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베트남 여행 소개. 대부분 가봤지만...안 가본 곳도 있구나...ㅎㅎㅎ

by 리치캣 2024. 9. 9.

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출처: https://richcat.tistory.com/entry/가성비-갑-시리즈-알리쇼핑놀이-낚시용-베이트릴-캐스팅릴 [리치캣의 현재 그리고 미래:티스토리]

베트남 여행 소개. 대부분 가봤지만...안 가본 곳도 있구나...ㅎㅎㅎ 닌빈.

🤷‍♂️ 베트남 최고의 명소를 13일 동안 만나보세요: 하노이-닌빈-하롱베이-나트랑-달랏-사이공: 나트랑의 아름다운 해변에서 며칠을 보내고, 세계에서 가장 유명한 만 중 하나에서 크루즈를 타고 웅장한 하롱베이를 구경하고, 닌빈에서 평화로운 시간을 보내고, 메콩강에서 살아가는 사람들을 지켜보세요.

- 하노이에 도착합니다. 번화한 거리, 길거리 음식, 역사적인 건축물이 있는 구시가지를 탐험하세요.
- 호치민 묘소, 일주사, 문묘를 방문하세요. 저녁에는 전통 수상 인형극을 감상하세요.

- 멋진 카르스트 지형과 강 계곡으로 유명한 닌빈으로 당일치기 여행을 떠나세요.
- 동굴과 석회암 절벽을 통과하는 보트 투어를 위해 장안이나 땀꼭을 방문하세요.

- 유네스코 세계문화유산인 하롱베이로 여행하세요.
- 만을 유람하며 상징적인 석회암 카르스트와 섬을 탐험하세요.
- 하롱베이를 계속 탐험하세요. 카약, 수영 또는 수상 어촌 마을 방문과 같은 활동을 고려하세요.

- 해변과 다이빙 명소로 유명한 해안 도시인 나트랑으로 비행하세요.
- 해변에서 휴식을 취하거나 보트 투어를 타고 인근 섬으로 이동하세요.
- 나트랑을 더 탐험하세요. 포나가르 참 타워를 방문하고 현지 해산물을 즐기세요.

- 시원한 기후와 아름다운 풍경으로 유명한 매력적인 언덕 휴양지인 달랏으로 여행하세요.
- 사랑의 계곡을 방문하고 꽃밭을 즐기세요.
- 다랏을 더 탐험하세요. 아마도 크레이지 하우스를 방문하거나 케이블카를 타고 Truc Lam Zen Monastery로 이동하세요.

- 베트남 최대 도시인 호치민시(사이공)로 비행하세요.
- 전쟁 잔재 박물관과 통일궁을 탐험하세요.
- 구찌 터널로 당일치기 여행을 떠나세요.
- 노트르담 성당, 중앙 우체국, 벤탄 시장을 방문하세요.
- 호치민시에서 출발하세요.
🤷‍♂️베트남이 여러분의 추억 속 기억에 남는 순간이 되게 하세요.
🤷‍♂️ Joyful Vietnam Travel에서 행복한 여행을 기원합니다

🤷‍♂️ See the best of Vietnam 13 days: Hanoi-NinhBinh-HaLong Bay-NhaTrang- DaLat- SaiGon : Enjoy some days at a beautiful beach in NhaTrang, a cruise in one of the world most famous bays, you will see the magnificent Halong Bay, peaceful time in NinhBinh, witness the living on Mekong river.
- Arrive in Hanoi. Explore the Old Quarter with its bustling streets, street food, and historic architecture.
- Visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, One Pillar Pagoda, and the Temple of Literature. Enjoy a traditional water puppet show in the evening.
🙋‍♀️Ninh Binh
- Take a day trip to Ninh Binh, known for its stunning karst landscapes and river valleys.
- Visit Trang An or Tam Coc for a boat tour through caves and limestone cliffs.
🙋‍♀️Ha Long Bay
- Travel to Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- Cruise through the bay, exploring its iconic limestone karsts and islands.
- Continue exploring Ha Long Bay. Consider activities like kayaking, swimming, or visiting floating fishing villages.
🙋‍♀️Nha Trang
- Fly to Nha Trang, a coastal city known for its beaches and diving spots.
- Relax on the beach or take a boat tour to nearby islands.
- Explore Nha Trang further. Visit the Po Nagar Cham Towers and enjoy local seafood.
🙋‍♀️Da Lat
- Travel to Da Lat, a charming hill station known for its cool climate and beautiful scenery.
- Visit the Valley of Love and enjoy the flower gardens.
- Explore more of Da Lat, perhaps visiting the Crazy House or taking a cable car ride to Truc Lam Zen Monastery.
🙋‍♀️Ho Chi Minh City (Sai Gon)
- Fly to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam's largest city.
- Explore the War Remnants Museum and Reunification Palace.
- Take a day trip to the Cu Chi Tunnels.
- Visit Notre Dame Cathedral, Central Post Office, and Ben Thanh Market.
- Departure from Ho Chi Minh City.
🤷‍♂️Let Vietnam become a memorable moment in your memories.
🤷‍♂️ Joyful Vietnam Travel wishes you a happy trip-5 stars on tripadvisor


