환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 26701-26800
번호 용어 해설
26701 ◆ rising-sun magnetron ◆ a tube in which two resonators, whose currents operate at different frequencies, are arranged alternately around the perimeter of the anode, so that they resemble sun rays; used to generate AC power at microwave frequencies.
26702 ◆ RISK ◆ 위험성; 위해의 정도와위해가 발생할 확률의 결함을 의미함, 소음진동-[청력위험율]소음에 폭로된 집단과 폭로되지 않은 집단을 고려하여 양 집단의 청력장해자 출현율%;의 차로 나타낸 것
26703 ◆ Risk ◆ A measure of the probability that damage to life, health, property, and/or the environment will occur as a result of a given hazard.
26704 ◆ RISK ASSESSMENT ◆ 위험성 평가; 위험의 성격, 피해규모, 발생방법을 평가하는 방법
26705 ◆ Risk Assessment ◆ Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants.
26706 ◆ Risk Characterization ◆ The last phase of the risk assessment process that estimates thepotential for adverse health or ecological effects to occur from exposure to a stressor and evaluates the uncertainty involved.
26707 ◆ Risk Communication ◆ The exchange of information about health or environmental risks among risk asses- sors and managers, the general public, news media, interest groups, etc.
26708 ◆ Risk Estimate ◆ A description of the probability that organisms exposed to a specific dose of a chemical or other pollutant will develop an adverse response, e.g., cancer.
26709 ◆ Risk Factor ◆ Characteristics (e.g., race, sex, age, obes- ity) or variables (e.g., smoking, occupational expo- sure level) associated with increased probability of a toxic effect.
26710 ◆ Risk for Non-Endangered Species ◆ Risk to species if anticipated pesticide residue levels are equal to or greater than LC50.
26711 ◆ RISK MANAGEMENT ◆ 위험성 관리 : 어떤 물질이나 생물체의 생산과 취급에 있어 안전함을 확인하는 방법을 말함
26712 ◆ Risk Management ◆ The process of evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non-regulatory re- sponses to risk. The selection process necessarily requires the consideration of legal, economic, and be- havioral factors.
26713 ◆ Risk-based Targeting ◆ The direction of resources to those areas that have been identified as having the highest potential or actual adverse effectg on human health and/or the environment.
26714 ◆ Risk-Specific Dose: ◆ The dose associated with a specified risk level.
26715 ◆ Rittinger's law ◆ a law stating that the energy consumed in a crushing or grinding operation is directly proportional to the area of the new surface produced.
26716 ◆ River Basin ◆ The land area drained by a river and its tributaries.
26717 ◆ RIVER FLOW ◆ 하천류
26718 ◆ River outfalls ◆ 하천 방출관;
26719 ◆ RJE ◆ Remote Job Entry
26720 ◆ RLL ◆ Rapid and Large Leakage (Rate)
26721 ◆ RMCL ◆ Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (this phrase being discontinued in favor of MCLG)
26722 ◆ RMDHS ◆ Regional Model Data Handing System
26723 ◆ RMIS ◆ Resources Management Information System
26724 ◆ RNA ◆ Ribonucleic Acid
26725 ◆ RNA, RIBONUCLEIC ACIDS ◆ 리보핵산; 세포의 원형질 부분에서 단백질 합성에 중요한 역할을 함
26726 ◆ ROADCHEM ◆ Roadway Version that Includes Chemical Reactions of BI, NO₂, AND O₃
26727 ◆ roasting regeneration ◆ the process of heating a substance to an elevated temperature to remove impurities by volatization.
26728 ◆ Roberts' linkage ◆ a device used in the early 19th century to create straight metal guides for the slides in a metal planner.
26729 ◆ Robins-Messiter system ◆ a stacking conveyor system having one or two wing conveyors that receive material from a conveyor belt.
26730 ◆ robustness ◆ the durability of a microphone; that is, its ability to withstand rough treatment away from the studio.
26731 ◆ ROC ◆ Record of Communication
26732 ◆ Roche lobes ◆ for two mutually gravitating bodies rotating about a common center, two imaginary tear-shaped regions surrounding each of the bodies, whose points meet at the center of rotation, and which remain stationary in a coordinate system that is rotating with the bodies.
26733 ◆ rock channeler ◆ a quarrying machine that cuts an artificial seam into a mass of stone.
26734 ◆ rock drill ◆ a drill, generally having bits detachable from the drill stem, that is designed to bore relatively short holes through rock for blasting purposes; powered either by electricity, compressed air, or steam.
26735 ◆ rock magnetism ◆ the occurrence of remanent magnetism possessed by rocks containing iron-oxide minerals, or the study of remanent magnetism's characteristics
26736 ◆ rock mechanics ◆ a branch of both mechanics and geology that studies the response of rocks to the various forces in their environment.
26737 ◆ rock system ◆ all natural structures and related forces that are capable of affecting an area of the earth's crust that will become part of an engineering structure.
26739 ◆ rocker arm ◆ a center-pivoted lever in an internal combustion engine that transmits motion from a cam or a push rod to a valve stem.
26740 ◆ rocker cam ◆ a cam, frequently found in a rockshaft, having a rocking movement.
26741 ◆ rocket lightning ◆ a rare form of lightning that moves across the sky slowly enough to be seen moving by the naked eye; it is thought to be caused by a low electric field strength at the tip of its leader. (So called because it seems to move at the speed of a rocket.)
26742 ◆ rocking furnace ◆ a cylindrical melting furnace that rolls back and forth on a geared cradle.
26743 ◆ ROCKING GRATE ◆ 흔들이식 화격자
26744 ◆ rocking valve ◆ a steam-engine valve that rotates in its seat to control fluid flow.
26745 ◆ ROCK-WOOL ◆ 암면 : 인공무기섬유의 일종으로 흡음재 또는 보온재로 사용
26746 ◆ rocky point effect ◆ the violent discharges that appear briefly between electrodes in high-voltage transmitting tubes.
26747 ◆ ROD ◆ 결정사항문서화; 미국환경보호청에 의하여 불량매립지별로 승인되고 서명된 공식서류임. 수록될 내용은 CERCLA에 의하여 선정된 개선대책에 관한 것임. Record of Decision
26748 ◆ rod mill ◆ a machine that pulverizes material by means of long, heavy iron rods.
26749 ◆ rod pump ◆ a sucker-rod pump that can be placed in or removed from tubing in an oil well without disturbing the tubing. Also, INSERT PUMP.
26750 ◆ rod string ◆ the drill rods coupled to form a connecting link between the core barrel and bit in a borehole and the drilling mechanism at the top of the borehole.
26751 ◆ rod thermistor ◆ a device that provides high heat-controlled resistance over a long period of time with little loss of power.
26752 ◆ Rodenticide ◆ A chemical or agent used to destroy rats or other rodent pests, or to prevent them from damaging food, crops, etc.
26753 ◆ Roediger-Fermentechnik 시스템 [Roediger-Fermentechnik system] ◆ 하수처리장의 침전지에서 액상생오니는 우선 기계적으로 탈수하여 저장탱크에 일단 저장된 후 스쿠류 콘베이어에 의해 2축 스쿠류 믹서기에 보내어 진다. 이 믹서기에는 반송건조퇴비도 공급되어진다. 탈수케익(수분 78%)와 반송건조퇴비(수분 15%)은 수분이 50%가 되게 혼합되어진 후 수직스쿠류콘베이어에 의해 각주형태의 발효조에 공급된다. 발효조는 특별히 설계된 회전격자을 통하여 발효조에 공급한다. 공기가 오니혼합물에 진행하여 도달하기 위한 장치를 갖추고 있다. 발효기간 중의 일정시간마다 격자위에 모여있는 시료는 그 밑의 스쿠류콘베이어에 배출되어진 후 수직 콘베이어에 의해 다시 발효조에 공급된다. 발효는 시료가 발효조내에 충분히 채워지면 즉시 시작되며 24∼36시간에 72∼74℃에 달하게 된다. 시료는 이 온도범위를 수회 통과하므로서 병원균은 완전히 사멸하게 된다. 발효가 종결되면 시료는 고온 그대로 수직 스쿠류콘베이어에 의해 숙성화 공정으로 유도되어 숙성화가 된 후 건조기는 특별히 설계된 공기분산장치를 갖추고 있고 이것에 의하여 건조시료배출기 끝에 브릿지 형성을 방지한다. 발효시간과 건조시간은 동일하고 모두 4∼6일(오니의 종류에 따라 다르다) 정도이다.
26754 ◆ ROG ◆ Reactive Organic Gases
26755 ◆ ROI ◆ 오염물질의 전달과 미생물분해를 달성시킬 수 있는 반경. Radius of Influence
26756 ◆ rolamite mechanism ◆ a basic device consisting of two rollers bordered by two parallel planes and enclosed by a stationary S-shaped band under tension, so the rollers turn with almost no sliding friction. (A term coined by its inventor, the American engineer Donald F. Wilkes.)
26757 ◆ roll ◆ a cylindrical body set in bearings that is used to shape, crush, flatten, move, or print material.
26758 ◆ roll acceleration ◆ the angular acceleration of an aircraft, rocket, or missile about a longitudinal axis passing through its body.
26759 ◆ roll axis ◆ the longitudinal axis through the body about which an aircraft, rocket, or missile rolls. Also, rolling axis.
26760 ◆ roll crusher ◆ a reduction crusher, having one or two toothed or corrugated rollers, into which material is fed from above and discharged at the bottom.
26761 ◆ roll mill ◆ a sequential arrangement of mills used to crush and grind material.
26762 ◆ roll threading ◆ the process of making a threaded metal workpiece by rolling the metal between grooved circular rolls or grooved straight lines.
26763 ◆ ROLLBACK ◆ A Proportional Reduction Model
26764 ◆ roller bearing ◆ a shaft-bearing, having parallel or tapered steel rollers enclosed by outer and inner rings or races, designed for heavy loads.
26765 ◆ roller bottle apparatus ◆ a system used for the propagation of specialized cell cultures, in which the culture is placed on a set of revolving rollers that keep the particles in suspension.
26766 ◆ roller cam follower ◆ a follower having a shaft with a rotating wheel at one end.
26767 ◆ roller chain ◆ a driving or transmission chain having links of pin-mounted rollers that connect sideplates.
26768 ◆ roller conveyor ◆ a conveyor having a horizontal track made up of a series of closely spaced rollers over which material is moved by gravity or propulsion.
26769 ◆ roller drying ◆ a type of web drying in which the material to be dried makes a sinusoidal path around rollers while heat is supplied externally by blowing air.
26770 ◆ roller leveling ◆ a process of leveling in which the material is fed through a series of small-diameter staggered rolls.
26771 ◆ roller pulverizer ◆ a machine having rotating rollers that reduces solid material to very small particles.
26772 ◆ rolling ◆ relative motion between two bodies in contact along a line or point, without any slipping
26773 ◆ rolling contact ◆ the point or line of contact between a surface and a body that rolls along on that surface.
26774 ◆ rolling contact bearing ◆ a machine bearing having rolling parts that fit between an inner and an outer ring.
26775 ◆ rolling friction ◆ the force of friction that exists between a rolling body and the surface over which it is rolling.
26776 ◆ roll-off ◆ ㆍ the gradual rise in attenuation over a range of frequencies.the gradual rise in attenuation over a range of frequencies. ㆍ the attenuation that increases with a rise in frequency. Also, SLOPE.the attenuation that increases with a rise in frequency. Also, SLOPE.
26777 ◆ ROLL-OUT CONTAINERS ◆ 롤-아웃 컨테니너; 폐기물수거장비
26778 ◆ ROM ◆ Regional Oxidant Model
26779 ◆ ROMCOE ◆ Rocky Mountain Center on Environment
26780 ◆ roof filter ◆ a circuit that blocks high-frequency interference caused by outside sources in a telephone system.
26781 ◆ room acoustics ◆ the study of the behavior of sound in enclosed areas or rooms, including studies involving the use of echo chambers, reverberant rooms, live-end-dead-end rooms, and large rooms, such as concert halls and churches.
26782 ◆ Room Conditions 룸· 컨디션 (실조건) ◆ 기기가 테스트, 또는 개발되었을 때의, 방 또는 공간 주위 환경 조건. 실온은 통상, 화씨72도 (약22℃)로 정한다.
26783 ◆ room constant ◆ a measure of the absorptivity of a room given by the formula R = S/(1- ), where S is the boundary area of the room and is the average absorption coefficient of the room; used in the equation for computing critical distance.
26784 ◆ ROOM RADIUS ◆ 실반경(소)
26785 ◆ ROOT TOXICITY ◆ 뿌리독성; 매립지에서 발생하는 가스의 독성으로 매립지내 식물에 직접 영향을 미친다
26786 ◆ Roots blower ◆ a gas compressor, consisting of a pair of hourglass-shaped members that interlock and rotate together within an enclosure to deliver large volumes of gas at relatively low pressure ratios to a process or pipeline.
26787 ◆ ROP ◆ Rate of Progress; Regional Oversight Policy
26788 ◆ ROPA ◆ Record of Procurement Action
26789 ◆ rope drive ◆ an arrangement of ropes that run at high speed through pulleys to transmit power over distances.
26790 ◆ ROSA ◆ Regional Ozone Study Area
26791 ◆ ROTAMETER ◆ 회전자 ; 수처리시설에서 사용되는 유량측정 장치 (화학 : 유량계)
26792 ◆ rotary ◆ ㆍ a machine having a major rotating element, such as a rotary drill or rotary press.a machine having a major rotating element, such as a rotary drill or rotary press. ㆍ the mechanical assembly that supports and rotates a well-drilling machine.the mechanical assembly that supports and rotates a well-drilling machine.
26793 ◆ rotary actuator ◆ an electrically powered instrument that transforms electric energy into controlled rotary force.
26794 ◆ rotary air heater ◆ an air-heating device in which heat-transferring members are moved through gas and air streams in an alternate pattern.
26795 ◆ ROTARY AIRLOCK MECHANISM ◆ 회전식바람막이장치; 폐기물 풍력선별기에서 선별기안으로 파쇄된 폐기물을 투입하기위해 필요한 장치
26796 ◆ rotary annular extractor ◆ a device used in liquid-liquid extraction processes, composed of two vertical cylinders, in which the inner cylinder rotates and two liquid streams move countercurrently through the space between the cylinders.
26797 ◆ rotary atomizer ◆ a combined pump and nozzle used to spray fluids.
26798 ◆ rotary blower ◆ a machine in which the centrifugal force of rotating vanes creates air movement at a low pressure.
26799 ◆ rotary boring ◆ a process in which a hollow cutting tool is mechanically rotated to bore a hole in rock.
26800 ◆ ROTARY COMPACTOR ◆ 회전식 압축기; 폐기물 압축기의 한 형태
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