국방, 안보 관련 서적목록
No | 서명 | 저자 | 출판사 |
1 | A Better State of War: Surmounting the Ethical Cliff in Cyber Warfare | Pope Jr, Billy E | Independently Published |
2 | A Brilliant Solution : Inventing the American Constitution | Carol Berkin | Mariner Books |
3 | A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 | Marc Trachtenberg | Princeton University Press |
4 | A New Foreign Policy : Beyond American Exceptionalism | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Columbia Press |
5 | A Persistent Fire: The Strategic Ethical Impact of World War Ⅰ on the Global Profession of Arms | Timothy S. Mallard, Nathan H. White | Brookings Institution Press |
6 | A substitute for victory : The Politics of Peacemaking at The Korean Armistice Talks | Rosemary Foot | Cornell University Press |
7 | Advanced Time Series Data AnalysisL Forcasting Using Eviews | Agung I.Gusti Ngurah | Wiley |
8 | Alternative Military Strategies for the Future | Dunn Keith A.; Staudenmaier William O. | Routledge |
9 | America's Nuclear Crossroads: A Forward-Looking Anthology | Caroline Dorminey and Eric Gomez | Cato Institute |
10 | Armies of Sand: The Past, Present, and Future of Arab Military Effectiveness | Pollack Kenneth M. | Oxford |
11 | Arms and Influence | Thomas C. Schelling | Yale University Press |
12 | Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: Future Trends, Threats and Considerations | Yvonne R. Masakowski | EMERAID PUBLISHING |
13 | Asian State Responses to China's Space Power Strategy | Military U. S.; Defense (Dod) Department of; Smart | Independently Published |
14 | Asia's new geopolitics : essays on reshaping the indo-pacific | Auslin, Michael R | Hoover Institution Press |
15 | Assured Destruction: Building the Ballistic Missile Culture of the U. S. Air Force | Bath David | Naval Institute Press |
16 | Bargaining over the Bomb : The Successes and Failures of Nuclear Negotiations | William Spaniel | Cambridge Unicersity Press |
17 | Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World | H. R. McMaster | Harper |
18 | Benchmarking with DEA, SFA and R | Bogetoft, Otto | Springer |
19 | Causal inference for statistics, social, and biomedical sciences : an introduction | Imbens, Guido | Cambridge University Press |
20 | Causation in international relations : reclaiming causal analysis | Kurki, Milja | Cambridge University Press |
21 | Cavalier Presidency: Executive Power and Prerogative in Times of Crisis | DePlato | Lexington Books |
22 | Chairman Xi Remakes the PLA : Assessing Chinese Military Reforms | Phillip C. Saunders | National Defense University Press |
23 | Challenges to security in space | United States.Defense Intelligence Agency | Defense Intelligence Agency |
24 | China and Global Nuclear Order | Horsburgh | Oxford |
25 | China and International Security 1: History, Strategy, and 21st-Century Policy | Chau, Donovan C. and Thomas M. Kane | Praeger |
26 | China and Japan : Facing History | Ezra F. Vogel | Belknap Press |
27 | China and the Middle East : from Silk Road to Arab Spring | Olimat, Muhamad | Taylor & Francis |
28 | China Dreams : China's New Leadership and Future Impacts | Liou, Chih-shian | World Scientific |
29 | China military power : modernizing a force to fight and win | United States.Defense Intelligence Agency | Defense Intelligence Agency |
30 | China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power | Rudolph | Harvard University Press |
31 | China's evolving surface fleet | Dutton, Peter | China Maritime Studies Institute, U.S. Naval War College |
32 | China's Foreign Affairs, 2019 : Department of Policy Planning Ministry of Foreign Affairs People's Republic of China | Wang Yi; Qi Yu; Le Yucheng; Zheng Zeguang; Han Zhiqiang; Sun Weidong; Xu Hui; Su Wen | World Affairs Press |
33 | China's maritime gray zone operations | Erickson, Andrew S | Naval Institute Press |
34 | China's Maritime Power and Strategy : History, National Security and Geopolitics | Ju, Hailong | World Scientific |
35 | China's Naval Power: An Offensive Realist Approach | lim, Yves-Heng | Palgrave Macmillan |
36 | China's Offensive Missile Forces | N/A | CSIPP |
37 | China's Rise and Regional Intergration in East Asia: Hegemony or Community? | Lee, Yong Wook: Son, Key-young | Routledge |
38 | China's Security State: Philosophy, Evolution, and Politics | Guo, Xuezhi | Cambridge |
39 | Chinese military diplomacy, 2003-2016 : trends and implications | Allen, Kenneth W | National Defense University Press |
40 | Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development: A Western Perspective | Cordesman, Anthony H.; Hess, Ashley; Yarosh, Nicholas S | Rowman & Littlefield |
41 | Chinese military reform in the age of Xi Jinping : drivers, challenges, and implications | Wuthnow, Joel | National Defense University Press |
42 | Chiness Navy: Expanding Capabilities, Evolving Roles | Saunders | CSIPP |
43 | Citizenship and Social Class | Marshall T. H | Pluto |
44 | Civil-Military Relations in Post-Conflict Societies: Transforming the Role of the Military In Central America | Perez, Orlando J | Routledge |
45 | Civil-Military Response to Hybrid Threats | Cusumano | Springer |
46 | Clausewitz Talks Business : an Executive's Guide to Thinking Like a Strategist | Paley, Norton | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group |
47 | Code of Federal Regulations, Title 07 Agriculture 400-699 | Office Of The Federal Register (U.S.) | U.S Government Publishing Office |
48 | Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual | Wilhelm, Sabine | Guilford Publications |
49 | Combat and Morale in the North African Campaign: The Eighth Army and the Path to El Alamein | Fennell, Jonathan | Cambridge |
50 | Combatant Commands: Origins, Structure, and Engagements | Cynthia A. Watson | praeger |
51 | command responsibility in international criminal law | Meloni, chantal | Asser Press |
52 | Comparative grand strategy : a framework and cases | Balzacq, Thierry | Oxford University Press |
53 | Comparative regional integration : governance and legal models | Closa, Carlos | Cambridge University Press |
54 | Comparative Welfare State Politics : Development, Opportunities, and Reform | Kersbergen, Kees Van | Cambridge University Press |
55 | Competition in Socialist Society | Miklossy, Katalin | Routledge |
56 | Computational Framework for Political and Social Research with Python | Josh Cutler | Springer |
57 | Computerised Test Generation for Cross-national Military Recruitment : A Handbook | Irvine, Sidney H | IOS Press |
58 | Confessions of A Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight | Thomas, M. E | Pan Macmillan |
59 | Conflict among Nations: Bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crisis | Snyder, Glenn Herald 외 | Princeton University |
60 | Conflict in Cyber Space: Theoretical, Strategic and Legal Pespectives | Karsten Friis | Taylor & Francis Ltd |
61 | Conflict in Ukraine : The Unwinding of the Post-Cold War Order | Menon, Rajan | MIT Press |
62 | Confrontation, Strategy and War Termination: Britain's Conflict with Indonesia | Tuck, Christopher | Ashgate Publishing |
63 | Confronting the evolving global security landscape : lessons from the past and present | Manwaring, Max G | Praeger Security International, an imprint of ABC-CLIO,LLC |
64 | Constructing Cause in International Relations | Lebow, Richard Ned | Cambridge |
65 | Contemporary Military Culture and Strategic Studies US and UK armed forces in the 21st century | Finlan, Alastair | Routledge |
66 | COST ESTIMATION Method and Tools | Gregory K. Mislick | WILEY |
67 | Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice | Boardman, Anthony E | Cambridge University Press |
68 | Cost-benefit analysis : economic and financial appraisal using spreadsheets | Campbell, Harry F | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
69 | Costly Calculations : A Theory of War, Casualties, and Politics | Scott Sigmund Gartner | Cambridge Unicersity Press |
70 | Costs and Contributions to Support the U.S. Military Presence Overseas - Inquiry and Analyses | Loretta Hudson | Nova Science Pub Inc |
71 | Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction | Mauroni | Rowman & Littlefield |
72 | Critical Security Studies: An Introduction | Peoples, Columba; Vaughan-Williams, Nick | Routledge |
73 | Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity | Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay | Oxford University Press |
74 | Crowded Orbits : Conflict and Cooperation in Space | James Clay Moltz | Columbia University Press |
75 | Crucible of a Generation: How the Attack on Pearl Harbor Transformed America | Brody | Taylor & Francis |
76 | Crucible of Command : Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee -- the War They Fought, the Peace They Forged | Davis, William C | Da Capo Press |
77 | Cultural Realism : Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History | JohnSton,Alastair Iain | Princeton Univ Press |
78 | Currency statecraft : monetary rivalry and geopolitical ambition | Cohen, Benjamin J | The University of Chicago Press |
79 | Cyber Counterterrorism, Cyber International Conflict, Virtual Cyber War Crimes | Technology Risk Management, Journal of L | Lulu.com |
80 | Cyber Security : Threats and Solutions | Johnso, Mark | Ark Group |
81 | Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion | Valeriano Brandon | Oxford |
82 | Cyber Troops and Net War: The Profession of Arms in the Information Age - War College Series | Gumahad, Arsenio T | War College Series |
83 | Cyber War Attack!: The Future Comes Rushing at Us with All the Inevitability of Sundown | McDonald, Edward L ; McDonald, Victoria a ; McDonald, Sasha a | Edward L. McDonald |
84 | Cyber War Versus Cyber Realities: Cyber Conflict in the International System | Valeriano, Brandon ; Maness, Ryan C | Oxford University Press, USA |
85 | Cyber war: definitions, deterrence, and foreign policy | Representatives, United States House of ; Affairs, Committee On Foreign ; Congress, United States | Createspace Independent Publishing Platform |
86 | Cyberemotions: collective emotions in cyberspace | Holyst, Janusz A | Springer |
87 | Cyber-security and information warfare | Daras,Nicholas J | Nova Science Publishers |
88 | Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Infrastructures from Cyber Attack and Cyber Warfare | Johnson, Thomas A | CRC Press |
89 | Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations: FM 3-12 April 2017 | Department of the Army | Independently Pub. |
90 | Cyberspace Sovereignty: Reflections on building a community of common future in cyberspace | Fang, Binxing | Springer Berlin Heidelberg |
91 | CyberWar: Digital Battlefield | Burnett, Maryann ; Cameron, P a ; Catron, T M | All Chaos Press |
92 | Dangerous Diplomacy | Salton | Oxford |
93 | Data Science for Business: What You Need to know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking | Provost, Foster | O'Reilly Media |
94 | Debating China: The U.S.- China Relationship in Ten Conversations | Hachigian, Nina | Oxford |
95 | Decision Making Under Uncertainty : Theory and Application | Kochenderfer, Mykel J./Amato, Christopher (CON)/., | Mit Press |
96 | Decision-Making Reform in Japan : the DPJ's failed Attempt at a Politician-led government | Karol Zakowski | ROUTLEDGE |
97 | Defence management in uncertain times | Teri McConville; Richard Homes | F. Cass |
98 | Defence Planning and Uncertainty: Preparing for the Next Asia-Pacific War | Fruhling, Stephan | Taylor & Francis |
99 | Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity | Leuprecht, Christian | Routledge |
100 | Defending frenemies : alliances, politics, and nuclear nonproliferation in US foreign policy | Taliaferro, Jeffrey W | Oxford University Press |
101 | Defense Spending and Economic Growth | James E. Payne | routledge |
102 | Defense: Cyber as a Team Sport: Operationalizing a Whole-Of-Government Approach to Cyberspace Operations | National Defense University | Createspace |
103 | Democracies Divided : The Global Challenge of Political Polarization | Thomas Carothers, Andrew O'Donohue | Brookings |
104 | Deployment Psychology: Evidence-Based Strategies to Promote Mental Health in the Military | Adler, Amy B | Amer Psychological Assn |
105 | Design and Analysis of Experiments | Montgomery,Dougls C | Wiley |
106 | Developments and Advances in Defense and Security | Rocha | Springer |
107 | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-5), 5th Edition | Americal Psychiatric Association | Americal Psychiatric Association |
108 | Dictators and their Secret Police | Greitens | Cambridge |
109 | Dictator's Handbook: A Practical Manual for the Aspiring Tyrant | Wood, Randall | CPSIA |
110 | Dictionary of Guided Missiles and Space Flight: Principles of Guided Missile Design, No. 5 | Merrill, Grayson; Besserer, C. W | Literary Licensing, LLC |
111 | Digestive Intelligence: A Holistic View of Your Second Brain | Matveikova, Irina | Findhorn Press |
112 | Digital Forensics Basics: A Practical Guide Using Windows OS | Hassan, Nihad A. | Apress |
113 | Diplomatic Whith 2019 Paper | MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS ; 외교부 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
114 | Directed-Energy Beam Weapons | Zohuri,Bahman | Springer |
115 | Dirty Wars : The World is a Battlefield | Scahill, Jeremy | Serpent's Tail |
116 | Disaster Policy and Politics: Emergency management and Homeland Security | Sylves, Richard | CQ Press |
117 | Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security | Lele,Ajey | Springe |
118 | Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations | Hall, David L | CRC Press & Francis Group |
119 | Documents on the laws of war | Roberts, Adam | Oxford University Press |
120 | Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline | O'Neil, Cathy | O'Reilly Media |
121 | Don't be Afraid of the Bullets : an Accidental War Correspondent in Yemen | Kasinof, Laura | Arcade Publishing |
122 | Drone Warfare | Kaag, John | Polity Press |
123 | Drone Wars: Transforming Conflict, Law, and Policy | Bergen | Cambridge |
124 | Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict : Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications | Cortright, David | University of Chicago Press |
125 | DUTY: Memoirs of a Secretary at War | Robert M. Gates | Knopf |
126 | East Asian Strategic Review 2019 | NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE STUDIES | National Institute for Defense Studies |
127 | East Asia's Other Miracle | Bellamy | Oxford |
128 | Economic Sanctions vs. Soft Power: Lessons from North Korea, Myanmar, and the Middle East | Anguelov | Palgrave Macmillan |
129 | Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality | Fabre | Harvard University Press |
130 | Electoral Reform and National Security in Japan | Amy Catalinac | Cambridge University Press |
131 | Embracing the Ordinary: Lessons from the Champions of Everyday Life | Foley, Michael | Simon & Schuster |
132 | Emergence of EU Defense Research Policy: From Innovation to Militarization | Karampekios | Springer |
133 | Emerging Critical Technologies and security in the Asia-Pacific | Richard A. Bitzinger | Palgrave Macmillan |
134 | Emerging Technologies for Economic Development | Dirk Meissner | Springer |
135 | Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence: The Past, Present, and Future of AI | Klein Michael Joseph; Frana Philip L. | ABC-CLIO |
136 | Encyclopedia of U.S. Intelligence, Vol. 1 | Moore, Gergory | Taylor & Francis |
137 | Ending the cold war in Korea : theoretical and historical perspectives | International Conference on the Korean Summit and the Dismantling of the Cold War Structure(2000 :Se | Yonsei University Press |
138 | Ending the LDP Hegemony : party cooperation in japan | Ray Christensen | University of Hawaii Press |
139 | Environmental Security : Concepts, Challenges, and Case Studies | John M. Lanicci, Elisabeth Hope Murray, James D. R | American Meteorological Soc. |
140 | Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists | Williams, Lee | Guilford Publications |
141 | EU Foreign Policy and Crisis Management Operations: Power, Purpose and Domestic Politics | Pohl, Benjamin;l | Taylor & Francis |
143 | Europeanisation and the Transformation of EU Security Policy | Violakis | Taylor & Francis |
144 | Europe's strategic future : from crisis to coherence? | Raine, Sarah | Routledge for The International Institute for Strategic Studies |
145 | Every Organization Can Implement OPM3 : A Comprehensive Playbook for Project management Process Improvement & PMO Governance | Northrup,J.Alan | Triple Constraint Press |
146 | Evolution of the us Sea-Based Nuclear Missile Deterrent | Refuto | Xlibris Co |
147 | Ew 103 : Tactical Battlefield communications Electronic Warfare | David L. Adamy | Artech House Publishers |
148 | Exit from hegemony : the unraveling of the American global order | Cooley, Alexander | Oxford University Press |
149 | Experimental Politics | Lazzarato | MIT Press |
150 | Explaining EU Internal Security Cooperation: The Problem(s) of Producing Public Goods | Bossong, Raphael | Taylor & Francis |
151 | Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges | Masys,Anthony J | Springer |
152 | Facilitating Resilience and Recovery Following Trauma | Zoeliner, Lori A.; Feeny, Norah C | The Guilford Press |
153 | Federated Defense in Asia, December 2014 | Michael J. Green | CSIS |
154 | Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response | U.S. Agency for International Development | Skyhorse Publishing |
155 | Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War-A Terrorism Research Center Book | Bunker, Robert J | iUniverse |
156 | Fire on Water: China, America, and the Future of the Pacific | Haddick | Naval Institute Press |
157 | Fiscal administration : analysis and applications for the public sector | Mikesell, John L | |
158 | Fleet tactics and naval operations | Hughes, Wayne P | Naval Institute Press |
159 | Foreign Aid Competition in Northeast Asia | Potter, David M.; Hyo-sook Kim | Kumarian Press |
160 | Foreign Friends: Syngman Rhee, American Exceptionalism, and the Division of Korea Syngman Rhee, American exceptionalism, and the division of Korea | David P. Fields | The University of Kenntuky Press |
161 | Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe : Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army | Jose Luis Calvo Albero | Strategic Studies Institute |
162 | From Warfare State to Welfare State : World War I, Compensatory State Building, and the Limits of the Modern Order | Eisner, Marc Allen | Penn State University Prerss |
163 | Generalized, linear, and mixed models | McCulloch, Charles E | Wiley |
164 | Global data shock : strategic ambiguity, deception, and surprise in an age of information overload | Mandel, Robert | Stanford University Press |
165 | Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter | Chapman,Bert | Palgrace macmilan |
166 | Global Political Economy understanding the international economic order | Robert Gilpin | Oxford |
167 | Global Politics of Defense Reform | Bruneau | Palgrave Macmillan |
168 | Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence: The Art of Active Resistance | Branagan, Marty | Palgrave Macmillan |
169 | Golbalization, Development and Security in Asia, Vol. 1 : Foreign Policy and Security in an Asian Century: Threats, Strategies and Policy Choices | Zhu, Zhiqun | World Scientific |
170 | Good Government | Rosanvallon | Harvard University Press |
171 | Governance and Security Issue of European Union : Challenges Ahead | Jaap de Zwaan;Martijn Lak; Abiola Makinwa; Piet Willems | Springer |
172 | Governing Borderless Threats: Non-Traditional Security and the Politics of State Transformation | Hameiri | Cambridge |
173 | Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots | Arkin, Ronald | CRC Press |
174 | Government Resarch Directory : Cabinet Departments | Matthew Miskelly | GALE |
175 | Government Resarch Directory : Independent Agenies, Government of Canada, Subject Index, Geographic Index | Matthew Miskelly | GALE |
176 | Government Resarch Directory : Master Index | Matthew Miskelly | GALE |
177 | Grand Strategies of Weak States and Great Powers | Kassab,Hanna Samir | Palgrace macmilan |
178 | Great Power Security Cooperation: Arms Control and the Challenge of Technological Change | Kearn Jr. | Lexington Books |
179 | Great Powers and Poland: From Versailles to Yalta | Karski, Jan | Taylor & Francis |
180 | Great Powers, Small Wars: Asymmetric Conflict Since 1945 | Deriglazova, Larisa | Johns Hopkins University |
181 | Grid systems Raster systeme | Muller-Brockmann | NIGGLI |
182 | Guided Missile Engineering: University of California Engineering Extension Series | Puckett, Allen E.; Ramo, Simon | McGraw-Hill Book Co,. Inc |
183 | Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences | Binstock, Robert | Elsevier |
184 | Handbook of Counseling Military Couples (Family Therapy and Counseling) | Moore, Bret A | Routledge |
185 | Handbook of educational psychology | Berliner, David. C | Taylor&francis |
186 | Handbook of Human Rights | Cushman, Thomas | Routledge |
187 | Handbook of military and defense operations research | N. M. Scala, J. P. Howard | CRC |
188 | Handbook of Military Social Work | Rubin, Allen | Wiley |
189 | Handbook of Mindfulness: Theory, Research, and Practice | Brown, Kirk Warren | Guilford Publication |
190 | Handbook of psychological assessment | Groth-Marnat, Gary | John Wiley & Sons |
191 | Handbook of West European Pension Politics | Immergut, Ellen M.(Eds) | Oxford University Press |
192 | Haunted by Chaos | Khan | Harvard University Press |
193 | HEAD STRONG: How Psychology is revolutionizing war. | Michael D. Matthwes | Oxford |
194 | Health and Cognition in Old Age : From Biomedical and Life Course Factors to Policy and Practice | Leist, Anja K | Springer |
195 | Health in Humanitarian Emergencies | David Townes | Cambridge University Press |
196 | Healthcare Politics and Policy in America, 4th Edition | Patel, Kant | Taylor & Francis |
197 | Heresies of Sea Power | Jane, Fred T | Cambridge Univ. Press |
198 | Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence | Pringle, Robert W | Rowman & Littlefield |
199 | Homo prospectus | Seligman, Martin E. P | Oxford University Press |
200 | How Peace Operations Work : Power, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness | Whalan, Jeni | Oxford |
201 | How Statesmen Think | Jervis | Princeton Univ. Press |
202 | How to Deal with Narcissists: Why They Became Evil, How They Think, and Strategies and Techniques to Take Control | Trust, Michael | Federalist Publications |
203 | How to Publish High Quaility Research: Discovering, Building, and Sharing the Contribution | Jeff Joireman and Paul A.M. Van Lange | American Psychological Association |
204 | How to Rule the World: A Handbook for the Aspiring Dictator | Guillaume, Andre de | Chicago Review Press |
205 | Human Rights: Moral or Political? | Etinson | Oxford |
206 | Hybrid and Cyber War as Consequences of the Asymmetry : A Comprehensive Approach Answering Hybrid Actors and Acticities in Cyberspace | Schrofl, Josef (EDT) / Rajaee, Bahram M. (EDT) / Muhr, Dieter (EDT) | Peter Lang Pub Inc |
207 | Hybrid Warfare: Fighting Complex Opponents from the Ancient World to the Present | Williamson Murray | Cambridge University Press |
208 | Idea of Communism | Zizek | Verso |
209 | Identity, Culture, and Chinese Foreign Policy: THAAD and China's South Korea Policy | Kangkyu Lee | Routledge |
210 | Image Warfare in the War on Terror | Roger, Nathan | Palgrave Macmillan |
211 | Implementation and World Politics : How International Norms Change Practice | Betts, Alexander | Oxford |
212 | Improbable War: China, the United States and Logic of Great Power Conflict | N/A | Oxford Univ. Press |
213 | In Defense of Japan: From Market to the Military in Space Policy | Saadia Pekkanen | Stanford Univ. Press |
214 | In the Common Defense: National Security Law for Perilous Times | Baker, James E | Cambridge |
215 | Incomplete Revolution : Adapting to Women's New Roles | Esping-Andersen, Gosta | Polity |
216 | Indefence of Sociology : Essays, Interpretations, and Rejoinders | Giddens, Anthony | Polity |
217 | Inferno : a novel/Dan Brown | Brown, Dan | Doubleday |
218 | Information Operations | U.S. Air Force | Createspace |
219 | Information Operations Primer: Fundamentals of Information Operations, November 2011 | U.S. Army | Biblioscholar |
220 | Information Operations: Joint Publication 3-13 | Joint Chiefs of Staff | Createspace |
221 | Information Science and Management Engineering, Vol. Ⅰ: WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technology, Volume 46 | Ren, Peiyu; Du, Zhenyu | WIT Press |
222 | Information Technology and Cyber Operations: Modernization and Policy Issues in a Changing National Security Environment: Hearing before Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities | Emerging T Subcommittee on Intelligence | Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office |
223 | Inkblot Pack: Includes the 10 Classic Inkblots for You to Interpret and a Beautifully Designed Journal With Thought Provoking Quotes | Rorschach, Herman | Race Point Publishing |
224 | Inquiry into U.S. Costs and Allied Contributions to Support the U.S. Military Presence Overseas | U.S. Senate | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
225 | Integration und Gedachtnis | Leonhard,Nina | UVK |
226 | Intelligence and Cultural Environment | Vernon, Philip E | Taylor & Francis |
227 | Intercept 1961: The Brith of Soviet Missile Defense | Gruntman | AIAA |
228 | International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy | Harper, Sarah Harper | Edward Elgar Publishing |
229 | International human rights : law, policy, and process | Weissbrodt, David S | LexisNexis Matthew Bender |
230 | International human rights law : cases, materials, commentary | Schutter, Olivier De | Cambridge University Press |
231 | International Humanitarian Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary | Tsagourias,Nicholas ; Morrison, Alasdair | Cambridge University Press |
232 | International law : cases and commentary | Janis, Mark W | West Academic Publishing |
233 | International law and armed conflict : fundamental principles and contemporary challenges in the law of war | Blank, Laurie R | Wolters Kluwer |
234 | International organizations and the implementation of the responsibility to protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria | Silander, Daniel | Routledge |
235 | International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, 3rd Edition | Dunne, Tim | Oxford Univ. Pr |
236 | International Relations Theory - The Game Theoretic Approach | Andrew H. Kydd | Cambridge University Press |
237 | International Strategic Relations And China's National Security | PLA National Defense University China | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd |
238 | Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China | Smith | Columbia University Press |
239 | Introduction to discrete event simulation and agent-based modeling : voting systems, health care, military, and manufacturing | Allen, Theodore T | Springer |
240 | Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach | Hayes, Andrew F | Guilgford Publications |
241 | Iran's Ballistic Missile and Space Launch Programs: Elements and Considerations | Wietman, Steven | Nova Science |
242 | Iran's Ballistic Missile and Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs - Scholar's Choice Edition hearing before the International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services Subcommittee of the Committe | Anonymous | Scholar's Choice |
243 | Is the American Century Over? | Nye, Joseph S. JR | Polity |
244 | ISIS: The Essential Reference Guide | Brian L. Steed, Editor | ABC-CLIO |
245 | Item Response Theory for Psychologists | Embretson | Taylor & Francis |
246 | Jane's All the World's Aircraft : Development & Production 2019-2020 | Jane's | Jane's by IHS Markit |
247 | Jane's Fighting Ships 2019-2020 | Jane's | Jane's by IHS Markit |
248 | Jane's Land Warfare Platforms : Logistics, Support & Unmanned 2019-2020 | Jane's | Jane's by IHS Markit |
249 | Jane's Weapons : Air-Launched 2019-2020 | Jane's | Jane's by IHS Markit |
250 | Japan and the Shackles of the Past: What Everyone Needs to Know | Murphy | Oxford |
251 | Japan and UN Peacekeeping: New Pressures and New Responses | Hugo Dobson | Routledge |
252 | Japan Rearmed : The Politics of Military Power | Sheila A. Smith | Harvard University Press |
253 | Japan, South Korea, and the United States Nuclear Umbrella | Roehrig | Columbia Univ. Press |
254 | Japanese Foreign Policy Today : domestic politics and foreign policy | tanaka akihiko | Palgrave Macmillan US |
255 | Japanese war crimes during World War II : atrocity and the psychology of collective violence | Jacob, Frank | Prager |
256 | Japan's Civil-Military Diplomacy : The Banks of the Rubicon | Yasutomo, Dennis T | Taylor & Francis |
257 | Japan's Foreign Policy in the 1990s : From Economic superpower tp what power? | Richard Drifte | Palgrave |
258 | Japan's Interantional relations : politics, economics, and security | Hook Glenn D | Routledge |
259 | Japan's Martime Security Strategy : The Japan Coast Guard and Martime Outlaws | Black, Lindsay | Palgrave Macmillan |
260 | Japan's New Security Partnerships : Beyond the Security Alliance | Wilhelm Vosse, Paul Midford | Manchester University Press |
261 | Japan's Relations with North Korea and the Recalibration of Risk | Mason, Ra | Taylor & Francis |
262 | Just and Unjust Wars, 4th ed. a Moral Argument with Historicsl Illustrations | Walzer, Michael | Basic Books (AZ) |
263 | Just Security in an Undergoverned World | Durch | Oxford |
264 | Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Vol. 3: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat | Draper | Monthly Review |
265 | Killing by Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military | Strawser, Bradley Jay | Oxford Univ. Press |
266 | Koizumi Diplomacy : japan's kantei approach to foreign adn defense affairs | Tomohito Shinoda | University of Washington Press |
267 | Korea : The Impossible Country | Tudor, Daniel | Tuttle |
268 | Korea: division, reunification and us foreign policy | Martin Hart Iandsberg | Monthly Reciew Press |
269 | Korea: Treaties and Agreements | Anonymous | BiblioBazaar |
270 | Korean attitudes toward the United States : changing dynamics | Steinberg, David I | M.E. Sharpe |
271 | Laser Weapons in Space | Payne Keith B. | Routledge |
272 | Law, Force and Diplomacy at Sea | Booth, Ken | Taylor & Francis |
273 | Layout Now | Sendpoints | Sendpoints |
274 | Leadership and Military Training | Andrews, Lincoln C | The Classics Us |
275 | Learning ELK Stack | Saurabh Chhaged | Packt Publishing |
276 | Learning the Lessons of Modern War | Thomas G. Mahnken | standford university press |
277 | Leftism Reinvented | Mudge | Harvard University Press |
278 | Legal Resolution of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Disputes | Fry, James D | Cambridge University |
279 | Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U.S. Intervention | Phillips, David L | MIT Press |
280 | Libya, the Responsibility to Protect and the Future of Humanitarian Intervention | Hehir, Aidan; Murray Robert | Palgrave Macmillan |
281 | Living Dangerously in Korea: The Western Experience, 1900-1950 | Donald N. Clark | Eastbridge Book |
282 | Logic of American Nuclear Strategy: Why Strategic Superiority Matters | Kroenig | Oxford |
283 | Logistics And Supply Chain Management A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition | Blokdyk, Gerardus | 5STARCooks |
284 | Logo Decode | Sandu | Sandu Publishing |
285 | Longitudinal data analysis of the Behavioral Sciences Using R | Long, Jeffrey D | SAGE Publication |
286 | Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling | Little, Todd D | Guilford Publications |
287 | Longtudinal Categorical data analysis | Sutradhar, Brajen | Springer |
288 | Machine Learning in Complex Networks | Thiago Christiano Silva | Springer |
289 | Macroeconomics 4th Edition | Paul & Wells, Robin Krugman | Worth Publishers |
290 | Makers of Modern Asia | Guha | Belknap Press |
291 | Managing Defence in a Democracy | Cleary, Laura R.; McConville, Teri | Routledge |
292 | Mao's China and the Sino-Soviet Split: Ideological Dilemma | Li, Mingjiang | Taylor & Francis |
293 | Markets, Morals, Politics: Jealousy of Trade and the History of Political Thought | Kapossy | Harvard University Press |
294 | Mastering the DSM-5: Implementing New Measures and Assessments in Your Clinical Practice | Flett, Mary L | Pesi Publishing & Media |
295 | Mayday: The Decline of American Naval Supremacy | Cropsey, Seth | Overlook TP |
296 | Measurement and Probability: A Probabilistic Theory of Measurement with Applications | Rossi, Giovanni Battista | Springer |
297 | Measuring Space Power | Aliberti; Marco; Capplla; matteo; Hrozensky; Tomas | Springer |
298 | Mercenaries: A Guide to Private Armies and Private Military Companies | Axelrod, Alan | Sage |
299 | Methods in Behavioral Research, 12th Edition | Cozby, Paul C | McGraw-Hill |
300 | Methods of meta-analysis : correcting error and bias in research findings | Hunter, John E | SAGE |
301 | Military Cost-Benefit Analysis : Theory and Practice | Melese,Francois | Routledge |
302 | MIlitary Cost-Benefit Analysis : Theory and Pratice | Francois Melese, Anke Richter, Binyam Solomon | Routledge |
303 | Military Culture: a Paradigm Shift | Dunivin, Karen A | Biblioscholar |
304 | Military Ehtics and Emerging Technologies | Demy, Timothy J.; Lucas, George R. Jr.; Strawser, Bradley J | Routledge |
305 | Military Force and Elite Power in the Formation of Modern China | McCord, Edward A | Taylor & Francis |
306 | Military Innovation in Small States: Creating a Reverse Asymmetry | Michale Raska | Taylor & Francis |
307 | Military Logistics | Zeimpekis, Vasileios, et al. | Springer Verlag |
308 | Military Psychologists' Desk Reference | Moore, Bret A | Oxford University Press |
309 | Military Psychology:Clinical and Operational Applications, 2nd Edition : Clinical and Operational Applications | Kennedy, Carrie H | Guilford pubn |
310 | Military Strategy : A Global History | Jeremy Black | Yale University Press |
311 | Military Transformed?: Adaption and Innovation in the British Military, 1792-1945 | LoCicero, Michael | Helion & Company |
312 | Military Workfare: The Soldier and Social Citizenship in Canada | Cowen, Deborah | Univ of Toronto Press |
313 | Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder | Deckersbach, Thilo | Guilford Press |
314 | Missile Defense in the Middle East | Braganca | VDM Verlag |
315 | Missile Defense Review 2019 | United States Department of Defense | United States Department of Defense |
316 | Mission Failure: America and the World in the Post-Cold War Era | Mandelbaum | Oxford |
317 | Modeling and simulation : the computer science of illusion | Raczynski, Stanislaw | Wiley |
318 | Modeling and simulation of discrete-event systems | Choi, Byoung Kyu | John Wiley & Sons Inc |
319 | Modeling, Evaluating, and Predicting in Human Resources Performance | Richter, Konstantina | Apple Academic Press |
320 | Mongolia's foreign policy : navigating a changing world | Campi, Alicia J | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
321 | Multi-Level Electoral Politics | Golder | Oxford |
322 | Multimethod Clinical Assessment | Hopwood, Christopher J | Guilford Publications |
323 | Mutuality, Recognition, and the Self: Psychoanalytic Reflections | Kieffer, Christine C | Karnac Books |
324 | Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper: Civil-Military Relations and the United Nations | Sotomayor, Arturo C | John Hopkins University |
325 | National and European Foreign Policies: Towards Europeanization | Wong | Routledge |
326 | National defense, security, and strategy | Geise, Norman P | Nova Science Publishers |
327 | National Identities and Bilateral Relations : Widening gaps in east asia andn chinese demonization of the united states | Rozman,Gilbert | Stanford University Press |
328 | National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions: A Comparative Study | Vera Gowlland-Debbas | Brill Academic Pub |
329 | National Insecurity: American Leadership in an Age of Fear | Rothkopf, David. J | Public Affairs |
330 | National Security and Double Government | Glennon | Oxford |
331 | National security law & policy | Moore, John Norton | Carolina Academic Press |
332 | National security law documents | Moore, John Norton | Carolina Academic Press |
333 | National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, 2012: goals, objectives, resources | Benjamin, Reginal | US HHS |
334 | NATO in Afghanistan : Fighting Together, Fighting Alone | Auerswald, David P.; Saideman, Stephen M | Princeton University Press |
335 | Natural language processing in action : Understanding, analyzing, and generating text with Python | Lane, Hobson | Manning Publications Co |
336 | Neoclassical Realism and Defence Reform in Post-Cold War Europe | Dyson | Palgrave Macmillan |
337 | New Dynamics in US-China Relations: Contending for the Asia Pacific | Li, Mingjiang | Taylor & Francis |
338 | New Nuclear Disorder | Cimbala | Ashgate |
339 | New Retro : Graphic Logo With Reto Designs | Victionary | Victionary |
340 | New Threats and Countermeasures in Digital Crime and Cyber Terrorism | Dawson, Maurice | Information Science Reference |
341 | No Use: Nuclear Weapons and U.S. National Security | Nichols | Univ of Pennsylvania Press |
342 | Non-Linear Science and Warfare: Chaos, Complexity and the US Military in the Information Age | Sean T. Lawson | Taylor & Francis |
343 | Non-Traditional Security in East Asia : A Regime Approach | Pacheco Pardo, Ramon | Imperial College Press |
344 | Normalizing Japan: Politics, Identity, and the Evolution of Security Practice (Studies in Asian Security) | Andrew L.Oros | Stanford Univ |
345 | North Korea - US Relations Under Kim Jong Il : The Quest for Normalization? | Pardo, Ramon Pacheco | Routledge |
346 | North Korea A Country Study a country study | Worden, Robert L.;Library Of Congress;Federal Research Division | Createspace Independent Publishing Platform |
347 | North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa enabling violence and instability | Bechtol, Bruce E. Jr | University Press of Kentucky |
348 | North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa: Enabling Violence and Instability | Bruce E. Bechtol Jr. | University Press of Kentucky |
349 | North Korean Nuclear Operationality : Regional Security and Nonproliferation | Moore, regory J | John Hopkins Univ. Press |
350 | Nuclear Dawn: F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War II | McRae, Kenneth D | Oxford |
351 | Nuclear Politics Vol. 1 : The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime | Rublee, Maria Rost; Thakur, Ramesh | SAGE |
352 | Nuclear Scholars Initiative: A Collection of Papers from the 2013 Nuclear Scholars Initiative | Weiner, Sarah | CSIS |
353 | Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era: Regional Powers and International Conflict | Narang, Vipin | Princeton Univ. Press |
354 | Nuclear tactics, weapons, and firepower in the pentomic division, battle group, and company | Mataxis, Theodore C | Military Service Pub. Co |
355 | Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy | Francis J. Gavin | Brookings Institution |
356 | Odd man out : Truman, Stalin, Mao, and the origin of the Korean War | Thornton, Richard C | Brassey's |
357 | On Cyberwarfare | Claunch, Christopher | Lulu.com |
358 | On Limited Nuclear War in the 21st Century | Larsen, Jeffrey A | Stanford Univ. Press |
359 | One Korea : Visions of Korean Unification | Tae-Hwan Kwak; Seung-Ho Joo | Routledge |
360 | Operataional Logistics - The art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations (2nd) | Moshe Kress | Springer Verlag |
361 | Opposing Perspectives on the Drone Debate | Strawser, Bradley Jay | Palgrave Macmillan |
362 | Opting Out of War: Strategies to Prevent Violent Conflict | Anderson, Mary B.; Wallace, Marshall | Lynne Reinner Publishers Inc |
363 | Order of Battle: Allied Ground Forces of Operation Desert Storm | Thomas D.Dinackus | Hellgate |
364 | organizational behavior | Neck, Houghton, Murray | SAGE |
365 | Organizing Rebellion | Rodenhauser | Oxford |
366 | Origins of American Strategic Bombing Theory | Morris | Naval Institute Press |
367 | Out of Order: Young Adult Manual of Mental Illness & Recovery | Carlson, Dale | Bick Publishing House,U.S |
368 | Over the Horizon : Time, Uncertainty, and the Rise of Great Powers | David M. Edelstein | Cornell Univ Pr |
369 | Oxford Handbook of Populism | Rovira Kaltwasser | Oxford |
370 | Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law | Weller, Marc | Oxford |
371 | Party Politics in Japan | Hans H Baerwald | Routledge |
372 | Paths of Innovation in Warfare: From the Twelfth Century to the Present | Sambaluk | Lexington |
373 | Patterns of Japanese Policymaking: Experience from Higher Education | T.J Pempel | ROUTLEDGE |
374 | Peace and Conflict Studies : A READER | Webel, Charles P.; Johansen Joegen | Taylor and Francis |
375 | Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency | Stahn | Cambridge |
376 | Peace, war, and liberty : understanding U.S. foreign policy | Preble, Christopher A | Cato Institute |
377 | Peaceful and Non-Peaceful Uses of Space: Problems of Definition for the Prevention of an Arms Race | Unidir United Nations Institute For Disarmament Re | Routledge |
378 | Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Security Architecture | Tardy, Thierry; Wyss, Marco | Roputledge |
379 | People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It | Mounk | Harvard University Press |
380 | Perceptions of the European Union's identity in international relations | Skolimowska, Anna | Routledge |
381 | Perfectionism: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals | Brustein, Michael | Springer |
382 | Perspectives on Defense Systems Analysis | Delaney | MIT Press |
383 | Plato as Critical Theorist | Thakkar | Harvard University Press |
384 | Policing Wars: On Military Intervention in the Twenty-First Century | Holmqvist, Caroline | Palgrave Macmillan |
385 | Political Handbook of the World 2014 | Landsford, Tom | CG Press |
386 | Politics of Candu Exports | Duane Bratt | Univ. of Toronto Press |
387 | Politics of Nuclear Weapons | Futter | SAGE |
388 | Politics of the Presidency | Pika | CQ Press |
389 | Populism and liberal democracy : a comparative and theoretical analysis | Pappas, Takis Spyros | Oxford Universtiy Press |
390 | Post-2015 UN Development: Making Change Happen? | Browne, Stephen | Taylor & Francis |
391 | Post-War Statebuilding and Constitutional Reform: Beyond Dayton in Bosnia | Sebastian-Aparicio | Palgrave Macmillan |
392 | Practical Guide to PTSD Treatment: Pharmacological and Psychotherapeutic Approaches | Friedman | Am. Psychological Asson. |
393 | Precision Strike Warfare and International Intervention: Strategic, Ethico-Legal and Decisional Implications | Aaronson, Mike | Taylor & Francis |
394 | Principles of Human Resource Management, 16th edition | Bohlander, George W | Thomson South-Western |
395 | Principles of international criminal law | Werle, Gerhard | Oxford University Press |
396 | principles of microeconomics | Karl E. Case;Ray C. Fair;Sharon.E.Oster | Pearson |
397 | Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons: Multilateral Regimes and Their Evolution | Kelle, Alexander | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
398 | Psychodynamic Psychotherapy : A Clinical Manual | Cabaniss, Deborah L | John Wiley & Sons Inc |
399 | psychometrics: an introduction | Furr, R.M. | sage publications |
400 | Public international law in a nutshell | Buergenthal, Thomas | West Academic Publishing |
401 | Public Policy: The Essential Readings | Theodoulo & Cahn | PEARSON |
402 | Public-Private Partnerships and the Law : Regulation, Institutions and Community | Marique, Yseult | Edward Elgar |
403 | Qualitative Methodology: A Practical Guide | Jane Mills, Melanie Brirks | Sage Pubns Ltd |
404 | Rage | Bob Woodward | Simon&Schuster |
405 | Reagan Faces Korea : alliance politics and quiedt diplomacy | Lee, Chae-Jin | Palgrave Macmillan |
406 | Rebalancing U.S. Forces: Basing and Forward Presence in the Asia-Pacific | Lord Carnes; Erickson Andrew S | U.S. Naval Institute |
407 | Reflexive Modernization : Politics, Tradition and aAesthetics in the Modern Social Order | Beck, Ulrich; Giddens, Anthony Giddens; Lash, Scott | Stanford Univ |
408 | Reform of FBI Intelligence Operations | Elliff | Princeton |
409 | Regime shift: comparative daynamics of the japanese political economy | T. J. Pempel | Cornell Univ. |
410 | Regional Missile Defense from a Global Perspective | Catherine MCardle Kelleher; Peter Drombroski | Standford University Press |
411 | Regional Security Dialogue in the Middle East: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities | Kane, Chen | Taylor & Francis |
412 | Regulating US Private Security Contractors | Jovana Jezdimirovic Ranito | Palgrace macmilan |
413 | Reimagining the National Security State : Liberalism on the Brink | Karen J. Greenberg | Cambridge Unicersity Press |
414 | Remaking Black Power: How Black Women Transformed an Era (Justice, Power, and Politics) | Farmer | University of North Carolina Press |
415 | Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems | Nancy J.cooke | Wiley |
419 | Research Methods for Business : A Skill-Building Approach a skill-building approach | Uma Sekaran; Roger Bougle | Wiley |
420 | Resilience: How to Cope When Everything around You Keeps Changing | Webb, Liggy | John Wiley & Sons |
421 | Responding to Conflict in Africa, 2nd ed.: The United Nations and Regional Organizations | Boulden, Jane | Palgrave Macmillan |
422 | Responding to Genocide: The Politics of International Action | Lupel, Adam; Verdeja, Ernesto | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
423 | Responsibility to Protect and Sovereignty | Sampford, Charles; Thakur, Ramesh | Ashgate Publishing |
424 | Responsibility to Protest: A Defense | Bellamy, Alex J | Oxford |
425 | Restraint : A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy | Posen, Barry R | Cornell Univ. Press |
426 | Risk Society : Towards a New Modernity | Beck, Ulrich | Sage Publications |
427 | Rivalry and reform : presidents, social movements, and the transformation of American politics | Milkis, Sidney M | The University of Chicago Press |
428 | Robots, Drones, UAVs and UGVs for Operation and Maintenance | Galar Diego; Kumar Uday; Seneviratne Dammika | Taylor & Francis Group |
429 | Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security | Dittmer, Lowell | Taylor & Francis |
430 | Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies | Isin, Engin F.; Nyers, Peter | Routledge |
431 | Routledge handbook of Korean politics and public administration | Moon, Chung-in | Routledge |
432 | Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy | Pilat, Joseph F | Taylor & Francis |
433 | Runway World : How Globalization is Reshaping our Lives | Giddens, Anthony | Routledge |
434 | Russia and East Asia : Informal and Gradual Integration | Akaha, Tsuneo | Taylor & Francis |
435 | Russia military power : building a military to support great power aspirations | United States.Defense Intelligence Agency | Defense Intelligence Agency |
436 | Russia vs. the EU: The Competition for Influence in Post-Soviet States The Competition for Influence in Post-Soviet States | Tolstrup, Jakob | FirstForum Press |
437 | Russian Energy Strategy in the European Union, the Former Soviet Union Region, and China | Sotiriou | Lexington Books |
438 | Russian Foreign Policy toward Missile Defense : Actors, Motivations, and Influence | Lilly, Bilyana | Lexington Books |
439 | Russian hybrid warfare : resurgence and politicisation | Fridman, Ofer | Oxford University Press |
440 | Russia's Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North | Laruelle, Marlene | M.E. Sharpe, Inc |
441 | Russia's Security Policy under Putin: A Critical Perspective | Snetkov, Aglaya | Routledge |
442 | Scales on War: The Future of America's Military at Risk | Scales | Naval Institute Press |
443 | Seapower States : Maritime Culture, Continental Empires and the Conflict That Made the Modern World | Andrew Lambert | Yale University Press |
444 | Securing Japan : Tokyo's grand strategy and the future of East Asia | Samuels, Richard J | Cornell University Press |
445 | Security : A New Framework for Analysis | Buzan, Barry; Wver, Ole; Wilde, Jaap de | Lynne Rienner |
446 | Security Council sanctions governance : the power and limits of rules | Dorfler, Thomas | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
447 | Security Engineering 2nd edition | Anderson, Ross J. | Wiley |
448 | Security in Cyberspace: Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals | Giacomello, Giampiero | Continuum |
449 | Security Sector Reform in Conflict-Affected Countries: The Evolution of a Model | Sedra | Taylor & Francis |
450 | Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia: From Policy to Practice | Heiduk | Palgrave Macmillan |
451 | Shaping South East Europe's Security Community for the Twenty-First Century: Trust, Partnership, Integration | Cross, Sharyl; Kentera Savo; Nation R. Craig; Vukadinovic | Palgrave Macmillan |
452 | Shield of Dreams: Missile Defense in U.S. and Russian Nuclear Strategy | Cimbala | Naval Institute Press |
453 | Shields of the Republic : The Triumph and Peril of America's Alliances | Mira Rapp-Hooper | Hardvard Univ |
454 | Shifting Priorities in Russia's Foreign and Security Policy | Kanet, Roger E | Ashgate |
455 | Shigemitsu and Togo and their time | Okazaki, Hisahiko | Japan Publication Industry Foundation for Culture |
456 | Simplicity : the Charm of Minimalism | Sandu Publishing | Sandu |
457 | Simulation : the practice of model development and use | Stewart Rovinson | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd |
458 | Simulation Modeling and Arena | Manuel D. Rossetti | Wiley |
459 | Simulation modeling and Arena | Rossetti, Manuel D | John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
460 | SIPRI Yearbook 2014 Armaments, Disarmament and International Security | SIPRI Editor | SIPRI PRESS |
461 | SIPRI Yearbook 2015 : Armaments, Disarmament and International Security | SIPRI | Oxford |
462 | SIPRI Yearbook 2018: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security | SIPRI | Oxford University Press |
463 | SIPRI Yearbook 2019 : Armaments, Disarmament and International Security | SIPRI | Oxford University Press |
464 | Situated Learning | Lave, J.,&Wenger, E. | London:Cambridge |
465 | Slices of Life: A Food Writer Cooks through Many a Conundrum | Eskin, Leah | Running Press |
466 | Small Navies : Strategy and Policy for Small Navies in War and Peace | Mulqueen, Michael | Ashgate |
467 | Small Wars, Big Data: The Information Revolution in Modern Conflict | Berman | Princeton |
468 | Social Resilience in the Neoliberal Era | Hall Peter A.(Editor) | Cambridge University Press |
469 | Social Systems Engineering: The Design of Complexity | Cesar Garcia-Diaz | Wiley |
470 | Soft Counterinsurgency : Human Terrain Teams and US Military Strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan | Joseph, Paul | Palgrave Macmillan |
471 | South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2015, 23rd Edition | Europe Publications | Taylor & Francis |
472 | South Korea at the Crossroads | Snyder | Columbia Univ. Press |
473 | Soviet Air Force Theory, 1918-1945 | Sterrett, James | Routledge |
474 | Space Power Interests | Hayes Peter | Routledge |
475 | Space Weapons and U. S. Strategy: Origins and Development | Stares Paul B. | Routledge |
476 | Spies : the U.S. and Russian espionage game from the Cold War to the 21st century | Kalic, Sean N | Praeger Security International |
477 | Standing Your Ground : Territorial Dispute and International Conflict | Paul K. Huth | UMPRE |
478 | Statistical computing with R | Rizzo, Maria L | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group |
479 | Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist: How to End the Drama and Get on with Life | Fjelstad, Margalis | Rowman & Littlefield |
480 | Strategic Asia 2014-2015: US Alliances and Partnerships at the Center of Global Power | Tellis, Ashley J | The National Bureau of Asian Research |
481 | Strategic Asia 2019: China's Expanding Strategic Ambitions | Ashley J. Tellis, Alison Szalwinski, Michael Wills | NBR |
482 | Strategic Culture and Weapons of Mass Desctruction : Culturally Based Insights into Comparative National Security Policymaking | Johanson, Jeannie L | Palgrave Macmillan |
483 | Strategic Culture, Securitisation and the Use of Force | Wilhelm Mirow | Taylor & Francis Ltd |
484 | Strategic Management | Charles.W.L.Hill 등 | Cengage |
485 | Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations : A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement | John M. Bryson | Jossey Bass |
486 | Strategic Reassurance and Resolve: U.S.- China Relations in the Twenty-First Century | Steinberg, James | Princeton Univ. Pr |
487 | Strategic Survey 2019 : The Annual Assessment of Geopolitics | IISS | iiss |
488 | Strategy and Defence Planning : Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty | Gray, Colin S | Oxford Univ. Press |
489 | Strategy and Nuclear Deterrence | Steven E. Miller | Princeton University Press |
490 | Strategy and structure:chapters in the history of the industrial enterprise | Alfred D.Chandler | Martino Fine Books |
491 | Strategy in the Missile Age | Brodie | Princeton |
492 | Strategy: A History | Freedman, Lawrence | Oxford |
493 | Structuring Politics : Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis | Steinmo, Sven | Cambridge University Press |
494 | Studyguide for Clinical Neuroscience: Psychopathology and the Brain, Textbook Outlines, 2nd edition | Lambert, Kelly G | Cram101 Textbook Reviews |
495 | Studyguide for Psychopathology: From Science to Clinical Practice by (Editor) | Castongguay, Louis G | Academic Internet Publishers |
496 | Subordinating intelligence : the DoD/CIA post-Cold War relationship | Oakley, David P | University Press of Kentucky |
497 | Suicide among the Armed Forces: Understanding the Cost of Service | Leenaars, Antoon A | Baywood Publishing |
498 | Suicide Warfare: Culture, the Military, and the Individual as a Weapon | Skaine, Rosemarie | Praeger Publishers Inc |
499 | Surge: My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War | Mansoor, Peter R | Yale University Press |
500 | Surrogate warfare : the transformation of war in the twenty-first century | Krieg, Andreas | Georgetown University Press |
501 | Sustainable Cities and Military Installations | Linkov, Igor | Kindle Edition |
502 | Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy | Suri | Oxford |
503 | Taiwan's Struggle: Voices of the Taiwanese | Lee, Shyu-Tu | Rowman & Littlefield |
504 | Tallin Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations | Schmitt, Michael N | Cambridge University Press |
505 | Tallinn manual 2.0 on the international law applicable to cyber operations | Schmitt, Michael N | Cambridge University Press |
506 | Targeting top terrorists : understanding leadership removal in counterterrorism strategy | Price, Bryan C | Columbia University Press |
507 | Teach Yourself Econometric Data Analysis with Eviews: Step by Step Guide from basic to Advance | Okoro, Chukwuemeka Tipton | Independently Pub |
508 | Temporal Horizons and Strategic Decisions in U.S.-China Relations: Between Instant and Infinite | Tauss | Lexington Books |
509 | Terrorism and Homeland Security, 8th ed | White, Jonathan Randall | Wadsworth |
510 | Text mining : a guidebook for the social sciences | Ignatow, Gabe | SAGE |
511 | the Abe administration and the Rise of the Prime Ministriel Executive | Aurelia Goerge Mulgna | Taylor & Francis |
512 | THE AIR ALMANAC, 2019 | The Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval Observatory | U.S. Naval Observatory, Department of the Navy |
513 | The American Warfare State : The Domestic Politics of Military Spending | Thrope, Rebecca U | Univ. of Chicago Press |
514 | THE ARMED CONFLICT SURVEY : The Worldwide Review of Political, Military and Humanitarian Trends in Current Conflicts | IISS | Routledge |
515 | The Armed Conflict Survey 2019 : The Worldwide Review of Political, Military and Humanitarian Trends in Current Conflicts | iiss | IISS |
516 | The Arsenal of Democracy: Aircraft Supply and the Anglo-American Alliance, 1938-1942 | Bailey, Gavin J | Edinburgh Univ. Press |
517 | The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2020 | Nautical Almanac office | Government Publishing Office |
518 | The Big Book of Simulation Modeling: Multimethod Modeling with Anylogic 6 | Borshchev, Andrei | Anyligc North America |
519 | The BRICS and the Future of Global Order | Stuenkel,Oliver | Lexington Books |
520 | The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century | Brad Roberts | Stanford University Press |
521 | The China Model : Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy | Bell, Daniel A | Princeton University Press |
522 | The Contest of the Century: The New Era of Competition with China-and How American Win | Dyer, Geoff | Alfred A. Knopf |
523 | The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism : Japan and the World Order | Yoichi Funabashi, G. John Ikenberry | Brookings |
524 | The Crisis with Russia | Burns, Nicholas | The Aspen Institute |
525 | The Dead Hand | David E. Hoffman | ANCHOR BOOKS |
526 | The Decision to Attack: Military and Intelligence Cyber Decision-Making | Brantly Aaron Franklin | Georgia Univ. Press |
527 | The Discourse Trap and the US Military: From the War on Terror to the Surge | Michaels, Jeffrey H | Palgrave Macmillan |
528 | The Dollar and National Security : The Monetary Component of Hard Power | Viotti, Paul R | Stanford Univ. Press |
529 | The emergence of EU defense research policy | Nikolaos Karampekios; Iraklis Oikonomou; Elias G. Carayannis | Springer Science+Business Media |
530 | The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries | Lawrence Rubin, Adam N. Stulberg | Georgetown University Press |
531 | The EU as a Global Security Actor : A Comprehensive Analysis Beyond CFSP and JHA | Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil | Palgrave Macmillan |
532 | The EU, the US and China - Towards a New International Order? | Men, Jing | Edward Elgar |
533 | The EU-China Relationship: European Perspectives - A Manual for Policy Makers | Kerry | ICP |
534 | The Everything Guide to Coping with Panic Disorder: Learn How to Take Control of Your Panic and Live a Healthier, Happier Life | Hatfield, Rudolph C | Adams Media Corporation |
535 | The Everything Guide to the Human Brain journey through the parts of the brain, discover how it works, and improve your brain's health | Hatfield, Rudolph C | Admas Media Corporation |
536 | The Evolution of International Security Studies | Buzan, Barry; Hansen, Lene | Cambridge Univ. Press |
537 | The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy: New, Updated and Completely Revised | Lawrence Freedman and Jeffrey Michaels | Palgrave Macmillan |
538 | The evolution of strategy : Thinking war from antiquity to the present | Heuser, Beatrice | Cambridge University Press |
539 | The Evolution of the US-Japan Alliance: The Eagle and the Chrysanthemum | Dian, Matteo | Chandos Publishing |
540 | The evolution of weapons and warfare(A Da Capo paperback) | Trevor N. Dupuy | Da Capo Press |
541 | The Experimental Study of Freudian Theories | Eysenck, Hans J | Taylor & Francis |
542 | The Future of East Asia | Hayes, Peter | Palgrace macmilan |
543 | The Good Society : the Humane Dimension | Galbraith, John Kenneth | Mariner Books |
544 | The Great American Gamble: Deterrence theory and practice from the cold war to… | Keith B. Payne | Naitonal Institute Press |
545 | The Hacker and the State : Cyber Attacks and the New Normal of Geopolitics | Ben Buchanan | Hardvard Univ |
546 | The Handbook of Global Security Policy | Kaldor, Mary; Rangelov Iavor | Wiley |
547 | The Handbook of Training Technologies: an Introductory Guide to Facilitating Learning with Technology--from Planning through Evaluation | Rothwell, William J | Pffeiffer&Company |
548 | The Humanitarian Crisis in Syira: Views from the Ground | Committee on Foreig Affaivs | U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE |
549 | The Influence of Professional Culture on American Military Innovation in Counterinsurgency | Schmidt, Matthew J | Proquest UMI Dissertation |
550 | The Integration of Information Operations into Army Operations during Periods of Unstable Peace and Insurgency | U.S. Army Command and General Staff College | Createspace |
551 | The International Political Sociology of Security : Rethinking Theory and Practice | Berling, Trine Villumsen | Routledge |
552 | The Japan Self-Defense Forces Law : Translation, History, and Analysis | Eldridge,Robert D | Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
553 | The Japan-South Korea Identity Clash : East Asian Security and the United States | Glossetman, Brad | Clolumbia Univ. Press |
554 | The korean armistice | Sydney D Bailey | Palgrave Macmillan |
555 | The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains Paperback | Caton Jeffrey L. | Department of the Army |
556 | The Lands in Between: Russia vs. the West and the New Politics of Hybrid War | Orenstein, Mitchell A | Oxford University Press, USA |
557 | The Logic of Japanese Politics | Gerald L. Curtis | Columbia University Press |
558 | The Measurement of Emotion | Smith, W. Whately | Taylor & Francis |
559 | The MIlitary Balance, 2020 | IISS | IISS |
560 | The Mindful and Effective Employee : an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training Manual for Improving Well-Being and Performance | Flaxman, Pauln | New Harbinger Pub |
561 | The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Social Anxiety and Shyness: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Free Yourself from Fear & Reclaim Your Life | Fleming, Jan | New Harbinger Publications |
562 | The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution: Power Politics in the Atomic Age | Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press | Cornell University Press |
563 | The Nautical Almanac for the year 2020 | Nautical Almanac office | Government Publishing Office |
564 | The Navy's first enlisted women : patriotic pioneers | Akers, Regina T | Naval History and Heritage Command, Department of the Navy |
565 | The North Korean Ballistic Missile Program, February 2008 - Scholar's Choice Edition | Pinkston, Daniel A | Scholar's Choice |
566 | The North Korean Nuclear Weapons Crisis : the nuclear taboo revisited? | Kim, Jina | Palgrave Macmillan |
567 | The Obama Administration's Nuclear Weapon Strategy: The Promises of Prague | Aiden Warren | Routledge |
568 | The Origins of Alliances | Walt, Stephen M | Cornell University Press |
569 | The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World(2nd edition) | Joel Krieger | Oxford University Press |
570 | The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government | David Coen | Oxford |
571 | The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration | Jeffrey J. Reuser; Sharon F. Matusik; Jessica Jone | Oxford |
572 | The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development | Arkebe Oqubay;Justin Yifu Lin | Oxford |
573 | The Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law | Shelton, Dinah | Oxford University Press |
574 | The Oxford Handbook of Leadership Global Assessment, Public Attitudes and Psychosocial Effects | Rumsey, Michael G | Oxford University Press |
575 | The Oxford Handbook of Pensions and Retirement Income | Clark, Gordon L | Oxford University Press |
576 | The Oxford handbook of political psychology | Huddy, Leonie | Oxford University Press |
577 | The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea | Rothwell, Donald R | Oxford University Press |
578 | The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade | Lisa L. Martin | Oxford |
579 | The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State | Castles, Francis G | Oxford University Press |
580 | The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations | Koops, Joachim A | Oxford University Press |
581 | The Oxford Handbook of War | Lindley-French, Julian; Boyer, Yves | Oxford University Press |
582 | The Pension Challenge : Risk Transfers and Retirement Income Security | Mitchell, Olivia S | Oxford University Press |
583 | The Pleasure Ground: Poems 1952-2012 | Murphy, Richard | Bloodaxe Books Ltd |
584 | The Politics of European Integration: Political Union or a House Divided? | Glencross, Andrew | Wiley |
585 | The politics of presidential term limits | Baturo, Alexander | Oxford University Press |
586 | The Politics of the First World War: A Course in Game Theory and International Security | Scott Wolford | Cambridge University Press |
587 | The Post-9/11 Gl Bill and Other Veterans Education Assistance Programs | Turner, Jacob L | Nova Science |
588 | The Power of Will in International Conflict : How to Think Critically in Complex Environments | Wayne Michael Hall|Foreword by Patrick M. Hughes | Praeger |
589 | The Psychology of Military Leadership | Pennington, Leon Alfred | Literary Licensing, LLC |
590 | The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation | Jacques E. C. Hymans | Cambridge University Press |
591 | The Puritan Culture of America's Military : US Army war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan | Lorenzo, Ronald | Ashgate Pub. Limited |
592 | The Question of Intervention: John Stuart Mill and the Responsibility to Protect | Michael W. Doyle | Yale University Press |
593 | The Report : Morocco 2014 | Oxford Business Group | Oxford Business Group |
594 | The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936~1939 | Alpert, Michael | Cambridge Univ. Press |
595 | The Revolution that Failed: Nuclear Competition, Arms Control, and the Cold War | Brendan Rittenhouse Green | Cambridge Unicersity Press |
596 | The Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations | Bruneau, Thomas C.; Matei, Florina Cristiana | Routledge |
597 | The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View | King, Laura A | McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |
598 | The Security of Sea Lanes of Communication in the Indian Ocean Region | Dennis Rumley, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Mat Taib Yasin | ROUTLEDGE Revivals |
599 | The Sociology of Military Science: Prospects for Postinstitutional Military Design | Paparone, Chris | Bloomsbury |
600 | The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia | Hayton, Bill | Yale University Press |
601 | The Soviet Union and Ballistic Missile Defense | Parrott Bruce; Sonnenfeldt Helmut | Routledge |
602 | The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: An Enduring Debate | Scott Douglas Sagan and Kenneth N. Waltz | W. W. Norton & Company |
603 | The Strategy Bridge: Theory for Practice | Gray, Colins S | Oxford Press |
604 | The Third World in Soviet Military Thought : Volume 88 | Katz, Mark N | Routledge |
605 | The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism | Esping-Andersen, Gosta | Princeton Univ. Press |
606 | The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, Updated Edition | Mearsheimer, John J | W.W. Norton & Company |
607 | The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces: From the Rhine to Afghanistan | King, Anthony | Cambridge |
608 | The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons : Legal Challenges for Military Doctrines and Deter | Jonathan L. Black-Branch | Cambridge Unicersity Press |
609 | The U.S. Army in the Iraq War | Rayburn, Joel | Strategic Studies Institute |
610 | The United Nations and Collective Security | Wilson, Gary | Taylor and Francis Ltd |
611 | The United States and biological warfare : Secrets from the early cold war and Korea | Endicott, Stephen Lyon | Indiana University Press |
612 | The United States and German in the era of the cold war, 1945~1968 : A Handbook Volume 1 | Junker,Detlef | Cambridge |
613 | The United States and German in the era of the cold war, 1968~1990 A Handbook Volume 2 | Detlef Junker | Cambridge |
614 | The US, the UN and the Korean War: Communism in the Far East and the American Struggle for Hegemony | Barns, Robert | I.B.Tauris |
615 | The Use of Force : Military Power and International Politics, 8th Edition | Art, Robert J | Rowman & Littlefield |
616 | The Welfare State in Capitalist Society | Mishra, Ramesh | Routledge |
617 | The Welfare State Reader, 3rd ed | Pierson, Christopher (Ed) | Policy Press |
618 | Theories of International Relations, Schieder and Spidler | Schieder, Siegfried | Routledge |
619 | Theory of International Politics | Waltz, Kenneth N | Waveland Pr Inc |
620 | Theory of Modeling and Simulation : Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems | Bernard P. Zeigler; Herbert Praehofer; Tag Gon Kim | ACADEMIC PRESS |
621 | Think tanks : The new policy advisors in Asia | McGann, James G | Brookings Institution Press |
622 | Think Tanks in America | Thomas Medvetz | Univ of Chicargo Press |
623 | Thor Ballistic Missile: The United States and the United Kingdom in Partnership | Boyes | Fonthill Media |
624 | Time Series Data Analysis Using Eviews | I. Gusti Ngurah Agung | John Wiley & Sons |
625 | To Shape a New World | Shelby | Belknap Press |
626 | Transformation of Russia's Armed Forces: Twenty Lost Years | McDermott, Roger N | Routledge |
627 | Transformative Relationships: The Control Mastery Theory of Psychotherapy | Silberschatz, George | Taylor & Francis |
628 | Trump vs. China : Facing America's Greatest Threat | Gingrich, Newt | Large Print |
629 | Twenty Years After Communism | Bernhard | Oxford |
630 | Twenty-First Century Seapower: Cooperation and Conflict at sea | Dutton,Peter; Ross, Robert S.; Tunsjo, Oystein | Taylor & Francis |
631 | TWICE the Citizen : A History of the United States Army Reserve 1908-1995 | Currie,James T;Crossland,Richard B | Office of the Chief, Army Reserve |
632 | U.S. Army Operations Field Manual | United States.Department of the Army | Rowman & Littlefield |
633 | U.S. Ballstic Missile Capabilities in Europe : Background and Implementation | Cipriani, Paulina | Nova Science |
634 | U.S. Government Information Operations and Strategic Communications : A Discredited Tool or User Failure? : Implications for Future Conflict | U.S. Army War College | Createspace |
635 | U.S. Nuclear Weapons Force: Reduction and Modernization | Bradfield, Leslie | Nova Science |
636 | UN Peace Operations and International Policing: Negotiating Complexity, Assessing Impact and Learning to Learn | Hunt, Charles T | Taylor & Francis |
637 | Understanding North Korea: Indigenous Perspectives | Han, Jong-Woo | Lexington Books |
638 | Understanding space strategy : the art of war in space | Klein, John J | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
639 | Understanding War: History and Theory of Combat | Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt | Paragon House |
640 | Unification White Paper,2019 | Ministry of Unification | Ministry of Unification |
641 | United States Military Abroad: Instances and Select Deployments | Ziegler, Vance; Ahlstedt Richard T | Nova Science |
642 | Uniting States: Voluntary Union in World Politics | Joseph M. Parent | Oxford University Press |
643 | Unity of Mission : Civilian-Military Teams in War and Peace | Gundersen, Jon | Air University Press, Air Force Research Institute |
644 | Unleashing the Second American Century: Four Forces for Economic Dominance | Kurtzman, joel | PublicAffairs |
645 | Unmaking the Bomb : A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation | Feiveson, Harold | MIT Press Ltd |
646 | Unmanned : Drone Warfare and Global Security | Rogers, Ann | Pluto Press |
647 | US AIR FORCE COST AND PLANNING FACTORS | Department of The Air Force | US Air Force |
648 | US Army Physician Assistant Handbook | U.S. Army Medical Department The Borden Institute | Department of Army |
649 | US Ballistic Missile Defense and Deterrence Postures | Nycz Grzegorz | Westphalia Press |
650 | US Defense Strategy from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom : Military innocation and the new American way of war, 1973-2003 | Robert R. Tomes | Routiedge |
651 | US Military Bases, Quasi-bases, and Domestic Politics in Latin America | Bitar | Palgrave Macmillan |
652 | US Missile Defense Strategy: Engaging the Debate | Mayer | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
653 | US National Security Reform: Reassessing the National Security Act of 1947 | Demarest | Taylor & Francis |
654 | US National Security, 5th ed. :Policymakers, Processes and Politics | Sarkesian, Sam C.; Williams John Allen; Cimbala, Stephen J | Lynne Rienner Publishers In;c |
655 | US Nuclear Weapons Policy After the Cold War | Nick Ritchie | Routledge |
656 | US Policy in Afghanistan and Iraq: Lessons and Legacies | Brown, Seyom; Scales Rober H | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
657 | US Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity | Chen, Dean P | FirsrForum Press |
658 | Vanguard of the Revolution | McAdams | Princeton Univ. Press |
659 | Vers legalite des territoires Dynamiques, mesures, politiques | Laurent Eloi | La documentation Francaise |
660 | Vietnam Order of Battle | Shelby L.Stanton | Kraus Reprint |
661 | Vital Statistics on American Politics 2015-2016 | Stanley | Sage |
662 | Waging Cyber War: Technical Challenges and Operational Constraints | Oakley, Jacob G | Apress |
663 | Waging Gendered Wars : U.S. Military Women in Afghanistan and Iraq | Eager, Paige Whaley | Ashgate Publishing Limited |
664 | Walkable City: How Downtown can save America, One Step at a Time | Speck, Jeff | North Point Press |
665 | War : The Rise of Cyber Warfare | Harris, Shane | Headline Publishing Group |
666 | War Aims and Strategic Policy in the Great War 1914-1918 | Hunt, Barry: Preston, Adrian | Taylor & Francis |
667 | War and Peace in Outer Space: Law, Policy, and Ethics | Cassandra Steer and Matthew Hersch | Oxford University Press |
668 | War and Welfare : Europe and the United States, 1945 to the Present | Klausen, Jytte | Palgrave Macmillan |
669 | War made new: Weapons, warriors, and the making of the modern world | Max Boot | Avery |
670 | War, Clausewitz and the Trinity | Waldman, Thomas | Ashgate Publishing |
671 | War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition | Sriram, Chandra Lekha; Martin-Ortega, Olga; Herman, Johanna | Taylor & Francis |
672 | War: Global Assessment, Public Attitudes and Psychosocial Effects | White, Nathan R | Nova Science |
673 | Warfighting | U.S Marine Corps | United States Marine Corps (USMC) |
674 | Watchdogs on the Hill: The Decline of Congressional Oversight of U.S. Foreign Relations | Fowler | Princeton University Press |
675 | Way out There in the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War | Fitz Gerald | Simon & Schuster |
676 | Ways of War : American Military History from the Colonial Era to the Twenty-First Century | Muehlbauer Matthew S.; Ulbrich, David J | Routledge |
677 | Weaponeering : Conventional Weapon System Effectiveness | Morris R. Driels | AIAA Education Series |
678 | Weapons of mass destruction : chemical, biological, and nuclear | Renders, Tamer | Nova Science Publishers, Inc |
679 | Weapons of mass destruction : the essential reference guide | Croddy, Eric | ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC |
680 | Weapons of Mass Destruction and US Foreign Policy: The Strategic Use of a Concept | Bentley, Michelle | Routledge |
681 | Welfare and the Welfare State: Present and Future | Greve Bent | Routledge |
682 | Welfare Theory : An Introduction to the Theoretical Debates in Social Policy | Fitzpatrick, Tony | Palgrave Macmillan |
683 | Western Europe 2015, 17th Edition : Europa Regional Surveys of the World | Europe Publications | Taylor & Francis |
684 | White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2019 | Sookyung Kim; Kyuchang Lee; Kyungok Do; Jeahwan Hong | Korea Institute for National Unification |
685 | Who's Who in International Affairs 2015 | Europa Publications | Taylor & Frnacis |
686 | Why Paramilitary Operations Fail | Krishnan,Armin | Palgrace macmilan |
687 | Why We Need a New Welfare State | Esping-Andersen Gosta | Oxford Univ. Press |
688 | Winning a Future War : War Gaming and Victory in the Pacific War | Friedman, Norman | Naval History and Heritage Command, Department of the Navy |
689 | With All Due Respect : Defending America with Grit and Grace defending America with grit and grace | Nikki Haley | St. Martin's Press |
690 | Women in Combat and the Armed Forces: Policies and Perceptions | Hunt, Redmond F.; Mills, Vaughn W | Nova Science |
691 | World Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems : 2020/2021 Market Profile & Forecast | TEAL GROUP CORPORATION | TEAL GROUP CORPORATION |
692 | World War II Almanac, 1931~1945 | Robert Goralski | BonanzaBooks |
693 | Yearbook of International Organizations 2018-2019, Volume 2 | Union of International Associations | Brill |
694 | Yearbook of International Organizations 2018-2019, Volume 3 | Union of International Associations | Brill |
695 | Yearbook of International Organizations 2018-2019, Volume 4 | Union of International Associations | Brill |
696 | Yearbook of International Organizations 2018-2019, Volumes 1A | Union of International Associations | Brill |
697 | Yearbook of International Organizations 2018-2019, Volumes 1B | Union of International Associations | Brill |
698 | Your Brother in Arms | Plumb, Robert C | University of Missouri Press |
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