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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27401-27500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 27401-27500

번호                  용어                  해설

27401             SES                Secondary Emissions Standard

27402             sesquioxide                 a compound of oxygen and a metal in the proportion 3:2, as in Fe2O3, or vice versa.

27403             sesquisalt                    a compound of an acid and base in the proportion 3:2, as in Fe2(SO4)3.

27404             set                 a piece of equipment that serves as an integral part of an electronic system, such as a television or radio set.

27405             set condition               the condition in which a flip-flop circuit's internal state is

27406             SET OUT SYSTEM                     수거인부가 집안까지 들어와 용기를 운반하여 수거차에 비운 뒤 다시 용기를 제자리에 원위치 시키는 형태

27407             SET OUT-SET BACK                  수거인부가 차에 비운 뒤 빈용기를 주인이 원위치 시키는 형태

27408            SET Plan [Strategic Energy Technology Plan]                     유럽의 온실가스 감축목표 달성을 위한 전략적 에너지 기술계획. 에너지기술 혁신을 위한 정부의 적극적 참여 촉구와 기술개발계획의 원활한 실천을 위한 기술맵(기술현황, 장애요인, 기술가능성)과 능력맵(재정, 인력) 작성·추진.

27409             set pressure                the inlet pressure at which a relief valve is required to open by the standard applicable to the particular system.

27410             set pulse                     a pulse signal that will set a flip-flop to the set condition, independent of the presence of a clock signal.

27411             set standards to protect human health and welfare for six pollutants           ozone, carbon monoxide, total suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide, lead, and nitrogen oxide. The term, criteria pollutants derives from the requirement that EPA must describe the characteristics and potential health and welfare effects of these pollutants. It is on the basis of these criteria that standards are set or revised.

27412             SETAC            Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

27413             setback           relative rearward motions of component parts in a projectile undergoing forward acceleration during launching. These motions and the force producing them are used to promote events that participate in the arming and eventual functioning of the fuse.

27414             Set-Back          Setting a thermometer to a lower temperature when the building is unoccupied to reduce consumption of heating energy. Also refers to setting the thermometer to a higher temperature during unoccupied periods in the cooling season.

27415             setback force               the rearward force of inertia opposing the forward acceleration of a projectile during launching; it is proportional to the acceleration and the mass of the parts being accelerated.

27416             set-forward                 relative forward motions of component parts of a projectile in flight when impact occurs. These motions are due to inertia and are opposite in direction to setback.

27417             set-forward force          the forward force of inertia that is produced by the deceleration of a projectile when impact occurs; it is proportional to the deceleration and the mass of the parts being decelerated. Also, IMPACT FORCE.

27418             set-forward point                     the point on the course of the target at which the target is expected to arrive at the end of the time of flight.

27419             SET-OUT AND SET-BACK SERVICE             청소원반출, 반입수거; 폐기물 수거방법

27420             SETS              Site Enforcement Tracking System

27421             setting angle               an angle, usually of 90°, between the axis of the shank of a working tool, such as a drill bit, and the straight section of the working piece.

27422             Settleability                 침전성;

27423             SETTLEABLE SOLIDS                 침전성 고형물; 60분동안 원추형 용기 밑바닥에 가라앉는 고형물

27424             Settleable Solids          Material heavy enough to sink to the bottom of a wastewater treatment tank.

27425             SETTLING                    침강

27426             SETTLING BASIN          침전지

27427             Settling Chamber                     A series of screens placed in the way of flue gases to slow the stream of air, thus helping gravity to pull particles into a collection device.

27428             SETTLING TANK           침전지

27429             Settling Tank               A holding area for wastewater, where heavier particles sink to the bottom for removal and disposal.

27430             setup             in a television picture, the ratio between the degree of blackness and the degree of whiteness, generally expressed as a percentage.

27431             SEVERE DISCOMFORT BOUNDARY             극단적 불쾌한 영역 : 진동의 정도를 표현한 말

27432             severity factor              a measure of the intensity of the reaction conditions in aChemical process, such as the temperature or pressure in a catalytic cracker.

27433             SEWAGE          하수

27434             Sewage           The waste and wastewater produced by residential and commercial sources and discharged into sewers.

27435             sewage farm               a farm that is fertilized with sewage treatment residue.

27436             Sewage Lagoon           (See: lagoon.)

27437             sewage sludge             a slime that is produced by the precipitation of solid matter from liquid sewage in sedimentation tanks.

27438             Sewage Sludge            Sludge produced at a Publicly Owned Treatment Works, the disposal of which is regulated under the Clean Water Act.

27439             sewage treatment                    any process to which sewage is subjected in order to remove or alter its dangerous and objectional constituents by reduction in the organic and bacterial content.

27440             Sewer             A channel or conduit that carries wastewater and storm-water runoff from the source to a treatment plant or receiving stream. Sanitary sewers carry household, industrial, and commercial waste. Storm sewers carry runoff from rain or snow. Combined sewers handle both.

27441             SEWER OUTLET            토구; 하수도시설에서 처리수나 우수를 공공수역에 방류하는 방류구 시설

27442             Sewer separation          분류식 하수관거의 사용; 우수관거및 하수관거를 별도로 고려하는 것을 의미

27443             SEWERAGE                  하수도

27444             Sewerage                    The entire system of sewage collection, treatment, and disposal.

27445             SEWERAGE SYSTEM                 배제방식; 하수를 배제하기 위한 방식

27446             sewing machine           a mechanical device that uses a double-pointed or an eye-pointed needle to stitch together cloth, paper, leather, or other materials.

27447             SEXUALLY                   유성

27448             SF                  Standard Form. Superfund

27449             SFA                Spectral Flame Analyzers

27450             SFDS              Sanitary Facility Data System

27451             SFFAS             Superfund Financial Assessment System

27452             SFIREG           State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group

27453             SFS                지하흐름법; Subsurface flow system

27454             SFS                State Funding Study

27455             SFS, SUBSURFACE FLOW SYSTEM              지하 흐름법

27456             shading          a process that compensates for unwanted signals produced by a camera tube.a process that compensates for unwanted signals produced by a camera tube. a change in a television picture's brightness that is caused by the camera tube.a change in a television picture's brightness that is caused by the camera tube.

27457             Shading Coefficient                  The amount of the sun's heat transmitted through a given window compared with that of a standard 1/8- inch-thick single pane of glass under the same conditions.

27458             shading signal             a signal produced by a television camera that increases the power in the amplifier when the electron beam focuses on a dark portion of the screen.

27459             shadow attenuation                  the attenuation of electromagnetic energy caused by obstacles intervening in the path of propagation.

27460             shadow mask              a thin sheet of metal that is placed over the screen of a color picture tube to ensure that an electron beam strikes its intended color phosphor.

27461             shadow region            a region in which electromagnetic radiation is blocked due to the placement of an obstacle, nontransparent to the radiation, in the path of propagation.

27462             shadow zone               a depth range, created by a positive temperature gradient above a negative temperature gradient that, according to Snell's law, causes the refraction of sound away from high-velocity regions and creates a space that is centered at the point of maximum velocity between the two gradients, into which sound cannot penetrate in appreciable amounts.a depth range, created by a positive temperature gradient above a negative temperature gradient that, according to Snell's law, causes the refraction of sound away from high-velocity regions and creates a space that is centered at the point of maximum velocity between the two gradients, into which sound cannot penetrate in appreciable amounts. a space in which sound is diminished by several decibels, due to excessive attenuation around the space, such as a barrier, temperature gradient, wind, or the like.a space in which sound is diminished by several decibels, due to excessive attenuation around the space, such as a barrier, temperature gradient, wind, or the like.       : a region, 103-144° from the epicenter of an earthquake in which there is no direct penetration of seismic waves, due to the refractive and absorptive qualities of the low-velocity zone inside the earth's core boundary.

27463             shaft              a cylindrical piece of metal that rotates or provides an axis of revolution, and upon which rotating machine parts are mounted to transmit power or motion.

27464             shaft furnace               a blast furnace having a tapered structure through which hot gas rises.

27465             shaft hopper               a device that feeds rods and shafts to threaders, grinders, screw machines, or tube benders.

27466             shaft horsepower                     the power supplied to a compressor or pump.the power supplied to a compressor or pump. the power produced by the shaft of a motor or engine.the power produced by the shaft of a motor or engine.

27467             shafting          the hardware used to transmit the rotary motion of an engine or motor to a driven element.

27468             shaft-position encoder              a device that converts a mechanical rotation into digital form.

27469             shaker            an electromagnetic device that is capable of applying controlled vibratory motion to an object. Also, shake table.

27470             shaking screen            a mesh screen with holes of varying dimensions that is moved with a back and forth or rotary motion to separate material by size.

27471             shaking-out                a petroleum-refinery testing process in which oil is centrifuged to determine its sediment and water content.

27472             shale oil          petroleum distilled from oil shale; characterized by a large percentage of unsaturated hydrocarbons, alkenes, and dialkenes.

27473             shale shaker                a vibrating screen used to separate rock cuttings from drilling fluid; fluid returning from the downhole is passed through the screen, trapping the cuttings on the mesh.

27474             Shallow mono-medium stratified filter beds              얕은 단일여재 층형성화 여과상; 층형성여부에 따른 여과상의 종류

27475             Shallow sand filled pressure dosed disposal field               모래를 충전한 가압식처분지;

27476             SHALLOW WELL          천정; 1 불투수층까지의 물을 집수하는 우물, 얕은 우물

27477             shallow-focus earthquake          an earthquake whose focus occurs within the first 70 km of the earth's crust, the most common type of earthquake.

27478             shape factor                the ratio between the highest and lowest attenuation in a filter's frequency range.the ratio between the highest and lowest attenuation in a filter's frequency range. the variable that accounts for a coil's shape when computing impedance.the variable that accounts for a coil's shape when computing impedance.

27479             shape isomer              a state in which an isomer maintains a high level of energy over an unusually long period of time, due to it having a shape that differs radically from the lower energy state into which it is allowed to decay.

27480             shaper            a planing machine tool whose cutting edge travels over the surface of a stationary flat workpiece.a planing machine tool whose cutting edge travels over the surface of a stationary flat workpiece. a machine with one or two vertically mounted cutters; used in woodworking for forming moldings and other irregular shapes.a machine with one or two vertically mounted cutters; used in woodworking for forming moldings and other irregular shapes.

27481             shaping          the process of producing a flat surface on a workpiece using a single-point tool.the process of producing a flat surface on a workpiece using a single-point tool. the machining of an edge profile or edge pattern on the side or periphery of a piece of wood, plastic, or other material.the machining of an edge profile or edge pattern on the side or periphery of a piece of wood, plastic, or other material.

27482             shaping dies               a set of dies that shape work pieces into desired forms by bending, pressing, extruding, etc.

27483             SHARED OR TRANSBOUNDARY RESOURES                     공유 혹은 국경간 자원  한개 국가의 영토권에 완전히 귀속되지 않으면서 여러국가들이 공동으로 연관되어 있거나, 한 영토에서 다른 영토로 이동하는 자원

27484             sharp             a musical half step (100 cents) up in pitch from a specified note.a musical half step (100 cents) up in pitch from a specified note. the condition of being higher than intended in musical pitch.the condition of being higher than intended in musical pitch.

27485             sharp-cutoff tube                     a tube in which current flow decreases uniformly as the grid-to-cathode voltage decreases.

27486             Sharps            Hypodermic needles, syringes (with or without the attached needle), Pasteur pipettes, scalpel blades, blood vials, needles with attached tubing, and culture dishes used in animal or human patient care or treatment, or in medical, research or industrial laboratories. Also included are other types of broken or unbroken glassware that were in contact with infectious agents, such as used slides and cover slips, and unused hypodermic and suture needles, syringes, and scalpel blades.

27487             shaving          the process of removing a surface layer from a workpiece, usually to clean it or to reduce its size by a small amount.

27488             SHE               표준수소전극; Standard hydrogen electrode

27489             shear              the movement of parallel surfaces of a solid body, in such a way that they remain parallel to each other; i.e., the surfaces slide against each other. The shape of the body is thus changed, but the volume remains unchanged.the movement of parallel surfaces of a solid body, in such a way that they remain parallel to each other; i.e., the surfaces slide against each other. The shape of the body is thus changed, but the volume remains unchanged. to move in such a manner.to move in such a manner. 3. the deformation in shape that results from a shear force.the deformation in shape that results from a shear force. 4. the measurement of this force; shear stress.the measurement of this force; shear stress.

27490             shear angle                 the angle formed by the shear plane and the work surface.

27491             shear diagram             a plot of the shear force at every point along a structural member against the position of the point on the member.

27492             SHEAR FORCE             전단력 (인장력)

27493             shear fracture              the failure of a structural member due to excessive shear; a common cause of failure of a ductile material under tensile stresses.

27494             shear modulus            the strength factor for a material under shear stress, expressed by the relationship of the shear force applied to it to the change in position produced by this force. Also, MODULUS OF RIGIDITY.

27495             Shear Modulus (전단계수)                        전단일그러짐과 각도가 있는 전단나사의 비율.

27496             shear spinning             a method of forming sheet metal parts with rotational symmetry over a mandrel, by using a roller so that the diameter of the original blank does not change but its thickness decreases in accordance with the mandrel angle.

27497             shear strain                 the movement of parallel surfaces of a solid body, as determined by the change in angle between points on the two surfaces that were originally perpendicular to each other and both perpendicular to the plane of the movement. Also, DETRUSION

27498             shear strength             the maximum shear stress that a material can withstand without rupture.the maximum shear stress that a material can withstand without rupture. the ability of a material to support shear stresses.the ability of a material to support shear stresses.

27499             shear stress                 the force per unit area that tends to cause the shear strain. Also, SHEARING STRESS, TANGENTIAL STRESS.

27500             Shear Stress (전단응력)             통상의 응력은 지정된 평면에 수직인데, 전단응력은 평면에 대하여 평행한 응력임.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



