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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30401-30500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 30401-30500

번호                  용어                  해설

30401             VIBRATION METER                   진동계; 진동계의 종류로서 변위, 속도 또는 가속도등의 양을 계측하는 것

30402             VIBRATION OF FUNDAMENTAL MODE                     기본 고유 진동 : 고유진동으로 최소의 진동수를 갖는 것

30403             VIBRATION OF NORMAL MODE                고유진동 : 표준형의 진동

30404             VIBRATION PICK-UP                 진동픽업  기계적 진동량으로 변환하는 전기기계변환기

30405             vibration separation                 the separation of material using a vibrating screen.

30406             VIBRATION STATE                     진동상태

30407             vibrational energy                    the difference between energy generated by a theoretical diatomic molecule whose rotational energy is set at zero, and one whose rotational energy is generated by stopping the nuclei from vibrating without slowing the motion of its electrons.

30408             vibrational level           the level of energy in a molecule with more than one nucleus (diatomic or polyatomic) that is distinguished by a particular vibrational energy.

30409             vibrational quantum number                    a quantity that represents the vibrational energy describing the motion of nuclei in a molecule.

30410             vibrato           the periodic variations in pitch produced by a human voice or musical instrument

30411             vibratory                     experiencing vibrations; vibrating.experiencing vibrations; vibrating. causing or capable of causing vibrations.causing or capable of causing vibrations.

30412             vibratory centrifuge                  a high-speed centrifugal device used to remove moisture from pulverized solids.

30413             vibratory hammer                    a pile hammer that uses eccentric cams to vibrate a pile into position.

30414             vibratron                    a triode having an anode that can be moved or vibrated by an external force, thus varying the anode current in proportion to the amplitude and frequency of the applied force.

30415             vibroenergy separator               a vibratory screen that classifies or separates grains of solids by a gyratory motion and a vibration caused by balls bouncing against the underside of the screen.

30416             vicinal faces                abnormal faces that modify normal crystal faces, and whose indices cannot be expressed in small whole numbers.

30417             video              the component of a television signal that contains the picture information.the component of a television signal that contains the picture information. of or relating to the bandwidth and spectrum position of a radar or television scanning signal.of or relating to the bandwidth and spectrum position of a radar or television scanning signal. 3. a videotape recording, especially one that has been commercially produced. (From a Latin word meaning to see.)a videotape recording, especially one that has been commercially produced. (From a Latin word meaning to see.)

30418             video amplifier            an amplifier providing wide-band operation in the frequency range of approximately 15 cycles to 5 megacycles per second.

30419             video camera              a camera designed to record moving pictures directly onto videotape, which can then be played back, usually without an intervening developing process, on a VCR or similar device.

30420             video correlator           a radar circuit that aids in locating and identifying a target with high precision.

30421             video discrimination                 the use of a radar circuit or device to reduce the frequency band of the video-amplifier stage in which it is used.

30422             video integration          the use of the redundancy of repetitive signals to sum successive video signals to improve the output signal-to-noise ratio.

30423             video masking             a form of radar signal processing that makes the desired targets more readily visible by removing ground clutter and other unwanted echoes.

30424             video player                a device that converts a recorded television program, such as a videodisk or videotape, into signals that are capable of driving a home television receiver.

30425             video recorder             a device that records television signals and stores them on a videotape or videodisk.

30426             video replay                a procedure in which a television program is recorded and rebroadcast at a later time. Also, videotape replay.a procedure in which a television program is recorded and rebroadcast at a later time. Also, videotape replay.

30427             video transformer                    a transformer whose bandwidth is adequate for the transfer of picture information signals from one circuit to another.

30428             videocassette               a cassette holding magnetic videotape, designed for use with a VCR.

30429             videodisk                    a magnetic or optical disk that is used to record images. Also, videodisc.

30430             videodisk player           a device used to play back videodisks through a television monitor.

30431             videodisk recorder                   a videorecorder that records television signals on a magnetic or optical disk.

30432             videotape                    a magnetic tape designed to record and play back a composite black-and-white or color television signal.a magnetic tape designed to record and play back a composite black-and-white or color television signal. the record of a television broadcast made on such magnetic tape.the record of a television broadcast made on such magnetic tape.

30433             videotape recorder                   a VCR (videocassette recorder) or other device that records material on videotape.

30434             videotape recording                 a method of recording television picture and sound signals on tape.a method of recording television picture and sound signals on tape. a videotape containing a record of a television broadcast.a videotape containing a record of a television broadcast.

30435             vidicon           a television camera tube in which an electron beam scans a charged-density pattern that has been formed and stored on the surface of a photoconductor.

30436             VIENA CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE OZONE LAYER                  비엔나 협약 : 1985년 오스트리아의 비엔나에서 채택된 협약으로 오존층 파괴원인물질의 규제에 대한 것을 주요내용으로 하고 있으며, 몬트리올 의정서에서 그 내용이 구체화 됨

30437             viewing time               the period of time during which an image remains on the viewing screen of a storage tube.

30438             Vigreaux column          an apparatus formerly used in fractional distillation, consisting of a long glass tube with a thermometer at the top and a side arm attached to a condenser.

30439             Vinyl Acetate               비닐 아세테이트는 미국에서 많은 양으로 생산하는 공업화합물이다. 단맛과 과일향을 가진 색깔이 없는 무색의 액체이다. 매우 잘 타며, , 스파크, 불꽃에 의해서 발화된다.        비닐 아세테이트는 다른 공업용 화학물을 만들게 된다. 그러한 화학물은 포장하고 만드는 공업에서 아교를 만드는데 자주 사용하곤 한다. 그들은 페인트, 텍스트 타일, 종이를 만들 때 사용하곤 한다. 비닐 아세테이트는 음식 녹말의 변경되는 것과 음식의 포장의 플라스틱 필름으로 코팅하여서 사용하곤 한다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts59.html

30440             Vinyl Chloride              비닐 클로라이드는 부드럽고 달콤한 냄새와 함께 평상시 온도에서 무색의 타지 않는 가스이다, 폴리비닐 클로라이드를 만드는 물질을 제조한다. PVC는 케이블 코팅, 가구실내 장식업, 철사, 파이프를 포함하는 여러 가지 플라스틱 산물을 만들곤 한다. 비닐 클로라이드는 trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene과 같은 다른 물질의 파괴로 결과되어 질 수 있다. 비닐 클로라이드는 chloroethene, chloroethylene, ethylene monochloride로서 알려져 있다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts20.html

30441             Vinyl Chloride              A chemical compound, used in producing some plastics, that is believed to be oncogenic.

30442             Vinyl chloride의 특성 및 방제방법             주최 : 국립 환경 연구원        문의처 : 02)389-6711∼20

30443             vinylation                    the process of forming vinyl derivatives by adding acetylene to hydroxyl, amino, amido, carboxylic, or mercapto groups.

30444             Vinylester-styrene                  플라스틱 고화법의 하나로 고화처리할 폐기물과 고화재를 먼저 혼합한 후 촉매를 첨가하면 중합반응이 개시되어 가열없이 상온에서 거의 한시간 이내 반응이 완료되며 결과적으로 폐기물은 단단한 고분자 물질속에 분산된 상태로 처리된다.

30445             viologen display           an electrochromic display consisting of an electrolyte made up of an aqueous solution of dipositively charged organic salt, containing a colorless cation undergoing a one-electron reduction process producing a purple radical cation when negative potential is applied to the electron.

30446             Virgin Materials           Resources extracted from nature in their raw form, such as timber or metal ore.

30447             Virmel engine              an engine controlled by a gear and crank system in which the pistons stop and restart when a chamber reaches the spark plug.

30448             virtual cathode            between the electrodes of an electron tube, any area that contains an accumulation of electrons.

30449             virtual displacement                 an infinitesimal displacement of a system, actual or theoretical, that is consistent with all of the system's constraints.

30450             virtual height              the height of a layer of the atmosphere, measured by the time it takes for a pulse traveling at the speed of light to reach the layer and return to earth.

30451             virtual level                 the state of energy produced in a compound nucleus in a virtual state, characterized by having a lifetime that greatly exceeds the time it takes a nucleon with the same level of energy to penetrate it.

30452             virtual orbital              a region around the nucleus in which no electrons are found when the energy level of an atom is at ground state.

30453             virtual source              an imaginary image positioned where a sound source could be if there were no reflective or absorptive barrier.an imaginary image positioned where a sound source could be if there were no reflective or absorptive barrier. an imaginary source that creates ambiguity in determining the real source.an imaginary source that creates ambiguity in determining the real source.

30454             VIRTUAL TEMPERATURE            가온도

30455             virtual work                work done by a force through a virtual displacement.

30456             viscoelastic                  exhibiting or characterized by viscoelasticity.

30457             viscoelasticity              a condition of a liquid or solid that exhibits viscosity but also memory of past deformation, with the ability to store energy elastically and to dissipate energy due to viscosity of the medium; exhibiting features of hysteresis, relaxation, and creep.

30458             viscose process            a process for making regenerated rayon by converting cellulose to the soluble xanthate, which can then be spun into fibers and reconverted to cellulose by an acid treatment.

30459             Viscosity                     The molecular friction within a fluid that produces flow resistance.

30460             viscosity breaking                    a method in petroleum refining for lowering or breaking the viscosity of high-viscosity residuum through thermal cracking of molecules at rather low temperatures. Also, VIS BREAKING.

30461             viscosity conversion table          a chart or table that gives the conversion, at the same temperature, of kinematic viscosity in centistokes to Saybolt viscosity in seconds.

30462             viscosity index             an arbitrary scale using an empirical formula to indicate the effect of temperature changes on the viscosity changes in lubricating oils; shown by comparing Pennsylvania oil that measures 100 on the scale to an asphaltic oil that measures zero.

30463             viscosity-gravity constant          an index of the chemical components of crude oils, given by an empirical relationship between Saybolt Universal viscosity and specific gravity; the constant is high for naphthenic crude oils and low for paraffinic crude oils.

30464             viscosity-temperature chart                      a chart used to determine the kinematic or Saybolt viscosity of a petroleum oil at any temperature, within a limited scope, if viscosities at two temperatures are known.

30465             viscous damping          the dissipation of energy that occurs when a particle in a vibrating system is resisted by a force whose magnitude is a constant, independent of displacement and velocity, and whose direction is opposite to the direction of the velocity of the particle.

30466             viscous filler                a packaging machine that fills cartons with a viscous liquid.

30467             viscous remanent magnetization               the remanent magnetization manifested by certain rock particles that, due to either size or composition, were unable to retain the remanent magnetization acquired at the time of formation and took on the new orientation of the earth's magnetic field after a reversal of that field.

30468             VISIBILITY                    시정 : 어떤 목표물의 형태나 윤곽을 맨눈으로 확인할 수 있는 거리

30469             VISIBILITY DISTANCE                 가시거리

30470             visibility factor             the ratio of the minimum input-signal power detectable by ideal instruments connected to the output of a receiver to that which is detectable by a human operator through a display connected to the same receiver. Also, DISPLAY LOSS.

30471             VISIBILITY REDUCTION              시정장애

30472             VISTTA            Visibility Impairment from Sulfur Transformation and Transport in the Atmosphere

30473             visual colorimetry                    the comparison of the color of an unknown solution to color-tinted disks for the purpose of identification.

30474             visual scanner             a device that scans written or printed data and produces the corresponding signals.

30475             visual transmitter                     the radio equipment used expressly for the transmission of picture signals.

30476             VKT                Vehicle Kilometers Traveled

30477             VMT               Vehicle Miles Traveled

30478             VOC               Volatile Organic Compounds

30479             VOCs 와 수질오염                   정의 : 세계보건기구 및 미국의 EPA에 의하면 VOCs(Volitile Organic Compounds : 휘발성유기화합물질)란 탄소원자를 함유하고 있으며 표준온도 및 표준압력에서 0.13 kPa 이상의 증기압을 가지고 있는 물질을 말하며 단, CO CO2는 제외한다라고 정의하고 있다. , VOCs란 증기압이 높고 비점이 약 150℃ 정도 이하로서 대기 중으로 쉽게 증발되는 유기탄소화합물을 말한다        VOCs의 수질오염 현황 :  - 하천, 호소 등에 대한 VOCs의 오염도 조사 자료는 매우 적거나 거의 없는 실정이다.  - McDonald(1988) Mexico Gulf의 북서부에 위치한 Brazos강 및 Loire강에서 각각 30 ng/l∼18ug/l 100∼200ng/l 로 조사되었다고 보고하였으며,  - Gomez-Belinchon et al.(1991) 에 의하면 스페인의 Besos강 및 Llobregat강에서 다양한 종류의 alkylated benzenes가 각각 110/ℓ 16/ℓ까지 조사되었다고 보고하였다.  - USGS NAWQA(U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program) 1993.7∼1995.9 동안 Conneticut, Housatonic Thames강 유역의 우물정에 대한 조사에 의하면 조사지점의 46%에서 25종류의 VOCs가 검출되었다고 보고하였다. 이중 가장 많이 검출된 것은 휘발유 첨가제인 MTBE(methyl tertbutyl ether)로서 조사대상 우물정의 25%에서 검출되었고, 그 다음으로는 Chloroform으로서 23%가 검출되었다. 지하수에서의 VOCs 검출은 도시지역의 토지이용과 관련이 있으며 VOCs 검출빈도 및 총농도는 인구밀도에 따라 비례하고 있었다. 검출된 것 중의 5개 종류의 VOCs US EPA가 정한 최대 허용농도를 초과하고 있고 대부분의 VOC(64%)는 아주 낮은 농도(1.0ug/l 이하)로 존재하고 있으며 이것은 비점오염원으로부터 기인된 것으로 보여진다.        VOCs의 영향 :  VOCs는 그 종류가 매우 다양하여 각 개별 화합물질에 따라 독성의 크기 및 강도가 다르게 나타나나 인체 및 수중생태계에 미치는 일반적인 영향을 살펴보면 다음과 같다.  (1) 인체에 대한 영향  다량 섭취시 급만성 중독현상이 나타난다. ② 눈 및 피부에 자극적이며, 접촉시 피부염을 일으키거나 화상을 입을 수 있다. ③ 변이원성 물질로서 생체내 유전물질의 변형을 일으킬수 있다. ④ 발암성 물질로서 암을 유발할 수 있다.  (2) 수중생태계에 대한 영향   수중에서 서식하고 있는 생물에 독성을 나타낸다. ② 치어나 알에 독성이 비교적 크며 자어나 성어에도 어느 정도 독성을 나타낸다. ③ 수계에 유입되면 주로 빠르게 증발되거나 산소 존재시에는 생분해가 일어나서 감소되며 어류나 수생생물에 대한 생체농축은 일어나지 않는다.

30480             VODAS           a system that prevents the overall voice-frequency singing of a two-way telephone circuit by blocking one direction of transmission at all times. (An acronym for voice-operated device anti-sing.)

30481             VODER           in telephony, an electronic device that artificially produces voice sounds, using electron tubes connected to electrical filters controlled through a keyboard. (An acronym for voice-operated demonstrator.)

30482             VOGAD          in telephony, a device used to give a virtually constant volume output for a wide range of inputs. (An acronym for voice-operated gain-adjusting device.)

30483             voice coder                 a device that converts speech input into a digital form that can be enciphered for secure transmission. At the receiver, the transmitted digital signals are deciphered and converted back to speech. Also, VOCODER.

30484             voice digitization          the conversion of analog voice signals into digital signals.

30485             voice synthesizer          any device that simulates speech by assembling a language's elements or phonemes under digital control.

30486             Voigt notation             in elasticity theory, a notation by which the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are used to label elastic constants and elastic moduli instead of using the pairs of letters xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz.

30487             Volatile           Any substance that evaporates readily.

30488             volatile           of a substance, readily vaporizable at a relatively low temperature. Thus, volatile fluid.

30489             VOLATILE FILTERABLE SOLIDS                   휘발성 여과 고형물; VFS

30490             Volatile Liquids            Liquids which easily vaporize or evaporate at room temperature. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): Any organic compound that participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions except those designated by EPA as having negligible photochemical reactivity. Volatile Solids Those solids in water or othr liquids that are lost on ignition of the dry solids at 550 centigrade.

30491             VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS                     휘발성 유기화합물

30492             VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS                  휘발성 부유 고형물 (휘발성 현탁 고형물) ; VSS, 부유 고형물 중에 유기물질에 해당하는 부분

30493             Volatile Synthetic Organic Chemicals                     Chemicals that tend to volatilize or evaporate.

30494             VOLATILE TOXIC ORGANIC COMPOUND                     휘발성 독성 유기화합물

30495             volatile transfer            a process in which a gaseous phase (or volatile component) separates from a magma, moves along with it, and releases dissolved material back into the magma, usually in an area of reduced air pressure. Also, GASEOUS TRANSFER

30496             volatile-oil reservoir                 a bubble-point oil reservoir with conditions leading to volatized oil (high temperature and low liquid density) and thus lower recovery.

30497             volatility product          the product of the equilibrium pressures of gases produced by the vaporization of a liquid or solid.

30498             VOLATILIZATION AND GAS STRIPPING                     휘발 및 가스제거; 수처리에 사용되는 물리학적 단위조작

30499             VOLATILIZATION METHOD                       휘발법; 무게법 분석중의 하나로서, 분석물 또는 그 분해 생성물을 적당한 온도에서 휘발시킨후 그 때 휘발 생성물또는 남은 생성물의 무게를 잰다

30500             volcanic          relating to or produced by a volcano.



스몰미 메모시트 [A3 크기] - 내맘대로 골라담는 10장 세트 스몰미메모시트. / 스몰미메모시트, 냉




