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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30501-30600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30501-30600

번호                  용어                  해설

30501             volcanic chain             a line of volcanic mountains, often along a fault.

30502             volcanic cone              a cone-shaped hill formed by volcanic discharges around a volcanic vent, composed of lava or pyroclastic materials.

30503             volcanic dome             a steep-sided, rounded mass of viscous lava forming a dome-shaped or bulbous mass over a volcanic vent.

30504             volcanic neck              a mass of hardened volcanic magma that has been thrust upward into a volcanic cone by subterranean pressure, remaining upright after the surrounding material has been stripped away by erosion.

30505             volcanic water             magmatic water that is on or just under the earth's surface.

30506             voltage amplification                the amplification of an input-signal voltage to produce a higher output-signal voltage.

30507             voltage amplifier          any amplifier designed to increase a signal's voltage.

30508             voltage clamp technique           a technique for studying the effects of membrane potentials; microelectrodes are placed in a cell and adjusted so that the membrane potential is held at a specific voltage.

30509             voltage doubler           a rectifier circuit that rectifies each half cycle of an alternating voltage separately and adds the two rectified voltages to produce a direct voltage having approximately twice the peak amplitude of the original applied alternating voltage.

30510             voltage feed                the excitation point on a transmitting antenna at which the voltage is applied at an antinode or voltage loop.

30511             VOLTAGE FOLLOWER                전압폴로어

30512             voltage gain                the ratio of an output-signal voltage level to the input-signal voltage level, usually expressed in decibels.

30513             voltage gating             the regulating of permeability of a membrane by opening a channel in response to a change in membrane potential.

30514             voltage generator                    a two-terminal circuit element whose terminal voltage is independent of its current.

30515             voltage node               in a system that supports a standing wave, a point at which the voltage is zero, as at the midpoint of a half-wave antenna.

30516             voltage quadrupler                   a rectifier circuit that uses four diodes to produce a DC voltage that is four times the peak of the AC input voltage.

30517             voltage regulator          a circuit or device that produces a nearly constant voltage output, even though the voltage input (line) and current output (load) vary widely. Also, VOLTAGE CORRECTOR.

30518             voltage-controlled oscillator                     an oscillator having an output frequency that varies with the applied direct current control voltage.

30519             voltage-regulator diode            a diode in which the voltage is independent of the current for a considerable range of current values, such as a Zener diode. The diode may be used as the main component of a simple voltage regulator, or as a constant voltage reference for a more elaborate voltage regulator circuit.

30520             voltage-regulator tube              a glow-discharge tube that maintains an essentially constant tube voltage drop over the operating range of current.

30521             voltametry                  a technique for measuring current passing through an electrolytic solution while a series of voltages is applied.

30522             voltammeter                an instrument that can measure current and voltage.

30523             VOLUME CONDUCTION            체적전도

30524             VOLUME REDUCTIN                 압축; Densification과 같은 의미로 쓰인다

30525             Volume Reduction                       Preocessing waste materials to decrease the amount of space they occupy, usually by compacting, shredding, incineration, or composting.

30526             VOLUME REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUALIZATION BASIN              조정조의 필요유량; 유량종에 필요한 일정한 양의 용량이 필요

30527             volume strain              a strain that causes a change in the volume of a substance, as opposed to one causing a change only in its shape.

30528             volume stress              a measure of the external force causing a change in the volume of a substance, per unit area of the substance.

30529             VOLUME TRY               부피법 : 분석 분석물과 완전히 반응한 시약용액의 부필르 측정

30530             volume velocity           the rate of flow of a fluid medium that is driven by a sound wave, across a specified boundary.

30531             volume-limiting amplifier          an amplifier equipped with an automatic device that functions when the input volume exceeds a specified level, then reduces the gain in such a way that the output volume remains essentially constant despite further input volume increases.

30532             volumetric analysis                   the quantitative measure of a solution of known volume but unknown concentration, determined by adding reagents of known concentration until the reaction is complete.

30533             volumetric flask           a flask with only one calibration, used to measure and prepare definite fixed volumes of liquids.

30534             volumetric loading rate             the rate of addition of raw materials to a fermenter or to an aerobic digester, expressed in terms of weight of material per unit volume per unit time.

30535             volumetric pipet          an open-ended graduated glass tube used to measure different quantities of liquids.

30536             Volumetric Tank Test                 One of several tests to determine the physical integrity of a storage tank; the volume of fluid in the tank is measured directly or calculated from product-level changes. A marked drop in volume indicates a leak.

30537             volute pump               a centrifugal pump housed in a spiral casing.

30538             volute spring               a conical-shaped coil spring that extends in the direction of the axis of the coil.

30539             Vorce diaphragm cell                a cylindrical, electrolytic cell with an asbestos-covered cathode and graphite anodes; used for producing chlorine.

30540             VORTEX SHEDDING                  와류식; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치

30541             VORTEX-STABILIZED ARC          와류 안정화 아크

30542             Vortex-type grit chambers                        와류식 침사지; 침사지의 종류

30543             VOS               Volatile Organic Sampling Train

30544             VOST             Volatile Orgaanic Sampling Train

30545             VP                 Vapor Pressure

30546             VPP (Victims Pay Principle)                       피해자부담원칙

30547             VS, VOLATILE SOLIDS IGNITION LOSS                     강열감량

30548             VSD               Virtually Safe Dose

30549             VSI                 Visual Site Inspection

30550             VSS                Volatile Suspended Solids

30551             Vulnerability Analysis                   Assessment of elements in the community that are susceptible to damage if hazardous materials are released.

30552             Vulnerable Zone          An area over which the airborne concentration of a chemical accidentally released could reach the level of concern.

30553             WA                Work Assignment

30554             Wacker process           a procedure used to oxidize ethylene to acetaldehyde, by contacting with oxygen in the presence of cupric chloride and palladium chloride.

30555             WADTF           Wesrern Atmospheric Deposition Task Force

30556             wafer             a flat semiconductor slice on which microcircuits or individual microcircuit devices can be fabricated.

30557             wafer lever switch                    a lever switch that engages one or more contacts on a movable wafer segment; actuated by the lever with contacts on one or both sides of the wafer.

30558             wafer socket                an electron tube or transistor socket consisting of one or two plastic or ceramic wafers with spring-metal clips that grip the terminal pins of the tube or transistor.

30559             WAG              Waste Area Grouping

30560             Wagner's reagent                     an aqueous solution of potassium iodide and iodine; used in the microscopic analysis of alkaloids. Also, Wagner's solution.

30561             Wahl correlation          a correlation based on assumed data for pressure, volume, and temperature; used to estimate total recovery from a solution-gas-drive oil reservoir.

30562             wait-and-see stage                   관망단계

30563             WAKE-FLOW REGION               반류 영역

30564             Walden's rule              the observation that the viscosity and the conductance in an electrolytic solution will vary inversely with each other.

30565             Waldhof fermenter                   a fermenter in which aeration and agitation are provided by a hollow, bladed, wheel-type impeller.

30566             walkdown                   a failure in magnetic core storage, in which successive drive pulses cause charges in magnetic flux that remain after the magnetic field is removed.

30567             walking beam              a rigid member whose ends rest on supports that move up and down independently, and whose center is hinged to the load it carries.

30568             walking dragline          a large-capacity shovel mounted on moving feet that are mechanically worked to maneuver as required.

30569             walking machine          a transportation device that uses four operator-controlled mechanical legs as a means of locomotion.

30570             wall cake                    the deposit of solids along a borehole due to the filtration of drilling-mud liquids into the formation; can lead to serious drilling problems. Also, FILTER CAKE.

30571             wall crane                   a light crane that is pivoted on bearings and affixed to the wall of a building.

30572             wall effect                   an increase in ionization caused by the liberation of electrons from the walls of an ionization chamber during the ionization process.

30573             Walley engine              an engine with four elliptical rotors that turn clockwise and lead to excessively high rubbing velocities.

30574             WALL-STABILIZED ARC              벽면 안정화 아크

30575             WAMS (Wide Area Measurement System)                     송전 시설에 대해 실시간으로 측정한 정보를 시스템으로 보내 효율성과 신뢰도를 높히고 안전하게 자동 제어 하는 네트워크 기술. 미국 서부에 상용화 되어 있고, 국내에서도 이와 비슷한 기술이 사용되고 있다. 그러나 미래에는 이 기술이 실시간으로 전력 수요량과 공급량을 측정해 전력의 지역별 가격을 산출하여 전력 시장에도 큰 영향을 끼칠 것이다.

30576             Wankel engine             a rotary internal-combustion engine developed by the German engineer Felix Wankel, having a three-lobe rotor that turns in a close-fitting chamber, so that the power stroke is applied to each of the three faces of the rotor in turn as they pass a single spark plug.

30577             WAP              Waste Analysis Plan

30578             WARBLE TONE             진음 : 주파수가 어떤 번위내를 연속적 주기적으로 변화하는 음

30579             Warburg apparatus                  a manometer that is used for studying the cellular respiration of tissues or cells by measuring oxygen uptake and carbon-dioxide evolution.

30580             Warburg impedance                 the element in the equivalent circuit on an electrochemical cell that represents diffusional processes.

30581             WARM FRONT             온난전선

30582             warm-air heating          the process of heating by circulating warm air by means of a direct-fired furnace surrounded by a bonnet through which the air circulates.

30583             warmth           a qualitative characteristic of room acoustics opposite to that of brilliance; a warm room is an enclosure whose reverberation time for low frequencies is greater than the reverberation time for high frequencies.

30584             warning-receiver system           an electronic countermeasure in which a pilot is notified when his aircraft is being illuminated by radar signals above certain power thresholds.

30585             warpage          a turning and twisting of a material out of shape, due to a gradual, inhomogeneous change of internal stress or mechanical properties.

30586             wash water                 water that has contacted gas or liquid process streams, filter cakes, or packed beds to dissolve or flush away unclean substances and impurities.

30587             washer thermister                    a washer-shaped thermister having a center hole for a mounting screw or a stacking rod.

30588             Washing return to primary                       일차침강조로 세척액;

30589             WASP4           Water Analysis Simulation Program

30590             Waste             1. Unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process. 2. Refuse from places of human or animal habitation.

30591             Waste activated sludge             폐활성슬러지 ; WAS

30592             Waste air activated sludge                        폐 활성슬러지; 반송되지않는 활성슬러지

30593             waste audits                폐기물 감사

30594             Waste Characterization                Identification of chemical and microbiological constituents of a waste material.

30595             WASTE COLLECTION                폐기물수거

30596             Waste Exchange           Arrangement in which companies exchange their wastes for the benefit of both parties.

30597             Waste Feed                 The continuous or intermittent flow of wastes into an incinerator.

30598             Waste Generation                    The weight or volume of materials and products that enter the waste stream before recycling, composting, landfilling, or combustion takes place. Also can represent the amount of waste generated by a given source or category of sources.

30599             WASTE HANDLING                   폐기물 취급; 폐기물의 수거전 또는 재활용센타로 보내지기 전에 저장을 위해 쓰레기통에 넣게 될때까지의 모든 폐기물관리상의 행위를 말한다.

30600             WASTE HEAT BOLIER                폐열보일러; 폐기물연소시 열회수를 위한 방법



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



