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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19601-19700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19601-19700

번호                  용어                  해설

19601             gasohol          a mixture containing approximately 90% unleaded gasoline and 10% ethyl alcohol; introduced as an energy-conservation measure and used chiefly as an alternative fuel in some automobile and truck engines. (A blend of gasoline and alcohol.)

19602             gas-oil contact            the surface in an oil reservoir at which the bottom of a gas sand contacts the top of an oil sand.

19603             gas-oil ratio                the number of cubic feet of natural gas produced with a barrel of oil; an approximation of the composition of oil and gas from a reservoir, expressed in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil at 14.7 psia and 60°F or 15.6°C.

19604             gasoline          a volatile, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is obtained by refining petroleum and is used as a fuel in most internal-combustion engines.

19605             gasoline engine           an internal-combustion engine that is driven by a mixture of gasoline and air.

19606             Gasoline Volatility                    The property of gasoline whereby it evaporates into a vapor. Gasoline vapor is a mixture of vlatile organic compounds.

19607             gasometric method                  any technique for measuring gases that involves the use of instruments or chemical reactions.

19608             gasometry                  the measurement of gases.

19609             gas-pressure maintenance                        a method of maintaining gas pressure in an oil reservoir by using gas injection, which increases hydrocarbon recovery and improves reservoir production characteristics.

19610             gas-solid chromatography                        a separation technique in which a sample is applied to the stationary phase of a column packed with a surface-active solid such as charcoal or silica gel, and the mobile phase is a gas that is used to elute the components for detection

19611             gassy tube                  a vacuum tube that has been incompletely evacuated and thus contains a quantity of gas which degrades its performance.a vacuum tube that has been incompletely evacuated and thus contains a quantity of gas which degrades its performance. a vacuum tube in which gas has appeared after evacuation.a vacuum tube in which gas has appeared after evacuation.

19612             gate               a device or circuit that has no output until it is triggered into operation by one or more enabling signals, or until an input signal exceeds a predetermined threshold amplitude. Also, LOGIC GATE.a device or circuit that has no output until it is triggered into operation by one or more enabling signals, or until an input signal exceeds a predetermined threshold amplitude. Also, LOGIC GATE. the input electrode of a field-effect transistor or thyristor device.the input electrode of a field-effect transistor or thyristor device.  Computer Technology. a basic circuit that controls the flow of binary information, each having a combination of input signals and a single output, such as an AND-gate, OR-gate, or NOR-gate.

19613             gate  valve    (게이트밸브)                    배관내를 흐르는 유체의 유량 조절과 합계 단락을 하는판. 원반장의 판자 (게이트) 가 상하되어 유로를 나누는 형식. 스톱판보다 압손은 적다.

19614             gate array device          an integrated logic circuit that is manufactured by first fabricating a two-dimensional array of logic cells and then adding final metallization layers which determine cell function and interconnection.

19615             gate equivalent circuit              a unit of measurement for the relative complexity of digital circuits; equal to the number of individual interconnected logic gates necessary to perform the same function as the digital circuit under evaluation.

19616             gate pulse                   a pulse applied to the gate electrode to actuate a gate-controlled semiconductor device.

19617             gate voltage                the voltage applied to the the gate of a field-effect transistor or thyristor.

19618             gate winding               in a magnetic amplifier, a winding that produces gating action.

19619             gate-controlled rectifier            a three-terminal semiconductor device in which a signal applied to the third terminal controls the unidirectional current flow between the rectifier terminals.

19620             Gated pipe methods                 게이트파이프법; 지면관개법의 분산방법

19621             gated sweep                a radar sweep whose initiation and duration are closely controlled to eliminate echoes in the image.a radar sweep whose initiation and duration are closely controlled to eliminate echoes in the image. a circuit providing such a sweep.a circuit providing such a sweep.

19622             gated-beam tube                     a five-element tube in which the electrons flow in a beam between the cathode and plate; the plate current will be cut off by a small increase in voltage on the limiter grid, and further increases will have a negligible effect on it.

19623             GATEHOUSE                계근시설; 처분되는 폐기물량을 알기위해 매립지 입구에 설치

19624             gathering area             the location, often down the regional dip from a hydrocarbon trap, where the gas or oil may have moved updip into the trap.

19625             gathering line              a special pipeline with a 2- to 4-in. diameter that connects the tank batteries on a lease with a booster station in the field; used to transport gas or crude oil from the field to the main pipeline.

19626             GATS              서비스무역에 관한 일반협정 : 1970년대 이후 급증하고 있는 서비스 무역에 대한 국제적인 무역규범화를 위해 1993.12.15 UR의 최고의사결정기관인 무역교섭위원에서 GATT사무총장의 제출로 승인 채택된 바 있는 협정

19627             gauge            a possible choice for an electric scalar potential or a magnetic vector potential that satisfies Maxwell's equations. Also, GAGE.

19628             Gauge Factor (게이지 계수)                      피에조 저항왜게이지의 상대적인 길이의 변화에 대한 저항값의 상대적인 변화의 비율의 크기.

19629             Gauge Length (게이지 라인)                     일그러짐의 발생을 측정하는 2점간의 거리.

19630             gauge pressure            the pressure of a fluid as shown by a pressure gauge; equal to the amount by which the pressure of the fluid exceeds the ambient atmospheric pressure.

19631             Gauge Pressure Transducer (게이지압트랜스듀서)           대기압을 기준으로서 압력을 계측하는 트랜스듀서.

19632             gauger           an oil-field worker who collects, examines, and measures oil samples, and measures the amount of oil that is run from the producer's tank to the pipeline. Also, GAGER.

19633             GAUGING WELL           양수정(삼각위어 등을 설치하여 유량을 측정하는 우물), 착수정

19634             gauss             a unit of magnetic induction in the cgs system equivalent to 1 maxwell per cm2 or 10-4 weber per m

19635             Gauss principle            the principle that a system of interconnected particles, subjected to a certain set of forces, will have nearly the same motion that the particles would have if disconnected from each other but still subjected to the same forces; i.e., the constraints on the system are minimal. Also, PRINCIPLE OF LEAST CONSTRAINT, LEAST-CONSTRAINT PRINCIPLE.

19636             GAW              Global Atmospheric Watch

19637             GC/MS           가스크로마토그래피/질량분석법

19638             GC/MS           Gas Chromatograph/ Mass Spectograph

19639             GCC               Global Climate Convention

19640             GCL               합성점토차수막; Geosynthetic clay liner

19641             GCOS             지구기후관측시스템  global climate observing system

19642             GCP               올바른 소각운영방법; Good combustion practice

19643             GCTE              Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (International)

19644             GCVTC            Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission

19645             GCWR            Gross Combination Weight Rating

19646             GDE               Generic Data Exemption

19647             GDF              Geographic Data File (GIS)

19648             GDI 엔진                    직접분사식 가솔린엔진이다. 직접분사방식이란 원래 디젤기관에서 쓰이는 기술로 연료를 흡기포트가 아닌 실린더 내로 직접 분사해 연소시키는 엔진형식이다. 디젤과 가솔린 엔진의 장점만을 모은 것으로 가솔린을 연료로 사용하면서 이를 직접 연소실에 분사해 연비와 출력을 동시에 향상시킨 것이다.

19649             gear               a toothed part, such as a wheel or disk, that meshes with the teeth in a similar but different-sized part in order to transmit force and motion between rotating shafts.a toothed part, such as a wheel or disk, that meshes with the teeth in a similar but different-sized part in order to transmit force and motion between rotating shafts. an assembly of such parts.an assembly of such parts. 3. any of a number of configurations of such parts in a machine, such as first gear in an automobile.any of a number of configurations of such parts in a machine, such as first gear in an automobile. 4. any system of moving parts designed to trasmit motion.any system of moving parts designed to trasmit motion. 5. any mechanism designed to perform a specific function in a machine, such as a steering gear.any mechanism designed to perform a specific function in a machine, such as a steering gear.

19650             gear cluster                 a set of gears that are built into or permanently attached to a shaft, designed to perform a specific function such as transmitting motion from a gearbox to the shaft.

19651             gear cutter                  a circular cutter used for cutting teeth in a gear. Thus, gear cutting.

19652             gear down                  to reduce the speed between a driving wheel and a driven wheel; shift into a lower gear.

19653             gear drive                   an arrangement in which the transmission of motion from one shaft to another is achieved by direct contact between two meshing gears.

19654             gear forming               a gear-cutting method in which a tool's cutting profile matches the desired tooth shape.

19655             gear level                    an arrangement of gears in which the driving gear and driven gear rotate at identical speeds.

19656             gear loading               the mechanical energy transmitted per unit length of a gear.

19657             gear motor or gearmotor          a motor used in conjunction with a set of reduction gears.

19658             gear pump                  a small pump that is used in lubrication systems, consisting of a pair of meshed gear wheels enclosed in a casing, which are contrarotated so that fluid enters the space between the teeth of each wheel and moves around the casing to the discharge port.

19659             gear pump ( 기아펌프 )            회전 펌프의 일종. 포장그내벽과 톱니바퀴의  이빨도랑사이에 사이에 두어진 액체를  톱니바퀴의 회전에 의해 보냄낸다. 소형의 마그네트 구동식기어-펌프는 소형 순수한 물 장치의 송수 펌프로서 사용되는 일도 있다. 성능은 소량으로(에서) ()중압고압.

19660             gear ratio                   the ratio of the number of teeth on a driving gear to the number of teeth on the driven gear, which determines the number of revolutions made by each gear.

19661             gear shaper                 a machine that makes gear teeth by using a reciprocating cutter with a slow cutting stroke and a quick return.

19662             gear shift                    a device used for changing, engaging, or disengaging gears.

19663             gear teeth                   projections at evenly spaced intervals around the circumference or face of a gear wheel which, when used in conjunction with another gear or wheel, transmit force and motion.

19664             gear train                   a combination of two or more engaged gears connecting driving and driven parts.

19665             gear up          to shift into a higher gear, thus raising the speed of the driven unit above that of its driver.

19666             gear wheel                  a wheel having gear teeth.

19667             gearbox          the transmission of a motor vehicle.the transmission of a motor vehicle. a housing for gears. Also, gear case.a housing for gears. Also, gear case.

19668             geared turbine             a turbine operating with a connecting set of reduction gears.

19669             gearing           a set of gear wheels.a set of gear wheels. the process of equipping a machine or device with gears.the process of equipping a machine or device with gears. 3. the arrangement of gears on a given machine.the arrangement of gears on a given machine. 4. the process of using gears to control the speed of a machine.the process of using gears to control the speed of a machine.

19670             gearing chain              a continuous chain of geared wheels transmitting motion from one end to the other.

19671             gearless motor            a traction motor that is mounted directly onto the driving axle of an engine, without reduction gears.

19672             GEEA - EU                  개요 : 스위스, 독일등 유럽 9개국이 운영하는 대기전력 감소를 위한 에너지절약제품 보급프로그램이며 Energy라벨 사용        대상품목 : 컴퓨터, 모니터, 프린터, 팩시밀리, 복사기, 스캐너, 복합기, 텔레비전, 비디오, 오디오, 배터리충전기 등(19품목)        시행기관        - GEEA(Group for Energy Efficient Appliances)        - 오스트리아, 덴마크, 포르투갈, 핀란드, 프랑스, 독일, 스웨덴, 네덜란드, 스위스 등 유럽 9개국 정부기관으로 구성

19673             GEF                지구환경금융  global environment facility

19674             GEF/STAP                    국제환경기금/과학 및 기술 자p  global environment facility/science and technology advisory panel

19675             GEI                Geographic Enforcement Initiative

19676             Geiger-Nuttall rule                   a principle that explains the inverse relationship between the half-life of alpha decay and the decay energy by establishing a (nearly) linear relationship between the logarithm of the radioactive decay constant for a number of nuclides that undergo alpha-particle decay and the logarithm of the alpha-particle range in air for each radioactive series.

19677             Geissler tube               a gas-filled, dual-electrode discharge tube that glows when an electric current is passed through the gas.

19678             gel electrophoresis                   an electrophoresis (protein separation) that is carried out in a silica or acrylamide gel.

19679             gel filtration                a type of column chromatography that separates compounds on the basis of molecular size by using a molecular sieve, usually a zeolite; molecules larger than the largest pore size are excluded from the column.

19680             gel layer (겔층)            막의 표면에 원수중의 현탁물질또는 용해 성분석매물이 부착되어, 겔장이 된 층.

19681             gel permeation chromatography               a separation technique based on molecular size in which the mobile phase is a liquid and the stationary phase consists of three-dimensional networks of crosslinked polymer chains, such as beads of porous polymeric material. Also, GEL EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY, SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY.

19682             gel point                    the stage at which a liquid begins to take on the semisolid characteristics of a gel.

19683             GEL-FILTRATION           -거르기형 : 친수성 충진제의 크기-배제 크로마토그래피로서 극성 화학종을 분리하기 위하여 사용됨

19684             GEL-PERMEATION                    -침투형 : 소수성 충진제의 크기-배제 크로마토그래피로서 비극성 화학종을 분리하기 위하여 사용됨

19685             GEMI              Global Environmental Management Initiative

19686             GEMS             지구환경감시제도  global environmental monitoring system

19687             GEMS             Global Environmental Monitoring System; Graphical Exposure Modeling System

19688             General count of bacteria          일반세균; 검수 1cc중에 포함된 균의 수로서 보통 한천배지에 집락을 형성하느 세균의 총수를 뜻함

19689             GENERAL EXCEPTION               일반적 예외 : 정당한 환경목적을 위한 규제조치가 GATT일반규정과 상충할 경우 예외사항을 허용하는 것으로 인간 및 동식물의 생명 혹은 건강의 보호를 위하여 필요한 조치, 유한 천연자원의 보존에 관한 조치임

19690             General Permit             A permit applicable to a class or category of dischargers.

19691             General Reporting Facility          A facility having one or more hazardous chemicals above the 10,000 pound threshold for plamming quantities. Such facilities must file MSDS and emergency inventory information with the SERC, LEPC, and local fire departments.

19692             generalized coordinate             one of a set of independent variables, not necessarily corresponding to the ordinates of any standard coordinate system (i.e., not necessarily having the same dimension as that of cartesian coordinates); the complete set is necessary and sufficient to specify uniquely the configuration of a system; for any holonomic system the number of independent generalized coordinates is equal to the degrees of freedom of the system so constrained.

19693             generalized force                     a quantity appearing in LagrangianMechanics corresponding to a generalized coordinate, given for a conservative system by the partial derivative of the system Lagrangian with respect to that coordinate.

19694             generalized hydrostatic equation               the vertical component of the vector equation in natural coordinates when the acceleration of gravity is replaced by the virtual gravity.

19695             generalized transmission function             in atmospheric-radiation theory, a set of values that varies with wavelength, with each value representing an average transmission coefficient for a small wavelength interval and a specified optical path through the absorbing gas.

19696             generalized velocity                  the time rate of change of a generalized coordinate.

19697             Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)                     Designation by the FDA that a chemical or substance (including certain pesticides) added to food is considered safe by experts, and so is exempted from the usual FFDCA food additive tolerance requirements.

19698             generating station                    a building housing the necessary equipment for the large-scale energy conversion of thermal energy (from coal, gas, etc.) to electrical energy. Also, POWER STATION.

19699             generation rate            the time rate at which electron-hole pairs are created in a semiconductor device.

19700             Generation time           세대시간; 미생물 각각의 분열에 걸리는 시간

