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혁신적인 캠핑용품들....^&^

21세기의 편안함 없이 야생에서 생존하는 것은 과거와는 다르게 어렵지 않죠.
Train and Reef는 아티스트 출신의 남성이 만든 캠핑 제품으로, 나무에 철로고정된 구조물로서 개인의 완전한 프라이버시를 제공해요.
용도에 맞게 설계된 Jetboil Stash는 18L까지 수용할 수 있는 캠핑용 전용 난로로, 경량 알루미늄으로 제작되어 조립이 간편하고 안정적이에요.
King Camp의 Bell tent는 저렴한 가격에 왕족처럼 특별한 체험을 제공하는 우수한 야영용 텐트예요.
Wildland의 이동식 에어호스텔은 집의 편안함과 시골 풍경의 고요함을 조화롭게 결합한 모델로, 빠른 설치와 안전성이 강점이에요.

리버리프사의 Grand Teton 캠퍼박스는 모든 캠핑용품을 차 안에 넣어 간단하게 이동할 수 있어요.
햄모크텐트는 햄모크의 편안함과 전통 텐트의 보호 기능을 결합한 제품으로, 나무 등 두 개의 고정 지점에 매달아 사용하죠.

X2는 가볍고 견고해 손거울 도구로 좋고, Flex Tail Tiny Rael 곤충 방지기는 최신 듀얼 방충기술과 빠른 가열 시스템을 갖추어 모기에 시달리지 않게 해줘요.
Toyota Tacoma와 함께 사용 가능한 스포츠 트레일러에서는 편리한 주방과 시설 완비 침실, 쿨러와 음료를 제공하는 서비스 서페이스도 함께 제공돼요.
Nemo의 휴대용 슬립핑 패드는 높은 휴대성과 편안함을 제공하며 추운 날씨에도 사용 가능하고, Frontier Plus는 가벼우면서도 내열력이 뛰어난 목재 난로로 다양한 장소에서 사용할 수 있어요.

Eye Camper의 Disco는 캠핑 그룹 요리에 적합한 외부 요리 시스템이에요.
BioLite fire pit plus는 휴대용 화로 불꽃의 세기를 스마트폰에서도 조절할 수 있는 특허 기술을 사용했고 Pike의 Couta Carabiner는 일상적으로 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 타이타늄 합금으로 만들어진 강력한 카라비너입니다.
Hido의 자동 팽창 암체어는 휴대하기 쉽고 편안한 휴식공간을 제공하는 자동 팽창 시스템입니다.
Autohome의 Overcamp는 차량 상단에 설치하는 침대형태의 텐트시스템으로, 여행을 편안하게 즐길 수 있어요.

Nemo사의 Stargaze Recliner Luxury Chair는 가볍고 휴대하기 쉬운 업데이트된 디자인으로, 진열 단계가 직관적이어서 30초만에 편하게 쉴 수 있어요.
이 의자는 우아하게 곡선으로 구성된 수직 폴로 넓은 어깨와 팔꿈치 공간을 제공하기 위해 엔지니어링되었고, 양쪽에 편리한 주머니가 있어 선크림, 휴대폰 또는 열쇠를 보관할 수 있어요.
Stargaze 의자는 그네처럼 흔들리고 응답성 있는 자동 리클라인 메커니즘으로 햄모크처럼 편안한 경험을 제공해요.
또한, 낮은 중심 무게 중심을 가진 이 의자는 모래 해변, 험한 지형 및 스폰지 축구장과 같은 다양한 표면에서 훌륭한 안정성을 보장해요.

BioLite의 Alpen Glow USB 랜턴은 250 또는 500 루멘의 밝기로 캠프를 밝히며, 휴대용 주방용품인 Reel Wheel은 식음료를 시원하게 보관하며, 다용도 카트로 불편한 지형을 이동하는 데 도움이 되어 대형 공원이나 해변으로 캠핑에도 적합해요.
Mini-B는 가벼우면서도 캠핑을 위한 필수품을 담은 키트로, 거의 모든 차량에 잘 맞아 캠프장에서 편안한 환경을 제공하고, Helio는 태양열 및 전기 충전이 가능한 캠핑 트레일러를 제공하여 겨울에 따뜻하고 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있으며, Mars Players의 'The One'은 캠프용 주방 모듈, 열병합기 및 조명 기능 등을 갖춘 다기능 아웃도어 제품이고, FireFlower는 캠프나 바베큐에 이상적인 화로 및 그릴로, 하나로 두 가지 기능을 갖춘 휴대용 액세서리예요.

휴대가 간편한 파이어플라워 화덕으로 간단히 그릴을 구성하고 청소하기도 쉽죠.
클라이맷사의 에버글로우 라이트 튜브는 접으면 주머니에 들어갈 정도로 작지만, 펼치면 방향 조명과 랜턴 스타일의 조명을 제공해요.
이어스 트래블러 티어드롭 트레일러는 가벼우면서도 튼튼하며, 실내 생활 공간을 넓히는 기능을 갖추었어요.
카운트리플라이의 신용카드 멀티툴은 60가지 이상의 유용한 기능을 갖추고 있는데, 그 중에서도 캠핑에서 유용하게 활용할 수 있는 기능들이 많아요.
자동차에 부착되어 사용 가능한 자동 파오디스 휴대용 카프셀 호텔인 카 SE는 가볍고 쉽게 조립될 수 있어 캠핑 및 밴 라이프를 위한 완벽한 공간이죠.

모르셀 스포크는 스푼, 포크, 스파튤라 기능을 결합한 다기능 도구로 캠퍼, 배낭여행객, 야외 열렬한 사람들 사이에서 인기를 얻고 있어요.
내구성있는 소재로 제작된 모르셀 스포크는 효율적으로 음식을 뒤집고 스크랩할 수 있도록 설계되었어요.
손이 더러워지지 않도록 식품 용기의 바닥에 도달하는 데 도움이 되도록 연장된 핸들이 있어요.
스포크 자체도 청소하기 쉽고 재사용이 가능하여 지속 가능성 면에서도 높은 평가를 받고 있어요.
더 많은 공간을 제공하는 Fixer 카라반으로 침대에서 새로운 모험을 즐길 수 있어요.
외부에서는 세련된 디자인이 돋보이며 내부에는 좌석, 냉장고, 충분한 수납 공간이 있어요.
Duan은 다양한 지형에 적응하는 모듈식 로프트 캔버스 텐트로, 숲, 산, 호수, 협곡 또는 바다 모든 장소에 설치할 수 있어요.
캔버스를 붙여 매달릴 수 있는 해먹에 아늑하게 누워서 여유롭게 바라보며 휴식을 취할 수 있는 완벽한 장소예요.

Big Agnes의 침낭은 크기가 크고 넓어서 흔들거리거나 큰 체구의 사람에게도 충분한 공간을 제공하죠.
30인치 폭의 매트리스 패드와 함께 사용하면 평온한 밤잠을 즐길 수 있고, 베개와 스마트폰을 넣을 수 있는 내장 포켓도 있어서 평소의 침대로 돌아가고 싶지 않아질지도 모를 거예요.
마음에 드는 방식으로 발을 넣거나 빼고, 밤에 잠자리에 들거나 흔들릴 수 있는 공간이 더 필요하다면, Park Bag는 당신을 잘 보살펴줄 거예요.
이 침낭은 베이스 캠프, 차량 캠핑 또는 친구 집에서의 하룻밤 머물기에 이상적인 파트네요.

사이버트럭에 설치되는 캠핑카 '사이버 랜더'는 팝업하우스 같은 외관과 스마트 티타늄 창문, 내측 도어 슬라이딩 등 각종 편의 기능을 갖추고 있어요.
내부로 들어가면, 보이스제어가 가능한 싱크대와 아이덕션 가스레인지, 냉장고 및 모션가능한 테이블과 자세를 다양하게 조절할 수 있는 의자 등을 발견할 수 있어요.
놀랍게도 이 제품에는 화장실을 비롯한 모든 것들이 트럭 뒷부분에 수납되어 있어, 몇 분 만에 캠핑 모드로 변환할 수 있어요.
또한, 휴대용 캠핑 로켓 스토브와 클릭체어 역시 캠핑을 더욱 편리하고 즐겁게 해주는 제품들이에요.

민감한 대형 펌프가 탑재되어 있으며 방수 처리된 야영용 펌프와 함께 다양한 액세서리가 제공됩니다.
야영 중 위험한 동물로부터 캠프를 보호할 수 있는 자동 알람 시스템으로 설치되어 있습니다.
전통적인 배낭을 대체하는 다용도적인 이동 수단, 모노워커 팻메이트 올테레인 캠핑 카트도 소개되었습니다.

용지역 놀카에서도 믿고 쓸 수 있는 넓고 튼튼한 모노워커, Off-the-grid 생활이 가능한 폴리드롭의 전기식 티어드롭 트레일러 P7A, 적절한 크기의 주방과 침실, 다용도 공간으로 갖춰진 멋진 모습의 P7A, 다양한 기능을 가진 5-in-1 멀티툴 어드벤처메이트 V2

Flame Cube은 화재를 전기로 변환하여 휴대폰 충전이 가능한 캠핑 동반자이에요.
Envy kit은 캠핑에 필요한 식기들을 한데 모은 다용도 식기 세트로, 지속가능한 재료를 사용하여 환경에도 좋답니다.
LifeStraw의 Peak Series straw는 깨끗하지 않은 물에서도 세균과 이물질을 걸러낼 수 있는 수생필터 기능을 갖춘 물 수프라이예요.
이동식 나무난로는 뜨거운 욕조를 즐길 때 필요한 아이템이며, Serotonin Outdoors의 titanium 캠핑 스토브는 다양한 연료로 사용 가능하고 효율적인 난방이 가능한 제품입니다.

'Nomad'는 전통적인 외관을 가졌지만 실용적인 디자인과 함께 겨울에 휴식을 즐기기에 좋은 공간을 제공해요.
문을 열고 스카이라이트를 열면 공기가 더욱 상쾌해져 좋아요.
필요한 물품을 넣을 수 있는 공간, 티비, 편리한 컵 홀더도 준비돼 있어요.
옆에는 테이블이 있으며, 침대 분할형 소파도 편안한 휴식을 할 수 있어요.
뒷부분에는 쿨 박스, 윗부분 수납공간, 식기 일체 및 기타 식기류를 넣을 서랍, 넓은 공간이 있는 싱크대가 있어요!

Red Tail의 하드사이드 루프탑 캠퍼는 탄소 섬유로 제작되어 있으며, 일렉트릭 리프트 메커니즘으로 원활하게 팝업돼요.
전용 전기를 생산하며, 내장된 팬 및 블로어 시스템을 통해 조명과 온도를 조절할 수 있어요.
Survive We의 스톰프루프 매치는 대도시 및 야외에서 사용하기에 적합한 방수 매치예요.
KUDU 3 그릴은 휴대용 차콜 그릴로 오픈 파이어 그릴링 시스템을 갖추어 완벽한 야외 요리 경험을 제공해요.
Rapid Rope는 캠핑에 필수적인 도구로, 캔에 들어있는 플랫 브레이드 타입의 마른 줄로 강력하고 효율적인 사용이 가능해요.

캠핑을 할 때 필요한 특별한 제품들이 있어요.
Pure Trek의 3중 물 필터는 간편하게 휴대할 수 있는 트래킹 폴과 물 필터 시스템이 결합된 제품으로 신선한 물을 마실 수 있어요.
pikers의 연결형 지속가능 자켓은 스마트폰으로 조작 가능하며, 100% 재활용 방수 소재로 만든 따뜻하고 편리한 자켓입니다.
UCO 플랫 팩 그릴과 파이어 피트는 가벼우면서 최대 8명이 사용할 수 있는 고품질 캠프용 그릴로, 설치와 청소가 용이하고 재사용이 가능합니다.
Grail GeoPress 물 정화기는 8초만에 안전하고 깨끗한 24온스 급수를 생산할 수 있습니다.
Surviveware 방수 응급처치 키트와 Insta Privy 이동식 화장실도 필수적인 제품입니다.
모두가 인정할 만한 놀라운 캠핑 발명품 | 역대 최고의 발명품
many people avoid going on camping trips because it's really inconvenient surviving out there in the wilderness without all the Comforts of the 21st Century doesn't appeal to some and we can understand why but it's not as tough as it used to be many new inventions have been developed that'll make your time Outdoors much easier you're watching the interesting and creative designs Channel and we're taking a look at some incredible camping inventions that everyone will appreciate to start off our list we have the train and reef this was actually invented by a man who's an artist and the product looks nothing short of works of art itself they're hung like this and resemble an upside down balloon here's how they're assembled the floor is actually a lot sturdier than it looks like from the outside the structure is built of metal and is extremely sturdy here's what the inside looks like once it's up and ready for use it doesn't have too much space ideally only one person can fit in there at a time comfortably it's all held up by being fastened with steel fixtures to a tree it brings you complete privacy it's also insulated and will keep you warm during the harsh winter months this is definitely a musthave for those who prefer going on camping trips or just spending time outside by themselves searching for the perfect campsite can be hungry work and you don't want to be carrying heavy equipment everywhere you go thankfully this convention solves both of these issues introducing the jet boil stash and all-in-one backpacking camping stove system with A8 L capacity this stove uses a titanium burner and flux ring technology to cook you a satisfying meal out in the wild what's more it weighs only 7.1 Oz which is 40% lighter than previous camping stove models made from highquality lightweight components assembling the jet boil stash takes a matter of seconds the aluminum pot attaches sturdily to its stand ensuring a stable cooking station in reducing the likelihood of accidents or heaven forbid wasted food and water this fantastic piece of Kit allows you to enjoy a hot meal or some coffee and to recharge your batteries after a long hike you'll feel a million times better after taking in a hot meal and taking in the views as opposed to chewing on a snack bar and feeling cold it only takes 2 and 1/2 minutes to boil a full pot of water using this system jet boil has a variety of accessories and fast boil recipes to go with it too when it's time for you to move on all the parts can be stored inside the pot itself and secured into one compact portable unit that you can slip into your bag and carry to your next location the first thing you'll need for a successful camping trip is a good shelter and if you want to feel like royalty without spending a fortune then the Bell tent by King Camp is an excellent choice setting up the tent is straightforward and only takes a matter of minutes it's secured using poles support lines and tent pegs that are hammered directly into the ground the hexagonal base provides six different anchor points meaning that even even the heaviest gust of wind shouldn't blow you away instead what should blow you away is the simple Majesty of the Bell tense design plus the beautiful Scenic views it will allow you to enjoy by setting up camp practically anywhere you wish once the tent is erected a waterproof cover goes over the top and doubles as an awning increasing the amount of space where you can stretch out and still feel sheltered from the elements set up a couple of comfy camping chairs and a table and you've got yourself a popup Paradise that you can enjoy whatever the weather the new inflatable rooftop air Cruiser tent from Wildland designed with the idea of making every Scenic spot your own private Courtyard this movable house flawlessly Blends the Comforts of home with the serenity of a poetic retreat in the countryside with its built-in air pump you simply need to pick a spot with a beautiful view uncp and fold down the ladder connect the pump system to your car's cigarette lighter or a power bank and push the magic button in a matter of minutes your mobile Retreat will be ready the innovative air tube is five layer protected shock resistant and scratch resistant its design allows for a lofty and expansive interior with ingenious and Swift Storage Solutions Plus a functional layout that prioritizes Safety and Security you can stretch out in the morning and enjoy the natural views and even when the weather's not on your side you'll be well protected by a double Eve design that reduces wind resistance and provide shade shelter and protection from rain a dimmable u-shaped LED light strip creates a warm comforting atmosphere and two Skylight roof windows open up so you can gaze at the stars next up Grand Teton camper box forget tired legs and an aching back from carrying all your gear thanks to this all-in-one box from River Leaf you can roll up your campsite with everything you need in the back of your SUV that includes a running tap with a removable sink so you can freshen up as soon as you arrive along with a stove you'll have plenty of storage space to keep your cooking utensils allow allowing you to cook up a nice hot meal no matter where you are a decent sized cooler keeps all of your drinks and ingredients chilled and fresh after eating why not grab a seat and take in the view or if you're feeling tired simply convert the camper box into a bed unfold your mattress and take a lie down in the back of your car own little Haven out in the wilderness this all-in-one hammock tent combines the comfort and relaxation of a hammock with the shelter and protection of a traditional tent it's designed to be suspended between two anchor points such as trees and features a waterproof and Bug prooof canopy for protection against the elements The Haven tent provides a flat ergonomic air mattress for you to lie down and gently swing between the trees as you take in the sights and sounds of nature there's plenty of room for you to store or hang your equipment and the whole setup takes just a few minutes to assemble so soon you'll be snug as a bug and without any other bugs pestering you as you Retreat into your own little cocoon originally a Kickstarter campaign that raised almost 10 times its $10,000 goal it's no surprise that there is now a range of Haven tents for you to experience and enjoy so you can create your Haven just the way you like it next up we have the Swiss Room box this is the world's smallest motor home and it can be installed in most cars the development of this took eight whole years it can fit snugly in your vehicle and it'll make your camping trip way easier when you reach your destination all you have to do is unfold it and pull it out and voila within minutes your car has transformed into a camper its features include a stove with a gas pipeline built in a sink with running water and a table too here you can see a practical demonstration of how to use one it also comes with chairs the Swiss Room box is ideal for families who enjoy going camping or just groups of friends who' have ever thought you could take a stove a sink a table and chairs with you on your your camping trip that'd be all fit snugly in your vehicle that's not all when it's time to go to sleep you can pull out the sleeping beds too every convenience you could ask for is built within this thing camping has never been easier or more fun you can even take the cushions out and put them wherever you want even more important than a hot meal is a good shelter and this next design is better than good take a look inside this incredibly spacious canvas cabin tent from Kodiak designed to accommodate up to six people or just two with a huge bed this durable design can be used during any season all year round that's thanks to its weather resistant hydro shield canvas which will not only keep heavy rains out but will help you keep warm and snug inside 1-in thick galvanized steel tubing and welded braces provide sturdiness while quality Zips and vinyl flooring do give the tent a robust enough feel just make sure you secure the tent well as it's not designed for extreme winter mountaineering this tent is more suited to family holidays or relaxing camping with its 7 and 1/2t Peak ceiling height and steep walls for walk around Comfort there are large mesh Windows to enjoy the views and collapsible awnings so you can stay sheltered while still making the most of the fresh air an optional Deluxe awning covers a total area of 8 by8 and 1/2 ft planty large enough to set up a table and have a sit down meal and really feel at home in The Great Outdoors now when traveling from one campsite to the next one factor that many people don't enjoy is having to carry their heavy equipment thankfully the hip star makes this a lot less of a hassle and even kind of fun this Universal travel cart attaches to your hips leaving your hands free and your motion unimpeded it's durable enough for hiking through steep terrain and stays perfectly balanced on its two heavyduty wheels built-in shock absorbers and a harness keep the luggage steadier than you might think and you can adjust the setup to suit your height waist size and the weight of your luggage when you need to take a break you can stand your equipment upright using the retractable kickstand and when the terrain gets too treacherous for having the cart attached to your hips the hip star can easily convert into backpack mode of course you've still got the option to use it like a regular suitcase too where you can simply pull it along using the top handle but where's the fun in that how about attaching it to your bike instead this can be done using an extra adapter making the hipar even more versatile and to get the cart itself from point A to point B just fold it down into compact mode way to feel on top of the world perhaps inside one of those Pockets you can carry this next entry the all-in-one pocket tool dubbed the X2 featuring a multi-sized wrench a replaceable blade titanium crowbar and multiple other tools this product packs a lot of punch for its size its makers have certainly done the research and included only the most practical of tools which allows it to be as Compact and useful as possible suitable for a variety of tasks the pike X2 is made from lightweight durable titanium that's resistant to corrosion it may may be small but without any sacrifices being made to the design it's strong reliable and long lasting use it around the house or when you're at a campsite it'll pair with a range of drill bits or screws you can put it in your pocket since it only weighs 44 G or you can put it inside this Nifty leather holder and hang it from your belt either way you'll be glad to have it with you and regret not having it if you don't you know what can spoil a camping trip mosquitoes thankfully this next Gadget can help keep them at allowing you to spend more time appreciating your surroundings and not wasting your time and energy swatting them all away the flex tail tiny Rael is equipped with the latest dual repel technology that distributes heat evenly it provides double the protection of other brands and a fast heating system with a smart thermostat provides you 360° allaround the fence with a 30ft protection Zone you can camp and sit in peace or take it with you while hiking hunting or fishing and focus on catching only the bites you actually want if you drop it in the water no problem it's waterproof and surprisingly lightweight with a handy hook and a variety of accessories that'll attach the lantern to pretty much anything you won't have to worry about mosquitoes ever again you can even charge your phone with it and use it as a regular camping light why wouldn't you pack one on your next trip next up if you own a Toyota Tacoma you can take your camping trips to the next level with one of these sports trailers this pickup bed has been converted to include a kitchen complete with gas lit cooking stove and a fully functioning sink and here you have a cooler with multiple compartments plus a pullout surface that's perfect for serving drinks the trailer even has a compartment complete with a shower and a place to store both your gas supply and a generator so you can really feel at home out in the wild your tent fits nicely onto an elevated platform accessible by ladder so you can get a good night's sleep away from any creepy crawlies that may be lurking around on the ground the TRD sport trailer looks good attached to any pickup not just a Toyota but it's not all about looks it's about comfort and functionality well this trailer has those in abundance too it's so jam-packed with Creature Comforts you'll be forced to hunt for a space big enough so you can sprawl out and enjoy them all just look at the amount of real estate this thing takes up with the added bonus that when you're ready to go home it all folds neatly away and you still won't have to carry anything how good is that next making sure you get a great night's sleep Nemo has revolutionized the conventional closed cell foam sleeping pad by enhancing its thickness and providing luxurious Comfort without compromising on flexibility or portability the Switchback pad uses hexagonal nodes that are skillfully crafted with Innovative dual density axomic foam resulting in Hypno elastic zones that adapt to your body this exceptional combination offers an ideal equilibrium of support and comfort it also provides a layer of insulation making it a great choice for cold weather they camping even in extreme temperatures now we're going to show you the front Seer plus it's a lightweight durable and extremely portable wood burning stove that can be used for small homes tents and sheds if you like spending time in the woods but also prefer to pack light this is just the thing for you it can fit in your backpack and won't slow you down too much it's good for wood as well as coal it's perfectly safe for use inside your tent too here's how you set one up you unfold the legs and then place place the pin that'll hold them steady you don't have to worry about smoke filling up the tent either it comes with a makeshift chimney too that'll keep the air around it clean once you've got the fire started all you have to do is close the door and that's it keeping a fire burning in the woods has never been this easy or safe it's also relatively cheap so if you're looking for something on a budget the frontier plus is definitely the way to go let's get back to food for this next one if you really want to impress and cook for a group of people while camping look no further than the Disco by ey camper this modular outdoor cooking system was designed in order to create a unique culinary experience built around Community the designers wanted a way to continue the tradition of cooking on a disc but to update it with a modern and modular design in their own words we didn't invent cooking on discs this age-old tradition goes back over 100 years when Farmers would convert a plow disc into a massive cooking surface this is where the name disco comes from the perfect Fusion of culinary innov and age-old tradition this Standalone stove is made of easy to clean cast iron but it can be used with a range of cooking pots pans and utensils the quick release heavy duty legs make it strong and versatile plus there is even a pulley system to cook meat over a traditional fire it's not just for use on campsites either the Disco is equally at home in the backyard at a beach by a tailgate and practically anywhere else that's good for outdoor cooking whether you're with friends or on your own camping is better with the Disco once you've reached your site and set up camp it's time to get a fire started rather than spending hours Gathering wood and struggling to make a spark how about investing in a BioLite fire pit plus this dual fuel portable fire pit eliminates smoke through patented air flow technology allowing you to go from spark to smokeless fire in seconds an x-ray mesh allows you to see everything that's going on inside of your fir pit and it's just as mesmerizing as a traditional campfire maybe even more so while adding a layer of protection the mesh still allows plenty of heat and air flow four pieces of CED wood is all you need for a decent flame and a long burn what's more you can actually control the intensity of flames from your smartphone via Bluetooth the BioLite system permits up to 30 hours of burning and can be recharged via a USB cable you can even hook up your phone directly to the fire pit plus system retractable legs and a carrier bag make the fire pit plus surprisingly portable and there are several attachments that will make it a main stay of your camping trips compatible with firewood or charcoal you can turn the fire pit into a grill and get some skewers on the go with the addition of a tray how about some bacon and eggs or whatever else takes your fancy if you're looking to elevate your camping experience start by upgrading your fire also from Pike is the couta Carabiner with handy back clip named after a national park in Canada the cout a is super strong and has a distinct split compartment design that combines Ingenuity with strength and function ality built with the average user in mind this state-of-the-art Aviation grade piece weighs just 30 G making it the perfect tool for everyday carry you can clip it onto your pocket or your backpack for convenience made from a titanium alloy that boasts Superior strength over aluminum and a lighter weight than stainless steel it's resistant to corrosion and looks much cooler than a standard Carabiner don't you think to take your campsite to the next level in terms of style and comfort this automatic inflatable armchair from hido aims to do both it's extremely easy to carry charge and use with a OneTouch inflation system that's fast and convenient after connecting the pump to a power bank the chair inflates in less than 3 minutes giving you a soft ergonomic surface to rest on after a Long Day's hike it's a lot more inviting and far less bulky than a folding chair and it's pretty stylish too deflating the chair takes no time at all and it even comes with its own carry back so you can carry on being comfortable wherever you go the overcamp by Auto home is a similar concept only it does Away With The Whole Trailer thing and converts your vehicle into a welcoming home where you can relax and treasure your journey in peace it takes just a minute or two to unfurl the sleeping space on top of the car's roof with a sturdy ladder for access the twers tent locks into place and provides plenty of protection from the elements there's even a nice little window to let in some Twilight and fresh air if the weather's nice you can stay protected and enjoy the view with these mesh side panels and packing up is an absolute Breeze just unfold the tent detach the ladder secure them into position and replace the waterproof cover hook her up and it's on to the next location also from Nemo is the stargaze recliner luxury chair because why not be comfortable at all times with an updated lightweight design that's easy to carry the intuitive assembly process means you can take a load off in just 30 seconds the chair's gracefully curved upright poles have been EXP ly engineered to provide Superior accommodation for broader shoulders and to create extra elbow space convenient pouches on both sides offer flexibility for storing sunscreen a cell phone or Keys meanwhile a large padded headrest extends beyond the back rest ensuring optimal support for users of varying Heights the stargaze chair continues to Captivate with its swinging seats and responsive Auto recline mechanism delivering a hammock-like experience with seamless tilting of the back rest crafted with a focus on stability the chair boasts a low center of gravity guaranteeing unmatched steadiness on a range of surfaces including sandy beaches rugged terrains and even spongy soccer fields all that's left is to lean back to Revel in the Splendor of the night sky or enjoy a moment of relaxation by the campfire while waiting for the water to boil ah when it's finally time to leave simply pack your chair into its carrying case and Carry On The Adventure next up on our list we have the quick light cabin this is a modern lightweight and easy to build cabin here's a video demonstration on how to assemble one it's actually quite simple you can totally do it yourself without needing extra help from anyone all you need is a screwdriver once the sides are done and fixed you fasten it from the top and bottom and that's it you're good to go all the parts have been UV treated which means this cabin is going to last very long if you want your cabin to be bigger there are also two extension kits available one kit adds to the space of two panels to the cabin the windows are made from brake proof acrylic meaning they'll also last a very long time as will all the components of this cabin you can't possibly be any more comfortable than this out in the wilderness also designed by I camper is this Sky Camp Annex room now you can pull it pretty much anywhere in your vehicle and within minutes create a spacious outdoor living area this Innovative Rooftop tent raised an impressive $2.3 million in fundraising when it was first conceptualized in terms of of assembly it's similar to how a traditional tent is constructed however because you can carry all of the parts around with you on top of your car it makes for a much larger and sturdier build once completed plus the energy you save by not having to Lug a tent around all day can instead be put into erecting a camping Fortress for yourself when finished you end up with a multi-level living area that includes a sizable room at ground level as well as an upstairs sleeping chamber then there's the added benefit of being able to pack up and drive on to the next idic location whenever you want meaning you can snooze a little and really enjoy your surroundings also from BioLite are these alpen glow USB lanterns which can provide either 250 or 500 lumens of light now you can keep the party going well into the evening and brighten up your camp with a warm Pleasant glow the lanterns use a chroma real LED technology to deliver natural light and can accurately render a range of different colors change the Atmosphere by tapping the lantern or give it a shake for an instant rotation of dazzling color the colors can even be split offering both ambient and task based light chargeable via USB and easy to carry the alpen glow is perfect for the backyard or the back country steamrolling into view next is the Reel wheel an allterrain cart that removes the hassle of lugging all your heavy equipment around an over difficult terrain other trolley and carriers are sometimes useless and even dangerous when trying to get from A to B the real wheel allows you to carry lots of items including cans glass bottles and other goodies while keeping them cool at the same time the cooler is then secured to the carts and on top you can carry chairs camping equipment and attach them securely before you start rolling through the woods stressfree the wheel is incredibly durable and travels over Twigs rocks and sand with ease it's perfect for a day at the beach because when you get there you can have a fresh picnic including the real wheel as a table foldable legs will prevent your wheel from Rolling away on its own and the collapsible handle means you can store the product in the back of your car of course you don't want to carry too much when you go camping and if you're smart you'll invest in a kit that has everything you need in one place this mini be air travel camping kit for example comes fully equipped for your next Outdoor Adventure made from recyclable materials it's lightweight and fits into almost any car providing a double bed and transforming any car into a cozy camper during the day you can take take a seat on the highquality mattress and read a book in the sunshine once you've built up an appetite you can then slide out the mini bees cooking countertop and prepare yourself a hot meal then set up a dining table with seating complete with soft covers and after dinner why not break out the two-seater sofa and watch the sunset the mini be works just as well in cold climates where you'll be thankful for the chance to have a warm meal in a cup of coffee of course of course not all cars can accommodate a tent on the roof in which case perhaps one of these camping trailers from Helio is more suitable it may look like you're missing half of your Caravan but don't let its small size fool you The Helio H3 Series has a lot to offer it's lightweight yet tough making it easy to travel with off-road you can charge your accessories using solar power or by more traditional means thanks to a variety of power inlets and Outlets the trailer can be combined with a tent but on its own has enough space for for two sleepers alternatively you can use it as a living area with an easy access couch you'll be thankful for all that electricity when it helps to keep you warm and entertained in Winter if you're someone who prefers to stay cool then it's worth noting that The Helio also comes in this very cool all black design moving on Mars players have created a One-Stop shop for all of your Camp kitchen needs aptly named the one this multi-functional Outdoor Equipment provides modules for cooking an infrared heater lighting and more the One features a trio of foldable panels that effortlessly expand creating a sturdy platform that becomes the focal point for cooking Heating and other outdoor activities far infrared technology streamlines camp cooking rapidly boiling water for dehydrated meals or Brewing fresh coffee while also accommodating grilling of delicious Meats on the grilling module this incredibly efficient device can be powered up anywhere allowing you to indulge in the beauty of nature while enjoying all the comfort and convenience you desire it can heat your food and keep your drink cool at the same time it's environmentally friendly and comes with an emergency toolkit to help keep you safe if it's cold outside turn on the radiant heater add some lighting keep the mosquitoes at Bay and allow yourself and your family to be at one with the Great Outdoors fireflower fire pits and grills are the perfect accessory to take with you when you go out camping or even while having a barbecue in your backyard it acts as both a fire pit and a grill and here you can watch for yourself how it's assembled instead of taking both a fire pit and a grill with you all you have to do now is carry one and it'll provide you with the function of both it's easy to assemble and once you're done using it cleanup is also quite easy once you've got the coals in place you place the lid on top and voila you've got yourself a grill now it takes seconds to make the shift if you want there's an even smaller version of the fireflower fire pit the fireflower spark it works just like the original but takes up even less space each one of these combines artistic design craftsmanship and materials of the highest standard possible the grills come with a 5-year warranty too otherwise it's your money back if you spend a lot of time Outdoors the fireflower fire pit is definitely a musthave and would make your life easier lamps and other artificial light sources can be expensive and cumbersome but no more thanks to the everglow light tube designed by climate when folded up it can fit inside your pocket but when inflated this easy to use light tube provides both directional and Lantern style lighting powered by a USB input the efficient 5volt white LED light is both portable and versatile it easily attaches to your tent Hing or car door using a carabiner Loop or its magnetic attachment points brightness can be adjusted easily through a dimmer switch so now you can hit the lights whenever you like thanks to this clever creation Now next up if you plan on taking an extended trip then this Earth traveler Teardrop trailer may just be the thing you never knew you needed built to be incredibly lightweight yet robust each trailer is handbuilt and custommade in the USA they can be solar powered and are expertly crafted to maximize the potential usage of the trailer for storage and camping the Earth trailer's remarkable design allows you to expand your interior living space by deploying walls and popping up the front and back rooftop the curb weight of the trailer starts as low as 250 lb with the potential for add-ons such as foldable tables a prep and cleaning station LED lights exterior propane storage and more watch as the trailer transforms into a sizable living space that can easily sleep two people maybe more there's still plenty of space to store your tools Cutlery board games and other camping Essentials the attention to detail and Superior Quality results in a stylish finish that's also functional anyone wishing to embark on a spontaneous or planned road trip can enjoy a classic camping experience with the Earth traveler all while being fuele efficient and less harmful to the environment now here's a handy piece of kit that every camper can take with them on their next adventure able to fit inside of a standard wallet this credit card multi-tool has over 60 useful functions it's sharp enough to cut through Twigs or chop vegetables it'll cut cords and can even be fashioned into a makeshift survival ax need to start a fire no problem open a can of food too easy Once to know how far away something is thanks multi-tool now I know the fact that you can carry this with you at all times makes it incredibly worthwhile since you can use it for random tasks around the house as well when you're out in the wild made from Titanium with a cerakote finish the multi-tool is incredibly tough and resistant to wear and tear its inventor has worked hard to consistently improve and update the design so what you're seeing here is actually version 3.0 whether you like to go camping regularly or suddenly find yourself stranded in nature for the first time you'll be glad to know that inside your wallet is a tool that could make your survival or just everyday life a little bit easier speaking of cars check out this pop-up cabin called the cars designed by Japanese company magix it's like staying in a capsule hotel that attaches to your vehicle it was built with the camping and Van life enthusiasts in mind providing a lightweight easy to carry living space that assembles in a matter of minutes now you can park up at a beautiful location and enjoy your surroundings while having somewhere Pleasant to relax while staying sheltered the car SE is better than a standard tent at regulating temperatures and with plenty more room you can install a kitchen unit a desk or even a shower area in the back of your car and make it your own home away from home the possibilities are endless plus you won't need to hike miles from your car before setting up your tent each time you can just drive off in the morning as long as you collapse the car sole first obviously if you're looking to enhance your outdoor dining experience rather than packing a load of heavy Cutlery you should consider the morsel Spork this unique and versatile utensil combines the functions of a spoon fork and spatula and is a multi functional tool that has gained popularity among campers Backpackers and outdoor enthusiasts made from durable materials the morsel Spork is designed to allow users to efficiently scoop stab and scrape a variety of foods from soups and stews to pasta salads and more the extended handle makes it easier to reach the bottom of food containers pouches or dehydrated meal bags without getting your hands messy the spork itself is also easy to clean and since it's reusable it scores highly for sustainability making it perfect for those who love nature and enjoy outdoor activities especially picnics offering a bit more space than our previous entry is the fixer camper van you can pull up to your favorite spot pop the roof and do a bit of bird watching from the the bed then you can shut out the world at night and go on an adventure in the morning if you're near a charging spot why not charge your motor home because the fixer with two x's is available as an XXL version and as a diesel or an electric vehicle it looks pretty stylish from the outside and inside you'll find an inviting space complete with seating a fridge and plenty of storage there's room in the back too but up top is where you're likely to spend most of your time that's because the Cozy canopy is where you can lie down and take in the beautiful sites all around you it's plenty big enough for two and is the perfect place to retire with your partner after a night of roasting marshmallows by the fire next allow me to introduce you to the Duan a modular type Loft canvas tent that could be your dream home away from home this versatile tent effortlessly adapts to its various Landscapes be it forests mountains lakes Canyons or even the sea itself embrace the coastal charm by setting it up on the beach where you can enjoy the pleasures of sunbathing or fishing while lounging comfortably in the hammock if you prefer to get out onto the water the D can can be converted into a floating paddle booat sure you can paddle without the tent but during those scorching summer months you'll probably want to attach the canvas and stay cool in the shade while catching a fresh fish for dinner conversion from tent to boat takes mere minutes but it'll extend your fishing trip and keep you protected for hours if you prefer to stay on land closer to home the Duan could be a secondary dwelling in your backyard there's no need for complicated construction or strenuous effort plus you can customize the tent with multiple levels adjusting it to a height that best suits your surroundings add a couple of hammocks to the first floor set up the Duan with a parasol to keep out any harmful UV rays and you've got a safe sturdy Treehouse that will be the Envy of the neighborhood resistant to Winds of up to 53 mph and capable of carrying 660 lb in weight this impressive tent is a solid choice no matter where you are next up on our list we have the gallano fast pitch instant tent which is the perfect thing for camping trips and festivals or just any other reason to be outdoors when you have one of these you'll be getting unmatched comfort and convenience on your campsites it takes less than a minute to pitch this tent here's how you can get your set up you have to remove the elastic strap that's keeping it in place and all by itself it'll pop into place then all you have to do is Peg the tent down into place and have it settled down to avoid having it Fly Away now that you've got it pitched the tent offers excellent accommodation and comfort it's constructed with highquality fiberglass poles and aside from that the tent is also fire resistant so you don't have to worry about safety when staying here there's also a removable roof panel and plenty of options depending on what sort of ventilation you want inside you could even lie back and gaze out at the stars after a long day of hiking one factor that puts some people off camping is hygiene well with this foldable on Suite shower tent from julica you've got no more excuses this fantastic invention allows you to stay fresh and clean and to enjoy a proper shower while not exposing you to the elements there's a separate dry zone for keeping your towels in order and the water you use can be drained out of the tent easily depending on your situation you can enjoy the view while you soak or have complete privacy perhaps the best thing though is that once you're done you can dismantle the shower and store it in a carry bag in as little as 22 seconds ready to take on your next adventure if you're the type of person who struggles to get a good night's sleep away from your own bed the park bag by big agus could be the product that changes that designed for maximum Comfort while camping and even the toughest of conditions this synthetic down te bag is not just waterproof it's water repellent not only will it keep you dry but the extra padding and soft down material will keep you warm and snug bags by Big Agnes are cut tall and wide so even if you're a larger person or tend to wiggle around at night there's plenty of room for you when it's combined with a 30-in wide mattress pad that's 78 in Long the result is a peaceful night's sleep and a chance that you may never want to return to your normal bed after all this one has built-in pockets for your pillow and your smartphone whether you prefer your feet in or out if you like to be tucked in at night or have more wiggle room the park bag will take good care of you it's the ideal partner for base camps car camping or even an overnight stay on your friend's floor being cold can really put a downer on your camping trip but that won't be an issue when you have this next item from koala introducing the koala X heated hand warmer bag this smart utility bag provides heat to warm you up and make you feel comfortable no matter where you are no more freezing fingers or dreaded frostbite simply put your hands inside the warmer for instant relief whether you're fishing skiing or just living somewhere cold you can wear this bag in a variety of ways to look cool but more importantly to feel warm you can take it anywhere and it'll store your things just like a regular utility bag its pockets and storage options make it a great choice for any occasion and you can even charge your phone and keep it protected so you can watch our videos anywhere or you could use it to fly a drone the bag will protect what's inside from wind and snow including your fingers of course so don't let the cold stop your winter activities now let me introduce you to an invention that makes lazing around a whole lot easier in just 3 seconds this portable hammock stand is set up and ready to go allowing you to maximize your relaxation time and enjoy the breeze it's stable on any terrain and all it takes is a few clicks before you're lounging around in Comfort it comes with its own canopy too so that you can stay protected from the Sun and lie around all day long the stands aircraft grade aluminum is resistant to rust meaning you have nothing to worry about when it comes to your long-term relaxation goals in the past the only Annoying part about hammocks was having a place and the patience to set them up well not anymore because now you can set up and customize your hammock with ease so that it can cradle you and protect you all day long place it outside or inside add accessories like a cup holder and a phone holder never move from your hammock again although realistically when you do have to move it doesn't take much effort to pack up a and change the view it's time to step into the future now or drive into it I should say this is the Cyber truck which you may have seen before but have you seen this the Cyber Lander is an Overland camper for the Cyber truck that looks like a pop-up house it features convenient retractable steps and expands to provide a living space with smart ttin windows and retractable solar panels as you enter through the sliding door and step onto the heated floor you'll find yourself in front of of a huge voice activated sink and invisible induction hops there's also a fridge and as you turn around you can see chairs and tables that can be maneuvered into a variety of positions for working sitting or sleeping surprisingly there's even enough room for a bathroom with a recirculating shower a compact sink and a dry toilet everything packs down into the back of the truck ready to drive off in a matter of minutes it's a very clever use of space and impressive to see how much can fit into such a seemingly small area area of course it's not quite a reality yet but all inventions start as an idea there's nothing quite like a hot meal to restore your energy while camping in the wilderness this portable camping rocket stove by star Blue Products is therefore a dream come true for any hungry camper it requires no specialized tools to set up since it's conveniently designed to be easily put together or taken apart crafted from highquality stainless steel the rocket stove is built to last with except exeptional resistance to rust and various weather conditions forget the hassle of carrying propane or gas fuels with you simply gather wood sticks from your surroundings and place them into the chamber once ignited a steady consistent and long lasting supply of heat rises to the top allowing you to have bacon and eggs for breakfast next up on our list we have the click chair it's an extremely stable and yet comfortable seat that's also extremely portable and works well for campers and hikers it can be folded to the size of a water bottle click chair is designed so that you could easily carry up to six with you when you go camping as compared to other chairs click chair can get constructed instantly it takes mere seconds to set up and is simpler in its design too from concerts to camping trips to barbecues you now have a sturdy chair wherever you go it weighs 3 lb and can hold around 100 times its own weight and remain stable it's made of a quick drying rip stop ballistic nylon the structures are made of rust proof aluminum that can keep up with any kind of weather it's also got a lifetime guarantee it's made with the finest material and won't break down and lose its durability with the passage of time either the accompanying hot tap is also made by julica and is the world smallest water heater in its class the portable heater hooks up to an LPG or liquefied petroleum gas bottle but the system itself can be attached to a car door after setting up temperature settings can be manually adjusted and a microprocessor limits water heat to 50° C preventing things from getting too hot enjoying a hot tap shower is then as simple as flipping a switch there are several mounts and attachments available it comes with a robust pump that connects to your car and is waterproof the water intake features a two-stage filter that will remove dirt plus it's sturdy enough to be thrown into shallow creeks and rivers this allows water to be pumped up to 30 m to your campsite making the tap useful for washing dishes as well as bodies there's a handy built-in dish rack and the faucet pivots and tilts for better functionality the kitchen sink doubles as a compact storage container making it easy to keep everything together and move it around with your camping gear a great piece of Kit to keep in your car for sure also aiming to give you a great night's sleep whereever you stop to rest is the tensor from Nemo using their trademarked space frame battle construction the tensor offers quiet supportive comfort in an ultra light package the sleeping pad provides excellent support and weight distribution using low stretch diecut trusses to eliminate springiness while protecting your elbows and hips from poking through to the ground the insulated tensor consists of multiple layers of suspended Metalized film which results in a lighter remarkably quiet sleeping pad compared to others on the market and internal layer of ultra thin film reduces convection currents and the Metalized insulation will keep you nice and warm the tensor comes with a Vortex pump sack which makes for easy inflation and will save you lots of precious time when you want to get your head down after a long day of hiking if having your best adventure depends on good sleep tensor has the perfect formula now camping in the woods can be fraught with danger I'm talking Bears foxes and other predators that may want to steal your potato chips that's why depending on what you're dealing with you may need this it's a sentury tactical automatic trip alarm system made by lockheart you can set up a trip wire in seconds and then place emergency flares or bear bangers that when tripped will scare those pesky Critters away don't worry it's safe and will only warn the animals to stay away from the area you can set up a perimeter around your Camp using multiple trip wires and the device can be triggered manually or automatically it's also useful for launching a signal flare to attract human attention if you get lost or hurt there are different color flares to choose from as well as the aformentioned bear bangers remember it pays to take precautions helping you transport your things from a to to be is this next product the monowalker fatmate allterrain camping cart this versatile Marvel was designed to replace your traditional backpack Guided by a singular Vision to enable self-sufficiency far removed from urban life the aim was to carry equipment and sustenance for days on foot navigating challenging Landscapes with ease despite the weight and rugged terrain equipped with 4-in wide fat tires it guarantees steadfast movement across all types of ground the monowalker is unfazed by the presence or absence of path snowy fields or muddied Earth and excels at the Untamed Scandinavian Fel the tire's breadth prevents sinking even under heavy loads and on unstable surfaces it's not just for Alpine TRS either as it's equally Adept for expeditions across Tundra deserts and forests it certainly beats carrying everything on your back and once you've reached your destination the energy you've saved will allow you to set up your campsite and get some well-earned rest for a movable personal space that you can actually use check out the this all electric Teardrop trailer from poly drops called the p7a it was designed for Off the Grid living giving you the freedom to reside anywhere you choose the aesthetically pleasing trailer is fitted with a good siiz Kitchen where you can heat up food on the induction cooker store your trash or valuables and plug in appliances like a toaster meaning there's no need to skimp on breakfast you'll find everything you need including the kitchen sink where you can wash up the cooking area slides away and you can grab a cold drink from the fridge on your way out moving into the living area SL bedroom which is accessible through this funky Space Capsule inspired door you'll be surprised at the amount of space and how homely it feels I don't think I'd ever get tired of the space capsule's control panel where you can control the Atmosphere by flicking the satisfying switches it looks great under the stars and when it's daytime in the middle of the desert you can set up a table put up the awning unfold a couple of chairs and take take it easy cool yourself down with the built-in hose and when you've had enough just drive off now even if you prefer traveling alone here's one mate you might want to let tag along the adventure mate V2 is a 5 in1 Mega multi-tool that will come in handy in lots of different scenarios firstly it's a reliable axe for chopping firewood helping to keep you warm and cold climates seen here in stealth black it looks just as awesome as it feels while swinging it on the rear is a hammer useful for setting up camp while a hook on top of the adventure mate will grab things and to unlock the saw just lift the lever attach it to the end of your multi-tool and lock it in place now you can prune branches and saw through logs last but not least your adventure mate doubles as a shovel with foot pegs so you can dig to your heart's content packaged using recyclable materials I can't think of a more perfect camping companion can you one of the biggest reasons so many people have reservations about going camping is that they won't be able to charge their phones while they're out there but with the help of flame Cube you don't have to worry about that anymore the flame Cube lets you charge your phone while you cook it turns the fire into electricity besides charging your phone the flame Cube helps keep your fires contained and running you just have to use a couple of twigs and get it started and then the flame Cube will convert it into electricity the flame Cube has got your back then the Dual fans pump in more fresh air to make the flame Cube burn more efficiently and strongly here's a demonstration of how to use it you need to unfold and pull out the flaps no matter what kind of weather there is or what time of day it works amazingly well soon you won't be able to remember what you did before the flame Cube came around it has made camping so easy and hassle-free next up is the Envy kit this 5-in-1 utensil kit is another worthwhile addition to your camping equipment equipment campers tend to overlook or forego having decent Cutlery instead opting to use environmentally unfriendly plastic spoons or eating with their hands because let's face it who wants to carry a traditional knife and fork around with them now though the Envy kit makes having Dependable Cutlery at a campsite practical and not weird at all a spoon fork knife Chopsticks collapsible straw and silicone tip can all be packed neatly into this handy little kit there's even a reusable napkin the utensils are made from highquality titanium coated stainless steel meaning they are durable reusable and overall better for the environment assembly is a piece of cake thanks to the screw mechanism whereas the straw simply opens with the flick of a wrist after use just wash or wipe your Cutlery and return them to the Envy kit ready for next time now you can really enjoy your meals wherever it's at whether that be at home at a dodgy restaurant or at a campsite having a clean supply of water is essential when you go camping espe especially for an extended period of time in a worst case scenario where you can't find clean water the peak series straw by life straw could literally be a lifesaver that's because it protects against bacteria parasites dirt and lots of other nasty stuff allowing you to drink from almost any water source with peace of mind it's essentially the ultimate survival tool one that's easy to clean and carry around with you the LIF straw uses a micro filtration membrane that only allows clean water to pass through it it's incredibly easy to operate and you can either drink straight from the straw or attach it to a bottle and filter water into a glass either way you'll have clean H2O in no time keeping you refreshed man giving you the freedom to keep on exploring I feel a little tense now so let's relax and take a look at our next entry the salty Barrel you should take it easy when camping so after setting up your perimeter why not set up a hot tub it's perfectly possible with one of these portable wood fired tubs you just need to get a fire going in the heating system system that attaches to the pool fill the tub with water from the nearby River and there you have it instant Paradise you can even use the fire to cook dinner before the pool party begins anyone who's carried a camping stove will know that it's not the lightest piece of equipment but this compact titanium camping stove from serotonin Outdoors is lighter than most at just 300 G not only is this multi-fuel stove remarkably lightweight and simple to put together but it's exceptional titanium durability and secondary combustion feature renders it an ideal companion for every camping Expedition the parts slot together easily and you can choose from a variety of fuel sources to get a fire started such as a spirit burner wood pellets wood chips or dry Twigs you can use solid fuel tablets to brew a cup of tea or use the gas adapter to cook up a burger for breakfast it's easy to keep the fire burning with the use of a blowpipe and by adding more Twigs when necessary a secondary burn feature improves heat output and efficiency too so you can brew a cup of joe while on the go this camper Nomad may have more of a traditional look to it but it's a beautiful home on wheels that has a lot going for it it has a practical design and seems like it would be a wonderful place to hibernate in Winter if things get a little too stuffy you can always open up the Skylight and let in some fresh air but for those times when you want to shut yourself away from the world there's space for your Essentials a TV and even a handy cup holder there's a side table too and the bed SL sofa looks comfortable enough at the rear is where you'll find the kitchen with a cool box overhead storage drawers for cutlery and other utensils plus a sink with plenty of space underneath on the side you've got your power input a stabilizing leg and another entrance to your living quarters it's not the flashiest Abode but I've stayed in worse hotel rooms if versatility is the name of the game this camping tent for maruta is surely another winner perfect for bike packing backpacking and hiking the tent can be set up using standard camping poles hiking poles or even using your actual bike in fact the maruta tent is compatible with most bikes on the market and setting it up is relatively easy your bike acts as an anchor point for the tent allowing you to create a simple yet secure sleeping space and a place to rest your weary head after a long day of cycling the tense weatherproof material will protect you from chilling winds and rain but the best part about the maruta is that it weighs just 1.6 kg in total and can be packed so small it will fit onto your bike's handlebars when not in use now that's convenient for a room with some of the most spectacular views imaginable check out this hard-sided rooftop camper from Red Tail the carbon fiber construction pops up smoothly any matter of seconds windows and side panels can be opened to fully take in the surroundings in fresh air depending on where you park and the weather you can either Embrace mother nature in her entirety or shut her out and stay warm and dry the camper produces its own electricity and can therefore provide light and manage temperatures with its built-in fan and blower systems it has power outlets and you can actually climb up into the camper through your vehicle sunroof alternatively you can use a ladder from the outside although that doesn't seem as cool collapsing the mini Penthouse is just as easy as putting it up so you can just drive off to the next idealic landscape with your hotel room already with you what's the best way to get a fire going with one of these survive we stormproof matches even when it isn't party weather come wind or rain if you need a fire at a moment's notice these matches will help you out whatever the weather stormproof windproof and even waterproof provided they're in the heavy duty container these are the hardest Marines of the match world the kit comes with a spare Striker and Incredibly the matches themselves can be submerged underwater for up to 5 seconds and it will stay lit when you pull them out again I have no idea what kind of magic or science is going on here but I'm impressed the best place to store your matches is in one of survive weare's first aid kits but more on that in a moment after we use one of these lighters to start a fire and cook lunch if you're planning on having a barbecue and entertaining guests at your campsite you're going to need something bigger like this kuduo 3 grill a portable charcoal grill with an open fire grilling system crafted to provide the ultimate outdoor cooking experience the kuduo 3 Grill is enhanced with robust locking handles and state-of-the-art precision Hardware so attuning your cooking space has never been more seamless the Grill's design ensures unwavering steadiness even on rough terrains as you can adjust the cooking surfaces and the legs of the grill guaranteeing an even cook every time the fresh charcoal grat stream lines heat control resulting in quality temperature management while swiftly attaining intense heat levels stewing smoking grilling this contraption does it all it even has a rotisserie attachment so you can show off your succulent chicken adjust your setup once more to hang a pot and boil your spaghetti and when the cooking is finally finished transform the grill into a campfire and keep the party going into the night rope has been an essential piece of camping equipment for decades but never before has it been so easy to use or carry around the rapid rope is specifically designed to provide the most efficient solution for storing and utilizing rope made using a unique flat braid and contained within a canister the Rope is incredibly strong and extremely satisfying to hold whether you're loading up your truck pulling logs or in need of a toe the rapid rope has you covered and even instructs you which type of knot is best to use with the built-in razor you can quickly cut some rope to your desired length and lift weights up to 1100 lb and with over 120 ft of rope in one compact canister there's plenty to play with if you do run out of rope refills are readily available and it's well worth it to avoid the usual problems that come with loose rope including Tangles and unwanted knots that can be a major pain the rapid rope's usefulness extends to everyday tasks around the campsite at home in the garden or on the job you can even take the dog for a walk or play catch with it you'll most likely want to take with you on your next camping trip is the forge 15 hitch mounted Grill inspired by Adventure road trips and the love of the outdoors hitch fire is changing the game when it comes to Hitch based accessories both the grill and the swing arm are fully assembled out of the box so all you need to do is put them together made from heavy duty metal with a durable powdercoated finish the grill is purpose-built to withstand the roughest weather and toughest conditions so you can pull up almost anywhere even in a river and have your grill ready to cook your next catch you'll struggle to find a fresher tastier meal than one cooked by yourself at the place where you actually caught your food the grill and swing arm lock into place at several points using robust screws pins and latches ensuring it stays firmly in place when driving over the bumpiest of terrain the grill lid also has a latch to keep it shut during transport and what is good food without good drink thankfully makers of the forge 15 have thought of that too as it even has a built-in bottle opener the grill itself is the main party piece though it has two straight burners that run from the front to the back of the grill with drip guards over each if you enjoy grilling you need to take it to the next level with one of these and try Adventure grilling this trple water filter from Pure Trek is a must have if you often go wandering Into the Wilderness it combines two essential hiking products into one a trekking pole and a water filtration system meaning you have fewer things to carry but can remain hydrated while on the go as you approach a river or lake simply plunge your pole into the water attach a tube and start pumping the filter will prevent any harmful bacteria from getting into your water bottle and will give you access to a fresh clean water supply that could very well save your life or at least give you the energy you need to keep going also helping to keep you warm and dry on your next trip is the connected sustainable jackets from pikers although it does a lot more than just that featuring a unique combination of technology and sustainability this jacket is the ideal companion for a lifetime of Adventure controllable via smartphone this jacket is made from 100% recycled waterproof material it can protect against harsh winds and contains padded insulation made from plastic bottles there are lots of Handy Pockets to carry things and several ways to adjust your jacket to make sure it's the perfect fit best of all the jacket contains smart heating which is where the phone controls come in and if you're heading out at night you can also turn on your jacket's lights so that you're easily visible to drivers and other hikers or pedestrians plan on hitting the slopes your jacket even has a fall detection system and you can set up smart alerts so if you get into trouble someone can help a built-in battery with an emergency light could be life-saving too how many more things can you want from a jacket it even looks fantastic going camping with a group and really wanting to make your trip memorable check out this UCO flat pack Grill in fire pit its lightweight and compact design makes it easy to transport and in less than a minute you can start making gourmet meals for the family on a quality Grill designed to feed up to eight people setting up the grill is a foolproof exercise and a charcoal insert tray and double grill grate make it easy to disassemble and clean when you're finished in just 30 seconds you can pack up and move on taking your durable low impact Grill in its carry case to reuse at your next location depending on the size of your group you can opt for a large medium or small version something we all need is clean drinking water The Grail geopress water purifier is easy to use fast and convenient in just 8 seconds it can produce 24 ounces of safe clean drinking water from practically any water source in the world whether it's a grubby Hotel sink a murky River a well or a lake geopress can purify it and protect you from all sorts of waterborne pathogens as well as any pesticides chemicals heavy metals or microplastics accidents happen all the time when people are out camping and even if you bring medical supplies they can become damaged and disorganized that's why you should consider a surviveware waterproof first aid kit no water is getting in here and you can strap the kit to almost anything making it a very friendly and worthwhile travel companion all of the premium quality supplies are arranged in an easily accessible way with labels to let you know where everything is this is crucial in an emergency as you don't want to be fumbling around looking for the right piece of Kit you can take the kit with you wherever you go and it's easy to keep clean stay safe always and have fun last on our list we have the insta privy this is a compact lightweight and extremely portable toilet system that will help you overcome your anxieties about the florist an insta privy comes with a stable chair that can be folded when not in use as well as a hands-free privacy shelter and all of this can be neatly fit into a single easyto use toilet kit that's not all this kit also includes toilet seat covers waist bags hand sanitizer and a trout unlike tent shelters that can take up to 10 to 15 minutes to set up the insta privy needs only 30 seconds at most it's not just the perfect thing for camping it can also be used for road trips and if you're going boating or rafting or if you have a small child who forgets to to go before leaving the house when you have one of these with you you never have to feel anxious about going into the woods again it'll feel not too unlike going at home it weighs only 3 lb too now what do you think let us know in the comments if you'll be investing in any of these incredible camping inventions if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and check out our other videos if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to our channel for even more interesting and creative content and hit that Bell icon so you can stay up toate with our latest uploads as always always thanks for watching and we'll see you again next time
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