환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 25201-25300
번호 용어 해설
25201 ◆ polyvalent ◆ having more than one valence. Also, MULTIVALENT.
25202 ◆ POM ◆ Particulate Organic Matter. Polycyclic Organic Matter
25203 ◆ pomology ◆ the science of growing fruits.
25204 ◆ PONA analysis ◆ an analytical procedure to determine the amounts of paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, and aromatics in gasolines. (An acronym for paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, aromatics.)
25205 ◆ Ponchon-Savarit method ◆ a graphical method used to solve binary and ternary extraction systems by plotting mass balances on enthalpy-concentration diagrams.
25206 ◆ POND ◆ 연못화
25207 ◆ Pond process ◆ 안정화지 공정; 수처리의 생물학적 처리공정
25208 ◆ POND SYSTEM ◆ 연못시스템
25209 ◆ PONDING ◆ 연못화; 살수여상 운영시 여상표면에 물이 고이는 현상
25210 ◆ pool cathode ◆ an electrode that has a pool of mercury from which electrons are ejected.
25211 ◆ pool tube ◆ any tube, such as an excitron, ignitron, or mercury-arc rectifier, that has a pool of mercury as its cathode. Also, pool-cathode tube.
25212 ◆ POP ◆ Persistent Organic Pollutant
25213 ◆ popcorn noise ◆ the heat-generated noise that resembles the sound of popcorn popping and appears at random intervals in semiconductor devices, especially operational amplifiers.
25214 ◆ poppet valve ◆ a conical-shaped, heat-resistant steel disk that engages a conical seat, and is used in internal-combustion and steam engines to control inlet and exhaust.
25215 ◆ popping pressure ◆ the inlet pressure at which a safety valve disk opens.
25216 ◆ POPs ◆ POPs (persistant organic pollutants) POPs는 자연환경에서 분해되지 않고 먹이사슬을 통해 동식물 체내에 축적되어 면역체계 교란·중추신경계 손상 등을 초래하는 유해물질.
25217 ◆ POPs특성 ◆ 잔류성(persistence)-POPs는 안정적인 화합물질이기 때문에 쉽게 분해되지 않고 장기간 지속되는 특성을 가지고 있다. 스톡홀름협약은 수중 반감기가 2개월 이상, 또는 토양 반감기가 6개월 이상, 또는 지질퇴적물(sediment) 반감기가 6개월 이상일 것을 요구하고 있다. 생물축적성(bioaccumulation)-POPs는 생물체의 지방조직에 흡수되어 체내에 농축되는 특성을 지니고 있다. POPs가 물에 잘 녹지 않는 (low water solubility)반면 지방에 잘 섞이기(high fat solubility)때문에 물과 함께 체외로 방출되지 않고 체내에 쌓여 농축되는 것이다. 장거리 이동 가능성(potential for long-range environmental transport)- 장거리 이동성이 있어서 수백, 수천 Km까지 이동하게 된다. POPs가 일단 대기중에 배출되면 증발과 침전을 거듭하는 메뚜기 효과(grasshopper effect)를 통해 화학물질 배출원으로부터 먼거리로 이동한다. 독성(toxicity)-POPs는 유해화학물질 중에서도 가장 독성이 강하고 유해한 물질이다. POPs에 노출되는 경우 여러가지 종류의 암 발생, 면역체계 파괴, 생식장애, 호흡기질환, 피부질환 등을 일으킬 수 있으며, 특히 다이옥신 PCBs, HCBs등 유기염소계 화합물은 환경호르몬 유발물질로 내분비장애를 초래하여 인체에 큰 피해를 주게 된다. 베트남전에서 미군이 살포한 고엽제의 성분은 다이옥신으로 베트남 참전 군인은 물론이고 베트남 주민들과 그 후손에까지도 피해가 미치고 있다. 규제대상 12개 POPs는 염화폐비닐(Polychlorinated Biphenyls: PCBs), 다이옥신(dioxine), 퓨란(furans), 올드린(aldrin : 토양살충제), 딜드린(dieldrin : 방충제), DDT(살충제), 엔드린(endrin : 살충제), 클로르덴(chlordane : 제초제), 헥사클로르벤젠(hexachlorobenzene : 살충제), 마이렉스(mirex : 화염억지제 또는 살충제), 톡사펜(toxaphene : 살충제), 및 헵타클로르(heptachlor : 토양살충제)이다.
25218 ◆ Population ◆ A group of interbreeding organisms occupying a particular space; the number of humans or other living creatures in a designated area.
25219 ◆ Population at Risk ◆ A population subgroup that is more likely to be exposed to a chemical, or is more sen- sitive to the chemical, than is the general population.
25220 ◆ POR ◆ Program of Requirements
25221 ◆ porcupine boiler ◆ a boiler having dead-end tubes projecting from a vertical shell.
25222 ◆ pore size (공경) ◆ 막의 분리 성능을 표현하기 위해서 이용하는 명목상의 공의 크기.
25223 ◆ POROSITY ◆ 다공성. 공극율 : 암석속의 공극부분의 부피와 그 공극을 포함한 암석 전체 부피의 비
25224 ◆ Porosity ◆ Degree to which soil, gravel, sediment, or rock is permeated with pores or cavities through which water or air can move.
25225 ◆ Porous disc diffuser ◆ 다공성 디스크형 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치
25226 ◆ Porous dome diffuser ◆ 다공성 돔형 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치
25227 ◆ porous membrane (다공질막) ◆ 다공질인 구조로 된 막.
25228 ◆ Porous plate diffuser ◆ 다공성 판형 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치
25229 ◆ porous support (다공질지지층 ) ◆ 비대칭막 및 복합막에 있어서, 표면의 밀층을 지지하는 다공질의 층.
25230 ◆ Porous tube diffuser ◆ 다공성 관형 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치
25231 ◆ PORTABLE BALERS ◆ 이동식 포장기; 폐기물 포장기의 한 형태
25232 ◆ portal crane ◆ a jib crane carried on a four-legged portal, and which runs along rails.
25233 ◆ Portal-of-Entry Effect ◆ A local effect produced in the tissue or organ of first contact between a toxicant and the biological system.
25234 ◆ posistor ◆ a thermistor that exhibits a greater resistance as the temperature rises.
25235 ◆ positional isomer ◆ any of two or more molecules that are composed of the same number and types of atoms but differ in the position of a certain atom or group.
25236 ◆ positioning ◆ a tooling function in which a workpiece is manipulated as needed to accommodate working tools.
25237 ◆ positioning time ◆ the time needed to move a machining tool between a pair of coordinates.
25238 ◆ positive ◆ describing an element or compound that tends to lose electrons. Physics. describing the part of an electric cell toward which the current flows. : moving or tending in the direction considered as that of increase or progress, e.g., as with a clockwise motion. Graphic Arts. a photographic image on which the normal tonal values are present; i.e., light and dark tones correspond to those of the original subject. Thus, positive image. Medicine. describing a test, investigation, or the like in which the sign or condition under study is actually found to be present. Biology. directed toward the source of a stimulus.
25239 ◆ positive acceleration ◆ ㆍ any instance of acceleration that is in the same direction as the velocity.any instance of acceleration that is in the same direction as the velocity. ㆍ specifically, an increase in velocity; a process of speeding up.specifically, an increase in velocity; a process of speeding up.
25240 ◆ positive bias ◆ a condition in which a vacuum tube's control grid attracts more electrons than the cathode.
25241 ◆ positive clutch ◆ a clutch that transmits torque without slip.
25242 ◆ positive column ◆ a glow that appears between the Faraday dark space and the anode in a glow-discharge or cold-cathode tube. Also, POSITIVE GLOW.
25243 ◆ positive draft ◆ a pressure in a furnace or the gas passage of a steam-generating unit that is greater than atmospheric pressure.
25244 ◆ positive element ◆ any of the elements in the upper left of the periodic table, which can yield electrons to other elements and become positively charged.
25245 ◆ positive g ◆ ㆍ an instance of acceleration that is in the same direction as that of gravity.an instance of acceleration that is in the same direction as that of gravity.
25246 ◆ positive ion ◆ an atom or group of atoms that have lost one or more electrons, thus carrying a positive charge. Physics. any positively charged particle.
25247 ◆ positive logic ◆ digital logic in which the more positive voltage represents the binary digit 1 and the less positive level represents the binary digit 0.
25248 ◆ positive modulation ◆ a process by which a television signal is varied to link an increase in brightness to an increase in transmitted power.
25249 ◆ positive ray ◆ a stream of charged atoms that arises in the anode and has the ability to attract electrons. Also, CANAL RAY.
25250 ◆ POSITIVE SYSTEM ◆ 포지티브 시스템 : 점진적 자유화 추진방식의 하나로 개방이 가능한 부문 및 사항만을 열거하고 점차적을 협상을 통해 개방 가능한 부문 및 사항을 확대해 나가는 방식임
25251 ◆ positive temperature gradient ◆ a temperature that rises above a negative gradient in a region where temperature increases as depth increases, causing the occurrence of a shadow zone, sound channel, or similar phenomenon due to the bending of sound away from higher velocities and toward lower velocities, as described in Snell's law.
25252 ◆ positive-displacement compressor ◆ a compressor in which the fluid pressure increases as the volume of the closed space is decreased.
25253 ◆ positive-displacement pump ◆ a pump in which the pressure of a measured quantity of entrapped liquid rises, as in a reciprocating piston cylinder or rotary vane.
25254 ◆ positive-ion sheath ◆ a layer of positively charged ionized gas that forms around the wires of a grid in a gas-filled tube, inhibiting the flow of current.
25255 ◆ positron emission ◆ a type of beta decay in which a nucleus emits a positron and a neutrino.
25256 ◆ possible reserves ◆ primary petroleum reserves that may be present despite the absence of data to prove them.
25257 ◆ POST AERATION ◆ 후포기; 처리된 물을 다시 포기하는것
25258 ◆ post brake ◆ a brake that consists of two upright posts mounted on either side of the drum and that operates on brake paths bolted to the drum cheeks; sometimes fitted on a steam winder or haulage.
25259 ◆ Post- precipitation ◆ 후침; 수처리에서 2차 침전시설의 유출수에 화학약품을 가한 후, 침전된 침전물을 제거하는 공정
25260 ◆ postacceleration ◆ the acceleration of electrons in a tube that takes place after the beam has been deflected.
25261 ◆ Post-Chlorination ◆ Addition of chlorine to plant effuent for disinfectant purposes after the effluent has been treated.
25262 ◆ Post-Closure ◆ The time period following the shutdown of a waste management or manufacturing facility; for monitoring purposes, often considered to be 30 years.
25263 ◆ POSTCLOSURE CARE ◆ 사후관리 : 완료된 매립지의 장기적인 감시와 유지관리에 관련된 활동을 말한다.
25264 ◆ Post-Consumer Materials/Waste ◆ Recovered materials that are diverted from municipal solid waste for the prupose of collection, recycling, and disposition.
25265 ◆ Post-Consumer Recycling ◆ Use of materials generated from residential and consumer waste for new or similar purposes; e.g. converting wastepaper from offices into corrugated boxes or newsprint.
25266 ◆ postignition ◆ surface ignition that follows the normal spark.
25267 ◆ postprecipitation ◆ the resultant precipitation of a chemically different species that forms on the surface of an initial precipitate, often a common ion.
25268 ◆ post-treatment(후처리) ◆ 투과수의 용도에 맞추어 수질 조정을 하기 위해서, 탈기, pH조정, 살균등을 하는 처리.
25269 ◆ post-tuning drift ◆ the increase in frequency that arises when there is a drop in the varactor temperature of a frequency-agile source, such as the fast-tuning oscillators used in jamming equipment.
25270 ◆ pot die forming ◆ the process of forming sheet or plate metal by applying internal pressure that causes the workpiece to assume the contour of a hollow die.
25271 ◆ Potaassium sulfate의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립 환경 연구원
25272 ◆ Potable Water ◆ Water that is safe for drinking and cooking.
25273 ◆ POTABLE WATER REUSE ◆ 음용수의 재사용; 공중위생을 고려하여 아주 양호한 상태로 재생한 폐수를 식용수로 사용하는 과정
25274 ◆ potassium ◆ a metallic element having the symbol K, the atomic number 19, an atomic weight of 39.098, a melting point of 63°C, and a boiling point of 770°C. It is a soft, silver-white, extremely reactive alkali metal that is fairly abundant in the earth's crust; it is essential for plant growth and for human and animal nutrition and is used extensively in its compound form as a fertilizer component, as a laboratory reagent, in heat-exchange alloys, and for various other industrial purposes. (A word coined by its discoverer, the English chemist Sir Humphry Davy; from potash.)
25276 ◆ Potassium phosphate의 특성 및 방제방법 ◆ 주최 : 국립 환경 연구원
25277 ◆ potassium-40 ◆ a radioactive isotope of potassium with a half-life of billions of years.
25278 ◆ potassium-42 ◆ a radioactive isotope of potassium with a half-life of 1ㆍ4 hours; used as a radiotracer in medicine.
25279 ◆ POTENTIAL ◆ 전위
25280 ◆ Potential Dose ◆ The amount of a compound contained in material swallowed, breathed, or applied to the skin. Potentially Responsible Party (PRP): Any individual or company--including owners, operators, transporters or generators--potentially responsible for, or contributing to a spill or other contamination at a Superfund site. Whenever possible, through administrative and legal actions, EPA requires PRPs to clean up hazardous sites they have contaminated.
25281 ◆ potential energy ◆ the stored capacity of a body or system to do work by virtue of its configuration and position.
25283 ◆ POTENTIAL HYDROGEN ◆ 수소전위량
25284 ◆ Potential methods ◆ 포텐셜법; 지면관개법의 분산방법
25285 ◆ Potential of hydronium ◆ 수소이온농도; pH
25286 ◆ POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ◆ 온위 : 어느 정도의 공기를 건조 단열적으로 끌어내려 1000mb까지 가져갔을 때 나타날 온도
25287 ◆ potential transformer phase angle ◆ the measured angle between the primary voltage vector and the secondary voltage vector reversed; it is positive when the secondary voltage vector leads the primary voltage vector.
25288 ◆ Potentiation ◆ The ability of one chemical to increase the effect of another chemical.
25289 ◆ potentiometer ( 분압기 ) ◆ 전위차계 : 직류전압을 정확하게 측정하는 장치
25290 ◆ potentiometric cell ◆ a container or vessel that holds the reference and indicator electrodes and an electrolyte solution that is being potentiometrically titrated.
25291 ◆ POTENTIOMETRIC METHOD ◆ 전위차법 전극 : 전위 측정에 바탕을 둔 분석 방법
25292 ◆ potentiometric model study ◆ the use of an analogic electrical-resistance model and Darcy's law to predict conditions in gas-condensate oil reservoirs.
25293 ◆ Potentiometric Surface ◆ The surface to which water in an aquifer can rise by hydrostatic pressure.
25294 ◆ potentiometric titration ◆ a titration at zero (or constant) current in which the end point is determined by reading electrode-potential variations due to changes in the concentration of the potential-determining ion.
25295 ◆ POTENTIOMETRY ◆ 전위차법, 전위차 분석법
25296 ◆ POTENTIONMETRIC METHOD ◆ 전위차법; 전극전위 측정에 바탕을 둔 분석방법
25297 ◆ POTENTIONSTATIC COULOMETRY ◆ 일정 전위 : 전기량법 전기량법 측정에 바탕을 둔 전기량법의 종류
25298 ◆ potting ◆ a process by which components are embedded into insulating material held in a container that becomes the outer surface of the unit.
25299 ◆ POTW ◆ Publicly Owned Treatment Works
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