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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27801-27900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27801-27900

번호                  용어                  해설

27801             slug               a heavy copper ring placed about the core of a relay-to-delay operation.  Metallurgy. in forging or extruding, a component inserted in the die.  Metrology. a unit of mass, equal to the mass that will accelerate at one foot per second per second when acted on by a force of one pound, or about 317 pounds.  Nucleonics. a short fuel rod of uranium.  Mining Engineering. to introduce a cement, slurry, or liquid containing shredded materials into a borehole in order to seal off openings in the rocks of the borehole wall to restore circulation.

27802             slump scarp                a low cliff or rim of thin solidified lava that forms along the margins of a lava flow and against the valley walls or around isolated protrusions of bedrock, as a result of the collapse of the central part of the lava crust.

27803             slurry             a suspension of pulverized solid material in water or oil, pumped or poured into pipelines.a suspension of pulverized solid material in water or oil, pumped or poured into pipelines. a thin, free-flowing mixture of water and cement pumped into an oil well through the hollow drill pipe to support the casing and seal the wellbore.a thin, free-flowing mixture of water and cement pumped into an oil well through the hollow drill pipe to support the casing and seal the wellbore.

27804             Slurry             A watery mixture of insoluble matter resulting from some pollution control techniques.

27805             slush pump                 a large, reciprocating pump used to circulate drilling mud during rotary drilling.

27806             Small Quantity Generator (SQG-sometimes referred to as Squeegee)           Persons or enterprises that produce 220-2200 pounds per month of hazardous waste; they are required to keep more records than conditionally exempt generators. The largest category of hazardous waste generators, SQGs, include automotive shops, dry cleaners, photographic developers, and many other small businesses. (See: conditionally exempt generators.)

27807             SMALL QUANTITY GENERATORS               소량발생원; 폐기물발생량이 1000kg/month이하인 발생원. SQG

27808             SMALL SCALE WATER               간이 수도; 공급인구가 적은 소규모의 수도

27809             SMALL SCALE WATER WORKS                  간이 수도사업; 한 수도사업자의 급수인구가 101인 이상 5000인 이하인 경우에 음료수를 공급하는 사업가

27810             SMALL SCALES            소형계량기; 계근시설장비

27811             Small wastewater treatment systems                     소규모 폐수처리 시스템; 1,000명 이하의 지역의 소규모 시설

27812             small-amplitude approximation                 an approximation used in analyzing many physical systems that exhibit small-amplitude motion, in which the restoring force is approximated by a linear restoring force. This enables equations of motion to be solved analytically; the approximation is valid as long as the amplitude of vibration is sufficiently small.

27813             Small-diameter variable-slop sewers                     소구경 다경사 하수관거; SDVS

27814             Smallest Bending Radius (최소곡률반경)                     왜게이지가 손상 또는 사용상의 손상을 받지 않는 방향에 견딜 수 있는 최소 반경.

27815             small-scale integration              an integration technology that produces integrated circuits of considerably less complexity than those produced by medium-scale integration, usually having less than the equivalent of 12 gates.

27816             small-signal method                 a method of analyzing the operation of a nonlinear device, assuming that the signal represents small variations of current or voltage about the quiescent point; the response to the signal is then calculated by a linear approximation.

27817             small-signal parameter             a parameter characterizing electronic equipment functionality for small input values.

27818             SMART           Simple Maintenance of ARTS

27819             SMAZE           스메이즈; smog haze의 합성어, 매연과 물안개가 어우러져 일어나는 대기오염상태

27820             SMCL             Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level

27821             SMCRA           Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

27822             SME               Subject Matter Expert

27823             smear             television picture distortion in which the images on the screen appear to be blurred or stretched beyond their normal size and shape.

27824             smectic           of liquid crystals, having a structure of separate layers or planes that exhibit little viscosity. Thus, smectic liquid crystal, smectic phase.

27825             smectic-A                   a subclass of smectic liquid crystal in which the free-flowing molecules move across the molecule layer in a direction perpendicular to it.

27826             smectic-B                    a subclass of smectic liquid crystals in which the free-flowing molecules form a tightly packed lattice within the molecule layer and move in a direction perpendicular to the layer.

27827             smectic-C                   a subclass of smectic liquid crystals in which the free-flowing molecules within the molecule layer move with their axes oriented toward the layer.

27828             smectogenic                describing a solid material that when heated forms a smectic phase. Thus, smectogenic solid.

27829             Smelter           A facility that melts or fuses ore, often with an accompanying chemical change, to separate its metal content. Emissions cause pollution. Smelting is the process involved.

27830             SMO              Sample Management Office

27831             SMOA            Superfund Memorandum of Agreement

27832             Smog             Air pollution typically associated with oxidants. (See: photochemical smog.)

27833             smoke            the visible mixture given off by a burning substance, consisting of a suspension of tiny particles of carbon in hydrocarbon gases or in air.the visible mixture given off by a burning substance, consisting of a suspension of tiny particles of carbon in hydrocarbon gases or in air. any visible cloud of small particles suspended in a gaseous medium.any visible cloud of small particles suspended in a gaseous medium.

27834             Smoke            Particles suspended in air after incomplete combustion.

27835             smokebox                   an external vessel that traps the unburned products of a combustion boiler.

27836             smoothing choke                     an iron-core choke coil designed to remove ripple in the output current of a vacuum-tube rectifier or direct-current generator.

27837             smoothing mill            a polishing wheel used for smoothing and beveling glass or stone.

27838             SMP               State Management Plan

27839             SMR               Standardized Mortality Ratio

27840             SMSA             Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area

27841             smudge          a smoky fire built to repel insects or to protect fruit trees from frost.

27842             smudging                   the process by which an orchard or garden is protected from frost by the introduction of heavy smoke or heat.

27843             SNA               System Network Architecture

27844             SNAAQS                     Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards

27845             snagging                    the process of rough grinding with a wheel to remove large surface defects or burrs from a workpiece.

27846             SNAP             Significant New Alternatives Project; Significant Noncompliance Action Program

27847             snap-off diode             a silicon diode that is processed so a charge is stored near the junction when the diode is conducting; when reverse voltage is applied, the stored charge causes the diode to snap off (switch into its blocking state).

27848             SNARL            Suggested No Adverse Response Level

27849             SNC               Significant Noncompliers

27850             SNCR, SELECTIVE NON- CATALYTIC REDUCTION                선택적 무촉매 환원법

27851             Snell's law (of refraction)           a law stating that sound refraction occurs in such a way that the ratio between sound velocity and the cosine of the angle of incidence as a sound wave travels into a space with a different sound velocity is constant: Cv = v1/cos 1 = v2/cos

27852             SNG [Synthetic Natural Gas]                     석탄과 석유 등을 원료로 해서 만들어지는 가스로, 메탄을 주성분으로 한 천연 가스와 성분이 비슷한 것. SNG S는 신데틱(합성)과 서브스티튜트(대체)의 두 가지 뜻을 지니며, 혹은 라 불린다. 원유나 나프타(조제[조제] 가솔린)를 원료로 하기도 하고, 석탄의 가스화라는 방법이 있는데, 아직 대량생산하는 기술은 실용화되어 있지 않다.

27853             snivet             a straight or twisted vertical line found near the right-hand edge of a television screen; caused by a discontinuity in the plate current; characteristic of a horizontal amplifier tube under zero-bias conditions.

27854             snooperscope              a night-viewing device composed of an infrared source, an infrared image converter, and a battery-operated, high-voltage, DC source; allows the user to see objects obscured by darkness.

27855             snow              a speckled background produced on a television or radar screen; caused by random noise, usually indicating a weak signal.

27856             snow blower or snowblower                     a motor-driven machine used to remove snow from road surfaces by drawing it in with a screwlike blade and ejecting it out to the side. Also, SNOW THROWER.

27857             snow point                 the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a sublimable component in a gas mixture equals its partial pressure in the mixture; akin to the dew point.

27858             snowmobile                a small motorized vehicle for one or two persons, used to travel over snow or ice; it has two steerable skis in front and an engine-powered revolving track at the rear.

27859             snowplow                   a vehicle fitted with a large plow at the front, used to clear snow from streets, highways, airport runways, railroad tracks, and so on.

27860             SNR               선택적 무촉매환원법  Selective noncatalytic reduction

27861             snubber          a device that is automatically activated by a predetermined displacement to limit the operation of a system.

27862             SNUR             Significant New Use Rule

27863             SO                 Sulfur Dioxide

27864             soaking drum              a chamber in a petroleum-refinery that holds hot oil during the time necessary for it to complete cracking. Also, CRACKING CHAMBER.

27865             SOAP-BUBBLE FLOW METER                     비누 거품 유량계 : 크로마토그래피 커럼의 유속을 측정하는 기기

27866             SOC               Synthetic Organic Chemicals

27867             SOCMI           Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry

27868             SOD               침적물 산소요구량; sediment oxygen demand

27869             SODA ASH                  소다회 (탄산나트륨) : 유리 제조 원료

27870             soda lime ( 소다석회 )              생석회를 주성분으로 하고 5~20%의 수산화나트륨에 수분 6~18%를 섞은 것으로서 흡수제 및 유기화합물 합성이나 건조제 등에도 이용된다.

27871             soda pulping process               a Chemical pulping process that uses sodium hydroxide as the alkaline pulping agent to remove the lignin portion of wood.

27872             Soddy's displacement law          a law stating how much charge a given nuclide will lose during decay, as in alpha decay, where its atomic number will decrease by two.

27873             sodium           a metallic element having the symbol Na, the atomic number 11, an atomic weight of 299, a melting point of 97°C, and a boiling point of 883°C; a tetragonal, crystalline, soft, silvery-white solid that does not occur in elemental form in nature due to high reactivity; it has excellent electrical conductivity and high heat-absorbing capacity; used as a supplier of electrons in laboratory reactions, as a conductor in cables, in alloys, as a polymerization catalyst, and in non-glare lighting. (From the word soda; so named by Sir Humphry Davy, who isolated it from caustic soda.)

27874             sodium bisulfite test                 the addition of sodium bisulfite to a sample for the purpose of detecting aldehydes; a positive test is indicated by the formation of a white crystalline precipitate.

27875             Sodium cyanide의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

27876             Sodium metaphosphate의 특성 및 방제방법                  주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

27877             Sodium nitrate의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

27878             Sodium phosphate의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

27879             Sodium pyrophosphate의 특성 및 방제방법                  주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

27880             sodium sulfite process              a Chemical wood pulping process that uses a pulping liquor of sulfuric acid and a salt of sulfurous acid to remove the lignin portion of wood.

27881             Sodium tripolyphosphate의 특성 및 방제방법               주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

27882             sodium-24                  an isotope of sodium, produced by deu- teron bombardment, with a half-life of 14.96 hours; it decays into magnesium with emission of beta rays.

27883             Sodium의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

27884             sodium-vapor lamp                  a gas-discharge lamp containing sodium vapor; used mainly for highway illumination.

27885             sofar              the technique of using explosions for tracking sound through deep ocean layers and in sound channels. (An acronym for sound fixing and ranging.)

27886             SOFC              Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

27887             soft acid                     a Lewis acid or accepter of larger size, lower positive charge, and higher polarizability.

27888             soft base                    a Lewis base or donor of large size and high polarizability, such as one containing carbon, phosphorus, or iodine.

27889             Soft Detergents           Cleaning agents that break down in nature.

27890             SOFT FOUNDATION                 연약지반; 구조물의 기초지반으로서 충분한 지지력을 갖지 못하는 지반

27891             soft limiting                a type of limiting in which there is a considerable increase in output for increases in input signal strength up to the range in which limiting action occurs.

27892             soft patch                   a patch designed to cover a crack in a container such as a steam boiler; composed of soft material that is covered by a metal plate bolted to the container.

27893             soft tube                    an X-ray tube having a vacuum of about 0.000002 atmosphere.an X-ray tube having a vacuum of about 0.000002 atmosphere. a tube into which a small amount of gas has been placed in order to obtain desired characteristics.a tube into which a small amount of gas has been placed in order to obtain desired characteristics

27894             Soft Water                  Any water that does not contain a significant amount of dissolved minerals such as salts of calcium or magnesium.

27895             soft water                   water in which the concentration of calcium and magnesium compounds is extremely low.

27896             softener          a substance that reduces the hardness of water by removing or trapping calcium and magnesium ions.

27897             SOIL               토양 : 토지를 구성하고 있는 매체임

27898             Soil Adsorption Field                A sub-surface area containing a trench or bed with clean stones and a system of pip- ing through which treated sewage may seep into the surrounding soil for further treatment and disposal.

27899             Soil and Water Conservation Practices                    Control measures consisting of managerial, vegetative, and structural practices to reduce the loss of soil and water.

27900             soil chemistry              the study of the composition and chemical properties of soils, including investigation of the chemical processes that occur as a result of the action of hydrological, geological, and biological agents on soil.

