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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27501-27600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27501-27600

번호                  용어                  해설

27501             shear surface              a surface along which relative displacement has taken place parallel to the surface. Also, SHEAR PLANE.

27502             SHEAR VELOCITY          전단속도

27503             shear-gravity wave                   a wave disturbance that forms at the interface between atmospheric layers of different densities, causing the wave to move at different velocities.

27504             shearing          the cutting or breaking up of materials by applying shear stress. Thus, shearing machine, shearing punch.

27505             shearing die                a die equipped with a punch so that the workpiece may be removed from the stock by shearing.

27506             sheath            a protective covering applied to a cable.  : in a waveguide, the external conducting surface of the wave- guide wall.  : the charge produced by the cluster of ions that appear near an electrode in a gas tube.

27507             SHEER SHREDDER                    전단기; 폐기물처리의 단위공정인 파쇄과정에 이용되는 장비

27508             sheet lightning            a common cloud or cloud-to-cloud discharge whose illumination has been obscured by the surrounding cloud, giving the discharge a solid, diffuse appearance. Also, LUMINOUS CLOUD.

27509             SHEET PILE                  강널말뚝, 시판

27510             sheet train                  the entire machine assembly used for forming plastic sheets.

27511             shell               the outer skin, casing, or external covering of any machine or device such as a boiler.

27512             shell model                 a model of an atom in which nucleons of a given type are postulated to reside in groups of roughly the same level of energy in a succession of orbits, or shells, around the nucleus.

27513             shell pump                 a simple sand or sludge pump, consisting of a hollow cylinder with a ball or clack valve at the bottom and used with a flush of water.

27514             shell still                     a large horizontal cylinder mounted over a furnace, used to distill crude oil in a petroleum refinery.

27515             shell structure             in the shell model, the configuration of the nucleus that places nucleons at roughly the same energy level in the same quantum state.

27516             shelly pahoehoe          a type of pahoehoe whose surface is characterized by open tubes and blisters.

27517             shield             a metallic enclosure that houses an electromagnetic device and prevents it from interacting electromagnetically with other devices.  Nucleonics. an absorbing material that surrounds a nuclear reactor to aid in reducing radiation leakage from the system.  Metallurgy.  any barrier that shields from radiant heat.any barrier that shields from radiant heat. in electroplating, a nonconductive material placed at selected locations to modify the distribution of the electric current.in electroplating, a nonconductive material placed at selected locations to modify the distribution of the electric current.  Ordnance. an armored plate mounted on a gun carriage to protect the gun and crew.  Mining Engineering. a steel cylinder, used in excavating a tunnel in soft material, with a diameter equal to that of the tunnel.  Zoology. a protective plate, scale, or other such structure on the body of an animal.  Geology.  a broad, stable area of the earth's crust consisting mostly of Precambrian rocks surrounded by sediment-covered platforms that have been generally unaffected by later orogenic episodes.a broad, stable area of the earth's crust consisting mostly of Precambrian rocks surrounded by sediment-covered platforms that have been generally unaffected by later orogenic episodes.

27518             shield grid                  a structure in a glass tube that protects the anode and cathode from heat generated by the control electrode.

27519             SHIELD SYSTEM           보호시스템

27520             shield-grid thyratron                a tube in which both the cathode and the shield grid emit electrons to trigger current flow.

27521             shielding factor           the ratio of the actual strength of a magnetic field to the recorded strength of the field on a directional compass after the materials of that compass have dissipated the strength of the field.

27522             shimmy          excessive vibrations in the front wheels of a motor vehicle, reinforced by resonance at critical speeds.

27523             shipping conventions               해운협약

27524             shiran             an instrument that measures the distance of radio signals with extreme accuracy.

27525             shock             any pulse or abrupt transient motion or sudden force that can initiate a mechanical response in a system

27526             shock absorber            a device, such as a spring or hydraulic damper, that is designed to absorb the energy associated with impact so as to reduce the amount of shock to the frame or support. Informally called shocks.

27527             shock excitation           the excitation generated by a pulse; used to begin oscillation in an oscillator's resonant circuit.

27528             shock isolation            the use of shock absorbers or other devices to relieve the shock to a specific element.

27529             Shock Load                 The arrival at a water treatment plant of raw water containing unusual amounts of algae, colloidal matter. color, suspended solids, turbidity, or other pollutants.

27530             shock loading              the process of exposing geological materials to artificially created shock waves generated by explosions, or the exposure of these materials to the impact of a meteorite.

27531             shock melting             the fusion of geological materials at high temperatures produced by high-energy shock waves.

27532             shock mount               a structure upon which a shock-absorbing device is mounted to prevent the transmission of shock motion to sensitive equipment.

27533             SHOCK WAVE              충격파 : 유체중의 초음파운동에 따라 일어나는 충격적인 파

27534             Shockley diode            a device that converts alternating current into direct current by employing the electrical properties of silicon; commonly used to trigger electrical circuits.

27535             shoe              a part of a brake that applies pressure to the drum rim. Also, BRAKE SHOE.a part of a brake that applies pressure to the drum rim. Also, BRAKE SHOE. a socket or cap that acts as a receptacle for beams and trusses to bear the thrust of the loads.a socket or cap that acts as a receptacle for beams and trusses to bear the thrust of the loads.

27536             shoe brake                  a brake that operates on friction between an element (shoe) and the surface of a rotating drum.

27537             shoot             the geologic exploration of an area by detonating high explosives that generate seismic waves, which are analyzed to determine the makeup of the materials through which they have passed.

27538             shore tank                  a shoreside tank in which liquid petroleum products released by tankers are stored.

27539             short residuum            a type of residual oil that cannot be volatized by vacuum distillation and is refined to make very viscous lubricants.

27540             short stop                   a substance added to terminate the reaction during a polymerization process.

27541             SHORT WAVE RADIATION          단파복사

27542             SHORT-CIRCUITING                  단로흐름

27543             Short-Circuiting           When some of the water in tanks or basins flows faster than the rest; may result in shorter contact, reaction, or settling times than calculated or presumed.

27544             short-gate gain            a short-range gate's video gain.

27545             short-tube vertical evaporator                   a process evaporator that consists of a vertical cylinder containing vertical tubes in horizontal tube sheets; used mainly to evaporate cane sugar juice. Also, CALANDRIC, ROBERTS, or STANDARD EVAPORATOR.

27546             shortwave converter                 a device that is connected between a radio's antenna and receiver, allowing the receiver to accept signals at a higher-than-normal frequency.

27547             SHORTZ          Short Term Terrian Model

27548             shot effect                  excess voltage generated in a tube by unstable electrons, producing popping sounds in a radio broadcast or snow in a television picture. Also, SCHOTTKY NOISE, SHOT NOISE.

27549             shot feed                    a mechanism for delivering chilled steel shot to the drill bit of a calyx drill (shot drill).

27550             shovel            a machine for excavation in which large amounts of earth are moved by scooping action.

27551             shovel loader              a machine capable of scooping loose material, elevating it, and ejecting it to the rear of the machine.

27552             SHREDDER                  분쇄기, 세단기

27553             SHREDDER OR CRUSHER          쓰레기 파쇄기

27554             SHREDDING                파쇄; 폐기물처리공정으로 grinding, milling 과 같은 의미로 쓰임

27555             shunt             a parallel connection.a parallel connection. to create a parallel connection.to create a parallel connection.  : a piece of iron in a magnetic circuit providing a parallel path for magnetic flux about an air gap.

27556             shunt peaking             a method of compensating for frequency loss by placing a coil between two circuits whose load capacities differ.

27557             shut-in well                 a well whose wellhead valves have been closed, ceasing production.

27558             shutoff head               the pressure developed in a system when the flow in a centrifugal or axial flow pump is terminated.

27559             shuttle            the back and forth motion of a machine that is facing in one direction.

27560             shuttle conveyor          a conveyor in a self-contained structure in which the motion is parallel to the flow of material along a defined path.

27561             SHWL             Seasonal High Water Level

27562             SI                  현장정밀조사; 사전평가의 다음단계로 불량매립지의 서열화를 위한 현장조사. Site Investigation

27563             SI                  International System of Units. Site Inspection. Surveillance Index. Spark Ignition

27564             Siacci method             an analytic method for calculating the trajectories of high-velocity missiles with low quadrant angles of departure, assuming that atmospheric density anywhere on the trajectories is constant, and that the angle of departure is less than about 20°.

27565             SIC                 표준산업분류법미국 ; 미국의 표준산업분류법으로 산업장에서 발생한 폐기물의 발생원과 형태를 분류하고 있다. Standard Industrial Classification

27566             SIC                 Standard Industrial Classification

27567             SICEA             Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act

27568             Sick Building Syndrome            Building whose occupants experience acute health and/or comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent therein, but where no specific illness or cause can be identified. Complaints may be localized in a particular room or zone, or may spread throughout the building. (See: building-related illness.)

27569             side direction              in stress analysis, a term for any direction that is normal to the plane of symmetry of an object.

27570             side lobe                    any of several minor beams formed around the main beam of passive sonar and steered to the sound source of interest.  : in an antenna, a direction other than the intended main direction in which there is appreciable radiation, though less than in the main direction.

27571             side milling                 the use of a side-milling cutter to mill a vertical surface over the edge of a workpiece or to cut grooves or slots.

27572             side rake                     an angle between a reference plane and the tool face of a single-point turning tool.

27573             side reaction               a reaction that takes place in addition to a primary chemical reaction, usually reducing the yield of the desired product.

27574             side slope                  in vehicle testing, a test course set up to determine factors such as the vehicle's lateral stability, steering, and carburation.

27575             side-lobe blanking                   a technique that contrasts the signal strength between a stationary antenna and one that rotates.

27576             siderophile element                  a term for iron or for an element having a chemical affinity for iron; the classification is based on the distribution of elements in meteorites.

27577             sidestream                  a liquid stream taken from a contacting tower at any intermediate point.Hydrology.

27578             sidestream stripper                  the process equipment used to further distill an intermediate stream from a contacting tower.

27579             sidetracking                the drilling of a second oil well to bypass an obstruction in an adjacent, nonproducing well.

27580             SIDEWATER DEPTH                   측벽수심

27581             SIDS (Screening Information Data Set: 대량생산화학물질위해성평가사업)              연간 1,000톤이상 생산·수입되는 화학물질(HPV)의 독성 및 노출자료 등을 토대로 기초적 위해성평가 정보를 검토하여 해당 화학물질의 유·위해성을 대하여 자료를 생산하는 OECD 화학물질분야 협력사업이다.          현재 5,253종의 HPV가 등록되어 있으며 우리나라도 462종의 화학물질이 HPV로 등록되어 있다.

27582             SIDS(Screening Information Data Set: 대량생산화학물질위해성평가사업)                 연간 1,000톤이상 생산·수입되는 화학물질(HPV)의 독성 및 노출자료 등을 토대로 기초적 위해성평가 정보를 검토하여 해당 화학물질의 유·위해성을 대하여 자료를 생산하는 OECD 화학물질분야 협력사업이다. 현재 5,253종의 HPV가 등록되어 있으며 우리나라도 462종의 화학물질이 HPV로 등록되어 있다.

27583             SIERRA CLUB               시에라 클럽 : 미국에서 금광개발로 인하여 서부의 삼림지대가 훼손되자 이를 지키기 위해 1892년 미국 국내조직으로 설립된 조직으로 1972년에 국제적 조직으로 발전되었고 워싱톤에 본부를 두고 있음

27584             sieve analysis              a mechanical analysis of unconsolidated material, whereby material is put through sieves of various sizes to determine the size distribution of the component particles. Also, sieve classification.

27585             sieve plate                  a plate used in a contacting tower in which the liquid flows directly across the tray while the gas flows upward through holes in the tray. Also, sieve tray.

27586             sieve shaker                a machine used for sieve testing that holds several test sieves vertically while it imparts both a circular and a tapping motion on the sieves to check the accuracy of their sifting.

27587             SIEVING          체분리

27588             sigma bond                a covalent bond that forms at the point where the electron orbitals of two adjoining atoms overlap. Also, -bond.

27589             SIGMOIDAL CURVE                  S자형 적정곡선; 세로축은 분석물 또는 표준용액의 p-함수나 분석물 또는 표준물에 감응하는 전극의 전위값

27590             signal             any transmitted electrical impulse.  Transportation Engineering. an acoustic or visual apparatus that attracts attention by giving off an appropriate indication, such as a foghorn or signal light.

27591             signal             The volume or product-level change produced by a leak in a tank.

27592             Signal Conditioning (신호 조정)                신호의 형식과 상태를, 펄스 형성, 펄스 원활, 보정, 디지탈화, 직선화등의 조작을 행하는 회로에 의해서, 인식하고 쉬운 신호와 호환성을 가지는 신호에 처리하는 것.

27593             signal distortion generator                       an instrument that generates distorted signals; used to test or adjust communications equipment.

27594             signal level                  the decibel magnitude of a sound, referenced to a zero decibel level for a reference sound pressure such as one micropascal.  Telecommunications. the difference between the level of a signal at a certain location in a transmission system and the level of a preselected reference signal.

27595             signal tracer                an instrument that monitors a signal passing through a circuit in order to detect faulty wiring or components; commonly used in radio receivers and audio amplifiers.

27596             Signal Words               The words used on a pesticide label--Danger, Warning, Caution--to indicate level of toxicity.

27597             signal-shaping network             a circuit that is added to a telegraph, normally at the receiving end, to improve reception.

27598             signal-strength meter               a device that calibrates the strength (level) of an incoming signal in a communication receiver, generally expressed in decibels or arbitrary S units.

27599             signal-to-interference ratio                       the ratio of the amplitude of a desired signal to that of a signal interfering with its reception

27600             signal-to-noise ratio                    specifically, the ratio (in decibels) of an acoustic signal from a specific source to the ambient noise or system noise; used as a measure of the fidelity of a tuning system.

