전기차 610km... 덩치 있는 가솔린이나 경유 SUV의 연비와 비슷한 거리다.
현대 코나전기차도...460이라고 나오지만...계기판에는 510km까지도 나오는 것을 경험해 봤다.
그러나...달리면...실제로는 400km 이하를 달리는 경우도 많다. 히터를 틀거나 에어컨을 사용하거나...고속주행을 할 경우엔 이동가능거리가 급격히 떨어진다. 특히 히터는 쥐약이다.
폴스터3는 어떨까? 아뭏든 가장 관심받는 중국산 전기차가 아닐까 생각한다.
610 km driving on a single charge, Polestar 3
Polestar, owned by Volvo Cars, has unveiled its first SUV. The SUV, named Polestar 3, is built on the next-generation EV architecture developed under Volpo.

The first model to appear is the ‘Long Range Dual Motor’ trim with a dual motor and a large battery. A total of two electric motors, one front and rear, produce a maximum output of 489 horsepower and a maximum torque of 85.6 kgm. Through this, zero-back 5.0 seconds and a top speed of 210 km/h are demonstrated, and for consumers who want something more powerful, a 517 horsepower performance pack (maximum torque of 92.8 kgm) has been prepared. In this case, the zero-back time is reduced to 4.7 seconds. The 400V lithium-ion battery has a capacity of 111kWh, and when fully charged, it can travel up to 610km based on WLTP.
The lower body combines ride comfort and steering stability. Dual-chamber air suspension and active dampers are applied to effectively absorb shocks from the road surface, while minimizing front-back and left-right shaking in sharp cornering.
The style is an extension of Polestar 1 and 2. It is simple yet functional with the brand identity. Here, the SUV style was grafted to upgrade the dynamics and usability.
Since it aims for future performance mobility, it has also developed autonomous driving capabilities by applying self-developed software to Nvidia's drive core chipset. A total of 5 radar modules, 5 external cameras, and 12 ultrasonic sensors are used to acquire and utilize various driving information to reduce driver stress.
The European standard selling price is 89,900 euros (about 125.58 million won), and a slightly cheaper entry model will be added in the future.
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