반응형 공부하기/FUTURE industry-메타버스323 자율주행 트랙터가 이끄는 농촌의 변화, 자율주행 트랙터가 이끄는 농촌의 변화, 4차산업혁명의 핵심방향이 무인화다. 무인화는 군수산업, 제조산업 그리고 농어업이 그 근간이 아닐까? 내가 도전해보고 싶은 사업, 2020. 3. 25. 중국의 4차산업혁명과 한중협력방안, 중국의 4차산업혁명과 한중협력방안, 중국의 상황이 시시때때로 변해서 현상유지를 할지 모르겠으나, 창업이라는 방향을 명확히 추진해서 일부 수치에서 미국을 초월한 것은 대단한 상황임. 우리도 그 정도 해줘야 함. 2020. 3. 20. ★★★★★Railroad Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Railroad Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups At StartUs Insights, we place great value in identifying emerging technologies and promising startups early on. For this research on the future of railroads, our Innovation Analysts have examined more than 500 startups and their technologies: Related topics:INNOVATION MAPRAILROADSTECHNOLOGY Since the first public steam-powered rail.. 2020. 3. 18. ★★★★★FinTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies FinTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies Our Innovation Analysts took a deep dive into the future of financial services. Through analyzing more than 14.000 startups, we identified the rising stars and emerging technologies bound to impact the industry in the near future: Related topics:FINTECHINNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGY FinTech innovations have been at the forefront of tech disruptions .. 2020. 3. 18. ★★★★★Telecommunication Innovation Map Discloses Emerging Technologies Telecommunication Innovation Map Discloses Emerging Technologies At StartUs Insights, we place great value in identifying emerging technologies and promising startups early on. For this research on the future of Telecommunication, our Innovation Analysts have screened more than 850 startups: Related topics:INNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGIESTELECOMMUNICATION The telecommunication industry has provided th.. 2020. 3. 11. ★★★★★Mobility Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Mobility Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups As consumer preferences and expectations change, companies seize the many opportunities mobility offers. From autonomous cars to innovative mobility as a service (MaaS) business models, we take a look at the key drivers behind the digital transformation in mobility: Related topics:INNOVATION MAPMOBILITYTECHNOLOGY The digital transf.. 2020. 3. 11. ★★★★★Manufacturing Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Manufacturing Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups We’ve taken a close look at 800+ up-and-coming startups to identify the key technologies that shape the manufacturing industry of tomorrow. View our findings in the Manufacturing Innovation Map: Related topics:INNOVATION MAPMANUFACTURINGTECHNOLOGY The manufacturing industry moves to adopt and employ new technologies that not o.. 2020. 3. 11. ★★★★★Packaging Innovation Map: What You Need To Know About Emerging Technologies & Startups Packaging Innovation Map: What You Need To Know About Emerging Technologies & Startups As companies in the packaging industry are looking for innovative ways to reach customers online, emerging technologies offer the new and profitable opportunities. We share actionable insights into these technologies and the startups driving them in our Packaging Innovation Map. Related topics:INNOVATION MAPPA.. 2020. 3. 9. ★★★★★Entertainment Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Entertainment Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups At StartUs Insights, we place great value in identifying emerging technologies and promising startups early on. For this research on the future of entertainment, our Innovation Analysts have examined more than 800 startups and their technologies: Related topics:ENTERTAINMENTINNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGY The entertainment industry h.. 2020. 3. 9. ★★★★★Healthcare Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Healthcare Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Our in-depth analysis of 3000+ startups in the healthcare industry reveals emerging technologies bound to impact the sector in the coming years: Related topics:HEALTHCAREINNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGY The rise of technology in the healthcare industry leads to new developments that challenge existing structures. Emerging technologies no.. 2020. 3. 9. ★★★★★ Food Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Food Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Craving a taste of the future? At StartUs Insights, we analyzed 900+ startups to identify key innovation areas and emerging technologies in the food sector: Related topics:FOODTECHINNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGY The rising demand for nutritious ingredients, product transparency, and environmentally-conscious sourcing have a powerful impact on.. 2020. 3. 8. ★★★★★BioTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups BioTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups At StartUs Insights, we place great value in identifying emerging technologies and promising startups early on. For this research on the future of BioTech, our Innovation Analysts have screened more than 600 startups: Related topics:BIOTECHINNOVATION MAPTECHNOLOGY With an estimated global market size of €513 billion by 2020, BioTech.. 2020. 3. 8. ★★★★★Retail Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Retail Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups As consumer preferences and behavior change, retailers turn to emerging technologies to keep their customers happy. At StartUs Insights, we took a closer look at 8.000+ startups to identify the innovative technologies driving the retail industry: Related topics:INNOVATION MAPRETAILTECHNOLOGY As consumer preferences and behavior have .. 2020. 3. 8. ★★★★★Industry 4.0 Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Industry 4.0 Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups As the manufacturing industry shifts from physical assets toward cyber-physical systems, automation and data-exchange further progress smart factories. This impactful reversal of the traditional approach is shown in our Industry 4.0 Innovation Map which reveals emerging startups and technologies. Related topics:INDUSTRY 4.0INNO.. 2020. 3. 8. ★★★★★Logistics Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Logistics Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups Today, the logistics industry is experiencing strong pain points such as high inefficiency rates. At StartUs Insights, we analyzed 40.000+ startups to identify the technologies carrying the logistics industry tomorrow. Related topics:INNOVATION MAPLOGISTICSTECHNOLOGY The major component driving the advancement of the logistics ind.. 2020. 3. 8. 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ··· 22 다음 반응형