SIEF 2009 수출상담회 참가 바이어 리스트 |
연 번 |
추천KBC |
국가 |
소속 |
이름 |
직위 |
홈페이지 |
상담희망품목 |
기자재 조달상담 |
프로젝트발주상담 |
1 |
뉴델리 |
인도 |
Mr. N.K.Srivastava |
General Manager |
AutomaticsVoltageRegulator,CT,PT,MOF,Indulator,Switchgear,Transformer,Generator,MotorControlCenter,HighVoltageSwitchgear. |
O |
2 |
인도 |
Mr. S.K.Garg |
Turbines, Tunnels, Transformer, Generator |
O |
3 |
인도 |
Powergrid Corporation |
Mr. A.J.Xavier |
DeputyGeneral Manager (Substation Group) |
Power Transmission Equipments, Transformers, Electrical grid Equipment |
O |
4 |
인도 |
Jindal Power |
Mrs. Hemlata Vyas |
CommercialGeneralManager |
Turbines, Transformers, Power generation/ Distribution/ Transmission equipments |
O |
5 |
인도 |
Kotsons Transformers |
Mr.SiddharthJain |
Director |
Transformer raw material, copper windings, ceremic parts, fins |
O |
6 |
인도 |
Autometers Alliance |
Mr. Sajil Gupta |
General Manager |
Vaccum Circuit Breaker, Vaccum Contactor Switch, Vaccum Interrupter, Molded Cases Circuit Breaker, Auto Tranfer Switch |
O |
7 |
뭄바이 |
인도 |
Crompton Greaves Ltd, Ahmednagar |
Mr. S. A. Wadekar |
Senior Manager |
AC Motors, DC Machines & Alternator manufacturing, Automated Type Testing Facility for AC Motors upto 750KW, Assembly line Automation for AC Motors(frame : 80 to 132) |
O |
8 |
인도 |
Sara Incorporated |
Mr. Sameer Savara |
Vice President |
Gas Turbine parts, Pumps, Oil Skids for thermal power stations, steam turbines, All power station related equipment |
O |
9 |
인도 |
AsiaticElectrical&SwitchgearPvt.Ltd. |
Mr. G.S.Kochar |
ManagingDirector |
Vacuum CircuitBreakerPanelsfrom11kvto33kv.
O |
10 |
인도 |
Tata Power |
Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Switchyard equipment. |
O |
O |
11 |
인도 |
Maharashtra state Electric Board |
Mr. Abhijit Deshpande |
Chief Engineer |
DistributionEquipment(Transformer,Metercapacitor,cablesetc),ITRelatedequipmentandtechnologyincludingAMR,SCADA,PLCC,directloadcontrolsystem. |
O |
O |
12 |
인도 |
Bharat Bijlee Ltd |
Mr. Anil Naik |
Sr. General Manager |
PMSM Motors, Electric Motor, Servo Motor 1-800nm |
O |
13 |
인도 |
M/s Siddhartha Engg. Ltd. |
Mr. Siddhartha Palo |
Executive Director |
HighvoltagegasinsulatedSwitchgearupto220KV,lookingforEPCcontracttipupwithKoreanCompany |
O |
14 |
다카 |
방글라데시 |
Bengal Insulator & Ceramics |
Mr. Md. Nasim Ullah Hemayet |
CEO&PresidentofBEMMA |
All electrical equipment, especially insulaters |
O |
15 |
방글라데시 |
Sunflower Cables Industries |
Mr. Md. Sultan Ahmed Bhuiyan |
CEO & Former President of BEMMA |
All electrical equipment, especially cable & wires |
O |
16 |
방글라데시 |
M. Q. Electrical Industries Ltd. |
Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Khan |
CEO & Executive committee member of BEMMA |
Electricalaccessories |
O |
17 |
방글라데시 |
R.R.B. Cables Industries |
Mr. Md. Akther Hossain |
CEO & Executive Committee Member of BEMMA |
ElectricCables |
O |
18 |
방글라데시 |
Bangla Tech Co. |
Mr. Mainuddin Ahmed Iqbal |
www.banglatech-bd.com |
AVR,Generator,ElectricLV&HVComponents |
O |
19 |
방글라데시 |
Cabex Fuel Power Ltd. |
Mr. Khandaker Atiqur Rahman |
Director |
www.cabexpressbd.com |
Powerplantequipmentsimportersupplierandcommissioningagent |
O |
20 |
방글라데시 |
Nissan Enterprise Co. |
Mr. Habibur Rahman Mazumder |
All electrical equipment |
O |
21 |
카라치 |
파키스탄 |
Karachi Electric Supply Corporation |
Mr. Naveed Ismail |
www.kesc.com.pk |
Power Transformers, Switchgear, Copper Conductor, EHT Cable, Misc Grid Station Equipments, 220 KV Grid Station Wire & Cable Grid Station & Its parts |
O |
O |
22 |
파키스탄 |
Mr. Tahir basharat Cheema |
MD |
www.pepco.gov.pk |
ElectricalPower/GridStationEquipment,Protection&Control,TerbalaHydropower4thextensionwithinstalledcapacityof2x480MW,Procurement power transformer ,Auto Transformers, distribution transformer, Procurement 11KV switch gears (25KA), Procurement transmission line towers, Procurement 220/132 KV grid station equipment's CBs CTs PTs ISOs Las etc, Procurement 132 KV G/S equipment's, Procurement T/L conductors & Earth, Procurement switchyard structures hardware earthling material etc for 220 & 132kv Grid Stations, Procurement CPs, RPs Ac/Dc panels pad mounted T/F, batteries, battery chargers etc for 220 & 132kv grid stations, Procurement T/L hardware & insulators, Procurement power cables, control cables aluminum conductors, grounding conductor, for 220 & 132Kv grid stations, Supply/installation of SCADA/EMS system for power 51 GIS in Karachi city, Wind Power plants, and solar energy systems. |
O |
O |
23 |
파키스탄 |
Mr. Fazal Ahmad Khan |
MD |
www.wapda.gov.pk |
ElectricalPower/GridStationEquipment,Protection&Control,TerbalaHydropower4thextensionwithinstalledcapacityof2x480MW,Procurement power transformer ,Auto Transformers, distribution transformer, Procurement 11KV switch gears (25KA), Procurement transmission line towers, Procurement 220/132 KV grid station equipment's CBs CTs PTs ISOs Las etc, Procurement 132 KV G/S equipment's, Procurement T/L conductors & Earth, Procurement switchyard structures hardware earthling material etc for 220 & 132kv Grid Stations, Procurement CPs, RPs Ac/Dc panels pad mounted T/F, batteries, battery chargers etc for 220 & 132kv grid stations, Procurement T/L hardware & insulators, Procurement power cables, control cables aluminum conductors, grounding conductor, for 220 & 132Kv grid stations, Supply/installation of SCADA/EMS system for power 51 GIS in Karachi city, Wind Power plants, and solar energy systems. |
O |
O |
24 |
파키스탄 |
O |
25 |
파키스탄 |
Inpro Pakistan Private Limited |
Mr.KashifZafar Mr.MuhammadSadiqAzhar |
DirectorOperations DirectorSales&Marketing |
www.inpropakistan.com |
Circuit Breaker, Magnetic Contactors, Relay, Control Instrument, Panel Accessories, Capacitors |
O |
26 |
파키스탄 |
Gresham's Eastern Pvt Ltd |
Mr.MianTaufiqHusain Mr.MianIdrisHusain |
DirectorBusinessDevelopment DirectorOperations |
www.gel1947.com |
Transmittor, gas Analyzer, Photovoltaic inverter, Heat Exchanger, Slurry Pumps, Coal Pipe, Coupling, Pneumatic Component, Pumps |
O |
27 |
파키스탄 |
Advance Electronics Int |
Mr.AbdulGhaffar Pidha Mr.ShahabRazaRaja |
Managing Parteners |
Photovoltaic inverter, Cables Glands, Fittings |
O |
28 |
파키스탄 |
Allied Engineering & Service Ltd |
Mr.FaisalMirza, |
National Sales Manager |
O |
29 |
파키스탄 |
Zubair brothers Pvt Ltd |
Mr. Muhammad Afzal |
Manager |
Photovoltaicinverter,GuagePressures,Transmitors,valves,Actuators,turbineaccessoriesandEquipment |
O |
30 |
파키스탄 |
Mr. M. Saqib Khawaja |
O |
31 |
양곤 |
미얀마 |
Premier Machinery Trading Co., Ltd. |
Mr.MyaingThanToeOo Mr.MinThwinNyunt
ManagingDirector Director
O |
32 |
미얀마 |
Myanmar Solar Rays Co., Ltd. |
Mr. Win Myint Thein |
Managing Director |
1)33,11,6.6,0.4KVLinematerialsandSub-stationequipmentsandaccessories Transformer and Ass’y / HT & LT Cable / 33, 11 KV Overhead line / 33 KV Sub Station *AnnualPurchaseAmountinUS$:1.5million 2)EarthingSystem LightningProtection/GroundingSolution/SurgeProtection *AnnualPurchaseAmountinUS$:1million 3)SolarSystem&WindTurbine SolarPanel/WindPanel *AnnualPurchaseAmountinUS$:0.5million |
O |
33 |
미얀마 |
KTK Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. |
Mr. Kyaw Thein Khine |
Managing Director |
Indoortypevacuumcircuitbreaker(630A,1250A,1600A,12KV,25KA Outdoortypegascircuitbreaker(1600A,2500A,40.5KA) Mouldcasecircuitbreaker(10A~800A) MagneticContactor(9A~630A) CurrentTransformer(50–100/5/5/,200~400) PotentialTransformer(33000/3,110/3) PowerCable(XLPE,SWA,12KV) ElectricWire(PVC,Rubber) Automation(SIEMENS,OMRON,MITSUBISHI) |
O |
34 |
미얀마 |
Dawn Construction Co., Ltd. |
Mr. Kyaw Soe |
Director |
Insulator,ACSRcable,UnderGroundCable,Hightensionmotorrewinding,Hightensionmotor,Switchyardinstallation,SupplyingofACSRcableSteelPlate(ShipGradePlate)ABSGradeA AluminaCastableforsteelplant CalciumCarbide AnchorWinch MotorRewinding PistonRodNitriding |
O |
35 |
하노이 |
베트남 |
Electricity of Vietnam(EVN) |
Mr.DauDucKhoi Mr.TranQuocAnh |
DeputyDirectorGeneral Advisor |
www.evn.com.vn |
FindsupplierofTransformer,cableandline,equipmentofpowertransmission. Equipment for Power plants (control system, turbin, generator, equipment for power tranmission contruction in the moutain are. * Projects 1.NghiSon1Powerplant(capacity:2x500MW) 2.MongDuong1(Capacity:2x300MW) 3.DuyenHai1(Capacity:2x500MW) 4.VinhTan2(Capacity:2x600MW) |
O |
O |
36 |
베트남 |
VinacominElectricalEquipmentJSC |
Mr. Pham Trong Huong |
Deputy Director |
*Insulatedporcelainforcapacitor—typetransformerat115KV *Polymerlightingarresterat22KVand35KV *110KVtransformercircuit(onload) *Insulatedpaperforoilbathtypetransformerproduction |
O |
37 |
베트남 |
Sai Gon Electrical Equipment Corporation |
Mr. Duong Quoc Bon |
www.see.com.vn |
*Polymerinsulatorforoverheadline *CT.PT.MOFInsulator *Relay *Automationsystem
O |
38 |
베트남 |
Thanh Hoa Power Company |
Mr. Tran Minh Thang |
Director |
*EquipmentforPowerstation *Transformer
O |
39 |
베트남 |
Hoang Lien Son Technical Ceramics Joint Stock Company (HOCERATEC) |
Mr. Nguyen Khac Son |
Director |
www.hoceratec.com.vn |
Insulator |
O |
40 |
베트남 |
Dong Anh Mechanical JSC |
Mr. Le Hong Nhung |
Sale Manager |
Electric equipment manufacturing technology, Electric mechanics, Electric technical products |
O |
41 |
베트남 |
NNC Co. Ltd |
Mr. Thanh Hung Sinh |
Director |
Insulator,-Rotaryconverter,Voltage,-Vanlock,Fuse,-Recloser |
O |
42 |
베트남 |
Techcovina |
Mr.NgoHuuTiep Mr.NguyenXuanBinh |
Director Salemanager |
Panel, It Solution |
O |
43 |
베트남 |
KyBin Co,.Ltd |
Mr. Nguyen Duc Hong |
Deputy Director |
*Polymerinsulator,cableaccessories *Socketandelectricalplugs |
O |
44 |
베트남 |
DongHung Industry JSC |
Mr. Dao Duc Thuan |
Director |
www.donghung.com.vn |
*Electricalequipments:Circuitbreaker,fuse,arrester,polymerinsulators. *Electricsavingproducts |
O |
45 |
베트남 |
MiBa Transformer Manufacturing JSC |
Mr. Truong van Thuc |
Director |
* Transformer |
O |
46 |
베트남 |
Technology Solutions Company |
Mr. Le Quang Huy |
Deputy Director |
* Switchgears, Motor, Panel, IT Solution |
O |
47 |
베트남 |
Industrial Electronics & Electrical JSC |
Mr. Kieu Van Vinh |
Deputy Director |
* Motor, Tr, Switchgears |
O |
48 |
베트남 |
Kim Dinh International Group Joint Stock Co,. |
Mr. Le Trong Dinh |
Chairman and CEO cum Director |
Electricsavingproducts Renewableenergyproducts(currentgenerator,solarpower,windpower...) Newproductsrelatingtoelectricaltechnology |
O |
49 |
베트남 |
Thong Nhat Ruber Company |
Mr. Huynh Tan Tu |
Director |
www.ruthimex.com.vn |
*Polymerinsulator,cableaccessories *Injectionmoldingmachineforrubbers *Socketandelectricalplugs |
O |
50 |
베트남 |
Electrology – Electronics – Information Institute |
Mr. Tran Kien Nam |
Expert |
www.eeiacad.org |
Control Switch, Relay, Timer, Terminal, Protection equipment |
O |
51 |
베트남 |
VELINA-Vietnam Electrotechnical Industry Association |
Mr.HoangThaiAn Mr.TranQuyMao |
Chairman ChiefAccountant |
www.velina.org |
O |
52 |
베트남 |
Systemtec Technology Development and Investment JSC |
Mr. Ngo Tri Nam Cuong |
Director |
Monitoring system, instrument |
O |
53 |
도쿄 |
일본 |
Nippon Mining Procurement, Inc. |
Mr.HiroyukiWachi Mr.TakaoKurimoto |
Manager Manager |
http://www.shinnikko-pr.co.jp/cgi-bin/cp/purchase/show_top.cgi |
Transformer, UPS, Switchgear, Panel, MCC, etc. |
O |
54 |
일본 |
IHI Corporation (1팀) |
Mr.HideoMIKI Mr.MasakiMiyazawa |
Manager EngineeringManager |
www.ihi.co.jp |
Motor,Generator,Switchgear,Transformer,Pump,Fan,Compressor etc |
O |
55 |
일본 |
IHI Corporation (2팀) |
Mr. Yoshinori Mae |
Procurement Manager |
www.ihi.co.jp / index-e.html |
①11kv/6.6kvSwitchgear(600A-25KAVCBPanel×10)(code:JIS/JEC/JEM) ②PowerCable(69kvFR-XLPE/CAS/PVC1C185sq 20,000m ③CableDuct/Tray(300W×200H×3.0t×3,000ℓ×1,000pcs) (Hot. Dip. Galv. or alumi.) ④ThesuppliermustsubmitthereferencelistoftheaboveitemforLNGReceivingTerminalinKorea,includingthesize,quantity,specificationanddatasheet,client(purchaserandend-user),projectname,plantlocation(cityandcountry)anddeliverydate. |
O |
56 |
일본 |
IHI Corporation (3팀) |
Mr. Mika Kudo |
Assistant Manager |
www.ihi.co.jp |
.TerminalBox,LightningProtectionSystem,LightingSystem, CableTray,PanelBoard,MiscellaneousMaterialsforE&IWorks Thermocouple,FireExtinguishingSystem,Hoist,Cranes
O |
57 |
테헤란 |
이란 |
Parsian HV Substations Development Co. |
Mr. Ali Reza Rajab Zadeh |
Commercial Manager |
HVCableandaccessories,powertransformers,GISHV&MV,BusworkItems,Ni-cadBattery,MeteringEquipments, Insulators,AluminiumConductors,SurgeArrester |
O |
58 |
이란 |
Safa Nicu Co. |
Mr.AliSafarNourallah Mr.HamidSafarNourallah |
ManagingDirector CommercialManager |
www.safanicu.com |
High Voltage Disconneting Switches, CTS, CVTS, Lighting arresters, Power Cable & MV Cables, Automation System, Control and protecting Equipments |
O |
59 |
이란 |
Fulmen Co. |
Mr.DavoodAshrafipour Mr.AliasgharAhmadi |
SubstationSBUManager MarketingandSalesManger |
Power&Auxilarytransformers,Reactor,circuitbreaker,DisconnectingSwitch,current&Voltagetransformer,Arrester, Line trap, Post & String Insulators, Relays |
O |
60 |
이란 |
Trans Post Pars |
Mr.AkbarHoushiar Mr.MohammadSayyarMiandehi |
ManagingDirector CommercialVicepresident |
www.tppeng.com |
GIS Switchgear, CB & DS Protection Relay |
O |
61 |
이란 |
Rayavinfan |
Mr.ArashGhahghaei Mr.SaroEsmaeili |
MarketingManager TenderingManager |
Power Automation System, Instrument & DCS system, High voltage & Medium Voltage Equipments for Substation |
O |
62 |
이란 |
Monenco Iran |
Mr. Amirali Bankiyan Tabrizi |
Project Manger |
Power Plant Engineering & Operation, Sub station Equipment, Transmission line Equipments |
O |
63 |
이란 |
Mr.HessamTalebkhanGaroosi Mr.SeyedHojjatMohades |
CommercialManager AdvisortoManagingDirector |
www.jaboun.com |
Surge Arrester, Cable Accessories, Transformer, Protection Relay, Mold Transformer, Low Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, Protection Relay, MCCB, CT, PT, MOF |
O |
64 |
이란 |
Iran Power Plant Repair Co. |
Mr.BahramJalaliJafari |
Engineering Manager |
Equipment for manufacturing Generator and Transformer |
O |
65 |
이란 |
IranTransfo (국영전력기자재수입업체) |
Mr. Houshang Aliverdilou |
Marketing and Export Manager |
Ceramic Insulators, Bushing (Polymeric +ceramic Type), Transformer Equipments |
O |
66 |
이란 |
Tavanir (Iran Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Management Co) |
Mr. Akbar Yavartalab |
General Director of Electrical eng. Dept. |
1-AutomationSystemandDMS(StudyandDesignofAutomationsystemforDistribution NetworksInIran(MediumVoltage) 2-Consultantservicesfor: -Measurmentandloosreduction -CHPandDG -MasterPlanning -ICTSoulotionforpowerdistributionindustry -Illumination -Protectionsystem -Technicalspecificationfornetworkutilities |
O |
67 |
이란 |
Moshanir Power Engineering Consultant |
Mr.MohammadBarakati Mr.ShauhinMoshfegh |
Manager ProjectManger |
www.moshanir.com |
1-Design,Engineering,EquipmentrequiredforsupplyingElectricytoSubway(METRO)2-HighvoltageandLowVoltage Switchgear 3- Insulating materials for GIS, GCB, VCB 4- Lighting Arrester 5- CT, PT, MOF |
O |
O |
68 |
두바이 |
Bin Jabr Group |
Mr. Khalid Al Jabri |
General Manager |
oil & gas/petrochemicals/power & generator, construction/military items |
O |
69 |
Rampco Int'l Technical Services |
Mr. Masood Radpey |
Procurement Manager |
hydrocarbon transmitter, flow meter, conductivity temperature/pressure |
O |
70 |
Senan Engineering |
Mr. Kusha Yaghoobi |
General Manager |
capcacitor, relay, power transistor, high voltage contactor |
O |
71 |
Technical Parts |
Mr. Mahendra Aswani |
General Manager |
switchgear, transformer, cables, breakers, electrical items |
O |
72 |
리야드 |
사우디 |
Mani Group |
Mr. Mohammed Fasiuddin |
Businessdevelopment manager |
ㅇPowergeneration:Directcurrentmachines,otherpowergenerationgsystem ㅇMotorsandgenerators:Directcurrentmachines,ACmotors,othermotorsandgenerators ㅇTransmissionandDistributionEquipment:Transformers,powerconverters,Groundingresisters,electricwelders,insulators ㅇITimplementationofelectricalequipment:Distributionautomationsystem,automationmeterreadingsystem,powerlinecommunicaiton,digitalelectricalequipment ㅇOthers:Testingequipments |
O |
73 |
사우디 |
Dar Al Riyadh Holding Co. Ltd. |
Mr. Sunil Sathe |
Manager |
LV & HV motors, generators |
O |
74 |
사우디 |
Mr. Shabbir H. Bhatia |
Deputy General Manager |
High voltage electric motor, Steam turbin |
O |
75 |
사우디 |
Power Technologies Trading & Group |
Mr. Shaukat Ali |
Technical & Marketing Manager |
소형모터및발전기,switchgear |
O |
76 |
사우디 |
Waves Computers |
Mr. Syed Hassan Saim |
Technical Supervisor |
소형모터및발전기,switchgear |
O |
77 |
암만 |
요르단 |
National Electric Power Co. |
Mr. Mohammad Al-Jamal |
Secretary of Tendering Committee |
1.Transformers 2.Switchgears |
O |
78 |
요르단 |
Central Electricity Generating Co. |
Mr. Abdel Fattah Al Nsour |
Construction Power Station, Turbines |
O |
79 |
요르단 |
Al-Zaman Group |
Mr. Alaa Nasser Ali |
Technical Manager |
1.Swichgear Panel 2.Fir alarm system 3.Transformer |
O |
80 |
요르단 |
Al Multaqa Invest |
Mr.MuhannedAlKubaisi Mr.AbdulkareemAlKubaisi |
CEO G.M.(IraqBranch) |
1.Cables 2. Substations 3.Towers &Conductors 4.Instlation of Power Plant 5.Over head Lines 6.Civil work 7.Substaions & Networks |
O |
81 |
요르단 |
Al Tareq for Engineering |
Mr. Zoheir Rateb Barakat |
G.M. |
1.Switchgear /2.Termination for 33Kv /3.C.T & V.T Transformer |
O |
82 |
요르단 |
Saluos Corp |
Dr. Wasif Saluos |
Manager |
1.Cables2.Switch3.Connector4.Lightingunit5.Lamps6.Electronicspareparts7.Measurmentdevice |
O |
83 |
요르단 |
Imad Gallery for Lighting |
Mr. Imad Mashharawi |
G.M. |
1.Outdoor Lighting 2.Down Light 3.Sport Light 4.LED Light 5.Fluorescent Light Unit |
O |
84 |
요르단 |
Mr. Mohammd Murra |
G.M. |
1.OPGW&Accessories 2.Wires&Fitting 3.PLC 4.Towers 5.Telecom |
O |
85 |
요르단 |
Next Move Co |
G.M. |
1.Solar Heating System 2.Water Purifier |
O |
86 |
요르단 |
Jordan Electricity Co Ltd |
Mr.AhmedAl-Jahamneh Mr.ThamarAl-Jahamneh |
G.M. TechnicalManager |
Cables |
O |
87 |
쿠웨이트 |
쿠웨이트 |
Mousa Bahman Est. |
Mr. MohammedMujeebulla Mukarram |
Director |
Pipes, Fittings, Compressors, Power Transmission line, Pumps for oil refinery, cables, metal plates, high voltage cables, transformers and switchgear substarion |
O |
88 |
쿠웨이트 |
Necon Controls Gen. Trading & Cont. |
Mr. Vivek Malhotra |
Managing Director |
Electrical (Medium & Low Voltage), Instrumentation, Control Sytem, Power management system |
O |
89 |
알마티 |
카자흐스탄 |
“Samruk-Energy” JSC |
Mr. Nurzhan Utegulov |
Director of Technical & Engineering produce process department |
High-Voltage Equipment: generators, transformer, GIS, etc. |
O |
90 |
바르샤바 |
폴란드 |
Elbis Sp. z o.o. |
Management Board of Kamieńsk Wind Power Plant Member |
ㅇ상담희망품목:추후보고 ㅇ프로젝트 KamieńskWindpowerparkoverviewandrenawablesourcesofnaturalenergy.Expansionofthewindpowerparkandpossiblycreatinganewoneinthewestern |
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O |
91 |
폴란드 |
PKE S.A. Grupa Tauron |
Director of Strategy&Development Department |
ㅇ상담희망품목:추후보고 ㅇ프로젝트 PolygenerationPowerPlantwithCO2CaptureDemonstrationProject - KEDZIERZYN. Construction in Kedzierzyn-Kozle of modern Polygeneration Plant (demonstration power and chemical complex), in which production of clean electric energy, heat and synthesis gas will be possible including CO2 capture and sequestration.
O |
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92 |
폴란드 |
Warbud |
Construction and engineering projects in Poland |
O |
93 |
폴란드 |
Tokel |
Solar energy projects in all over Poland |
O |
94 |
리마 |
페루 |
Trade and Legal Consulting Peru |
Mr.LuisAlonsoGarcia Mr.DragoKisic |
President CommercialResearcher |
각종플랜트참가관심업체 (담수화,가스,원유,에너지) 플랜트설비투자희망기업 재생에너지플랜트투자희망기업 |
O |
O |
95 |
부에노스아이레스 |
아르헨티나 |
Planning & Development Manager |
www.gruposadesa.com.ar |
EPCprovidersormanufacturesofelectricgenerationequipment,focusedin: 1ºInterest:coalgeneration,andwindgeneration 2ºInterest:SolarGenerationandHydraulicGeneration |
O |
O |
96 |
카사블랑카 |
모로코 |
Mr. TAARJI Abdellaziz |
President |
Hydraulic pumps; Distribution and power transformers, Electrical equipments |
O |
O |
97 |
모로코 |
GeneralManager ProjectManager |
Generating Set, Bus Bar, Low voltage Breakers, Low voltage auxiliary componenets |
O |
98 |
모로코 |
Mr. LASRY Mohamed |
Solar energy, transformation |
O |
99 |
모로코 |
Mr. LAMRINI Mohammed |
Solar energy, electrical equipements |
O |
100 |
모로코 |
Mr. MELOUKI Brahim |
Sales Director |
Distribution and power transformers, Electrical equipments |
O |
101 |
모로코 |
Mr. NABIL Najib |
Export Manager |
Electrical Equipement |
O |
102 |
모로코 |
Mr. DOUCH Ahmed |
Vice President |
Solar energy, electrical equipements |
O |
103 |
모로코 |
Mr. ZOUAOUI Driss |
General Manager |
Power generators, IT implementation of Electrical Equipments |
O |
104 |
모로코 |
Mr. SQUALLI Ahmed |
General Manager |
Overhead lines accesories, insulated cables for special use, OPGW cables, relays, photovoltaic panels and solar systems accessories (converters, controllers…), MV Transformers accessories, measurement transformers, gen sets |
O |
105 |
나이로비 |
케냐 |
KENGEN(케냐전력청) |
Mr. Sir |
Director |
발전 및 송배전 기자재, 프로젝트 |
O |
O |
106 |
케냐 |
Rural Electrification Authority |
Mr. Zachary Ayieko |
Managing Director |
송전 케이블, 소형 발전설비 |
O |
107 |
케냐 |
Kenya Power and Lighting Company |
Mr. Joseph Njuguna |
Managing Director |
배전 케이블 |
O |
108 |
케냐 |
Geothermal Development Company |
Mr. Silias Simiyu |
지열발전용터빈,발전기설비구입 케냐지열발전프로젝트 |
O |
O |
109 |
우간다 |
Ferdsult Engineering Services |
Mr. Ferdinand Mugisha |
Managing Director |
www.ferdsult.net |
프로젝트 현황 확보 추진중 |
O |
110 |
케냐 |
Gamma Delta Eastern Africa Ltd |
Mr. W. Gicheru |
Director |
전력기자재 |
O |
111 |
우간다 |
MM Integrals LTD |
Mr. Sir |
Director |
전력기자재 |
O |
112 |
멜버른 |
호주 |
Mr. Kevin Murphy |
Manager |
Cable, Transformer, Circuit Breaker, Switch |
O |
113 |
시드니 |
호주 |
AK Power Solutiosn |
Mr.RickHlasny Mr.AndrewPrineas |
TechnicalManager FinanceManager |
www.akpowersolutions.com |
Circuit Breaker, Switch, Pole-mounted Transformer |
O |
SIEF 2009 수출상담회 참가 바이어 리스트
연 번 추천KBC 국가 소속 이름 직위 홈페이지 상담희망품목 기자재 조달상담 프로젝트발주상담
1 뉴델리 인도 NTPC Mr. N.K.Srivastava General Manager www.ntpceoc.co.in Automatics Voltage Regulator, CT,PT,MOF, Indulator, Switchgear, Transformer, Generator, Motor Control Center, High Voltage Switchgear. O
2 인도 NHPC Mr. S.K.Garg CMD www.nhpc.nic.in Turbines, Tunnels, Transformer, Generator O
3 인도 Powergrid Corporation Mr. A.J.Xavier Deputy General Manager (Substation Group) http://www.powergridindia.com/ Power Transmission Equipments, Transformers, Electrical grid Equipment O
4 인도 Jindal Power Mrs. Hemlata Vyas Commercial General Manager www.jindalsteel.com Turbines, Transformers, Power generation/ Distribution/ Transmission equipments O
5 인도 Kotsons Transformers Mr. Siddharth Jain Director www.kotsons.com Transformer raw material, copper windings, ceremic parts, fins O
6 인도 Autometers Alliance Mr. Sajil Gupta General Manager www.autometers.com Vaccum Circuit Breaker, Vaccum Contactor Switch, Vaccum Interrupter, Molded Cases Circuit Breaker, Auto Tranfer Switch O
7 뭄바이 인도 Crompton Greaves Ltd, Ahmednagar Mr. S. A. Wadekar Senior Manager www.Cglonline.com AC Motors, DC Machines & Alternator manufacturing, Automated Type Testing Facility for AC Motors upto 750KW, Assembly line Automation for AC Motors(frame : 80 to 132) O
8 인도 Sara Incorporated Mr. Sameer Savara Vice President www.sarainc.com Gas Turbine parts, Pumps, Oil Skids for thermal power stations, steam turbines, All power station related equipment O
9 인도 Asiatic Electrical & Switchgear Pvt. Ltd. Mr. G.S.Kochar Managing Director www.asiatic-india.com "Vacuum
Circuit Breaker Panels from 11 kv to 33 kv.
" O
10 인도 Tata Power Mr.RANJAN KUMAR MISHRA GROUP HEAD http://www.tatapower.com Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Switchyard equipment. O O
11 인도 Maharashtra state Electric Board Mr. Abhijit Deshpande Chief Engineer www.mahadiscom.in Distribution Equipment (Transformer, Meter capacitor, cables etc), IT Related equipment and technology including AMR, SCADA, PLCC, direct load control system. O O
12 인도 Bharat Bijlee Ltd Mr. Anil Naik Sr. General Manager www.bharatbijlee.com PMSM Motors, Electric Motor, Servo Motor 1-800nm O
13 인도 M/s Siddhartha Engg. Ltd. Mr. Siddhartha Palo Executive Director www.siddharthaengg.com High voltage gas insulated Switchgear upto 220KV, looking for EPC contract tip up with Korean Company O
14 다카 방글라데시 Bengal Insulator & Ceramics Mr. Md. Nasim Ullah Hemayet CEO & President of BEMMA All electrical equipment, especially insulaters O
15 방글라데시 Sunflower Cables Industries Mr. Md. Sultan Ahmed Bhuiyan CEO & Former President of BEMMA All electrical equipment, especially cable & wires O
16 방글라데시 M. Q. Electrical Industries Ltd. Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Khan CEO & Executive committee member of BEMMA Electrical accessories O
17 방글라데시 R.R.B. Cables Industries Mr. Md. Akther Hossain CEO & Executive Committee Member of BEMMA Electric Cables O
18 방글라데시 Bangla Tech Co. Mr. Mainuddin Ahmed Iqbal CEO www.banglatech-bd.com AVR, Generator, Electric LV & HV Components O
19 방글라데시 Cabex Fuel Power Ltd. Mr. Khandaker Atiqur Rahman Director www.cabexpressbd.com Power plant equipments importer supplier and commissioning agent O
20 방글라데시 Nissan Enterprise Co. Mr. Habibur Rahman Mazumder CEO All electrical equipment O
21 카라치 파키스탄 Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Mr. Naveed Ismail CEO www.kesc.com.pk Power Transformers, Switchgear, Copper Conductor, EHT Cable, Misc Grid Station Equipments, 220 KV Grid Station Wire & Cable Grid Station & Its parts O O
22 파키스탄 PEPCO Mr. Tahir basharat Cheema MD www.pepco.gov.pk Electrical Power/Grid Station Equipment, Protection & Control, Terbala Hydropower 4th extension with installed capacity of 2x480 MW, Procurement power transformer ,Auto Transformers, distribution transformer, Procurement 11KV switch gears (25KA), Procurement transmission line towers, Procurement 220/132 KV grid station equipment's CBs CTs PTs ISOs Las etc, Procurement 132 KV G/S equipment's, Procurement T/L conductors & Earth, Procurement switchyard structures hardware earthling material etc for 220 & 132kv Grid Stations, Procurement CPs, RPs Ac/Dc panels pad mounted T/F, batteries, battery chargers etc for 220 & 132kv grid stations, Procurement T/L hardware & insulators, Procurement power cables, control cables aluminum conductors, grounding conductor, for 220 & 132Kv grid stations, Supply/installation of SCADA/EMS system for power 51 GIS in Karachi city, Wind Power plants, and solar energy systems. O O
23 파키스탄 WAPDA Mr. Fazal Ahmad Khan MD www.wapda.gov.pk Electrical Power/Grid Station Equipment, Protection & Control, Terbala Hydropower 4th extension with installed capacity of 2x480 MW, Procurement power transformer ,Auto Transformers, distribution transformer, Procurement 11KV switch gears (25KA), Procurement transmission line towers, Procurement 220/132 KV grid station equipment's CBs CTs PTs ISOs Las etc, Procurement 132 KV G/S equipment's, Procurement T/L conductors & Earth, Procurement switchyard structures hardware earthling material etc for 220 & 132kv Grid Stations, Procurement CPs, RPs Ac/Dc panels pad mounted T/F, batteries, battery chargers etc for 220 & 132kv grid stations, Procurement T/L hardware & insulators, Procurement power cables, control cables aluminum conductors, grounding conductor, for 220 & 132Kv grid stations, Supply/installation of SCADA/EMS system for power 51 GIS in Karachi city, Wind Power plants, and solar energy systems. O O
25 파키스탄 Inpro Pakistan Private Limited "Mr. Kashif Zafar
Mr. Muhammad Sadiq Azhar" "Director Operations
Director Sales & Marketing" www.inpropakistan.com Circuit Breaker, Magnetic Contactors, Relay, Control Instrument, Panel Accessories, Capacitors O
26 파키스탄 Gresham's Eastern Pvt Ltd "Mr. Mian Taufiq Husain
Mr. Mian Idris Husain " "Director Business Development
Director Operations" www.gel1947.com Transmittor, gas Analyzer, Photovoltaic inverter, Heat Exchanger, Slurry Pumps, Coal Pipe, Coupling, Pneumatic Component, Pumps O
27 파키스탄 Advance Electronics Int "Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Pidha
Mr.Shahab Raza Raja " Managing Parteners Photovoltaic inverter, Cables Glands, Fittings O
28 파키스탄 Allied Engineering & Service Ltd Mr.Faisal Mirza, National Sales Manager www.aesl.com.pk "Power Generation, Small Generators, AIR & GAS Compression Crawler drill for quarry operations.
" O
29 파키스탄 Zubair brothers Pvt Ltd Mr. Muhammad Afzal Manager Photovoltaic inverter, Guage Pressures, Transmitors, valves, Actuators,turbine accessories and Equipment O
30 파키스탄 IDEA Mr. M. Saqib Khawaja CEO 160 MW POWER PLANT O
31 양곤 미얀마 Premier Machinery Trading Co., Ltd. "Mr. Myaing Than Toe Oo
Mr. Min Thwin Nyunt
" "Managing Director
" "Power Supply Area & Alternative Sources of power supply ( Generators ) & its spare parts, Waterproof Fluorescent Lamp, Wire, Cable, Panel Board, Insulating Material, Adhesive Tape, Analogue Meter, Power System, Transformer, Generator, Busbar Multi Machine, UPS (Unintrruptible Power Supply System), Tr, Switchgears
" O
32 미얀마 Myanmar Solar Rays Co., Ltd. Mr. Win Myint Thein Managing Director www.myanmarsolarrays.com "1) 33, 11, 6.6, 0.4 KV Line materials and Sub-station equipments and accessories
Transformer and Ass’y / HT & LT Cable / 33, 11 KV Overhead line / 33 KV Sub Station
* Annual Purchase Amount in US$ : 1.5 million
2) Earthing System
Lightning Protection / Grounding Solution / Surge Protection
* Annual Purchase Amount in US$ : 1million
3) Solar System & Wind Turbine
Solar Panel / Wind Panel
* Annual Purchase Amount in US$ : 0.5 million" O
33 미얀마 KTK Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. Mr. Kyaw Thein Khine Managing Director "Indoor type vacuum circuit breaker (630 A, 1250 A, 1600 A, 12 KV, 25 KA
Outdoor type gas circuit breaker (1600 A, 2500 A, 40.5 KA)
Mould case circuit breaker (10 A ~ 800 A)
Magnetic Contactor (9 A ~ 630 A)
Current Transformer (50 – 100/5/5/, 200 ~ 400)
Potential Transformer (33000/3, 110/3)
Power Cable (XLPE, SWA, 12KV)
Electric Wire (PVC, Rubber)
34 미얀마 Dawn Construction Co., Ltd. Mr. Kyaw Soe Director www.ahyoneoo.com "Insulator, ACSR cable, Under Ground Cable, High tension motor rewinding, High tension motor , Switch yard installation, Supplying of ACSR cable Steel Plate (Ship Grade Plate) ABS Grade A
Alumina Castable for steel plant
Calcium Carbide
Anchor Winch
Motor Rewinding
Piston Rod Nitriding" O
35 하노이 베트남 Electricity of Vietnam(EVN) "Mr. Dau Duc Khoi
Mr. Tran Quoc Anh" "Deputy Director General
Advisor" www.evn.com.vn "Find supplier of Transformer, cable and line, equipment of power transmission. Equipment for Power plants (control system, turbin, generator, equipment for power tranmission contruction in the moutain are.
* Projects
1. Nghi Son 1 Power plant (capacity: 2x 500MW)
2. Mong Duong 1 (Capacity: 2x300 MW)
3. Duyen Hai1 (Capacity: 2 x 500 MW)
4. Vinh Tan 2 (Capacity: 2x600 MW) " O O
36 베트남 Vinacomin Electrical Equipment JSC Mr. Pham Trong Huong Deputy Director www.vinacomin.vn "* Insulated porcelain for capacitor—type transformer at 115 KV
* Polymer lighting arrester at 22 KV and 35 KV
* 110 KV transformer circuit ( on load)
* Insulated paper for oil bath type transformer production" O
37 베트남 Sai Gon Electrical Equipment Corporation Mr. Duong Quoc Bon CEO www.see.com.vn "* Polymer insulator for overhead line
* CT. PT.MOF Insulator
* Relay
* Automation system
" O
38 베트남 Thanh Hoa Power Company Mr. Tran Minh Thang Director "* Equipment for Power station
* Transformer
" O
39 베트남 Hoang Lien Son Technical Ceramics Joint Stock Company (HOCERATEC) Mr. Nguyen Khac Son Director www.hoceratec.com.vn Insulator O
40 베트남 Dong Anh Mechanical JSC Mr. Le Hong Nhung Sale Manager www.cokhidonganh.com Electric equipment manufacturing technology, Electric mechanics, Electric technical products O
41 베트남 NNC Co. Ltd Mr. Thanh Hung Sinh Director www.nhatnuoc.com Insulator, - Rotary converter, Voltage, - Vanlock, Fuse, - Recloser O
42 베트남 Techcovina "Mr. Ngo Huu Tiep
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Binh" "Director
Sale manager" www.techconvina.com Panel, It Solution O
43 베트남 KyBin Co,.Ltd Mr. Nguyen Duc Hong Deputy Director "* Polymer insulator, cable accessories
* Socket and electrical plugs" O
44 베트남 DongHung Industry JSC Mr. Dao Duc Thuan Director www.donghung.com.vn "* Electrical equipments: Circuit breaker, fuse, arrester, polymer insulators.
* Electric saving products" O
45 베트남 MiBa Transformer Manufacturing JSC Mr. Truong van Thuc Director www.mibavn.com * Transformer O
46 베트남 Technology Solutions Company Mr. Le Quang Huy Deputy Director * Switchgears, Motor, Panel, IT Solution O
47 베트남 Industrial Electronics & Electrical JSC Mr. Kieu Van Vinh Deputy Director www.bdgroup.cscvn.com * Motor, Tr, Switchgears O
48 베트남 Kim Dinh International Group Joint Stock Co,. Mr. Le Trong Dinh Chairman and CEO cum Director www.kidivina.com.vn "Electric saving products
Renewable energy products ( current generator, solar power, wind power ...)
New products relating to electrical technology" O
49 베트남 Thong Nhat Ruber Company Mr. Huynh Tan Tu Director www.ruthimex.com.vn "* Polymer insulator, cable accessories
* Injection molding machine for rubbers
* Socket and electrical plugs" O
50 베트남 Electrology – Electronics – Information Institute Mr. Tran Kien Nam Expert www.eeiacad.org Control Switch, Relay, Timer, Terminal, Protection equipment O
51 베트남 VELINA-Vietnam Electrotechnical Industry Association "Mr. Hoang Thai An
Mr. Tran Quy Mao" "Chairman
Chief Accountant" www.velina.org O
52 베트남 Systemtec Technology Development and Investment JSC Mr. Ngo Tri Nam Cuong Director Monitoring system, instrument O
53 도쿄 일본 Nippon Mining Procurement, Inc. "Mr. Hiroyuki Wachi
Mr. Takao Kurimoto" "Manager
Manager" http://www.shinnikko-pr.co.jp/cgi-bin/cp/purchase/show_top.cgi Transformer, UPS, Switchgear, Panel, MCC, etc. O
54 일본 IHI Corporation (1팀) "Mr. Hideo MIKI
Mr. Masaki Miyazawa" "Manager
Engineering Manager" www.ihi.co.jp Motor, Generator, Switchgear, Transformer, Pump, Fan, Compressor etc O
55 일본 IHI Corporation (2팀) Mr. Yoshinori Mae Procurement Manager www.ihi.co.jp / index-e.html "① 11kv/6.6kv Switch gear (600A-25KA VCB Panel×10) (code:JIS/JEC/JEM)
② Power Cable (69kv FR-XLPE/CAS/PVC 1C 185sq 20,000m
③ Cable Duct/Tray (300W×200H×3.0t×3,000ℓ×1,000pcs)
(Hot. Dip. Galv. or alumi.)
④ The supplier must submit the reference list of the above item for LNG Receiving Terminal in Korea, including the size, quantity, specification and data sheet, client (purchaser and end-user), project name, plant location (city and country) and delivery date." O
56 일본 IHI Corporation (3팀) Mr. Mika Kudo Assistant Manager www.ihi.co.jp ".Terminal Box, Lightning Protection System, Lighting System,
Cable Tray, Panel Board, Miscellaneous Materials for E&I Works
Thermocouple, Fire Extinguishing System, Hoist, Cranes
" O
57 테헤란 이란 Parsian HV Substations Development Co. Mr. Ali Reza Rajab Zadeh Commercial Manager www.parsian.com "HV Cable and accessories, power transformers, GIS HV & MV, Buswork Items, Ni-cad Battery, Metering Equipments,
Insulators, Aluminium Conductors, Surge Arrester" O
58 이란 Safa Nicu Co. "Mr. Ali Safar Nourallah
Mr. Hamid Safar Nourallah" "Managing Director
Commercial Manager" www.safanicu.com High Voltage Disconneting Switches, CTS, CVTS, Lighting arresters, Power Cable & MV Cables, Automation System, Control and protecting Equipments O
59 이란 Fulmen Co. "Mr. Davood Ashrafipour
Mr. Aliasghar Ahmadi" "Substation SBU Manager
Marketing and Sales Manger" www.fulmen.com Power & Auxilary transformers, Reactor, circuit breaker, Disconnecting Switch, current & Voltage transformer, Arrester, Line trap, Post & String Insulators, Relays O
60 이란 Trans Post Pars "Mr. Akbar Houshiar
Mr. Mohammad Sayyar Miandehi" "Managing Director
Commercial Vice president" www.tppeng.com GIS Switchgear, CB & DS Protection Relay O
61 이란 Rayavinfan "Mr. Arash Ghahghaei
Mr. Saro Esmaeili" "Marketing Manager
Tendering Manager" www.rayavin.com Power Automation System, Instrument & DCS system, High voltage & Medium Voltage Equipments for Substation O
62 이란 Monenco Iran Mr. Amirali Bankiyan Tabrizi Project Manger www.monenco.com Power Plant Engineering & Operation, Sub station Equipment, Transmission line Equipments O
63 이란 JABOUN "Mr. Hessam Talebkhan Garoosi
Mr. Seyed Hojjat Mohades" "Commercial Manager
Advisor to Managing Director" www.jaboun.com Surge Arrester, Cable Accessories, Transformer, Protection Relay, Mold Transformer, Low Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, Protection Relay, MCCB, CT, PT, MOF O
64 이란 Iran Power Plant Repair Co. Mr. Bahram Jalali Jafari Engineering Manager www.ipr-co.org Equipment for manufacturing Generator and Transformer O
65 이란 "Iran Transfo
(국영 전력기자재 수입업체)" Mr. Houshang Aliverdilou Marketing and Export Manager www.iran-transfo.com Ceramic Insulators, Bushing (Polymeric +ceramic Type), Transformer Equipments O
66 이란 Tavanir (Iran Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Management Co) Mr. Akbar Yavartalab General Director of Electrical eng. Dept. www.tavanir.org.ir "1- Automation System and DMS (Study and Design of Automation system for Distribution
Networks In Iran (Medium Voltage)
2- Consultant services for:
-Measurment and loos reduction
-CHP and DG
-Master Planning
-ICT Soulotion for power distribution industry
-Protection system
-Technical specification for network utilities" O
67 이란 Moshanir Power Engineering Consultant "Mr. Mohammad Barakati
Mr. Shauhin Moshfegh" "Manager
Project Manger" www.moshanir.com 1- Design , Engineering , Equipment required for supplying Electricy to Subway (METRO) 2- High voltage and Low Voltage Switchgear 3- Insulating materials for GIS, GCB, VCB 4- Lighting Arrester 5- CT, PT, MOF O O
68 두바이 UAE Bin Jabr Group Mr. Khalid Al Jabri General Manager www.binjabr.com oil & gas/petrochemicals/power & generator, construction/military items O
69 UAE Rampco Int'l Technical Services Mr. Masood Radpey Procurement Manager www.rits-co.com hydrocarbon transmitter, flow meter, conductivity temperature/pressure O
70 UAE Senan Engineering Mr. Kusha Yaghoobi General Manager www.mahykhoory.com capcacitor, relay, power transistor, high voltage contactor O
71 UAE Technical Parts Mr. Mahendra Aswani General Manager www.technicalparts.com switchgear, transformer, cables, breakers, electrical items O
72 리야드 사우디 Mani Group Mr. Mohammed Fasiuddin Business development manager www.manigroupksa.com "ㅇ Power generation : Direct current machines, other power generationg system
ㅇ Motors and generators : Direct current machines, AC motors, other motors and generators
ㅇ Transmission and Distribution Equipment : Transformers, power converters, Grounding resisters, electric welders, insulators
ㅇ IT implementation of electrical equipment : Distribution automation system, automation meter reading system, power line communicaiton, digital electrical equipment
ㅇ Others : Testing equipments" O
73 사우디 Dar Al Riyadh Holding Co. Ltd. Mr. Sunil Sathe Manager www.daralriyadh.com LV & HV motors, generators O
74 사우디 TAACA Mr. Shabbir H. Bhatia Deputy General Manager www.taaca.com High voltage electric motor, Steam turbin O
75 사우디 Power Technologies Trading & Group Mr. Shaukat Ali Technical & Marketing Manager www.powerintratech.com 소형 모터 및 발전기, switchgear O
76 사우디 Waves Computers Mr. Syed Hassan Saim Technical Supervisor 소형 모터 및 발전기, switchgear O
77 암만 요르단 National Electric Power Co. Mr. Mohammad Al-Jamal Secretary of Tendering Committee www.nepco.com.jo 1.Transformers 2.Switchgears O
78 요르단 Central Electricity Generating Co. Mr. Abdel Fattah Al Nsour CEO www.cegco.com.jo Construction Power Station, Turbines O
79 요르단 Al-Zaman Group Mr. Alaa Nasser Ali Technical Manager www.zaman-group.com 1.Swichgear Panel 2.Fir alarm system 3.Transformer O
80 요르단 Al Multaqa Invest "Mr. Muhanned Al Kubaisi
Mr. Abdulkareem Al Kubaisi" "CEO
G.M.(Iraq Branch)" 1.Cables 2. Substations 3.Towers &Conductors 4.Instlation of Power Plant 5.Over head Lines 6.Civil work 7.Substaions & Networks O
81 요르단 Al Tareq for Engineering Mr. Zoheir Rateb Barakat G.M. 1.Switchgear /2.Termination for 33Kv /3.C.T & V.T Transformer O
82 요르단 Saluos Corp Dr. Wasif Saluos Manager 1. Cables 2.Switch 3.Connector 4.Lighting unit 5.Lamps 6.Electronic spare parts 7.Measurment device O
83 요르단 Imad Gallery for Lighting Mr. Imad Mashharawi G.M. 1.Outdoor Lighting 2.Down Light 3.Sport Light 4.LED Light 5.Fluorescent Light Unit O
84 요르단 TASC Mr. Mohammd Murra G.M. 1.OPGW&Accessories 2.Wires&Fitting 3.PLC 4.Towers 5.Telecom O
85 요르단 Next Move Co Mr. MOHAMMED AL HAJ ALI G.M. 1.Solar Heating System 2.Water Purifier O
86 요르단 Jordan Electricity Co Ltd "Mr. Ahmed Al-Jahamneh
Mr. Thamar Al-Jahamneh" "G.M.
Technical Manager" Cables O
87 쿠웨이트 쿠웨이트 Mousa Bahman Est. Mr. MohammedMujeebulla Mukarram Director www.mbahman.com Pipes, Fittings, Compressors, Power Transmission line, Pumps for oil refinery, cables, metal plates, high voltage cables, transformers and switchgear substarion O
88 쿠웨이트 Necon Controls Gen. Trading & Cont. Mr. Vivek Malhotra Managing Director www.neconme.ae Electrical (Medium & Low Voltage), Instrumentation, Control Sytem, Power management system O
89 알마티 카자흐스탄 “Samruk-Energy” JSC Mr. Nurzhan Utegulov Director of Technical & Engineering produce process department www.samruk-energy.kz High-Voltage Equipment: generators, transformer, GIS, etc. O
90 바르샤바 폴란드 Elbis Sp. z o.o. Mr. MAREK WDOWIAK Management Board of Kamieńsk Wind Power Plant Member http://www.elb2.pl/en "ㅇ 상담희망품목: 추후보고
ㅇ 프로젝트
Kamieńsk Wind power park overview and renawable sources of natural energy . Expansion of the wind power park and possibly creating a new one in the western " O O
91 폴란드 PKE S.A. Grupa Tauron Mr. JANUSZ TCHÓRZ Director of Strategy&Development Department http://www.pke.pl/en "ㅇ 상담희망품목: 추후 보고
ㅇ 프로젝트
Polygeneration Power Plant with CO2 Capture Demonstration Project - KEDZIERZYN. Construction in Kedzierzyn-Kozle of modern Polygeneration Plant (demonstration power and chemical complex), in which production of clean electric energy, heat and synthesis gas will be possible including CO2 capture and sequestration.
" O O
92 폴란드 Warbud Mr. JERZY WERLE GENERAL DIRECTOR www.warbud.pl Construction and engineering projects in Poland O
93 폴란드 Tokel Mr. KRYSTIAN STEFAŃSKI PRESIDENT &CEO www.tokel-energy.pl Solar energy projects in all over Poland O
94 리마 페루 Trade and Legal Consulting Peru "Mr. Luis Alonso Garcia
Mr. Drago Kisic" "President
Commercial Researcher" www.tlconsulting.pe "각종 플랜트 참가 관심 업체
(담수화, 가스, 원유, 에너지)
플랜트 설비 투자희망 기업
재생 에너지 플랜트 투자희망 기업" O O
95 부에노스아이레스 아르헨티나 CENTRAL PUERTO S.A. Mr. LEONARDO PABLO KATZ Planning & Development Manager "www.centralpuerto.com
www.gruposadesa.com.ar" "EPC providers or manufactures of electric generation equipment, focused in:
1º Interest: coal generation, and wind generation
2º Interest: Solar Generation and Hydraulic Generation " O O
96 카사블랑카 모로코 CGEM Mr. TAARJI Abdellaziz President www.cgem.ma Hydraulic pumps; Distribution and power transformers, Electrical equipments O O
97 모로코 CENTRELEC "Mr. EL HARTI Azelarab
Mr. EL HARTI Omar" "General Manager
Project Manager" www.centrelec.ma Generating Set, Bus Bar, Low voltage Breakers, Low voltage auxiliary componenets O
98 모로코 CASANEARSHORE Mr. LASRY Mohamed CEO www.casanearshore.com Solar energy, transformation O
99 모로코 EMTEYCO MAROC Mr. LAMRINI Mohammed CEO www.emteycomaroc.ma Solar energy, electrical equipements O
100 모로코 ENERGY TRANSFO Mr. MELOUKI Brahim Sales Director www.energytansfo.co.ma Distribution and power transformers, Electrical equipments O
101 모로코 OMELEC Mr. NABIL Najib Export Manager www.omelec.com Electrical Equipement O
102 모로코 BELELEC Mr. DOUCH Ahmed Vice President Solar energy, electrical equipements O
103 모로코 AUTEREP Mr. ZOUAOUI Driss General Manager Power generators, IT implementation of Electrical Equipments O
104 모로코 NRJ INTERNATIONAL Mr. SQUALLI Ahmed General Manager www.nrj.ma Overhead lines accesories, insulated cables for special use, OPGW cables, relays, photovoltaic panels and solar systems accessories (converters, controllers…), MV Transformers accessories, measurement transformers, gen sets O
105 나이로비 케냐 KENGEN(케냐전력청) Mr. Sir Director 발전 및 송배전 기자재, 프로젝트 O O
106 케냐 Rural Electrification Authority Mr. Zachary Ayieko Managing Director www.rea.co.ke 송전 케이블, 소형 발전설비 O
107 케냐 Kenya Power and Lighting Company Mr. Joseph Njuguna Managing Director www.kplc.co.ke 배전 케이블 O
108 케냐 Geothermal Development Company Mr. Silias Simiyu CEO www.gdc.co.ke "지열 발전용 터빈, 발전기 설비 구입
케냐 지열발전 프로젝트" O O
109 우간다 Ferdsult Engineering Services Mr. Ferdinand Mugisha Managing Director www.ferdsult.net 프로젝트 현황 확보 추진중 O
110 케냐 Gamma Delta Eastern Africa Ltd Mr. W. Gicheru Director 전력기자재 O
111 우간다 MM Integrals LTD Mr. Sir Director 전력기자재 O
112 멜버른 호주 SP-AUSNET Mr. Kevin Murphy Manager www.sp-ausnet.com.au Cable, Transformer, Circuit Breaker, Switch O
113 시드니 호주 AK Power Solutiosn "Mr. Rick Hlasny
Mr. Andrew Prineas" "Technical Manager
Finance Manager" www.akpowersolutions.com Circuit Breaker, Switch, Pole-mounted Transformer O

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