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영화대본 : 사랑과 영혼, GHOST

by 리치캣 2021. 11. 15.


A study of love and trust in amber and blue.



Swaying camera

Diffused lighting

Dusty images

Bright lights filtering through slits of wood.

Inductively designed shots



[Relaxation images and movements of abstract forms. Curiosity. What's going



Suddenly the ceiling is smashed.


[A shocking image and sound the jolts the audience and forces them to pay

attention. ]




"Oh, this is great," says Molly. "There's seven or eight feet up there."

"Eighty years of dust," says Sam.


Three young people are working together as they smash down the walls with a

sledge hammer. "l, 2, 3!" says Molly as they work in unison.


[Images of trust and friendship as the three people work together breaking

down walls. Concretize a metaphor. ]


Some cable tied together in the form of a hangman's noose swings out

towards Sam. He grabs it then lets it go. It swings towards Molly. "Watch

it," says Sam.


[First image of "death" which will effect Sam, but from which he will try

to save Molly. ]


"I think you can sell this tomorrow and double your money," says Carl.

"Carl, you're so obsessed," replies Molly.


[Characterization of Carl as being obsessed with money.]


Sam stands in front of a small "guillotine like" structure standing on a

table. This is another image foreshadowing his death. Sam finds a glass jar

that contains a coin. "An Indian head penny. 1898."

"It's a good omen," says ???


[ The coin becomes an important prop which later will be used to express

the emotional state of Molly. Now it represents "good omen", later it will

represent "dashed hopes". ]


Carl stands behind Sam and Molly, with a sledgehammer on his shoulder, and

watches as they embrace.


[This image foreshadows the destruction that he will wreak on their





An establishing shot with people walking to work. Carl and Sam walk up from

a subway entrance as they discuss their morning business. Sam is concerned

about pitching a financial deal to some Japanese clients. Carl comforts him

by telling Sam that he is going to be great. Carl puts his hands on Sam's

shoulder; a gesture of supportive friendship. Carl then compliments Sam on

his suspenders. Sam tells him that Molly gave them to him.


[This establishes Carl as a supportive friend, and worthy of trust in the

mind of the audience.]


Carl sees a red Testa Rosa parked at the curb. He admires it.

"I think you ought to pay off your mustang first," replies Sam.


[Reconfirms Carl's interest in money and expensive things.]




Sam and Carl enter an elevator filled with business people. Carl plays a

joke on the passengers, with the support of Sam. Carl coughs and talks

about an infection that he has. He comments that his doctor said he

shouldn't be out because it is a highly contagious disease. He shouldn't

touch people. He then touches the man in front of him on the shoulder. Sam

and Carl discuss the rash and the fact that it is spreading to Carl's

genitals. Everyone in the elevator becomes nervous; afraid of catching the



[This was a sick practical joke that made everyone uncomfortable. It

reveals Carl's sense of humor and his lack of concern for the feelings of

other people. It also establishes a comradeship between Carl and Sam,

because Sam plays the straight man to Carl's antics. ]




Carl and Sam enter the office. Sam flirts with Susan, one of his female

coworkers. The office is decorated with blue carpets. Sam's secretary

brings him his morning coffee, and tells him that his Japanese clients have

arrived early. he also needs to transfer $900,000 to Andy Dillon in Albany

by 10:00 that morning. Sam ask,, Carl to help him to transfer the funds

because of the time crunch. Carl agrees to help, but he'll need Sam's

computer access code. Sam gives him the code and says, "Discretion, right?"

"Right," replies Carl.


[ This establishes Sam's trust in Carl. The audience shares this point of

view based upon what they have seen of Sam and Carl's relationship. ]




An angel is being lifted up from the street into the window to Molly and

Sam's new apartment. It is a wooden guardian angel with it's hands clasped

to its chest, with a woeful look on its face. The workers can't pull it

into the window because it is out a little too far. Molly stands on the

window ledge and tries to reach the angel. Sam enters the room carrying

some boxes.


[Tension is generated by the jeopardy that Molly has placed herself into.

She could slip and fall to the pavement below. ]


Sam grabs Molly from behind and says "Save your life!" as the angel watches

over them.


[Again, issues of life and death and Sam saving Molly enter into the



Sam jumps up onto the window ledge, swings out, kicks the angel, then pulls

it into the apartment. Carl enters and helps them bring the angel in

through the window. A mover walks into the apartment carrying a full-length

mirror. Within the mirror is the image of Carl looking up at the angel, who

is dismayed. The image looks as if the angel were praying for Carl's soul.


Carl admires the new apartment. Molly shows him her artwork, a wooden

sculpture, which is so different in form and design from the angel. This

makes the angel even more incongruous in this environment.


Molly notices a leather arm chair in the apartment, and asks Sam why he

brought it. "It goes with me," says Sam.

"We'll paint it," replies Molly.

"Paint it?" answers Sam.


[Their playful banter reinforces their loving relationship]




[Amber and blue color patterns. ]


Molly and Sam lie together in bed with the covers over them. Sam is reading

a book. "You okay? What's the matter," asks Molly.


"I don't want the bubble to burst. When ever anything good happens in my

life, I'm just afraid I'm going to lose it," says Sam.


[ Sam expresses his fears and vulnerability, which generates empathy for

him. ]


"I love you. I really love you," says Molly.

"Ditto," says Sam.


As Molly leans over to kiss Sam she accidentally activates the remote

control device which turns on the TV. A news broadcast about a recent

airplane crash is being televised.


"I should cancel my L.A. trip. These things always happen in threes," says

Sam. "Don't watch that, Sam. Get serious. besides, you lead a charmed

life," answers Molly. "Yeah, so did they. Amazing. Just like that.

Blackout," says Sam, as he snaps his fingers.


[Jeopardy is introduced in the scene to maintain tension. The idea of an

immediate unforeseen death is also introduced to foreshadow Sam's murder.]




Molly is working on her pottery as the Righteous Brothers record, "Oh My

Love...... starts playing on the jukebox that they have in their apartment.

Molly is molding a phallic sculpture when Sam enters. He sits down behind

Molly, puts his arms around her, and causes her to destroy the clay

sculpture. Together, hands i n hand, they begin to rebuild the phallic clay

image. They embrace and proceed to make love.


[Theme of yearning for a lost love is introduced in the music.] [Sensual

and pleasure enticing images are shown to the audience which generates

empathy for Molly and Sam. We like people with whom we share pleasurable





Establishing shot.




Sam is working on his computer as he attempts to analyze his accounts. He

is frustrated because the numbers don't add up. He has a puzzled expression

on his face as Carl enters the room. "Mac-code doesn't work," says Carl

with a concerned look on his face. "I changed it," says Sam. "Can you keep

a secret?"


"There's too much money in these accounts," says Sam.

"That's impossible," answers Carl.

Carl offers to solve the problem.

"No, no, that's okay. It's like a vendetta now," responds Sam.


Carl becomes afraid, probably triggered by the word "vendetta".

"Listen, I was wondering, what are you and Molly doing tonight?"

"The theater. She wants to see MacBeth. I think she likes the guys in

tights, personally. You want to go?"

"No," answers Carl, but I want a full report in the morning."




Sam and Molly, arm in arm, walk across a street. Sam tells her that he

liked the show, and she said she could tell by the way he snored during the

performance. Molly is an artist on the verge of success. Two of her art

pieces will be displayed in a gallery that will be reviewed by the New York



"It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks, just what I think," says Sam.

"I'm going to marry you, Sam," says Molly.


"I've been thinking about it a lot. We should just do it."

"You never wanted to talk about it.?"

"Do you love me, Sam?"

"What do you think?"

"Why don't you ever say it?"

"I say it all the time."

"No you don't. You say 'Ditto'. And that's not the same."

"People say i love you all the time. It doesn't mean anything."

"You know, sometimes you need to hear it. I need to here it."


[At the peak of an intensely private emotional experience a threatening

stranger intruders. This generates enmity in the audience for this



A man comes out from the alley and follows Sam and Molly.

"What do you want?" asks Sam.

"Your wallet," says Willy as he points a gun in Sam's face.

"Sam just give it to him," says Molly. Sam and Willy scuffle, Molly gets

involves and Willy slaps her. Sam and Willy then fight and the gain goes


Molly screams, "Somebody help us!"

Willy runs down the street and Sam chases after him.


[Emotionally the audience is relieved to see Sam escape from harm. This

increased positive feeling is then transferred to increased negative

feelings (fear, depression, sadness) once they realize that Sam has been

Murdered. ]


Sam turns and walks back towards Molly. A concerned expression comes across

his face. The audience infers that perhaps Molly has been wounded. Sam runs

towards her. He reaches her, then looks down to see Molly holding his

bleeding body. There is blood all over her hand

"Somebody, somebody help us," screams Molly.


[This is the inciting event: the Murder of Sam.]


Sam tries to touch the face of his bleeding body, but his hand passes

through it. Sam reacts with shock and horror. Two men run towards Molly.




Sam wakes up in bed. He is sweating. He calls out for Molly. He sees a

covered body in the bed next to him. he pulls off the sheet to reveal the

wooden angel lying next to him. He screams out in terror.


The wooden angel falls from the window of the apartment and breaks apart on

the street below.


[This image expresses the destruction of the guardian angel. Sam plays this

function for the rest of the film. ]


Sam turns back to the bed to see Molly looking up at him.

"What's happening?" asks Sam.

"Is he breathing?" asks Molly.

Sam turns around to see a bright white light over his shoulder.




Sam is back on the street where he was shot. He looks up into the sky, then

back down to Molly on the street holding his body. Beams of white light in

a bluish haze float down from the sky towards him.


Molly and two men are trying to revive Sam. He turns back to look up at the

light beams. "Sam, don't you leave me, Sam. Hold on!" shouts Molly.


[Sam makes a decision to remain with Molly.]


Sam turns away from the beams of light and runs back towards Molly. The

beams of light disappear. Police sirens are heard as a police car turns the

corner. Sam runs back towards Molly and his body.




An ambulance races down the street. this is a transition scene.




The camera focuses on the light over the emergency table. A doctor, dressed

in blue and white, leads Molly away from the emergency room.


She is in shock. Sam follows them out of the room. he is confused. An

attendant wheels Sam's body, covered with a sheet, out of the emergency

room. Policemen lead Molly away for questioning.


Sam sits down in a chair next to his body. An old man in a red checkered

shirt approaches Sam. "So, what happened to you?"



"You're new here. I can tell. Relax. Whole new ball of wax.," says the old



[Exposition scene. The old man will convey information necessary for the

audience to understand what has occurred. ]


The old man is waiting for his wife who is in the cardiac wing fighting

death. He then sticks his face under the sheet covering Sam's body.


"Shot, huh? That'll do it every time," says the old man. "The doors ain't

so bad as they seem. You'll catch on."


They watch some doctors try to save a man in the emergency room.


"He ain't going to make it," says the old man.


Beams of whitish-blue light shimmer down into the emergency room. "Lucky

bastard. It could have been the other ones."


Sam watches as the spirit of the dead man leaves his body. "Who are you,"

Sam asks, but he old man is gone.


A medical attendant comes takes the cart with Sam's body on it and starts

to push it down the hallway. Sam steps in front of him to try to block him,

but the attendant pushes the body right through Sam.

"Oh God, help me," cries out Sam.




A priest is saying some words over the body of Sam Wheat, as Sam walks

among the mourners. He sees Molly, who is grieving. Carl has his hand on

her shoulder. In the distance Sam sees a young female ghost dressed in

blue. She waves to him. He watches her as she walks through a tombstone.




The room is filled wife people mourning Sam.




Molly works at a pottery urn, but the city form collapses in her hands.


[This reminds the audience of the scene in which Molly and Sam made love.

This increases the audience empathy for her, for is previously they

vicariously shared her pleasure, now they share her sorrow. ]


Sam sits in the corner as he listens to Molly speak to herself "I took your

shirts in today. It's like I can still feel you."

"I'm here, Molly," says Sam.


The cat hears Sam's voice and screeches. Sam reacts to the cat, turns

towards it, and stares into the cat's eyes. The cat screams, then jumps off

the pedestal.

"What's the matter," says Molly. "Crazy cat. Sam?"

Molly then turns and walks through him.




Sam sits in the window sill as Molly and Carl pack Sam's belongings. Carl

finds Sam's address book which his the access code he desires. Molly takes

it from him and looks through the book.


[This is Carl's objective. ]


Molly wants to save every little object as a remembrance of Sam, including

rolaids and tickets to a Dave Brubeck Concert. Sam says that they hated

that concert.


Carl walks towards the door with his arms filled with boxes. Molly runs

after him and removes the blue REEBOK box that contains Sam's address book

with the access codes. Carl tries to get her to go outside with him.

"Hey Molly, why don't you come ... Molly, you're not the one who died."

Molly slaps him because of this remark, then she apologizes.

Molly leaves with Carl. Sam tries to follow but can't get a grip on the

door handle.


[Obstacles: interacting with physical objects. Some has to relearn how to

accomplish this.]


Sam tries to put his arm through the door, but then pulls it back when he

hears a key placed in the door lock. The murderer, Willy Lopez, enters the

apartment. "What are you doing here, you bastard?" shouts Sam.


Sam tries to jump on Willy, but falls right through him. He then tries to

hit him with his fists, but the blows are unfelt by Willy. He can't stop

Willy from going upstairs.


Willy searches through the drawers.

"What do you want?" shouts Sam.


Suddenly the door downstairs opens. Willy takes out his gun as Molly enters

the apartment. She picks the REEBOK box up from the table and walks up

stairs to her bedroom. Sam tries to warn her but she doesn't listen to him.

The cat is perched on a column at the top of the stairs. Willy watches from

another room as Molly undresses in front of the mirror. Willy stands next

to the cat. Sam approaches the cat, stares into its eyes, and screams at

it. The cat jumps up and scratches Willy's face. Willy runs down the stairs

and out the front door. Molly hears this and yells out. Sam jumps through

the door in order to follow Willy.


[This is the end of act one. Sam has successfully prevented the antagonist

from getting possession of the love interest and the primary objective: the

booklet with the access code.]




Sam follows Willy through the streets and into the subway station. Willy

places a coin in the slot and goes through the turnstile. Sam, being a

ghost, just walks through. He then follows Willy unto a subway train.




Sam leans against a post as he watches Willy. A subway ghost notices this,

walks through Willy and approaches Sam. He grabs Sam by the throat and

chokes him. He pushes Sam's head out through the door of the subway train.

Sam struggles as he watches a subway train approach him from the opposite

direction. Sam screams in terror as the other train approaches him, then

quickly pulls his head but inside avoiding the oncoming train.


The subway ghost screams at Sam that this is his train, and that Sam should

get off. He throws Sam across the floor and through the door separating the

two trains. The subway ghost then smashes the window and splatters glass

fragments down onto Sam. "Stay out. This is mine," he shouts at Sam.


[ This establishes that a ghost can interact with the physical world. Sam

will later return to this ghost in order to get help. ]


Sam follows Willy as he leaves the train.


[ Sam's objective is to track Willy in order to discover where he lives and

to protect Molly. ]


Willy enters an apartment building that has the number 303 written on the

door pane. Sam notices the name "WILLY LOPEZ 4D", in red and black colors,

on Willy's mailbox. Sam follows Willy down the hallway into his apartment.




Willy makes a phone call.

"It's me. I couldn't get it. She came home. Give me a couple of days. I'll

go back. Relax. I'll get it."

"Get what?" asks Sam. "Who ire You. What do you want from us?

Willy holds up Sam's wallet that contains a picture of Molly.

"No, you stay away from her. Do You hear me? You stay away from her."


[Sam thinks that Molly is the objective of Willy, who he believes to be the





[ Sam's objective is to protect Molly.]


Sam wanders down the street. He sees a storefront with the sign:




Sam enters the storefront. A record is playing spiritual music. The room is

filled with people waiting to speak with the spiritualist. Rose Santiago is

called into the inner room. She sits down at a table with a blue covering.

"Our sister will be with us soon," says one of the two women.

"Sister Oda Mae grant us the gift of your all seeing presence."

Oda Mae Brown (played by Whoppi Goldberg) enters the room and introduces

herself. Mrs. Santiago tells her that she wants to contact her husband. Oda

Mae says that she has to be a believer.

"I believe. I believe."


Oda goes into a trance like state. Oda seems to be having difficulty making

contact. Oda's sister starts to return the $20 to Mrs. Santiago, but Oda

stops her.


"Did he know someone by the name of Anna...Consuelo, Lucita, Julieta,

Hosapheta, Linda, Marie!

"Ci, ci, his momma. She is Marie," says Mrs. Santiago.


[This demonstrates that Oda is a fraud. She pretends to be something that

she isn't. This becomes an instance of the configuration theory of humor

when she finally discovers that she does have the psychic powers that she

always pretended to possess.]


"Yes, praise God. I know he was with his mamma," says Oda Mae.

"Oh my God," says Sam.


Oda heard Sam's voice. She looks Lip from under her eyes and looks around

the room to see who spoke. She requests $20 more from Mrs. Santiago.

"Way to go. Milk her for every penny."

Once again Oda hears Sam's voice and looks around the room to find him. Oda

then places herself back into the trance. Sam laughs at her mannerisms.

"The spirits are shining," says Oda Mae.

"My husband?"

"Have mercy," echo the sisters.

"Oh yeah, where?" says Sam.

"Jueleo," says Mrs. Santiago.

"Yes. I feel his vibrations. I see him," stays Oda Mae.

"How is he? How does he look?"

"Oh, he's a handsome man."

"Handsome?" says Mrs. Santiago.

"Mrs. Santiago, in our father's kingdom, we are all handsome," eplies Oda



[Not only is Oda a fraud, but she is also inept. ]


"He's dressed in a black suit," continues Oda.

"Black suit?"

"It could be blue."

"What a crock of shit," says Sam. This freaks out Oda Mae.

"Who is that?" she shouts. "Where are You. Didn't you hear it."

Sam has made contact. "You can hear me?" he says. "I don't believe this.

Hey you, my name is Sam Wheat. Can you hear me. Sam Wheat. Say my name," he

says as he chases her around the room. Finally she blurts it Out, "Sam

Wheat!", as she runs and hides in a closet.




Oda prays to God, promising to (anything if Sam would go away. Sam sticks

his head in the closet.

"No way," he says.

Oda Mae freaks, then runs Out of the closet screaming. Her sister also

screams, then her customers scream as they all run out of the seance room.




Oda sits in a chair as she is administered to by her sister. One sister

places a bag of ice on her head.


"My mother had it," says Oda Mae. "My mother's mother had it. They both had

the gift. They always had the gift. They always said that I had it, but I

never did. I never had it."


[Oda admits to her fraud. ]


"Now that I got it I don't think I want it. Oda wants Sam to go away but he

refuses. Sam wants Oda to help him save Molly Jensen, who is in terrible

danger. He wants her to make a phone call.


"Why would she listen to me?" asks Oda Mae.


Sam tells Oda he won't leave until she helps him. "I don't care how long it

takes because I can talk forever."




Molly is cooking when the telephone rings. She calls to say that she has a

message from Sam. Molly hangs up the phone.




Sam tells Oda that she has to go to Molly's apartment. Oda Mae refuses.




Sam sits in a chair singing "HENRY THE EIGHT" as Oda rolls around in the

bed with a pillow over her ears. Finally she gives in saying that she'll go

anywhere with him if he'll stop singing.




Oda walks through the streets towards Molly's apartment building. She

pushes the buzzer. After a few tries Molly answers. Then when Oda tells her

who she is, Molly hangs up.


Oda yells up at her from the street below. She tries to get Molly to

believe in her. Sam tells Oda to tell Molly about various items: green

underwear, a picture taken in Reno, a sweater in the closet knitted four

sizes too big.


A man in the building looks out and asks her if she ever heard of a

telephone. Oda tells him to shut up. She then tells Sam that she will count

to three and then leave if Molly doesn't show up. Oda counts then starts to

leave as Molly comes to the door wearing the oversized sweater that she had



"Molly?" says Oda.




Oda and Molly are sitting across from each other.

"I don't know Sam. He kept me Lip all night singing Henry the Eight."

"That's how he got me to go Out with him," says Molly. "I don't believe in

this life after death stuff."

"Tell her she's wrong," says Sam

"Sam says you're wrong," says Oda Mae.

"What are you doing?" says Molly, as she gets up to go.

"Tell her I love her," says Sam.

"Sam says he loves you," says Oda Mae.

Molly laughs. "Sam would never say that," she says as she turns and starts

to leave. "Tell her ditto," Sam says.

"Ditto. Ditto," says Oda.

Molly stops.




Oda, Sam and Molly are sitting in the living room.

"Why did he come back? Why is he still here?" asks Molly.

Oda and Sam bicker over the way that Sam speaks to Oda.

"Molly, you're in danger girl."

Sam starts talking, and Oda repeats what he says to Molly. Sam knows the

man who killed him. His name is Willy Lopez. He also knows where he lives.

303 Prospect Place Apt. 4D. Oda becomes concerned because this is her

neighborhood. Sam says that Willy has his wallet and key. He was in here

watching Molly.


Sam wants Molly to go to the police. It was a setup. Sam was murdered. Oda

becomes afraid. She doesn't want anything more to do with this situation.

She leaves the apartment after wishing Sam a good death.




Sam watches as Molly talks to Carl who tries to persuade her not to believe

Oda Mae. Molly finally tells Carl the name and address of the person who

killed Sam: Willy Lopez, 303 PROSPECTAPT. 4D. Molly tells Carl that Sam

wants her to go to the police. Carl is shaken. he tries to talk her out of

it, but she is persistent. He finally agrees to check this out for her





Carl and Sam exit from Carl's car. Carl enters Willy's building. Sam tells

him to be careful. Carl knocks on Willy's door. Willy opens the door.

"Carl? What are you doing here?"

Sam is shocked that they know each other.


"Who have you been talking to?" asks Carl. "Some woman knows who he is and

where he lives. She knows about the murder. I got $4 million dollars

stuffed in a god-damn computer. If I don't get those codes, if I don't

transfer that money soon. We are dead. We are both dead." "Why don't you

tell them that You only laundry money the first of the month," says Willy.


[Exposition delivered as a joke. ]


"You killed a man," says Carl. " You were supposed to steal his wallet. Is

that a joke?" "I did you a free-bee," shouts Willy as he gets in Carl's


"Look, these guys are drug dealers, okay? Just don't blow this for me,

Willy. I could lose my job, go to jail. $80,000 of that money is mine. Just

give me the keys. I'll get the address book myself"


Sam is extremely upset as he realizes what has happened. He follows Carl

out of the apartment. Sam tries to hit Carl, but his fist go ri(,ht through

him without having any affect. "Why? You were my friend! I had a life,

god-damn you. I had a life!" Carl drives away.


[First major plot twist. The protagonist is betrayed by a friend whom he

trusted. He is helpless in effectively expressing his anger. This generates

audience empathy for Sam. ]




Molly talks to a policeman and policewoman as she tells them her story.

Neither believe her. "According to this psychic lady there ,ire ghosts and

spirits all over the place, watching us all the time. Hell, I'll never take

my clothes off again," says the policewoman.


[ Molly is ridiculed by an authority figure in her moment of desperation

when she is seeking their help. This humiliation scene generates empathy

for her, especially since the audience knows that she is telling the truth,

yet she is not believed. Instead she is ridiculed.]


Molly asks the policeman to check out if Willy Lopez has a record. He says

he will, and gets up from his desk.




Carl enters the closet, opens the REEBOK box, takes out the address book

that contains the access code. He tears the page Out of the book, then





The policeman returns and drops a folder onto the table. It contains

pictures of Oda Mae Brown with various disguises and aliases. She has a

record of being a con-artist and a fraud. "There is no file for Willy

Lopez. He was probably some old boyfriend that she was trying to get even

with. Psychics read the obits, garbage, old newspapers."


Molly cries. "It was real. She knew things about a sweater I knitted and

songs I sang. A trip to Montego Bay..."


"You can press charges," says the policeman.

"No," says Molly as she leaves.


[Great empathy scene for Molly. ]




Carl sits at his computer terminal as he enters the access code. He is

relieved when all the accounts appear on the screen. "Yes!" He dials a

phone number and talks to Eddie who gives him further instructions. He is

to transfer the money from the twelve accounts into one account under the

name of Rita Miller.

"Tomorrow, five minutes before closing, at 3:55 PM, transfer the money to

the First Island Bank."

"Tell Mr. Ballesteri no more problems."

"Yeah, I'll do that," says Eddie. They hang up.

Carl opens a new account for Rita Miller as the ghost of Sam stands in

front of the computer watching him. $4 million is transferred into the new





Molly sits on the landing at the top of the staircase. She rolls the jar

containing the Indian Head coin back and forth on the rug in front of her.

She then rolls it down the stairs and watches as it smashes apart on the



[Using a prop to represent the emotional state: having one's hopes dashed

apart. A very effective cinematic device. ]




Molly is depressed as she lies on the sofa. Sam stands above her.

"Molly, why can't you bear me? I need you."

There is a knock on the door. It's Carl. Sam tells Molly not to open the

door. Carl is a murderer. Molly doesn't hear him. Carl wants Molly to know

that he is her friend. She needed him the other day and he wasn't there for

her. Sam brings her Japanese apple-pears. She lets Carl into the apartment.


As Carl sits down on the end table he turns away the picture of Sam and

Molly. Carl then takes off his tie, and asks for cream for his coffee. When

Molly turns away from him Carl intentionally spills coffee on his shirt. He

then takes off his shirt to expose his bare chest.


[Carl has come to seduce Molly because he knows that she is vulnerable.]


Molly tells Carl that she went to the police. Carl gulps. Molly explains

that she felt stupid. The police brought out a file it least ten inches

thick on Oda Mae. "A rip-off artist," says Carl.

"The sad thing is that I believed her," says Molly.


"You were everything for Sam. his life."

"I feel so alone."

Carl makes his move and sits next to Molly on the sofa.

"You are not alone, okay."

Sam observes this from the other side of the room.

"I don't know what is real anymore, whit to think," says Molly.

"Think about Sam. Think about he and you together. How wonderful it was.

Let your feelings out, okay," says Carl as he caresses tier. "you have to

live for now, for today." Carl takes her head into his hands and kisses

tier. This enrages Sam, who dives at them from the other side of the sofa.

He float through them, but his hand interacts with the picture of he and

Molly and knocks it off the table. This interrupts Carl and Molly kissing.


Molly tells Carl that it is too soon, and she asks him to leave. Sam tries

to repeat his interaction by hitting a plant, but his hind goes right

through it. Carl invites Molly out to dinner the next night, and she



[ This is the end of act two. The antagonist has possession of the primary

objective (access code and money) and the love interest. Molly has agreed

to start dating Carl.]




Sam is searching for the Subway ghost.


[His objective is to learn how to interact with physical objects.]


Sam jumps onto a train as he looks for the subway ghost. He finally finds

him reading a passengers newspaper. Sam calls to him.

"Get off my train," says the subway ghost.

"No!" answers Sam.

The ghost becomes angry. He knocks papers and bags out of the passengers

arms as he rushes towards Sam. He pushes Sun, who refuses to budge. he

wants to learn how the ghost interacts with physical objects.

"You stubborn asshole."




Sam and the other ghost are alone on the platform. Sam is on his knees as

he tries to push a bottle cap with his finger.


"You can't push it with your finger. You're dead. It's all in your mind.

You think that you're real. You have to move it with your mind. You have to

focus. You have to take all your emotions, all your love, your hate, then

push it down here and let it explode like a reactor." The ghost then kicks

the can.


Sam tries, but misses and fills to the ground. The subway ghost laughs at

him. This mocking laughter humiliates Sam. He becomes angry, enraged, and

under these intense emotions, he kicks the can.


"Way to go kid," says the ghost. "Way to go."

"I did it. I did it!" replies Sam.


Sam tries to push a sneaker off a garbage can, but fails. "Give it time.

What else have you got?" says the subway ghost.


He explains that he was pushed off the Subway platform into an oncoming

train. It wasn't his time. He wasn't supposed to die.

"I'm not supposed to be here!"


[ This misfortune generates empathy for the subway ghost.]


The ghost kicks the cigarette machine. Packages of cigarettes fall to the

floor. he gets on his knees.

"Oh, I'd give anything for cig."

He then becomes upset with Stam. "Who are you. Why are you hounding me? Who

sent you? Who sent you? leave me alone!" He then jumps off the platform

into a moving train.


Sam walks along the platform. He pushes a trash can then knocks over an

empty can of soda. he stops in front of a poster of Bank Trust Department,

which has written on it: "WE MAKE IT EASY". Sam gets an idea, runs down the

platform, jumps up and hits a sign, and says "Yes!"




Sam walks down the street and enters into the storefront.




Sam enters the room. It is filled with people and ghost. Oda Mae is trying

to make contact with a ghost named Orlando for one of her clients. Sam

tells her he needs her help. Oda complains about all the ghost that are

coming to see her. She even has some ghost in here from New Jersey. Oda

refuses to help Sam and tells him to give up the ghost. One of the ghosts,

Orlando, gets tired of waiting and jumps into Oda Mae's body. Orlando takes

control of her and starts to speak through her to his wife. He asks his

wife what she has done to her hair. She had it dyed red. It's called

"autumn sunrise." Oda Mae forces Orlando out of her body. Orlando falls out

of Oda's body and lands on the floor.

"Don't you ever do that again!" shouts Oda.

"Now you should know better than that. Jumping in a body wipes you out,"

another ghost says to Orlando.


[This establishes the credibility of a ghost entering a person's body and

will be used later when Sam enters Oda to make physical contact with Molly.

It also establishes the weakened state that Sam will be in during the

climax battle with Carl.]


Orlando's wife asks him where he palced the insurance policy. Oda Mae

throws everybody out of the room. The ghosts leave by walking through the

walls, but one man stays and sits down in the chair at the table.


"Get out! Who are you!" says Oda.

"You tell me."

"Willy!" says Sam.

"Willy!" says Oda. "Prospect place Willy?"

Willy is shaken by Oda's response.


"Get out!" Sam tells Oda. "Fast!"

Oda turns over the table then runs out of the room. Willy pulls out a gun

and starts to shoot at her as Oda hides in a closet. Willy runs Out of the



[Oda is in real jeopardy because she helped Sam.]




Sam enters the closet and tells Oda that they will kill her. They will be

back. But if she helps him, they will never bother her again. Lie promises.

"What do I have to do?" asks Oda Mae.

"You got a nice dress?" asks Sam.


[A setup for the punch line in the next scene.]




"I don't see what's wrong with this dress," says Oda Mae. She is wearing an

outrageous red satin outfit, with hat to match.


They walk pass two nuns who are collecting money for an orphanage. They

then walk into a bank. Oda is nervous. She doesn't want to do this.


[The humor here will be generated by her inappropriate behavior within a

conservative banking situation: inappropriate dress, speech patterns,

behavior and mannerisms.]


Oda approaches a ban officer and tells her that she wants to fill out a

signature card for a new account. Sam tells her the account number, which

Oda repeats to the officer. "Carl Bruner opened a new account and asked me

to come in today..."


The officer gives Oda a card. Oda begins to sign her name, but signs "Oda

Mae Brown..." Sam sees this and shouts it her. "No, no, Rita Miller!"

Oda quickly scratches her name out and asks for a new card.

"I need another one. I signed the wrong name!" Oda tells the officer.


The officer looks at her with Suspicion and confusion, but gives her a new



[Incompetent response from Oda generates humor. She is inept at carrying

out her pretense, a structure which always generates laughter, especially

if she still is able to succeed in her objective. ]


"Please make sure that this goes tip to the third floor file because I have

a transfusion that I have to make," says Oda.


[She mistakenly says "transfusion" instead of "transaction". The

inappropriate use of words will generate laughter. ]


"Can I keep this pen?" says 0da.

The bank office stammers, as Oda says thank you and walks away.


[Again, inappropriate behavior from I business norms perspective.]




Carl is sitting at his desk. The phone rings. He picks it up. "Hello, Mr.

Ballesteri?" says Carl, but he has the wrong person. The clock indicates

3:40. Fifteen minutes before the deadline.


[A timelock that generates tension. ]




Sam and Oda Mae exit from the elevator. They approach a bank security

guard. Oda tells him that she would like to see Lyle Fergusson. "Tell him

that Rita Miller is here."


[Her behavior is funny because of the inappropriate manner in which she

speaks to an authority figure. ]


Sam tells her to say she was at the Christmas party with Fergusson. He was

so drunk then he wouldn't remember anyone.


[Objective: get the confidence of Fergusson in order to close the Rita



Samprompts0daas she converses with Fergusson. Fergusson asks her for

identification. Rita dumps her pocket book on the table.


[Inappropriate behavior. She has it lot of self-conflict ass he tries to

control her natural feelings and behavior under these conditions ]




The clock on his wall indicates 3:50. Carl picks up the phone and asks his

secretary to call the First Island Bank of Nassau. The number is in the





Fergusson returns with the check. He has Oda sign some papers. Suddenly

Molly walks into the bank. Sam notices this, then tries to prevent her from

seeing Oda.


[Another obstacle at the last minute that could prevent to objective from

being achieved.]


Fergusson hands a check for $4 million to Oda. She almost loses control

upon seeing the amount of the check.


Sam knocks the papers off the desk in front of Molly. She bends down to

pick them up. Sam rushes Oda out of the office. Again she requests to keep

the pen.


[Inappropriate behavior of a petty thief when she has a check for $4

million in her hand.]


Molly notices Oda as Sam rushes her into the elevator. The door closes.

Molly approaches Fergusson and asks if Oda had anything to do with Sam and

her. Fergusson responds that her name was Rita Miller, and that she was

closing an account.


[This gives Molly information that she will later reveal to Carl. Carl and

Willy will then go after Oda for the check. ]




Computer screen on Carl's desk flashes the message that there is $00.00 in

Rita Miller's account, and that the account is closed. Carl panics.


[The protagonist has won back the object (money) and has placed the

antagonist in jeopardy.]


"Is someone playing with the computers," shouts Carl as he panics.




Sam and Oda walk down the street as she clutches the check for $4 million

in her hands. Oda thinks that it belongs to her, but Sam makes her give it

to the nuns. He says that it will save her life. She does it, but she

doesn't like it, and grumbles all the way through. She endorses the check

and reluctantly hands it over to the nuns. When the nun reads the amount on

the check, she faints. Oda awkwardly walks across t lie street, is Sam

tells her that he's proud of her.




Carl is frantically working on his computer, trying to find the money that

was in the Rita Miller account. Sam sits in an armchair and watches Carl



"Tney are going to kill you Carl. You and Willy, and bury your body right

next to Jimmy Hoffa," says Sam as he pushes a chair across the room. Carl

is startled. Carl disconnects the computer.


The computer is reactivated. "MURDERER" is printed across the screen.

Carl screams. "Who's doing that!

The response on the keyboard, then screen is "SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM." Carl

throws the terminal off his desk and onto the floor.




Carl knocks on the door. Molly lets him in. Carl is followed by Sam. Carl

is panicking. Molly thought they were going to have dinner. She was

worried. "What did Sam say? The psychic, what did she say?"

"What happened to you tonight? Does this have anything to do with her being

at the bank today?" asks Molly. She closed an account. Her name isn't even

0da Mae Brown. It's Rita Miller."


Carl almost faints. Sam shakes his head with disapproval that Molly gave

Carl the info about Oda being Rita Miller. Carl asks Molly to get him some

Pepto Bismo. She goes upstairs to her bathroom.


Sam starts to punch Carl around the room. Carl runs into the kitchen and

turns on the stove. "I'll set the place on fire. I swear to God. Sam hits

him again and Carl falls to the floor. Sam then turns off the stove, as

Carl watches the knob turn.

"I'll cut her throat," says Ctrl, as he grabs a knife. "I'll cut her

throat. I need that money and 1 want it tonight at 11:00. If that psychic

lady does not bring it, Molly is dead, okay."


Carl tells Molly that he has to go, but that he'll comeback at 11:00PM.

Carl leaves. Sam says "Oda Mae!" then runs out of the room.




Oda and her two sisters are watching the Arsenio Hall Show on the

Television set. The sisters want to switch to the Love Connection Show. Sam

comes into the room and tells Oda that she's in trouble. They want the

check. Sam tells her that she has to get out quick. Oda hears a car pull

up. Oda and her sisters run as Carl and Willy smash into the building door



Oda and her sisters run through the hallway, knocking on doors, but no one

will let them in. When an older woman opens her door, they force themselves

into her apartment. Oda covers her mouth with her hand.


Willy shoots the lock off Oda's door. Carl and Willy run through her

apartment. Sam slams the door shut on Willy, the terrorizes him. Sam knocks

objects off shelves and throws them at Willy. Willy runs into the bathroom.

Sam turns on the facet, then writes the word "BOO" in the steamed mirror.

Willy shoots the mirror, then runs out of the apartment.




Willy runs outside. Sam pushes him into three men standing by the entrance.

They push Willy into metal garbage cans. Willy gets tip, then runs down the

street followed by Sam and Carl. Sam keeps pushing Willv, who then runs

into the street and is hit by two cars.


[Sam didn't directly cause the death of Willy. Willy's death is also

emotionally justified for the audience since he caused the death of Sam. ]


Carl watches this, then runs away once he realizes that Willy is dead.

Willy's ghost leaves his body. He then sees his dead body lying on the top

of the car. A bystander says, "That dude is dead."


Willy looks at Sam. "You're dead," says Sam.

Suddenly dark spirits Come up from under the streets, grab Willy, and carry

him away into the shadows as Willy screams, "Help me!"


[ Moralistic film which shows how justice is done idividuals after their

death. ]




Sam and Oda sit in the back of the cab as it drives through the street.

"Tell the driver to hurry," says Sam..

"Can you hurry it up?" asks Oda.

"Listen lady, I'm driving ,is fast as I can," says the driver. Suddenly the

gas petal is pressed to the floor by the invisible Sam, the taxi races

through the streets. "Problems?" says Oda Mae.




Oda knocks on the door.

"Carl, is that you?" asks Molly.

"You're in serious danger. I've got Sam here. We have to talk to you," says

Oda Mae.


[Oda has been discredited by the Police report.]


"I'm calling the police," says Molly.

"Fine, that's what we want you to do," replies Oda Mae. "But let us in. Sam

was murdered. Carl was laundering money at the bank.

He tried to kill me and will kill you too."

"I can't handle this," says Molly, is she becomes very upset.


Sam walks through the door so that he is now inside with Molly.

"Tell her she's wearing the shirt I spilt the marguerita on and the

earrings I gave her for Christmas," Sam says to 0da. She repeats this to


"Don't you see I'm not at fake. Not about this!"


"Give me a penny, quick!" says Sam. "Push a penny under the door now!" says

Sam. Oda pushes a penny under the door. Sam lifts it up into the air and

floats it over to Molly. Molly cries as she watches the penny.


"Tell her it's for luck," Sam says to 0da Mae.

"Sam says that it's for luck," says Oda.

Molly finally believes and opens the door. Oda smiles at her success.




Molly talks to a policeman on the phone. Molly then sits on the sofa with

Sam besides her. "Sam, can you feel me? " says Molly.

"With all my heart," answers Sam.

"He says that he wishes he was alive so that he could touch you," says Oda


"Me too," says Molly.


Oda then tells Sam that he use her body, but do it quick, before he changes

his mind. Sam enters Oda's body. Oda(Sam) takes Molly's hand into hers

(his). They embrace, then dance to the music of the Righteous Brother's



From a long shot from the ceiling they are seen embracing as they dance to

the music. At the peak of emotion, Carl bangs at the door and yells for



[Enmity is generated for Carl because he disrupts a pleasurable moment and

creates danger for the protagonist and the love interest. ]


Sam falls out of Oda Mae's body onto the floor. He is in a very weakened

state and cannot get up. Oda and Molly run to the fire escape as Sam tries

to stand up.


[The chase and jeopardy climax scene. ]


Carl shoots out the lock on the front door and slams open the door. With

gun in hand he looks around the apartment. He hears a noise outside, then

sees Molly and Oda running up the fire- escape. As he starts up after them,

Sam tries to punch him, but doesn't have the strength to hit him. His

punches are ineffectual in this weakened state.




Molly and 0da open a window, and climb into the attic. They climb up a

ladder to the next level. Carl opens a window and follows them into the

attic. Molly tells Carl that she's already called for the police. She and

Oda try to climb up to a higher level. Carl grabs Oda's foot and pulls her

down to the floor. He throws her across the room, grabs her by the throat,

and tells her that he wants the check. Molly jumps onto Carl's back in an

effort to free Oda, but Carl pushes her against the wall. She crashes into

some garbage cans. Carl places a gun to Oda's head. "The check!" says Carl.


Suddenly Sam hits Carl. Carl fires the gun three times, then grabs Molly as

a shield as he backs against the wall. Carl holds the gun to Molly's head.


"I'll kill her Sam. I swear to God I'll kill her. Just give me the check.

I'll let her go," pleads Carl.


Sam knocks the gun from Carl's hand, Carl picks up the gun and shoots the

lock off the door. He tries to escape, but when he opens tile door, Sam is

blocking the exit. Sam punches Carl in the face, knocking him across the

floor. Sam then knocks a metal platform over onto Carl. Carl backs up

towards the window and swings a rope with a wooden pulley on its end

towards Sam. It misses Sam, but swings back into the glass window pane

above Carl as he is trying to escape through the window. Shattered, the

glass falls down and cuts into Carl's chest, killing him. After a few

moments, Carl's ghost leaves his body. He sees Sam, smiles, and says "Sam!"

"Oh Carl," says Sam.

Carl turns and sees his dead body. He becomes afraid. Suddenly the dark

spirits from below come up through the floor, grab Carl, and pull him away

as he screams in terror.


[Again, Justice after death theme. The protagonist does not kill the

antagonist. Instead, the villain dies as a result of his own actions.]


Sam watches Carl being taken then sees Molly and Oda Mae huddled together

in the corner. "Are you two all right?" asks Sam.

Molly hears his voice and responds. "Sam?"


"I can hear you," says Molly.


Blue and white lights fill the corner of the screen. Both Molly and Oda see

them. Molly can also now see Sam's face, which has a golden glow from the

lights. The music from the Righteous Brother's song plays on the



Sam presses his face close to Molly, then kisses her.


"Sam, they're waiting for you," says Oda Mae.

"I'll miss you. You're mother would be proud," says Sam.

"I'm going to miss you too, Sam. You're all right," says Oda.

"Bye, Oda Mae."

"Bye, Sam."


Sam then turns to Molly.

"I love you Molly. I have always loved you" says Sam.

"Ditto," answers Molly.

"It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, You take it with you. See you," says


"See you," says Molly.


Sam turns and walks into the horizon which is colored with hazy pastels of

turquoise, rose, purple and chartreuse. It fades into greens with ghostly

figures moving in the distance.


"Bye," says Molly.







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