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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23501-23600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 23501-23600

번호                  용어                  해설

23501             negatron                    a four-electron vacuum tube that has the property of negative resistance.a four-electron vacuum tube that has the property of negative resistance.

23502             NEIGHBOURING LINE               근접선; 목적하는 스펙트럼선에 가까운 파장을 갖는 다른 스펙트럼

23503             Nelson diaphragm cell              an electrolytic diaphragm cell with a graphite anode used to produce caustic soda and very pure chlorine.

23504             nematic          a type of liquid crystal having an irregular threadlike structure that exhibits little viscosity.a type of liquid crystal having an irregular threadlike structure that exhibits little viscosity. relating to or describing such a liquid-crystal phase. Thus, nematic phase.relating to or describing such a liquid-crystal phase. Thus, nematic phase.

23505             Nematocide                A chemical agent which is destructive to nematodes.

23506             nematogenic               describing a solid material that when heated forms a nematic phase. Thus, nematogenic solid.

23507             neocryst          in an evaporite, an individual crystal of a secondary mineral.

23508             neomineralization                    a type of recrystallization in which the mineral constituents of a rock are transformed into entirely new minerals.

23509             neon lamp                  a tube that generates a bright red glow (or, if treated with mercury, bright blue) when the neon gas inside it is ionized by an electric current; commonly used in outdoor signs and as an indicator light. Also, neon bulb, neon tube.

23510             neon oscillator            a device that generates alternating current through a charging process controlled by the interaction of a capacitor and ionized neon gas. Also, neon-bulb oscillator.

23511             NEPA              국가환경정책법; National environmental policy act

23512             Nephelometric             Method of of measuring turbidity in a water sample by passing light through the sample and measuring the amount of the light that is deflected.

23513             nepholometer              an instrument that measures the amount of cloudiness of a medium; used to study scattering properties.

23514             nephometer                a convex mirror having one central and five radial parts; used to estimate cloud coverage at any given time.

23515             nephoscope                an optical instrument used to observe the speed and direction of clouds.

23516             NEPI               National Environmental Policy Institute

23517             NEPP              National Energy Policy Plan의 약어로 미국의 에너지정책을 말한다. 1977년에 제정된 에너지성(DOE) 설치법 의해, 대통령은 2년마다 이의 의회 제출이 의무화되어 있다. 1981년의 레이건 정권발족 이후 석유시장의 규제를 폐기하는 등 정부의 규제를 완화해 시장매커니즘을 중시하는 정책을 취하고 있다. 1986 3월에는 제5차 국가에너지정책이 의회에 제출되었다.

23518             NEPPS            National Environmental Performance Partership System

23519             NER               소음폭로평가  noise exposure rating

23520             Nernst diffusion layer               an approximation used in treatments of electrodes in stirred solutions, in which a very thin layer of solution adjacent to the electrode is assumed to be stationary and penetrated only by diffusion.

23521             Nernst equation           an equation demonstrating that the electromotive force developed in an electrochemical cell is determined by the activities of the reacting species, the reaction temperature, and the standard free-energy change of the overall reaction.

23522             Nernst layer                a thin layer of unstirred solvent that surrounds a particle in a stirred solution. Also, Nernst-Planck layer.

23523             Nernst theory              the principle that in an electrolytic cell an equilibrium will develop between the tendency of the electrode to dissolve and form ions in the solution and the tendency of the ions in the solution to build up on the electrode.

23524             Nernst zero of potential            the potential energy that is equivalent to the reversible equilibrium in an electrolytic system between charged hydrogen ions and hydrogen gas at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.

23525             Nernst-Thomson rule                the rule that little interaction occurs between anions and cations in a solvent with low electrical conductibility, and that the reverse is true in a solvent with high electrical conductibility.

23526             NESHAP          National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants

23527             nesistor          a type of transistor that is characterized by an inverse relationship between current and voltage, and by the influence of an electric field on current flow.

23528             Nessler tube                a flat-bottomed, high-quality, calibrated quartz tube filled with sample solutions for use in spectrophotometry.

23529             Nessler's reagent          a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide used to detect ammonia; a brown color indicates a positive reaction.

23530             nested            of volcanic cones, craters, or calderas that occur one within another.of volcanic cones, craters, or calderas that occur one within another. of two or more intersecting calderas that were formed at different times or by different explosions.of two or more intersecting calderas that were formed at different times or by different explosions.

23531             Net bacterial yield                    순 미생물생산; 미생물의 사멸을 고려한 실질적 미생물 생산

23532             net emission               순배출량

23533             NET EXTERNAL FORCE              순 외력

23534             NET RADIATION FLUX               순 복사량

23535             Net rate of growth                   순성장율; 미생물의 사멸을 고려한 성장율

23536             NETA              National Environmental Training Association

23537             net-shape processing                any of a variety of manufacturing processes that produce components with finished functional surfaces (such as the airfoil portion of forged blades or the teeth of forged gears), so that additional metal removal is not required.

23538             Netting           A concept in which all emissions sources in the same area that owned or controlled by a single company are treted as one large source, thereby allowing flexibility in controlling individual sources in or- der to meet a single emissions standard. (See: bubble)

23539             network          the interconnection of electric elements such as resistors, coils, and capacitors.the interconnection of electric elements such as resistors, coils, and capacitors. of or relating to such a system. Thus, network admittance, network analysis, network impedance, network synthesis, network theory.of or relating to such a system. Thus, network admittance, network analysis, network impedance, network synthesis, network theory.  Mathematics. a weighted digraph; i.e., a directed graph, each of whose arcs has been assigned a quantity (called a weight or capacity) such as a real number, vector, or tensor. The theory of networks has applications in management and engineering sciences.

23540             network covalent substance                      a substance that is a three-dimensional array of covalently bonded atoms; such materials tend to have greater hardness and higher melting points; e.g., diamonds, quartz.

23541             Neumann's principle                 a principle stating that the physical properties of a crystal are never of lower symmetry than the symmetry of the external form of the crystal.

23542             neuristor                     a device that simulates the actions of a human nerve cell by generating signals with uniform velocity and without attenuation.

23543             neuter            to sterilize an animal by castrating or spaying.to sterilize an animal by castrating or spaying. an animal that has been sterilized.an animal that has been sterilized.

23544             neutral           the condition of having no net electric charge, when an equal number of electrons and protons are present.the condition of having no net electric charge, when an equal number of electrons and protons are present. relating to or in such a condition; not charged.relating to or in such a condition; not charged.  Biology. having no sexual organs; neuter.       : the position or condition of a gear system or other arrangement of moving parts in which the parts are not engaged.

23545             neutral atmosphere                  an environment that neither oxidizes nor reduces the materials contained within it.

23546             neutral axis                 the line in a cross section of a beam subjected to bending, at which the strain is zero.

23547             neutral equilibrium                  the condition of a system in equilibrium, such that any net force or torque that the system experiences will move the system away from its original equilibrium state to a new equilibrium state.

23548             neutral fiber                the line of zero strain in a longitudinal section.

23549             neutral flame               a gas flame that is neither oxidizing nor reducing.

23550             neutral granulation                  a form of propellant granulation in which the grain's surface area stays constant throughout the burning process.

23551             neutral molecule          any molecule that has no net electric charge.any molecule that has no net electric charge. a system of two ions, one an anion and the other a cation, in an electrolytic medium.a system of two ions, one an anion and the other a cation, in an electrolytic medium

23552             neutral surface            in a linear elastic beam subjected to bending, the surface at which the longitudinal or bending stress equals zero.

23553             neutral temperature                 the temperature in a thermocoupler when its hot junction reaches its highest point, while its cold junction remains at 0°C.

23554             Neutralization              Decreasing the acidity or alkalinity of a substance by adding alkaline or acidic materials, respectively.

23555             neutralization equivalent           the equivalent weight of an acid or base.

23556             neutralization number              the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize the acid in 1 gram of oil; a measure of the acidity of an oil sample.

23557             neutralize                   the process of removing positive feedback in radio-frequency amplifiers.

23558             neutralized radio-frequency stage             a circuit added to a unit's feedback to prevent oscillation and allow the unit to operate as an amplifier.

23559             neutralizing capacitor               a device that recycles a signal in a radio receiver or transmitter from the plate circuit to the grid circuit, so that continuous oscillation does not occur.

23560             neutralizing voltage                  the voltage that is passed from the grid to the anode and vice versa to eliminate continuous oscillation.

23561             neutron capture           a process in which a nucleus absorbs a neutron and as a result emits radiation or undergoes fission.

23562             neutron excess            the amount by which neutrons outnumber protons in a nucleus.

23563             neutron number          the total number of neutrons, denoted by N, in the nucleus of an atom.

23564             neutron scattering                   the changes in direction (deflection) and energy (attenuation) of a neutron as it collides with a target nucleus; in elastic scattering, there is no change of internal energy of the colliding particles; in inelastic scattering, the neutron may interact with the target nucleus, as in capture or fission, but the sum of the kinetic and internal energies is unaltered.

23565             neutron spectrometry               a technique used to analyze a nucleus that involves bombarding it with neutrons and then observing the resonances in the reactions or the range of particles or rays it emits.

23566             neutron spectrum                    a graph that shows the distribution of neutrons at various energy levels, such as the number of neutrons ejected during a nuclear reaction.

23567             neutron-capture cross section                  an area, measured in barns, in which a beam of bombarding neutrons is most likely to be captured by the sample nuclei.

23568             NEW COMMERCIAL POLICY INSTRUMENT                     신통상 정책수단 : NCPI, 1984년 채택된 유럽연합의 통상보복조치

23569             New Source                Any stationary source built or mokified after publication of final or proposed regulations that prescribe a given standard of performance.

23570            New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)                     Uniform national EPA air emission and water effluent stan- dards which limit the amount of pollution allowed from new sources or from modified existing sources.

23571             New Source Review (NSR)                        A Clean Air Act requirement that State Implementation Plans must include a permit review that applis to the construction and operation of new and modified stationary sources in nonattainment areas to ensure attainment of national ambient air quality standards.

23572             Newlands' law of octaves          a law stating that when chemical elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, the first element is similar to the eighth, the second similar to the ninth, the third similar to the tenth, and so on. (Named for John Newlands.)

23573             Newtonian                  relating to Sir Isaac Newton or his theories.relating to Sir Isaac Newton or his theories. relating to NewtonianMechanics or to systems that conform to it.relating to NewtonianMechanics or to systems that conform to it.

23574             Newtonian attraction                the mutual attraction of any two bodies, defined and governed by Newton's law of gravitation.

23575             Newtonian mechanics              the study of force and motion on the basis of the theories of Sir Isaac Newton, including especially the assumptions that time is an absolute quantity, and that distance can be absolutely measured rather than being dependent on the time and point of observation.

23576             Newtonian relativity                 the concept that only the relative position of two bodies affects their behavior; i.e., there is no intrinsic difference between different orientations to a point or between different points in space.

23577             Newtonian speed of sound                      as described in Newton's second law of motion, the speed of sound, used as a frame of reference from which the particle velocity can be derived.

23578             Newtonian velocity                   the velocity of an object within an inertial reference frame.

23579             Newton's equations of motion                  Newton's second law of motion expressed as mathematical equations for the problem to be solved.

23580             Newton's first law                    the law that a body at rest will continue at rest, and a body in motion will continue in uniform motion along a straight line, unless the body is acted upon by some outside force.

23581             Newton's law of gravitation                      the law that any two bodies having mass will act upon each other with equal and opposite attracting forces along the line that joins them. The magnitude of this force is directly proportional to the product of the bodies' masses, and inversely proportional to the square of their distance of separation

23582             Newton's laws of motion           the three laws proposed by Newton governingMechanics; the physical realm where these laws are accurate is now described as Newtonian     :

23583             Newton's second law                the law that a body acted upon by a net force will accelerate, and that it will do so in the direction of the force. The acceleration is proportional to the force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. This can be expressed by the equation F = ma, in which m is the mass of the body, a is its acceleration, and F is the net external force acting on the body.

23584             Newton's third law                   the law that every action will produce an equal and opposite reaction; thus, when two bodies interact, the force of the first body upon the second is equal and opposite to the force of the second body upon the first.

23585             NFRAP            No Further Remedial Action Planned

23586             ng (나노그램)              10억분의 1그램(= 1/10(9)g)

23587             NGO(비정부조직)          국가 정부의  반대 개념으로  비정부조직 (Non-Govenmental-Organizaion) 을 가르키는 말이다. NGO 란 용어를 처음 사용한 기구는  유엔. 유엔은 NGO  용어를 '국가기관 이외의 조직이나 단체'를 가르키는데 사용했다.         현재는 NGO 가 민간단체를 가르키는  용어로 사용되고 있지만, 좀더 정확하게는 국제적으로 연대 제휴해  활용을 전개하는 민간조직' 으로 봐야 한다. 세계적으로 NGO의 위상이 급부상한 시기는 91 12월 프랑스 파리에서  국제 NGO 포럼이 개최된 이후라고 보는 것이 옳을 것이다.          전세계적으로 NGO라고 불릴  만한 단체를 보면  그린피스를 비롯, 지구의  친구들, 세계야생 생물기금 등으로 이들과 같이 국제적인 조직을 갖추고 연대 활동을 펴가는 NGO의 수는 20여개 안팎에 이른다.          우리나라의 경우 민간 환경단체수는 약 150개 정도로 극히 일부 단체를  제외하고는 외형적인 활동에 비해 재정이  빈약하다는 공통점을 안고 있다.  환경문제에 대해 시민들이 심정적으로는 공감을 하면서도 이들 단체에 회원으로 가입해 재정적으로 도움을 주는 경우가 많지 않기때문이다.

23588             NHMC            Nonmethane Hydrocarbons

23589             NI                  National Income의 약어로 국민소득. 주어진 기간(일반적으로 1)동안에 봉급, 자본이자 이익(명목수입)을 포함하는 국민들의 모든 수입의 합.

23590             nibbling          a sheet-metal cutting process in which a rapidly reciprocating punch slots sheets along a desired path.

23591             nickel delay line           a device that retards vibrations in an audio signal by passing it through an element made of nickel.

23592             nickel-63                    a radioactive isotope of nickel with a half-life of 100 years, produced synthetically in a nuclear reactor.

23593             NICT              National Incident Coordination Team

23594             NIEHS            National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences

23595             nigre              a dark-colored, highly hydrated and strongly alkaline layer of undesirable soap formed between the neat soap layer and the caustic solution during soap manufacturing.

23596             NIOSH            National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

23597             NIPDWR          National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations

23598             nipple  (니플)              파이프의 양단 외측에 나사를 자른 구조의 나사입이음새. Close() nipple. Long() nipple. Hex(육모퉁이) nipple. 등이 있는

23599             NISAC            National Industrial Security Advisory Committee

23600             NITRATE          질산성 질소, 질산염

