환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27701-27800
번호 용어 해설
27701 ◆ Siting ◆ The process of choosing a location for a facility.
27702 ◆ situation-display tube ◆ a tube that displays critical data required for an air-defense mission, such as speed and direction.
27703 ◆ six-axis system ◆ a robot with three rectangular and three rotational degrees of freedom.
27704 ◆ six-phase rectifier ◆ a rectifier that operates from six voltage sources, whose phases differ by one-sixth of a cycle, or 60°.
27705 ◆ size control ◆ a mechanism in a television receiver that varies the size of the picture, either horizontally or vertically.
27706 ◆ size enlargement ◆ any process that forms larger particles from smaller ones, while the original particles can still be identified, such as bricks.
27707 ◆ size reduction ◆ the use of crushing and grinding equipment to reduce bulk material to a more marketable or manageable size.
27708 ◆ SIZE SEPARATION ◆ 크기선별; 폐기물처리공정
27709 ◆ sizing ◆ the final finishing of a workpiece in order to make it conform to certain specifications and tolerances.
27710 ◆ skew ◆ ㆍ a signal received by a facsimile that results when the scanner and recorder are not synchronized.a signal received by a facsimile that results when the scanner and recorder are not synchronized. ㆍ the degree of nonsynchronous elements in a magnetic tape.the degree of nonsynchronous elements in a magnetic tape.
27711 ◆ skid ◆ ㆍ the slipping of a wheel on a rail, due to insufficient friction.the slipping of a wheel on a rail, due to insufficient friction. ㆍ a brake for a power machine.a brake for a power machine. 3. a slightly raised wooden pallet for storing or carrying loads. Also, skid platform.a slightly raised wooden pallet for storing or carrying loads. Also, skid platform.
27712 ◆ skidder ◆ a tractor used to haul logs and other loads over rough terrain.
27713 ◆ Skimming ◆ Using a machine to remove oil or scum from the surface of the water.
27714 ◆ skimming plant ◆ a petroleum refinery that recovers only the light products of crude oil.
27715 ◆ skin effect ◆ the restrictive effect on fluid flow through a reservoir adjacent to a borehole, a function of such factors as reservoir pressure, porosity, formation volume and thickness, and product rate.
27716 ◆ skiograph ◆ an instrument that measures the intensity of X-rays.
27717 ◆ skip hoist ◆ a bucket or car that operates up and down a defined path to receive, elevate, and discharge bulk materials. Also, SKIP.
27718 ◆ skip trajectory ◆ a trajectory composed of ballistic phases alternating with skipping phases; one of the basic trajectories for the unpowered portion of the flight of spacecraft reentering the earth's atmosphere.
27719 ◆ skip zone ◆ a region between convergence zones, in which there is a drop of 10 to 20 decibels more than there would be in a free field. Telecommunications. the ring-shaped region within a transmission range in which signals from a transmitter cannot be received; it is the area between the outermost limit of reception of radio high-frequency ground waves and the innermost limit of reception of refracted sky waves. Also, ZONE OF SILENCE
27720 ◆ skip-keying ◆ the process of reducing the frequency at which a radar system normally operates, in order to reduce interference between it and other radar systems.
27721 ◆ skiving ◆ a machining operation in which the face of the cutting tool is at an angle to the direction in which the workpiece is moving.
27722 ◆ SKY RADIATION ◆ 하늘복사 : 산란, 반사후에 지면에 도달되는 복사
27723 ◆ skyhook ◆ any of various devices designed to lift heavy loads from high above, as from a helicopter or towering crane.
27724 ◆ sky-wave correction ◆ a technique for correcting positional errors created when radio waves, generated by the ionosphere, interfere with a plane's navigational equipment.
27725 ◆ slab ◆ a thick chunk of quartz crystal from which blanks are cut. Mining Engineering. a skip or slice of material taken from the rib of a mine room or entry.
27726 ◆ slabbing cutter ◆ a milling tool used for face-cutting large, deep cuts in a steel slab.
27727 ◆ slack barrel ◆ a vessel used to store and ship petroleum paraffin; it is lighter than the standard oil barrel but similarly shaped, having a capacity of 235-245 lb net.
27728 ◆ slackline cableway ◆ a cable excavator with a track cable that is loosened to lower the bucket and tightened to raise it.
27729 ◆ SLAGGING ◆ 용착; 소각로 및 폐열보일러에 소각재가 붙는 현상
27730 ◆ SLAMS ◆ State/Local Air Monitoring Station
27731 ◆ slat conveyor ◆ a conveyor to which one or more endless chains with nonoverlapping, spaced slats are attached.
27732 ◆ Slater's rule ◆ the rule that the ratio of a magnetron's cathode radius to its anode radius is approximately (N - 4)/(N + 4), where N is the number of resonators.
27733 ◆ sled ◆ a vehicle that moves on runners to transport people or goods over ice and snow.
27735 ◆ sleeve bearing ◆ an unjointed machine bearing race in which the shaft rotates and is lubricated inside a sleeve.
27736 ◆ sleeve valve ◆ a thin steel hollow sleeve that fits inside the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine and has a slot in its side that, when properly aligned with a port in the cylinder, admits and exhausts gases during certain stages of the engine cycle.
27737 ◆ sleigh ◆ a light vehicle that is drawn on runners, often by horses; a large sled.
27738 ◆ slew rate ◆ the highest rate of change of signal level that an amplifier can produce under given conditions; the response rate of a signal.
27739 ◆ slicing ◆ the transmission of the portion of a waveform that falls in a given amplitude range.
27740 ◆ slide ◆ the main reciprocating member of a mechanical press to which the die is fastened.
27741 ◆ slide rest ◆ an adjustable device upon which a cutting tool is mounted.
27742 ◆ slide valve ◆ a valve mechanism that covers or uncovers ports by sliding a member over the hole; used to admit or discharge fluid.
27743 ◆ slide-back voltmeter ◆ a tube that determines the power of an unknown voltage indirectly by adjusting a calibrated voltage source until it equals the unknown voltage.
27744 ◆ slider coupling ◆ a mechanism that connects two rotating shafts that are not longitudinally aligned. Also, OLDHAM'S COUPLING, DOUBLE-SLIDER COUPLING.
27745 ◆ sliding pair ◆ a two-part mechanism in which one part moves in a specified path with respect to the other, which is constrained to move in accordance with the design of the pair, as in a piston and cylinder combination.
27746 ◆ sliding vector ◆ a vector with a specified line of application but an arbitrary point of application
27747 ◆ sliding-chain conveyor ◆ a conveyor system that transports pipes, rods, or other materials over a plane of parallel chains.
27748 ◆ sliding-vane compressor ◆ a rotary compressor that has moving vanes to compress the fluid in stages.
27749 ◆ SLIME LAYER ◆ 점액층
27750 ◆ slip ◆ yielding behavior in which the yield occurs in discrete surfaces called yield surfaces, with little or no strain between the surfaces; the material deforms in thin slabs that slip across one another.
27751 ◆ slip friction clutch ◆ a clutch that is designed to slip when too much power is applied to it, in order to protect the drive mechanism.
27752 ◆ slip ratio ◆ a measure of the efficiency of a screw propeller, which relates its actual advance to a theoretical advance based on spin and pitch.
27753 ◆ slippage ◆ the movement of gas through or around a liquid-phase reservoir front, occurring in lieu of driving the liquid forward; may be observed in gas-lift oil-well bores or gas-drive reservoirs.
27754 ◆ slipper brake ◆ a plate that is placed against the face of a moving part to slow or stop its motion.
27755 ◆ SLIT ◆ 슬릿 : 광속의 단면을 적당하게 제한하여 통과시킬 목적의 좁은 틈새. 분광기 등 광학측정기에 사용.
27756 ◆ slit sampler ◆ an apparatus that samples airborne microflora; air is drawn in through a narrow slit and microflora are deposited on an adhesive collecting surface.
27757 ◆ slitter ◆ a rotary cutter with a synchronizing mechanism for the precise cutting of materials into strips.
27758 ◆ slitting ◆ the cutting of sheet materials, such as plastic, rubber, paper, or sheet metal, with a slitter.
27759 ◆ SLN ◆ Special Local Need
27760 ◆ slop ◆ an informal term for a petroleum product that is of inferior quality and must be rerun.
27761 ◆ slope ◆ the gradual rise in attenuation over a range of frequencies. Also, ROLL-OFF.
27762 ◆ slope conveyor ◆ a conveyor system, that may be a screw, ladder, bucket, closed-flight, tray, or other type of conveyor; used to transport materials up or down steep grades.
27763 ◆ slope of fall ◆ the ratio of the drop of a projectile to its horizontal movement.
27764 ◆ SLOT BURNER ◆ 슬롯버너; 가스의 분출구가 세극상으로 된 버너. =fish tail burner
27765 ◆ SLOT HOOD ◆ 슬로트 후드 : 폭이 좁고 긴 직사각형 모양의 후드로서, 전기도금공정과 같은 상부개방형 탱크에서 방출되는 유해물질을 포집하는데 효율
27766 ◆ slot-mask picture tube ◆ a color television picture tube in which the screen is painted with vertical phosphor stripes, and a mask with short vertical slots is used to direct the electron beam.
27767 ◆ Slotted methods ◆ 슬롯트법; 지면관개법의 분산방법
27768 ◆ slotter ◆ a vertically reciprocating planing machine used to make slots and mortises in a workpiece or to shape the sides of apertures. Also, slotting machine.
27769 ◆ slotting ◆ the process of using a slotting machine to cut mortises or slots in a workpiece.
27770 ◆ SLOUGHING ◆ 탈리; 생물막이 떨어지는 현상 ,붕괴
27771 ◆ slow death ◆ a term for a decline in a transistor's effectiveness caused by the gradual buildup of ions on its surface.
27772 ◆ slow neutron ◆ ㆍ a neutron that has a low level of kinetic energy, no more than 100 eV.a neutron that has a low level of kinetic energy, no more than 100 eV.
27773 ◆ Slow rate treatment systems ◆ 저속법; 폐수의 자연적처리법
27774 ◆ SLOW SAND FILTER ◆ 완속모래여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지
27775 ◆ Slow Sand Filtration ◆ Passage of raw water through a bed of sand at low velocity, resulting in substantial removal of chemical and biological contaminants.
27776 ◆ slowed-down video ◆ a technique by which radar information is transmitted over a narrow frequency range.
27777 ◆ slow-motion videodisk recorder ◆ a device that stores video images, so that they may be replayed at normal speed, slow motion, or stop action.
27778 ◆ SLSM ◆ Simple Line Source Model
27779 ◆ sludge ◆ a combination of solids and liquids resulting from sewage-treatment processes without thickening or physical or chemical pretreatment.
27780 ◆ Sludge ◆ A semi-solid residue from any of a number of air or water treatment processes; can be a hazardous waste.
27781 ◆ Sludge acidification to improve dewatering ◆ 탈수를 향상시키기 위해 슬러지를 산성화시키는 방법; 슬러지 개량법으로 실험실이나 파일럿규모로 실행되고 있는 방법
27782 ◆ SLUDGE AGE ◆ 슬러지 일령(나이) ; 폭기조내의 MLSS량을 유입수내의 SS량으로 나눈값을 말함
27783 ◆ SLUDGE BLANKET ◆ 슬러지 층
27784 ◆ SLUDGE BLENDING ◆ 슬러지 혼화
27785 ◆ SLUDGE BULKING ◆ 슬러지 팽화
27786 ◆ Sludge cake discharge ◆ 슬러지케익 배출;
27787 ◆ sludge coking ◆ a process used to recover sulfuric acid from sludge acid, in which the acid is mixed with water and heated until the acid tar and the acid oil layers separate from the acid.
27788 ◆ SLUDGE CONDITIONING ◆ 슬러지 개량
27789 ◆ Sludge density index ◆ 슬러지 밀도지표; SDI, 슬러지 반송율과 침강성 판단에 이용되는 지표
27790 ◆ SLUDGE DEWATERING ◆ 슬러지 탈수
27791 ◆ Sludge Digester ◆ Tank in which complex organic substances like sewage sludges are biologically dredged. During these reactions, energy is released and much of the sewage is converted to methane, carbon dioxide, and water.
27792 ◆ SLUDGE DISPOSAL ◆ 슬러지 처분(처리)
27793 ◆ SLUDGE DRYING BED ◆ 슬러지 건조상
27794 ◆ Sludge lagoons ◆ 슬러지 라군; 슬러지 탈수방법
27795 ◆ Sludge pit ◆ 슬러지 저장조;
27796 ◆ SLUDGE PROCESSING ◆ 슬러지 처리; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자
27797 ◆ sludge pump ◆ ㆍ a short iron pipe or tube with a valve at its lower end, with which sludge is extracted from a borehole.a short iron pipe or tube with a valve at its lower end, with which sludge is extracted from a borehole.
27798 ◆ SLUDGE SEEDING ◆ 슬러지 식종
27799 ◆ SLUDGE THICKENING ◆ 슬러지 농축, =sludge concentration
27800 ◆ Sludge-volume index ◆ 슬러지 부피지수; SVI, 침전성 실험방법
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