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★★★★★BioTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups

by 리치캣 2020. 3. 8.

BioTech Innovation Map Reveals Emerging Technologies & Startups

At StartUs Insights, we place great value in identifying emerging technologies and promising startups early on. For this research on the future of BioTech, our Innovation Analysts have screened more than 600 startups:


With an estimated global market size of €513 billion by 2020, BioTech has evolved to be an exciting field for innovations, which will fundamentally change our understanding of medical care: Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis data gathered from wearables and Biosensors help physicians to monitor the effect of treatment in real-time and to suggest improvements; 3D Bioprinted Nanorobots deliver antibiotics to the exact target to cure inflammation; Tissue Engineering fixes damaged parts of an organ without patients needing surgery; and Gene Therapy prevents many genetic diseases from even occurring.

These are just some emerging BioTech applications that we at StartUs Insights have discovered, after analyzing more than 600 startups in the field. To give a better understanding of the future of biotechnology, we have clustered our findings in the BioTech Innovation Map:

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BioTech Innovation Map (c) StartUs Insights


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Combining biological and electronic components, Biosensors measure and monitor many analytes such as organic compounds and bacteria with great precision. Since Biosensors are typically deployed inside a patient’s body, they are able to monitor analytes that cannot be measured by external devices. When equipped with advanced microelectronic components, Biosensors also function as a part of the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver data to physicians in real-time.

3D Bioprinting

3D Bioprinting uses so-called “bioink” material to create tissue-like structures layer-by-layer. With appropriate bioink material, pills and drugs can be printed on-demand with much lower costs involved. Bioprinted tissues also have a wide range of usage in research and regenerative medicine, such as printing living cells, creating functional tissues to repair or replace organs.

Tissue Engineering

Tissue Engineering combines bioengineering and biochemical methods to improve, replace, or create biological tissues (i.e. bone, blood vessels, skin, muscle etc.). A more promising but controversial method is to use stem cells to grow and replicate entire organs of patients, without these patients needing transplants.

Gene Editing

Gene editing technology has been greatly enhanced by the early 2000s’ discovery and further development of using CRISPR-Cas9 for precise insertion, modification, and deletion of DNA sequences in the genome. It has made genetic engineering widely available at a fraction of the cost of earlier methods. CRISPR-Cas9’s applications not only allow physicians to perform affordable gene therapy but can also be used to prevent genetic diseases and potentially enhance humans genetics.

Synthetic Biology & Metabolic Engineering

Combines advanced disciplines of biology and engineering (such as genetic and metabolic engineering) to design and construct biological modules, systems or machines. For example, Synthetic Biology is used to create synthetic meat to reduce animal suffering and greenhouse gas production; synthetic biology can also increase the production of chemicals, fuels, and materials from renewable biomass.


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Mixed Reality (VR/AR)

Mixed Reality technologies are used to project a detailed interactive 3D simulation of human organs in a virtual environment (Virtual Reality) or in the real world (Augmented Reality). Mixed Reality simulates treatment or surgery that helps improve the effectiveness of training for surgeons and medical students. Augmented Reality can also measure angles and positions of medical equipment and guide surgeons in real-time to improve accuracy and speed of surgery.


Combined with 3D Bioprinting and Tissue Engineering, Nanotechnologies have a wide spectrum of applications in medicine. For example, a biochemical Nanorobot can deliver small doses of drugs to precise locations or organs to minimize side effects and improve the quality of treatment. Surgeons can use remote-controlled Nanorobots to perform microsurgeries and repair damaged tissues in hard-to-reach locations such as the brain, for example.

Big Data

With advancements in biosensors, gene sequencing, and editing, BioTech is generating an unprecedented amount of data. Big Data technology is crucial for making sense and creating insights from the large amount of data generated in areas such as genome and RNA sequencing, medical trial and public health. It also helps physicians to recognize disease patterns and make better predictions as a result.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The medical field traditionally generates a large amount of data stemming from research, diseases, and treatment. AI detects patterns and makes predictions from clinical trial and other medical data much faster, allowing for a more efficient development of new drugs or treatments. Implemented in hospitals, it also helps physicians to diagnose diseases faster and develop more effective treatment plans for patients.

Disruptive Startups In The BioTech Industry Include:

  • Israeli startup Sensible Medical creates high-tech vest monitors called SensiVest. The monitors use radar technology to detect the accurate amount of fluid in the lungs of heart failure patients and deliver the data to their doctors via secured cloud technology.
  • UK-based 3Dynamic Systems (3DS) is a 3D bioprinting manufacturer offering commercial and affordable 3D-Bioprinting systems that can fabricate 3D transplantable bone and complex tissue constructs on demand.
  • Swiss Elanix Biotechnologies develops products for acute wound care, dermatological and gynecological applications. Founded in 2013, the startup works with patented progenitor cell technology to accelerate tissue growth and healing.
  • Swiss CRISPR Therapeutics develops gene-based medicines for patients with serious diseases. Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9, the startup aims at curing diseases at the molecular level.
  • Danish Biosyntia aims at replacing chemical-based vitamin production with sustainable and fermentation-based processes. The startup’s screening technology accelerates the development of new natural ingredients like nutraceuticals, flavors, fragrances, and feed additives while saving costs.
  • Berlin-based Scopis Medical develops AR-based clinical navigation systems. The startup’s technology serves in the field of surgical education, planning and navigation systems for Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), craniomaxillofacial (CMF), neuro- and spine surgery, as well as bronchoscopy.
  • LIFNano Therapeutics is a NanoBioMedicine startup spin-out from the University of Cambridge, UK. Its technology packages specific amounts of Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) into tiny “nano”-particles and delivers it to the specific target area.
  • German analytical startup Metabolomic Discoveries offers Big Data concepts and solutions for complex biological questions. The company’s biochemical research is focused on high-resolution comprehensive metabolite profiling in biological systems, the identification of biomarkers and the qualitative improvement of life by combining analytical and big data approaches.
  • London-based BenevolentAI employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to accelerate and improve drug discovery. Through AI, the startup mines and analyzes biomedical information from clinical trials data and academic papers, to identify molecules that have failed in clinical trials, and to develop better combinations of compounds.

Even though BioTech innovations have been evolving rapidly, the industry has not yet reached its peak. Many other advanced technologies not mentioned in this Innovation Map will also provide crucial benefits to human health, some of which are Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), Bioplastics, and molecular diagnostics. Many of these innovations are spearheaded by medical startups.

How to fastly and safely advance development in these fields, and how to create synergy by combining these technologies are crucial understandings for companies to become BioTech innovation leaders. StartUs Insights provides innovation intelligence to help create synergy between cutting-edge BioTech startups and companies with solid clinical R&D foundations.

Get in touch for more insights into the future of BioTech!

BioTech 혁신지도는 신흥 기술 및 신생 기업을 보여준다
StartUs Insights에서는 신흥 기술과 유망한 신생 기업을 조기에 식별하는 데 큰 가치를 둡니다. BioTech의 미래에 대한이 연구를 위해 당사의 혁신 분석가는 600 개 이상의 신생 기업을 선별했습니다.

관련 주제 :
2020 년까지 전세계 시장 규모가 5,500 억 유로에이를 것으로 예상되는 BioTech는 혁신적인 혁신 분야로 발전하여 의료 분야에 대한 이해를 근본적으로 바꿀 것입니다. 실시간 치료 효과 및 개선 제안; 3D Bioprinted Nanorobot은 염증을 치료하기 위해 항생제를 정확한 표적에 전달합니다. 조직 공학은 수술이 필요한 환자없이 기관의 손상된 부분을 수정합니다. 유전자 치료는 많은 유전 질환이 발생하는 것을 방지합니다.

이들은 현장에서 600 개가 넘는 스타트 업을 분석 한 후 StartUs Insights에서 발견 한 새로운 BioTech 응용 프로그램입니다. 생명 공학의 미래를 더 잘 이해하기 위해, 우리는 BioTech Innovation Map에 그 결과를 모았습니다.

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생명 공학 혁신지도 (c) StartUs Insights



바이오 센서
생물학적 및 전자적 구성 요소를 결합한 바이오 센서는 유기 화합물 및 박테리아와 같은 많은 분석 물을 매우 정밀하게 측정하고 모니터링합니다. 바이오 센서는 일반적으로 환자의 신체 내부에 배치되므로 외부 장치로는 측정 할 수없는 분석 물을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 고급 마이크로 전자 부품이 장착 된 경우 바이오 센서는 사물 인터넷 (IoT)의 일부로 기능하여 의사에게 실시간으로 데이터를 전달합니다.

3D 바이오 프린팅
3D 바이오 프린팅은 소위 "바이오 잉크"재료를 사용하여 레이어와 같은 조직과 유사한 구조를 만듭니다. 적절한 바이오 잉크 재료를 사용하면 약과 약품을 주문형으로 인쇄 할 수있어 비용이 훨씬 적게 듭니다. 생체 인쇄 된 조직은 또한 살아있는 세포의 인쇄, 장기의 수리 또는 교체를위한 기능성 조직의 생성과 같은 연구 및 재생 의학에서 광범위하게 사용된다.

조직 공학
조직 공학은 생체 공학과 생화학 적 방법을 결합하여 생물학적 조직 (예 : 뼈, 혈관, 피부, 근육 등)을 개선, 대체 또는 생성합니다. 더 유망하지만 논란의 여지가있는 방법은 줄기 세포를 사용하여 환자가 이식을 필요로하지 않고 환자의 전체 장기를 성장시키고 복제하는 것입니다.

유전자 편집
유전자 편집 기술은 게놈에서 DNA 서열의 정확한 삽입, 변형 및 결실을 위해 CRISPR-Cas9를 사용하는 2000 년대 초 발견 및 추가 개발에 의해 크게 향상되었습니다. 그것은 유전 공학을 초기 방법 비용의 일부만으로 광범위하게 이용할 수있게했다. CRISPR-Cas9의 응용 프로그램은 의사가 저렴한 유전자 치료를 수행 할 수있을뿐만 아니라 유전자 질환을 예방하고 잠재적으로 인간의 유전자를 향상시키는 데 사용될 수 있습니다.

합성 생물학 및 대사 공학
생물학 및 공학 (유전 및 대사 공학 등)의 고급 분야를 결합하여 생물학적 모듈, 시스템 또는 기계를 설계하고 구성합니다. 예를 들어, Synthetic Biology는 동물의 고통과 온실 가스 생산을 줄이기 위해 합성 육류를 만드는 데 사용됩니다. 합성 생물학은 또한 재생 가능한 바이오 매스로부터 화학 물질, 연료 및 물질의 생산을 증가시킬 수 있습니다.



혼합 현실 (VR / AR)
혼합 현실 기술은 가상 환경 (가상 현실) 또는 현실 세계 (증강 현실)에서 인간 장기의 상세한 대화식 3D 시뮬레이션을 투영하는 데 사용됩니다. Mixed Reality는 외과 의사 및 의대생의 훈련 효과를 향상시키는 데 도움이되는 치료 또는 수술을 시뮬레이션합니다. 증강 현실은 또한 의료 장비의 각도와 위치를 측정하고 외과 의사를 실시간으로 안내하여 수술의 정확성과 속도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

나노 의학
3D 바이오 프린팅 및 조직 공학과 결합 된 Nanotechnologies는 의학에서 광범위한 응용 분야를 가지고 있습니다. 예를 들어, 생화학 Nanorobot은 부작용을 최소화하고 치료 품질을 개선하기 위해 소량의 약물을 정확한 위치 또는 기관에 전달할 수 있습니다. 외과 의사는 원격 제어 Nanorobots를 사용하여 뇌와 같은 접근하기 어려운 위치에서 미세 수술을 수행하고 손상된 조직을 복구 할 수 있습니다.

빅 데이터
바이오 센서, 유전자 시퀀싱 및 편집의 발전으로 BioTech는 전례없는 양의 데이터를 생성하고 있습니다. 빅 데이터 기술은 게놈 및 RNA 시퀀싱, 의료 시험 및 공중 보건과 같은 영역에서 생성 된 대량의 데이터에서 이해하고 통찰력을 얻는 데 중요합니다. 또한 의사가 질병 패턴을 인식하고 결과적으로 더 나은 예측을 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

인공 지능 (AI)
의료 분야는 전통적으로 연구, 질병 및 치료에서 비롯된 많은 양의 데이터를 생성합니다. AI는 패턴을 감지하고 임상 시험 및 기타 의료 데이터를 훨씬 빠르게 예측하여 새로운 약물 또는 치료법을보다 효율적으로 개발할 수 있습니다. 또한 병원에서 구현되어 의사가 질병을 더 빨리 진단하고 환자를위한보다 효과적인 치료 계획을 개발할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

생명 공학 산업의 파괴적인 신생 기업은 다음과 같습니다.
이스라엘의 스타트 업 Sensible Medical은 SensiVest라는 첨단 조끼 모니터를 제작합니다. 이 모니터는 레이더 기술을 사용하여 심부전 환자의 폐에서 정확한 양의 유체를 감지하고 안전한 클라우드 기술을 통해 의사에게 데이터를 전달합니다.
영국에 본사를 둔 3Dynamic Systems (3DS)는 3D 이식 가능한 뼈 및 복잡한 조직 구조를 주문형으로 제작할 수있는 상업용의 저렴한 3D- 바이오 프린팅 시스템을 제공하는 3D 바이오 프린팅 제조업체입니다.
Swiss Elanix Biotechnologies는 급성 상처 치료, 피부과 및 부인과 응용 제품을 개발합니다. 2013 년에 설립 된이 스타트 업은 특허받은 전구 세포 기술과 협력하여 조직 성장과 치유를 가속화합니다.
Swiss CRISPR Therapeutics는 심각한 질병이있는 환자를위한 유전자 기반 의약품을 개발합니다. CRISPR-Cas9를 활용하여 스타트 업은 분자 수준에서 질병을 치료하는 것을 목표로합니다.
Danish Biosyntia는 화학 기반 비타민 생산을 지속 가능하고 발효 기반 공정으로 대체하는 것을 목표로합니다. 신생 기업의 스크리닝 기술은 기능성 식품, 향료, 향료 및 사료 첨가제와 같은 새로운 천연 성분의 개발을 가속화하면서 비용을 절감합니다.
베를린 기반 Scopis Medical은 AR 기반 임상 항법 시스템을 개발합니다. 스타트 업의 기술은 이비인후과 (ENT), 두개 안면 악마 비 (CMF), 신경 및 척추 수술, 기관 지경 검사를위한 외과 교육, 계획 및 내비게이션 시스템 분야에서 사용됩니다.
LIFNano Therapeutics는 영국 케임브리지 대학교 (University of Cambridge)의 NanoBioMedicine 신생 기업입니다. 이 기술은 특정 양의 백혈병 억제 인자 (LIF)를 작은“나노”입자로 포장하여 특정 목표 영역으로 전달합니다.
독일 분석 스타트 업 Metabolomic Discoveries는 복잡한 생물학적 질문에 대한 빅 데이터 개념과 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이 회사의 생화학 연구는 생물학적 시스템에서 고해상도 종합 대사 산물 프로파일 링, 바이오 마커 식별 및 분석 및 빅 데이터 접근 방식을 결합하여 질적 인 삶의 개선에 중점을두고 있습니다.
런던에 위치한 BenevolentAI는 인공 지능과 기계 학습을 사용하여 약물 발견을 가속화하고 개선합니다. AI를 통해 스타트 업은 임상 시험 데이터 및 학술 논문의 생체 의학 정보를 채굴하고 분석하여 임상 시험에서 실패한 분자를 식별하고 더 나은 화합물 조합을 개발합니다.
바이오 테크 혁신이 빠르게 진화하고 있지만 업계는 아직 정점에 도달하지 못했습니다. 이 혁신지도에 언급되지 않은 다른 많은 첨단 기술은 인간의 건강에 중요한 이점을 제공 할 것입니다. 그 중 일부는 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 (BCI), 바이오 플라스틱 및 분자 진단입니다. 이러한 혁신 중 다수는 의료 신생 기업이 주도하고 있습니다.

이 분야의 개발을 빠르고 안전하게 발전시키는 방법과 이러한 기술을 결합하여 시너지를 창출하는 방법은 기업이 BioTech 혁신 리더가되기위한 중요한 이해입니다. StartUs Insights는 최첨단 BioTech 스타트 업과 견고한 임상 R & D 기반을 보유한 회사 간의 시너지를 창출 할 수 있도록 혁신 인텔리전스를 제공합니다.

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