환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30701-30800
번호 용어 해설
30701 ◆ waterwheel ◆ a wheel arranged with floats or buckets so that it can be turned by flowing water; used as a source of energy to drive machinery or raise water.
30702 ◆ Watson equation ◆ an empirical equation that is used to calculate heat of vaporization data for organic compounds to within 10-15°C of their critical temperature.
30703 ◆ WAVE ◆ Water Alliance for Environmental Efficiency
30704 ◆ wave acoustics ◆ the study of acoustic energy behavior, based on the premise that sound travels in waves, a theory supported by transmission phenomena such as refraction, reflection, and diffraction as well as phenomena such as the Doppler effect, which can be related to wavelength and frequency.
30705 ◆ wave antenna ◆ an antenna consisting of several horizontal, parallel radiating elements of lengths 1/2 to several wavelengths long, each of which is terminated to ground at its far end through its characteristic impedance.
30706 ◆ WAVE CLIMATE ◆ 파후 (파의 상태)
30707 ◆ wave converter ◆ any of various waveguide devices that change a wave from one type to another; e.g., baffle plates, gratings, and sheath-reshaping converters.
30708 ◆ WAVE FORMS OF VIBRATION ◆ 진동의 파형
30709 ◆ WAVE INDUCED CURRENT ◆ 해빈류 : 파랑류
30710 ◆ WAVE MOTION ◆ 파동; 어떤 점에서 변위가 어느 시각에 공간좌표로 전파되는 현상
30711 ◆ wave motor ◆ a motor whose energy is derived from the undulating motion of sea waves.
30712 ◆ WAVE NUMBER ◆ 파수 : 전자기파 복사선을 나타내는 방법
30713 ◆ WAVE PROPAGATION VELOCITY ◆ 파동전달속도 : 1초간의 파의 진행거리
30714 ◆ wave tail ◆ the part of a wave that begins at the initial decay and ends where the wave amplitude is zero.
30715 ◆ wave trap ◆ a resonant circuit that prevents a wave of particular frequency from entering a receiver. Civil Engineering. a series of small breakwaters designed to break the force of ocean waves entering a harbor.
30716 ◆ waveform analyzer ◆ an electroacoustical device that measures various characteristics of complex electroacoustic waves, using a graphic display.
30717 ◆ WAVEFRONT ◆ 파면; 파동의 위상이 같은 점들을 연결한 면
30718 ◆ waveguide ◆ a hollow metal pipe, usually of rectangular cross section, that is designed to transmit microwave energy along its longitudinal axis.
30719 ◆ WAVELENGTH ◆ 파장 : 파의 길이
30720 ◆ wavelength shifter ◆ ㆍ a frequency shifter whose performance is indicated in units of wavelength.a frequency shifter whose performance is indicated in units of wavelength. ㆍ a photofluorescent compound that is used with a scintillator material to emit photons of a longer wavelength than those absorbed; used to increase the efficiency of a photocell or phototube.a photofluorescent compound that is used with a scintillator material to emit photons of a longer wavelength than those absorbed; used to increase the efficiency of a photocell or phototube.
30721 ◆ wave-shaping circuit ◆ a circuit producing an output waveshape that differs from the input waveshape; for example, converting a square wave into a ramp.
30722 ◆ wax fractionation ◆ a lube-oil refining process that involves continuous solvent recovery and crystallization; used for the manufacture of waxes with low oil content from wax concentrates.
30723 ◆ wax manufacturing ◆ a method of petroleum refining that is much like wax fractionation, used to produce oil-free waxes by chilling and crystallization from a solvent.
30724 ◆ ways ◆ ㆍ the smooth longitudinal guides on the top surface of a lathe bed on which the carriage and tailstock slide.the smooth longitudinal guides on the top surface of a lathe bed on which the carriage and tailstock slide. ㆍ the timbers from which a ship slides when being launched.the timbers from which a ship slides when being launched.
30725 ◆ WB ◆ Wet Bulb
30726 ◆ WCED ◆ 환경개발에 관한 세계위원회, world commission on environmental and development
30727 ◆ WCED ◆ World Commission on Environment and Development
30728 ◆ WCRP [World Climate Research Programme] ◆ 세계기후연구계획 세계기상기구(WMO)가 중심이 돼 세계기후계획이 1980년부터 시작. 최근 계속되는 세계적인 이상기상 현상이나 인간활동의 증대가 인류의 발전을 저해하는 기후를 가져올 위험성에 대응하기 위해 세계기후자료계획(WCDP) 세계기후이용계획(WCAP) 세계기후영향조사계획(WCIP) 세계기후연구계획(WCRP)을 주축으로 한 세계기후계획을 추진하고 있다.
30729 ◆ WDROP ◆ Distribution Register of Organic Pollutants in Water
30730 ◆ weak acid ◆ an acid in an aqueous solution that does not ionize to an appreciable extent and yields few hydrogen ions.
30731 ◆ weak electrolyte ◆ a compound that experiences only a small degree of dissociation in an aqueous solution; e.g., acetic acid or ammonium hydroxide.
30732 ◆ weakly bonding orbital ◆ a relationship between an electron and a nucleus in which the electron's energy decreases slightly as it draws closer to the nucleus, causing them to have a weak interaction. Also, weakly bonding molecular orbital.
30733 ◆ weathered layer ◆ an earth layer characterized by low seismic-wave velocities and found just under the surface of the earth.
30734 ◆ weathering correction ◆ a correction applied to travel times of reflected or refracted seismic waves to account for the effect of the weathered layer.
30735 ◆ weathering test ◆ a standard test used to isolate the heavy components of a liquid-petroleum gas sample by evaporating off the volatile components. Also, BOILAWAY TEST.
30736 ◆ weathering velocity ◆ the speed at which a P wave travels through the weathered layer of the earth's crust.
30737 ◆ web ◆ ㆍ the plated or central portion of a structure.the plated or central portion of a structure. ㆍ the plate in a beam or girder that connects the upper and lower flat plates.the plate in a beam or girder that connects the upper and lower flat plates.
30738 ◆ weber ◆ the meter-kilogram-second unit of magnetic flux, equivalent to the flux (in a single-turn coil) that produces an electromotive force of 1 volt as it is reduced uniformly to zero over 1 second. (Named for Wilhelm Eduard Weber.)
30739 ◆ Weber number 3 ◆ a dimensionless number equal to the surface tension times the acceleration of gravity divided by the product of the liquid density, the depth of liquid on the tray being studied, and the square of the fluid velocity; used in calculating the interfacial area of liquid droplets in distillation equipment.
30740 ◆ WECPNL ◆ 다수의 항공기에 의해 장기간 연속폭로된 소음척도; Weighted ECPNL
30741 ◆ WECPNL ◆ 웨클( WECPNL) weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level 가중(加重) 등가(等價) 감각 소음 레벨 ((항공기 소음의 평가 단위))
30742 ◆ wedge core lifter ◆ a core-gripping device consisting of a series of serrated-face, tapered wedges in recesses cut into the inner surface of a lifter case that is threaded to the inner tube of a core barrel; the barrel is raised to pull the wedges tight and grip the core.
30743 ◆ WEDGE-WIRE ◆ 쐐기선
30744 ◆ WEDGE-WIRE SCREEN ◆ 쐐기모양 철망스크린; 경사직 고정 스크린의 장치 일부분
30745 ◆ WEEE 처리지침? ◆ WEEE 처리지침이란 유럽연합 폐전기전자제품 처리지침(Drective 2002/96/EC) EU에서 폐기되는 전기전자제품의 회수처리에 대한 법규로 각 회원국은 EC조약 제 185조(목적 : 환경보전 자체)에 의거 동 지침보다 엄격한 자국법을 제정 ·시행토록 하고 있음. 제정배경은 폐전기전자제품 발생량 증가 및 부적절한 처리로 환경부하(토양, 수질오염)의 증가임 WEEE발생량(거주자 1인당 약 14Kg/년, 전체 약 500만톤/년) / WEEE증가율(일반도시폐기물 발생증가율의 3배) / WEEE최종처리(90%의 E-waste는 매립, 소각 혹은 전처리없이 재생) 목적은 1. 폐전기전자제품의 발생억제(사전예방), 2. 재사용, 재활용. 재생 등을 통한 폐제품의 최종 처리량 저감, 3. 폐전기전자제품에 의한 전과정(life-cycle)에서의 환경성과 개선 적용범위는 1. 부속서에 명시된 10대 분류에 속하는 전기전자제품, 2. 보안장비, 군수품, 전략물자 등은 제외
30746 ◆ WEEE(Waste Electronic and Electronic Equipment) ◆ WEEE(폐전기전자제품) 폐기되는 전기전자제품과 제품에 포함된 부품, 하부조리품, 소모품 등을 포함(예, 리모컨, 마우스, 키보드, 충전기등)
30747 ◆ WEEKDAY COLLECTION ROUTE ◆ 평일수거노선; 폐기물수거형태
30748 ◆ weeping core ◆ a core cut that has been brought to the surface with tearlike drops of fluid, indicating that the deposit will likely yield little oil.
30749 ◆ WEIGH TITRIMETRY ◆ 무게법 적정;
30750 ◆ WEIGHING BOTTLE ◆ 칭양병 (비중병)
30751 ◆ WEIGHING FACILITIES ◆ 계근시설; 폐기물처리시설로 들어오는 폐기물의 무게를 측정하는 장치
30752 ◆ WEIGHING FORM ◆ 칭량대
30753 ◆ weight ◆ ㆍ the gravitational force experienced by a body on the earth's surface or in some other gravitational field. Weight and mass are not synonyms; weight is relative to force and thus can change according to position. For example, an object in outer space will have less weight than it does on earth, because of its distance from the earth's gravitational field, but its mass will not be affected.the gravitational force experienced by a body on the earth's surface or in some other gravitational field. Weight and mass are not synonyms; weight is relative to force and thus can change according to position. For example, an object in outer space will have less weight than it does on earth, because of its distance from the earth's gravitational field, but its mass will not be affected.
30754 ◆ weight of measurement ◆ a number assigned to express the relative precision of each measurement; in least-squares refinement, the weight should be proportional to the reciprocal of the square of the estimated standard deviation of the measurement. Other weighting schemes are frequently used.
30755 ◆ Weight of Scientific Evidence ◆ Considerations in assessing the interpretation of published information about toxicity--quality of testing methods, size and power of study design, consistency of results across studies, and biological plausibility of exposure-response relationships and statistical associations.
30756 ◆ WEIGHTING NETWORK ◆ 청감역보정회로
30757 ◆ weightless ◆ experiencing a condition of weightlessness, as in the interior of a spacecraft.
30758 ◆ weightlessness ◆ a condition in which there is no detectable acceleration due to gravity or any other force. Also, ZERO GRAVITY.
30759 ◆ WEIGHT-VOLUME ANALYSIS ◆ 중량-부피분석; 폐기물량을 추정하는 방법으로서, 상세한 자료가 얻어지면 주어진 장소에서 발생된 다양한 폐기물의 겉보기밀도를 보다 정확히 알 수 있다.
30760 ◆ Weir ◆ 1. A wall or plate placed in an open channel to measure the flow of water. 2. A wall or obstruction used to control flow from settling tanks and clarifiers to ensure a uniform flow rate and avoid short-circuiting. (See: short-circuiting.)
30761 ◆ WEIR ◆ 웨어; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치
30762 ◆ weir tank ◆ an oil-field storage tank using weir boxes (low- and high-level) and controls to meter the liquid content.
30763 ◆ Weissenberg photograph ◆ a distorted image of a given layer of the reciprocal lattice. It is an oscillation photograph in which the camera moves in a particular manner as the crystal rotates; a narrow band of diffracted radiation normal to the rotation axis (a layer line) is selected. The position of a spot on the film is related to the angle of rotation of the crystal at the instant of diffraction for that particular spot.
30764 ◆ Weisz ring oven ◆ an apparatus used in microanalytic techniques to vaporize solvent from filter paper, leaving the solute behind in a circular ring.
30765 ◆ Welge method ◆ a method used to estimate anticipated production from a gas-cap-drive oil reservoir.
30766 ◆ Well ◆ A bored, drilled, or driven shaft, or a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimen- sion and whose purpose is to reach underground water supplies or oil, or to store or bury fluids below ground.
30767 ◆ well completion ◆ the operation of sealing off a depleted well.
30768 ◆ well conditioning ◆ ㆍ the operation of controlling production rate and associated pressure drawdown in preparation for well sampling.the operation of controlling production rate and associated pressure drawdown in preparation for well sampling. ㆍ the removal of solid deposits from the sides of a wellbore or the breakage of a water block to increase recovery rate.the removal of solid deposits from the sides of a wellbore or the breakage of a water block to increase recovery rate.
30769 ◆ Well Field ◆ Area containing one or more wells that produce usable amounts of water or oil.
30770 ◆ Well Injection ◆ The subsurface emplacement of fluids into a well.
30771 ◆ well injectivity ◆ an injection-well characteristic that defines its ability to receive injected water or gas; can be influenced negatively by a retarding factor such as a water block.
30772 ◆ Well Monitoring ◆ Measurement by on-site instruments or laboratory methods of well water quality.
30773 ◆ well performance ◆ actual well production as compared to anticipated production capacity, pressure drop, or flow rate.
30774 ◆ Well Plug ◆ A watertight, gastight seal installed in a bore hole or well to prevent movement of fluids.
30775 ◆ Well Point ◆ A hollow vertical tube, rod, or pipe terminating in a perforated pointed shoe and fitted with a fine-mesh screen.
30776 ◆ well spacing ◆ the geographic pattern of producing oil or gas wells in an oil field, regulated by government authority and established in consideration of maximum ultimate production per reservoir. Also, SPACING PATTERN.
30777 ◆ wellbore hydraulics ◆ the study of the behavior of fluids (water, gas, and oil) in the tubing, casing, or annulus between tubing and casing in a wellbore.
30778 ◆ Wellhead Protection Area ◆ A protected surface and subsurface zone surrounding a well or well field supplying a public water system to keep contaminants from reaching the well water.
30779 ◆ WENDB ◆ Water Enforcement National Data Base
30780 ◆ WERL ◆ Water Engineering Research Laboratory
30781 ◆ WET ◆ Whole Effluent Toxicity test
30782 ◆ wet cooling tower ◆ a tower that cools water by atomization into a circulating air stream so that heat is lost through evaporation.
30783 ◆ WET DEPOSITION ◆ 습윤침적; 강수에 침착하는 것
30784 ◆ wet drill ◆ a percussive drill with a water feed through the machine or by means of a water swivel that suppresses the dust produced by drilling.
30785 ◆ wet engine ◆ a term for an engine that contains oil, coolant, and fuel.
30786 ◆ wet flashover voltage ◆ the voltage necessary to break down the air surrounding a clean, wet insulator between electrodes.
30787 ◆ wet grinding ◆ ㆍ the milling of materials in water or other liquid.the milling of materials in water or other liquid. ㆍ the process of applying a coolant to the work and wheel to facilitate the grinding process.the process of applying a coolant to the work and wheel to facilitate the grinding process.
30788 ◆ WET IMPINGEMENT SCRUBBERS ◆ 습식충돌 세정기 : 세정집진기의 한 종류
30789 ◆ WET INJECTION ◆ 물의 주입 : 고온의 공기를 냉각시키는 방법으로 물의 높은 증발열을 이용한 방법
30790 ◆ wet mill ◆ ㆍ a mill in which the material to be ground is mixed with liquid.a mill in which the material to be ground is mixed with liquid. ㆍ a mill powered by a liquid stream.a mill powered by a liquid stream.
30792 ◆ WET SCRUBBER ◆ 습식세정기 : 대기오염방지 장치중 분진입자 제거 장치
30793 ◆ WET SCRUBBER EFFLUENT ◆ 습식가스세정기 유출수
30794 ◆ wet sleeve ◆ a cylinder lining that has more than 70% of its surface exposed to coolant.
30796 ◆ wet well ◆ a chamber used to store liquids.
30797 ◆ Wet-air oxidation heat treatment system ◆ 습식공기 산화 열처리; 슬러지 열처리 공법
30798 ◆ WETLANDS ◆ 습지 : 호수에서 육지로 전환하는 생태적 천이단계의 중간단계로서 두 환경의 특성을 공유하며 각종 물질의 전환을 비롯하여 크고 작은 생물들이 다양하게 출현함
30799 ◆ Wetlands ◆ An area that is saturated by surface or ground water with vegetation adapted for life under those soil conditions, as swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, and estuaries.
30800 ◆ Wettability ◆ The relative degree to which a fluid will spread into or coat a solid surface in the presence of other immiscible fluids.
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