환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 25801-25900
번호 용어 해설
25801 ◆ quantizer ◆ a device that converts an analog signal into digital form, by converting the analog value to the closest one of a set of predefined discrete values.
25802 ◆ QUANTUM ◆ 양자 : 에너지의 입자 또는 파동 묶음의 흐름을 일컫음
25803 ◆ quantum acoustics ◆ the study of properties of sound waves in a medium due to the quantum-mechanical nature of that medium; such properties usually appear at low temperatures, short wavelengths, or high frequencies by the kinetic energy, and are shown by the equation E = h - EB, where h represents Planck's constant, represents the frequency of sound waves, and EB represents the binding energy of the molecules.
25804 ◆ quantum chemistry ◆ the branch of chemistry that relates the laws of quantum mechanics to various chemical phenomena.
25805 ◆ quantum electronics ◆ the branch ofElectronics that examines the relationship of energy to matter, such as the movement of atoms and the characteristics of crystals, as explained by quantum physics.
25806 ◆ quantum theory of valence ◆ a theory that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to explain various properties and characteristics of molecules, such as the stability of a chemical bond.
25807 ◆ quantum yield ◆ the average number of electrons for each absorbed quantum of light that is emitted from a cathode in a phototube. Also, QUANTUM EFFICIENCY.
25808 ◆ quark-gluon plasma ◆ a theoretical state of nuclear particles in which the quarks and gluons merge to form an unstructured group.
25809 ◆ quarrying machine ◆ a machine that drills boreholes or cuts tunnels into native rock.
25810 ◆ quarter-square multiplier ◆ an analog computer component that performs high-accuracy multiplication by implementing a number of diode-resistor networks.
25811 ◆ quarter-turn drive ◆ a belt drive between pulleys having axes at right angles.
25812 ◆ quartz crystal ◆ an industrial form of this material, either natural or produced synthetically; quartz crystals vibrate at a specific frequency when a voltage is applied to them; they are widely used to control the frequency of an oscillating system.
25813 ◆ quartz delay line ◆ a device that employs quartz to delay the transmission of audio signals.
25814 ◆ quartz oscillator ◆ a circuit that generates alternating current at a frequency determined by vibration of a quartz crystal resonator.
25815 ◆ quartz strain gauge ◆ a device that measures small deformations of a substance by measuring the voltage produced when a quartz element is attached to it.
25816 ◆ quartz-crystal filter ◆ a filter that includes one or more quartz-crystal resonators as elements.
25817 ◆ quartz-crystal resonator ◆ a resonant circuit using a quartz crystal as the element that determines the frequency; used as components of a quartz-crystal filter, or to control the frequency of an oscillator. Also, CRYSTAL RESONATOR.
25818 ◆ quartz-fiber electroscope ◆ an instrument in which an electrical charge changes the angle of a gold-plated quartz fiber suspended in a glass jar; used to measure voltage.
25819 ◆ quartz-iodine lamp ◆ a lamp in which a tungsten filament is surrounded by iodine gas in a quartz envelope, whose properties allow the lamp to generate more heat and pass ultraviolet rays.
25820 ◆ quasi-acoustical holography ◆ the assemblage of sonograms made in the B mode into a three-dimensional image volume that creates a realistic three-dimensional facsimile of an object.
25821 ◆ quasi-reversible ◆ describing a process or reaction that approaches reversibility, but that shows small deviations from an equilibrium path. Thus, quasi-reversibility.
25822 ◆ QUASI-STEADY IMPULSIVE NOISE ◆ 준정상 충격소음 : 대략 일정레벨에서 0.2초 이하의 간격에서 연속적으로 발생하는 소음
25823 ◆ QUASI-VERTICAL ◆ 거의 연직
25824 ◆ Quaternary ◆ the second period of the Cenozoic age, beginning three million years ago and extending to the present.
25825 ◆ quaternary phase equilibria ◆ the thermodynamic relationship among four nonreactive components that exhibit varying degrees of mutual solubility; for example, two solvents, each composed of a feed liquid and a solute.
25826 ◆ quaternary system ◆ a relationship among four elements, such as four phases or four components, in which chemical reactions are taking place under the same conditions and at the same rate.
25827 ◆ quench ◆ to terminate by applying a voltage, as the flow of electrons in a vacuum tube.
25828 ◆ quench correction ◆ a technique to correct for quenching in the observable counts per minutes that are produced by a scintillation counter; the true value is given in terms of disintegrations per minute.
25829 ◆ quench frequency ◆ the number of times per second that a circuit ceases and resumes oscillating.
25830 ◆ Quench Tank ◆ A water-filled tank used to cool incinerator residues or hot materials during industrial processes.
25831 ◆ quenching ◆ ㆍ the process by which a discharge is terminated in a gas tube.the process by which a discharge is terminated in a gas tube. ㆍ a process by which a heated element, such as gas or metal, is rapidly cooled.a process by which a heated element, such as gas or metal, is rapidly cooled. 3. a process by which alternating current is applied to an electrode to prevent continuous oscillation in a superregenerative receiver.a process by which alternating current is applied to an electrode to prevent continuous oscillation in a superregenerative receiver.
25832 ◆ quenching oscillator ◆ a circuit that produces the alternating current which is used to suppress oscillation in a superregenerative receiver.
25833 ◆ QUICK LIME ◆ 생석회
25834 ◆ quick return ◆ a reciprocating motion in operating the tool of a shaping machine in which the return is made more rapidly than the cutting stroke, in order to reduce idling time.
25835 ◆ quick-change gearbox ◆ an arrangement of gears on a machine tool set up so that the speed relationship between gears can be quickly varied.
25836 ◆ quicksilver ◆ a popular name for mercury.
25837 ◆ quiescent ◆ a condition in which a circuit is operating but does not have signals applied to it.
25838 ◆ quiescent point ◆ the set of voltages and currents in a circuit or device when no external signal is being applied to it.
25839 ◆ quiescent push-pull ◆ a push-pull amplifier designed so that current flows only when a signal is being processed.
25840 ◆ quiescent value ◆ the level of current or voltage in an electrode when no signals are present.
25841 ◆ quiet battery ◆ a device that generates energy with so little interference that it may be used for voice transmissions.
25842 ◆ quiet tuning ◆ a technique for operating a radio receiver in which no signal is sent unless it is tuned to the exact frequency of the incoming radio signal.
25843 ◆ quieting sensitivity ◆ the minimum amplitude that an incoming radio signal must have to meet the signal-to-noise specifications of a given FM receiver.
25844 ◆ quill drive ◆ a hollow, nonrotating shaft into which another shaft is inserted and rotated under power, providing axial movement, as in a drilling machine spindle.
25845 ◆ quinhydrone electrode ◆ a platinum wire in a standard solution of quinhydrone, C6H4O2C6H4(OH)2, used as a reversible electrode standard for pH determinations.
25846 ◆ QUIPE ◆ Quarterly Update for Inspector in Pesticide Enforcement
25847 ◆ Q-value ◆ a measure of the energy balance in a given system or process, so that for nuclear decay it represents the amount of energy released; in a nuclear reaction it is the difference in total kinetic energy between the particles released and the ones captured.
25848 ◆ R ◆ a symbol for an organic hydrocarbon radical.
25849 ◆ R display ◆ the representation of targets on a radar screen that permits the target's signal to be expanded on the screen to measure the range more accurately.
25850 ◆ R scope ◆ a radarscope that produces an R display.
25851 ◆ R&D ◆ Research and Development
25852 ◆ RA ◆ 개선 : CERCLA용어 중의 하나, 불량매립지 개선안을 옮기는 것을 의미함. Remedial Action,
25853 ◆ RA ◆ Reasonable Alternative; Regulatory Alternatives; Regulatory Analysis; Remedial Action; Resource Allocation; Risk Analysis; Risk Assessment
25854 ◆ rabbit ◆ a small plug driven through flow lines to clear them or check for obstructions.
25855 ◆ rabbit ears ◆ a small, V-shaped indoor television antenna consisting of a pair of telescoping aerials. Metallurgy. a V-shaped die used in metal working when folds or wrinkles are desirable.
25856 ◆ RAC ◆ Radiation Advisory Comittee. Raw Agricultural Commodity; Regional Asbestos Coordinator, Response Action Coordinator
25857 ◆ racemate ◆ a mixture of dextrorotatory and levorotatory isomers of the same compound in equal amounts; each of the isomer's rotations cancels the other, resulting in a mixture that does not rotate plane polarized light either left or right, i.e., a mixture that does not show optical activity. Also, racemic mixture.
25858 ◆ rack ◆ a straight length of toothed gearing designed to mesh with the teeth of a pinion.
25859 ◆ rack and pinion ◆ a gear arrangement for converting rotary motion into linear motion, or vice versa, consisting of a straight, toothed bar (the rack) that meshes with a small gear wheel (the pinion).
25860 ◆ rack-and-pinion steering ◆ a vehicle steering mechanism in which a pinion gear at the end of the steering column engages with a rack, moving it to either the right or the left in order to transmit steering movements.
25861 ◆ racking ◆ the orderly placement of pipe in the derrick after the pipe has been hoisted from the wellbore during oil drilling.
25862 ◆ RACM ◆ Reasonably Available Control Measures
25863 ◆ RACT ◆ Reasonably Available Control Technology
25864 ◆ RAD ◆ Radiation Adsorbed Dose (unit of measurement of radiation absorbed by humans)
25865 ◆ radar antijamming ◆ the measures taken to prevent an enemy from disrupting a radar system.
25866 ◆ radar beam ◆ a beam of radio-frequency energy in space bounded by the locus of points where a radar signal is decreased to one-half of the value about the center of the beam.
25867 ◆ radar conspicuous object ◆ a term for any object that returns a strong radar echo.
25868 ◆ radar constant ◆ any radar function to which equations are applied, such as beam width, pulse length, or noise level.
25869 ◆ radar coverage ◆ the range within which a radar system can detect an object.
25870 ◆ radar data filtering ◆ a program that directs a computer to delete certain radar data and alert the crew to the deletion.
25871 ◆ radar display ◆ the representation of targets on a radar screen, usually produced on a cathode-ray tube screen. Also, RADAR PRESENTATION.
25872 ◆ radar echo ◆ a blip on a radar screen that indicates the presence of an object or a weather phenomenon.
25873 ◆ radar intelligence item ◆ an object that is picked up by radar, but that cannot be identified at the moment of its appearance.
25874 ◆ radar nautical mile ◆ the time required for a radar signal to travel one nautical mile to a target and return: 1ㆍ37 microseconds.
25875 ◆ radar receiver ◆ a device that converts signals reflected from a radar target into a form that can be displayed on a radarscope.
25876 ◆ radar receiver-transmitter ◆ a component that produces the energy beamed at a radar target and converts the signal reflected back from the target for display on the radarscope.
25877 ◆ radar relay ◆ a radar system that transmits a video from the tracking station to a distant receiver unit.
25878 ◆ radar repeater ◆ a device that reproduces signals displayed by a radarscope on screens at remote locations.
25879 ◆ radar shadow ◆ an area that is blind to radar because of an obstruction such as a reflective target or an absorbing medium.
25880 ◆ radar transmitter ◆ the section of a radar system in which radio-frequency energy is generated and keyed.
25881 ◆ radarscope ◆ a cathode-ray tube that displays signals reflected back from a radar target.
25882 ◆ radechon ◆ a tube that stores electrical charges on a sheet of mica placed between a continuous metal backing plate and a fine-mesh screen; commonly used in communications systems to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, to carry out signal comparison, or to convert a signal's time base. Also, BARRIER-GRID STORAGE TUBE.
25883 ◆ radial bearing ◆ a bearing in which the movement of the load transmitted is radial to the axis of rotation.
25884 ◆ RADIAL BLADE FAN ◆ 방사 날개형 송풍기 : 원심력 송풍기의 유형
25885 ◆ radial chromatography ◆ a separation technique involving a round disk of absorbent paper with a strip cut from the edge to the center that is used as a wick to dip into a solvent; the solvent climbs the wick, touches the sample, and elutes in concentric rings
25886 ◆ RADIAL DIRECTION ◆ 외벽 방향
25887 ◆ RADIAL DISTANCE ◆ 방사거리
25888 ◆ radial distribution function ◆ a function that plots the density, relative to the average density, of molecules at a given distance from some particular molecule; used to describe the molecular structure of liquids.
25889 ◆ radial draw forming ◆ a process for shaping metals by gradually applying tangential stretch and radial compression simultaneously.
25890 ◆ radial drill ◆ a drilling machine in which the drill head is encased in a toolhead and saddle and moves along a horizontally projecting arm that rotates around a vertical pillar.
25891 ◆ radial engine ◆ an internal-combustion engine in which the cylinders are arranged like spokes of a wheel at regular intervals around the crankshaft; used formerly as an air-cooled aircraft engine.
25892 ◆ RADIAL FLOW TURBINE ◆ 반경류터빈; 증기유동방향에 따른 증기터빈
25893 ◆ radial force ◆ in machining, a force that is exerted on a cutting tool in a direction opposite to that of the depth of cut.
25894 ◆ radial load ◆ a load that is oriented perpendicularly to the bearing axis.
25895 ◆ radial locating ◆ one of three locating problems (the others being concentric locating and plane locating) used to maintain an efficient working relationship between a workpiece, a cutter, and the body of a machine tool.
25896 ◆ radial motion ◆ a motion away from or toward a central axis or point.
25897 ◆ radial rake ◆ the angle between the cutter tooth surface and a radial line that passes through the cutting edge in a plane that is perpendicular to the cutter axis.
25898 ◆ radial saw ◆ a circular power saw in which the blade is suspended from a traverse head that is mounted on a rotatable arm.
25899 ◆ radial stress ◆ the component of stress toward or away from the central axis of a curved member.
25900 ◆ RADIAL TIP FAN ◆ 방사 경사형 송풍기 : 원심력 송풍기의 유형
페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠
[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.
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