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Basic I-TRIZ Course

by 리치캣 2012. 5. 23.

Basic I-TRIZ Course
1. 1.Introduction
2. 2.I-TRIZ Foundations
3. 3.System approach
4. 4.Ideality
5. 5.Resource
6. 6.Contradictions
7. 7.Problem Solving
8. 8.Next Steps
9. 9.Contact Ideation
1. 1.Introduction
Welcome to the Basic I-TRIZ Course
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to TRIZ and its successor, I- TRIZ, which provides an approach for addressing inventive problems in a way that is different than traditional problem- solving methods.
With this course, you will learn the basics of an extensive system of knowledge, principles, and tools for analyzing and solving inventive problems. The practice you gain from solving problems will help you apply these principles to your daily life to enhance your personal innovation skills and change the way you think about problems and how they are solved.
In the software that accompanies this course you will have access to more than 100 I- TRIZ principles, structured into a step-by-step procedure (below) that guides you in selecting the appropriate principles to successfully solve the problems you face.

What is TRIZ and I-TRIZ?
TRIZ (pronounced "trees") is a Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, a problem-solving method based on technology rather than psychology.
In 1946, Genrich Altshuller, a Russian inventor, determined that the process of inventing could be significantly enhanced with a system that provides:
* A systematic step-by-step procedure
* Guidance to the area of the best solutions
* Reliable and repeatable results
* Access to the accumulated experience of innovation
TRIZ grew to incorporate the knowledge abstracted from more than two million patents. As the TRIZ knowledge base grew, rigorous analysis revealed an objective, verifiable set of patterns and regularities related to the evolution of technological systems.
I-TRIZ (the Ideation/TRIZ Methodology) is the advanced form of TRIZ that began evolving in the mid-1980s when TRIZ, in its so-called "classical" form, ceased development.
Today, what began as a powerful set of problem-solving tools has evolved into a true science of innovation that allows for the control, prediction and management of innovation.
TRIZ History
During the late 1940s, Genrich Altshuller was working in the patent department of the Soviet navy. His primary responsibility was to assist inventors in filing patents, but because he was himself a gifted inventor (he received his first patent at age 14), he was often asked for help in solving problems encountered during the innovation process.
Assuming that methods existed to help people solve creative problems, he went to the library and began researching. He found studies based upon the notion that, since innovation is a product of the human mind, the process can be improved using psychological techniques. Several methods (such as brainstorming) had been developed to overcome psychological inertia; that is, to "force" people to generate ideas "outside the box."
But Altshuller soon began to realize the difficulty of obtaining objective information on the innovation process through psychological means, as the results were neither measurable nor reliable. In contrast, he reasoned, technical information is objective in nature. While there are no tools that allow us inside the human mind to study the process of innovation, the results of this process can be easily observed by studying the inventions themselves, or the patent literature associated with them.
Realizing that an innovation represents a fundamental change to a technological system ? and is therefore subject to analysis ? Altshuller turned his attention to the patent fund, screening over 200,000 patents from all over the world. He identified 40,000 patents that constituted "inventive" achievements, and began a rigorous analysis of these. The results of his efforts formed the theoretical basis of TRIZ and laid the groundwork for the problem-solving tools that would later be developed. As the TRIZ methodology grew over the next four decades, the patent research continued; by 1990 over 2 million patents had been investigated.
The Ideation/TRIZ Methodology (also known as I- TRIZ) is the advanced form of TRIZ that began evolving in the mid-1980s when TRIZ, in its so-called "classical" form, ceased development. (Note: The terms TRIZ and I- TRIZ are often used interchangeably.) The research and development of I-TRIZ has continued unabated since its inception. As a result, I-TRIZ not only contains enhanced versions of classical TRIZ tools, but includes an expanded knowledge base, new tools for applying this knowledge and for analyzing problems more effectively, and the following comprehensive applications:
* Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) ? A powerful method for eliminating technological roadblocks related to the development and use of products and processes. Applicable to all engineering disciplines, IPS can be used to solve problems related to design, research and development, manufacturing, safety, reliability, and quality assurance.
* Failure Analysis ? A systematic procedure for identifying the root cause of a failure or other issue of concern in a system, and for correcting it in a timely manner.
* Failure Prediction ? A systematic procedure for identifying beforehand, and then preventing, all dangerous or harmful events that might possibly occur in a system.
* Directed Evolution (DE) ? A method for developing a comprehensive set of scenarios describing future generations of a system. DE is based on an extensive set of patterns that reveal the evolutionary tendencies of technological systems.
Evolution of TRIZ and I-TRIZ
The evolution of TRIZ can be divided into four stages.
Stage 1: 1946-1980
* Genrich Altshuller is virtually the only person developing TRIZ; others provide occasional assistance.
* Fundamental discoveries have been made and the basic ideas and tools of classical TRIZ have been developed.
* Ideas are occasionally contributed by others, but these are usually weak and of secondary significance.
* This stage ended in 1980 when the first TRIZ specialist conference took place in Petrozavodsk, Russia.
Stage 2: 1980-1986
* TRIZ receives publicity in the former USSR. Many people become devotees of the methodology and of Altshuller; the first TRIZ professionals and semi-professionals appear.
* Altshuller is highly efficient in developing TRIZ due to the large number of seminars held, the various TRIZ schools established, and individual followers who have joined the ranks, allowing for the rapid testing of ideas and tools. TRIZ schools in St. Petersburg, Kishinev, Minsk, Novosibirsk and elsewhere become very active under Altshuller's leadership.
* The strong development of classical TRIZ results in the first serious attempts to move TRIZ beyond the strictly technological domain ("Life Strategy for a Creative Individual," pedagogical curriculum, subversion analysis, "Theory of Evolution of Organizations," etc.).
* Although the free exchange of ideas and open publication exists, it is extremely difficult to arrange for publication.
* TRIZ materials accumulate rapidly but vary widely in quality, from useless to real breakthroughs.
Stage 3: 1986-1991 -- Contemporary TRIZ
In 1986, the situation changed dramatically. Altshuller's illness limited his ability to work on TRIZ and control its development, thus he discontinued his work on technological TRIZ. For the first time in the history of TRIZ, perestroika allowed for TRIZ to be used commercially in the USSR. In 1982, Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman, founded a technical school in Kishinev, Moldova that specialized in teaching the TRIZ methodology and providing TRIZ analytical services for industrial companies.
The accomplishments of the Kishinev TRIZ school included:
* over 6,000 students taught
* over 4,000 technological problems solved or facilitated
* development of a methodology for solving scientific problems
* development of a methodology for identifying possible causes of failures and potential failures
* identification of numerous lines of evolution
* publication of nine books -- three together with Altshuller
* monthly contributions to popular magazines on practical TRIZ applications
* monthly contributions to Russian newspapers on TRIZ for children
* many other articles on the TRIZ methodology published
* development of the basic patterns of evolution of organizations
* recommendations for using students' unresolved real-life problems as a teaching process
* educational programs for various audiences at various technical levels
* providing analytical services for business organizations.
By 1989, their extensive experience in teaching and problem solving allowed Zlotin and Zusman to define the main weaknesses of the TRIZ methodology in its classical form. These were:
* Lack of rigor (i.e., many analytical skills that were required for successfully applying TRIZ tools had not been transformed into documented rules, algorithms and recommendations).
* Only a limited portion of the TRIZ knowledge base had been documented and was available for study and use.
* Each tool had been developed separately; as a result, the tools did not form an integrated system.
* Different types of problems had to be dealt with in different ways, yet there were no clear recommendations for which tool to use for a particular type of problem or situation.
* The tools did not support all stages of the problem-solving process. For example: problems had to be pre- formulated in TRIZ terms before the tools could be applied.
As a result of the above limitations, TRIZ was characterized by the following:
* Considerable education (between 100 and 250 hours) was required to effectively utilize TRIZ.
* Extensive practice (from 1 to 5 years) was required to become self- sufficient in the methodology.
* Making TRIZ available for mass utilization posed an insurmountable challenge.
In addition, these drawbacks made the process of computerizing TRIZ -- which had already begun -- very difficult.
Taking the above into consideration, Zlotin and Zusman determined to advance the TRIZ methodology in the following directions:
* Develop integrated tools so that all types of problems could be treated in the same manner.
* Add "missing" tools so that TRIZ could support all stages of the problem- solving process:
- problem identification, formulation, and categorization
- identification and utilization of the appropriate tools
- evaluation of results
- planning for implementing of solutions.
* Restructure and extend the TRIZ knowledge base to take advantage of computerization.
* Continue developing the lines of technological evolution.
* Continue developing tools for solving problems.
* Reveal patterns of evolution in non-technological areas.
The work of the Kishinev School resulted in the following accomplishments:
* A new, comprehensive version of ARIZ that was much more rigorous and suited to computerization.
* A problem formulation process (developed first for mental use, then for computerization).
* A system of "operators" that incorporated the entire existing TRIZ knowledge base.
* Substantial extension of the TRIZ knowledge base (twice as many operators, many more examples, additional technical applications of effects).
* Development of a complete problem-solving process (later called "The Ideation Process")
* Prototype of the Innovation Workbench (IWB) software
* Prototype for personnel management software
Stage 4: 1991 and Beyond -- TRIZ in the USA
The rapid deterioration of the economic situation in the USSR forced many capable TRIZ specialists, who had established their own businesses, to carry TRIZ abroad. Many immigrated into the U.S. and Israel and started promoting TRIZ individually. Others found international partners and established TRIZ companies. Recognizing the U.S. as a key for the successful dissemination of technology, Zlotin and Zusman joined with American professionals in 1992 to form Ideation International. In the years that followed, Ideation accomplished the following:
* Acquiring the Kishinev School and moving most of its principal scientists to the U.S.
* Translating and repackaging a massive amount of information on TRIZ
* Learning the U.S. marketplace
* Identifying the requirements of potential TRIZ users
* Adapting TRIZ to the American engineering process
* Delivering products and services to a number of American industrial companies
* Training hundreds of professionals in TRIZ
* Establishing training programs to help individuals become self-sufficient in applying TRIZ and, if desired, further master the methodology
* Creating a family of software tools and installing thousands of licenses
* Continuously advancing the enhanced and updated form of TRIZ as the Ideation/TRIZ methodology (I-TRIZ)
The I-TRIZ Advantage
More than 55 years of research has resulted in the extraction of 440 patterns of invention and more than 400 patterns of technological evolution. The Ideation Process was developed to utilize this knowledge base.
With any problem situation there is a theoretical limit to the number of possible solution concepts that exist. Given unlimited time and money you can find all these possibilities and evaluate them for optimal decision making. Reality, however, usually imposes a practical limit to the search for solutions.
I-TRIZ allows you to obtain a practically exhaustive set of possible solution concepts in a short period of time, thus increasing the confidence with which you can make informed decisions.
2. 2.I-TRIZ Foundations


In this section we will consider how these key findings form the foundation for I-TRIZ.
Inventive Problem
There are two groups of problems people face: those with generally known solutions and those with unknown solutions. Those with known solutions can usually be solved by information found in books, technical journals, or with subject matter experts. The other type is called an inventive problem.
Known Problem
New Problem
New Knowledge
(Scientific Problems)
New knowledge applied to known problems.
Example: New plastics provide strong, lightweight products.
New knowledge applied to new problems.
Example: Various uses for lasers (surgery, etc).
Existing Knowledge
(Engineering Problems)
Existing knowledge applied to solve known problems.
Example: All engineering tasks with generally known solutions.
Existing knowledge to address new problems is not found or does not provide satisfactory solution.
We are dealing with an inventive problem - new approach is needed.

An inventive problem is a problem that contains at least one contradiction. A contradiction is a situation where an attempt to improve one feature of the system leads to a degradation of another feature (by reducing the weight of a tool its strength is reduced, for example).
The conventional way to deal with a contradiction is to look for a compromise or trade- off -- however, there are many examples of solutions that resolve contradictions. This means that methods for satisfying contradictory requirements exist and can be exploited.
Levels of Invention
In I-TRIZ, inventions are categorized into five levels:
* Level 1 - Routine design problems solved by methods well known within the specialty. No invention needed.
* Level 2 - Minor improvements to an existing system using methods known within the industry. Usually with some compromise.
* Level 3 - Fundamental improvement to an existing system using methods known outside the industry. Contradictions were resolved.
* Level 4 - A new generation of a system that entails a new principle for performing the system's primary functions. Solutions are found more often in science than technology.
* Level 5 - A rare scientific discovery or pioneering invention of an essentially a new system.
EXAMPLE: A heavy machine vibrates excessively, creating problems in adjoining systems. A level 1 solution can be offered: placing a rubber pad under the machine to absorb the vibration. If this is not adequate, we can try to compensate for the vibration using anti-vibration, a level 3 solution. If this doesn't work we might try an air or magnetic "pillow," a level 4 solution, and so on.
Developing a high-level solution requires that a number of problems be solved with low- level solutions.
The analysis of high-level solutions revealed the patterns of invention and patterns of evolution on which I-TRIZ is based.
Patterns of Invention (Operators)
The analysis of high-level inventions showed that the same fundamental problem had been addressed by multiple inventions throughout different areas of technology. Moreover, the same fundamental solutions had been used over and over again, often separated by many years. The principles embodied in these solutions are called operators in I-TRIZ. To date, the screening of more than two million patents has yielded 440 operators.
Example of an operator: Concentrate and release energy.
To split apart a product containing pores or cracks: Place the product in a hermetic chamber. Slowly increase the pressure inside the chamber, then reduce it abruptly. The drop in pressure creates a momentary pressure difference inside and outside the product, which causes it to "explode."
The inventions shown here were made in different areas of technology at different times. The problems addressed by these inventions are similar; the solutions represent the same principle:

Before sweet peppers can be canned, the stalk and seeds must be separated from the pod. This was done manually in the past ?automation was difficult to implement because the pods are non-uniform in shape and size.


In a modern canning method, the peppers are placed in an air-tight container, in which pressure is gradually increased to 8 atm; the pods shrink, resulting in fracturing at the weakest point, where the pod bottom joins the stalk. Compressed air penetrates the peppers at the fractures, and the pressure inside and outside the peppers equalizes. The pressure in the container is then quickly reduced; the pod bursts at its weakest point (which has been further weakened by fractures) and the pod bottom is ejected, taking the seeds with it.
Cleaning Filter
A filter used to treat fine-grained sand consists of a tube whose walls are coated with a porous, felt-like material. When air passes through the tube, the sand particles are trapped in the pores. Cleaning such a filter is difficult, however.
The filter can be cleaned by disconnecting it from the system, sealing it, exposing it to a pressure of 5 to 10 atm, and then quickly reducing the pressure to normal. The sudden change in pressure forces air out of the pores, along with the sand. The sand particles are carried to the surface, where they are easily removed.
husking sunflower seeds
One method of husking sunflower seeds is to load them into a bunker, increase the pressure inside the bunker, and then decrease the pressure sharply. The air that penetrates the husks under high pressure expands as the pressure drops, thereby splitting the husks.
To process seeds continually, rather than in batches, a high pressure is maintained inside the bunker. Air is then used to pass the seeds through a Laval nozzle (which has a narrow cross- section in the middle, and becomes abruptly wider at the end), where a sharp pressure drop takes place. The husks break inside the nozzle, after which the husks and the cleaned seeds are propelled in different trajectories according to their weights. Thus, husking is accompanied by separation.
artificial diamonds
When manufacturing tools made of artificial diamonds, crystals containing fractures cannot be used. Splitting the crystals at the fracture yields useable diamonds, but efforts to do so often produce new fractures.
As an alternative, the crystals can be placed in a thick-walled, air- tight vessel. The pressure in the vessel is increased to several thousand atmospheres, and then quickly returned to normal. This sudden change in pressure causes the air in the fractures to break the crystals.
A similar technique, employed at a much lower pressure, is used to break sugar crystals into powder.
cedar nuts
How to shell cedar nuts.
To shell cedar nuts, they are placed underwater in a sealed bunker. Heat is applied until the pressure in the bunker reaches several atmospheres.
The pressure is then sharply decreased to its previous level. When the overheated water penetrates the nuts, the resulting strain breaks and casts off the shells.
A similar procedure is used for shelling krill -- a small ocean crustacean.
Patterns of Evolution
Technological systems evolve according to certain, statistically proven patterns. These patterns can be revealed and used for system improvement without numerous blind trials. The common threads between evolving systems form the Patterns of Evolution. TRIZ has 8 basic Patterns of Evolution:
1. Stages of Evolution
2. Evolution toward Increased Ideality
3. Non-Uniform Development of System Elements (Contradictions)
4. Evolution toward Increased Dynamism and Controllability
5. Increased Complexity Then Simplification
6. Evolution with Matching and Mismatching Elements
7. Evolution toward Micro-level and Increased Use of Fields (Resources)
8. Evolution toward Decreased Human Involvement

Patterns of Evolution represent a compilation of trends that document strong, historically-recurring tendencies in the development of manmade or natural systems. Once identified, these Patterns have predictive power and thus constitute the theoretical base of the TRIZ methodology.
Stages of Evolution
Stage 0 - a system does not yet exist but important conditions for emergence are being developed
Stage 1 - a new system appears due to a high-level invention and begins slow development
Stage 2 - begins when society recognizes the value of the new system
Stage 3 - begins when the resources of the system’s original concept is mostly exhausted
Stage 4 - begins when a new system or next system generation emerges to replace the existing one
Stage 5 - begins if the existing system is not completely replaced by the new one as the existing system still has a limited area of application
Evolution toward Increased Ideality
Technological systems tend to evolve in the direction of increased ideality ? the ratio of a system's useful functions to its harmful functions:
Example: A 100,000 kW turbogenerator built in the early 1950s weighed about 200 tons. In the 1970s, a 500,000 kW turbogenerator weighed about 400 tons - the power/weight ratio had increased by a factor of 2.4
According to the formula of ideality shown above, there are two ways to increase system ideality.
The first is to increase the number or magnitude of the useful functions.
The second is to reduce the cost, number, or magnitude of the harmful factors. Increasing ideality can occur within the framework of the existing system, through radical changes, or by changing the underlying principle of operations of the system. Often, however, both parts of the ratio increase but in a way that value is ahead of cost.
Non-Uniform Development of System Elements (Contradictions)
When a system consists of a number of sub-systems, each of those considered separately, evolves according to its own S- curve. This means that their evolution may have their own schedule reaching limits at different times. The component that reaches its limit first starts "holding back" the overall system.
Because all resources of this particular sub-system have been exhausted, any attempts to improve it possess resources of other sub-systems resulting in contradictions.
Example: Early airplanes were limited by poor aerodynamics. Yet for many years, rather than trying to improve the aerodynamics, engineers focused on increasing engine power.
Ignoring a limiting sub-system while trying to improve elements that look easy is a frequent mistake in development. To insure continuous evolution, "bottleneck" sub- systems must be revealed and improved or replaced.
Evolution toward Increased Dynamism and Controllability
In the process of evolution, technological systems become more dynamic and controllable. They become more adaptive to contradictory requirements and to changes in the environment. Increased dynamism allows the system to conserve high ideality in changing conditions. An airplane wing, a car seat, a bed and many other things became changeable, flexible and thus much more comfortable. This trend is so strong, that we can practically insist that almost any system, which is stiff and/or static, is going to become dynamic.
Example: Increasing degree of freedom for the pointer
Increased Complexity Then Simplification
Technological systems tend to develop first toward increased quantity and quality of system functions (function deployment) resulting in increased system complexity. After improved functionality is achieved, the system developers try to simplify the system (reduction) maintaining the achieved functionality. In a particular system evolution, the processes of deployment and simplification take place in turn forming cycles (each cycle includes one deployment and one simplification). They also can partially overlap. For example while the overall system is in the simplification process, its sub-systems can still be in deployment, and vise versa.
Examples: The evolution of rifles. For large animal hunting, hunters early on realized the advantages of carrying two rifles ready to fire (in case of misfiring).
In time, hunters began binding the two rifles together with a rope for convenience (bi- system). Eventually they realized that two stocks weren't needed, only two barrels. Thus, one stock was eliminated and two-barrel rifles appeared (improved mono- system).
Evolution with Matching and Mismatching Elements
In the process of system evolution, the following consequent stages could be considered:
* First, the system itself and its sub-systems are matched between themselves and the environment bringing the most important parameters to the magnitudes providing the best performance.
* Next, a specific mismatching is introduced that is, a certain change to some parameters allowing obtaining additional useful effect.
* At last, a dynamic matching-mismatching is achieved to allow the system parameters change as needed to provide optimal results in various conditions of work.
The stages described above comprise a cycle that can repeat itself during the system evolution. The process of matching starts from the beginning of the system's existence when necessary system elements are selected and combined in one system. Besides providing minimal performance, these elements have to be compatible. Compatibility is very important for the overall performance; that is why sometimes the elements with the best individual performance might be not the best from the overall system performance point of view.
Evolution toward Micro-level and Increased Use of Fields
Technological systems evolve in the direction of higher utilization of materials micro- structure and various fields. In TRIZ, a field means any kind of energy exchange between two (or more) material objects.
Example: A function 'joining two parts' could be performed in the following ways including utilization of:
* Bolts and nuts (macro-level)
* Velcro (poly-system)
* Capillary forces (poly-system from small particles: powder, micro-pores)
* Soldering, welding (material structure)
* Glue (chemical reactions)
* Diffusion (involvement of ions)
* Magnetic forces (field)
Evolution toward Decreased Human Involvement
In the process of evolution, a human individual is gradually pushed out from being a part of a technological system delegating more and more human functions to a machine. This process eventually brings the technological system to its complete form that is, operation without any human involvement.
Example: A function of positioning parts during stamping which is easy to perform even to a low educated individual is quite complicated for a robot. On the other hand, a typical "machine" advantages could be available if a machine is used that is, high speed and accuracy of work, capability to provide powerful actions, capability to work in mediums that are not permissible for a human being. Because of that, automation is associated with the transition to new principles of operation, new technologies. For example, preliminary stocking the parts in cassettes might allow replacing a sophisticated robot with a simple machine.
3. 3.System approach
Define Objectives

The system approach (also known as multi- dimensional creative thinking) helps you formulate your problem-solving objectives.

Typically, when engineers attack a problem they focus on the system in which the problem resides. But with the system approach the problem is viewed from multiple perspectives, thus increasing the opportunities available for finding the best solution.
Think of the inventive situation you are facing as a system. Consider this system from different points of view and define one or more objectives, such as:
What should be improved?
What problem should be solved?

To apply the system approach, ask yourself these control questions:
Supersystem - System - Subsystems

What is the system's primary function?
To what supersystem does your system belong?
What subsystems are included in the system?
Cause - Problem - Effect

What harmful effects are associated with the problem?
What is the cause of the problem?
How is the cause transformed into the effect?

What outputs leave the system?
Past - Present - Future

Is it possible to "go back" and change a critical event that occurred in the past?
Is it possible to implement a future solution today?
4. 4.Ideality
Research of the world-wide patent fund and other sources of mankind's inventive achievements has revealed the following general pattern: Technological systems tend to evolve in the direction of increasing ideality. In other words, systems become smaller, less costly, more energy efficient, pollute less, and so on.
We use the above pattern to define ideality as the ratio of a system's useful functions to its harmful functions:


Functions are activities, actions, processes or operations related to your system.

A system's useful functions include the following:

primary useful function – the purpose for which the system was designed
secondary functions – other useful outputs that the system provides in addition to the primary useful function
auxiliary functions – functions that support or contribute to the execution of the system's primary useful function, such as corrective functions, control functions, housing functions, transport functions, etc.

A system's harmful functions include all harmful factors associated with the system: the cost to design it, the space it occupies, the noise it emits, the energy it consumes, the resources needed to maintain it, and so on.
Example: Oil tankers evolution. First tanker ratio was 50/50. 50% was weight of oil and 50% weight of tanker. Today's super-tanker have ratio 98/2%.
Ideal System
Obviously the Ideality ratio is a qualitative assessment rather than a quantifiable number. Nonetheless, the concept of ideality isvery important, as it helps understand the concept of an ideal system.
Given our definition of ideality as the ratio between a system's useful functions and its harmful functions, we can imagine an idealsystem as a system that has no harmful functions at all ? in other words, it costs nothing to design or maintain, uses no energy,takes up no space, has no harmful emissions or byproducts, and so on. Or, stated another way: An ideal system is one whose functions are performed without the system existing.
Actually we never need a system, what we really need is a function. More than that, all harmful effects are associated with the system rather than with the function. For example, we need transportation rather than a car. Of course, it is an ideal image. In reality we can only aspire to it, however, very often we can approach it quite easily.

Tapping Our Knowledge
The best solution to a problem is the one that advances a system on its evolutionary path toward ideality. Therefore, ideality should always be kept in mind during problem solving, like a beacon that guides problem solvers to the best solution. (This is exactly what Leonardo da Vinci was expressing when he said "Think of the end before the beginning." He understood the importance of envisioning an ultimate, ideal goal.)

The level of solution correlates with the difficulty of solving a problem, which in turn could be measured by the distance between an inventor's knowledge and solution domains. The higher the level of solution, the larger the area of knowledge that might be essential for achieving it. With TRIZ, the volume of informational search grows only slightly with an increasing level of innovation
In this case TRIZ recommends to use the mini-problem approach.
The mini-problem is obtained from the problem situation by introducing the restriction: Everything in the system remains unchanged or becomes less complicated, while the required action (or property) appears, or a harmful action (or property) disappears.
Converting a problem situation to a mini-problem does not mean that we intend to solve a smaller problem. Rather, by introducing the additional requirement of obtaining the desired result without incurring changes to the system we are "sharpening" the conflict and, from the beginning, blocking the path toward trade-offs.
We can be even more aggressive in formulating our vision:
A harmful effect withdraws itself.
A desired useful result appears without any changes to the system.
Of course, this statement is extreme -- in practice, such an ideal is rarely achieved. But the ideality approach serves to push us toward innovative solutions that do not increase system complexity.

If we imagine a "scale" for measuring innovation, the lower end of the scale is where incremental improvements reside, representing the traditional engineering approach to problem solving. On the other hand, near-ideal innovation occurs when we use the ideality approach to find solutions that are not based on trade-off or compromise.
Ideal Vision
Ideality should always be kept in mind during problem solving, like a beacon that guides problem solvers to the best solution. (This is what Leonardo da Vinci meant when he said "Think of the end before the beginning.")
The following algorithm describes how to form an ideal vision:
1. Define the Useful and Harmful Functions (if necessary, use functional modeling).

2. Formulate Basic Directions using the following templates:

Eliminate a .

Modify a .

Resolve the contradiction: A Useful Function should exist in order to fulfill a Useful Purpose and should not exist in order to avoid a Harmful Function.

3. Form an Ideal Vision using Operators, then generate Ideas to fulfill this vision.
Example: Container Destruction Problem
Example: Container Destruction Problem
Example: Container Destruction Problem

To test the ability of various alloys to withstand a harsh acid environment, an alloy specimen is placed in an acid-filled container. After some time has elapsed, the container is emptied and the effects of the acid on the specimen are noted. This process is repeated for a number of specimens.
Over a period of time, the manufacturer of the alloys gradually increased the acid resistance of the specimens they produced, while at the same time calling for increasingly harsher testing conditions (increased acid concentration, longer exposure time, etc.) It was eventually noticed that during testing the acid damaged the interior walls of the container, corrupting the test results and ruining the container.
One proposed remedy was to coat the walls of the container with an acid- resistant material such as glass.
Another was to replace the containers with containers made of a different material. Both solutions would have been very costly and far from ideal.
Let's approach this problem by applying the concept of ideality.
We have three Functions:
1. Keeping the acid in contact with the specimen (Useful main)
2. Container hold acid (Useful, auxiliary)
3. Acid damaged the interior walls of the container (Harmful)
Task - Eliminate: Acid damaged the interior walls of the container
Direction - Exclude the source of an undesired action.
Let's create a series of mental images:
We can not exclude specimen and acid.
We can exclude only container. The problem then becomes one of keeping the acid in contact with the specimen without the container.

Since the simplest means of holding the acid in contact with the specimen is to use a container, we must look at the materials available in the system for something that might serve this purpose. Clearly, the only available material is that from which the specimen is made . . . and the solution is now obvious: Create a container from the specimen itself.
NOTE: You might be thinking that there are certain consequent problems associated with this solution, for example:
What are the costs associated with changing the shape of the specimen? This situation is not unexpected: In fact, TRIZ specialists indicate that 99.9% of all ideas have associated consequent problems. A consequent problem, however, is just the next problem to be solved. And by using TRIZ, it is possible to solve consequent problems and make the associated system more ideal at the same time.
Let's evaluate the container destruction problem in light of the things we've discussed: Ideality vs. reality - Performing the function without the existence of the system is a very high-level objective, and it was necessary to step back a little to identify the opportunities for a real-world solution. Remember: the goal is to solve the problem with as close to an ideal solution as possible - not to blindly pursue an unrealistic ideal. In this case study, some "stepping back from the ideal" was required as it became necessary to form a hole in the specimen.
Directions for Forming an Ideal Vision
In I-TRIZ, the patterns of invention (operators) are grouped into directions for changing the system. These directions help you to form an ideal vision of the system -- i.e., a system in which the problem no longer exists.
I-TRIZ operators are presented as generic suggestions for how to realize the directions. The operators are applied using analogical thinking.
Example of Direction - Inversion: "Think the opposite." Invert something in the system by applying the operators listed below.

Make movable parts immobile
Apply an opposite action
Replace a sequence of operations
Inside-out or upside- down
Replace external action with internal
Instead of heating use cooling
1.Click on the operator.
2.Map the operator’s recommendation to your system by creating a series of mental images. If one image doesn’t work, choose another, then another, and so on.
3.Write down any and all ideas -- even stupid or crazy ones -- that result.
analogical thinking
Example – Improving the Design of an AxLet's apply the operator "partitioning followed by integration" to the problem of improving the design of an ax.
STEP 1: "Hold" these two things in your mind simultaneously: the operator's recommendation, and the system you are working with.
Operator: Divide or partition your object into parts, then integrate the parts in a different way.
STEP 2: Map the operator’s recommendation to your system by creating a series of mental images that "force" a relationship between the system and the recommendation. If one image doesn’t work, choose another, then another, and so on.
STEP 3: Write down any and all ideas – even stupid or crazy ones – that result.
Make movable parts immobile
To improve the the system, make mobile parts immobile or vice versa.
A correct race chart and an understanding of when to run at a moderate or fast pace are some of the secrets of runners' victories, particularly of medium- and long- distance runners. The race chart is perfected during years of training, during which the coach never ceases clicking his stopwatch.

A more efficient method of training is to have the athlete run on the moving track of a treadmill while the coach varies the track speed, thus controlling the pace of the athlete.
Apply an opposite action
Replace an action in your system with an action of the opposite sort.
As ballast for the bathyscaph (a navigable ocean-diving vessel designed to reach great depths), inventor Auguste Piccard placed steel shot in steel containers fitted with electromagnetic valves. Each valve consisted of a cylindrical pipe around which
an electric magnet was wound. When current was flowing, the shot coalesced and acted as a reliable plug. By varying the current, the shot discharge could be precisely controlled. If the current was interrupted for some reason, the shot was discharged and the bathyscaph surfaced.
As an emergency provision, the shot containers were held in place by electromagnets, which discharged from the bathyscaph if current was interrupted. These electromagnets were continually charged by a battery. If all jettison devices failed, the charge died out within 16 hours, the containers separated from the bathyscaph, and the bathyscaph surfaced.
Replace a sequence of operations
Consider replacing a sequence of operations with the reverse sequence.

When filming a motion picture, it was necessary to depict an actor emerging completely dry from a lake.
The reverse-filming technique was used: the camera was run in reverse, while the actor, wearing dry clothes, stepped backward into the lake. When the film was played back (in the usual direction), the desired effect was achieved.
Reverse filming is similarly used when filming dangerous sequences, such as depicting a person being hit by a fast- moving car. To film this stunt safely, the actor lies down in front of the car; the camera is then run in reverse as the car backs away and the actor stands up. To achieve a more realistic visual effect, reverse filming is carried out at a slower speed.
Inside-out or upside-down
Turn the system inside-out or upside-down.
Forms for casting artificial limbs can be molded using sculptors, but sculpting labor is expensive.
A less expensive approach involves forming an elastic copy of a normal limb by coating the limb with resilient material. The elastic copy can then be turned "inside out" to create a form for casting the artificial limb.
Replace external action with internal
Substitute an external action for an internal one (or vice versa)
Restaurant workers have to uncork many bottles.
A pressure gun can make uncorking more efficient. A sharp hollow needle at the end of the gun is pushed through the cork. Gas under pressure from the gun then forces the cork out of the bottle.
Instead of heating use cooling
Replace an action in the system with an opposite action.
When hot water is poured on frozen ground, the ground is defrosted but it also becomes muddy.
The mud can be prevented. If the frozen ground is surrounded by a low, waterproof fence and cold water is poured in, the water freezes. As the water changes to ice, heat is given off and the ground is warmed. A day or two later, the ice layer can be removed with an excavating machine and the unfrozen ground can be easily worked. Inclined, as well as level sites can be defrosted by this technique.
Functional Modeling
To help you "untangle" a complicated situation and formulate directions, functional modeling can be used. A functional model is a cause-effect diagram describing the functions of the system and the relationships between them.
Function - an activity, action, process or operation
According to our definition of ideality, there are two types of functions: useful and harmful. (We will show these as red and green boxes.)
Link - a relationship between functions
Two types of links are defined: produce and counteract. (We will use an arrow and crossed arrow, respectively.)
Building a functional diagram:
1. Identify the useful and harmful functions related to the problem.
2. For each function you define, ask yourself the control questions below. Based on your answers to these questions, continue creating the functions that contribute to the problem situation.
Does this function produce another function?
Does this function counteract another function?
Is this function produced by another function?
Is this function counteracted by another function?
3. Identify the relationships (links) between the functions by connecting the boxes with arrows.
4. Formulate basic directions based on your model and work with the operators for each direction.
Example: Elevator Problem
Note: Ideation has developed a special tool -- the Problem Formulator (U.S. Patent No 5,581,663) -- to help users build functional models.
Elevator Problem
Problem: Employees working in a high-rise building complain that the building's elevators are too slow. People get bored waiting for the elevators, which make numerous stops to pick up people from other floors.

The management must consider various options to resolve this problem.

Begin by defining the main harmful effect: people complain.
Now ask yourself the following control question: Is this function produced by another function?

The answer is yes: People complain is produced by People get bored.

Continue defining all the functions and links in the situation.

People get bored is produced by People have to wait.

People have to wait is produced by Elevators are slow.

Elevators are slow is produced by Elevators are outdated.

Elevators are slow is produced by Many stops.

Many stops produces Picking up people from many floors.

Picking up people from many floors produces Satisfaction of people.

People complain counteracts Satisfaction of people.

The diagram now looks like this:


Now we can formulate directions.

Modify Many stops.

Modify Picking up people from many floors.

Modify Satisfaction of people.

Eliminate People get bored.

Eliminate People have to wait.

Eliminate Elevators are slow.

Eliminate Elevators are outdated.

Eliminate People complain.

Resolve the contradiction: Many stops should exist in order to fulfill Picking up people from many floors and should not exist in order to avoid Elevators are slow.

The next step is to consider the operators for each direction.
Local Ideality
Point of View – Local Ideality
According to our definition, ideality is likened to perfection which implies that there is only one ideal state. Careful consideration reveals that ideality is strongly related to point of view, or to the local conditions pertaining to a system or problem situation. We are talking about local ideality.
For example, the definition of the ideal ball point pen would have different meanings to the pen manufacturer, distributor, buyer, competitor, and end user. And we mustn't forget the inventor/visionary.
Example: A manufacturer of pencil erasers, who has made a significant investment in a particular technology, would likely wish to utilize that capital investment to continue generating profits. Manufacturing problems would thus be solved in such a way as to use the existing systems/technology.
From the standpoint of long-term planning, however, it would be imprudent to ignore a high-level vision of ideality, such as performing the erasing function without the actual eraser.
When it comes to problem solving, local ideality is related to our ability to solve a problem with the resources that are available in the immediate environment.
Now that we know that our goal in problem solving is to move a system toward a more ideal state, how do we go about achieving this? The general approach for achieving near- ideal solutions is using Resources.
5. 5.Resource
Definition of Resources
Resources is some properties or attributes that can be transformed to the features.

Resources provide us with the ability to increase system ideality.
In I-TRIZ we have a special list of suggestions for revealing hidden resources in a system.

Derived Resources
We can think of resources in terms of their availability:
* Ready-to-use resources are resources that exist in a visible, recognizable state ?in other words, they can be used "as is."
* Derived resources are "hidden" and become available only after undergoing a transformation of some kind. Resources are transformed through the Operators and application of one or more inventive fields: Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, Magnetic and Electro-Magnetic (MeThChEM).
The following exercise will help you understand how resources can be "hidden" within a system:
Copper wire exercise
Copper wire exercise
Resources exercise
Let's assume that we have an unidentified problem within the "problem zone" shown below. (For the purposes of this example, the details of the problem are unimportant.)

QUESTION: What resources available in the problem zone can be employed to solve the problem?

If you entered only the resources wire, air, voltage and current, then you are with the majority of problem solvers. By taking a deeper view, however, you might have included some of the readily-available resources shown here:


And by combining, transforming, concentrating, and/or intensifying the readily-available resources, the resources shown here can be derived:

Insufficient Resources
Insufficient Resources
It is often the case in problem-solving situations that a resource is present in an amount insufficient for inventive purposes. There are two general techniques that can be applied in such cases:
* Accumulate a resource until the required amount is obtained.
* Concentrate a resource and apply it where needed.
There is another consideration regarding resources that warrants our attention: examining the system at increasing levels of detail to reveal the resources necessary to solve the problem. The notion of "drilling deeper" into a system is especially important when dealing with long-standing problems that have been the focus of repeated problem-solving efforts. (In such cases it is almost certain that the resources capable of yielding an inventive solution are not readily apparent. Revealing these long-hidden resources can therefore make the difference between success and failure.)
Exercise: Drilling for resources
To accumulate a resource
To accumulate a resource, try to make use of special devices (springs, flywheels, capacitors, inductors, lasers, etc.) or special substances (explosives, thermites, elastic substances, etc.) capable of accumulating and then releasing energy.
Example: One-way convection
In cold regions, gas pipelines are supported by piles driven into the permafrost. During the summer, however, the piles heat up and gradually sink into the permafrost.

To prevent this problem, hollow piles can be filled with kerosene. In winter, the tops of the piles will be colder than the bottoms, and convection in the kerosene will remove heat energy from the permafrost. In summer, there will be no convection currents in the kerosene, and the flow of heat down to the permafrost will be minimal.
QUESTION: What resource is used in this example, and how is it transformed?
To concentrate a resource
To concentrate a resource, use the inventive (MeThChEM) fields.

An economical way to cool large electrical transformers used outside is to bury the transformer in the earth and use moisture from the soil for cooling.
To accomplish this, the transformer casing is coated with graphite and conductive rods are driven into the soil around the buried transformer. A positive potential is applied to the casing and a negative potential is applied to the rods. Cool moisture particles near the rods become negatively charged and are attracted to the transformer.


What resource is used in this example?

What inventive field was used to transform this resource?

What inventive field was used to transform this resource?
Drilling for resources
Let's consider a simple system: two pieces of wood into which a nail has been driven.


QUESTION: What resources can you find that might be used to solve a problem with this system? (Be sure to list your answers somewhere.)

NOTE: We won't be solving a problem in this example, but will focus only on finding resources that could be exploited if we were trying to solve a problem.
Be sure to consider the following:
Parts of objects
Properties of an object
Properties of part(s) of an object
Features of an object
Flows of an object (substance flows)
Properties of an action
Features of an action
Component of the action
Fields, energy, interaction
Energy flow
Environment (conditions, substances, etc.)
?Your list should include:


velocity of nail

rate (time) of deformation

rate (time) of recovery


and more

QUESTION: For a more advanced exercise, try to describe at least one way each resource you have listed might be used to solve a problem.

If we drill deeper to look at the nail-wood interface in detail, we might imagine the situation shown in the picture to the left.
But is this portrayal accurate?
Discussions with subject matter experts would provide us with a more detailed picture, as shown below.
Drilling deeper reveals, among other things, certain flow characteristics that were not at first apparent. Note that this level of detail provides us with a better understanding of the mechanism of the problem.
And we can drill deeper still. The view below includes the internal structure of the nail.


So, how deep should we drill? This question must be answered on a problem-by- problem basis: The level of detail that describes the mechanism of the problem and reveals the resources that can solve the problem is the "necessary" level. Indeed, it is not uncommon to drill down to the molecular or atomic level to find the resources that can yield innovative solutions.
6. 6.Contradictions
The situation when an attempt to improve one feature of the system causes the degradation of another feature is called a contradiction.
* When the strength of a mechanical object is increased, its weight increases as well.
* Increased acceleration in an automobile also increases fuel consumption.
* A pen tip should be sharp to draw legible lines, but blunt to avoid tearing the paper.
* Aircraft landing gear is necessary for takeoff and landing, but is undesirable during flight.
The usual way to deal with contradictions - to look for compromise. However in many situations compromises are not acceptable and have to be resolved.
Example: Industrial truck with a tall cab
An industrial truck with a tall cab cannot pass under low bridges.
Contradiction: A high cab should exist in order to provide driver visibility, and should not exist to avoid getting stuck in low bridges (or rerouting the truck).
Separate the contradictory requirements by changing the characteristics of the system in time.
Idea: Design a truck with a cab that can temporarily be lowered to pass under an obstacle.

An individual's ability to formulate contradictions will lead to useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions can arise come by the sharing of information among specialists but facing contradictions in our daily lives and jobs creates psychological displacement and compartmentalization.
Ivan Pavlov, the Nobel Prize-winning physiologist, performed the following experiment: A dog was shown a circle and at the same time given a reward. When shown an ellipse, the dog received an electrical shock. As result, the dog learned to recognize a circle and ellipse. The next step in the experiment was to show the dog a circle, then slowly change it to an ellipse. As this change was taking place, the dog became increasingly stressed. It was confronted with a contradiction - whether to expect a reward or a shock. The result: the dog had a heart attack.
I-TRIZ provide the ability to address the contradictions without big stress.
Formulating Contradictions
A Problem Situation with contradictions can be represented by two diagrams:

One Useful Function counteracts other Useful Function.

A Useful Function produce a Harmful Function.

The following simple algorithm describes how to formulate contradiction:
Define the Useful Function with contradictory requirements.
Define the consequences - Useful and Harmful
Formulate the Direction, using the following templates:
Resolve the Contradiction: A Useful Function should exist in order to fulfill a Useful Purpose and should not exist in order to avoid a Harmful Function.
Consider Operators and generate Ideas
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SKILL-BUILDING: Learning to recognize contradictions
Good-Bad Game
Good-Bad Game
An important skill that TRIZ practitioners possess is the ability to recognize contradictions.

You can develop this skill simply by looking around your home or office and asking yourself what is "good" and "bad" about something. Take paper, for example. What's "good" about it? It provides a low-cost means of transferring information, it is? lightweight, flexible, portable, it comes in a variety of colors, and so on. What's "bad" about it? It tears easily, is easily damaged by water, requires the destruction of trees to manufacture, etc. If you look carefully, hidden inside these "good" and "bad" statements are contradictions.
Select a system (i.e., an object, product, process, or even a service) and write down the following sequence of statements:
This system has the following drawback, which is BAD for the following reason:

The existence of is GOOD for the following reason:
The existence of is BAD for the following reason:
The existence of is GOOD for the following reason:
. . . and so on. Try to create at least 4 or 5 statements. Don't be concerned if a reason seems ridiculous or unacceptable ?the purpose of this exercise is to get you thinking "out of the box."

Separate contradictory requirements:
In Space
In Time
In Structure
Upon Conditions
Separate contradictory requirements:
Contradiction: A Useful Function should exist in order to fulfill a Useful Purpose and should not exist in order to avoid a Harmful Function.
Find a way to separate contradictory requirements.
Electromagnetic noise produced by normal ship operation can interfere with the operation of sonar equipment.

Resolve contradiction: A sonar antenna on ship should exist in order to provide hydro- location, and should not exist to avoid electromagnetic interference with other ship equipment.

Idea: Separate the sonar antenna from the other equipment by towing it 800 meters behind the ship.

In Space
Separate the contradictory requirements, functions or conditions by assigning each of them to a different location.


When coal dust is burned in a furnace, the larger coal particles do not have enough time to burn completely. Consequently, they fly out of the chimney, resulting in pollution and loss of fuel.

Resolve contradiction: A short burning time in the furnace should exist in order to generate heat, and should not exist to avoid smoke in the furnace.

Idea: "Separate" the furnace into two sections and burn large particles in one section and small particles in the other. This can be done by sorting the coal dust according to size before placing them in the furnace.
In Time
Try to schedule the process so that conflicting requirements, functions, or operations take effect at different times.



Automatic welding machines use a steel wire rolled onto a drum as an electrode. A special motor in the welding head pulls the wire during the welding process. When welding stops, the drum continues to rotate due to inertia, and the wire becomes entangled as a result.

Resolve the following contradiction: Rotating of the drum should exist in order to unreel the wire, and should not exist to avoid entangling the wire.

Idea: Modify the drum so that when the wire is under tension the drum is free to rotate, and when the wire becomes loose the drum stops. This can be done by adding an angled slot and brake plates. When the wire is pulled the drum shaft moves away from the brake plates. When welding stops, the shaft presses against the brake plates.
In Structure
Try to assign one of the contradictory functions or conditions to a subsystem or several subsystems and let the system as a whole retain the remaining functions.


To grip workpieces of complex shape, vice jaws must have a corresponding shape. It is expensive to produce a unique tool for every workpiece, however.
Resolve the following contradiction: A vise of complex shape should exist in order to hold workpieces of complex shape, and should not exist to avoid producing a unique tool for every workpiece.
Idea: Use a vise with ordinary jaws, but add multiple hard bushings around the workpiece that move horizontally to conform to the shape of the workpiece.

Upon Conditions
Try to identify a parameter or condition that can change so the system can meet one requirement under one condition and the opposite requirement under another condition.


Dry wines contain substances beneficial to human health; however, they cannot be given to children. The alcohol can be evaporated from the wine by boiling, but the high temperatures destroy the beneficial substances.

Resolve the following contradiction: Boiling should exist in order to evaporate the alcohol in the wine, and should not exist to avoid destroying beneficial substances.

Idea: If the wine is placed under low pressure, it will boil at a relatively low temperature (50C degrees), evaporating the alcohol without affecting the wine's other features.
7. 7.Problem Solving
Ideation Brainstorming based on the I-TRIZ and is performed by following 4 steps of Ideation Process:

Define Objectives
Consider an Inventive Situation from different points of view using System approach and define the Objectives
Set of Tasks
Form Ideal Vision
1. Define Functions and using Function modeling formulate Directions
2. Form an Ideal Vision and using Operators generate Ideas
List of Ideas
Develop Concept
1. Combine different Ideas into a Concept
2. Consider Resources to increase Ideality
List of Concepts
Evaluate Result
1. Address Subsequent Tasks and resolve Contradictions
2. Formulate the final solution

Place the cursor over the blue text to view explanations.
Psychological Inertia
Inventive Situation
Today, inventive problem solving has fallen into the field of psychology where the links between the brain and insight and innovation are studied. Methods such as brainstorming and trial-and-error are commonly suggested. Depending on the complexity of the problem, the number of trials will vary. If the solution lies within one's experience or field, such as mechanical engineering, then the number of trials will be fewer.

Let point P represent a Problem. There is a Solution somewhere in the solution space, we do not know where. We have to find the right direction to the Solution that means we have solved the Problem. We make a trial in one direction (Concept 1 with some variants) and fail - there is no Solution here. We make the next attempt, the next and the next - with the same result. We may find the right direction sooner or later depending on the difficultly of the problem.

Psychological Inertia
Psychological Inertia
Psychological Inertia
If the solution is not forthcoming, then we must look beyond our experience and knowledge to other fields such as chemistry or electronics. Then the number of trials will grow large depending on how well we can master psychological tools like brainstorming, intuition, and creativity. This leads to what is called psychological inertia, where the solutions being considered are within one's own experience and alternative technologies are not used to develop new concepts.


This model explains the reasons why inventive problems are more difficult than the others. If the Mechanical problem has a Chemical solution, a great deal of time can be wasted exploring the Mechanical area. Psychological Inertia is a very time consuming and destructive issue in the inventive process.
Problem Solving Model
Problem Solving Model
The standard approach to a problem is to search for a similar type of problem that has already been solved. A particular problem is elevated to a standard problem of a similar or analogous nature. A standard solution is known and from that standard solution comes a particular solution to the problem.

When faced with a problem we don't know how to solve, we try to think of a similar, analogous problem for which there is a known solution. Then, with this known solution in mind, we try to devise an analogous solution to the problem we are trying to solve. In other words, we jump back and forth over analogical "gaps."

When tackling a new problem, how do we find a known problem (and associated solution) analogous to the new problem? In the absence of special tools, we must rely on our own personal "knowledge base" -- i.e., on acquired experiences, education, professional knowledge, etc. Clearly, this is a less-than-reliable method.
I-TRIZ Model
I-TRIZ Model
In I-TRIZ, the analogical gaps are crossed with the methods shown below.

Case Study
Case Study: Slow Elevator Problem

Problem: Employees working in a high-rise building complain that the building's elevators are too slow. People get bored waiting for the elevators, which make numerous stops to pick up people from other floors.

The management must consider various options to resolve this problem.

Define Objectives

This problem must be solved because anxiety/boredom reduce employee productivity and effectiveness. The elevators are approximately 35 years old and are in a good working order, but are slow. The company can afford to reinstall the elevators, but it is doubtful that the return on this investment will be seen in the foreseeable future.

The objective is to prevent the anxiety and boredom experienced by employees as they wait for the elevators, while incurring as little cost as possible.

Form an Ideal Vision

Functional model:

People complain is produced by People get bored.
People get bored is produced by People have to wait.
People have to wait is produced by Elevators are slow.
Elevators are slow is produced by Elevators are outdated.
Elevators are slow is produced by Many stops.
Many stops produces Picking up people from many floors.
Picking up people from many floors produces Satisfaction of people.
People complain counteracts Satisfaction of people.


Formulate basic directions:

Modify Many stops.
Modify Picking up people from many floors.
Modify Satisfaction of people.

Eliminate People get bored.
Eliminate People have to wait.
Eliminate Elevators are slow.
Eliminate Elevators are outdated.
Eliminate People complain.

Resolve the contradiction: Many stops should exist in order to fulfill Picking up people from many floors and should not exist in order to avoid Elevators are slow.

To formulate the ideal vision, we will work with the above directions.

Eliminate Elevators are outdated.

IDEA: Update or replace the elevators.

This idea seems obvious. We will select another direction and look for an inventive solution.

Eliminate People get bored.

Ideal vision: Isolate, influence or counteract an existing harmful effect or action.

Use the operator: Switch the undesired action to another object.

IDEA: Entertain people while they wait -- for example, place a TV in the waiting area.

Resolve the contradiction: Many stops should exist in order to fulfill Picking up people from many floors and should not exist in order to avoid Elevators are slow.

Ideal vision: Separate contradictory requirements in time. This leads us to the following:

IDEA: Try to separate the stops between several elevators. For example, if there are two elevators, one elevator can stop at the odd floors and the other can stop at the even floors.

Eliminate People have to wait.

Ideal vision: Try to benefit from a harmful effect.

IDEA: Provide important information in the waiting area that people don't usually have the time or desire to read (safety instructions, for example).

Develop Concept

Select the most promising idea: Entertain people while they wait.

Utilize system resources to increase ideality. In this case, we can use as a resource an element of the system -- the people themselves.

CONCEPT: Place a mirror in the waiting area.


Evaluate Results

CONCEPT: Place a mirror in the waiting area.

We now have the following idea for implementation: Place something in the waiting area at each floor to entertain people while they wait for the elevators: mirrors, TVs, important information, bulletin boards, etc.
8. 8.Next Steps
Next Steps
I-TRIZ System is based on the three core competencies:

Inventive Problem Solving™ (IPS™) - assists to overcome technological roadblock or dilemma (contradiction)

Anticipatory Failure Determination™ (AFD™) - assists to anticipate failure or risk

Directed Evolution™ (DE™) - assists to invent future generations of markets, technology, products, processes, etc.
IPS process
The Ideation Inventive Problem Solving Process (IPS) is a systematic structured comprehensive problem-solving process incorporating the Ideation/TRIZ Methodology (I- TRIZ). IPS is designed to support the user in analyzing a problem situation and developing innovative solution concepts, and consists of the following stages:

Innovation Situation Questionnaire (ISQ)
Problem Formulation
Prioritize Directions
Develop Concepts
Evaluate Results

IPS application is supported with Innovation Workbench (IWB) software, containing a set of I-TRIZ analytical and knowledge base tools, including Problem Formulator and System of Operators.

Case Studies using the IPS process: Containment Ring Problem
Containment Ring Problem
IPS Case Study: Containment Ring Problem
Introduction: Working with the Innovation WorkBench (IWB) Software
The Innovation WorkBench (IWB) software implements a five- step process for solving inventive problems, as follows:
Step 1: Problem documentation and preliminary analysis using the Innovation Situation Questionnaire
Step 2: Problem modeling and formulation using the Problem Formulator
Step 3: Selection and prioritization of directions for solving the problem
Step 4: Development of solution concepts
Step 5: Evaluation of results and revealing/solving problems that might arise during implementation
Each of the above steps were carried out for the containment ring problem and are described below.
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Innovation Situation Questionnaire
The engineered system, which is designed to contain the fragments resulting from an impeller burst of a maximum- speed fan, consists of the following: a fan, fan shroud (which controls the direction of the air stream), and an armor-steel containment ring. The problem to be solved is that the ring is too heavy and must be reduced in weight by 50%.


2. Information about the system
2.1 System name
We can consider this problem with regard to the following systemic levels:

Containment ring
Air conditioning system
Testing of ring
For the ring, the problem is as follows: the ring must be strong to withstand the impact of the impeller fragments, and the ring should not be heavy.

For the fan, the problem is as follows: the impeller can burst, but fragments should not fly away.

For the air-conditioning system, the problem is as follows: the impeller can be broken, but the air should be conditioned.

For the aircraft, the problem is as follows: the impeller can burst, but neither people nor equipment should be harmed.

For testing the ring, the problem is as follows: the ring's ability to capture flying fragments should be tested, but it is difficult to move the heavy ring back and forth.

Idea # 1: Make the ring as an assembly made of light-weight parts that are easy to move for testing purposes.

We can influence two systemic levels: the ring and the fan assembly. Let's select the fan assembly as the system to be considered.

2.2 System structure
The fan assembly consists of the following elements:

motor support
containment ring
connectors or support to keep the ring

2.3 Functioning of the system
The primary useful function of the fan is to supply (i.e., move) air for the air conditioning system.

The fan rotates quickly and moves air. The air is conditioned so that the aircraft cabin can be supplied with conditioned air.

2.4 System environment
Other parts of the air conditioning system:

heat exchanger
airflow distributors
Other systems located nearby:

aircraft covering
Other system interacting with the fan and air conditioning system:

electrical power supply
air supply
exhaust air removal
vibration dampers
Conditions around the system: indoor conditions

3. Information about the problem situation
3.1 Problem that should be resolved
Reduce the weight of the ring by 50%.

The primary harmful function of the given system (the fan assembly) is that impeller fragments fly away if the impeller bursts.

3.2 Mechanism causing the problem
The containment ring must be strong to contain the flying fragments √ for this reason the ring is thick and, as a result, heavy.

The cause of an impeller burst is as follows: Rotation of the fan results in centrifugal forces that "pull" the parts of the impeller. The strength of the impeller material can be compromised by material defects and fatigue. As a result, the impeller can burst, causing the impeller fragments to fly off. Due to the high speed at which the fan rotates, the flying fragments carry high energy and can harm people and other parts of the aircraft.

2.3 Undesired consequences of unresolved problem
The high weight of the ring makes it difficult to carry out the routine tests required by the FAA.

The "dead weight" of the aircraft equipment is also high.graphic

If the weight problem is resolved at the expense of the ring's strength, the result will be inadequate protection from the flying impeller fragments, which in turn can result in death and/or damage.

2.4 History of the problem
The increased requirements for conditioning the air are met using a higher velocity airflow, but this means that the rotational speed of the fan increases. As a result, an impeller burst becomes more probable and the danger from the flying fragments increases. Because the energy of the flying fragments is increased, the ring must be stronger. As a result, the ring is heavier.

Known attempts to reduce the ring thickness resulted in a reduction in strength.

Idea # 2: Provide high airflow with low rotational speed of the fan. Perhaps utilize several slow fans instead of one that rotates quickly.

2.5 Other systems in which a similar problem exists
Similar problems exist in many other areas where weight and mechanical strength are critical issues, as well as other systems for protection against flying parts. We do not have any information about how these problems have been addressed.

2.6 Other problems to be solved
Use an alternative method to contain the fragments.

Make the impeller unbreakable.

Others (see the problems on different systemic levels in the beginning of the Innovation Situation Questionnaire).

4. Ideal vision of solution
No containment ring is necessary.

An impeller burst is no longer possible.

5. Available resources
Substance resources
Material of containment ring
Material of fan impeller
Other objects around
Field resources
Mechanical forces
Airflow energy
Electrical energy
Magnetic field (motor)
Space resources
Space inside the ring
Space outside the ring
Time resources
Time during which the fan is not operating
Time when the fan is operating
Time before the impeller bursts
Time after the impeller bursts
Informational resources:
No special resources
Functional resources
5. Allowable changes to the system
Drastic changes are allowed.
Any reduction in strength is unacceptable.
6. Criteria for selecting solution concepts
Weight reduction of at least 30%
Cost increase of no more than 5%
About two weeks for new design
One year for implementation

8. Project data

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --

Problem Formulation
Situation model
Basic Directions for Innovation
Problem statement
Preliminary ideas
1. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Ring is heavy) under the conditions of [the] (Ring is thick).
Reduce weight or density Change the structure
2. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Ring is thick) that offers the following: provides or enhances [the] (High mechanical strength), does not cause [the] (Ring is heavy).
Reduce weight or density Change the structure
3. Try to resolve the following contradiction: The useful factor [the] (Ring is thick) should be in place in order to provide or enhance [the] (High mechanical strength), and should not exist in order to avoid [the] (Ring is heavy).
Resolve contradiction related to the ring thickness
4. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (High mechanical strength) that offers the following: provides or enhances [the] (Containing fragments), does not require [the] (Ring is thick).
Improve mechanical strength
5. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Containing fragments) that offers the following: eliminates, reduces, or prevents [the] (Fragments flying away), does not require [the] (High mechanical strength).
Contain fragments with the weak ring
Idea # 3: Utilize a "weak" ring that will absorb energy as it is destroyed
6. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Fragments flying away) in order to avoid [the] (Damage to the aircraft), under the conditions of [the] (Impeller burst).
Stop fragments from flying
7. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Impeller burst) in order to avoid [the] (Fragments flying away), under the conditions of [the] (Centrifugal forces pull parts of impeller) and (Impeller's material is not strong enough).
Prevent the burst
8. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Centrifugal forces pull parts of impeller) in order to avoid [the] (Impeller burst), under the conditions of [the] (Fan rotates quickly).
Counteract centrifugal forces
9. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Fan rotates quickly) that offers the following: provides or enhances [the] (Fan moves air), does not cause [the] (Centrifugal forces pull parts of impeller) and (High energy of fragments).
Out of scope
Alternative fan rotation
10. Try to resolve the following contradiction: The useful factor [the] (Fan rotates quickly) should be in place in order to provide or enhance [the] (Fan moves air), and should not exist in order to avoid [the] (Centrifugal forces pull parts of impeller) and (High energy of fragments).
Out of scope
Resolve contradiction related to the speed of fan rotation
11. Consider transitioning to the next generation of the system that will provide [the] (Fan moves air) in a more effective way and/or will be free of existing problems.
Out of scope
12. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Fan moves air) that does not require [the] (Fan rotates quickly).
Out of scope
Move air without rotation
13. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Damage to the aircraft) under the conditions of [the] (Fragments flying away) and (High energy of fragments).
Out of scope
Protect aircraft from fragments
14. Consider transitioning to the next generation of the system that will provide [the] (Test convenience) in a more effective way and/or will be free of existing problems.
Out of scope
15. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Test convenience) that is not influenced by [the] (Ring is heavy).
Improve test convenience
Idea # 4: Perform testing without removing the ring
16. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (High energy of fragments) in order to avoid [the] (Damage to the aircraft), under the conditions of [the] (Fan rotates quickly).
Reduce energy of fragments
Idea # 5: Reduce the mass of the fragments to reduce damage
17. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Material defects) in order to avoid [the] (Impeller's material is not strong enough).
Screen material
18. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Impeller's material is not strong enough) in order to avoid [the] (Impeller burst), under the conditions of [the] (Material defects).
Improve strength of impeller

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --

Prioritize Directions and Generate Preliminary Ideas
The following preliminary ideas resulted from the direct analysis of the Basic Directions:

Idea # 3: Utilize a "weak" ring that will absorb energy as it is destroyed

Idea # 4: Perform testing without removing the ring

Idea # 5: Reduce the mass of the fragments to reduce damage

Directions selected for further consideration
Selected Basic Directions Selected Refined Directions
Selected Basic Directions
Selected Refined Directions
1. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Ring is heavy) under the conditions of [the] (Ring is thick).
Reduce weight
4. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (High mechanical strength) that offers the following: provides or enhances [the] (Containing fragments), does not require [the] (Ring is thick).
4.1. Improve the useful factor (High mechanical strength).
3. Try to resolve the following contradiction: The useful factor [the] (Ring is thick) should be in place in order to provide or enhance [the] (High mechanical strength), and should not exist in order to avoid [the] (Ring is heavy).
3.1. Apply separation principles to satisfy contradictory requirements related to [the] (Ring is thick).
5. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Containing fragments) that offers the following: eliminates, reduces, or prevents [the] (Fragments flying away), does not require [the] (High mechanical strength).
5.3. Increase effectiveness of the useful action of [the] (Containing fragments).
7. Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent [the] (Impeller burst) in order to avoid [the] (Fragments flying away), under the conditions of [the] (Centrifugal forces pull parts of impeller) and (Impeller's material is not strong enough).
-Protect from fire or explosion

-Reduce deformation, displacement, shock, vibration or destruction
15. Find an alternative way to obtain [the] (Test convenience) that is not influenced by [the] (Ring is heavy).
15.1. Improve the useful factor (Test convenience).

Direction 1: Reduce weight
Operator: Abandon symmetry

Idea # 6: Vary the thickness of the ring tube. Reduce the thickness where permissible.

Operator: Reduce the weight of individual parts

Operator: Strengthen individual parts

Auxiliary Operator: Substance modification

Auxiliary Operator: Generate mechanical stress

Idea # 7: Generate mechanical stress. For example, use additional rings which have been pressure- fitted to create a force directed toward the inside the ring.

Auxiliary Operator: Heat treatment

Idea # 8: Use thermal treatment to harden the ring material.

Auxiliary Operator: Introduce additives

Idea # 9: Use of special threads, such as in bullet protection vests.

Operator: Apply inflatable constructions

Idea # 10: Replace the ring with the airbag inflated by the impeller burst.

Direction 4.1: Improve the useful factor (mechanical strength)

Operator: Transform the shape of the object

Idea # 11: Make a thin ring, which has reinforcing ribs (see figure, below). If the ribs are placed on the internal surface of the ring, flying fragments will lose a large amount of their energy smashing into the ribs.

Idea # 12: Make the ring corrugated in two planes.

Auxiliary Operator: Create a shape conforming to expected wear

Idea # 13: Find where the rings usually break and reinforce these places.

Auxiliary Operator: Preliminary anti-action


Idea # 14: Internal ribs with sharp edges can counteract flying fragments breaking them into smaller pieces.

Operator: Transform an object's micro-structure

Auxiliary Operator: Modify part of a substance

See idea # 8.

Auxiliary Operator: Substitute for a part of substance


Idea # 15: Use a multi-layer ring: additional strengthening rings, rings having different hardness and elasticity, rings which have a gap in-between them filled with an energy- absorbing material. (See figure, below.)


Idea # 16: Make the ring out of separate layers so cracks, which develop inside, won't spread.

Operator: Integration into a poly-system

See idea # 15.

Operator: Introduce a strengthening element

Idea # 17: Use metal concrete or other composite materials

Operator: Anti-loading

Auxiliary Operator: Use pre-stressed constructions

Idea # 18: Create inner stresses inside the ring: This can be done, for example, using wiring, banding, double ring structure, etc.

Direction 3.1: Apply separation principles to satisfy contradictory requirements related to [the] (Ring is thick)

Operator: Separate opposite requirements in space

See ideas ## 5, 11, 13, 15: Ring with variable thickness, ribs; multi-layer ring.

Operator: Separate requirements in time

See idea # 10: Replace the ring with the airbag inflated by the impeller burst.

Operator: Separate opposite requirements between parts and the whole object

See idea # 1: Make the ring as an assembly from light parts that are easy to move for testing.

Operator: Separate requirements via changing conditions

Idea # 19: Change the ring thickness or strength or other containing capabilities at the moment of impeller burst.

Direction 5.3: Increase effectiveness of the useful action of [the] (containing fragments)

Operator: Intensify a field

Auxiliary Operator: Substances as energy accumulators

Idea # 20: Explode the ring in the moment of the impeller burst. Use the explosion wave to create a counteracting force.

Operator: Concentrate energy

Idea # 21: Disintegrate the fragments.

Idea # 22: Utilize special geometrical shapes to create traps for the fragments. For example, make the ring in the form of spring.

Operator: Introduce an additional field


Idea # 23: Create a combination of pressurized air and liquid to counteract fragments.

Operator: Substitute a field with a more effective one

See idea # 20: Counteracting explosion.

Operator: "Make a road"

Idea # 24: Create a safe pathway for fragments.

Idea # 25: Introduce strong fibers in the impeller blades that are capable to hold fragments after blades crash.

Direction 7a: Protect against fire or explosion

Operator: Introduce an insulating substance

Idea # 26: Use foam or foam-like material to absorb energy. Apparently, we need special type of foam like metal foam. We can also consider other fillings that can absorb energy (see also idea # 3).

Operator: Counteraction by means of a similar action


See idea # 20: Counteracting explosion.

Direction 7b: Reduce destruction

Operator: Counteraction by means of a similar action

See ideas ## 20, 21: counteracting explosion, disintegrating fragments

Operator: Anti-action

Consideration # 1: We can apply all ideas obtained for improving mechanical strength of the ring to the impeller blades.

Operator: Draw off an undesired action

See idea # 26: absorb the energy of fragments

Operator: Local slackening of an action

Idea # 27: Define less dangerous directions and redirect fragments to these directions.

Idea # 28: Distributing the harmful energy between more fragments (see also ideas # 7 and 21: reducing energy /mass of fragments)

Operator: Slacken an action (weaken an undesired action by prolonging it)

Idea # 29: Create a special pathway (spiral) to trap the fragments and to reduce their energy while traveling through the spiral route (see ideas ## 22 and 24). Also, see idea # 26: absorb the energy.

Direction 15.1: Improve the useful factor (Test convenience)
(NOTE: This direction has been addressed in a limited fashion as we do not have detailed information about the test procedure.)

Operator: Make an object dismountable


See idea # 1: Make the ring as an assembly from light parts that are easy to move for testing.

Operator: Apply disposable objects

Idea # 30: Disposable ring - consider that the ring will be destroyed while absorbing all the energy of the fragments (similar to idea # 3).

Operator: Move a heavy object

Idea # 31: Consider various types of support while transporting the ring.

Operator: "Retain the available"

Idea # 32: Learn in detail the process of transportation and look for the ways to reduce the number of lifting of the ring.

List and categorize all preliminary ideas
Idea # 1: Make the ring as an assembly made of light-weight parts that are easy to move for testing purposes.

Idea # 2: Provide high airflow with low rotational speed of the fan. Perhaps utilize several slow fans instead of one that rotates quickly.

Idea # 3: Utilize a "weak" ring that will absorb energy as it is destroyed.

Idea # 4: Perform testing without removing the ring.

Idea # 5: Reduce the mass of the fragments to reduce damage.

Idea # 6: Vary the thickness of the ring tube, reducing the thickness where permissible.

Idea # 7: Introduce preliminary stress. For example, use additional rings which have been pressure- fitted to create a force directed toward the inside of the ring.

Idea # 8: Use thermal treatment to harden the ring material.

Idea # 9: Use special reinforcing threads (fibers) such as those found in bullet-proof vests.

Idea # 10: Replace the ring with an airbag that inflates when the impeller bursts.

Idea # 11. Make a thin ring that has reinforcing ribs. If the ribs are placed on the internal surface of the ring, flying fragments will lose much of their energy smashing into the ribs.

Idea # 12: Make the ring corrugated in two planes.

Idea # 13: Determine where the ring usually breaks and reinforce those places.

Idea # 14: Internal ribs with sharp edges can counteract flying fragments, breaking them into smaller pieces.

Idea # 15: Use a multi-layer ring: additional strengthening rings, rings having different hardness and elasticity, rings which have a gap in between them, filling the gap with an energy-absorbing material.

Idea # 16: Make the ring out of separate layers so that if cracks develop inside they will not spread.

Idea # 17: Use metal-concrete or some other composite material.

Idea # 18: Create inner stresses inside the ring: This can be done using wiring, banding, double ring structure, etc.

Idea # 19. Change the ring thickness or strength or other containment capabilities the moment the impeller bursts.

Idea # 20. Explode the ring the moment the impeller bursts. Use the explosion wave to create a counteracting force.

Idea # 21. Disintegrate the fragments.

Idea # 22. Utilize special geometrical shapes to create traps for the fragments. For example, make the ring in the form of spring.

Idea # 23. Create a combination of pressurized air and liquid to counteract the fragments.

Idea # 24: Create a safe pathway for the fragments.

Idea # 25. Introduce strong fibers in the impeller blades that are capable of holding the fragments after the impeller bursts.

Idea # 26. Use foam or foam-like material to absorb energy. Apparently, we need a special type of foam such as metal foam. We can also consider other fillings that can absorb energy (see idea # 3).

Idea # 27. Define the least dangerous directions and redirect the fragments in these directions.

Idea # 28. Distribute the harmful energy between more of the fragments (see also ideas # 7 and 21: reducing energy/mass of the fragments).

Idea # 29. Create a special pathway (spiral) to trap the fragments and to reduce their energy while traveling through the spiral route (see ideas # 22 and 24). Also, see idea # 26: absorb the energy.

Idea # 30. Disposable ring - consider that the ring will be destroyed while absorbing all the energy of the fragments (similar to idea # 3).

Idea # 31. Consider various types of support while transporting the ring.

Idea # 32. Learn the details of the transporting process and look for the ways to reduce the number of lifting.

We can categorize the obtained ideas into the following groups:

1. Strengthening the ring via:

a) changing the ring material structure:

creating inner stresses (wiring, banding, press-fit) (# 18, 7)
introducing special reinforcing threads (fibers), using metal- concrete or other composite materials (# 9, 17, 25)
special thermal treatment for hardening the ring material (# 8)
using a multi-layer ring with layers with different properties (elasticity, hardness, gaps filled with energy- absorbing materials) (# 15)
b) changing the ring's shape:

vary the ring thickness to best accommodate the situation (# 6,13)
create various reinforcing ribs (# 11)
use two-plane corrugations (# 12)
2. Increasing the ring's energy-absorbing properties via

a) changing the material structure:

using foam and/or foam-like materials (metal foam, honeycomb, wiring, brushes) (# 3, 23, 26, 30)
using a multi-layer ring with layers capable of moving relative to one another to absorb extra energy
b) changing the ring's shape:

spiral or other traps that can slow down the fragments (# 22)
3. Reducing the mass/energy of the flying fragments to reduce damage and allow the ring's mechanical strength to be lowered via

changing the ring's material structure to make it capable of breaking into smaller pieces (# 5, 21, 28)
introduce ribs with sharp edges capable of breaking fragments into smaller pieces (# 11, 14)
4. Improve testing convenience, including:

perform the test without removing the ring (# 4)
make the ring dismountable and transport parts of the ring rather than the whole thing (# 1)
consider various types of special support during ring transport (# 31)
5. Strengthen the impeller blades to eliminate the need for the ring (# 25)

6. Define or create a safe pathway for the fragments (# 24, 27, 29)

7. Change the principle of operation of the ring, including:

replace the ring with an airbag that inflates the moment the impeller bursts (# 10) or change its thickness (# 19)
explode the ring to create a counteracting force (# 20) and/or break the fragments into smaller pieces
8. Replace the impeller with a safer method of providing air (# 2)

------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --

Develop Concepts

Combine ideas into concepts
Combine ideas that perform the same function in different ways

Step 1. Select two ideas that resolve the same sub-problem in different ways.

Idea # 17 (Use metal concrete or other composite materials) and idea # 11 (make a thin ring with reinforcing ribs) provide the same function (strengthening) in different ways √ changing structure (# 17) and changing shape (# 11).

Step 2. Compare these ideas; each has its own advantages.

Idea # 11 is preferable from the main function point of view because it can provide greater strength. However, it is not easy to make ribs from the steel. The advantage of idea # 17 is that composite materials are easy to shape.

Step 3. Consider the idea that has better functional features as the "source of resources"; the other idea is the "recipient of resources."

We select idea # 11 as the "source of resources"

Idea # 17 is the "recipient of resources"

Step 4. Determine the elements that provide better functionality of the "source" idea.

The element providing better functionality is a steel tube.

Steps 5-7. Apply these elements to the "recipient."

We can combine two ideas having a steel tube with ribs made from a composite material.

Apply Lines of Evolution to further improve your concepts

A substantial number of the obtained ideas have already included features recommended by most of the patterns/lines above. For example, the idea of a multi- layer ring is in accordance with the patterns Building bi- and poly- systems and Segmentation; the idea of using composite materials fits the pattern Developing a substance's structure; ideas related to replacing the ring with an airbag or exploding the ring fit the pattern of Dynamization.

It might still be interesting, however, to consider the set of Operators/Lines entitled increasing controllability.


Operator: Introduce an additive to increase process controllability

Operator: Introduce a controlled section

Operator: Self-control

The Operators above allow us to further develop idea # 20 (explosive ring). A controlled section (detonator) and additives (explosives) should be placed in the light tube. The first fragment that will reach the tube will activate the detonator (self-control).

Evaluate Results
Meet criteria for evaluating concepts

The following ideas were selected:

For short-term: Multi-layer ring; ring with ribs.

For mid-term: Explosive ring.

For long-term: Blades with fibers (wire) inside to keep pieces in place.

The short-term idea of utilizing a multi-layer ring creates a secondary problem - the increased cost associated with manufacturing the different layers and with the final assembly of the ring. We therefore have a secondary problem - reduce cost.


Exclude auxiliary functions

Operator: Exclude preliminary operations (functions)

Idea # 33: Instead of manufacturing several layers and assembling them later, use surface hardening of the internal and external surfaces of the ring. Hardening the inner surface will allow the ring to better counteract the fragments. Hardening the outer surface can create additional inner stresses that in turn increase the ring's overall strength. Together, these measures should allow the weight of the ring to be reduced without sacrificing its containment capabilities.

Reveal and prevent potential failures

7. Consider potentially dangerous moments/periods of time during implementation.


Idea # 34: According to the checklist, testing the ring can be dangerous itself - for example, reducing the ring's strength can later produce a ring failure. To avoid this problem, it might be preferable to replace the current test procedure with one that utilizes ultrasound, acoustic emission or other "intro- vision" technologies.

Plan the implementation
The following ideas were suggested for testing:

For the short-term: Ring with hardened surfaces; ring with ribs.

For the mid-term: Explosive ring.

For the long-term: Blades with fibers (wire) inside to keep the fragments in place.
What is Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD)?
What is the purpose of the AFD System? The Tool That Catches Mistakes Before They Catch You!

The AFD System can help you to:

REVEAL the root causes of a failure or drawback

PREDICT all dangerous or harmful events that might be associated with your system

PREVENT harm in a timely manner

How is the AFD System different from other methods?
A system in which a failure has occurred is a zone of "poor information." The reason? There is no impetus to publish information about negative effects with unknown causes. In fact, such information is often intentionally concealed. Without adequate information, it is very difficult to identify the root causes of a failure. One must rely on "guesswork" - as is the case with traditional failure methods.

The AFD System overcomes this obstacle with a unique method providing unprecedented effectiveness:

STEP 1: INVERT THE PROBLEM. Instead of asking "Why did the failure happen?" ask instead: "How can I make it happen?"

Now we can employ the inventors have profited from since the dawn of mankind: how to make wealth of available information based on what something happen.

STEP 2: IDENTIFY FAILURE HYPOTHESES. Find a method by which the failure can be intentionally produced.

STEP 3: UTILIZE RESOURCES. Determine if all the components necessary to realize this method are available in your system, or if they can be derived from what is available. THE RESULT: NO MORE GUESSING SAVES TIME AND MONEY

Case Study: Walking Bearing Problem
Walking Bearing Problem
AFD Case Study: Walking Bearing Problem

A transaxle bearing in the sun gear of a truck transmission, after some period of use, "walks" out of place. It is necessary to eliminate this walking.

Primary Useful Function of bearing:

Provide rotation of sun gear.


Bearing moves out from its desired place.


History of the drawback:

This drawback appeared when the gear box was used with a more powerful engine.

Changes which resulted in the drawback:

Torque and vibration increased.

Mechanism of the drawback:



Formulating the original problem:

The bearing, after some period of use, walks out from its position. How does this phenomenon occur?

Inverting the problem:

How can we force the bearing to walk out from its position?

Amplifying the problem:

How can we force the bearing to walk out from its position using available resources only?

Available resources:
Energy: Substances:
sun gear
satellite gears

Result of undesired phenomena: Onward movement of the object with rotational torque and vibration.

To find the required phenomena, we should use the simplest analogies, for example:

rotation results in onward movement, as shown below
젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨?screw젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨젨 spiral

vibration results in onward movement, as shown below
?vibro-transportation reduction of friction

Thus, we have found the following phenomena:
Known Phenomena
with Similar Result:
Required Resources:
Onward movement of nut along screw
screw surface contacts object
rotational torque
Onward movement of object if torque is directed along spiral
torque directed along spiral
Movement of object under vibration (vibro-transportation)
guide for movement of object
Reducing friction under vibration
additional force moving the object

Hypothesis 1: Torque forces the bearing to move along spiral.

Hypothesis 1a: Torque creates deformation which results in deflection wave in sun gear. Teeth of gear have some angle with axle; it results in twisted front of deflection wave. This wave moves and forces bearing to move along spiral.

Hypothesis 1b: Bearing interacts with internal surface of sun gear. This surface has spiral marks created by machining. Under load bearing and spiral marks create a "screw-nut" pair. Deflection wave rotates bearing and forces it to move along spiral marks.

Hypothesis 2: Vibration reduces friction between bearing and central bore; as a result, bearing walk- out becomes easier.


Verification Method
torque creates deflection wave with twisted front
test gearbox with teeth directed along axle of rotation
test gearbox with opposite angle of teeth
torque creates deflection wave; internal surface of sun gear has spiral marks
render analysis of internal surface of sun gear
correlate direction of movement of bearing, possible direction of deflection wave and direction of movement of cutting tool during machining
vibration reduces friction between bearing and central bore
create vibrations similar to working ones and measure friction between bearing and central bore

Mechanism of Drawback
Directions for Elimination
deflection wave with twisted front strengthen sun gear
reduce forces in gear mesh
redirect deflection wave
redirect tensions in sun gear
movement along spiral marks
redirect spiral marks
decreasing friction between bearing and gear
increase friction between bearing and gear

Direction for Elimination
Solution Concept
strengthen sun gear
increase thickness of sun gear
reduce forces in gear mesh
increase amount of satellite gears
redirect deflection wave
change direction of teeth in gear mesh
redirect tensions in sun gear
render an additional groove in the central bore; this groove redistributes tensions and works like a barrier for walking bearing
redirect spiral marks
change direction of rotation of machining tool
increase friction between bearing and gear
use press-fit bushing produced from material with a higher thermal expansion coefficient
Directed Evolution

The Directed Evolution process shown below includes the following key elements:

Analyzing the system's past (i.e., history of patent citations, literature research, etc.) to acquire knowledge of the object evolution

Applying the I-TRIZ Methodology tools to identify the future positions of the system.

Identifying all of the problems that need to be overcome to go from the systems current position to its future position and solving them.

Establishing a strategic patent fence portfolio.


Definition of Directed Evolution

A prediction with a level of confidence of a technological achievement in a given time frame with a specified level of support. Most of the innovations of the next 20 years will be based upon scientific and technological knowledge existing now. The difficulty lies in identifying what is of real significance. With hindsight, what today appears obscure will tomorrow seems remarkably clear. The role of Directed Evolution is to evaluate today's knowledge systematically, thereby identifying what is achievable and, more particularly, how one technological advance, perhaps in conjunction with another, could fulfill a human need.

See our published case study.

case study.
DE Case Study: Endoscopic Surgical Instrument

Ideation International scientists conducted a preliminary Directed Evolution (DE) of the endoscopic surgical instrument (linear cutter family). During the process, numerous valuable Solution Concepts were discovered, some of which will directly impact how surgery will be performed in the future. These concepts have been documented in laboratory books and are under legal protection. A summary of the DE process follows:

Wound Closure An Historical Perspective

The following is a brief history of sutures and mechanical devices used in would closure. The development of two methods of wound closure, coupled with endoscopy, have resulted in two separate billion dollar plus worldwide markets, dominated primarily by Johnson & Johnson.

Needles, Sutures, and Sterilization

Ever since man has stood upright, the need to close wounds has existed. In the beginning, bone needles and animal sinew were used. With the discovery of copper, bronze and iron came the invention of eye needle used with various fibers found in nature such as stalk fibers, flax, linen, silk and cotton. In the late 1800s, with the help of men like Joseph Lister, we began learning about sterilization and disinfectants (the first of which was carbolic acid). Later, sutures were placed in small glass bottles and dry heat was applied to kill the bacteria. In the 1920s and 1930s, steam and chemical sterilization methods were developed. In the 1960s, gamma radiation sterilization became a standard process.

Needle and suture materials continued to evolve in parallel with sterilization. Fine steel needles were used, which were curved and sized according to the suturing procedure, then chemically polished. The string of suture material was attached by flattening the non-pointed needle end, wrapping the flat metal around the suture, then crimping it in place in a process called "swedging." In later methods of wound closure, a hole was punched in the end of a needle and the suture strand was inserted and glued in place. Today, a laser is used to drill the hole.

Over the 20th century, suture materials changed from silk and cotton to polymers, both absorbable and non-absorbable, which were braided or extruded as monofilament. Nowadays there is a suture material to fit every procedure. Also important is suture packaging, which serves as a sterile barrier and whose physical configuration also affects suture performance.

A broad-based inventory of sutures is a mainstay for any modern operating suite, and is expected by today뭩 surgeon.

Mechanical Devices

The modern internal stapling device was invented around 1905 by a Hungarian surgeon and his brother. Their goal was to prevent the leaking of bowel contents (which were believed to be very infectious) during surgical resection. The device consisted of fine silver staples that were forced through the tissue and formed into a suture. The staples were left in the body after surgery with no ill effects.

In the early 1930s, the Hungarian surgeon Von Petz invented the staple delivery device that carries his name. Until the 1950s, this was the only internal stapling device available to surgeons.

In the early 1950s, Stalin commissioned an institute in Moscow to continue the development of surgical staples. This institute developed reusable skin staplers, internal staplers of various sizes, linear cutters that lay down four rows of staples while cutting between them, and circular staplers for reattaching bowel sections. Produced by hand in small quantities, the patented staplers were available only to a few surgeons.

In 1958, an American surgeon brought a stapler back from Russia and showed it to the founders of U.S. Surgical (which incorporated in 1964). U.S. Surgical built a business around their reusable surgical stapler. Then, in 1978, Ethicon marketed its first disposable stapler ?and the race was on. During the next 15 years, a billion dollar mechanical and endoscopic market developed.

Applying the Patterns of Evolution (Example)

Apparent Directions for Cutter Evolution

The evolution of linear cutters indicated that the predominant method for increasing the system's ideality has been to increase each tool's level of specialization. Based on patent research, almost all developers are following this approach, and for that reason, this part of the project will not be shared.

Non-Apparent Directions of Evolution for Sutures

Another way to increase a system's ideality is universalization. According to the I-TRIZ Patterns of Evolution, systems become more universal through an increase in dynamism and a transition to the micro-level for realization of the system's functions. This suggests that tissue interaction would be affected by a formless medium (liquid or jelly) that could take any shape, rather than by pre- shaped objects such as staples or sutures.

Sewing vs. Stapling

The right side of Figure 4 shows the two threads of a sewing machine prior to the formation of a stitch. A sewing machine creates nearly continuous pressure on the two sides of the material. A staple provides a discontinuous pressure because there is space between the staples if they are in a simple row.



Using Adhesive

In TRIZ terms, the process of using adhesive to close wounds can be characterized as follows:

USEFUL EFFECT: Attaches tissue

HARMFUL EFFECT: Contact with adhesive damages surface layers of tissue

CONTRADICTION: Adhesive should be present between the two layers of tissue to attach them. There should be no adhesive present between the tissue layers so as not to damage them.

One Possible Solution Concept

To demonstrate the utilization of the Patterns of Evolution, one of many possible conceptual designs for a future surgical instrument is described below. This concept is the result of joining the benefits of sewing and stapling with the pattern "Evolution Toward the Micro- Level." With the development of this conceptual design, it is possible to create the next generation of instruments, along with an associated and highly effective patent fence.

The components of the instrument include a housing, closing anvil, and cartridge in the shape of a reservoir containing a liquid polymer. The reservoir has a nozzle and is connected to a pressure source. Under very high pressure, the polymer is extruded through the nozzle in a narrow knifelike stream, pierces the tissue, and comes in contact with the anvil. Upon contact with the tissue, the polymer solidifies (polymerizes). Angular application in two directions forms a V on the underside. This continuous system of triangles holding the tissue together is seen at the bottom of Figure 5.



For this device, polymers that have already been approved for medical applications can be used. The polymer may contain additives that make the material stronger or more conductive. Magnetic or chemically reactive additives, for example, could enhance interaction with the tissue.


Polymer solidification may be based upon:


Polyethylene-type polymer is extruded in a molten state


Cyanoacrylate-based polymers for polymerization on contact with water in tissue


Polymerization due to changes of the environment pH, for polymers which are liquid in acid or alkali environment and polymerize in the neutral environment of the organism


Polymerization due to ultraviolet light, X-rays, etc


Polymerization caused by electric or magnetic fields, etc.

Different polymerization techniques can be combined with different homeostasis techniques (temperature, chemical or radiation protein denaturation in the seam's proximity).

Sewing may be combined with cutting, either by a mechanical blade or by a pressurized liquid (possibly using the same polymer extruded in the form of a continuous wall, thereby creating a layer of separation between the tissue).

Current Approach

Staples of different sizes are needed for different tissues/procedures.

All staples in cartridge are of the same size.

Limited number of staples in cartridge.

Disruptive replacement of cartridge is necessary in the case of a long seam.

Directed Evolution Approach

One universal, adjustable seam-making cutter

Seam can have variable attachment pitch

Seam can be of unlimited, uninterrupted length

Straight and curved seams are possible

The Complete Process

The complete process would include several Lines of Evolution, including the ones identified as being used by the competition. Depending upon the resources of an organization, patent fences can be built to render the competition's current Line of Evolution a "dead end."

By looking at several Lines of Evolution, an organization can protect the important end points, as well as the path along the way. A good strategy would be to introduce a new model that is competitively better but not as far along the Line of Evolution as is possible. Because the organization already knows the next three or four model changes, resources can be shifted to other areas of development.

9. 9.Contact Ideation
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