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공부하기/military. warfare.


by 리치캣 2019. 2. 13.



Advanced Troop Back Personnel Main Parachute System 35 feet diameter, steerable The MT‐10 parachute is a steerable, 35 feet diameter parabolic shaped canopy, with anƟ‐inversion neƫng. It’s 30 gores are block constructed using non‐porous rip stop nylon and high UV resistant. Very little air passesthrough the material MIL‐C‐44378 type I (0‐3 CFM porosity) resulting in slower than normal rate of descent. SoŌer landings are especially welcomed at high field elevaƟons or with heavy payloads. The MT‐10 uses the same harness, pack, deployment bag and staƟc line that the standard MC1‐1C use, to upgrading to the MT‐10 means a seamless transiƟon for personnel. The MT‐10 troop back personnel parachute provides a capability to safely deliver an airborne soldier and individual equipment from an aircraŌ in flight for a verƟcal assault on the enemy. Robustness; design to all military operaƟon condiƟon using military spec material Reliability; extremely reliable with military specificaƟons material Steerability; steerable by steering line with two fabric toggles Maintainability; easy maintain design for field and depot level TropicalizaƟon; tropical weather considered design Operability; design fore easily operated Portability; compact and portable Durability; rough military handling Design; simple design for easy maintenance Life span; 15 years with minimum 250 Ɵmes jump



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