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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22201-22300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22201-22300

번호                  용어                  해설

22201             linear motor                a type of alternating-current induction motor in which the motion between the stator and rotor is linear rather than rotary.  Engineering. an electric motor that has in effect been split so that the stator is laid out flat. Thus, the stator can become the track of a magnetically levitated motor or vehicle.

22202             linear rectifier              a device that converts alternating current to direct current without affecting the strength of the signal.

22203             linear repeater             a device that produces an output signal whose instantaneous value is strictly proportional to the input signal.

22204             linear restoring force                a force that acts to bring a system into equilibrium; a linear function of the system's displacement from equilibrium.

22205             LINEAR SEGMENT CURVE          선분형 곡선; 세로축은 분석물 또는 표준용액의 농도에 비례하는 기기적 신호

22206             linear strain                 the elongation per unit length resulting from the application of a load. Also, LONGITUDINAL STRAIN.

22207             linear sweep                the movement of a cathode-ray beam across a television receiver at a uniform velocity from one side to another before snapping back to its original position.

22208             linear time base           the variable that causes the electron beam in a cathode-ray tube to travel at a constant rate of speed along a horizontal time scale.

22209             linear transducer          a transducer whose output and input are related by a linear function, such as a linear algebraic differential or an integral equation.a transducer whose output and input are related by a linear function, such as a linear algebraic differential or an integral equation. a transducer in which the output is proportional to the input at any frequency.a transducer in which the output is proportional to the input at any frequency.

22210             linear unit                   a device in an analog computer, in which the alteration of one of the input signals causes a proportional alteration in the output signal and is not affected by the values of the other signals.

22211             linear velocity  ( LV )                선유속 (M/H).

22212             Linearity  linearity(직선성)                        임의의 일회의 캐소책자-숀 사이클에 있어서의, 특정의 직선에 대한 캐소책자-숀 곡선의 접근성. 캐소책자-숀을 그래프로 표현해 직선과 가까워질 수 있는 접근성.

22213             linearity control           a potentiometer used in television receivers to correct image linearity.

22214             Linearity, End Point (종점) linearity             종점을 기점로한 직선에 대한 linearity.

22215             Linearity, Independent (BFSL) 독립(BFSL)linearity              최소 계측값과 최대 계측값의 쌍방을 최소의 편차로 하는 직선에 대한 최대 편차. 독립 linearity, 베스트· 핏트· 스트레이트 라인(BFSL)linearity로서도 알려져 지금 . (BFSL)linearity, 압력센서기기에 있어서 linearity를 명시하기 위해서(때문에) 가장 일반적으로 사용됩니다.

22216             Linearity, Terminal Based 기점 linearity                     최소 출력 계측값을 제로로 고정하고, 최대 출력 계측값을 풀 스케일에 고정한 경우의, 직선으로부터 최대 편차.

22217             Linearity, Zero Based 제로점linearity                     최소 출력 계측값을 제로로 고정하고, 훌스케일 출력값을 직선으로부터의 전체적인 편차가 최소가 되는 점에 이동한 경우의, 직선으로부터의 최대 편차.

22218             linear-logarithmic intermediate-frequency amplifie          a lin-log amplifier used as an intermediate-frequency amplifier in a radar receiver, to prevent it from overloading by high input signals, thus making it impervious to jamming. r

22219             linearly graded junction            a type of transitional region in a semiconductor in which the concentration of impurities varies evenly instead of changing abruptly.

22220             linear-phase                describing a filter or other device in which the change in the phase of a sinusoidal signal is proportional to the frequency.

22221             linear-sweep delay circuit          a circuit in which the relationship between a periodic alternating current and a calibrated direct- current voltage determines how long the input signal is held.

22222             linear-sweep generator             a device that produces a linear sweep.

22223             line-controlled blocking oscillator             a circuit that generates large amounts of power by drawing on the alternating current produced by an oscillator with an open transmission line to its regenerative circuit.

22224             Liner              1. A relatively impermeable barrier designed to keep leachate inside a landfill. Liner materials include plastic and dense clay. 2. An insert or sleeve for sewer pipes to prevent leadage or infiltration.

22225             LINER SYSTEM             차수설비

22226             line-space lever           a lever on a typewriter that is pressed to rotate the carriage to the next line on the page.

22227             line-spectrum sound                sound that consists primarily of a fundamental frequency and harmonics of this frequency, and which therefore can be represented as a series of related lines when frequency is displayed on the horizontal axis versus sound pressure level or some other quantitative measurement on the vertical axis.

22228             line-stabilized oscillator            a circuit that generates alternating current of a frequency related to the power frequency.

22229             line-voltage regulator               a device that counteracts variations in the power-line voltage, delivering a constant voltage to the connected load.

22230             linkage           an assembly of four or more rods for transmitting motion, usually in the same plane or in parallel planes.

22231             lin-log amplifier           a circuit that regulates its level of amplification by responding to a low-amplitude signal in a linear manner and a high-amplitude signal in a logarithmic manner.

22232             LINNER CONE             내부 불꽃심 : 불꽃의 중심 영역

22233             Lipid Solubility             The maximum concentration of a chemical that will dissolve in fatty substances. Lipid soluble substanes are insoluble in water. They will very selectively disperse through the environment viauptake in living tissue.

22234             lipophilic                    having an affinity for fats and oils

22235             liposoluble                  soluble in fats.

22236             liquefacient                 promoting a process of liquefaction.

22237             liquefaction                 a change from the gaseous phase to the liquid phase.

22238             liquefied                     converted to the liquid phase.

22239             liquefied natural gas                natural gas in the liquid state.

22240             liquefied petroleum gas            a liquefied or compressed gas consisting of flammable hydrocarbons such as propane or butane, obtained as a by-product from petroleum refining or from natural gas; widely used as a heating and cooking fuel, as in mobile homes or in areas not connected to gas pipelines. Also, LIQUEFIED HYDROCARBON GAS, COMPRESSED PETROLEUM GAS.

22241             liquefier          any device or system used to liquefy gases by means of compression, expansion, or heat exchange.

22242             liquefy            to convert a substance to the liquid phase.

22243             liquid air                     air that has been liquefied by compression or cooling.

22244             liquid chromatography             a separation technique in which the moving phase is a liquid and the stationary phase is a solid or liquid on a solid support; components of a mixture in solution are selectively adsorbed.

22245             liquid cooling              the use of a circulating liquid to cool equipment and hermetically sealed components.

22246             liquid crystal               a substance that displays optical properties characteristic of crystals but other properties characteristic of liquids; commonly seen as an intermediate stage in crystalline forms that do not melt directly into a liquid, and in living organisms, such as the refracting portion of muscle fiber and axons of nerve cells.  Materials Science. any of various industrial subtances having this form.

22247             liquid crystal display                 a screen in which a liquid crystal material sandwiched between two sheets of glass exhibits computer data when a voltage appears across leads that are connected to character-forming segments etched onto its inner glass surface.

22248             LIQUID DROPLETS                    액적

22249             Liquid filler Packed-bed reactor                 액체체움식 반응조; 부착성장식 탈질공정

22250             liquid filter                  a porous material that has a degree of rigidity and is used as a barrier to strain solids from a liquid stream.

22251             LIQUID INJECTION INCINERATOR              액체 주입형 연소기

22252             Liquid Injection Incinerator                       Commonly used system that relies on high pressure to prepare liquid wastes for incineration by breaking them up into tiny droplets to allow easier combustion.

22253             liquid junction             the interface between two electrolytes that differ in composition or concentration of one or more ionic species. Thus, liquid junction electromotive force (emf).

22254             LIQUID JUNCTION POTENTIAL                  액간접촉전위 : 서로 다른 조성의 두 전해질 용액 사이의 경계선을 가로질러 나타남

22255             LIQUID MEMBRANE ELECTRODE               액체 막전극

22256             LIQUID MEMBRANE ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE                 액체막 이온 선택성 전극

22257             LIQUID PHASE             액상

22258             liquid rheostat             a device in which electrical resistance is varied by raising or lowering metal plates in a conductive liquid, usually water. Also, WATER RHEOSTAT.

22259             liquid seal                   a level of water or other liquid above the end of a discharge pipe that prevents the escape of gases, noxious vapors, and the like.

22260             liquid semiconductor                a material in a solid or liquid state that generates variable resistance when an electric charge is applied.

22261             Liquid sludge application          액체슬러지 주입; 슬러지 토양주입 방법

22262             LIQUID SOLID SEPARATION                      고액분리

22263             liquid sulfur dioxide-benzene process                     a process in which sulfur dioxide and benzene are used to dewax lubricating oils.

22264             liquid-cooled               describing a device that is cooled by a liquid, especially an internal-combustion engine cooled by water, glycol, or oil that circulates through internal passages to a heat exchanger or liquid source. Thus, liquid-cooled engine.

22265             liquid-drop model                    an idealized model in which the properties of a nucleus are portrayed as an incompressible and charged drop of liquid that is stable against small deformations by virtue of stabilizing surface tension but disrupted by strong nuclear forces.

22266             LIQUID-JUNCTION POTENTIAL                  액간접촉전위; 전해질의 조성이 다른 두용액 사이의 경계면을 가로질러 나타는 전위

22267             liquid-liquid chemical reaction                  a chemical reaction that involves two or more liquid reactants. Also, liquid-liquid reaction.

22268             liquid-liquid extraction              a process in which one or more components are removed from a liquid mixture by intimate contact with a second liquid that is nearly insoluble in the first liquid and dissolves the impurities.

22269             liquid-metal fuel cell                a voltaic cell that is used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, using molten potassium and bismuth as reactants and a molten salt electrolyte.

22270             liquid-phase hydrogenation                      a method for hydrotreating an olefinic hydrocarbon with hydrogen in which liquid feed saturated with hydrogen flows through a high-pressure reactor, generally packed with a catalyst, at moderately high temperatures

22271             liquid-sealed meter                  a positive-displacement gas meter in which the gas flows through one of four rotating chambers that are partially filled with water. Also, DRUM METER.

22272             liquid-solid chemical reaction                   a chemical reaction that involves at least one solid reactant and at least one liquid reactant. Also, liquid-solid reaction

22273             liquid-sorbent dehumidifier                      a device that dehumidifies air or a gas by means of a recirculating liquid, which absorbs the water vapor and is made to release it outside.

22274             liquidus          in a two-component mixture, the temperature at which the first solid begins to form.

22275             liquid-vapor equilibrium            the equilibrium relationship between the liquid and vapor phases of a partially vaporized compound or multicomponent mixture at a specified temperature and pressure in a closed system.

22276             liquor             any aqueous solution of one or moreChemical compounds.any aqueous solution of one or moreChemical compounds. the liquid overflow from an extraction process.the liquid overflow from an extraction process.Pharmacology. any solution of a medication in water.

22277             List                Shorthand term for EPA list of violating facilites or firms debarred from obtaining government contracts because they violated certain sections of the Clean Air or Clean Water Acts. The list is maintained by The Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring.

22278             Listed Waste                Wastes listed as hazardous under RCRA but which have not been subjected to the Toxic Characteristics Listing Process because the dangers they present are considered self-evident.

22279             LISTED WASTES           RCRA에서 세분화한 유기폐기물

22280             lithium-drifted germanium crystal             a device that detects gamma-radiation and high-energy electrons by processing lithium ions through a germanium crystal.

22281             lithogeochemical survey            a geochemical survey in which the chemical composition of rocks, and sometimes soils, is studied, usually to explore for mineral deposits.

22282             Lithology                    Mineralogy, grain size, texture, and other physical properties of granular soil, sediment, or rock.

22283             lithophile                    an element or elements having a strong tendency to combine chemically with oxygen, thus tending to concentrate in the silicate phase of meteorites or in the silicate crust of the earth. Also, OXYPHILE.

22284             LITTER            (말라죽은) 잔재물, 지푸라기류의 쓰레기

22285             Litter              1. The highly visible portion of solid waste carelessly discarded outside the regular garbage and trash collection and disposal system. 2. leaves and twigs fallen from forest trees.

22286             LITTLE ICE AGE            소빙하시대

22287             Littoral Zone               1. That portion of a body of fresh water extending from the shoreline lakeward to the limit of occupancy of rooted plants. 2. A strip of land along the shoreline between the high and low water levels.

22288             live                describing an area that allows or produces significant sound reflection, such as a concert hall.

22289             live axle          an axle that turns in bearings and has wheels rigidly fixed to it.an axle that turns in bearings and has wheels rigidly fixed to it. an axle that is mounted on suspension springs together with its wheels, as opposed to independent suspension.an axle that is mounted on suspension springs together with its wheels, as opposed to independent suspension.

22290             live chassis                  in a television or radio receiver, a frame to which one side of the alternating-current line is connected.

22291             live load          a structural load that moves or fluctuates in strength. Also, MOVING LOAD.

22292             live room                    a room that produces considerable reverberation of sound due to its configuration and the surface materials used there.

22293             live steam                   steam that is delivered at full operating pressure, directly from a boiler.

22294             live-roller conveyor                  a conveying machine consisting of a series of rollers over which an object moves as power is transmitted to the rollers via a chain or belt.

22295             LIVING MODIFIED ORGANISM                  변형생물체  LMO, 유전물질이 생물공학기술에 의해 자연상태에서 인위적으로 변형된 생물을 포괄적으로 말하며 유전물질이 DNA 재조합기술과 같은 유전자 조작에 의하여 직접적으로 변형된 유전자변형생물체를 포함하는 광의의 개념임

22296             lixiviate           to separate a soluble substance from a solid by washing or by the percolation of water or other liquid through the substance

22297             lixivium          any alkaline substance obtained by leaching ashes or other powdered substances.

22298             Ljungstrauom heater                a continuous, regenerative heat-transfer air heater with slow-moving rotors to confine hot or cold gases to opposite sides of the rotor housing.

22299             Ljungstrauom steam turbine                     a radial outward-flow turbine defined by two opposed rotation rotors.

22300             LLRW             Low Level Radioactive Waste



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



