환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23101-23200
번호 용어 해설
23101 ◆ Mixing zones ◆ 혼합유역;
23102 ◆ Mna-Made (Anthropogenic) Beta Particle and Photon Emitters ◆ All radio-nuclides emitting beta particles and/or photons listed in Maximum Permissble Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radonuclides un Air and Water for Occupational Exposure.
23103 ◆ mobile crane ◆ a cable-controlled crane that is moved on crawlers or rubber-tired carriers to which it is mounted.
23105 ◆ mobile hoist ◆ a hoist that is mounted on a pair of pneumatic-tire road wheels in order to move it from one site to another.
23106 ◆ Mobile Incinerator Systems ◆ Hazardous waste incinerators that can be transported from one site to another.
23107 ◆ mobile loader ◆ a machine with a self-propelling power system that is used to load coal, minerals, dirt, or other materials.
23108 ◆ MOBILE PHASE ◆ 이동상 : 크로파토그래피상에서 정지상을 통해 이용되는 것
23109 ◆ MOBILE SOURCE ◆ 이동오염원
23110 ◆ Mobile Source ◆ Any non-stationary source of air pollution such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, airplanes, and locomotives.
23111 ◆ MOBILE5A ◆ Mobile Source Emission Factor Model
23112 ◆ MOBILITY ◆ 이동도, 기동성
23113 ◆ mobility ratio ◆ the ratio of driving-fluid mobility to driven-fluid mobility in an oil or gas reservoir.
23114 ◆ mode ◆ a form of propagation that describes the manner in which an electromagnetic wave travels; characterized by indicating the field pattern in a plane perpendicular to the propagation direction. Telecommunications. in a communication, the nature of the information, such as literal language or digital data. Computer Technology. a method of operation, such as binary mode or alphanumeric mode. Computer Programming. the form or data type of a variable or expression. Statistics. the most frequently occurring value in a distribution, or, for grouped data, the class interval into which the largest number of cases fall; a measure of central tendency. Petrology. the actual mineral composition of an unaltered igneous rock, expressed in terms of percentages of total weight or volume. Archaeology. the most specific category of classification for artifacts, representing items within the same type and variety that share further common attributes.
23115 ◆ mode jump ◆ a sudden change in oscillation frequency and power level caused by a change in the mode of magnetron operation from one pulse to the next.
23116 ◆ mode number ◆ ㆍ the number of cycles during which an electrode traveling at an average speed remains in the drift space of a reflex klystron.the number of cycles during which an electrode traveling at an average speed remains in the drift space of a reflex klystron. ㆍ the number of radians of phase in a magnetron's microwave field divided by 2, moving once about the anode.the number of radians of phase in a magnetron's microwave field divided by 2, moving once about the anode.
23117 ◆ mode of vibration ◆ a vibration of a coupled system, which occurs in such a way that every part of the system vibrates with the same frequency.
23118 ◆ mode shift ◆ a change in the mode of magnetron operation during a pulse.
23119 ◆ mode skip ◆ the failure of a magnetron to fire on each successive pulse.
23120 ◆ mode switch ◆ a microwave control device that is used to change the microwave power transmission mode in a waveguide.
23121 ◆ mode transducer ◆ a device that is designed to transform an electromagnetic wave from one mode of propagation to another. Also, mode transformer.
23122 ◆ Model Plant ◆ A hypothetical plant design used for developing economic, environmental, and energy impact analyses as suppout for regulations or regulatory guidelines; first step in exploring the economic impact of a potential NSPS.
23123 ◆ modem ◆ a device connected between a digital circuit and an analog communication system, such as a telephone, to transmit and convert the received analog signal to digital data. (An acronym for modulator/demodulator.)
23124 ◆ Modified activated sludge process ◆ 변형된 활성슬러지공정;
23125 ◆ Modified aeration process ◆ 수정포기 공정; 활성슬러지공정의 변법으로 짧은 포기시간과 높은 F/M비가 쓰임
23126 ◆ Modified Bin Method ◆ Way of calculating the required heating or cooling for a building based on determining how much energy the system would use if outdoor temperatures were within a certain temperature interval and then multiplying the energy use by the time the temperature interval typically occurs.
23127 ◆ MODIFIED FORM OF THE DULONG EQUATION ◆ 듀롱 수정식; 폐기물의 에너지 함량의 대략적인 값을 알수 있는 공식
23128 ◆ modified Lewis acid ◆ an acid that accepts halide ions.
23129 ◆ Modified Source ◆ The enlargement of a major stationary pollutant sources is often referred to as mokification, implying that more emissions will occur.
23130 ◆ moding ◆ a fault in magnetron oscillation in which it oscillates in an undesired mode or modes.
23131 ◆ modular circuit ◆ a circuit designed and built as separate modules that are connected to perform the function.
23132 ◆ MODULAR COMBUSTION UNIT ◆ 수평고정상 가스화 장치; MCU, 폐기물열적처리시설중 가스화장치
23133 ◆ modular structure ◆ ㆍ an assembly using integral multiples of a given length to formElectronics components.an assembly using integral multiples of a given length to formElectronics components. ㆍ an assembly created from modules.an assembly created from modules.
23134 ◆ modulate ◆ to change in some characteristic way the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a wave or the velocity of the electrons in an electron beam.
23135 ◆ modulated amplifier ◆ the amplifier stage in a transmitter in which the modulating signal is introduced and modulates the carrier.
23136 ◆ modulated stage ◆ the radio-frequency stage to which the modulator is coupled, in which the carrier wave is modulated in accordance with the system of modulation and the characteristics of the modulating wave.
23137 ◆ modulated structure ◆ a crystal in which true three-dimensional lattice periodicity is lost but which can be described as an (imaginary) basic structure with space group symmetry combined with periodic deformation (modulation). The diffraction pattern gives information on each of these two components.
23138 ◆ modulating electrode ◆ in a cathode-ray tube, an electrode to which a potential is applied to control the magnitude of a beam current.
23139 ◆ modulation ◆ the process of regulating the air to fuel ratio in a burner for varying the load conditions on a boiler.
23140 ◆ modulation rise ◆ an increase of the modulation percentage due to nonlinearity of a tuned amplifier; usually, the last intermediate-frequency stage of a receiver.
23141 ◆ modulator ◆ a circuit or device that varies some characteristic of a carrier signal in accordance with the waveform of a modulating signal. Biochemistry.
23142 ◆ modulator glow tube ◆ a cold-cathode recorder tube used for facsimile and sound-on-film recording to provide a modulated high-intensity point-of-light source.
23143 ◆ module (모듈) ◆ 1개 (또는1매) 이상의 요소를 용기에 납일체화한 것.
23144 ◆ modulus of deformation ◆ the modulus of elasticity of materials not having elastic proportionality.
23146 ◆ modulus of resilience ◆ the strain energy per unit volume that an elastic material will store in uniaxial stress at the material's elastic limit.
23147 ◆ modulus of rupture in bending ◆ the fictitious maximum stress in a bending member at failure, computed as though the member retained linear elasticity.
23148 ◆ modulus of rupture in torsion ◆ the fictitious maximum shear stress in a twisting member at failure, computed as though the member retained linear elasticity.
23149 ◆ MOE ◆ Margin of Exposure
23150 ◆ mofette ◆ a small vent from which carbon dioxide along with some nitrogen and oxygen is emitted in an area of late-stage volcanic activity.
23151 ◆ Moho ◆ a shorter term for the Mohorovii discontinuity.
23152 ◆ Mohorovii discontinuity ◆ the boundary in the earth between the crust and the mantle that is marked by an abrupt change in the propagation velocity of seismic waves; approximately 10 kilometers below the ocean basins and 30 kilometers below the continents
23153 ◆ Mohr cubic centimeter ◆ a unit of volume used in saccharimetry that equals ㆍ00238 cubic centimeters. (Named for Carl Friedrich Mohr.)
23154 ◆ Mohr titration ◆ a test formerly used to determine the concentration of chlorides in a solution by titrating the sample with silver nitrate.
23155 ◆ Mohr's circle for stress ◆ a graphical representation of the components of stress in a solid; each point gives the normal and shear components of stress on a plane in the solid.
23156 ◆ MOIST ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE ◆ 습윤단열감률 : 대기 중에 포함된 수증기가 포화상태인 때 일어나는 단열변화에서 단위 거리 만큼 상승 또는 하강한 때에 기괴(기단)에서의 온도 변화 비율
23157 ◆ MOIST AIR ◆ 습윤공기
23158 ◆ moist heat sterilization ( 고압 증기 멸균 autoclave ) ◆ 고압 멸균기. 고온 고압 (상압+ 1kg/cm2· 120℃ ) 의 증기를 이용해 약30분으로, 수용액, 기구류등을 멸균하 는데 이용하는 솥.
23159 ◆ moisture ◆ water or other liquid that is dispersed through a gas or a solid, or condensed on a solid, as a vapor or as very fine droplets.
23160 ◆ MOISTURE CONDITIONING ◆ 수분개량; 원료물질의 물리적 개량을 목적으로 수분량 조절
23161 ◆ Moisture Content ◆ 1. The amount of water lost from soil upon drying to a constant weight, expressed as the weight per unit of dry soil or as the volume of water per unit bulk volume of the soil. For a fully saturated medium, moisture content indicates the porosity. 2. Water equivalent of snow on the ground; an indicator of snowmelt floos potential.
23162 ◆ MOISTURE CONTENT ◆ 수분함량; 시료를 100-150 ºC 의 온도에서 항량이 될 때까지 건조시켰을때 %로 표시되는 손실량
23163 ◆ moisture loss ◆ the resulting differential in heat content between the moisture content of air in a boiler and the ambient environment outside of it.
23164 ◆ molal ◆ ㆍ of a solution, containing one mole of solute per one kilogram of solvent.of a solution, containing one mole of solute per one kilogram of solvent.
23165 ◆ molal average boiling point ◆ the theoretical boiling point of a mixture, arrived at by averaging the boiling points of the individual mole fractions in a mixture.
23166 ◆ molal quantity ◆ the number of moles, expressed by weight in units such as gram-mole, that is equal to the molecular weight.
23167 ◆ molal solution ◆ a solution that contains one mole of solute for each kilogram of solvent.
23168 ◆ molality ◆ a description of the concentration of a solution, expressed by the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.
23169 ◆ molar absorptivity ◆ absorptivity defined in terms of concentration expressed as moles per liter.
23170 ◆ molar conductivity ◆ the ratio of conductivity in an electrolytic solution to the fraction of moles per unit volume in the solution. Also, MOLECULAR CONDUCTIVITY.
23171 ◆ molar heat capacity ◆ the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance by one degree. Also, MOLECULAR HEAT CAPACITY, MOLAL HEAT CAPACITY.
23172 ◆ molar latent heat ◆ the amount of latent heat per mole of a substance.
23173 ◆ molar mass ◆ the mass in grams of one mole of a given substance; the practical unit of measurement is g mol-ㆍ
23174 ◆ molar solution ◆ a solution that contains one mole of solute for each liter of the solution.
23175 ◆ molar specific heat ◆ the ratio between the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole of a given substance by one degree and the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole of a reference substance, such as water, by one degree at a given temperature. Also, MOLAL SPECIFIC HEAT; MOLECULAR SPECIFIC HEAT.
23176 ◆ molar surface ◆ the area occupied by a sphere of one mole of a substance.
23177 ◆ molar volume ◆ the volume that one mole of a given substance occupies in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas at standard temperature and standard atmospheric pressure. Also, MOLAL VOLUME; MOLECULAR VOLUME; MOLE VOLUME
23178 ◆ molarity ◆ a description of the concentration of a solution, expressed by the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.
23179 ◆ mole ◆ an egg-shaped mechanical device that is pulled behind a subsoil plow and used in tunnel excavation. (From the Middle English name for this animal.)
23180 ◆ MOLE FRACTION ◆ 몰분율 : 물질량 분율. 두성분 사이의 물질계에서 한성분의 농도를 나타내는 방법의 하나.
23181 ◆ mole ratio ◆ the relative amounts of reacting substances, expressed in moles, that are required to produce a given amount of product in a chemical reaction.
23182 ◆ molecular adhesion ◆ the force that causes solids or liquids to bind to each other; generally applied to adhesion between different materials.
23183 ◆ molecular amplitude ◆ the difference between molecular rotations at the the extreme values caused by the longer and the shorter wavelengths
23184 ◆ molecular association ◆ the binding together of two or more different molecules in the same system.
23185 ◆ molecular attraction ◆ any force that draws molecules toward one another.
23186 ◆ molecular circuit ◆ a circuit whose components are indistinguishable from one another.
23187 ◆ molecular crystal ◆ a crystal whose lattice structure is formed from an arrangement of molecules.
23188 ◆ molecular cutoff (분화분자량 ) ◆ 막이 특정의 저지율로 저지할 수 있는 최소의 분자량.
23189 ◆ molecular diamagnetism ◆ the response of a compound to a magnetic field in which the response opposes the field.
23190 ◆ molecular diameter ◆ a measure of a molecule, assumed to be spherical in shape, calculated by multiplying its numerical value by a factor determined for the specific compound or element in which it appears.
23192 ◆ molecular dipole ◆ a molecule that has two equal and opposite electric charges or poles separated by a short distance; this condition may be either intrinsic or generated by an external electronic field.
23193 ◆ molecular distillation ◆ a distillation process performed at high vacuum and low temperature, with the condensation and evaporation surfaces within the mean molecular path distance, so as to cause the least damage to molecular composition.
23194 ◆ molecular dynamics ◆ the study of the action of forces on molecular bodies in motion or at rest; includes the study of time-dependent and temperature-dependent properties of microstructure systems, often using computer simulations.
23195 ◆ molecular electronics ◆ the branch ofElectronics that deals with the processing of a segment of semiconductor material so that it can perform the function of a complete electronic circuit.
23196 ◆ molecular engineering ◆ the use of solid-state techniques to create the components necessary to provide the functional requirements of bulky equipment.
23197 ◆ molecular equation ◆ a chemical equation expressed in terms of molecules, such as HCl + NaOH = NaCl + H2O.
23198 ◆ molecular magnet ◆ a measure of the polarity in a molecule that has two equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles, either intrinsic or generated by an external electronic field.
23199 ◆ molecular orbital ◆ the region of high probability that is occupied by an individual electron as it travels with a wavelike motion in the three-dimensional space around one of two or more associated nuclei; an indicator of the electron's energy level.
23200 ◆ molecular orbital theory ◆ an explanation of bond formation as the result of a region of electron density brought about by the overlap of atomic orbitals of similar energy in adjoining molecules.
컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :
[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.
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