환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27601-27700
번호 용어 해설
27601 ◆ SIGNIFICANT CONDITION ◆ 중대상황 : 설계된 환경시스템의 진행과정 혹은 상태 중, 현재 수행되고 있는 작업이 질적목표 또는 설계 내역 그리고 안전의 필요조건을 충족시키기 위한 수정적 행위를 심각하게 요구할 정도로 불리한 영향을 미치는 상태
27602 ◆ Significant Municipal Facilities ◆ Those publicly owned sewage treatment plants that discharge a million gallons per day or more and are therefore considered by states to have the potential to substantially affect the quality of receiving waters.
27603 ◆ Significant Non-Compliance ◆ (See significant violations.)
27604 ◆ Significant Potential Source of Contamination ◆ A facility or activity that stores, uses, or produces compounds with potential for significant contaminating impact if released into the source water of a public water supply.
27605 ◆ Significant Violations ◆ Violations by point source dischargers of sufficient magnitude or duration to be a regulatory priority.
27606 ◆ SIL ◆ 회화방해 레벨 Speech interference level
27607 ◆ silent stock support ◆ a flexible tube that encases a stock tube for an automatic screw machine; the support acts to deaden the sound and reduce vibration.
27608 ◆ silicic ◆ ㆍ of or relating to silica or its acids.of or relating to silica or its acids. ㆍ of or relating to silicon.of or relating to silicon.
27609 ◆ silicide resistor ◆ a device that employs the residual silicide of molybdenum or chromium from a direct current in an integrated circuit to protect the circuit from radiation.
27610 ◆ silicon burning ◆ a process by which stars synthesize certain elements, primarily those from the iron group, through a series of nuclear reactions that include bombarding silicon-28 with gamma rays.
27611 ◆ silicon capacitor ◆ a device that acts as a capacitor utilizing the properties of a reverse biased silicon P-N junction.
27612 ◆ silicon diode ◆ any diode utilizing the properties of a silicon P-N junction.
27613 ◆ silicon image sensor ◆ a type of television camera in which images are projected onto light-sensitive elements bonded to a silicon substrate. Also, silicon imaging device.
27614 ◆ silicon micromachining ◆ the use of variousChemical and plasma techniques to fabricate miniaturized devices and components through the use of a single-crystal silicon material.
27615 ◆ SILICON PHOTODIODE ◆ 규소 광다이오드 (광선변환장치)
27616 ◆ silicon rectifier ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silicon to convert AC current to DC at extremely high voltages.
27617 ◆ silicon resistor ◆ a resistor manufactured as part of an integrated circuit.
27618 ◆ silicon solar cell ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silicon to convert light into electricity.
27619 ◆ silicon transistor ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silicon to amplify an electrical signal.
27620 ◆ silicon-controlled rectifier ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silicon and an externally applied voltage to control the conversion of alternating current to direct current.
27621 ◆ silicon-controlled switch ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silicon in order to control the flow of current in a circuit in a variety of ways, such as by amplifying it, converting it, or blocking it.
27622 ◆ silicon-on-sapphire ◆ a process in which metaloxide semiconductor components are mounted onto a thin single-crystal silicon film growing atop a synthetic sapphire substrate
27623 ◆ silicon-oxygen tetrahedron ◆ the basic unit of the microstructure of silicates, composed of a silicon ion in the center surrounded by four equidistant oxygen ions, each with a valence of -2; the oxygen ion may be shared between adjacent silica tetrahedra, producing chains plates, or a three-dimensional network of silica tetrahedra.
27624 ◆ silicon-symmetrical switch ◆ a device that permits current to flow in both directions; used to control motor speed.
27625 ◆ sillar ◆ tuff that has been hardened by recrystallization rather than by welding.
27626 ◆ Silt ◆ Sedimentary materials composed of fine or intermediate-sized mineral particles.
27627 ◆ SILT LOAMS ◆ 미사질 양토
27628 ◆ SILVER COUPLE ◆ 은반쪽 반응, 은짝쌍;
27629 ◆ SILVER DISC PYRHELIOMETER ◆ 은반일사계 : 직달일사를 측정하는 기기
27630 ◆ silver migration ◆ a process that reduces insulation resistance and causes dielectric failure by ionically transporting silver from one area to another.
27631 ◆ silvered mica capacitor ◆ a device that employs the electrical properties of silver and mica, rather than a conducting metal foil, to store an electrical charge.
27632 ◆ Silviculture ◆ Management of forest land for timber.
27633 ◆ simple continuous reaction ◆ an improvement on the standard batch-process system by the use of pasteurized feed pumped into an agitated vessel containing highly productive cell cultures.
27634 ◆ simple engine ◆ an engine whose cycle includes expansion in a single phase, followed by the exhaust of the working fluid.
27635 ◆ simple machine ◆ one of a set of elementary mechanisms that are regarded as the basis for all other forms of machines; the standard group of six simple machines includes the lever, pulley, inclined plane, wheel and axle, wedge, and screw.
27636 ◆ simple pendulum ◆ an idealized device consisting of a small massive body suspended by a rigid massless support from a fixed horizontal axis, about which it can rotate freely.
27637 ◆ simple salt ◆ a salt that contains no replaceable H+ or OH ion.
27638 ◆ simple shear ◆ a type of plane-strain deformation caused by differential movement on a single set of parallel planes.
27639 ◆ simple sound source ◆ a sound source whose dimensions are small in comparison to the wavelength of the emitted sound, so that at great enough distances, the geometry of the source is irrelevant.
27640 ◆ simple tone ◆ a tone having only a single sinusoidal frequency, as distinguished from complex sound.
27641 ◆ simplex pump ◆ a pump that has only one water cylinder and one steam cylinder.
27642 ◆ SIMS ◆ Secondary Ion-Mass Spectrometry
27643 ◆ simultaneity ◆ a condition in which two separate events are perceived to occur at exactly the same time by a given observer; this same perception may not be shared by a second observer in a different frame of reference, especially when extremely high speeds are involved (i.e., close to the speed of light). Thus simultaneity is a relative condition rather than an absolute one.
27644 ◆ simultaneous color television ◆ a television system in which three primary colors are activated simultaneously, rather than sequentially.
27645 ◆ sine potentiometer ◆ a device designed to move a shaft between two resistors in order to provide an adjustable resistance that is proportional to the sine of the angle through which the shaft has rotated.
27646 ◆ sine-cosine encoder ◆ a device that translates the sine of a rotating shaft angle into sequential digital pulses.
27647 ◆ sine-wave modulated jamming ◆ a method of disabling a radar system by flooding it with radio signals that are modulated with waves of pure alternating current.
27648 ◆ Single across the channel diffuser ◆ 수로용 흐름에 직각방향 분산장치; 염소용액을 주입하는데 사용되는 분산기 종류
27650 ◆ single bond ◆ a conventional bond in which there is one shared electron pair, as opposed to a multiple bond. Also, SINGLE BONDING, SINGLE COVALENT BOND.
27651 ◆ SINGLE CASING TURBINE ◆ 1 케이싱터빈; 케이싱수에 따른 증기터빈
27652 ◆ single completion ◆ a well with one tubing string, used to recover gas or oil from a single reservoir zone or level.
27653 ◆ SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEM ◆ 1자유도 진동계 : 단지 한 방향으로만 진동하는 계
27654 ◆ SINGLE FLOW TURBINE ◆ 단류터빈; 흐름수에 따른 증기터빈
27655 ◆ Single injector for small pipe ◆ 소구경관용 단독주입기; 염소용액을 주입하는데 사용되는 분산기 종류
27656 ◆ single in-line package ◆ any integrated circuit that has a single row of terminals or lead wires along one edge of the package.
27657 ◆ Single stage high rate digestion ◆ 단단 고율 소화; 혐기성 슬러지 소화 공법
27658 ◆ single-acting ◆ describing the operation of a piston or plunger that is driven by only one side, as in most early engines.
27659 ◆ single-action press ◆ a press having only one slide.
27660 ◆ single-block brake ◆ a friction brake operated by a lever on a fulcrum that applies a block to the contour of a braking surface.
27661 ◆ Single-Breath Canister ◆ Small one-liter canister designed to capture a single breath. Used in air pollutant ingestion research.
27662 ◆ single-cell protein ◆ the biomass component of a fermentation process that is produced, usually by commercial culturing, for food or animal feed; cultivated from single cell cultures of various microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, mold, or microalgae; large-scale production is extremely energy intensive.
27663 ◆ single-channel multiplier ◆ a device that generates large amounts of current by beaming light through a cylinder to dislodge electrons from the material coating its sides.
27664 ◆ SINGLE-COLUMN ◆ 단일컬럼 : 이온크로마토그래피의 한 형태
27665 ◆ Single-compartment tank equipped with filter vault ◆ 여과조가 설치된 1구역 정화조; 정화조 형태
27666 ◆ single-degree-of-freedom gyro ◆ a gyroscope whose axis of spin can only rotate about one of the orthogonal axes.
27668 ◆ single-effect evaporation ◆ an evaporation process completed using a single heating unit or entirely in one vessel.
27669 ◆ single-end amplifier ◆ an amplifier in which the voltage of the output signal is referenced to ground; the opposite of a push-pull amplifier.
27670 ◆ single-gun color tube ◆ a television picture tube in which a single electron beam moves sequentially across the primary-color phosphor dots to produce a color element.
27672 ◆ single-phase flow ◆ a flow in which only one phase is present.
27673 ◆ single-phase rectifier ◆ a device that converts alternating current into direct current from a single voltage rather than several voltages.
27674 ◆ single-piece milling ◆ a machining technique in which a workpiece is milled in a single machine cycle.
27675 ◆ single-shot blocking oscillator ◆ an oscillator that produces a single cycle of alternating current, rather than a continuous sinusoidal signal.
27676 ◆ single-shot survey ◆ a directional record or log used in an oil well to obtain a single reading from within the drill pipe or a nonmagnetic drill collar.
27677 ◆ single-shot trigger circuit ◆ a circuit that delivers a single electric pulse to initiate one complete cycle. Also, SINGLE-TRIP TRIGGER CIRCUIT.
27678 ◆ single-signal receiver ◆ a device that accepts a narrow range of ultrahigh radio signals from a densely crowded band of signals; used for code reception.
27679 ◆ single-stage compressor ◆ a machine designed to compress gases without using any multiple elements or stages in a sequence.
27680 ◆ Single-stage nitrification process ◆ 단일단계 질산화공정; 활성슬러지의 변법으로 BOD와 암모니아의 제거가 동시에 반응조에서 일어나는 공정
27681 ◆ single-stage pump ◆ a pump whose head is developed by one impeller in one housing.
27682 ◆ singlet oxygen ◆ an excited state of oxygen in which all electrons are paired.
27683 ◆ single-tuned amplifier ◆ a device that amplifies signals only at a given frequency.
27684 ◆ single-tuned interstage ◆ a circuit that is positioned between two other circuits and is resonant at one frequency only.
27685 ◆ single-unit semiconductor device ◆ a device that passes current along a single path.
27686 ◆ sink ◆ a circular or ellipsoidal depression formed by a collapse on the side of or near to a volcano. Also, PIT CRATER, VOLCANIC SINK.
27687 ◆ Sink ◆ Place in the environment where a compound or material collects.
27688 ◆ Sinking ◆ Controlling oil spills by using an agent to trap the oil and sink it to the bottom of the body of water where the agent and the oil are biodegraded.
27689 ◆ SINTERED GLASS CRUCIBLE ◆ 소결 유리 도가니 : 최고온도 200℃까지 견딜 수 있는 용기
27690 ◆ sinusoid ◆ a waveform that can be represented by K sin(2ft + ), where K is the magnitude, f is the frequency in Hz, t is the time in seconds, and is the phase angle in relationship to a reference signal. Mathematics. the graph in the plane of any function of the form y = a sin(bx + c), where a, b, and c are constant.
27691 ◆ SINUSOIDAL MOTION ◆ 정현운동 : 정현파의 진동
27692 ◆ sinusoidal oscillator ◆ an oscillator whose output is a continuous sinusoidal signal. Also, HARMONIC OSCILLATOR, SINE-WAVE OSCILLATOR.
27693 ◆ SINUSOIDAL WAVE ◆ 정현파(소)
27694 ◆ SIP ◆ State Implementation Plan
27695 ◆ SIP Call ◆ EPA action requiring a state to resubmit all or part of its State Implementation Plan to demonstrate attainment of the require national ambient air quality standards within the statutory deadline. A SIP Revision is a revision of a SIP altered at the request of EPA or on a state's initiative. (See: State Implementation Plan.)
27696 ◆ Site ◆ An area or place within the jurisdiction of the EPA and/or a state.
27697 ◆ SITE ◆ Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
27698 ◆ Site Assessment Program ◆ A means of evaluating hazardous waste sites through preliminary assessments and site inspections to develop a Hazard Ranking System score.
27699 ◆ Site Inspection ◆ The collection of information from a Superfund site to determine the extent and severity of hazards posed by the site. It follows and is more extensive than a preliminary assessment. The purpose is to gather information necessary to score the site, using the Hazard Ranking System, and to determine if it presents an immediate threat requiring prompt removal.
27700 ◆ Site Safety Plan ◆ A crucial element in all removal actions, it includes information on equipment being used, precautions to be taken, and steps to take in the event of an on-site emergency.
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