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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12201-12300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12201-12300

번호                  용어                  해설

12201             acoustic dispersion                  the separation of a sound wave into its frequency components as it passes through a particular medium. Also, refers to the fact that the velocity of the wave changes at it passes through the medium.

12202             acoustic domain          a term for a region of acoustic vibrational activity in a crystal lattice.

12203             acoustic emission                    the transmission of sound pressure waves from a body due to a rapid energy release in response to internal or external mechanical stress placed upon the medium.  Materials Science. the measurement of such sound waves as a means of detecting material flaws or failures.

12204             acoustic fatigue           the loss of strength in a material due to acoustic stresses.

12205             acoustic feedback                    the return signal in signal processing that is used to adjust the output.the return signal in signal processing that is used to adjust the output. an undesirable return signal that can produce excessive reinforcement and loud sounds, such as those produced when loudspeaker signals are picked up by a microphone.an undesirable return signal that can produce excessive reinforcement and loud sounds, such as those produced when loudspeaker signals are picked up by a microphone.

12206             acoustic filter              a device used to cut off sound in a particular frequency or range of frequencies while admitting sound in another or other frequencies.

12207             acoustic generator                   a device that creates sound energy, such as a noise generator that produces broadband noise or an oscillator that produces discrete frequencies.

12208             acoustic grating           a series of equally distant and equal-sized obstacles to sound waves, which cause wave diffraction, depending on the grating and wavelength

12209             acoustic image            a theoretical image, analogous to an optical image, of an actual sound source at a point on the opposite side of a barrier or boundary; used for measuring sound characteristics such as the combined strength of a wave and its subsequent reflections.

12210             acoustic imaging          the use of acoustic energy to form a representation of a physical object, such as ultrasound tomography on internal human organs or on microscopic images created with sound.

12211             acoustic impedance                  the total reaction of a medium to sound transmission through it, represented as the complex ratio of the sound pressure to the effective flux (particle velocity times surface area) through the medium.

12212             acoustic intensity                     the average acoustic power transported across a unit area, usually expressed in watts per square meter.

12213             acoustic interferometer             a device that measures the velocity and attenuation of sound in a fluid medium by transmitting an ultrasonic beam through the medium to a reflector.

12214             acoustic jamming                    the intentional saturation of an acoustic band with acoustic noise so that other sounds in the same band are masked

12215             acoustic labyrinth                    a speaker enclosure with special partitions and passages that dissipate cavity resonance and reinforce bass response.

12216             acoustic lens               a system of disks or other devices to spread or converge sound waves in a manner analogous to the way an optical lens refracts light.

12217             acoustic levitation                    the use of intense sound waves to support an object in a fluid medium.

12218             acoustic line                a path along which acoustic signals are carried in such a way that resonant cavities, baffles, and labyrinths are interconnected for the desired transmission of bass frequencies; it is analogous to an electromagnetic transmission line.

12219             acoustic logging          a technique used to measure porosity in drill holes; a comparison of the depth to the travel time of a sonic impulse through a specific section of the borehole gives an indication of the rock composition and fluids found in the formation.

12220             acoustic mass              the impedance of an acoustic volume, which for a small volume such as a tube can be derived by the formula MA = l/S, in which  is the density of air, l is the length of the volume, and S is the cross-sectional area.

12221             acoustic measurement              the logarithmic (base 10) measurement of acoustic energy, normally using decibel units by an equation such as the power equation: dB = 10 log(P/P0) with P0 representing the reference power, and P representing the nonreference power.

12222             acoustic model            a scale model of a room, building, or other object used to measure qualities of sound distribution and noise control.

12223             acoustic noise             any sound that is audible to human hearing.any sound that is audible to human hearing. an unwanted sound that is subjected to some form of noise control.an unwanted sound that is subjected to some form of noise control.

12224             acoustic ocean-current meter                   a device used to monitor currents by measuring the difference in travel time between each acoustic pulse transmitted in a direction opposite to the flow of a current and the return pulse.

12225             acoustic ohm              a unit of measurement based on Ohm's laws, used to measure acoustic impedance; equal to the impedance of a medium in which a sound pressure of one dyne per square centimeter produces a velocity of one centimeter per second.

12226             acoustic position reference                       a system used in offshore drilling that transmits ultrasonic signals to monitor the drilling ship's position in relation to the ocean floor.

12227             ACOUSTIC POWER                   음향출력; 음원으로부터 단위시간당 방출되는 총 음에너지

12228             acoustic radiation                    sound wave energy that travels from one point to another by exerting pressure on the medium, creating a pattern of compressions and rarefactions that can be described as a three-dimensional pattern.

12229             acoustic radiation pressure                       the total pressure of a sound wave on any surface of interface.

12230             acoustic radiator          an element or object that radiates sound, such as the cone on a loudspeaker, the diaphragm on headphones, or an object under water.

12231             acoustic ratio              the ratio of the intensity of an acoustic signal that is radiated directly from a sound source to that of the same signal after it has reflected from a surface.the ratio of the intensity of an acoustic signal that is radiated directly from a sound source

12232             acoustic reactance                   the imaginary portion of acoustic impedance (when impedance is expressed as a complex number), due to the inertia and elasticity of the medium and consisting of acoustic mass and acoustic compliance.

12233             acoustic reciprocity theorem                     a theorem used for calibration of a linear sound system, stating that if a force of specific magnitude is applied to any branch of the system and a response is measured on the branch, the ratio of the force to the magnitude of response will be unchanged if the points of application and measurement are reversed.

12234             acoustic reflectivity                   the relative reflectivity of a specific material, that is, the tendency to deflect sound energy rather than absorb it, in a specific medium such as air, water, earth, and so on.the relative reflectivity of a specific material, that is, the tendency to deflect sound energy rather than absorb it, in a specific medium such as air, water, earth, and so on. the tendency of a surface to cause a sound wave to reflect at an angle equal to the angle of incidence, represented by the coefficient equation R = (m cosθ1- n cosθ2 ) / (m cosθ1 + n cosθ2) with m representing the ratio of densities and n representing the ratio of velocities. Also, acoustic reflection coefficient.the tendency of a surface to cause a sound wave to reflect at an angle equal to the angle of incidence, represented by the coefficient equation R = (m cosθ1 - n cosθ2 ) / (m cosθ1 + n cosθ2) with m representing the ratio of densities and n representing the ratio of velocities. Also, acoustic reflection coefficient.

12235             acoustic reflex enclosure           a loudspeaker cabinet designed with certain materials and structure so as to direct low-frequency signals forward rather than attenuating these signals within the cabinet

12236             acoustic refraction                   the change in the direction of sound as it travels through a medium due to differences in temperature, pressure, and other characteristics of the medium, or a change in the medium.

12237             acoustic resistance                   the real portion of acoustic impedance due to characteristics of the medium; the real part of the ratio of sound pressure at a specific point in the medium to particle velocity in a free plane.

12238             acoustic resonance                   a condition in which the amplitude of periodic sinusoidal motion in an acoustical system is at its maximum, due to the system being acted upon by sound waves at the same frequency as the natural oscillation frequency of the system.

12239             acoustic resonator                   a device with an acoustic mass and compliance that mutually cancel each other's effects, thus rendering zero acoustic reactance at a specific natural frequency or frequencies for which it was designed.

12240             acoustic scattering                   a distribution of sound waves in many directions due to multiple reflections and bending (diffraction), such as can occur with music performed in a poorly designed auditorium.

12241             acoustic seal               a connection point or joint along an acoustic transmission line in which acoustic coupling is maximized; i.e., there are low losses of energy.

12242             acoustic shadow          a space into which sound does not enter due to the refraction of sound waves; for example, a space immediately behind a large object that obstructs the sound wave.

12243             acoustic shielding                    the use of barriers to prevent the transmission of sound into a space or past the barrier, such as barriers constructed to control unwanted noise.

12244             acoustic signal processing                        the extraction of useful information from acoustic signals, using electronic techniques such as a fast Fourier transform.

12245             acoustic spectrometer               an electronic device that measures the intensities of acoustic frequencies for a selected frequency band.

12246             acoustic spectrum                    the frequency range of acoustic signals.the frequency range of acoustic signals. a graph showing such a range.a graph showing such a range.

12247             acoustic stiffness          a quantity given by the product of the angular frequency 2πf and the acoustic stiffness reactance.

12248             acoustic stiffness reactance                      the portion of the acoustic reactance of a medium associated with the potential energy, analogous to the capacitive reactance of an electrical system.  Materials Science. the measurement of this resistance as a factor in the selection of materials for machinery.

12249             acoustic suspension                 a method of sound reproduction in loudspeakers in which the speaker is loosely suspended in a sealed cabinet of sound-absorbent material; it allows for the reproduction of high-quality sound in relatively compact enclosures.

12250             acoustic tomography                an imaging technique in which information is collected from beams of acoustic radiation that have passed through an object.

12251             acoustic transducer                 a device, such as an underwater hydrophone, that converts acoustic energy into electromagnetic energy, or a device, such as a loudspeaker, that converts electromagnetic energy into acoustic energy.

12252             acoustic transformer                a device in a sound system that changes an electroacoustical signal so that the reproduced sound is altered in some way from the original, as in its amplitude, frequency, or duration.

12253             acoustic transmission               the movement of acoustic energy by wave motion through a medium

12254             acoustic velocity          the speed at which sound travels.

12255             acoustic wave              a three-dimensional wave of compression and decompression of a medium, due to a disturbance of the medium by a source of acoustic energy

12256             acoustic wave amplifier             an amplifier that increases the strength of an acoustic wave by transferring the energy of semiconductor charge carriers to the wave, as the wave travels through a piezoelectric medium.

12257             acoustic wave filter                  a filter designed to separate sound waves of different frequencies

12258             acoustical engineering              the practical application of the science of acoustics, including such elements as noise and vibration control, sound reproduction and broadcasting, and the use of sound instruments to make measurements and to examine or process various materials.

12259             ACOUSTICS                 음향학 : 음에 관한 과학

12260             acoustoelectronics                   the use of acoustic energy to create electromagnetic waves, usually with crystals or metals that react when bombarded with acoustic waves, and the processing of such waves prior to reproduction of original sound.

12261             acoustooptical cell                   an electric-to-optical transducer in which an acoustic or ultrasonic electric input signal modulates or acts on a beam of light.

12262             ACP               Agriculture Control Program (Water Quality Management); ACP: Air Carcinogen Policy

12263             ACQR             Air Quality Control Region

12264             ACQUIRE                    Aquatic Information Retrieval

12265             Acration Tank              A chamber used to inject air into water.

12266             Acree's reaction           the addition of sulfuric acid and a formaldehyde solution containing ferric chloride to an unknown solution for the purpose of testing for proteins; the appearance of a violet-colored ring indicates a positive test.

12267             acrodendrophilous                      describing a species that lives or thrives in treetop habitats.

12268             acrolein test                a test for glycerin or fats, in which potassium bisulfate is added to the sample and heated; acrolein is released if the test is positive.

12269             Across the pipe for pipes larger than 3ft in diameter                 직경3ft이상의 관용 직경방향 설치 주입기; 염소용액을 주입하는데 사용되는 분산기 종류

12270             Acrylamide의 특성 및 방제방법                주최 : 국립환경 연구원

12271             acrylic            relating to or containing acrylic acid.relating to or containing acrylic acid. describing a product derived from acrylic acid: acrylic sealants, acrylic adhesives.describing a product derived from acrylic acid: acrylic sealants, acrylic adhesives. 3. any of various synthetic products made with acrylic acid, such as an acrylic resin, fiber, plastic, or paint.any of various synthetic products made with acrylic acid, such as an acrylic resin, fiber, plastic, or paint.

12272             ACS               American Chemical Society

12273             ACSAD           아랍건조지대 연구센타  Arab center for the study of arid zones and drylands

12274             ACScale Sound Level                A measurement of sound approximating the sensitivity of the human ear, used to note the intensity or annoyance level of sounds.

12275             ACT               Action

12276             actic               relating to or living in a rocky seashore environment

12277             actinide          any element of the actinide series. (So called because all its members have properties similar to those of actinium.)

12278             actinism          the action or property of radiation that produces chemical effects, as in photography.

12279             actinium                     a radioactive chemical element having the symbol Ac, the atomic number 89, an atomic weight (in its most stable isotope) of 227, a melting point of 1050°C and a boiling point of about 3200°C, and a half-life of 27 years; a rare silvery-white metal found in compound form in uranium ores or obtained from radium by neutron bombardment. (From a Greek term meaning rays of light or radiance.)

12280             actinoelectricity            the electromotive force produced in a substance by the action of radiant energy upon crystals during electromagnetic radiation exposure.

12281             ACTINOMYCETES          방선균; 유기물의 생물학적 처리과정에 관련된 주요한 미생물로서 세균과 곰팡이의 중간적 특성을 가지며 세포크기는 0.5-1.4mm 정도이다

12282             actinon           the former name of a gaseous radioactive isotope of radon, now called radon-219, a member of the actinium series.

12283             actinouranium             the former name of the radioactive uranium isotope of mass 235 that is now called uranium-235.

12284             action             according to Newton's third law of motion, an external force (the action) that is applied to a body and that is counteracted by an equal force in the opposite direction (the reaction).according to Newton's third law of motion, an external force (the action) that is applied to a body and that is counteracted by an equal force in the opposite direction (the reaction).

12285             Action Levels               1. Regulatory levels recommended by EPA for enforcement by FDA and USDA when pesticide residues occur in food or feed commodities for reasons other than the direct application of the pesti-cide. As opposed to tolerances which are established for residues occurring as a direct result of proper usage, action levels are set for inadvertent residues resulting from previous legal use or accidental contami-nation. 2. In the Superfund program, the existence of a contaminant concentration in the environment high enough to warrant action or trigger a response under SARA and the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan. The term is also used in other regulatory programs.(See:tolerances.)

12286             action variable             the time integral associated with the evolution of a physical system in the phase space; for a system of particles it equals the sum of the integrals of the system's generalized momenta over their canonically conjugate generalized coordinates.

12287             ACTIONABLE SUBSIDIES            상계가능보조금 : 조치가능보조금이라고도 하며, 주로 보조금으로 인한 손해, 혜택의 무효화 혹은 침해, 심각한 손상들을 포함하는 보조금의 교역효과에 따라 대상요부가 결정된다.

12288             actium            a rocky seashore environment or community.

12289             activate           to purify sewage by treating it with air and bacteria.  Chemistry. to cause or accelerate a reaction.  Materials Science. to treat charcoal, carbon, or the like to improve their capacity for adsorbing impurities.  Physics. to induce activity in a system that is static, as in neutron activation of radioactivity.  :  to start the operation of an electrical device, usually by applying an enable signal or power to it.to start the operation of an electrical device, usually by applying an enable signal or power to it. to use liquid as an additive in order to make a cell or battery operational.to use liquid as an additive in order to make a cell or battery operational. 3. to apply material to the surface of a cathode to create or increase cathode emissivity.to apply material to the surface of a cathode to create or increase cathode emissivity.  Ordnance. to cause a missile or explosive to be in an active state, ready for firing or explosion.

12290             Activated biofilter process          활성생물막 여상; 2차 슬러지를 살수여상의 반송시키는 형태로 고율살수여상과 유사

12291             ACTIVATED CARBON                활성탄

12292             Activated Carbon          A highly adsorbent form of carbon used to remove odors and toxic substances from liquid or gaseous emissions. In waste treatment, it is used to remove dissolved organic matter from waste  drinking water. It is also used in motor vehicle evaporative control systems.

12293             activated cathode                     in an electron tube, a cathode that has been treated with a material such as thorium oxide, ThO This treatment increases the emissivity of the cathode and thus the efficiency of the tube.

12294             activated complex                    a term for molecules in an unstable state intermediate to that of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

12295             activated sludge           the semiliquid, microbe-rich sediment that is added to secondary-stage sewage material in the activated-sludge process.

12296             Activated sludge powdered activated arbon treatment          활성슬러지/분말활성탄 처리; 활성탄을 직접 포기조에 주입하여, 생물학적 산화와 물리적 흡착이 동시에 일어나는 공정

12297             Activated sludge processes                       활성슬러지 공정; 탄소성 유기물 제거에 쓰이는 주요한 부유성장 생물학적 처리공정

12298             activated state             the higher energy state through which an atom passes in transforming from a metastable to a more stable state.

12299             activated support                     a chemically treated matrix material whose surface contains a large proportion of reactive groups.

12300             activated-sludge effluent           in the activated-sludge process, the liquid material that is transported to an aeration tank for secondary treatment.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



