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레드버블 태깅 101. Redbubble Tagging 101.

by 리치캣 2024. 5. 25.

태그를 잘 작성하는 방법. 구글검색엔진을 고려한 SEO. ^&^

전자파, 내뿜는, 고양이,전기,강력한, 기운, 긍정, 긍정의 힘, 주의집중, 시선집중,고양이눈,불꽃,에너지, 양의 기운,
Electromagnetic waves, emitting, cat, electricity, powerful, energy, positivity, power of positivity, concentration of attention, focus of attention, cat's eyes, flame, energy, positive energy,




레드버블 태깅 101
작성자: Redbubble, 2021년 4월 22일

Redbubble에 가입하고, 매장을 맞춤 설정하고, 최신 디자인을 업로드하셨습니다. 엄청난! 이제 고객은 귀하의 작품을 어떻게 찾게 될까요? 태그!

적절한 태그를 지정하면 귀하의 작업이 Redbubble 및 Google과 같은 검색 엔진의 검색 결과 상단에 표시되는 데 도움이 됩니다. Redbubble 계정의 작품 관리 페이지에서 모든 디자인의 태그를 검토할 수 있습니다.

태그란 무엇이며 왜 중요한가요?

태그는 잠재 고객이 귀하의 제품을 찾는 데 도움이 되도록 작품에 추가하는 설명 단어 또는 문구입니다. 고객이 Redbubble이나 Google, Bing과 같은 검색 엔진을 통해 검색하면 검색 알고리즘은 태그를 사용하여 관련 디자인을 검색어와 일치시킵니다. 태그에 관련성 있고 구체적인 키워드를 포함하면 고객이 해당 용어를 검색할 때 검색 결과에 귀하의 제품이 나타날 가능성이 높아집니다.

최고의 태그를 어떻게 선택하나요?

태그를 선택할 때 작품을 정확하게 설명하는 설명적이고 관련성 높은 키워드를 사용하는 데 중점을 두세요. 귀하의 작품을 차별화하는 주제, 스타일, 매체 및 기타 고유한 특성에 대해 생각해 보십시오. 가장 중요한 것은 잠재 고객이 귀하의 제품과 같은 제품을 검색할 때 사용할 가능성이 있는 단어와 문구를 고려해야 한다는 것입니다.

어떤 태그를 피해야 합니까?

최근에는 피상적이고 오해의 소지가 있으며 허위 태그가 증가하는 것을 확인했습니다. Google은 이러한 태그를 기껏해야 스팸으로 인식하고 최악의 경우 사기성 태그로 인식합니다. 검색 순위에서 큰 불이익을 받으므로 완전히 피해야 합니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다. 베스트셀러, 최고 판매, ​​트렌드, 새로운 디자인, 새로운 스타일, 신제품, 저렴한, 핫 세일, 최고의 가격, 최고의 품질, 환불, 무료 배송, 배송 보장.

작품에 태그를 지정할 때 해야 할 일과 하지 말아야 할 일이 여기에 있습니다. 그러면 디자인에 더 많은 시선을 집중할 수 있고 이는 더 많은 판매를 의미합니다!

Redbubble Tagging 101

by Redbubble, April 22, 2021
You’ve signed up for Redbubble, customized your storefront, and uploaded your newest designs. Great! Now how are customers going to find your work? Tags!
Proper tagging will help bring your work to the top of the search results on Redbubble, and in search engines like Google. You can review your tags on all of your designs on the manage works page of your Redbubble account.
What are tags and why are they important?  
Tags are descriptive words or phrases you add to a work to help potential customers find your products. When a customer searches on Redbubble or via a search engine like Google or Bing, the search algorithm uses tags to match relevant designs with the search query. By including relevant and specific keywords in the tags, you increase the chances of your products appearing in search results when customers search for those terms. 
How do I choose the best tags?
When choosing tags, focus on using descriptive and relevant keywords that accurately describe your artwork. Think about the subject matter, style, medium and any other unique characteristics that set your work apart. Most importantly, you should consider the words and phrases that potential customers are likely to use when searching for products like yours.      
What tags should I avoid?
Recently, we’ve seen an increase in superficial, misleading, and inauthentic tags. Google perceives these tags as spammy at best, and deceptive at worst. They are heavily penalized in search rankings and should be completely avoided. Examples include; best selling, top selling, trending, new design, new style, new product, cheap, hot sale, best price, best quality, money back, free shipping, delivery guaranteed.
Here are all the do’s and don’ts of tagging your work, so you can get more eyes on your designs – which means more sales!


✅하세요 ✅
해야 할 일: 각 디자인에 10~15개의 태그를 사용하세요.

해야 할 일: 다음 카테고리를 각각 사용하세요.

디자인에 나타나는 콘텐츠
예: “꽃, 나무, 별”
예: '자연, 식물, 선'
스타일 또는 색상 팔레트
예: '수채화, 꽃무늬, 파스텔'
해야 할 일: 당신에게 충실하세요. 분홍색 공룡 낙서가 있는 경우 작품에 '슈퍼히어로' 또는 '정치'라는 태그를 지정하면 더 많은 사람에게 표시될 수 있지만 구매하려는 사람은 그렇지 않습니다. 구체적이고 정확하며 정직해야 합니다. 그러면 귀하의 작업이 새로운 팬의 마음과 집에 전달될 것입니다.

해야 할 일: 다시 사용할 수 있도록 태그를 기록해 두세요. 특히 작업이 추상적이거나 주제가 반복되는 경우, 매번 15개의 태그를 맞추는 데 도움이 되도록 즐겨찾기 목록을 계속 유지하세요.

해야 할 일: 가능하면 단일 단어 태그를 목표로 하세요. 그러나 특정 다중 단어 태그도 때로는 좋습니다! "하이킹"과 "트레일"을 분리하되 "그랜드 캐년"은 모두 함께 작동합니다.
⛔ 하지 마세요 ⛔
하지 말아야 할 것: 같은 말을 반복하세요. 반복적인 태그는 실제로 귀하에게 불리하게 작용합니다. 따라서 '개'가 있다면 '개, 개 애인, 개 엄마'도 필요하지 않습니다. “개, 애완동물, 강아지, 코기”와 같은 다양성을 목표로 하세요.

하지 말아야 할 것: 공간을 낭비하다

너무 광범위하지 않도록 하세요.
예: "웃긴, 선물, 일러스트레이션"
너무 구체적이지 않도록 하세요.
예: "파스텔 가와이이 얼룩 고양이 푹신함"을 모두 하나의 태그로
가치 태그와 유행어를 피하세요
예: '인기, 베스트셀러'
하지 말아야 할 것: 완전한 문장을 사용하세요. “빠른 갈색 여우가 게으른 개를 뛰어넘는다” – 너무 많은 것을 채우는 것! "갈색, 여우, 뛰는, 게으른, 개" - 요점을 바로 잡습니다.

하지 말아야 할 것: 설명을 건너뛰세요. Google은 귀하의 SEO 순위를 지원하기 위해 Redbubble 설명을 휩쓸기 때문에 공백으로 두면 놓칠 수 있습니다.

하지 말아야 할 일: 제품 유형(티셔츠, 후드티 등)을 포함하세요. 고객은 검색을 필터링하여 어떤 디자인이 어떤 항목에 사용 가능한지 확인할 수 있으므로 제품이 아닌 디자인에 집중하세요.


Do: Use 10 to 15 tags on each design.
Do: Use each of these categories:
    • content that appears in your design
      ex: “flower, tree, star”
    • theme:
      ex: “nature, botanicals, zen”
    • style or color palette
      ex: “watercolor, floral, pastel”
Do: Stay true to you. If you have a doodle of a pink dinosaur, tagging your work with “superhero” or “politics” might show it to more people – but not ones who want to buy it. Be specific, accurate, and honest, and your work will end up in the hearts and homes of your new fans.
Do: Note your tags to use again. Especially if your work is abstract or has repeated themes, keep a running list of your favorites to help you hit 15 tags every time.
Do: Aim for single word tags when possible, but specific multi word tags are sometimes good, too! Keep “hiking” and “trails” separate, but “Grand Canyon” works all together.

⛔ DON’T ⛔

Don’t: Repeat yourself. Repetitive tags actually work against you. So if you have “dog”, you don’t need “dogs, dog lover, and dog mom”, too. Aim for variety like “dog, pet, puppy, corgi”.
Don’t: Waste your space
    • Avoid being too broad
      ex: “funny, gifts, illustration”
    • Avoid being too specific
      ex: “pastel kawaii tabby cat fluffy” all as one tag
    • Avoid value tags and buzzwords
      ex: “trending, best selling”
Don’t: Use full sentences. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” – too much filler! “Brown, fox, jumping, lazy, dog” – gets right to the point.
Don’t: Skip the description. Google sweeps Redbubble descriptions to support your SEO ranking, so if you leave it blank, you’re missing out.
Don’t: Include the product type (t-shirt, hoodie, etc.). Customers can filter their search to see which designs are available on which items, so focus on your design – not the product.


If your designs are more abstract, it can be difficult to nail down the theme or content words that best describe your piece. Here’s some advice for picking the best tags no matter what design you’ve created:
Look for synonyms
Your Starry Night Sky design could be Celestial Night Sky or Starry Evening Sky or Twinkling Balls of Gas Dark Horizon Space Landscape…. You get the idea.
Ask a friend
Send your new designs to a couple friends and ask them to describe it – and how it makes them feel. They could have new ideas you didn’t think of!
Take notes
Many artists work in a similar style, color palette, or explore variations on a theme over time. Keeping track of the tags that work for your style will give you a solid foundation, then you can swap in specifics on each artwork. For example, “dreamy, neutrals, shapes, blobs, lines, doodle, modern, cottagecore, natural, earthy, grounded” can work over and over, while “succulent”, “faces” and “hearts” won’t always make sense.
Once you have a couple tags picked, search them on Redbubble and see what else shows up! Looking at other designs and titles might help you brainstorm what you’re missing.
Ready to optimize your tags? Head to your manage works page and hit ‘Quick Edit’ to put your newfound knowledge into action.
디자인이 좀 더 추상적이라면 작품을 가장 잘 설명하는 주제나 내용 단어를 결정하는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 어떤 디자인을 만들었든 최고의 태그를 선택하기 위한 몇 가지 조언은 다음과 같습니다.

동의어 찾기

별이 빛나는 밤하늘 디자인은 천상의 밤하늘, 별이 빛나는 저녁 하늘 또는 반짝이는 가스 덩어리 어두운 지평선 우주 풍경이 될 수 있습니다… 당신은 아이디어를 얻습니다.

친구에게 물어보다

새로운 디자인을 친구 몇 명에게 보내고 그것이 어떤 느낌인지 설명해달라고 요청하세요. 그들은 당신이 생각하지 못한 새로운 아이디어를 가지고 있을 수도 있습니다!


많은 아티스트가 유사한 스타일, 색상 팔레트로 작업하거나 시간이 지남에 따라 테마에 대한 변형을 탐색합니다. 귀하의 스타일에 적합한 태그를 추적하면 탄탄한 기초가 제공되며 각 작품의 세부 사항을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, "몽환적인, 무채색, 모양, 얼룩, 선, 낙서, 모던, 별장 코어, 자연스러움, 흙빛, 기반"은 계속해서 사용할 수 있지만 "즙이 많은", "얼굴" 및 "하트"는 항상 의미가 있는 것은 아닙니다. .


몇 개의 태그를 선택한 후 Redbubble에서 검색하여 다른 항목이 나타나는지 확인하세요! 다른 디자인과 제목을 살펴보면 누락된 내용을 브레인스토밍하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

태그를 최적화할 준비가 되셨나요? 작품 관리 페이지로 이동하여 '빠른 편집'을 눌러 새로 발견한 지식을 실행해 보세요.


