반응형 creativity2 세계미래보고서 2019, 일자리혁명, 세계미래보고서 2019, 일자리혁명,창의력,상상력이 요구되는 일자리,신경과학, 바이오엔지니어링,기술윤리 가이드라인을 설정할 수 있는 전문가,풍력,태양광 등 재생에너지 산업,운송산업,단기간에 자동화되기 어려운 직업,World Future Report 2019, Jobs Revolution,Creativity, imaginative jobs,Neuroscience, bioengineering,Experts who can set up technical ethics guidelines,Wind energy, renewable energy industry such as solar power,Transportation industry,Jobs that are difficult to automate in a shor.. 2019. 2. 20. 재밌는 크리에이티브들.... 재밌는 크리에이티브들.... Send to a friend | Read onlineCaffeine for your creativity MAKE THIS CUT-OUT EFFECT Pixels can look like hand-crafted paper, thanks to Photoshop. Watch the 60-second how-to video › TAKE A TRIP TO CHICHILAND Chi Michalski’s childlike sense of wonder shines in her work. Feel the love › MAKE YOUR OWN MASK Download the template and start creating, or print out our samples. Artist Bri.. 2018. 10. 17. 이전 1 다음 반응형