object. Also, COMPRESSION WAVES.

22392             LONGITUDINAL WAVE              종파; 매질중 각점의 입자변위방향이 전달방향과 일치하는 파

22393             longitudinal-mode delay line                    a device in which a signal's output is delayed by passing it through a bar of magnetic material, such as nickel, that expands and constricts in direct proportion to an applied magnetic field.

22394             long-line effect            a phenomenon that takes place when an oscillator coupled to a transmission line oscillates at two frequencies, causing the current to jump from one to the other.

22395             long-persistence screen            a type of fluorescent screen that holds an image for several seconds after the electron-beam that produced it has passed.

22396             long-range order          the periodicity in a crystal lattice whose period extends over many unit cells.  Solid-State Physics. any regular repetitive arrangement of the atoms in a solid that extends over a significant distance.

22397             long-tail pair               a circuit with two tubes, having a common cathode resistor.

22398             long-term global strategy          장기세계 전략

22399             Long-term storage of liquid digested sludge            소화슬러지의 장기저장; 슬러지 살균처리 방법

22400             long-tube vertical evaporator                    a common type of natural-circulation evaporator consisting of a vertical shell-and-tube heat exchanger in which hot fluid on the shell side causes the cold fluid on the tube side to rise and evaporate.

