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a requirement for a responsible of selling vehicles : 쇼피

by 리치캣 2024. 7. 16.

a requirement for a responsible of selling vehicles

Shopee TH Email Support help@support.shopee.co.th

7월 15일 (월) 오후 8:46 (15시간 전)
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Shopee Thailand.
Regarding a requirement for a responsible of selling vehicles from an order 240606ABSH1NSD.
I sincerely sorry to inform you that I could not answer about an acknowledgement from the CEO about a policy of selling vehicle
for coordinating inspections with relevant agencies and additional stores
Please additional information for Policy for selling vehicles and Guidelines for controlling the quality of such vehicle products
Please send the required document by replying to this email within 72 hours.

Your case ID number is  1811357729570111549.

Thank you for using Shopee!
Suwimol B.

Shopee Customer Service

Call service Mon-Sat  8:00 - 22:00
Chat service 24 hours daily, including public holidays

Help Center https://help.shopee.co.th/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShopeeTH
Instagram: www.instagram.com/Shopee_TH
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ShopeeTH

존경하는 고객님,
Shopee Thailand에 연락주셔서 감사합니다.
240606ABSH1NSD 주문에서 차량 판매 책임자에 대한 요구 사항.
차량 판매 정책에 대한 CEO의 승인에 대해 답변할 수 없음을 알려드리게 되어 진심으로 죄송합니다

관련 기관 및 추가 매장과의 검사 조정을 위해
차량 판매 정책 및 해당 차량 제품의 품질 관리 지침에 대한 추가 정보를 참조하십시오

72시간 이내에 이 이메일에 회신하여 필요한 서류를 보내주시기 바랍니다.

고객님의 케이스 ID 번호는 1811357729570111549입니다.

쇼피를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다!
수비몰 B.
쇼피 고객 서비스

호서비스 월-토 8:00 - 22:00
공휴일 포함 24시간 채팅 서비스
도움말 센터 https://help.shopee.co.th/
페이스북: http://www.facebook.com/ShopeeTH
인스타그램 : http://www.instagram.com/Shopee_TH
트위터: http://www.twitter.com/ShopeeTH


아래와 같이 회신을 보냈다.

Shopee's insincere response is...
future, willful negligence.
 Record and share that it will be recognized as an act of active assistance, etc.
Furthermore, it will be accused of corporate acts that neglect human rights to live under international law. 

I hope you don't misunderstand that I'm going to let this case go. 
Not to mention that my scooter broke down and I couldn't use it, I almost died on the road.
Would you laugh it off in such a case?

Under the current law of Thailand, how long is the warranty period for scooters on the road? The seller doesn't tell me, so please let me know by Shopee.

After a more serious review and an accurate investigation 
I ask for a sincere reply.

쇼피의 무성의한 대응은...
향후, 미필적 고의.
 적극적 방조행위. 등의 행위사실로 인정될 것임을 기록하고 공유합니다.
나아가 국제법상 인간의 생존권 침해를 방기하는 기업행위로 고발될 것입니다. 

내가 이 사건을 그냥 넘길거라고 착각하지 않기를 바랍니다. 
스쿠터가 고장나서 사용하지 못하는 것은 물론, 나는 도로에서 죽을 뻔했습니다.
당신이라면 그런 경우에 웃어넘기겠습니까?

태국 현행법상, 도로를 다니는 스쿠터의 제품보증기간은 얼마입니까?  판매자가 알려주지 않으니, 쇼피가 알려주기 바랍니다.

좀더 진지한 검토와 정확한 사건조사 후에 
성의있는 회신을 요구하는 바입니다. 




