환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30601-30700
번호 용어 해설
30602 ◆ Waste Load Allocation ◆ 1. The maximum load of pollutants each discharger of waste is allowed to release into a particular waterway. Discharge limits are usually required for each specific water quality criterion being, or expected to be, violated. 2. The portion of a stream's total assimilative capacity assigned to an individual discharge.
30603 ◆ WASTE MINIMIZATION ◆ 폐기물 최소화; 폐기물의 처리/저장/처분이전에 폐기물의 독성 및 부피를 발생원 감량 및 재활용을 통해서 줄이는 행위
30604 ◆ Waste Minimization ◆ Measures or techniques that reduce the amount of wastes generated during industrial production processes; term is also applied to recycling and other efforts to reduce the amount of waste going into the waste stream.
30605 ◆ Waste oxygen activated sludge ◆ 폐 산소 활성슬러지; 반송되지 않는 산소활성슬러지
30606 ◆ Waste Piles ◆ Non-containerized, lined or unlined accumulations of solid, nonflowing waste.
30607 ◆ WASTE REDUCTION ◆ 폐기물 최소화 : waste minimization 과 유사용어
30608 ◆ Waste Reduction ◆ Using source reduction, recycling, or composting to prevent or reduce waste generation.
30609 ◆ WASTE SOURCE ◆ 폐기물발생원
30610 ◆ Waste Stream ◆ The total flow of solid waste from homes, businesses, institutions, and manufacturing plants that is recycled, burned, or disposed of in landfills, or segments thereof such as the residential waste stream or the recyclable waste stream.
30611 ◆ Waste Treatment Lagoon ◆ Impoundment made by excavation or earth fill for biological treatment of wastewater.
30612 ◆ Waste Treatment Plant ◆ A facility containing a series of tanks, screens, filters and other processes by which pollutants are removed from water.
30613 ◆ Waste Treatment Stream ◆ The continuous movement of waste from generator to treater and disposer.
30614 ◆ WASTE(REFUSE) DERIVED FUEL ◆ 폐기물유래연료
30615 ◆ waste-heat boiler ◆ a unit for recovering heat that uses hot oil or gas by-products from chemical processes; used for producing steam in a boiler-type system. Also, GAS-TUBE BOILER.
30616 ◆ Waste-Heat Recovery ◆ Recovering heat discharged as a byproduct of one process to provide heat needed by a second process.
30617 ◆ Wasteload allocation ◆ 오염부하량 할당;
30618 ◆ Waste-to-Energy Facility/Municipal-Waste Combustor ◆ Facility where recovered municipal solid waste is converted into a usable form of energy, usually via combustion.
30619 ◆ waste-trend ◆ 폐기물 동향
30620 ◆ Wastewater ◆ The spent or used water from a home, community, farm, or industry that contains dissolved or suspended matter.Water Pollution: The presence in water of enough harmful or objectionable material to damage the water's quality.
30621 ◆ WASTEWATER ENGINEERING ◆ 폐수처리공학 ; 폐수와 관련된 공학적 학문
30623 ◆ Wastewater Infrastructure ◆ The plan or network for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage in a community. The level of treatment will depend on the size of the community, the type of discharge, and/or the designated use of the receiving water.
30624 ◆ Wastewater irrigation ◆ 폐수관개;
30625 ◆ Wastewater Operations and Maintenance ◆ Actions taken after construction to ensure that facilities constructed to treat wastewater will be operated, maintained, and managed to reach prescribed effluent levels in an optimum manner.
30626 ◆ WASTEWATER RECLAMATION ◆ 폐수 재생; 폐수를 재생할 수 있도록 처리하는 과정
30627 ◆ WASTEWATER RECYCLING ◆ 폐수 재순환; 폐수를 원래 사용하였던 곳으로 다시 순환시키는 과정
30628 ◆ WASTEWATER REUSE ◆ 폐수 재사용; 처리된 폐수를 관개용수 혹은 냉각수 등으로 선용하는 과정
30629 ◆ Wastewater vapor ◆ 폐증기;
30630 ◆ WATER ACQUISITION ◆ 취수; 물을 필요한 만큼 취하는 것
30631 ◆ Water balance equation ◆ 물 수지식;
30632 ◆ WATER BATH ◆ 수조
30633 ◆ water block ◆ an accumulation of water-oil emulsion near the lower end of an oil-well borehole, retarding fluid movement through the formation and toward the borehole.
30634 ◆ WATER BLOOM ◆ 수화
30635 ◆ WATER BORN DISEASE ◆ 수인성전염병
30636 ◆ water brake ◆ an absorption dynamometer that measures the power output of an engine shaft in which the mechanical energy is converted to heat in a centrifugal pump, with a free casing where turning moment is measured.
30637 ◆ WATER CONDUIT ◆ 도수; 취수지점에서 정수장까지 물을 이동하는 것
30638 ◆ water cupola ◆ a bulge in the surface of the ocean directly above an underwater volcanic explosion.
30639 ◆ water demineralizing ◆ the process of removing minerals, such as calcium, sodium, and magnesium, from water by using distillation, ion-exchange, or chemical procedures.
30640 ◆ WATER DISTRIBUTION ◆ 송수 : 소요되는 수압과 동시에 물을 수요자에게 분배하는것
30641 ◆ WATER FACILITIES ◆ 수도시설; 취수시설, 저수시설, 도수시설, 정수시설, 송수시설, 배수시설을 말함
30642 ◆ water for injection ( 물분사(주입) ) ◆ 상수, 정제수를 증류, 또는 정제수를 초여과해 얻어지고, 주사제의 조정에 이용하는 순수한 물.
30643 ◆ water gas reaction ◆ a procedure for producing carbon monoxide by passing steam above hot coal or coke at temperatures of 600-1000°C.
30644 ◆ WATER HAMMER ◆ 수격작용
30645 ◆ water heater ◆ ㆍ a perforated nozzle that heats water within a vessel by blowing steam into it.a perforated nozzle that heats water within a vessel by blowing steam into it. ㆍ any system, industrial or domestic, used to heat water.any system, industrial or domestic, used to heat water.
30646 ◆ WATER HYACINTHS ◆ 부래옥잠(열대산의 부초)
30647 ◆ Water infiltration rate ◆ 수분의 침투율;
30648 ◆ water influx ◆ ㆍ the natural flow or injection of water into petroleum reservoirs.the natural flow or injection of water into petroleum reservoirs. ㆍ an oil-recovery method using water to displace the reservoir fluids and move them toward the borehole.an oil-recovery method using water to displace the reservoir fluids and move them toward the borehole.
30649 ◆ water jacket ◆ a casing filled with circulating water, used in water-cooling an engine, machine gun, or other device.
30650 ◆ water noise ◆ hydrodynamic noise; that is, noise resulting from the flow of water, as in a river or stream, or especially through a restricted volume such as a resonant pipe, producing knocking sounds and other turbulent flow noises.
30651 ◆ water of constitution ◆ water that is chemically combined in a compound.
30652 ◆ water of crystallization ◆ water that is a physical constituent of certain crystals or hydrated salts; can be removed by heating to leave an anhydrous salt. Also, water of hydration.
30653 ◆ WATER PURIFICATION ◆ 정수; 음용에 적합치 않은 원수의 수질을 음용에 맞는 물로 개선하는 것
30654 ◆ Water Purveyor ◆ A public utility, mutual water company, county water district, or municipality that delivers drinking water to customers.
30655 ◆ Water Quality Criteria ◆ Levels of water quality expected to render a body of water suitable for its designated use. Criteria are based on specific levels of pollutants that would make the water harmful if used for drinking, swimming, farming, fish production, or industrial processes.
30656 ◆ Water quality parameters ◆ 수질항목;
30657 ◆ Water Quality Standards ◆ State-adopted and EPA-approved ambient standards for water bodies. The stan- dards prescribe the use of the water body and establish the water quality criteria that must be met to protect designated uses.
30658 ◆ Water Quality-Based Limitations ◆ Effluent limitations applied to dischargers when mere technology-based limitations would cause violations of water quality standards. Usually applied to discharges into small streams.
30659 ◆ Water Quality-Based Permite ◆ A permit with an effluent linit more stringent than one based on technilogy performance. Such limites may be necessary to protect the designated use of receiving wasters(e.g., recre-ation,irrigation. industry or water supply).
30660 ◆ water saturation ◆ ㆍ a solid that has absorbed its maximum amount of water under the given conditions.a solid that has absorbed its maximum amount of water under the given conditions. ㆍ a gas that reaches its dew point due to its water content.a gas that reaches its dew point due to its water content. 3. a liquid that enters into a second liquid phase after the introduction of more water.a liquid that enters into a second liquid phase after the introduction of more water.
30661 ◆ water scrubber ◆ a system or device used to wash away traces of water-soluble components of a gas stream by contacting gases with water through bubbling or spraying.
30662 ◆ WATER SEAL DRUM ◆ 방수통
30663 ◆ WATER SEALING ◆ 수봉; 외기의 침입을 방지하기 위하여 축봉부에 물을 채우는 일
30664 ◆ water softening ◆ the removal of calcium and magnesium ions from hard water, either with chemicals or through ion exchange.
30665 ◆ Water Solubility ◆ The maximum possible concentration of a chemical compound dissolved in water. If a substance is water soluble it can very readily disperse through the environment.
30666 ◆ WATER SOURCE ◆ 수원; 취수하는 근원
30667 ◆ WATER STORAGE ◆ 저수;
30668 ◆ Water Storage Pond ◆ An impound for liquid wastes designed to accomplish some degree of biochemical treatment.
30669 ◆ Water Supplier ◆ One who owns or operates a public water system.
30670 ◆ WATER SUPPLY ◆ 급수; 배수관까지 분기해서 각 수요자에게 물을 공급하는 것
30671 ◆ Water Supply System ◆ The collection, treatment, storage, and distribution of potable water from source to consumer.
30672 ◆ WATER SYSTEM ◆ 급수계통 ; 음료수를 공급하는 시설의 총칭
30673 ◆ Water Table ◆ The level of groundwater.
30674 ◆ WATER TRANSMISSION ◆ 송수시설 ; 정수장에서 수요지까지 정화된 물을 보내는 것
30675 ◆ water treatment ◆ the process of treating sewage or other effluent water sufficiently to permit it to be released into the environment by use of filtration, aeration, bacterial treatment, and so forth.
30676 ◆ Water Treatment Lagoon ◆ An impound for liquid wastes designed to accomplish some degree of biochemical treatment.
30677 ◆ water vapor ◆ water that is in its gaseous state, especially when it is in this gaseous state below the boiling point of water. Meteorology. atmospheric water in vapor form; one of the most important of all components of the atmosphere, serving as the raw material for clouds and rain, as a vehicle for energy transport, and as a regulator of planetary temperatures via the greenhouse effect. Also, AQUEOUS VAPOR.
30678 ◆ WATER WALL COMBUSTION CHAMBER ◆ 수냉벽연소실; 폐기물연소시 열회수를 위한 방법
30679 ◆ Water Well ◆ An excavation where the intended use is for location, acquisition, development, or artificiial recharge of ground water.
30680 ◆ water white ◆ a standard of color for liquids with the appearance of clear water.
30681 ◆ WATER WORKS ◆ 상수도공사 ; 한 수도사업자의 급수인구가 5001인 이상인 경우에 음료수를 공급하는 사업을 말함
30682 ◆ water-absorption tube ◆ a tube filled with an absorbent, such as silica gel, that removes water vapor from gaseous streams during chemical analysis.
30683 ◆ water-base mud ◆ drilling mud having water as the liquid base, used in oil-well drilling operations.
30684 ◆ Waterborne Disease Outbreak ◆ The significant occurence of acute illness associated with drinking water from a public water system that is deficient in treatment, as determined by appropriate local or state agencies.
30685 ◆ Waterborne Infection (수인성 전염병) ◆ 물이나 음식물에 들어있는 세균, 바이러스 등에 의해 전염되는 질병. 이질. 장티푸스, 콜레라 등이 대표적 수인성 질병이다. - 세균성 이질은 고열, 설사, 복통, 구역질 등의 증상이 나타나며, 가벼운 묽은 설사만 있는 경우도 있다. 전염성이 강한 질병이며 증상이 없어진 후에도 길게는 수개월 동안 대변을 통해 이질균이 계속 배출되어 전염을 시킬 수 있다. - 콜레라는 갑작스런 설사와 구토, 근육경련이 나타나며 오염된 식수나 음식 또는 해산물을 날로 먹었을 때 발생 가능한 전염병, 콜레라균은 여러 가지 변이형이 존재하며 고온에는 약한 것으로 알려져 있다. - 장티푸스는 초기에는 고열이 지속되면서 오한과 두통이 있어 독감과 유사하나, 수일이 지나 복통, 설사나 변비 등의 증상이 나타나며, 장출혈 등의 합병증도 발생할 수 있다. - 바브리오 패혈증은 일반적으로 구토, 설사, 복통 등을 일으키나 상처 난 피부를 통해서 감염이 되었을 경우에는 피부 궤양이나 괴사를 일으킬 수도 있다. 어패류를 생식하거나 해안가 등에서 상처 난 피부를 통해서 감염될 수 있다.
30686 ◆ water-cooled ◆ describing an engine, machine gun, or other device that is cooled by water circulating in pipes or a water jacket. Thus, water-cooled engine, water-cooled reactor, and so on.
30687 ◆ water-cooled condenser ◆ a condenser in which cooling water is used to remove the latent or sensible heat of hot fluids; the heat is transferred from the condenser tube to water circulating in passageways around it, while the water is air-cooled separately in a radiator or cooling tower before recirculation.
30688 ◆ water-cooled furnace ◆ a fuel-fired furnace with tubes through which water circulates to provide insulation, generate steam, and limit heat loss.
30689 ◆ water-drive reservoir ◆ a reservoir into which water is injected to control the pressure as oil or gas is extracted.
30690 ◆ Water-Efficient-Water-Conserving/Water-Saving ◆ 물사용효율을/물보존/물절약
30691 ◆ water-knockout drum ◆ an apparatus used to remove water from the hydrocarbon fluids in an oil well. Also, water- knockout trap, water-knockout vessel.
30692 ◆ waterlogging saltinty control and drainage ◆ 침수,염수규제 및 준설
30693 ◆ Watershed ◆ The land area that drains into a stream; the watershed for a major river may encompass a number of smaller watersheds that ultimately combine at a common point.
30694 ◆ Watershed Approach ◆ A coordinated framework for environmental management that focuses public and private efforts on the highest priority problems within hydrologically-defined geographic areas taking into consideration both ground and surface water flow.
30695 ◆ Watershed Area ◆ A topographic area within a line drawn connecting the highest points uphill of a drinking water- intake into which overland flow drains.
30696 ◆ Water-Soluble Packaging ◆ Packaging that dissolves in water; used to reduce exposure risks to pesticide mixers and loaders.
30697 ◆ Water-Source Heat Pump ◆ Heat pump that uses wells or heat exchangers to transfer heat from water to the inside of a building. Most such units use ground water. (See: ground- source heat pump; heat pump.)
30698 ◆ water-tube boiler ◆ ㆍ a boiler in which water is contained in a series or sections of tubes.a boiler in which water is contained in a series or sections of tubes. ㆍ a steam boiler in which a number of closely spaced water-cooling tubes are connected to drums that act as water pockets and steam separators, an arrangement yielding rapid water circulation and quick steaming. Also, INTEGRAL-FURNACE BOILER.a steam boiler in which a number of closely spaced water-cooling tubes are connected to drums that act as water pockets and steam separators, an arrangement yielding rapid water circulation and quick steaming. Also, INTEGRAL-FURNACE BOILER.
30699 ◆ waterwall ◆ a water-cooling system used in boilers, in which a network of tubes carrying circulating water forms or lines one wall of the boiler.
30700 ◆ water-wettable ◆ of a substance, able to absorb or adsorb water.
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