환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28101-28200
번호 용어 해설
28101 ◆ Source of energy ◆ 에너지원;
28103 ◆ SOURCE REDUCTION ◆ 발생원 감량; 폐기물관리에 있어서 발생원에서의 폐기물 발생을 감량함을 의미함
28104 ◆ Source Reduction ◆ Reducing the amount of materials entering the waste stream from a specific source by redesigning products or patterns of production or consumption (e.g., using returnable beverage containers). Synonymous with waste reduction.
28105 ◆ SOURCE SEPARATION ◆ 발생원 선별, 분리배출
28106 ◆ Source Separation ◆ Segregating various wastes at the point of generation (e.g., separation of paper, metal and glass from other wastes to make recycling simpler and more efficient).
28107 ◆ source transition loss ◆ the transmission loss occurring at the junction between an energy source and a transducer.
28108 ◆ SOURCE-ORIENTED MODEL ◆ 배출원중심모델
28109 ◆ Sources of airborne particulates include ◆ dust, emissions fromindustrial processes, combustion products from the burning of wood and coal, combustion products associated with motor vehicle or non-road engine sxhausts, and reactions to gases in the atmosphere.
28110 ◆ SOURCE-SEPARATED MATERIALS ◆ 발생원선별물질; 폐기물이 발생되는 지점에서 선별된 폐기물
28111 ◆ Source-Water Protection Area ◆ The area delineated by a state for a Public Water Supply or including numerous such suppliers, whether the source is ground water or surface water or both.
28112 ◆ sourcing ◆ a redesign or restructuring of existing equipment in order to remove radio-frequency interference; when sourcing is not feasible, engineers resort to suppression, filtering, or shielding.
28113 ◆ south pole or South Pole ◆ the point in the Southern Hemisphere at which the geomagnetic axis intersects the earth's surface; located at 90o south latitude, of the earth's rotational axis. Also, SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE, SOUTH GEOMAGNETIC POLE.
28114 ◆ SOW ◆ Scope of Work
28115 ◆ Soxhlet extractor ◆ a laboratory apparatus used in the continuous solvent extraction of solids, consisting of a glass distillation flask, a condenser, and a porous cup for collecting extract.
28116 ◆ space charge ◆ an excess of either negatively or positively charged ions in a layer of the atmosphere, giving that layer either a negative or positive space charge.
28117 ◆ space cone ◆ a cone, fixed in space, swept by the precessing angular-velocity vector of a rotating free body executing Poinsot motion. Also, HERPOLHODE CONE.
28118 ◆ space current ◆ in an electron tube, the total amount of current traveling between the cathode and all other electrodes.
28119 ◆ space velocity ◆ the volumetric feed flow rate per unit of reactor volume in chemical reactor design.
28120 ◆ space-charge balanced flow ◆ a technique of directing an electron beam in the interaction region of a traveling-wave tube.
28121 ◆ space-charge debunching ◆ a phenomenon in which the bunched electrons in a microwave tube are spread out, due to the mutual interactions between electrons in the stream.
28122 ◆ space-charge effect ◆ a phenomenon in which the electrons emitted from the cathode of a thermionic electron tube are repulsed by electrons accumulated in the space charge near the cathode, causing a reduction in anode current.
28123 ◆ space-charge grid ◆ a grid driven at a low positive potential and positioned between the cathode and the control grid of an electron tube in order to minimize the limiting effect of space charge on the current through the tube.
28124 ◆ space-charge limitation ◆ the maximum value of a given current passing through a vacuum between a cathode and an anode.
28125 ◆ space-charge region ◆ a region of a semiconductor device in which the net charge density is nonzero.
28126 ◆ spacistor ◆ a semiconductor device, comparable to a transistor, that is capable of generating very high frequencies of up to about 10,000 megahertz by injecting electrons into a space-charge layer, which rapidly forces these carriers to a collecting electrode.
28127 ◆ spallation ◆ a type of nuclear reaction in which the high-energy level of incident particles causes the nucleus to eject more than three particles, thus changing both its mass number and its atomic number. Also, NUCLEAR SPALLATION
28128 ◆ spallation reaction ◆ a nuclear reaction in which a high-energy level results in the production of a large number of nucleons.
28129 ◆ SPAR ◆ Status of Permit Application Report
28130 ◆ Sparge or Sparging ◆ Injection of air below the water table to strip dissolved volatile organic compounds and/or oxygenate ground water to facilitate aerobic biodegradation of organic compounds.
28131 ◆ sparging ◆ the process of injecting vapors into a liquid-solid suspension in order to mix the materials.
28132 ◆ spark knock ◆ a knock that occurs before the piston reaches the top dead-center position in an internal-combustion engine; often due to faulty timing or poor fuel characteristics.
28133 ◆ spark lead ◆ the amount by which a spark occurs before a piston reaches its compression dead-center position in the cylinder of a combustion-engine cycle.
28134 ◆ spark transmitter ◆ a radio transmitter whose source of radio-frequency power is the oscillatory discharge of a capacitor through an inductor and a spark gap.
28135 ◆ spark-explosion method ◆ a method of mixing a test sample with an oxidant, exploding it, and analyzing the combustion products; used to analyze hydrogen content.
28136 ◆ spark-ignition engine ◆ an internal combustion engine in which an electrical discharge ignites a fuel-air mixture within a cylinder.
28137 ◆ sparkover-initiated discharge machining ◆ an electromachining process in which a potential is impressed between a tool and workpiece that are separated by a dielectric material, so that when the potential is sufficient to cause the dielectric to rupture, a discharge current flows through the ionized path.
28138 ◆ spasmodic turbidity current ◆ a single, rapidly developed turbidity current.
28139 ◆ spatter cone ◆ a low, steep-sided mound or cone of small pyroclastic fragments built up on a fissure or around a volcanic vent. Also, AGGLUTINATE CONE, VOLCANELLO.
28140 ◆ SPCC ◆ Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasure
28141 ◆ SPE ◆ Secondary Particulate Emissions
28142 ◆ Special Local-Needs Registration ◆ Registration of a pesticide product by a state agency for a specific use that is not federally registered. However, the active ingredient must be federally registered for other uses. The special use is specific to that state and is often minor, thus may not warrant the additional cost of a full federal registration process. SLN registration cannot be issued for new active ingredients, food-use active ingredients without tolerances, or for a canceled registration. The products cannot be shipped across state lines.
28143 ◆ Special Review ◆ Formerly known as Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR), this is the regulatory process through which existing pesticides suspected of posing unreasonable risks to human health, non-target organisms, or the environment are referred for review by EPA. Such review requires an intensive risk/benefit analysis with opportunity for public comment. If risk is found to outweigh social and economic benefits, regulatory actions can be initiated, ranging from label revisions and use-restriction to cancellation or suspended registration.
28144 ◆ Special Waste ◆ Items such as household hazardous waste, bulky wastes (refrigerators, pieces of furniture, etc.) tires, and used oil.
28145 ◆ SPECIAL WASTES ◆ 특수폐기물; 부피가 큰 물건, 가전제품, 대형가정용품, 정원폐기물, 건전지, 기름 그리고 타이어등을 말한다
28146 ◆ Species ◆ 1. A reproductively isolated aggregate of interbreeding organisms having common attributes and usually designated by a common name.2. An organism belonging to belonging to such a category.
28147 ◆ specific acoustic impedance ◆ the complex ratio of the pressure to velocity of a sound phasor, that includes both acoustic resistance and acoustic reactance.
28148 ◆ specific acoustic reactance ◆ the reactive portion of specific acoustic impedance that is complex.
28149 ◆ specific acoustic resistance ◆ a real quantity c, where is the equilibrium density and c is the sound velocity; the quantity represents an analogy to resistance in electrical circuits.
28150 ◆ specific adsorption ◆ a process of adsorption on a surface caused by specific interactions between the adsorbate and the adsorbing surface, rather than by simple electrostatic forces; e.g., the adsorption of chloride ions on mercury.
28151 ◆ Specific Conductance ◆ Rapid method of estimating the dissolved solid content of a water supply by testing its capacity to carry an electrical current.
28152 ◆ SPECIFIC DENSITY ◆ 비중; 그 물질과 같은 부피를 갖는 4℃ 물의 질량에 대한 그 물질의 질량비
28153 ◆ specific fuel consumption ◆ the required rate at which fuel is consumed to produce a unit of power or thrust.
28154 ◆ specific gravity ◆ the ratio of the density of a material at a given temperature and pressure to the density of some standard material. For solids and liquids, the standard is usually pure water at a temperature of 3.98°C and standard atmospheric pressure; for gases, the standard is often hydrogen, oxygen, or air at a specified temperature and pressure. Also, RELATIVE DENSITY.
28155 ◆ Specific growth rate ◆ 비성장율; μ, 단위미생물당 미생물량 변화율로 정의
28156 ◆ SPECIFIC HEAT ◆ 비열; 어떤물질 1g의 온도를 1℃ 올리는데 필요한 열량. 즉 물체의 열용량
28159 ◆ Specific ion toxicity ◆ 이온의 독성;
28160 ◆ SPECIFIC NOISE ◆ 특정소음 : 특정소음원으로 부터의 소음
28162 ◆ specific productivity index ◆ barrels of oil produced daily per drop in bottom-hole pressure per foot of effective reservoir formation thickness.
28163 ◆ specific repetition rate ◆ ㆍ the pulse repetition rate of a pair of transmitting stations of a navigation system.the pulse repetition rate of a pair of transmitting stations of a navigation system. ㆍ any of a set of closely spaced repetition rates that are derived from a basic rate and associated with a specific set of synchronized loran stations.any of a set of closely spaced repetition rates that are derived from a basic rate and associated with a specific set of synchronized loran stations.
28164 ◆ specific resistivity ( 비저항, 저항율 ) ◆ 전기가 흐르기 어려움의 지표. 저항R(Ω )=비저항(PΩ · cm)× 길이(L)cm/ 면적S(cm2)
28165 ◆ specific retention volume ◆ the relationship between retention volume, void volume, and adsorbent weight; used to standardize gas chromatography adsorbents.
28166 ◆ SPECIFIC SOURCE HAZARDOUS WASTES ◆ 특정 발생원 : 유해폐기물 폐수처리장이나 대기오염 방지설비 등이고 같이 구체적인 발생원에서 발생하는 유해폐기물
28167 ◆ SPECIFIC SPEED ◆ 비회전도; 펌프의 성능이 최고가 되는 상태를 나타내기 위해 사용되는 단위로 1m3/min 유량을 1m 양수하기 위해 필요한 회전수를 비회전도라 함 비속도, 비교속도
28168 ◆ specific strength ◆ the strength per unit volume or per unit mass of a substance.
28170 ◆ specific surface ◆ an average particle size measurement used in size reduction and enlargement processes; the exterior of the surface of a unit of weight or volume of a particle is based on size distribution data.
28171 ◆ specific volume ◆ the volume per unit mass; the reciprocal of density.
28172 ◆ SPECIFIC WASTE ◆ 특정폐기물
28173 ◆ specific weight ◆ weight per unit volume.
28174 ◆ Specific Yield ◆ The amount of water a unit volume of saturated permeable rock will yield when drained by gravity.
28175 ◆ spectator ion ◆ an ion that is present in a solution in which a reaction is taking place but is not directly involved in the net reaction.
28176 ◆ spectral density ◆ a distribution of electromagnetic energy over a range of frequencies, expressed as a function of wavelength or frequency. Also, spectral energy distribution.
28177 ◆ spectral directional reflectance factor ◆ the ratio of energy diffused by an object under analysis to the energy diffused by an absolute standard; used in colorimetry.
28178 ◆ spectral radiance factor ◆ the directions for analysis of energy reflected from an object are all essentially the same in spectrophotometric colorimetry.
28179 ◆ spectral reflectance ◆ the diffusion or reflectance of energy from an object in all directions.
28180 ◆ spectral sensitivity ◆ the relation between the radiant sensitivity in a camera tube and the wavelength of incident radiation under given conditions, usually measured with a collimated beam.
28181 ◆ SPECTROFLUOROMETER ◆ 분광형광계 : 형광측정기기
28182 ◆ SPECTROMETRY ◆ 분광 분석법, 분광법
28183 ◆ spectrophone ◆ a microphone-equipped cell that has windows through which a laser beam enters; used in the optoacoustic detection method.
28184 ◆ SPECTROPHOTOMETER ◆ 분광광도계 : 분자흡수를 바탕으로 하는 분석하는 광전기기
28185 ◆ spectrophotometric titration ◆ a titration in which the radiant-energy absorption is measured spectrophotometrically after each increment of titrant is added.
28186 ◆ SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD ◆ 분광법 전자기 복사선과 분석 원자나 분자의 상호작용의 측정 또는 분석물에서 생성되는 복사선의 측정에 기초됨
28187 ◆ SPECTROSCOPY ◆ 분광법, 분광학
28188 ◆ spectrum ◆ the increase in the minimum input-signal power over the minimum detectable signal required to produce an indication on a radar indicator.
28189 ◆ spectrum analysis ◆ the measurement of energy or power in a sound source as a function of frequency; that is, the quantitative measurements of sound plotted vertically against the sound frequency on the horizontal axis.
28190 ◆ spectrum signature ◆ the spectral characteristics of the transmitter, receiver, and antennae of a communications system.: a continuous, usually wide range of frequencies having a given common characteristic; the range of frequencies in a given system.
28191 ◆ spectrum signature analysis ◆ a study of electromagnetic interference from transmitting and receiving devices, made in order to determine the operational functionality and environmental compatability of the device.
28192 ◆ SPECULAR REFLECTION ◆ 경면반사(소), 거울 반사, 정반사
28193 ◆ speech clipping ◆ the limiting of the amplitudes of certain signals in speech processing devices; used in tests for analyzing the intelligibility of speech.
28195 ◆ SPEECH INTERFERENCE LEVEL ◆ 회화방해 레벨; 회화방해정도를 측정하는 방법. SIL
28196 ◆ speech-interference level ◆ a decibel measurement of the amount of noise interference with speech, calculated as the arithmetic average of the sound pressure level over a frequency band of 600 to 4800 hertz.
28197 ◆ speed ◆ the time-rate of change of position without regard to the direction of motion; i.e., the ratio of the distance traveled to the time elapsed.
28198 ◆ speed cone ◆ a cone-shaped pulley or a series of pulleys on a common axle having increasing diameters to form a stepped cone. Also, SPEED PULLEY.
28199 ◆ speed lathe ◆ a hand-controlled lathe with no carriage or back gears.
28200 ◆ SPEED OF SOUND ◆ 음속; 음파가 1초동안에 전파하는 거리
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