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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23001-23100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23001-23100

번호                  용어                  해설

23001             microwave attenuator               a waveguide device that is used to reduce the intensity of transmitted microwaves by means of absorbing a portion of the microwave energy in a lossy material.

23002             microwave detector                  an electronic device that can locate radio waves in the frequency range of 1000 megacycles and upward; it reacts to the presence of microwaves by changing its resistance or some other parameter.

23003             microwave device                    any electronic device that can transmit or receive microwaves.

23004             microwave integrated circuit                     an integrated circuit designed for use in microwave frequencies. Also, MIC.

23005             microwave optics                     the study and application of principles common to both microwave and optical phenomena.

23006             microwave reflectometer           a device used to measure the forward and reflected power from a discontinuity in a wave- guide; consists of two coupling detectors mounted on either side of the waveguide.

23007             microwave solid-state device                    a semiconductor device used to generate or amplify electromagnetic energy at microwave frequencies.

23008             microwave tube           an electron tube, such as a klystron or magnetron, that generates wavelengths in the 30 centimeters to 0.3 centimeter range.

23009             middle-ultraviolet lamp             a mercury-vapor lamp, such as a sunlamp, that produces radiation in the wavelength band of 2800-3200 angstrom units.

23010             mid-frequency gain                  the gain of an amplifier at the frequency corresponding to the maximum of its frequency response curve.

23011             MID-LATITUDE LOW PRESSURE BELT                     적도수렴대

23012             migration                    the movement of charged particles through an electrolytic medium under the influence of an electric field.  Solid-State Physics. the movement of defects in a crystal due to thermal, mechanical, or electrical influences.

23013             migration current                     a current that is produced when positively charged ions (cations) migrate to the surface of an anode.

23014             mileage          the number, or the average number, of miles that a motor vehicle can travel on a certain quantity of fuel.

23015             Miller bridge               a bridge circuit that measures the amplification factors of vacuum tubes.

23016             Miller code                 an internal electrical-pulse coding system for binary representation.

23017             Miller effect                in a vacuum tube, the increase in the effective grid-cathode capacitance due to the charge induced electrostatically on the grid by the anode through the grid-anode capacitance.

23018             Miller indices              the plane with Miller indices h, k, and l makes intercepts a/h, b/k, and c/l with the unit-cell axes a, b, and c. The law of rational indices states that the indices of the faces of a crystal are usually small integers, seldom greater than three.

23019             Miller integrator          a capacitor integrator that uses capacitance produced by the Miller effect.

23020             millibarn                     a unit of measure equal to one-thousandth of a barn.

23021             Millikan meter             an integrating ionization chamber; used for cosmic ray measurements.

23022             milling            the act or process of producing plane or shaped surfaces by the use of a milling machine.the act or process of producing plane or shaped surfaces by the use of a milling machine. the mechanical treating of solid materials, such as grain, to produce a powder.the mechanical treating of solid materials, such as grain, to produce a powder.

23023             milling machine           a machine tool that shapes workpieces by passing them through the periphery of a milling cutter. Also, MILLER.a machine tool that shapes workpieces by passing them through the periphery of a milling cutter. Also, MILLER. a mobile grinding apparatus used to trim the edge of a paved surface and remove excess material.a mobile grinding apparatus used to trim the edge of a paved surface and remove excess material.

23024             milling planer              a planer that uses a rotary cutter rather than single point tools.

23025             Millington-Sette equation          an equation in which the reverberation time of sound in a chamber is calculated by the formula t = 60V/(086c -  Siln (1 - ), where V is the room volume, Si is the room surface area, c is the sound velocity, and  is the theoretical decay rate. Also, Millington reverberation formula.

23026             Million-Gallons Per Day (MGD)                 A measure of water flow.

23027             Millipore filter             a filter with holes ranging from 0.005 to 8 micrometers; often used when presterilizing equipment.

23028             MILLS-REINCKE            라이네케 현상; 물의 여과급수에 따라 장티푸스 등의 소화기계 전염병에 의한 사망률 뿐만이 아니고 기타 일반 사망률도 현저히 감소하게 되는 현상

23029             mimetic          of or relating to the inclination of a crystal to copy itself, as the inclination to twin.  Petrology. of or relating to a tectonite characterized by a deformation fabric that reflects and is influenced by a preexisting anisotropic structure.  Zoology. describing a species that attacks another species.

23030             mimetic twin               a twinned crystal that mimics the symmetry of a higher system.

23031             MINERALIZATION                     유기물이 완전히 무기물질로 바뀌는 과정

23032             mini cells                    a small piece of protoplasm derived from a cell that contains less than the haploid number of chromosomes.

23033             miniature electron tube            a small electron tube whose electrode leads project through the glass bottom in positions corresponding to those of the pins in a 7- or 9-pin base.

23034             miniaturization            the process of compacting the physical size of a system, package, or component without decreasing its performance or efficiency.

23035             Minimization               A comprehensive program to minimize or eliminate wastes, usually applied to wastes at their point of origin. (See: waste minimization.)

23036             MINIMUM  FLOWRATE             최소유량

23037             MINIMUM DAILY FLOW            일최소유량;

23038             minimum discernible signal                      the input signal with the smallest amplitude that can be detected by a receiver and produced as a discernible output signal.

23039             MINIMUM HOUR FLOW RATE                   시간최소유량;

23040             MINIMUM HOURLY FLOW                        시간최소유량;

23041             minimum inhibitory concentration             the lowest possible concentration of an antibiotic in a dilution series that shows no growth of the test organism after incubation for a set time and temperature.

23042             Minimum mean cell residence time                     최소 세포 평균 체류시간 ; 실제적으로 미생물이 씻겨나가는 체류시간 또는 반응조내에서 미생물이 재성장보다 유출이 빠른 체류시간을 말함

23043             MINIMUM PREMARKING SET DATA                     최소안전성 평가시험 데이터

23044             minimum reflux ratio               the ratio of the reflux flow rate to the vapor flow rate that will result in the number of theoretical plates approaching infinity for a given distillation.

23045             Minimum saturated permeability               최소포화 투수능;

23046             minimum signal level               in a facsimile system, the level corresponding to the lowest signal amplitude of either copy white or copy black.

23047             minimum wetting rate              the minimum liquid flow rate necessary to maintain a wetted vertical surface.

23048             minimum-loss attenuator          an attenuator matching two unequal resistive impedances with minimum power loss to the signal. Also, minimum-loss pad.

23049             minimum-loss matching           the process of using a resistive circuit as a transducer to achieve matching to a source and load impedance at its input and output terminals, respectively, causing the minimum possible power loss. The transducer is an L network (q.v.) of two resistors.

23050             Mining of an Aquifer                   Withdrawal over a period of time of ground water that exceeds the rate of recharge of the aquifer.

23051             Mining Waste              Residues resulting from the extraction of raw materials from the earth.

23052             minitrack                    a ground-based system for tracking satellites using interferometers. Also, minitrack radio.

23053             minivan          a type of passenger vehicle, larger than a station wagon but smaller than a conventional van, typically with seats for six to eight people.

23054             minor chord                a chord having a minor third interval between the root and the next note above it.

23055             Minor Source              New emissions sources or modifications to existing emissions sources that do not exceed NAAQS emission levels.

23056             minority carrier            the type of charge carrier, electron or hole, that is present at low concentration in addition to the preponderant majority carriers; the holes are the minority carriers in an N-type semiconductor, and the electrons are the minority carriers in a P-type semiconductor.

23057             minority emitter           an electrode from which minority carriers flow into the interelectrode region of a transistor.

23058             Minors           Publicly owned treatment works with flows less than 1 million gallons per day. (See: majors.)

23059             Mirex and Chlordecone            mirex chlordecone은 두 개로 분리되지만, 화학적으로는 유사하고 자연적인 환경에서는 생성되지 않는다. Mirex는 흰색의 결정체이고, chlordecone은 황갈색 결정체이다. 두 화학물질은 무색이다.        mirex chlordecone 1978년 이후로 미국에서 제조 및 사용이 금지되었다. Mirex는 불개미를 죽이는 살충제로 사용되며, 1959년부터 1972년까지 플라스틱, 고무, 페인트, 종이, 전자제품 등의 방염제로 사용되었다. Chlordecone은 담배, 관목, 바나나, 감귤나무 등의 살충제와 개미, 바퀴벌레 등을 죽이는데 사용된다. Mirex Dechlorane이라는 무역명을 가진 방염제이며 chlordecone 또한 Kepone이라는 무역명을 가지고 있다. 무역명의 사용은 확인을 위한 것이지 독성물질과 질병 등록을 위한 에이전시(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) 또는 미국의 보건복지부(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) 등의 승인을 증명하는 것은 아니다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

23060             mirror nuclei               a pair of nuclei that differ only in the number of protons and neutrons, so that each would be transformed into the other simply by changing its protons into neutrons or vice versa.

23061             mirror plane                a symmetry element for which the corresponding symmetry operation resembles reflection in a mirror, coincident with the plane. It converts a chiral object or structure into its enantiomorph.

23062             Miscellaneous ACM                  Interior asbestos-containing building material or structural components, members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles; does not include surfacing materials or thermal system insulation.

23063             Miscellaneous materials            Interior building materials on structural components, such as floor or ceiling tiles.

23064             miscibility gap             the region between complete miscibility and immiscibility on an equilibrium phase diagram, where this partial miscibility region is a function of temperature and other conditions; common with liquids, such as oil and water, copper, and lead but also observed in alloys.

23065             Miscible Liquids           Two or more liquids that can be mixed and will remain mixed under normal conditions.

23066             miscible-phase displacement                    the introduction of an oil-miscible driving fluid, such as gas or liquefied petroleum gas, into a well to increase oil recovery.

23067             miscible-slug process               the introduction of liquefied petroleum gas into a well to increase oil recovery.

23068             miser             a tubular bit used in well boring that is fitted with a valve at the bottom and a screw for forcing earth upward. Also, MIZER.

23069             misfire            a failure to establish an arc between the main anode and the cathode in a mercury-pool-cathode tube at the intended conducting time.

23070             mismatch loss             the loss in signal-to-noise output relative to that of a matched filter, caused by a filter that is not matched in response with the transmitted signal. Also, MATCHING LOSS.

23071             Missed Detection                     The situation that occurs when a test indicates that a tank is tight when in fact it is leaking.

23072             MIST              미스트 : 적당한 핵의 위에 증기가 응축하여 생기는 경우와 액이 붕괴하는 경우에 생기는 액체상의 것으로, 표면장력에 의해서 구상을 형성하여 공기중에 부유하기도 하고 큰것은 침강하기도 하는데 형성시의 핵물질로는 고체미립자, 액체미립자, 이온등이 있다.

23073             Mist               Liquid particles measuring 40 to 500 micrometers (pm), are formed by condensation of vapor. By comparison, fog particles are smaller than 40 micrometers (pm).

23074             MITIGATING EFFECTS OF DROUGHT                     한발피해완화 : 한발피해완화를 위해 한발예측 관련활동 및 사회와 자연체제의 한발에 대한 취약성을 경감시키지 위한 활동이 필요

23075             Mitigation                   Measures taken to reduce adverse impacts on the environment.

23076             Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism             an empirical law stating that substances having similar chemical compositions and properties produce similar if not identical crystalline forms.

23077             mixed aniline point                  the lowest temperature at which a solution will form from a mixture of aniline, heptane, and another hydrocarbon.

23078             MIXED CULTURE          혼합배양

23079             mixed cycle                 an internal combustion engine cycle that combines Otto-cycle and diesel-cycle combustion in high-speed compression-ignition engines.

23080             mixed flow                  the flow of a mixture consisting of two or more phases.

23081             MIXED FLOW PUMP                 사류 펌프; 원심력 펌프와 축류펌프의 중간특성을 가지며 유수가 경사방향으로 흐름

23082             Mixed Funding            Settlements in which potentially responsible parties and EPA share the cost of a response action.

23083             Mixed Glass                Recovered container glass not sorted into categories (e.g.,color, grade).

23084             mixed indicator           a mixture of two indicators that allows for a more accurate end-point determination in an acid-base titration.

23085             Mixed Liquor               A mixture of activated sludge and water containing organic matter undergoing activated sludge treatment in an aeration tank.

23086             Mixed Metals              Recovered metals not sorted into categories such as aluminum, tin, or steel cans or ferrous or non-ferrous metals.

23087             Mixed Municipal Waste            Solid waste that has not been sorted into specific categories such as plastic, glass, yard trimmings, etc.

23088             MIXED PAPER              혼합종이

23089             Mixed Paper                Recovered paper not sorted into categories such as old magazines, old newspapers, old corrugated boxes, etc.

23090             Mixed Plastic               Recovered plastic unsorted by category.

23091             mixed potential           the amount of energy a material can generate when two or more electrochemical reactions occur simultaneously.

23092             MIXED PRESSURE TURBINE                      혼합터빈; 증기이용방식의 증기터빈

23093             mixed water                a combination of volcanic and atmospheric waters.

23094             MIXED-CRYSTAL FORMATION                   혼성 결정 형성 ; 일종의 공침

23095             mixed-flow impeller                 an impeller used for a pump, compressor, or agitator that combines radial and axial flow principles.

23096             mixer             a circuit or device that combines two or more input signals or frequencies to produce a single output.

23097             mixer tube                  an electron tube that performs the frequency-conversion function of a converter in a superheterodyne receiver when it is supplied with voltage or power from an external oscillator.

23098             mixer-settler                a liquid-liquid extraction device that mixes phases and then allows the liquids to settle and separate.

23099             mixing            the process of combining two or more signals, such as the outputs of multiple microphones, in order to produce special effects.

23100             MIXING HEIGHT           혼합고도()

