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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28001-28100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28001-28100

번호                  용어                  해설

28001             solution pressure                     a measure of the tendency for atoms or molecules to cross a phase boundary and enter a solution.a measure of the tendency for atoms or molecules to cross a phase boundary and enter a solution. a measure of the tendency of hydrogen, metals, and certain nonmetals to enter a solution as ions.a measure of the tendency of hydrogen, metals, and certain nonmetals to enter a solution as ions.

28002             solution process          a petroleum refinery process that involves the washing of gasoline with caustic solution to remove mercaptans.

28003             solution-gas drive                    a primary method of oil recovery in which the reservoir gas originally dissolved in the oil is expanded, thereby displacing the oil and forcing it into the wellbores. Also, DISSOLVED-GAS DRIVE, GAS DEPLETION DRIVE, INTERNAL GAS DRIVE.

28004             solution-gas reservoir               an oil reservoir whose production is driven principally by the expansion of the natural gas dissolved in the oil; the original pressure of such a reservoir is equal to or greater than the bubble-point pressure of the gas-oil mixture.

28005             solutizer-air regenerative process              a petroleum-refinery sweetening process that dissolves mercaptans from light distillates by dissolving them with a solubility promoter, such as isobutyric acid, along with caustic soda, then regenerates the solution with blowing air.

28006             solutizer-tannin process            an early form of the solutizer-air regenerative process that regenerates the solution by a tannin-catalyzed oxidation.

28007             solutrope                    a partially miscible mixture of three components, of which two are liquid phases; one component is distributed in one or both of the liquid phases, depending upon its concentration.

28008             solvate            the compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute.

28009             solvation                     the binding to an ion or polar molecule of one or more molecules of solvent.

28010             solvent           the continuous phase of a solution, in which the solute is dissolved; water is the most common liquid solvent; others include alchol, acetone, and ether.

28011             solvent deasphalting                a petroleum-refinery process that uses a solvent to remove asphalt by dissolving the oil in the solvent so that the asphalt settles out by gravity. Also, solvent deresining.

28012             solvent dewaxing                     the use of a solvent to dissolve waxes from an oil solution, in which the wax solution is chilled and removed by filtration.

28013             SOLVENT EXTRACTION             용매추출; 유기화합물 분석방법

28014             Solvent extraction of oils, fats, and greases                     기름, 지방, 그리스 등의 용매추출법; 슬러지 개량법으로 실험실이나 파일럿규모로 실행되고 있는 방법

28015             SOLVENT PROPERTIES               오염의 희석, 용매희석

28016             solvent recovery          the reclamation of an extraction solvent from a stream, usually by distillation.

28017             SOLVENT SEPARATION              용매분리

28018             solvent-refined             describing a product that has been purified by the use of chemical solvents.

28019             solvolysis                    a chemical reaction in which a solute and a solvent combine to form a new compound or compounds; involves decomposition of the solvent.

28020             solvus            the points on a phase diagram that indicate the temperature at which a given solid will freeze or melt.

28021             sonar             specifically, a system that uses transmitted acoustic signals and echo returns, as well as acoustic signals originating from other sources, for navigating and determining position and bearing. (An acronym for sound navigation and ranging.)

28022             sonar array                 a configuration of sonar transducers or sonar projectors.

28023             sonar beacon              an independent sound-transmitting device, used for underwater homing, tracking, or navigation.

28024             sonar boomer transducer          a part of a sonar system used for locating oil under the ocean floor, consisting of an underwater transducer that transmits low-frequency sound (comparable to a sonic boom) into the ocean bottom and receives the echo returns of these transmissions.

28025             sonar capsule              a sonar enclosure on a naval vessel, housing a transducer element or array of elements, often physically separated from the main hull structure in order to minimize pickup of the ship's noise.

28026             sonar receiver              a device used to receive and display sound signals from an underwater source. Also, sonar detector.

28027             sonar resolver             a resolver used in conjunction with echo-ranging and depth-determining sonar in order to determine the horizontal range of a sonar target, as required for depth-bombing.

28028             sonar self-noise           any undesired sonar signals that are generated by the sonar receiving equipment itself.

28029             sonar transducer          a hydrophone or projector used underwater to convert acoustic energy into electromagnetic energy, or electromagnetic energy into acoustic energy.

28030             sonar transmission                   the emission of underwater sound produced by an active sonar system.

28031             sonar transmitter          a device that generates and transmits electrical signals to a sonar transducer or sonar projector, which in turn generates intelligence-carrying sound waves of the same frequency in water.

28032             sone              a unit of loudness defined as the loudness of a 1000-Hz tone at a 40-decibel sound pressure level as heard by both ears, in which the number of sones doubles with every 10-decibel increase above 40 decibels and halves with every 10-decibel decrease below 40 decibels.

28033             sonic              of or relating to a speed equal to that of sound.

28034             sonic boom                 a noise heard on the ground as a loud boom, resulting from strong pressure waves that are created by high-speed aircraft in supersonic flight.

28035             sonic drilling               a process of cutting materials with an abrasive slurry that is driven by a reciprocating tool vibrating at sonic frequency.

28036             sonic nucleation          the use of sonic energy to cause coagulation of submicrometer droplets.

28037             sonic pump                 a lifting pump used to extract crude from shallow wells by means of surface-generated harmonic vibrations, which cause several hundred strokes per minute, each of which moves the fluid a fraction of an inch.

28038             sonic radiation            waves that are created by acoustic energy, described by the equation c = , where c is the speed of sound in a medium,  is the wavelength of the sound, and  is the frequency of the sound.

28039             sonic sifter                  a high-speed device that separates particles by size using vibrating motion at sonic frequencies.

28040             sonics            the technology of sound processing and analysis, including all noncommunicative processes.

28041             Sonnenschein's reagent            a solution of phosphomolybdic acid that is used to test for alkaloid sulfates; a yellow precipitate indicates a positive test.

28042             sonobuoy                   a buoy containing a hydrophone and radio transmitter, attached to a parachute and dropped into a body of water by an aircraft; it picks up underwater sounds, generally from submarines, and transmits them back to the aircraft. Also, RADIO SONOBUOY.

28043             sonocatalysis               the process of catalyzing a reaction by ultrasonic radiation.

28044             sonochemistry             chemistry in which reactions occur under ultrasound.

28045             SOOT             검댕; 불연성의 재나 불완전연소에 인한 생기는 무정형의 미소 분말 물질

28046             Soot               Carbon dust formed by incomplete combustion.

28047             sorb               to undergo a process of sorption.

28048             sorbide           a collective term for dianhydrosorbitols, having the general formula C6H8O2(OH)2 and derived from sorbitals.

28049             Sorensen acid indicator            a substance that indicates by its color the hydrogen-ion concentration of a solution.

28050             Sorensen titration                    the use of a Sorensen acid indicator in a titration.

28051             sorption          a general term for the various processes by which one substance binds to another, especially the processes of absorption (taking in the other substance completely) or adsorption (holding the other substance on the surface).

28052             Sorption          The action of soaking up or attracting substances; process used in many pollution control systems.

28053             SOS               silicon-on-sapphire.

28054             sosoloid          a type of solid in which there are dispersed particles from another solid.

28055             SOTDAT          Source Test Data

28056             SOTR              20℃ 에서 용존산소가 없는 상태에서 실험한 표준산소전달 속도

28057             sound attenuation                    the decrease of sound energy due to absorption, scattering, and spreading in a medium as the sound moves farther from its source; the intensity can be described by the equation I = I0e-r, where I0 represents the original sound intensity,  represents the attentuation coefficient of the medium, and r is the distance

28058             sound band pressure level                       the sound pressure level for the selected frequency band of a frequency analyzer.

28059             sound channel             a depth range in an ocean or other large body of water in which sound is trapped between two upper and lower boundaries of maximum sound velocity, with a depth of minimum sound velocity at the center of the channel so that sound refracts away from the boundaries toward the central axis.

28060             sound energy density               for an enclosed volume, a quantity expressed by the amount of sound energy within the volume divided by the volume.

28061             sound energy flux                    the average amount of sound energy transmitted in a specific direction perpendicularly across a unit area at the point considered.

28062             SOUND EXPOSURE LEVEL          소음폭로레벨 : 단발적으로 발생하는 소음에서 1회 발생한 것을 A 특성으로 가중시킨 에너지와 같은 에너지를 가진 계속시간 1초의 정상음 소음레벨 LAE

28063             SOUND FIELD              음장 : 음파가 존재하는 공간

28064             sound image               the amplitude pattern of acoustic energy around a sound source due its radiated sound.

28065             sound intensity            the loudness of a given sound, described as the rate of sound energy transmission in a specified direction at a given point, expressed by the equation dB = 2 log(I/I0), in which I0 represents the reference level expressed in phons.

28066             SOUND INTENSITY LEVEL          음의 세기레벨

28067             sound irradiator           a device that is designed to emit and focus sound into a point of high intensity at its focus.

28068             sound lag                   the difference in time between the emission and reception of a sound wave.

28069             SOUND LEVEL             소음레벨; 감청보상회로로 측정된 음압레벨로 소음계의 A, B,C등으로 측정한 값

28070             SOUND LEVEL METER               소음레벨계

28071             sound masking            a phenomenon in which one sound blocks out another sound, in which the sound that is heard is not necessarily the loudest, but the one that has the greatest psychological effect on the listener; particularly effective at masking when close in frequency to the original frequency.

28072             SOUND POWER LEVEL              음향 파워레벨

28073             SOUND POWER OF A SOURCE                 음향출력 : 단위시간에 음원에서 방사되는 음의 전에너지

28074             SOUND POWER SOURCE          소음원()

28075             SOUND PRESSURE                   음압; 음에너지에 의해 매질에는 미소한 압력변화가 생기며 이 압력변화 부분

28076             sound pressure level                the decibel measurement of sound force per unit area, equal to 20 times the logarithm (base ten) of a nonreference pressure divided by a reference pressure, as described by the equation dB = 20 log(P/P0).

28077             SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL DIFFERENCE                     음압레벨차 : 음원측의 지정점 음압레벨과 수음측의 지정점 음압레벨의 차

28078             SOUND RAY                음선 : 음파의 파면과 직교하는 선

28079             sound ray diagram                   a diagram of the predicted behavior of various sound wavefronts over a given region, based on measurements of temperatures or velocities over this region.

28080             SOUND SOURCE          음원 : 음을 발생시키는 것

28081             sound spectrum           the specific frequency coverage of a frequency analyzer and similar frequency-dependent sound-measurement equipment.the specific frequency coverage of a frequency analyzer and similar frequency-dependent sound-measurement equipment. generally, a broad theoretical range, such as the human audible spectrum of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.generally, a broad theoretical range, such as the human audible spectrum of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

28082             SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS                음향투과등급, STC

28083             sound transmission coefficient                  the ratio of incident sound energy to that of transmission in the event that a sound wave strikes a boundary of different material; the coefficient is dependent upon the material and the angle of incidence.

28084             SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS                  음향 투과 손실 : 차음구조에 있어서 입사파와 투과파의 음압레벨차

28085             SOUND VELOCITY                    음속

28086             sound volume velocity              the flow rate of a substance resulting from the passage of sound waves through the medium.

28087             SOUND WAVE             음파; 공기 등의 매질을 전파하는 소밀파

28088             SOUNDING CURVE                  상태곡선  대기의 실제 온도분포를 나타내는 곡선

28089             sounding velocity                     the velocity of sound in water, used to compute water depth when taking a sounding; for most electronic fathometers, it is calibrated at approximately 4800 feet per second.

28090             SOUNDRAY                 음선; 음의 진행방향을 나타내는 선

28091             sour               a substance containing large amounts of sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide or mercaptans; used to neutralize alkalinity or decompose residual bleach in laundry and in textile operations.

28092             sour corrosion             corrosion in gas or oil wells in which there is an iron-sulfide corrosion product and foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide is detected in the recovered fluid.

28093             sour dirt                     earth containing sulfate or smelling of sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide; usually indicates oil in the region. Also, COPPER DIRT.

28094             SOUR, =Specific oxygen uptake rate                     비산소 섭취율 : 미생물에 의아여 섭취도나 산소의 양을 나타내는 OUR MLVSS농도를 함께 사용하여 처리장 운전에 유용하게 이용됨

28095             source            a circuit or device that transmits signal power or electric energy to a transducer or load circuit.a circuit or device that transmits signal power or electric energy to a transducer or load circuit. in a field effect transistor, the terminal that receives the flow of charge carriers.in a field effect transistor, the terminal that receives the flow of charge carriers.

28096             Source Area                The location of liquid hydrocarbons or the zone of highest soil or groundwater concentrations, or both, of the chemical of concern.

28097             Source Characterization Measurements                     Measurements made to estimate the rate of release of pollutants into the environment from a source such as an incinerator, landfill, etc.

28098             SOURCE CONTROL                  발생원 통제 : 폐기물의 발생원 감량을 위한 수단

28099             source field                 the sound field radiated by a source; if the flow outward is Se-it, the pressure radiated by the source can be described by the following equation: p(r) = (ikc/4r)Seik(r-ct), where k = /c,  = the radian frequency,  = the density of the medium, c = the sound velocity in the medium, and r = the distance from the source to the field point.

28100             source level                 the sound pressure level, measured in decibels, of a detected target for a passive sonar system in the following equation: DT = SL - TL + DI, with DT representing the detection threshold, TL representing one-way transmission loss, and DI representing the directivity index of the sonar system; for an active sonar system, the source level is expressed in the equation SL - 2TL + TS - RL + AG = DT, with 2TL representing the two-way transmission loss, RL representing the reverberation loss, and AG representing the array gain.

