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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27901-28000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27901-28000

번호                  용어                  해설

27901             soil compactor            a tractor having a heavy roller in place of front wheels; used to compact soil for road construction and the like.

27902             Soil Conditioner           An organic material like humus or compost that helps soil absorb water, build a bacterial community, and take up mineral nutrients.

27903             Soil Erodibility             An indicator of a soil's susceptibility to raindrop impact, runoff, and other erosive processes.

27904             SOIL FILER                  토양탈취법()

27905             SOIL FLUSHING           토양세척

27906             Soil Gas          Gaseous elements and compounds in the small spaces between particles of the earth and soil. Such gases can be moved or driven out under pressure.

27907             SOIL HUMUS               부식토

27908             SOIL MATRIX               토양매트릭스

27909             Soil Moisture               The water contained in the pore space of the unsaturated zone.

27910             soil physics                 the study of the character and chemical composition of the earth's soil.

27911             SOIL PROFILE              토양 단면

27912             SOIL QUALITY              토양질; 토양의 물리적 화학적 특성을 나타내는 특징

27913             Soil Sterilant                A chemical that temporarily or permanently prevents the growth of all plants and animals,

27914             SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION                        토양증기추출법, SVE

27915             SOIL WASHING            토양세척법; 중금속이나 유기물을 적정한 세척제를 이용 씻어내어 제거하는 오염토양 복원기술

27916             Soil-based or land-treatment systems                     토양을 이용한 공법 또는 토지처리공법; 폐수의 자연적처리법

27917             Soild Wastes               Non-liquid, non-soluble materuals ranging from municipal garbage to indiustrial wastes that contain complex and sometimes hazardous substances. Soild wastes also include sewage sludge ,agriculural refuse, demolition wastes, and mining resides. Technically , solide waste also refers to liquids and gases in containers.

27918             SOILVENT                   Soil Venting Model

27919             sol                 a liquid colloid or mixture in which solid particles, small enough to pass through filter membranes, are dispersed in a liquid phase.

27920             solar absorption index              the relation of the position of the sun at various latitudes to its absorption in the ionosphere.

27921             solar atmospheric tide              the regular expansion or contraction of the atmosphere due to the gravitational or thermal effects of the sun.

27922             solar battery                a battery that is composed of an array of solar cells.

27923             solar distillation           a distillation process that uses solar radiation to evaporate seawater in order to obtain salt. Also, SOLAR EVAPORATION.

27924             Solar Pond 발전          태양열을 농도가 매우 높은 소금못 등에 저장하여 염수층의 온도차를 이용하는 것으로 심층의 고온도 염수층에서 저비점 매체(프레온 등)를 증발시키고 발생된 증기로 터빈을 구동하고 표층의 저온염수층에서 응축 순환시키는 방법으로 발전하는 방식

27925             solar power                 태양 에너지()

27926             solar radiation             복사 : 태양열 복사

27927             solar sensor                a diode that transmits a signal to a spacecraft when it senses the sun.

27928             solar still                    a still used to produce drinking water from salty or brackish sources, using the sun's radiation to evaporate the water and leaving the salt behind.

27929             Solar Town                  개별주택, 가로등 등 공공시설 조명을 태양광 전력으로 조달

27930             solar wind                   the movement of ionized particles, mostly helium and hydrogen, from the sun through the solar system with velocities of 300-1000 kilometers per second.

27931             solar-radiation observation                       the observation and evaluation of solar radiation received at a specified point.

27932             solar-terrestrial phenomena                      any of the various phenomena observable on earth that are caused by the influence of the sun, such as atmospheric tides or the aurora borealis.

27933             solation          the process by which a substance changes from a gel into a sol.

27934             Solder            Metallic compound used to seal joints between pipes. Until recently, most solder contained 50 percent lead. Use of solder containing more than 0.2 percent lead in pipes carrying drinking water is now prohibited.

27935             solder track                 a conducting track on a printed circuit board.

27936             sole plate or soleplate              a flat piece of material that serves as a foundation for a machine.a flat piece of material that serves as a foundation for a machine. a flat, thin piece of material upon which a bearing may be attached and sometimes adjusted.a flat, thin piece of material upon which a bearing may be attached and sometimes adjusted.

27937             solenoid          a switch or other device that is activated by such a coil, as in an automobile starting system.

27938             solenoid brake             an electromechanical braking device in which the brake toggle is operated by the plunger of a solenoid.

27939             solenoid pump  ( 소레노이드펌프 )                     소레노이드(전자 코일 원통) ()중에 진동자를 설그 피스톤 운동에 의한 판의 개폐에 의해 송액하는 펌프.  구조상매우 소형으로(에서) 소용량의 펌프가 가능. MILLIQ- LABMILLIQ-Jr의 펌프가 그것이다

27940             solenoid valve             a valve actuated by the magnetic field produced in a solenoid to control the flow of gas or fluid in a pipe.

27941             Sole-Source Aquifer                 An aquifer that supplies 50-percent or more of the drinking water of an area.

27942             solfatara          a volcanic vent from which only gases are emitted. (Named for the volcano Solfatara, near Naples, Italy; from the Italian word for sulfur.)

27943             solfataric stage            the final stage of a volcanic eruption, during which only gases are emitted from the vent.

27944             solid and sewage wastes           고형 및 하수폐기물

27945             SOLID BALANCE          고형물 수지;

27946             SOLID BORNE SOUND              고체음 : 고체주에서 진도를 전반하여 고체를 진동시켜 공기주변으로 방사되는 음

27947             Solid bowl centrifuge               고체보올 탈수법; 슬러지 탈수방법

27948             solid coupling             a nonflexible connection between two shafts that forms a permanent joint designed to bear a full load of rotation or transmission.

27949             SOLID DEPOSITION                  고형물 퇴적

27950             solid injection system               a diesel-engine injection system in which a pump forces the fuel through a line and an atomizing nozzle into the combustion chamber.

27951             Solid loading rate                    고형물 부하율; 총 고형물량을 침전지의 단면적으로 나눈 값

27952             solid logic technology              a computer design technology that incorporates miniaturized modules, resulting in faster circuitry due to the reduced distances that electric current must travel.

27953             SOLID PHASE              고체상

27954             solid shafting              a solid bar that supports rollers or wheels.

27955             solid solution              a solid mixture of two components; if crystalline, the second molecule must replace the first in the crystal structure or else fit between the molecules.

27956             solid stage                  in the cooling of a magma, the stage during which the magma solidifies completely.

27957             solid substrate fermentation                     fermentation in which microorganisms are grown on solid material rather than in a liquid medium; growth can occur either on the surface of the substrate or in heaps of substrate, which are churned by hand.

27958             SOLID WASTE              고형 폐기물 : 보통 폐기물로 불려지며, 인간 및 동물의 활용에 의해 야기되는 것으로 대개 고체이며 소용이 없거나 원치 않아서 내버리는 물질

27959             Solid Waste Disposal                The final placement of refuse that is not salvaged or recycled.

27960             SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT                   폐기물처리법; 1965년에 제정된 미국 폐기물 관련법규

27961             SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT                  폐기물관리; 폐기물을 발생에서부터 수거, 운반, 재활용, 처리 및 처분까지의 모든 단계에서 공공의 건강, 경제, 공학, 자연보전및 심미적 측면과 더 나아가서 주민의 수렴에 기초하여 관리하는 것

27962             Solid Waste Management             Supervised handling of waste materials from their source through recovery processes to disposal.

27963             Solid Waste Reduction Claims                   고형폐기물감량주장

27964             SOLIDIFICATION           고형화; 오염물질을 고체물질한 고정화, 피막화시켜 오염물질의 이동을 차단하는 방법

27965             Solidification and Stabilization                  Removal of wastewater from a waste or changing it chemically to make it less permeable and susceptible to transport by water.

27966             solid-liquid equilibrium             the thermodynamic relationship between a solid and its melt when vapor pressure remains constant.the thermodynamic relationship between a solid and its melt when vapor pressure remains constant. the thermodynamic relationship between the concentration of a solid and a solvent, other than the melt of that solid. Also, LIQUID-SOLID EQUILIBRIUM.the thermodynamic relationship between the concentration of a solid and a solvent, other than the melt of that solid.

27967             solid-phase sequenter              a device used to determine the amino acid sequence in a protein; the sample is covalently attached to a solid-phase glass or styrene bead and packed in a micro-column prior to degradation.

27968             SOLIDS BALANCE                    고형물 수지

27969             SOLIDS CAPTURE EFFICIENCY                   고형물 회수율

27970             Solids deposition          고형물 퇴적;

27971             Solids retention time                고형물 체류시간; SRT,

27972             SOLID-SET SYSTEM                  고착법; 자동분무장치

27973             solid-state                   of or relating to a device, component, or system, such as a semiconductor, transistor, crystal diode, or ferrite core, that can control electric or magnetic phenomena through solids without heated filaments, moving parts, or vacuum gaps.

27974             solid-state circuit          a complete circuit made from a single block of semiconductor material.

27975             solid-state circuit breaker          a circuit breaker in which a solid-state device is used to determine when load terminal voltage goes beyond a safe value; such a device can trip an electromechanical circuit breaker that disconnects the load from the power line.

27976             solid-state component              a component whose operation is dependent on the control of electric or magnetic phenomena in solids, such as a transistor, crystal diode, or ferrite device.

27977             solid-state device                     a device whose operation is dependent on the movement of electrons within a solid piece of a semiconductor material, as distinguished from a vacuum or gas device.

27978             solid-state relay           a relay composed exclusively of solid-state semiconductor devices.

27979             solid-state switch                     a microwave switch whose switching element is composed of solid-state material.

27980             solid-state synthesis                 a commonly used method for the chemical synthesis of polypeptides or polynucleotides.

27981             solid-state thyratron                 a solid-state device that has the switching speed and power-handling abilities of a gaseous thyratron tube.

27982             solidus           the points on a phase diagram that indicate the temperature below which a given component will freeze while being cooled, or above which it will melt while being heated.

27983             solidus curve               the line on a phase diagram that represents the composition of a substance's liquid phase when it is in equilibrium with its solid phase.the line on a phase diagram that represents the composition of a substance's liquid phase when it is in equilibrium with its solid phase. a curve that shows the temperature at which a series of alloys are completely solid.a curve that shows the temperature at which a series of alloys are completely solid.

27984             SOLID-WASTE AND SEWAGE-RELATED ISSUES           고형폐기물 및 하수처리 관련사항

27985             solid-wastes and sewage-related issues                     고형폐기물 및 하수처리관련 사항

27986             soliquid          a liquid in which solid particles are dispersed.

27987             solubility                     the ability or tendency of one substance to dissolve into another at a given temperature and pressure; generally expressed in terms of the amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent to produce a saturated solution.

27988             Solubility                    The amount of mass of a compound that will dissolve in a unit volume of solution. Aqueous Solubility is the maximum concentration of a chemical that will dissolve in pure water at a reference temperature.

27989             solubility coefficient                 an expression of the quantity of solvent needed to dissolve a quantity of gas or solid at a given pressure and temperature.

27990             solubility curve            a line depicting the concentration of a substance in a saturated solution at a given temperature.

27991             solubility product                     the equilibrium constant for a solid in equilibrium with the concentration of its ions in a saturated solution. Also, solubility product constant.

27992             solubility test               any test for the ability of one substance to blend uniformly with another.any test for the ability of one substance to blend uniformly with another. a test for the degree of solubility of asphalts and other bituminous material in solvents.a test for the degree of solubility of asphalts and other bituminous material in solvents.

27993             SOLUBILLIZATION                    용해화, 가용성

27994             soluble           capable of being dissolved in a particular solvent; this quality is often dependent upon temperature.

27995             solute             a substance that is dissolved in a solvent; the part of a solution that is uniformly dispersed in another substance.

27996             solution          a mixture of two or more substances uniformly dispersed throughout a single phase, so that the mixture is homogeneous at the molecular or ionic level. The phases may be: a solid dissolved in a liquid, such as sodium chloride (salt) in water; a liquid dissolved in another liquid, such as water and alcohol; a gas dissolved in a liquid, such as carbon dioxide in water in carbonated beverages; a gas dissolved in another gas, such as nitrogen and oxygen in air; a gas dissolved in a solid, such as hydrogen in platinum; or a solid mixed with another solid, such as an alloy of carbon and iron.  Mathematics. any value of a variable (or variables) that makes an equation true. The set consisting of all solutions to a given equation is called the solution set. Also, ROOT.

27997             solution ceramic          a ceramic insulating coating that can be applied to wires at relatively low temperatures.

27998             SOLUTION FEED          습식주입, 용해주입

27999             solution gas                natural gas dissolved in crude oil as a result of reservoir pressures. Also, DISSOLVED GAS.

28000             solution porosity          a general term for porosity induced by solution action on a reservoir formation.

